Whitby Keystone, 15 Mar 1906, p. 5

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I DAME FORTUNE Is not the oiýiy lady who srniles most broadly on the men who are well dressed. In both business and soci.al life the importance of care- fulIy dressed and propex'Iy worn attire is now thoî'oughly re- alized. Doni't let your realizationi of this fact lea.d you into ex- travaga-nce. Extîavaauîc " ere is offly azinother word for " Cu s-~ tom Tailor." Econony-tî'ue econoni--h ç's iii thie wcau'iîg 2Oth Cen- tury Brand Clotlhig, thie kinid of rea(iV-to-wearý garments tha fa exel heproduct of the average tailor. Cax'eful dî'essers ail oveî' Canada are no*' wearing this' fine ready-to-wear clothing. XYou eati only get titis igh elass clothing in Whithv at ROSS BIROS. CASH STORE the great emporium of fa.shIion in the County Town. ROSS BROSI NOTICE TO FASMERS!I Theo-Undorsigned bave for tsale àaflluline or shciled Chop, cornposed df Oats and Corn; Chp compos.d of innri n Whî.4, I ..+ ltou,and o1,j'wdt Cern, eqti*i1 HO>LVy feeders, baying ton lots can, goi clos. pees It will duubly pay. every feedertb usc oneo f tbhie Co4mnt, "6Herbageum" el"M é "Xyez"s QIebPSted Home White Beans Wantedi Aise Fat iimbê,, tvdélelaM-dButcliusOaW.; W. iB. PHINGLE '&, 00. (asv.d erf tjt"fr~s»&o*e OmioGOUU4*y.e-.KaisIoE oOUty of t'ho ft~1PovÎnoeo«tboKyte Ool"eotho T» rnroiçulla~eoda aPIUS 3 WMf a4vmct. Wh" t tlo beb lath s ia t4rst -of theii. n a< ti.bei mmh. Uusrlptm ril nehumbdro ents fat Ify.twro ilao, wli.apaid a dvaac-LL5 whc". lot se~k. o r ~wi b. quotedon o. 1 csls O&Zrlt muiTUh Tis KETSTOSE. Chaues c Advrtlumeas houd r.ach tht. 01- s not later th"n Tueay nom, to maIn le r. Lion la 0h carrent Imse. Agnts Wmnwtdln U m ofathef b.Couify. R. WINN, ltorand mana&" Regulatoris of the Auto should gel together.' Aauuraneeo bave been givena t, le- glalation ;or tbe iurpuse of turîher reguLlion of the use of the auto- mobile on puie ijeaghwvayti wiIl be Iatruclucd at the pjrescut aessioa of Lhe Legisiature. , lhe auto înLeres:t hLis alueady -be.. gun tu move, witli a1%liiw of preveut.. ing te lmitoâiloa oigre.îter re'stric- tions. ThIe Ej.ard I , Trade of St. Catharintes, at the z,:Giestation uft te represeutative ut a Lcocal automobile Industry, bas fo'rmualy go-lec"on re- cord as being against mote stringema, legiation, and thtre i1, nu doubt the cinsg automobile ohuw in Toronîto wîiil be niade use et ai an 9bJect tes- son for th~e parpubixof t ulpre&Baing meiiîlxrs of tC.e icgialhture with the Importance ofth:i nduéirv it là pro-. î'oed to atlack. If te jale intereât la nuL te bav-e ît own %vayI farmeis, ivbose lives andi prr>perty i.re t'ndaagtred under ex- latlng couditiuna, mugt bestir thaun. seivea. The 1Dominion Grange .uI. iLs recent co4i'i4Ption iiioUttd a coma- mittee Iu reresent its views îvhen te PrOP0oed Jegîila liou Comes before a coîumitcet- ol the kgîslature; the Ont4îirlo CooU lRuaIa .Lsoclation has uhtîmed< a deleg.. ion for thîe l)rpospf. Trhase twu bodies of reliret4enta iv.es shouiti cone togCbChr anti make their figbt la comuon. WiLh these th"rel shoulti hae clluteti aise ailother or- ganizedi or unergaizati fai mers whoâe coý-olieratl'on can be secured. The' unlted elfprt of al fl ttrerted on 1that aide of thÇ C.IMc %iii 1w lcesa-ry if île onrshiili u£rural k4ghu-aya la nuL Lu jîawvu rou. the, peuple who Orcated thPee hîglhwatva tuth elw whQ, own ste.amawagons. - irniera' bs7 n . 'Blar or no 5a«, we want Beds." In t hait efforts Lu lutprcss opon par tics intterea Led' LIe ne.cessty col aulne lagislation Lu gît-e commercial metn protection lua scuîîîîg accommo- dation alter local option las been en- fcd, te Western Ontario Trar- eleera' 'au0ociation Paswde'A resolutton at Loaduiz tulb week tu whicla Lbey aller Lu pay tIe eelpeuseÀs of a trip ut an> LL'prance man through the district$ attecteti b> reccnt- local op- ticet enforcementi, accompanatIedby ,4 casurerchd n. The objeot te to show la a itract.Ical jmanner how tbe laterestà çt travellers are toueheti when ilquor lkaius are a fakeairay> Another. proiuaai<bey aisko la te Ps'y lati ti expeua.. 0<esix Lemper. ane on Ooa a s alitr e»:o.wso. rfi. W.O.T.A. lsa afflIateti la tIlil i*met witb otber sssoclatlons r. pzUfuitu4 g20o>U immeuit en. 'ni.> prSoz, la a otrt*Ular etteT lsIMPUi, that -the. qnestUQot "br" or 64e »bar,, la a &IUtier eofseno ose.. <jueuo te tvi,-bot, th.ey d«isomupt titat wbe» Ilunssasre tal4%AY4 <bat, k«Lu tu ilaot*e a ta.te wblel lftal te Pswt conitert andi uoDveo. Itelr# a ren e NE~W b6IRI-NRLEit. Thé lie*'rnnkler bcRght b> Lbe towvn a rrive! tiis weck. andi - proveti Liiï be alilthat wat zeprosented, ais tar a luooks --ce concecneilThe cun- clillera area axionsly waittng for the duat Lu fiy, au thut iLs distrributiag powers înoy ha testiti. Tlhe oud inr .bali la )'elng LIt ted uji fer a plaee la WhIch to ikeep IL. A nuniber ot 134.1Telophone 1ilaa. utn are inta tT t Lis week erocticg nwpoleu 4nd strlugîug wîres. O$IIAWA J2 lx E Àler2o and eatthwsiatle meet1c9g was halla uttle Cima**# 11<oei U0l. awa, un Frlday ni&.bt, match % w-ha ho shaa LcroieClub wAu or- sanizeti wth te toiwwotLlc- ocra :-Patrona, 1ý.t.CObrist*q, M'.$' Cbaa Cude-r. M. P. 1P. and Mayoe Fow»; P.4ot .Iiihe~ vioc Prealdeti, DSlal4 gal** se*. oloveur., m.ssrr U Miz id Curtai w#re .hoiad t t t*u theCI L , A emivonlotGuo» Qod Yrt4say. -Pro4- pea re bla&r for 1a£*fta' juaie r t tom'dbae tub- tub-yc'd bave 'tu bu4- cln ellarsb. Mivecs en'- sita> iw thain. -Bunt wbat'tue statç iw afira nciw? .The. Che (Je s)ued tuhb b the c4oewnpeo- loui acount tPlfit. Iatbrick i- tt 'twaa himsetlf "asi the kncswledgable mant "Dld ye ever hear telI huw he put "the coenether on Sain t fether? Mit dOwn« an" l'Il tell. ye. Havs you a mn teli-oei ye? IBad acran to it, lt's Out!1 ave YOu anuther ? You're a tolme bye. -V/eUl, Saint Pathrick he'd corne dowu tc e..cth an',ome-the boys, an' down lie kemn; an' it's glati tbey were te me hlm, au, wbat w1d dancla' an' pipîti', an' the. foineat atin* an' dhritkin, it w-ii nlgh day- lght whin Saint -Pttirktk got back tothe goulOen gates. AnD' tliey wur loeked 1I ln raiî'pd .4nhp 1wtj*ný thuxn, but 8alnt Pether neyer let oj be heard hlm. 6*4'Go,' te raid ut iasht. 'an' splnd yer day,' ha r..ys, 'where yoei, pint IYOur nlght,' ie saYs. -'l'Ilbave no onie straîlavô.ntL' *-round here, me buLCkeO,' btý ays. -' Arrah, let 'me tp,' Batyas aint Pathr'ck. piLydîu' Ilke.; *et me in, Pether acuahia, before the faoeblya Up,' he aaYs. *- Go 'Itlg ont IV thav, Saint Pet ber maya, pruOud-Ilke; 'andi do as i tell ye. 'Phe athraw stlàack la gooti enuiugh fer the likes «iv yez,,' e says. "'I've Iost me latch key.' nv Saint Pathrick.. "'Ye le(t it wherc yc loilit yer rippytatiUan,' pays Saint Pether, baugbty as ye î4aISê', 'go awAy bnck andi ait dowfl.' tr>edad, there ý-'ou drel St. Path- rICk %vast fhlttr;idcd en i rely.- He knotv- eti that they é- ah bc aîp In a feNw. minutes, an' ho lhad tu do sonitblng- the c.ase was Ueàperie, au it was. .list put yourself lu) his [itce-, an' lîow wucI ye cel ? «"Suddenly he itraightened hiniaef ap and bcgan 10 n1lap his thcwIg!ia i,. id hie b a nds, Jutt luike a rouster, an' tic began to crow, 'Cock-a-doodie doo--cock-a-doodle d-o ' 'Bedad, the gace8 swunn oçien in a jiffy. an' $.tint Petaier, îsioighty. ted In' the face. stoiq,,d out an' ha gays, lCoine I n qulek. Paddy, an' let~ by- gories hi' bygonc».' Trotb, S-isnt Pàthrick was te Lnowledgab!c tin -. rî Khan la Toro'nto Scàr . UI2 . OCiRTY. Weé learn thi-t an aycebange of pmi- pita la arran<çed for Lorda# Day moto-ý. ln&, 25th harob, whon W ila expeot. eti that, Rey. >Mr. Crossley will oc- cen" lhe Preabytfx-lun puoi. i Dr. Abralu, t heBap.>t 'pulpit, anti Rev. Dr., FcGherglll the Nethodut puipît. là ehlicaoc a, pecl aie-l tlhiLe grsat 'nd I iPOWLant wosk ut t~o lri a poregu, and other1 B ibrle eîtîaea tilougllout tii. worG,, and tbo o aeasit> o>,'Iàporttng so ~TABETRNACLE~. Sonday oext wi l be uutasio esre4 d; of Yo >ort Ropet 'viii preacI h bofli oervioca undi musbonary utfftr- 11 %viU bho t4ei, Re1[*40io la one of tueit. tPreacb.t a ta> ii Cm cDim »o'4tltit t -, ,7f 056 056 50 So Who&,ed - ....... 0075 tn Butp, lem040ud :: . 1-08LKou -.Om, 0 o. VIACANADA B Wet.....060 t6 0 h O~IsPIU S..uhpsnda' R Oo.............tïwe 0 52-to 0 l'h ma's mimoe sudTo......... pt II 'maPren ass Alsike, No. 1i.........U0 e8 FOR ONTANIO TRIPS No3......00 to 64 C~8I1 At0 .mmgsrcar i&4 otb.«710No ......G00 to 7 50?~~m R tl u ~ led, No.- 2...............4 0L ~~kIf a vsiainTiniothy Seed ........ ...... 90 te 1 I:eftUS. "oqomm - mlatret. jobs4 F.3, Fleur, per cwt ...... ..... . 12 4o $3 D..ioLivoupum» o tChopped Peed, cwt ......1 lu t W~ IW 83 IftWiSOU ml ~ Coramneal....... ..2 00 tO 2 0. 3. Ma, r.&. .P..ci'. Tormag>Ont Bran, per ton..... ...... .o0<0 te 20 Slîorts, per ton........... 20 O0 to,'26 MEATr, POULTRY AND PRODICt tntflpnedlate lacrosse team Lu re- EteeE, by quarter per cwt -86 25 te $7 preaet Osawa tià, ear.Cattle, live weight, but. * - 5*0 06 prsntOnwatl ya.Mutton, per lb........... *0OQOOto O0 APPRECIATED. Lamb% ach............. 3 00 te 4 Thuat the cîtizeus of Port Hop .Hg, lîve weight. ...... 0 00 to 6 preae hi-hokHter u'OP'-"a loge, light fat..........o0 00tr 5 preciatetheir hokey teummîiv beHogu, heavy fat.... o « 0 gatbered from the folloiing event, llogg, dreased per lOUIba o oo _tc qwhW.h took place on Frlda~y evening, 1Chîckens, per lb ...... 0 10 toe0 March Oth- ~Ducka, per >............ o il te jý Mae t-Geese essed per lb.... .0 9 <o O "The citzens of Port Hope gavre Turkeya, dressed, per lb O 12 te o, tbe Junior O.H.Â. champions a ban- Butter, roll..i..... ...... .o0 0 te 0! j quet 'tiIseveaing ln the Hotel S f Lard ..... ................. 0 00e O0 Larec. rvinat*he ba.Eggu, per dozen .........o025steo0o Lawnc. reitistoth b n l>tatoeS;per l-.....1ot quet a publie meeting was belti in the AprJa, per barre] ........ 2 ou te 3 Opera Houiîe. 'vlicb'%ras c'rowded to On oe, per bus,.........o0 80 ho,1 i te doors. The eiitbnsqasîn W.AS }ay. per ton............. 8 00 te 9 greut. The hoýkeY boys nti man-. taPr 0t agement were mca ed on the Stage.-Ilides,.par cwt .........S.$900 to-Il1 8ecretary Hewitt, of the O.U.A., ivas Sheepakmen...... ......i e present and presentt the Cosby Ctip Deacons .................O0 25 teO09 andi made an excellent addreas. He 1 TaIIow, renderetî, per lbtii o 0 Lo 1 aagaethe O.A,.. medal tu each <'<>l' unwa"led.,........O0 14 te 01 asgaetLamb Skinin....... ......O0 00 te 01 player. Manaaer H. C. Bruidrt»tt, ' etts................... 0-»teo01 con lichait ofthlie club management, p teei th Le boys with a goit .lf** watch each, -auitably engraved. Mr. SÎIflgs 1of WheuIVisiGfl -Court ekorge dtrong, of Port Hope, ga ve COUNT OFlo' ONTÂ.R1O, -1908. each player a toua tala pan, and iMra.t WJ, DC.M doelWit c. H. aiîston gave a golti fob toeaabh Clork, Jan. 9, Poli. 1, M&Wrch 1, April i.ayer. Mayor Chnlk vas chair. M y3, ue6 uy3 et ,Ot maiil and miadee a çffl speech, as8 Uid Nov. 6, Doc. 6, Jan. 9, 1907. also ex-May or Hl. White, Dr. Powers OanAw -1D. C. Maoellî, W1hitbý andi CuIl. Mol 'ri. Th banquet at. Clerk, Jain. 10, Feb. 2, March 2, April tear varttendeti by about two hunti. May 4, Juno 7, July 4, Sept. 7, Oct reti, andi watts'ery entbusiastîc. Nov. GI).o. 7t jan. 1l,)1907. Messrs. R. M. Gluver anti C. C. G~ra- Bi»onzu M. Gleeosi, Greeawcm> ham. trom Poterboro, were - preseri t Clenli, Janil 1, Match O, May 8, july u bebaît of the Iaternaediate champ.- sept. 10, Nov. 7, Jan. lit 1907. lc>ns. The Port Hope Orchestra watt PORIT PIUIT J. W. Burnham, P1> prasent, andi gave a gooti musical pro-" Perry, Clark> Jan. 13, March 8, Mai gramme." July 7, Sept. il, NOV. g% Jan. 13,1907 Thle above goes to show that ai- UxlitivGE Joseph B. Gou1d# U: muce anyhocey tam iven an-bridge, Clerk, Jan. 12, March 16, M eýob8, July a0d Sept.t21,telo . 23,,Jtn. . avent uelly iwove winuers, andi bring CAIQxN<t0N x. bonor to the Lown they represent. to, oik, j . MathI& Màu 1 0 25 60- 4j 0 80 Iby Roi July Io> sept. 20, Nov. 22-,I: , " rerten, Clerk, Ja. 10,t Marci 14> May 1ot JuJy 18 Se t > ov 21,Jn18 groe,4~ek~ Macb13" May 1,~p. 2Q- Are We n ow 1cper o0 00) 5 10 0 #0 75 oc 12t 10 13 ou 00 O0 00 'NI i i i j 'Q 1 Il- 9

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