fHOWWAGNE' SSAVED THED0060 Utiat Pà chard Wagner, the corn- poeer, liadi a great compagelon for nid andi tnflrm animalig ls wel at- teateci by 1116followlig jnteresting atory, toll by Augutit Wlibcluii. tle celobaËatod v!ol'nlt onxe da.as lie andI1 wêre walk!flg ,g 1tier, almoat ln s Ip noe, lie suri- denly atOppeci andcicx4fluwd, aUgrilY. "Look! L>o)k there :' lie poin ed to a. boy wioc was fasteolnig about a tirge Stone One endi or at tin lg the other en(i or wJilcll w'vag tied toa dogs lvg. Wagner rusl:cd up to t he lad and a> k-d W' at he %wai doLeig. '"Golrg to drowv: tLe ci. g' salu (lie boiy. -NVI l'y "B&(nuws e's old and no goori. lies half Ibllidr." "lIow long live you had hlm ?' "Abouit ten yvarw fas a liose dog. "*So !- cxclinl Wagner. "And no10 you ivont gi%,( o it f:lt!:Iuil .er vant footl and lodgl ug in ii o!(d i ge SJiaiiu-o ou you ' '. iv'10e itii't Wb bothpreil with a alek o! 1I(log," Vnsve i te yckv'!, proe04 cd ng wt.i Iii.; to #;t wvorhk. Bu t Vgnr'*Le 1 i b; a rruandi "lI:a, athalor i<aboutt 71 cent.< 1 will tiuy t1iv 410g. T.cl.e yoiî:,sol f 'f. and r( iiiwînbt»' !at yo: iwtre aboutc to do sorithing simfl A lýeast fmilsIlle silnig or ilgralitude as1 kçeenly no ln. Tlif boy tliinneil hlm a7îd iveut ofr, blut;liln!li a I1t lr. but eiýt ery ipo:k- etlng t : coin. T. e (log it tecnptecd to folio w bu t va ; dil' onback, MWagner iJov tried to co&iŽ the d.,g to titny1 wltI' us, tbut as lie s t oo ixd (o1 utrokp hlm, the beust být Ibis band. Wa.gn'r tuirnéd pale anîd uttereci a 01191-1 cry Of painî, ai I ra'btr(d my cane' to cliastitse tho eniari ng br-ute. Blut Waigiir utoilie<1 me. 'Woîîld yoi, punfit9h ini for belng true to lis <1<1 maater ? ' lhesali. we bandîaged thI4 rjii htJii(and. 1 wofltitiftiIt to r(laie. 1% lieu Wagner madie a act'o ' eatept to carogg thep dog, tule aninmal, aw Ir couiclous of hIe tallit. andi anxIoue to make amninî, ow lekpci the hani (bat troke<l lhlm. Andi (nom Hit moment Karo. w!îio, îînder Wagner's care, cSn presenteci a reseetlide apprar- ance, was eoîs.taiitly at UHie masiei.. alde. Wagner could rot uEe hie riglit bandi for two îvceks, ania his workç su! fereri seriously in (or aequpncp, Butf 130 one' ever heard hlm utter a word of complaint, thiougth ue'uqlly ho vas ImPatlent OftUte llghtest annoyane 0( Interruption. I FEEL8 AS YOUNG AS EVEBJ 'Mr Chester Loomis Took Dodd's Kidoey PlUs j And trom a Uued up bMan ho Dlecame as Soeart as a Boy. Orland, Ont., Mardi .-(Special.-MIr. Cheeer Lomomis, au old and reepectedt A Viennese, wbose Ibrux ha& b... feut out for cancer, bas invented &,s~pk- ing apparatus made of a rubber pipe fittod -with artificial Veo1 1o rswh lie inrserts in his tbroat when h. wiuies to spca.k. He appeared before the Výienne Mdci- cal Society, at i4a meeting and bis speech. which was in a higit falsette key, waa easily understood. A Letter Ihat Upset the Edior. W'hen the editor of an Englieh paper receivcd a fine chicken, says the Albany Journal, lie believed it to be B token f romn sonie unapreciative reader. Af ter the editor lhad enjoyca ,a dinner in which the supposed gift playcd a part, he re- ceived a letter f rom a mian, who said: "I Fent you a chicken in order to settle a disýpute. whiich has arisen here. Can you tell us what the ehieken- died ot?" Not .Encouraging. (BuffaitiNewa.) Nir, Goodthig-"How doms your ulster lilo' the negagementt rng 1 gave ber,.l3ob- Uler Younq Rrotbe4-'«WeI i. Wa a ittlIa toose a! Sbe buc an «wtul4bard Urne gel.- (..ug It off wlben the other fellowe cal!' ENGLISII SPA VIN LILNIMENT Rermoves al Ifard, sot t Of calOUEed lumps and blemishes f rom herses, tblood spavin, cttfbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, atifIe7à , ý#raîns, sore and swollen t.hroa.t, cougha, etc. Sfte $50 by use ef one bot- tie. Warrantod' the most wonderful BU.- misb Cur'l ever known. '*iindmills as Newspapers. (London Tit-BXs.) In Tiolland bltbl. a.rrLa.ge-s and deatbs, instead cf beig reoareIn anewspupSs are lad lete.d by w Lndmflls. Wbon a mter gats married lie &tops b-'»miliwtth the orxru of the w&eeLs lii a. sI*ainig poSition a.nd viLla the »&tls unturled. Ile Iriends do IJkovise wahi thbeir mnflls, tu tokaxi 0f the oereimy.1 To Indîcate a btrt.h the wbeeIl 5atOPPed wlth the arme in a oalangposItIon. but eM a more soute angle than for a ma-Plaie. and wltb the (vo uppere aUllaunfw'lei. Should' a Ml'!oe d.ie s aine ofbis iiiare- ail furWe and the wheel J» turnedi round untM arme fr n anupIght coce M wli4ch -posi- tion t.hey are 1IeÀ unil a&Mer the tuners.! lua takien place. LIXE TEARING TRE HEÂR? STRINGS.-"It je not wit.hin the cou- cepticmof 0<man o nise cw fl~'îtra fft- ings troua &iewt dini. .-iPûr y'ewe eîr- cdl ahax tconatan Cuutngo*Md trang zuâns a6bout may hearc.. and iy e. arne oaid have webrornecld fl. Dr. Ag>ew', Ours for <i thie e txa orloSd a vwgltabls oeh- ac-Ibos~Hl&-&. Pertb, Out.-68 British Life-Saving in 1905. Thîe Royal Eumane Society awarded honora mast year to 873 personia for eav- ing 843 lives andi attempting to save 113 others. 0f these cases 5W0 happenet inl Eng- landi; Scotland, .Irelands&M Wales cou- tributed 134 inilabout equ&l proportione, and the remainedr occurzed in the. col- onies or asea. The award.s ineluded 19 silver, 204 branze mnedals and clasps and 495 tes- timoniale. The army received 42 et the awarde the navy andI the coastguard service 45, aad the polic fre 6G am *W it ee fia in & 40d WC lexmu yt a ' - filcureaylCo*gi "esv f6s . wud &« gaauek to- y du it nl c du Proof is fend in die unkdmmofius ado.. wiho Lbave iei& StU a adbc=curé&. Mxs.ArchieTayler, Asap1uPa, wtms- « 'aige boul0 .1dSIiRolu.Cdoe*Cume SHILOH 25r. wi& umtswee olcn od His Rules for Long Life.- (B..kbnor'e SuI.) David Hull uni eMelaraaehsnAmy-see- omd birOli-day to-day. The- sexret cf bis'leag lMe sm e«collent heaith. ho says. la hie regulsrity sad mul- es-tion lana&X thiniga. To lAve long ho set down ta <bcUowng rui05: **Be naiderat, lI .11 tnlgq, à nudug sptites ad tobacco; St plent i ~<fappbes.g to ed aearly atid tas up ufii thebleds sud live in the open a«r as muct se pcmble." Minard'. Liniment ('o., LImitait. Have used MINARD'S LINIMENT fer Croup; found nothixag equal te it, sure cure. CHAS. R E. SHRP. HEawkshaw, X. B., Sept. let, 1(0. Conaversion Had Net Soaked I. (Chichaeba, I. T.. Euprem.) A migro boy vise had boe ocaotsd and Jo4ntase <h.chca ieSuaisy beicie vas up la poliec owtfar ttag osai. Tb» boy pleditgulIy. 'but atkbubedhbisaM trom g<c o <&a <m!t t*L b.ed"net yat bain baplizol.Upon the &silo o the e t-1 tSey sentence vas mrnqsl.una the. prisouer oould b. baptls. WIU retore gray balr te Lt. natiaral colot. topn tall- g air, causes te ~on ba4 hme, scure dandruft., chlngsamp&I l à ..*si.Contelas no olly or grekay edoasoNt a dye. Pim m Weat-76 tateudue wlIlMau *vau «ed« elr » eats, eia osu"taiCe. Orne on the Doctor. He.wua a edlcal vituesa lu an Ittsk murdeu- case, saddvas very auxious tha* the. rqwn should let hlm go -hoe .as socs asasible. So ho get a f riend of hMA Ite plead inuhis faver. This vas how -the, fnend dld. it: "Il. s this way, AttornmeyG»eel. My friend, tue docter ha. beom fer tbr.o years looklng after tvo eld ladias. Uf y oe don't let hlmgo' borneto-mcow h.'. afrald the lades 'vl sot veiL" &u4 that'i why' the 4ector 4onsu't arpak te hbis frlend.--OlsagovTime& 1 VEEREt DOCTOIS DO AMI!- Vam tu m m~etme Mtam» M 8 0, , 1 meda boset Tho expert vriter ex aiavertîsenieaîs j M e at Wu iUjmUa.mou m uP ' 'WW 901. 50 os knows that maîay peple loèk at a thlng pMee.ju M*J h cApr&M .costtums051 M&y seithout really rsëeing It Hé taices this angs t tucllub. ose 4lma" bois pUae.(MaCJt$ ite account in gettlng up bis ""ad"; and- ffe!.! dhns." or meq hiM e , oc ~Wo les. mmr.tia gU»lgt y mre éye-eatçhlug device, eltiier oe tbe< diftmesiud e>k. vea*r t" Wba 0laoMk yppicturéeor test, holda the attention M.r' ia eirsNuaga oe iuel Ihl l'oçv g enoug b le tur u -th é glance . i__ _ __ __ _ tiny. The. actual value et thé "adi" -bdui outq wkhet e III, et course, depend upon whsther it Woaueà Workera 14 lapas. bkOI *etb lis""sOr tenvincing. But t irst the reade's _(E. W. love, a lbe. Atchissu Globe) fstam o V laemuet be aught andi held. M9ný la" M tU»OX &MMma boyn ta aey. oren ul f m ec amb er leaetn hevoua we usltA un& 151 et8*01t T»mlue an 'oxM 's LitUe» tro e let *lnaulted. , Aoule otes *15 1~b ferm er. i. lit, eme.la tisI emee*a as au~w L'I*110 0 laTh themesoarta.g aahait-out cbers toa eut ani 'anat work-tu op t and M, o Mers: "guuI eti"d.o e. IIgt. e~ey'S vila 1!et y Mgi, a em.hUIy cauMas e .etmtM baiIn__ lb. It ee L. <rmere vAgit, . ermaet «ýwOu gh J . n . dusk et AJR .k aro §Ptbea trte weU fleads I oboarei A. TBnho f rer nnos ife 5.tht d useil.u mký -W»e Ubt »Me 'di kai tmes mlisanlethebris, emilett #0tAiie su ta au&NO t luk tutmoet et hahsedaU e; nlht vIsathe mliteofil, llealu to <h. kls dtes et ii. iand p 158. and. thes ayte ptauofsdgyb e."Pl" M-lle O ie o rs1 ny Iruu e t o itusiig.idi ", I bou ho foWth trm'i ltai U[ [5 & -ohe, Yaal.1 orkr Times. O r zlvlm at M».ion t.hib laborseue nerulng ho ,faà _>sboeeét teleara that Ou. cfthé hed-earrers bas!been killeti ay filling from'-th sf ifth floor t the a1Id, wastolithat the.ama hati lipped. at the sirth, floor, butý hati managed te grasp a beam et tlïe fit th, anti had ung On te it for fiften minutés, whulé bis feloIw-woi*mnen vere making f ranti efe- fort&;to rescue hlm. "1V. ba à Iadder in positionel saja the foreman, "ant inla an more mlnyit we'd bov been able te save bi. Hie grlp on thé bame was as i stbroxîg as ivér wbénà ho lot go, but ho "uaerificed himself te- thé cause of labor., anti dieti a martyr's death. It was beeyootifial, sort" «Mhat do you méan by a martyr's deathl" sadlti 1r. 'MeDonalti, angrily. «M lddn't thb foc) hang ont" '<Shure, son," saiti the toreman, wiping away a tear, "hb. von a grMt union ma, an" phwin hé beard thé whistlé blew hé knew his eight heurs ver up, and théré vas ne choie left for hum but te quit."'1 The Happinesa to Cora, The. mw vicar vws béing ebowa round the parala by bis warden. "Tilse natives arcea hatdy lot, sir," he snid; "but you haven't cen Peter Sperk.-he's the. 'quaintest character in these parte" 'riis indivichml turne4 out bo be the sexton, anti hé wa.s diacovereti ringing tii. chaurciabell. "la not tais bellringing almeet tee mucia for you, zny tnienti?» a.kéd tahe vIes-r, syua.ptbetically, neting the. bout figueeofthte old man. ""fou must bo a "Yeurr, y i umbl.dti le old tel- 10v. " 'Qv nmay Iears I've toUed tthe ibell I ca<'t tell ye, 'but it 'à beginning te tell on me. 'Owseever, Ivne tolle theVb heUi for fine vicara" «"Dear me; 1" ojaculateti thé clergyman, uncemlertabiy. "Aod," coSntinuedth ie séxton, "l'il ho h&P. weuI've made up thé 'aIt dozems I tnk Il retire then." - Glasgow The Barly Use et Skates. Hollant inlasaidti th e .home andi blntispiace of skating, and vithout deubt skating vas tînt pÎraetised there andi in the fer nerth. Iu a country of lakes and canais tihe néeasty:of walkinjq andi rnning on lcemue a been teli froua thé earUist tisys. Iu Holland thé7 show the bene skateswhich vers tount inlue cf thé meunda of vhieh a Fnielanti vil-I lage was built . The skates wer. tasteneti te tbi. feet by straps passeti through holes whieh vere made lu thé bous. A DanIah historlan menlions the sora l 1184. The boue skates ver. e the tlra used In England. -À niten In bis' aceunt et thé amusements ot the young people et London -in tbe twe1ft1 n- tury mentions thé tact that Il vas musaid for them te faston thé log bones. et azimihs under the soles oft erteet by tylng thom arounti theïr aukles; thaenf taklga pole shod, with !=c th.y pusheti tà amaives forvurt i wth great rapidity by strklng this polo ute thé le. 0»NE ORT Pt?? CLEatRS *TEE HEA&D.-Does your heati ache? Have yon ps etu ~ Uw tfl. 10 dm breom Om u- O»? 'Ibhme e ow a M O v et arb. Dr Ag»w'e*o aaé4" l MPawdlms vOl am tht.~~~~ mu"evm mln a W&k a #Ibo heeie @eurhn la USe.> is beuer thm &WherSo but s bestwhensed in the, Sunligt %«Y. FoIIowo $59000 MWARDviU be O or mW torm otadltmtion. MsvRelmisiby tRie L~ frinwhom yeu buy Sunlight Scap if yen laday eau.. for cosaplint The Edtor Olves WarnlUg l'h.editor et tala çsper i. hors te ta. sSm Who are klkclg açmati hi à nt las ietisoda viitur Uh t tesup tKpý te bue aut* loggbelumtiml oUto doe, m be M imà «ete mots their reymmevton el, 8.om ofo the. upe iw A n tee&av&e to t out et tovu nti"hsV'Wini bote e tovu aumntîte aurmhug. bu s oawb id a tusano4WVU. -s 1sMhUa mi-a' u&) irw nmâ-ut,0&. , atu ha aas 1640« Ibo% Tb" 14 de.- anrs..à vi a<etu us flité imI hW ISSUE NO5 11.i9~ AGENTS NWANTED. honst- budiness;,,voe manufacture t le Utah. est grade t navorIug po*derstla AMerloS; y-ou eu nmai@etram ir e te six dolIsr 0 d4.4 pl te us for patleulars, Ivaut*- Manufactyug Co.. Hamîlton, Ott.,> FARMS FOR SALEU iu aid mam thOe NameraFruit kow lag DW&rLot.immedoet.spoasseton. «nq tu=me, am" iparmuut dovn, 1»v lnler W. bave tise Lelovng obokns popurtis te effer: (1) 100 mresa,0» e O ehSSa.andi bsnk bomn, owznUp t 1BeM47. M" arcad 7 mixetom -unit.Prm$4000 (2) 140 acres, TovnOs i c Wserioo, M- ninlSiat 1Ma sp gS&ebuUMMpn, - adjota- Ins Tovu or PrMéa. Pias $7,000. wod non , wt tmw, 7 inm t. ram ha=- Mlon. - Pias $5.. (4) 38 a=re. pood Und, Tlo-wnublp Cie brook 14 nà le. frhim HammL4o. Pr (5) Beo«UIxu 6 «rem, 8 mgle. oouth et RaM-_ Mmlto fluefrut, good bitune r (8) 50 acres, To-wnshlp of Nelson, n"vbouse and new bank barn, 16 acres clear. bal- (7) 25 acres. Towneaip ef Wlleughby, 12 mu«e sue t Wufland, good buiM"Ings geod oeil. PrieS 0. (8) 100 acre%, Towmbtp et Trafalpr, 14 mile.trom "o'to: gond buliIasbim louai. orchard. Pria. 36Mm. or W=i rent- We eau g91"eMan tduafrius rnaa viL «MUmi cpMI a arare opsirtUxMY in aiay Of the. abov'e cee& WW vii rmnzef fl05 transportatIon from HkmMM tcto nffet e.Y ef th$ above pr*- pare«. Apply te FARMKR & GOULD, -W James utret aseh, Hanitoq% ont MISCELLANEo US. WA".NTU, IMDI,&TZY, TWO GIRI6 a Wut20y«" cf ame fer pealton. -mnm lak rbeu fa oa sltsamaMy sood wMgs to rMaile 5&tri& MA%%&» In W, usg te Mmr. 0006 F. Ghman 74 lR.c street eat 1kunLe. W ANTED, MîfPt=NT GORDON press leaders; vage. $7 te $10. sa cording tO quMalectlous. Robt. Dunea Co.. Hamilton.-1 I 1LEGRÂPH OPERATORS ARU IM;I DE- mandA by New Grand Trunk Paciie Company and other Canadian Uiaes. w* ar0 excsptioually vs!! proepared to train youg mou for rallroai eperatlng and té su»!?y oompetent graduates. AGiMrees Cionti Tel- egrPb Sebool, 3 Gerrard -street sait,ý To- ronto. W. M. Sbaw, preuîdoot. Souvenir Post Cards- Ufo te e aoratW t e; M0. Il; M& 0, ; Sm Ua; aul difuent.Leru t anfiti nut Msta la Cauada: MS usi album&sU ai ales W. R. Adaus, Tereato, Ont WANTECD. MIEN FOR C&Ti'LE TEAM- Wers, &»s passage aimd retuu tram Montreal te Bufrepean Ports. D. J. Lycai, authorlssi aget. M XlioGU! tebet Mont- real. Enelos. stamp fer partlculsra. APPLU TR-m - BUFORu BUTINO A Write us, or se. or agent user te 7Tm ter 'pries.. W. have lths large.t stock -o fruit trais te b. fou"d la Canadta. W. v-ar theemeTia. Broavas, et Breww tfir- Lie ROT Pitt 00.1 vffl be umd fer Os5»m <soMbe2 tt wxhà on -* Im. u -Wtbd m mae n bimwb » c ù owrwm"mOMM0 i - ~Most certain ta f411.,Re&l eler -cf thé- vine givýes Ait l ook. ]lis ,cqbOr lu the eu .if* he bclear brightxiess, -I - p. '7. theomlss te le bot. b", gabit au » sli* ob.d iand « » th#fMule vith mli 'I 'h 4 1- t - 1~ 'I 1; v Offffly 1 ,Strong ye happinees (va. 29,.39 ~IecOmnilsij o eeveij teiih perevaiîing c <f aorrow andI atrife, and trred from taking the wri hfe-Smth.Robinson. caU tedrunkairda looking.glae those whose face is t.owar, obrd'a habits, se that they i 'tkey will be if they go ou fui distres; both the cond, a6 Mn cOmmitteti, and -a c condition et suffering. Six - bringo its Own punishment à a neSin which sa speedul3 leuly PurSues ite victim'-a rnkennesob Pentecost. ard kae woes of -body hand w Vues ini him8elf, woes in pains, di'seases, poverty, a: ~ut alleviation. Who bath ebrew. word means, tirst, thu misery. The drunki ifov et bis Own making. " tal&smore th4n one woe; -rew isn nt a.1l. - These ar OU@ as te call forth a coneti centinueti cry -eofangui -Whiobath contentîons--'N a&H the brawls andi tighte,i misundeirstandings are trac, "drink."t "Strong drink fi andi then unehaixas the tig btites tongue andi brain. roi., fightings, anti even m Cnstantjyr grewing eut o! ard's cottntions. Strong. fimies th' pasionsandi a Aime ] remqVersthé re8tlain' «nCe anti wi11."ý-Meredjth. babbling-"Thi@ refera to t of strenig drink te foolish a talking, revesling secrets, vi tien anti neîsy demnsntral are comnion in. different &UImkaes.' Nothing goes the drinker. H. compli' socety, ef his tamily, -it st fcset eerybthing. N*I elght to cia who in th Wouawithout cause-Wo eà in l wholly uxprofitable di au corne of the brawia-of drm Lange. Drinkers are espet ed te acecidente anti diseases perance would have preven ;et. Redriesetfeyèes-Bloc red or'bleared eyea (Gen. Whedon.- Alochol induce ot the nerrves cont.rollinq .blood-vessels, the ca ' lrui sulta lunea dlatic t at Épi Atzel! li the eye. --i 'hie hi.ey"e the drurakard ehow of hie siu.--:Waketîeld. TIl lu thé dnunkard's broa&, ro beaus a great -bindle of wc thein are laues of tiine,, o purity, of a--elean conscienei tpeet, -et honor, of rel Ion et the seul. The saloon darki fly, -obstructs businessýa an ,try, impedee progress,. dier * «etrange9 partners, 'lower -standing, débauches polîticsi ' ew of the woes caused b.y 1 Boardmà zi. 3'0. They- that t1arry long' ';ers the above questions. B te drink tontinues toê drink, ten a wholi aigbt, andi trouï