Whitby Keystone, 29 Mar 1906, p. 4

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P. 1900 M»1uS swig la preparlng for ter à[&' Cacal8n, -of Winnipeg. sla18vis.- itlng ber'inatler, Mrs. Bryant. Mr. à. jeIchon was ln Tcoronto last wieek atie Grand LoUg. A.. Quite a iio;ieber. will go from lhere to the Jeue. Maciachtaneoncert nat Wbltby next Monidav nlght. The freslt uýn Tuesday %ras the heavicat of Uic year. Th~e gates at the. mlii date were opcaed eariy. but about noon wcre jammned wvith tce, and thse tImber., m'oshf dsolme. IThe water %vas forced dcwii the race- wnty, vr-iCh. zverLioçeU ti smeeran places, Cauuing sC>rc wîi3I n the etreetg. fTileBell I eleph onu mcniviiohola ve been liore fuor about two weeks, have corinpietied their %-,ork. BroLmklini bas now qulte an i mm-to-datm-v telephone o o-f fice, w'ith fl!teenrJ iXahsubscribers. Fcor somtit timie imieat iL has been rumnoî d thaïI.on'AGfthe' nevha aksi %vauld open a b)rnch in this village ioon. To fo!-.exý1tU huathue Wes.- ecr Banukhý,, -,tddiily deded to4 orPen ân olfie 'hot ', %hleh %vill b)e, for a tet-rmn al ceast, IL smib geney of Whitby br.mcchI. 1I i tl S long1 been feît th t tnibo-ltuld bk, baîik-1 lnig tmCinm d 'i hur. W het lier the preseii, ai-r iimgctr<moit w1 I ili the bill otr net i eni,iïii.s te ie speri. lion. John lJrydiCivisitemi the'firm here cYn Satiiiday. As haie mi ati- t-inuneed l'i tht dally îîa:lers, Mr. Dry- den will ridorl$lyluv for Irelanni to tir!dertake immnjorýian t iut jus for t he Imuiperlal Goicu îî mik-r n' lie'%% il!h companied 1,y Mrs. and] Miss l)ryde!n. Mrs. 1Z. t-olia-eutt, 01 Bowumatvihle, a sister o! Melsirg. James and Richard Mo-tre, o! titis ~Ledii] on Strnaly la st.1 Miss AXnine 13a iin 1A Vaa loc2fri Oshawa over Sr.dayi Mr. anud Imrs. . .-W'. Sprciof sa- awa, l<td ctv5 hemr on Sunt-i day. Th<e Ladie.' M ie st. T ho znu s Chureh IÉarcu'. i i)vmllioi a ,Japatlese stK'1i IiieiLu'mastar 11.lI1I! on Saturday Cen'. Tht'f'a'r of thie evenli..t ivi1i be an dr1x con J'apan by a nuztî-e o!f thateirotn- try, who ix n-oîw a -:ti(Jdprit ai Wv irliffo Cci'egr>, '1 roiîte. MNr. N. Luke, w'.co hai:le-ti n jomr leaÛ,lth for' SC)Fm<e, t inn.-, 11~ ,4S I t "!--d anlY pernlieli t iulr~tn~ iat quite iii ýai fsn. Caumîneli m-' oinMo, diy n t Amnong tas:whio lîcmmght hre the Darey tselc .' f3snia on W i] inesday wcrý% Mr. <kchmm .Xlm-r l, Mu. Gotrge Stou'kb. Sic. S iîiEn.ii Mr, rce N'il A nuîîîbe'r of auri- :nîc'rx .ttéy.d- ivd tino bve lia uhh<ll ili'tilx r, 'tc., froîi W'hitby faïr grmnd ]tii LimeOshi tva aliiiotiC gratin ds iiio N-turday. Tahkmng almut (ire brigides.,, Colu'm-1 bug nt;tîidF sxmitct t one. , % toNiluor evei l scanhnast o f- brigade smch ýs t lisi liitict t (c-w n pOmsemeS. Tics wvis pro'<en (mn Thnti]tiy Litt itieni fire lirok,,o)lt of thé retfof eD ii er B<L't biacsknith sui. Thv',flrst to mer blaze ivîs Iute'lier Atl,< r LeaniChr Grills. Tlwe' twvo gn'nhtlen ,n. îve't i I I 7h thiile bX olgcalml i1dýig ofthe tJi1 rçn . ao D11-ât 11ilaiLIW-1 4" N orveO Diorderrs selsfrîî n t he O(ld rou nt y.PrWTHN of the nerves and Mr llîrim. of bog- h is ttik- 1"'uscles, sensitiveness to iight, p-ai msit*ouu a-is 1110îller P) the, foiiri- sound and motion, jerking of the C o. bn . i(i, indigestion-such are soneof the! M r. . clAitiif wm %as imn ('vim symptoms of exhausted nerves. icdîi tlACa tua s~- Because there, is no acute pain sm i o!rice i î'diteiohr thr W'orhd. people do not aliways realize the! seriousness of nervous diseuses.! Cont roi Codling Moth. They de not think of the helpless- ness of body and mind, which is thme Oa'ti tlm.îm ~ c' m.stxth îpieresuil. of neglecting such ailmcnts. ~cove' hae e (cutI)divlilus ua Because of its extraordinary con- growr ha Io onled wih 's trol over diseases of the nerve-s Dr. sc-n it a th. . Moithe e i1 olî tis Chase's Nerve Food bas corne to bc wath'n a w cmv t)î-tMl.teyrs o h considered the one great treatment ntothis tlak, mf tley Probably for disorders of this nature. Not' have ret Laî.wn t1le Peact cause;t. only does it revitalize the wasted Tlv ro in iil),«)Ip-grovrng secitons nerte ceils, but actuaily forms irai froni thit4cai,.u n s very eonsiderabie. 1& esh and tissue, buiids up thiej lu. lxng est mai-ted' at (ram 20 te 40, systei and sends oew vigor and 1 er cenlt. of tint- fi tilt. whxoh w.ý%oul.i 1 vitality to every organ of the body. .ih'rwse'b' ou~ ai'lmerhaat-!DOcents a box, at all dealers, or .131<' - - Edianson, Bates & Co., Torona. I 71r% Vor it( a 1 . tir 4 1-%.î: Z: i Tri, îh i !i :îten ii n c 4f m t -o rmv. .Uv' '- -- - I aekbue m* ad" m * .,I - thé alaru. efld:,wltMi ltenmlà -ste 4wi UIIOf..wu 0ýtripped, 9fil1eonens Wbule Ithla wan lieing dons a ce Or. 80 meu IerQ bU&Y carryhIn9w4Or' and extingulslluag the. blaze. lmot, of the. bystalidei 3ttn, begas to Jose hope, but thenialLy wbo iere worýk- lng kept oin like hu.roeu, uiitii final- ly It was put OUI.. he Sbulldlng was insured'in the Guardain' Fîre le. surance Co. Mr. Bîeckett wlshes to, thank ill tbow wnu hio leledlnhm. MY1ZTLE. There mas laid *!o rest on March the 11-th at Iliubbell.% bur.ylng ground the remains of au oid and respeeted resideuiti the I.crsoxî of mr. manly Bi iggs. Mfr. Brigga had lived abouit [ffty years oit the place whem lie <lied. He had for the last twoye.irs su! fered very inltcn..ely, and death ('iclaias a haPpy irrcuia!. Mr. Briggs wvill bc, much nuissed. Ile wa 9 a goood tieighbor, buia'g îossý-sed of ,Iively disp1osition, .id nwasready and wuîhing to hl ,e . He was 73 yearsm ad i nonths old. The relatives of! Mr. flr;gé;s ave the teep. est r-ympathy of the c-)mmunity. U %-B RI1DGE. lFor sorxtiîne o! late somte prrsori lias bicen guiity oýj trout fishîng gut of season at the park pond. ïýeveral tiuws urýP'er'lY wc li-ve heard tliat lines have boin fou:îd set thraugh a liok, lu <ho ter. aon tIc easqt sid&, of the bridge., They have bee n eut, but sooln r'ejiaced. The dlia.x Was reavhed 011 Stmturday, wvheU We are bld, the fi.shtrirùan v.-at sien ln iiî'- afternen 'îjorousi a.wokonly i few fevt [roni the shore. Mr. Fra nkîsh, f-litcïy în.sîector, acted prompt. wheu iiiloimnied o! the Ifacts, and lias -aireiidy mFeured -L fev; Unies. Tfli Iiîarz- becormlng -ery sra:mOt iithv lpontd. . rid ari-ha rder to catch caca a,~r nd] if thire 41 to b azîy. fishirîig at aIl In the t;ea-' wyn this poachIuig ili have ti> be qtIX'>.d. Tti ilsj>crtor Cati fot i) it ail. Tuei'IICwil.,bu y, rkiiîg ci tîmeir Omvm ît if -.heY sie;f thing i og lq~r4ott o tlie ii 11 rif. .1. r. of Toronito in ' rctg.îi*' -an e N tmlîîtîii of -v -v -v v raviies >tth ý-tidtt, 14 I*i~oeke~i ou fey ~ahbsness la 'the if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ,r>e B 8~tM paI5bu fdr' buth bn>er and seller. 19 the greata3peoflo for théiefoliog, tb, Ur iI~pl~zsare reoot. . .a ifleiru n~e sbelluë super 1« tiswork, n i Dsiy and Paris grecsý, $cheeW' greeûn Sud arsenite c>oflime -wittièoda are -nome Froku Collersau o! tihe preparlations useê D. efore Dicoverles of vaut deposits of ores these remeffies were &u,ecmered, baud. la tii. Douniaon have pasaed £romi the lng the tret. ti th véloth was the roeuarrpqt to the contwuous. This 'cMiy remedIai meas.urc. known, ' but unfolding ouf n..ture'a great store- It Is now beisg se i aCL<l ly the spray. buse o! weaith bas. already develop- The great good "that ls bcing <jone.51 a suspicton among Canadiane3 that by sitraylng niakez it Imperative that they are behind the United States the fruit grower do this àvork. It ian iothing save Yariety' of climate. éthould be lx-gun lu the sPriog for Wittin, a year lu the vicinity of Co- al classes et inseats, but for' the cod. balt, silver bas ieen d1iavered in iing rnot Uic first spraying should quanUties that touch the Imagin-. be muade afttr the Irat Uads unfold, ation of thie dicer. &gain we hear but before Lte !lo-itr buds open.! cvf the Fa;, North geologicai for- The second sqt .iyang shoiq -be ma1del uai iom ldenticcil wlth that of Kimu- just after the biossuirs fait, and thisi beriey diamond fields.. Edinonton is liî the most. Important of tht appiî_ aiready trutiUnttg ber attractive cations. The" th-rd anîd fourth spray-! thoiroughfares lu 'questof petroleurn, ings should followv at interval.; o!ff and an expeditic.îî bas beeln startfed tcen days. to Investti ate tîhe ' ist oil pools _________ whieh guides and hunterz have - ràorted suîi Larthiel riortl. Fnough Pay as you go. has Leen ietrned .to warianz thi --belle[ tha t the minerai rebources 'Dr Pay as yoLu go is good business for the vagt domnain bave merely been the ind1% idual, the ecomnitnnîty and the suspocted. The value of the soII- nation. It's -io easy to rufl up a botb for ttiLae. and pasture, bas been bil 1 erty o ge th elaci ce, u ml eosrtiadwt h it is soxnctimiei, hard ensough to pay exriansion o f the rumruads the vaet. it. lus flot so mueh bow muet do wilderness olf centur1i.. wlll, almot a person earra,<as how' much do--à ho literally, be subdlvîded inîto section 8'tVe. if a nian earzis only a dollarI building lots. As ail thîs wealtb un- a, day. his tw-st poicy iCy 18lt %.tu folds, Can-mdians grow hatighty to-1 slpeittît-iciit.ir a day ifIllhomn wards the United States, ami Eng- leetit it. liv 4loiîid a lways ûn- lanid courts her giatit colony as %,Ig- deavor to sîeb-,nd am lit ie less than bhe liantly as skie ignored it a quarter carns. Piv îv ith the biggetst in- cf a een tury age. When Canada' coine!s are chi-ouicaily liard uip; it is o'UtweighsaIl Britain Inh weaith and their PolicY. cf r-unvirg up bllis and powier sheie nay not be as îviffing to !,it >,Iyillg as hey go that k1eeps stand ini South Àfri.'s position. The. thrun l otna hot water over ores and oil8 and vuiet wheat lands thelr fnica ~ is When people may but have Icjen wait.ing to play irAký utimecr iuinds Itcx buy only a part In the politIcai destlîry o! the %rhat thry can afford and not bmîy woorld. iif thpy ca;it j'ay for it, and t1hus -_____ i r w, t Ili :iitleir i îoit hey a re 1n * ï rv eyuriv >' aj f tir way to iay by aomotthing for dg% ('~i hics 01int,»ulaia certa i i >5 fl5>Ç ana f]mb-olute cure for t'ii*h i r:lydy. The eiep.rtmnent stores IW nnd evvry forn of itehtig 4cchrg b. p-of a lesson in blefflngandl protri'!ninllek, 1irI)-oP(,z -1, rmnufnct-nrem-i have grtanted IL. ePtes- thsrespect, ati 1Jai.hough It migait mnlin the daily pceeand ask your nciszb i tars what t.hey thiuk o' iL.You can u.qe t nd be a inmisfortunem wcrze trust to die i-<'t mour mon-!y back if noe urcd. Mel a box. mnt s mil cIcaier3or EDmiNsN.DATstS Co.,<orio,,nto, ODr. Chasels Olntment Svmntnms of 4 4 4 4 "s 4 4 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 14? 4? 4 4? 4? 4 4? ?w 4 4? 4?! 4? 4? Ii~ 4 4 4 4 4 a'. 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 6 444 444 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 44444 4<44 p 24b444~ 4 4 4 4 "'44 4 4 4 4 44444 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444 44 44 44 4 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? '4? 4? 4?. 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4?, f ro NOT i lowonî highest awards -at Toronto Exhibitions frLtpat fiVe yors.Thi speaks weIl for te engmie. This nuako of gasoline enginoe is in 1u180imi ai pats of Ont.ario, and empl>ytud to drive al kinds of machinery. -Farmers iidit immensely usbeful to difre swing machines, coppers, palpers, cutting box*es, é-to. Thlis gasJolke em a i la' Plasb lleI. h t~f Sr IMI 1 place 44 4 44 4 44 4 444 444 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -j' 1' 44; 'e, - Ma de in Canada The "PERFECT ASOLINEh ENSIME r ...................... S' Whon a i ho fuls ~ There are guish this year' It is by ci fine tailored gai wear clothing t of différence".1 If you aitu If yow rea appreciate :the Thlm loss cati be J)rLvented and Ute 1

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