Whitby Keystone, 15 Mar 1906, p. 4

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a ,. i. f1~ Tii. ulctlsig atub reterred toi41a., isait week'a mrepnen. ot, Mfr& -. . .Dryaot -han adverttged ber housiebold gd'ods for aie at nue- tion un 22411 %net. - Mr. JOiha lcmdblaOu startod -for Manitoba on Tutzday xnorning. De- -aides othùr articles he took nîne horse switbhlm. The "lodiuràdrum" socil i eld la the Methodist Church on Froday nig liti ivas weIl attcîîded, anù pçoied to be very enJoyable. An excellent pro- gramime was renilered, at ter whlch a Il adjo'urncd to the sciîoul room f or refreghimeaits.. Thîs %vasthe pauz- Ing part. Cards wcerr dlstribtited wlth a prlntcd blIl ot tire froîn whh hie eiUmof tour articles vas toi be mnade, Jil baing l'sted under. dIsguised namles. ît lm rer.orted thait moine cho8e a lunchi consimtïng of a gla s.4 oft water. CUP Or tel', fnd -L tooih pick, but werc helped out o f tlicir trmoI;IO AL -alla ter stage of 11w ro~cdifls. her.Ž ias nmach filn i w:n'El itit Luthc choos- Ing anîd W-101119 Of taîP ;efroshmients. Mr. james Thoimpson has gone to' Port ilope to rcslide, and Mr. Hanna and tamlly of i3lackst.ick, who pur- ('h.,i4wd Mr. Thorîîpso)n" property, an' miovIng In thîs wivee. The scinal -rranged to be held i t frý Kctelien's in March of Lst yea r: and- which wat, twice poç.tponed be- cause oft storms, iea uccestwully car- rled Oiut on Tuesday evenlng last. Therc wis a very large gathieriuig of botl youno- alisd od, voming for some disitance from i lf directions. A good pi'ograIfiO lVas rendered ln tl drawing rouani, wvhlce ln. other partsj oit the sfpacioui hlonse cames of many kind.4 würp ceajoiycd. letrebinnts' îwerc served at 10 ococat.d the gethering broke up slortly before mlnidlglht. .The recelpts wcre over $20, The "Daughteriu Cpi thse Chîrci,' axader vhose axspîcca te social was Iteld, are 1:oi lic cngr:-tula Led on the splendid success that rewardex] thi-ir efforts. Miss Lou'ic MerLeaîu trîm da numl.ar cf hot- frieîîd.4 o1 Saturdaîy èpvening. Mns. E'iljah Coper-nlmrdislsitlng ujîil frleýnds and 'elatîres Ina Markharn. bin. aud MrS. W. E. Phlilîsrî'L iAg vlihbe(r i1xrcat', Mn. and AMr-s. Mn., 11,6bort ýtuk had -i bee ha t!- ig hîomne 'uvoo)d p Thuîr-day. Mn. Cary ~ L~:îsha a 'ngaged x1t- h Mr. Arthur Noeqmtt fon a yean. M.Nr. Wesley Bhliht and f.uînly ha v- moveil 10osi~ MisM. LâtifC 1 iisItiir mx thOh- avi ra fnîds. t The directors ojf the' Maple I1paf Fire Disiranc, Co mit hure on Mlort- da Y. M1r. Will k-utisenlinid, who is clprkt- Ing %vith Mr. 1 ta Icuant, ln soon to lcae u-'for DepOý Tarh-u', NMuskok-a. A soil aunder thie Dsiicce oft lite Ladis Ai wasg ',en l.Ir o buc mse uit o;thie Mi!tüodist cîturcl ito T -urFid, -nly cvi rîg, Ma' eh Sîh. monug thiose taking part were the Htover fttanlly. 'Miss irio1et Guîy gave a rre- cltatuoni Muss r>f.rtha Foster a readl- f Ing Miss ILtLie Henderàon tsang molo. ]tccltatuans 'vere al.gu g{vea iy by ocrerai ýof *IIê.younDI<ladWes ,yGUzàg Mon.- Aafrehmente: oerved at the. close. Prooeîdis the evening, $12.05. Mr. Be-rt Grilla vbIel t bish1 aear Brookilli on Sundu-y iast. Mr ieviAIV ar dhas been laid wlth a dqeLipL-ed kDce cap. Mr. Elijali Co$0cland w1lil. move Mr, ]Rdbt. T1epkins' l.tîouawpn 81 strcet noirth.- Antimlwr of timein f lends enjoyed- the lhosl.italil' Ot Mr, and Mrs. M. -s. Chapmlanl on trlday evenlng hast. H. G. Kerr, ouT IOriiuato, spent Sun- day at1thIomie X Ishle parents lbere, He was accotupanicd b>' bis friend. ,N . Duilr stoen. Miss Crosal,,-y, Mis. Cibssley, Mrs. .T. M. lX'nycs andi Mrs. (I)r Meacham Nvene guest.4 otfi .(FIhi.) J. E. Moorje al th eparsonage iflîs wee.k The 11ev. W .1. Moore preached bis' Crowell sermon la the Frîends- chur-ch iast kSunday prior to leaving fer Orte Nortli-west. PThe WM.'.was'held at -lie pareson- age on Thturadày a(tcrnoon!. Mrs.-1 Dcnyes, WhiM.3y, district oicganiz.ýr, 1 Mrs. Meachauoa and MsD. O C0 is ley gave addres.sýc. At 6.3C Ncne3ilay fterr,'oli 'Mr. I.maac Carr, oi Aucola, Sask., and Mie$ Axuella Etleictt, of Pickering, were tinitcd in arrinagc at the resi- dence ofthe wbridt"s parents, by the 11ev. E. A. .Tonkln, pastor of the Methodist echurcli, 1irauIgiam. TVie bride, wbo was giNen away bY lier faît er, wcre a ;-:of crepe de ehohnc %with ciiffon !riunwings. Silxe %vas attended by her tL:tcr, Mliss Lena FMEOLrat, u.nd tht- grroom bY bis bro- thler, W'slccy Carr, of Ouk Itldgcs., Aftcr dintier th(: h-i.îpy couple lftI for the borne oftit e, giom*@iparprits,r thence lu their future hc'miie In Ar- cola, Sask'. Thse previAetice of rwys on our itircelmt .t fnglit ià the cause oit muchil annoiyau4 ' l Liumbtr of Our busi- ness ina. Wliat pleasure yon'ng men eau fuil it, tcn:i";g dotwxn lri dTq shoving e-'i otheur through 11wmnd- uv»D Ithe !1"Own ~C~othchl tI> reulaý ,und liard room do not enable tbg *were oveide the -otatutes in thijs BOWMANVTLLE. Mrs. C .Lanny lias been vlsltlng frlends la Oahatwa. - Mrs, C. Peeirn, ?o'it Perry, hasi>een visltlng Mrâ- . . . Wlliamsu. M r. C: Uladdy, whdi has bee-n on the staff oift he C'uît.ariu Bàtik here, for, gome timie, bas been transfrred to c&ne ut the Toironto ibranches. The Impro'vernents ta the chuir elI- iery and ptulpil ofithtecMethodlst Sunday R1ev. V. IL Emoirv wllpreach church have bein coinie4ed, and next treatise om uch d&mmsestéoTmo LExBiGCa.. z79 King Street,, W.,0 Tomowio Canada. Alil druggigtaoeili or oa obWaafor yon LEIBIOS FiTOURE toi raise ýbe wlud; they bave pans- ed a 1by-law charging $1 per head foir cows that are not breachy for run- -t bolth uservieg. hiq cubjeet ln the ning at large wlthln the limita oif the evening Itirig "Sever l1easons whY corporation doîrlnz e cctai'u months I belleve tht ib. and tractions er tmocths during the A desi)itcli toi tht, TorontoN"ews, year; they have aisu di-cideqd ha t et Monday Iaén, evideatly sent train these prlr¶leged animais shall wear Necatlrcg4,rding the small pOX numbered tngs soi as toi identity any scare ln Bownianniille, 1.4 greatly ex-,, of thei t bat. anay commit depre-1 aggeratcd. and îî,ary of the state- da tiens. There la a posîibiity, how- ments contained therein untrue. ever, thuat the re,'enac derived trorn Amonmg other things it says 'that the thisÀource may be wir.ed out, and sehools are closed, and that IL orlg- thokînands ot dollars fidditionai caste inatcd fru'm Hamupton. There lias put On the corporaîion by the* pas- oniy been Borne hait dczcn c Cases ln sage Ot this 11i adviscd ieglslatlan. ail. which 'ît la one tx'ter ion lias Suppose for Instance ane of these ixen s0 very mid ta many say I r tagged cows were tu stray on lu the i chieken po\_ The first cs.5O in railway frack ausd deral~ a tria, who town %vas «Iiaccd f roua Newcastle, woinîd bave to foot fbe bil? Not and nott Hampton, and the achools the oiwner 01 the2 cow, buti the ear.. nre fot e-losed. Tlhe IEcard of Health po«~atýoLî h'&uing charge ofthte, co%- and l7ow- oiuacil are taking evenyl durlng certain hours of the day. st-el- tO stamp I Out, and it IR lu I There cau kw no question where the ix' hcoped tiaL iVir huie@Peeu the worst liablllty would rcst, and the soaner ot It. 1 this Pasture DY.lawv is repealed the IàtdT iEIMIY. better it may prove tor the ratepay- At 1t1-'last nie îiug of Lthe'colin- ers. cd ahIlowing ail niîhc>î cowvs th-t.ar PORT WHITBY. iîo,' breehy tb uuid aI 1argD f rom si x oclock in i1kw mornirtg to eiglit 6OciOVk :t night frotu tIse lOtît of Mlay toi thse 5ti t ofOctoben la any 3-ar, provlded iL cnrioes the carpor- ationi tag, for whîchL lite sîim of $1 Is changed. Tmls li rorused the Oj.bé;erîcer nifln, und lie breaks îOut as IcbabodlI1Ichibod!1 Su lithetown fathers luave resolved ta rent the towa for a cour raitare, anythlug ~>w ti :nucculcd ouse.s we annul ste. Such condu:cL î1.te cause of nuuih lcss dirrctly jnuf Indlrectly îoJ InteStinal thcow concenut-ld. anid tîtose guilly îuîay e\lt.p2L t c alled'1 rion Lu ann- n «gUo , %ver form -hconîinctt hetore ,)ne authonized to deA lwlth such Cas's.JPTHIS severe andi painful forrn of At4 :ur police trubteea have to dcal indigestion arîses from sluggisha %v-ith nuisances, tkwy would receiie action of the iver in supplying the tehearty Lli.itkg of ousr cP~izens by -bile ncsayfor gooti digestion and ajipuliitifl4 a oliabLehc1010. woîtld ituhealthful action of the bowel1s. have no trouble 1in sîainî'Yngý oni t The food decay and gives mie ta thb eprêeiblo coindtit.-N-4w. IColicky pains, latulency, Feverish- O1îîLîA. uess, Pai n the Limbs, Headache, Loss of Appetite, Oas on the Police M. gî:ttnatO McC001 linieos#ed Stomch, and Irregularity of* the a finp of -,» ai ucoýit.sonî Bobert Bowels. r>neeî, for alowsr.g two yoth8 be- It is absoluteIy necessary ta set tvüPn 16 and lm yestrs of age ta play the liver rght before anything like pool n l hibifiiird rooin. -The case cure can b expected, and the most wasm the oulcome of a vs.t pald lui certain means of accomplishing this. 11eîî ic t t'sby Lscv4,nî1i nr m brs pft lie re.Jt i teuse of Dr. Chase's Tow n Coinîcil a11thecloe o a dis- iuYýey-Lver PiUs. etsiion the questiai of low .(rilng This peat medicine has be lte billiard ficen.sp e f,. b rMRi . littntestinaIinidigestion, which cannot Giuln, K.C.. lias advlsed BennettU itbo reched by sîomaçh tables orj lte by-law v an 1-e <uihed, c Ï ie ordinr yppsacrs ground iliit i tatutes expreanly set Dr. Chas)idsLiver M4laon* Pm, the age 0f sixwecn as that beiow a dO»t, 25 cents a ba-t a&Udealeasor wlîlcb biys shl,;lnot bu ilowed toi 3n0om_~a« et co.# Tom"a Mr. John I.. Wattson bas been on the sick Ilst thîs %wcek. Miss G .%*.itvt)kcnbtirgh, of Gree.n,. wood, and Mi&sa White. ot kshburn, visted at Mr. and Mr8. Vanvalekn- burgh's on Sunday. Mr Johin Kean. of Chicago, spent Sunday at Mrs. 8- Jackson's. Miss Sisie l3rcnwn, oft the town line, %Isited bir friend, Miss Id-, Goid- ring. oer Suoday Any oft aur rauders iwho do not re- ceive thir piaper regularly will con- ter a tavoir upon ab ln advislng oft the tact. THs le i s 'o Fu~r 'r a . Thieta pi:lfor .i<kCh-ir sî, :uodterî of t)uîug-u for fuisd-i te) ie 'z'i %ào clousaîîsd sietz chiu-Javta Li t tuîur, %vithiîti its x.alis errv-air. but >sà'u',lTiw tâiàLk St r" ti Lar là v o it.ï KY 1-ý s Lre dLe'i SSI nu AesWUàWI--W@V i (r [1 I e 44444- 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 4k 4 44 -4 44 4 4 444 444 4 44 4 44 44- 4 44 4444 4 4 4 '4 q4~ p4I $I %fia DAM -E Is not the only' broadly on the'-m -In both business anc fuly dressed and proper] alized. Don't let your realî: travagance.- "Extravagance" he tom Tailor."ý Econoy-true ecor tury Brand- Clothing, t] Stha t far excel the produc Careful dressers ail, Sfine ready-to-wear. cloti -olass clothing in Whitby' ROSS B'P.Ç týhe great emporium 4l~ has won highest awards at Toronto Exl4bitions ,for tIhe past five pears - speaks weII for the engiîne.ý tThisrnake of gasolineoengine i se' O Inaulpart« of todrveal'knd omiacbinery. Fmm idàiumn8eI maohines, choppers, palpers, cutting boues, etc, Thîs PUITamSis Pl . - i Puuusp Facl'lImm~aw Made ln Canada The "'PER ECT GAOLN ENSIME 441 4 444 494 444 4 1;I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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