'j I Q 39 N rS WANTEDs $Q Of acy Comipany oIs a ~s emanuticturs -th th- Sfi voring powG*i nris IO à $e frolil ive -te six 4o11511 a t Ut for PaVUti1tBlr. 1IwantA S. FOR SALE nd the N$agW' Frukt 090*a mu il 8O5UlOýiM. B&Ii-t«Ç n~t do n. l u u=reat. folitwig choieS iotS m. fe ly tont bouse and ILa .n Ip of evrYIn re.d.' cm Ga.1I- Price $4.000. ,s. TowttsIILP cf WRitOW0Cmag mnad good bulld.iusN adjoIn- I>reston. Price$700 S~Fjb:inbro ,fine bullIIN. Ktinbër, -j mileS romn Ham- ms,,oi land. Townsahip aof Bi- hoes trom 1a.MtniLlf- Prwo4 tul à Se9, 3 cilles Poutb o! Ram1- as fruit;. goed buildings. Prie& ~.owmnulr> of 1%eLk*uu. lw boules fliCbairn, 15 acres elsar, b Vr .Prkm f$90. eTowinmbtp o! WlloughbY. 12 of 'WAlIaa. good buiilinil. Towmemp of Trafalgar, 14 nIrononto; good buildIngs. bIBOk d. PrIoe $6,M0, or wUl rmut. sr u iindustrtous ma.n w"t 1a a rare opportunaky lni&U7 y t ý> n4pOo any of 1hi, .bowe pro- Stret outiHamhltoeOnt. ,ISÇELLANEO US. g. NURLSERY STOCK 01P ; , :lading var*Lsee; fe hn'fre& kppLIy FruAland Nur- iftkaMcl. ont. PD. IMMEIXIATELY, TWO GUIIA Ut W0 y«osa f agi 1r poextà o. 34 Ine4 la a privmte mU7i; 10 » eDà lecgil. AIukem ta MT,ý G P.Gtlmoo. 74 ihoeah PD,' OOMPETENT GORDON l e derdsr; wags $7to 110.' 84- 10 <uaWIflatlont. Robt. Dns venir Post Cards s; 0for me; 1w., si; 3m., «;- m - tfuv*nt. Largest m.A t imest stoolg ; M muxed. $3. albuu& &Il prke.. amn4.Toronto, Ont us4for chgdren t..tkkag. t it wb1d, soothes the guma, cur. i uI isthe but~ remedy ftr D1>1w- LDR. LEfiQY'S FEMALE Pli.LOS Ag.aursend re la)le s"02 tw.Tue FWI bave beau ue~u 1 t over fifty yéeer. and tfrnWi à hie purpome delgued. andi ae puas - m y theiemakers. Encloue tastà à l lu =Ciou1ar. Puce $1.0r oa0 n sec urcly salsL.os «4" F1 SE ROY PILuL CO. Box 4.Hamitea. omnla. j OSTITUTE I OY'S; every time., IBLOGK MACHIN Eý 13ka, elther solid or hollow# et la ait that jes neSoaur i e, handy a.nd easiIy, oper- ai y prices f or P, Block MW- >Uý tliis machine and outtit t $end -for bookiet, prîuuip à , a. t CanadianNationsl ~TERFORUý ONTIU ità mlmxgau.wu M4eI L~SSO i«> 11 ILÀAn .ct'ef-mercy peeren" t.be Luk. as.i 1~saoui~ hb.t-4Stt 1: -14 wa hlieghtbatd. Tiiey aaked b1m-- O03iWxeatry..4~ M astcf ~Pron Lulas ie learnthbat tb.ey b"ua beeu 'wo inghim hefere tbey saaiosd this « io ti ibth(va* 4. .quipg. igiht aoeu"s-Might brfin timihat time-It mt have been ain hM- Vo trial £or brealoing the. 8bbuit.h *" oe Ã"w« ainx the barvest season. fTe w oekn somne pretext' by ?ruDt» e orn - To an Arnerlean WIlOIL they lm gu ring 1dm into dut.- * radr ti.wor Orzisu st.ti. iesvor with tà » peoplue and prevent hlm "me tb Wod cm uggs4 be d frome mtùni to ,pM&~b @ft Indian'corn or maiz.;- ut the wordý Ila 4h. tit bas refui-unce te grain, euch holdin~g water, intc> which animais often aM wheat, ry or barley. Began to pluck teIL. 12. Aý man better than a îep -4hY rbed it in their hinda (Luke Chis always pute an enormeus value V.1) t Eiratêt the grain fi-cm,,the en umin. A man la of infiuitely more con- émi. Ta as allowable aerd gt sequence aind value than a brute. If they the lav (I)eiit xxiii. 25). 2. pbai-m~ would show an act of kindnesa Vo a MW lt-TIm Pharisees, who were ç'mteh. rheep, would thcy net show mercy to a S fer i -n opportunity teoca"h îm, mani? uThus they are taken on their ewn * estthlx the disciples doing thi3on rourrd andl confuteti on their own -max- *ie Sbbath day. They considere4 the ' ma and -conduet. The truth impîleal in ekng andl rubbing in thseItand suffi- Chisitsquestion la pre-eminently scrip- =tly.near Vo res.plng and ttbeh>ing to tural andl Christian. It le noV a discov- oeU.ttut. Lhem Snsr ioatoncf ery, but a revelation." "Notice a. erles th. tOurth Commandmennt. -Net Iawfüul Ioi pointe in respect cf whieh a man la 'Tl Ph&risees exteded th.i &bbaLVh better than a sheep: 1. In hie phyuical !teglations beyond what Moss. m form andl beauty. 2. He ie endowed with manddM order to aveid the possibility 'rasn 3. He le endowed with a moral '01 rangTmS. Thewortles chld-natre.4. In his capaeity for progresa. otM o t thlg eaion. The wo Crisohld- 5. In his spiritual nature andl bis in- émma udet Vo8&bbath r is. Ch rstp- oay.- Hem Cer. It 1a lawfu1_ b. udgd. îo itbei~ fr-This iras universl]' alloireal by the g o 0eut Wltii a needie or a pu Jews themacives.y when Frlday wa. c1,osâng,ý as oe might 1t gtO WY th'em "sde before the. Sa- 13. Stretch t urtb-A remaîkable coin- MIBtJb'e9à n . Thirty-nmn.e classe% of work mand. The ns might bave reasoned Nu ftleniddm, andl «isehtofiiese haj tht hie hand was withered andl that b. sdl.es sb-divlsions."--3eWke. These could not ctbey, but being commanded it regUltona tended Vomake volalthe vas his duty te make the effort; he aid )AW, Ad M90Y of them wee in direct oo ad w&3 beale. 'mFaith di'regards ap- Craeition te the reai dealga ot the-8a>- -parent imposaiblities where there inaa batI3. Hve y noVres.-Te indi- command anti promise of Goal." RestoMka M t H ve ycpe Crt referreal * viole-A littie before thie Christ b.d Mt@aR&ides eailCris e rood eallucla.lmed divine authority; he now proves &Mr omm &rpture.. ani WIVII which that h. posssse it. These two cases th.y ahould bave been amiliar. Ses 1. detexine viat mai' bedone ou the Bain. xxi. 1-6- Au h'uugredr-O41i Lord Sabbath- The ones vas a case ot nece- bSeelanet. aiguing for an exue e siuty, Vhs otiier of mercy The exemple brek té jW, ut orit&tre î t ruc. - of th. Saviour and al bis aios b tim 1.M'T i es ormUaty ofa rtu ortiat the». arc a Part oet hs proper dut- strict -letter eof.a positive preée te t Jes ot that boly day. Beyond tuis ien 74uMdto-e 4.dwuande of the generaî shoulal not go. They may ms ie)) tram-. goo. Ti.neesutie e ~* ~ .ple down any other law of the Bible a Wb". otherwlstbey would botterno tha alobre Gd' bar5t donti. din O &4. ibbSth holy. day. 4 Tii hou. etGod-he ~14. fleld a enunel-Marlr ays they 4L Th hou"of Go-7%e abern ca Sll nVhes Herodians who vers in fa- lud bat-Ahimele, hpsh priest* at Ijob, ver, ofthte Roman Dominion over Judea.' #*'va Davidal nd hie cOmpaniUes fii'e "Thuaaid Vhes.sticklers for thie Iaw cf soavesef1Vth, uhewbread. I. law pro. Moses unite viVh 14., heM, political sub- Vld.d that twelve loaves of br.ad abouldlvreul Ne eacmls hi e b. put in tro piles upon fis table il ine signa agaia odt eS.»-W hon de Smtua&ry, te reinain a, week, and then aigu____________-Whdon to e b.«ten by thes-priest@ only (Lev.I lxiv. 5-9.) Nov David, I.teng from CANADIAN GRANITE Saul, wea.ry andi hnngry, hqd esten, Lisi brÃŽeacontrry tte slette-r'et the 1mw. Oluist's argument wgs that if Davidl DISCOVERY IN ONTARIO MAY SOLVE coulaldoe iii, ithout bMaine inrmust b. BUILDING PROBLEX. rlit for the. disciples Vo satisty thelr husuger on Vhe Sabbath day.. Shewremal -"-.literally, bresal of stting forth, that, ÃŽa, bread that was set forth in the ganc- Bancroft Stone Llkely te Create a Great tmry. IV rai aise calleal 'continual Industry-Our Cities My Be Changed bread as bsing set forth perpetually b.- i Fo rc eMri nlGaie. tares the Liord, hence the flebrew name, ?rmBikt IbeadGaiea 'bread of the presence.' Twelvs boave.q Leir Cst-Rich Deposits Undevel- or cakes wers placed in tire piles on Vhs epeal on Farm Lands. 'Pure table' every Sabbmth. On each pile, -as put a golden cup bi tranklncense. Toronto, Mareh 26.-Mî. S. J. Rtitchîs, Se.t Exoa. xxv. 30; Lev. ,txv. 68"-Cara. I et kiui,., Vhs man vione Pioneer Bib. Profane Vhe Sabbath-Jssus con- woîk made possible the pîoud boat that tinueal his argument by showîng that Canada bas nickel oie in sigbttVo .upply even thes mv under certain conditions t 4e wvend'.eals ina a.ta.lk wth a report- eprvidedl for Vhs doing ot that which ual or yesterday gave another pointer th&t been expressly forbiclden la the lawv, On mey mean a lot -to Ontarie., Vhs Sabbath days as weil ai% on other You pel i Ontario here bave a days he priesta vere engageal in killing, chance te change your cities tram brick preparlng ana l bmrning the sacrifices andi ' ganite andl maîble," ho salal, "at a inprorining blu whole temple er%tai4 rb.low that requireal almost mny- '"IV was one of Vhs sayings of Vhs rabbine wbere elte. 1 have aomet.lmes rnaae- t. crwe,'1thti.ea t KLng, Mukes'CIot ~.~.w-a;~s a les.enl paaoe"-Gey. 7.If vs à -ad kaowno-A knowledge cf the Vine an IwP OYR meaning of Qeds. vor4 mlIi prevent rashmi jE-R judgauemt,4embs ler. amips.HIMe ies vih p xeof thelr npropietsD'Y APELO RBgE te om a . 01I ¶ die mefty.1 Ir- AIFTLYWOUNRD. qubse M oyrather tisa» oaolflo-, t AsJ pees te r"etagalua t t 'a, uu1pxa nefl iDob ladag, IZncm orxmtast. ofbis 9. MN Tu-. là iooethlly, more bindini tisa fUOIPerlU*ifa t. T4BW oub. tii Iaw, madt -Uathe ~priaciple Whk e ty -UhOt X CMaa asa. uw.1les thl$ am, l'islM ~ dqstoeL la tbeeprun et if 'love t. ma. limt lo a aiowa thei*etsot <if P-eNA.' Imil., Maite 2-. ah* Dal& &, te ettise prleste, "44 u»iby wb&*êi« rem t »ii « i ~t '-~ &.~. 'i Ogilvie Fleur Milis b),~ 1MONTRikL *f()gUlsC Book for a Cooku," cootai»s 30 pag« es e clent recipes, more neyer befoe puüab.d . Yous- groccm tell you bow te se lut RE&.. MINE EXPLOSION, TERRIBLE DISASTER INi WEST VIR- GINIA COLLIERY. rOue Rundreti and Fi.fty Impriacusal lu Xlne-Ot Thlrty Taken Out Ton Are Dead and the. Otiiers Terribly Injure& -Relief TrainsRushed 40 Scene. F&i-meunt, W. Va., Mai-eh 2.-An ex- plosion ot ga inluths Mine et Visthe 'n- fui-y Ceai Company ut Century, a amai miningtown560 miles souti ot here on tie Philppi & Buokiannue branch -ot 4h. Baltlmoue & Oblo, at 4 o'ook tVils aitonnoon aentombeal st lemet 150 min- ems, mmny of, hom ai-e beUetea to bu deoul.Ai ô6 o'elock te-ulgit tlftecn men vir takun frein Ué mine, ire e of no ure d..d and the r-at. terribly Injured. A relief gan, huadual by Superintent- eut John Ward, uu>.rd tii.mine ut 0ô3 oeleck# but fît" that tUme, ne- =tgeau boiard froinLise cSident, am Vi eehne vires lave haun put deisn br a etom aine *0tMer amuant of ceai- gulaiom ar- avaiablo The =lut e owmdeti bSam Brothýer., <of Bltlmore, ana W ue ! thie-lai-goaL ln nortkwpt Vb~Iul. To Iundl id 14fltty mma am imployait.but ma et time eMeme ont to-day before tie xplosion cSur'. Followlmg tie exweosle relief trais ver rua fmm Bwkbano ntPad ppi lakhïg pbydelotaso Vie mse. Thois hbart net returno!, andi »,al tlsey do 1W. tl a Atal vlUbe Imneti of tbe,..- I the. tounder oethte order Ilu Canada. Il Greeting-emm sent te the Grand Lodgo, 'e A. 0. U. W., ln sessiurl ut Tuîînto, and the Grand Couacîl eofVtheR. T. eof ,i sesson at Hiamilton. I1bo - et place et meetng vas reterrealVoit e xeontiveI Vo sttîs. An at-ii.w as ivea o- night b7 Vhe Guelph, memberi la hononi ot tiie distinguishalvisiter., v wouusd up avey leamt .elon. lu e shet business thbt. ,moi-nivaswu tihe ý,electon oet ffefflraa. folo's: s Head Consul C;o:nuausalerC. ýC Hoalgius; H.ad Advher, Lieut. D., Chwsasnn; Headi Clerk, W. C. Fit V ageot; HuatBanker, W T. IL Lescombui (thetefregoiu'g mer. 2'S W ,cort, J. Sawders; Msed Watobisn Dr« ai Wily .Rè,ad ms tryT.,c. Aban; H.adMas Per ÂHm~;#TaY*lor a 10 Th W e k Toi-auti Farmoe V Urket Tii. off-erings et grain to-day eshow a Omall incisas. Wea.t teady, mith- sales et 200 bushels et whIte at 76c. Bar- Isy, unchaugeal, 3W0 bushels selling at M2. Oats are ateady, 500 bushela s.llng ait 38 Vo 39c. Dairy produce vas lu moderate aup- ply, and j'>riew, steady. Mie best tub- butter soldal u 27 Vo 30c, and mcw laid egM. 18 te 2le per dozen. RIay quiet andl fis-m, -witi sales of 15 loada at $9 ta $11 a ton for imothy, and at $7 Vo $8 for ixeal. Stiraw la nominal at $1 Vo $10 a -ton. DrEmmed hogs are unchangcd, with light quoteal at $9.35 te $9.50, and, beavy at $9. Wbeat, mbitoe, bushel .. .$ 0 74 $ 075 Da., rc-4, bui.hel ... ...074 075 DO., spriag, bashel.. $75 000 Do., gos, bush..... .071 072 Oa.ts, bu'shel.... ... .... 0-8 039 BrebuShel ... ... ...0 il 052 I>ea..,' bushel........79 000 ]Rye, buahol ........ ... . 0750 liay, tixuethy. ton 900 1100) Do., mixedi t'on.... ... 600 800 Straw, per ton ... ... ..900 1000 Dresseal hogs... ... ....900 9.50 Apples, per bbu.........275 400 Eggs, nov laid, dozen.. 018 021 Butter, dair7 ... ... ....025 030 Do., creamery ....... ...00», 030 'Chickena, per *lb........ 013 --0 15 'Powl, per lb..... ... ...0()1() 012 Turkeys, per lb......017 -020 Gesse, per lb...... 012 014 CWkbage, per dozen...... 040 050, CiaulWfower, per dozen ..- 075 1 0 Ptotatoes. per bag ... .....080 090 Onions, per bag---------0o50 100. Cery,Per aloresu.... ... 040 045 13eef, hinalquaietrs----750 9001 Do., lorsquaiters....500 625 DO-, choie, tricase.. 700- 800- DO., medln, cii-cae ..600 650 IfuVVon, per cwt .. ... ... 9M 10501 ,Vega, 1»r evt----------.0 00 1050 14mb, per cçrt ........1100 1200 lthCatti. Maîbtto. ,I4ndon cable-Cattls are queteal at410 3-J te 12e pe lb.; retnrigerator beef.- 7 7-8 Vo 81 4c per lb.; sbeep, dresea, 14 Vto 14 1-Se pur 1b.- ami, 15 te -là 1-2e dressed weWgit. Wlà ulp. Otious Mu .foIIowingWer. thé i.eoiguta tiens to-day Kt tVils market: Mi-h760 bide May 77 1-Se bld, July 78 5-Se sel"- Trade vas net as good s,on Tues day for Vie common te mediumn grades, whlch solal troin15 Vo 25o per cwt. lovwer, vile th* tew Igood lots, sold, at &bout Vhs saine pries-as ou Tutudmy.. Catle have gotV.boyenal 4heir . valu, fr. outeide dealers, anal coaequently Lhers vers only one or tiwo ontqu*bu - em on Vhs nuwket. 1Peedrs 4audit tteeeraddi ront ur.et with suci an active demanap lether$ ana prises ver. caser. l.?aporVers--A ftomlots et eorter oolds JAJe te $Vo&U.2 per swt;, 'IMe bo* atn 86t,$5per cmt. Expert balls moiti fo L *ý$3.75 te ý$4.25 pur'cwt, Bnther-..hola iked'Iota .sld at I * a - The only nouriÉliment that bread affords ls that which the flour contains. Bread baking, is merely putting flour in appetising form. Flour making is merely putting the nu- titious part of wheat in shape for bread making. Good milling is tne kind that takes from the whcat ail that is riutritious, nothing cisc. Royal ilousehold Flour lumade from carcfully selected Manitoba, Hard spring wheat. Evcry powid la almoat a Pound of food; dlean, white, pure and nutritious. It goc farther, doca better baking and Lmore &%adsfactory in cvcry way than any other flour. Your grocer knows hce cannot kecp store so ýwell without Ogilvie's -Royal Household. aunneri, sée 0e too ï; kt nelea SOFi AND ALB(RTA -"ý y. Wr£ýF (Tu.Dus-bll.4Platyu, ether us.go-.pow*rfulare -they inl operattoan- ts t e eadCate tthe Caes -tfVtheallument. thé, are sm.- pontdelit. cobattMtIon,*he so mue t h l vegetai. aiùiture, bein;tise p ModuOt ýo! muodem' scieauie remirh. -um» ari tboronghly,,ýp-- to-date. T fly Do nt, PrIjm ing -tii' patient veakensal, Ilha thu eut-et-date - o,-ïmiled. zeuteallu efog or tftyyea.mo, hlçh., ua mafy cluryi mmm other harnltWl ding. Bl14anu. eià ýut'thesli htest dlaoomfort am ' tii. iïvç4 Analdigesti-ve orgaetata n&ture'sunormal W"Y) leavlag #o W~ gis trenýgthewealan ti o ou t4ue tihc perforrm"i'eo! hfdel vIthout turthei tamltansa. Thzà ~pe due. a ge»t!e actof.etthse _ .1, u., ,itum nwiwavetin AN EX«TIAORDINARY M<IAW. SURPRISE TEE -.AVERAGE C UIAk-o DUAN iF Hm SAW ,IT -I *B - There la an animal in Aîstlrli wiich bas the. head and- tet-of a bird,_ the body mnd tourý legs et: a -qUadrupclt andl Vthshabits et a fish. it hv.s under the. mater, ret breathes air,." I laya eggs, ye t it suekiesits yong., &ieuý- - tiets cal) it Vhe aluek-billed, -.atp IV iras in the. vendes-fual. cunry wh cdaim Via strange .paradez, tlat Bileans f or Billouaneuthe" - gr"al heuseholal reznedy, v-as tiret pred7aed. Up Vo Vih discevery of Bileans, pra.ctl- Cally alliVer and stomaci allaor-rers centained meicu ry, bismuth anal etb~r minerai poisons. These baratul - w grealienta. If wken toi long, have ýsucIh serions otfectsas aloosening the teeU4s causing Vie hà ir te talleut or becom&, preiýýaturely gray, etc. Bileans, on Vths: contrary, are purell vegetable. Tier centain ne traoe et any .minerai poison, anal are. thus, nef .qën1y more poirerful as a cure, but'are "more sale in Viol- use. The~v cuire soahandi liver disordeus wtiieut lntroduloins 1 *1,lý