Whitby Keystone, 22 Mar 1906, p. 4

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S tir.. Iobrts, of J-orontot'ha. bepn VIBtint wth irt.il. F . Camn>belL Ur. redW. St aeris leave un to accept a Igratir. o.l. ltion. . Mie girls XUwit il m*s you$ Fred. But choeeruap Urx. larry Junes and his iae Lucy spent a couple of day. at Dow-. lu ntustoni bas retUCilqd , A. hlnuna we ti.~*u eues- Ianndny. Ou iBunday evenInirlust Mn.Rajt. ~u~nIi 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4* 4 4 4 * 44444 4 4 4 4 4 4 *4444 44 44 44 4 4 Jiir. ueore MCGII;vraY started on ninille. JDevereli feil en the ee, eerl hifi'returu jo4rney to Walsh, &S Mr. WilI Ward gaçf,,ar. "at. home", aprainInX hoer wrlst, and caua ng ber N oun Tuesday 8- ternoon11, taking wlth tC> eome o!frnany frIends one even- to la>' off 'daty for, a tinSe. Yfap au red o rltie sfer lm eeventeen valuable hcýrs. ing last week. R. MeGuire, Who ias bee'n spending s ptp.&Vts ance, or Fallîng An ôffering for the Japanese fini.. Scime of our faruiers ara on. the the wlnter monttus az the home, of tets.o aCh discsme to ttand LErIOCb. *ln fuîc wa taknlu hu rebyter. Iuk utfer hircd mien. hLs niother, recurned to Cleveland on 1179 Kig Street, W., TmSoto, Canadta. -AUil IanSuda ecoo ist unla. r. W". C. GiV Y ia,,.left for the Monday. tu puit his dredge tn work- {druggsts sdiOr Cm obtaafur yorn Mr. A. Kotciteni la rei resenting the g rea t est lu sc'ek for wealth. Ing lirder befo*re resuniing the sum' E B O IT U W .. .&...W. local iQdge at Ute (iraod M I-.Jli"13n D dfi. at nd- ie.r'is operationâ._________________ Lcodge meeting lu Toronto this i kAddl'n eîe ~eo una V r. S. V. Linton lef t o.? Tuesiday Mrs. T. J. Ilryl!îdoy, of Toronto, I 1 Qildd <Ly 1.0 chroicle the! wîth bis se'tter's effects for Arcola, ivas ddis e af for tessflear. Th was hei-e for a few days this week. dea th of Mrs. Fred Pike, îvho, bas- Saak. lau a eyscesu esn i. W.r* }uril hai, novod on to the [c-en sutfering f romi cancer for sev-1 . . p.nd Mrs. Fl,XrLh raid a flying and toniuieli ipraié-e Caflhot be given ' farm iateiy occul led by Mr'. Lukc er«al nonthi lpabt. Thi" funerai took 't 1181t to Pickeriné; (Pi Tuesdav. Mr.P.J 'elytti e;e.,ftth Rfobinson. Bcfore leavuing Reach, %Ir. place an WedneŽd;tay afterroon to Firthx stated thi. &tisfactory pro-eha odccdti aie a' Ilîrrl' fiens aidneihbos p"-B. C. biiryinz- -rounds. gress is being la.,d2 towvardas sc&rîng taiîllnwrc'îcae'u o eented hlm with a va!uable set. of fur- AUflLLY. the ncce&asry f inus fro 'the re.binl;d- It br o h aalc nhird, and! unIt ule. Mr. L'ichard 1IC0ar tias bîred %vithlng of the cuIleg-x The maitter--of' then ivili turu tc> la'-roýsse. Mr. and Mrsi. 1 rank Ribohrson hi%-(, r .Lyd oih coin saoi.ie-building.atiJd of thc locatio- IVIlI 'prSLtDIiga'heritig of the! ,NI. F lnde- fr te cmin seswi Jieading bxîlî,nesc; *xw: .af Osi,: W.î ath -l4 mowved m t 'e hotia Ltely occupced br. Chas. Andrt *%-ws, who hbus bee:î, be defffnltpiy deciâd inl a very, short, Iby Irs.Roblwan-à * as uie.cred at ýToi's restaurant on W",Ines- b>' Mrs. Robinso1.%Nv-olrung fMr Mr. Jas. Jiallett, astne F36me extensive altrraL1onQ d e-<ngaged w,1rur. r.Prdc>L. IThe baehelors' bhi iW hich was held mdanîgL'for rtaLk ovtie ays ande provementm are; bcing mnade to the Mr. is.Tt,.-*dieh.' secured Geo. inl the' towîi I:i on Frida>' evening rer o nagn h tiu Bell Tephont. Co. ;aIant here, botai loâr as bis hteu> for tlic aummer. last wa-4 a M80t 8n42cÇ&sSul affair. grouinde 1.0 aCcommodate the 8011th lnralde and oitsale thr officet. A flCw ÀMrs. John B3ay., stili cortInueavery About 125 guest3 were pre-ent f roma Ontario falr. and' also to preserve the swicbburdL~ r~e î'staled A1 place as a sj>orxtiiig and towa Park. h4icblr .ýtl3niitleingîuoA yTo'ronto, W'titby, and the surround- i h hl iac. Tt rps. tumbor of aiew subŽscriliers are hNng r. R[obert lrgX- ittie girl does ing îi1unges EXCVeicnt music Waï; a i roî)osed to make a toWn park ien nectetl. rt mîv ~ ..~ ~ ol eWsfurnlshed bs D Âlesardro's orchestra, o th %fo te pleiet!c Asoi Mns. 8. t. d fur. a ~ <f Tol-onta. and W. D. Rogers cater: ior Icnovwn to mnany Brooklil people, died troanM> ehdUculfrtn e oUcwnso h ne infl place their grounde at the deo- loïn ITuesday ratthv<lie [u-4pof Refuge, M. abi fra"î thc itim run a n dt hIe uuawacnts of t mnnr man Iai of thie S<;th Ontzilio association, Whilethl iyc.t u tet ru nîn exlaeingi>ua s aeptbe as eAn an d for the to'vn toupurchase 16 uc.. ýwih.last St - ngtwenrtr in edaning, viea.iaylng ads spenal extra ut. $lZA) per acre. TWrn fro WhthyIn anting caià.layngandsoilalthoàne nterested lu a drlving associa- ~' Mr. C. J H-tiback i abonit to mov-e Mr. 'Thos. Lyuiîdc Qind fainily are întericouîse. Tht affair was one of tik couid subserîbe the neoesary fixe Orauge hall on tu bIm prt'mîses. about to mooe back to the.fr home- the moost siaccesslul ever heid in Pick- su i tu iuake a brack If Uic> want Mrs. Josecph Hlinan gave a birth. stea.d once more. ering <nw lb the Athîctie Association day part> teua nunhber of ber frinds A. fow your.,g peoole spent. an eV - Alr:>l'geaa lý esfrmCn wîîî agre î' ýtis ihan. lu work Ini con March lSth. Ail report a aplen- ing with the Misses Mabon last week. suînptiofl, Mre. Peter Cavanagix, on e?'>to wtia uli akfi dld tlme. The tru.>tî's baçe let thoe contraoî Friday la.%t, dicd at the holmre of ber aw-a a pn tnd riparklu , fanIr: Miss Viort Guy kis siting 'vith fier for building u îîe' feiice around the brteM.Jh eGny fPk sslto ndrigcubthnt çauBin at Darlingtou. sehool yard to Mr. J.. later, of)elga ttag ( 1yer ado ubmroost a ktetobunii ering, at tv 7gt of 3bm'tra and-iaw to buy the .16 MrJi. . 13DLooittle'e srlng face B3rcroklln. da ys. Tût funcrai took place -on arsad4rc I hsnklcs %v'as scen In th3uu î'îclaitv on Thurs- Mr. :aad N M 'rl 'i flaYs vislted at, Monday Io >'.e ll!ghlar.d Creek cerne. -O nfncit Th oxcot 11w~ow la: 'rîaLy as.trry, and wa' largel>' attended. Thho about $601)O or $700 -, >'tar for fîve mr. John Ileid ha.; hired 'wîth Br. ,MNr. and hMrs Viian Baya gae-' a sR ' hs odced ~ ~ ~ 3'i.or aou . 3to $1,000.ycar the Fred. 1icharl.icon for th.t coi.ing SPIx-: .]'arty tn a inuxnbrr of their frle!ndm, th>r lzheridan.. uc sesdfr$.0. I i iathletic t l~î an it a lue~ i non n FjI; zagL~ A ;.Op.rî;nî Co- jinterecaLa qwith cî.. of the' otlcsrs t bMcsgrm. iniuel .nc'ielanrd .J. isuing o f 'ilo. ret -1 Lions, etc., was 0îWA~.1i Mitlcks werè huar i- WîLby on Thuir-giers .k da' id uLher galues %ere meing îvas held In te 81îiv iii l havihe hra l 'itoeir pr. day 6f lat iweck atvending a îsalei. lndulged i. nad a go" l t1me ha d by lo'use on Tuesda>' ixlit. when the duirng bhe-mpeq-Ltig sea..on. Lothx for Mnr. Fred Luire ý%iI il l Mr. Frntest ail -Ili seu t.,I businieiQs f the bown hockey league 1'ckadpay n ht th N'eubitttIlli'heo eil t-lis Nll-er M. n r.1 IX of uIllïsy ole1____________ rcIaee, fd a rg oarîa d a 11,tm ef Mr. Sarnuel Natcckivell bas ruade' a wrcalEia ->ri sr veral of h#iy ___ o lae ar,Çoadad imy .1 bp lx' losed when anv gîite mrnpy çt ib chane of<ir'ea:r. frerad. fBronchitis lx, collecte'j. Thct ownabs n i A ennali cx-cwd -rectu-ci tb' thosen On 'TîtJjy -cn~a nuruber of il rk, and ti-vulot e0 many op)port!tn.. Frend concert ona Tueâd.iy <vn: frierndt., assembled at the horne of Mr-. and A sIUft1 tics slip wliaea thry cotild' ho had t5 Mai-ch 131h. lIrec-iecis about $14. and rs Wm. Lradku.j. aid prescuaL. - 7HETHER it is the wb.zn that il xvI-ll eoon bc aîecessary to go '4J A nurubor froin hcrle attonudetlUr. ed the'n willh a purzie et mone>' and T and desperate Îtrule for c-ut of town le j6t a sile. A. co in- William Llck's sale on Frnida>' l5th an add>-ess. £kies csIre played. and breath s0 characteristic of asthma, mittet' ce<in!sing of F. W. CowariC. matdancing was îndulged lnu till the the sorness, ightneSs in the Chest 1Rdbson, L. M. brooksq. Dr. Kaiser, R~ lira. Moses Duolitle bas been suf- stiIngs of the f iddle were worn and hard coughing of bronchitis, Or T. Carawveil, 11. &. %IcLaughtin. and~+ fering frein a ww;Vre col& 'k away. the barki4g COUgh Of CrOUJ>, Dr. R. J. Mackîo was nauaed ta wait on Mr. Hetiry filîde>'spont Sunday lt MIess Utrphy lias been ouf ferlng JChas Syrup cf Lume.d s»d Twr- the athietie assiociation on Monda y Ur. Jamnes Stoick'ti. with neuraI-%la, cautîequeua y.- the JP00t100 aflOrds alimt insttt rOf aiglat nert td propube u.he eneral lr.J.-C. liabon:au']1 son Kennedy uohcaol was closed for a dajy or two. Mud titudey cure-11- amalgamration ofthte fat 1r, drlvlng are risiting ber pa uents, Bir. and Bir&. Profeasor Pinu çave a lecture in'-the I>oPI u*raliy a" b cOen1GUctlub, thleoosuUatlon and town JaumSOmithx. @eh"e hoose a. few nightu ago to a raiuogo tb* what wipovo ffec- pat heathletie asàooatlon bas 1Ür Fred W. POwver Lpod taml>'spetot nd siS adi enoe. tim ainm9" obflaâ . dlnm n&*ust.,<>>inveated, the drfvlaag Club Banda> e.tAaburu vlaltlng her ecou- 1Ur. Fred. lRou&on bas eu&gqeGwit be ts iss < bUO9frwouU bais tp bt ta about',81,000, Win, Ur. iHenry Bolan. tUr. Jaa. f we.iie rt b >oaiogsa. ug M QN1 W M b Iofair wlU pt la bullmgm and ilseve 18tSxksl Counillor, Doolittie-. 1p5, trtlagPelat phat wos'l P11,800and t thetown- sud l<aal and Vlerk Parvis met Ur. Lynd<i. îft to .Re Du.1 t oesamqptùls. W p da is. Do* to to<> tUe eeét cd the counoiliat Cedar Dais Md >@ l ug as *%M t0uP 8oOO.-Vlaomtog. cm. VrIdey atternao ia . odA lastfift smi. L at tj 44 * 44 4 44 4 444 44* 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 444444 4 4 '4 4 4 4 4 4 -i I Made lu O~nada i* b s Sprinj When -a. manI b- faiees the nE i-L'ere are many hi p tish this year'sstyle fru LIt is by compa.ring - - ine tailored garments i - wear clothing that ypu s of difference" mean. If you aim to be wE If you realize thoiz - appreciotethe new sin AtU b4 b4 b4 b. b.' b 4 The "PRFECT bswon hghs aarsa otoEhbWm rt$sbyu TIà make ofgaaloe n ue -an, O Lo~~~~~~~~~~t dde"i kn8o ~ote~ ana d atcixechopprn et& o#iT bx,~.o.1h I. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 *

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