Whitby Keystone, 15 Mar 1906, p. 3

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ýRMY DITUR[S.e lU 's Speech on Service ShouId be tory. y-ýWants Arma- ---1w intro(dtbcing the iounting te nearly îliuse of GeMMOU0 -S SENer.tar>' llaidalne utset t.hat tiheLa-b- "dtdetroy the arany, E-ffieiecyat iem ex- tvermmint.accepted oed ace the 'btue nîe!y, tlait the uavyf igth la çw'pabte eOf tain f roein-i n va o, -troum-g îaVYwIV.IL ivory useful1, as it 1 t off îurcli of w1.t !ect'iscry uxmy ex- id Defences. Stliis priticiple of mo mv>'. it lad 1d1woul imn:cdiato- e-3100 pla-S îî-u LrpOil* at varmoils i. t wol bz- swet ýý'eUam*ivci Uhim)s, iain.d sorne coi.onia.i "e-oam eno uu le b'ýgin-niig of @con- rmny wmlaoh vas re- 1urpofts must le ut 1wu. not . .btainaible »b-, and alaenld b. dirneWelos. I1le f-ded chie!!>' on »l ewi-shed the nations fI:er -wh-etiher a ,rs- i made in thme arma- - as pressing on 1. eo Danger. ïajr Minster eald he r tliwc-,t frontiez of ger eniangerd, asud' 1 tiiat Great Brila-in 1 pending ezaormnoue rea*e et $58,7 10,000 :ry nt prefent. cen- thse War Seoretary Lî-hen wa.s 156,174, mIt new the cest -asa il co%t oaf5n offaere iA-Pared viLla $2,250 pliricd the incraesc ýrny reftrve, iilitia, itied eut the nruin- I een în-ased by, cXer there cost $750 reuelier atriking dong soie power of a -home. An'yVIiog' ivevc-r, woîm!d defeat Se-retarv annomixc- *11 tvo armny coi-[>a bena cenilpLetlory te- receivin,. the «ah-rt had declared t-o t-e WORWD. ~EMPIRE SHOWS OPlAION. is She Claima Pre- .al Depression ln .-- -The resrit of Ltmeé ure of the Britiîla a-a -blte beok. it rite eonsista oet'an - ,ý 11,908,378 square I orme-fifti -of tlie l le Nw-cric?. The Pc-.- ~fQ,0OOO, dwhom .das follow's. .300,000,01»r .43,00,000 -4200,000 3 mutYater London 19gheft proportion t Ixindia, Natal, (7y- l'ho loeffct L uib e ~esgion iii t-liebirtis pst overy-wlîee, but j . n Austral-siasa. The persons in the ci- that in tia. United kYasnarkedly de - &pite couassngliineous , the thicory that, [mmCc mental unsouvi'l- rted b>' * tlaa I s e d esiHm BotIs MQuey. 4 atàl: Whlle O51al,# i-vîng Iu Garafmoxe, town u; aa ecding ;1 Xonda -bis him - 0c asi 1on V te- decmbp plcyer's ha.u'l eamu.d urned ote melius - ~mp1oyee, atatedAn h-sud foll6edelhi-nste N,-wlmere le-homWed- -ty-aclc LIse tilaf, 'lin- I rund to thé otiser e OEYLON TEA HA8 ffNO *EQUAL Lead psckcts oulyo. At ail ýgr6cora 'IL 'i il blsck, Mixsd or Gros. 49c, se0 ind6ok poer m. IIIGlWST AWARD ST. Louis, 1904. Won tLs The f eurth iLy after lier return home, evening abnist ,gven." Mena wvas a usual in attendance on her Mona's thoughts were sorely treubled grandmother, and ,naking out a liet of aasli.e keqt watch at ber grandanot4hèr'.sj sucli scessaries as they ýLght J*ke with bedside. She knew that ber marriagel tbezu, %vhen two lettera arrived by the with Waring, or even the prospect of it,, second depllvery. -One wau from Sir Rob*-ou~ld be the best resterative for ber art Everard-a distant cousin cf Mrs. only frienýd, the woman wlio lad been a Newbarg.'a-and offered ber a cottage mother te ber, wQ had saved and work- wlîich used to.be occupied by one oi the' cd te a&=sa tic e ens of independent eurates of the parieli, uggesting that ' existence for lber, wlre had Ioyed ber af- the might remove nome of her furniture ter bier own liard but tenacious fashion. there befere the final crash campe, and She recalled, wit.h a swelling heart, her adding mucli kindly coumeel. The other grancLnotber's watzlhful ecenomy, ber, was Ini a big, firm, but unknown band. self-deil in ail t.hings necessary to lier- Mena turnhed te the signature-it was self. SIc did flot doubt that any nig- ".Leslie Waring.' She had almost for- grd1len teward her grandchild wsfor tten hlm lu the painful excitenient eif ler future good. Ilow wise and judi-, last few days, thougb the bitter re- j clous she had becu lu ber guidance cf membrance of Leslie's advice. never left. their lives! If she lad shown tee strong ber. Every -niglit wlien she lad reiid a teudency te marry ber granddaughter or sof tly talked lier grandinother te jad soon as possible te tChe higbest bidder, mesp, wben ail was still and dark, ahO slip only acted aceording te lber liglts- livea over again the f iery ordeat of that to the ereed cf lier world aud ber perled. conversation lu the train, and leokeds OiWss it well for Mena te refuse the means sudideriag. at the dreury, lonely future, of gvu ber a lonZer aud brighter spil Ibrugl whchah.mue d batlealne.cfV>e Dare she incur the respes il- To whom eould abs turu, on whom coui4 aty cf ber possible death Whst would the lean, wheu the man who seemed tO se. ain-what- bad se te hope fer in an bang on lier word-whose eyes apoke u*m-red hife, tha.t abs sboulot reject the. warmest devotion, shrunk f rom lier, this kiud-nUtured inu ho oui y skefl at the iraI mutteringe cf the iterm? leave to devote hi& fortune te her ser- But as te wben Mr. WrNg oude~ vices? With the teudency cf youth te bis- lare himmeif, or wbetlier he ever would, 11ieve iu the perpetuaty of the prenent, *ho. gave no tbougbt. Now the moment- abe thouglit tht love with ber was ever ou& question on wbach she would be Cll- forever. 5h. oeuld neyez' belleve £fly. ed to-decide stared ber ln the fac.e, aud onee again. she was not sugir wth filled ber seul with fear aud disguat.. Lisle, se much as dlsenchant.ed; liet an. IIcannot read tbis lette? te you, gisu- ger vms more against hersell, for lier Le; could you read it yourself ?II .weakuness and credulity. "hWhais t 1i " A sof t tap at the door attmacted lier 'lit s marked private, and in, I Bee attention; LTa rose sud cautieualy opeâ. (rom Mr. Waring; do yen remetmber ad it. hlm TII.*.Madirme Debrisay la below, wanting "Yes, I do! Cive ilte me. Wliere are te s;peak uith yen, ma'am," said LIe My glasses?"haII' hînu lo lad replaced botl cook aud Mena, Bat aud watcbed thebe hr, ousenaid bopeless face, as ber graudmother per- "ueioud lk escbe;woi umed the lines, gradually growing lesa stay for a. littie wliule witia Mis. 'New- drawn, les desponding, wbîle ber OWSi, burgb while 1 ge dowuatairs?» h eart isank Iower sud beat faster. . "Yes'm. I t'iuk Mr. Wehner la just "Thank God," murinured Mr$. New- corne in. I will ask hlm te answer the burglî at last, heaving a deep sigh ase she door, sud corne back dretly!» laid down the letter; "-al le not quit. i iggvn.afwdricinMn lest 'rot." Meusdid not fsreak. "Mona, Isiggve e1iecinMu read*it!" mIe continud " t supoe yurau do-wnstairsliaghtly, weil plessed te know the contents; rend it, I «," re - '"a a cenfîdeutial tslk witis ber visîter. peated Mm Newbumgh, impatiently. Mme. Debrisay lad been ber grestest Mena teck it sud ra witb nervous frieud 'wlen ah. was at sehool in Paris. rapldity:- T'ere ah. bail been the junior musie mis- ",Dear Mrs. Newburg,-I venture te treai,snd Mona bad been inmensely at- trouble yeu with a letter, bcsuse 1 have trce by thekidndlness aud goxi twic trî luinvain b sem you or isahumer of thcelisrd-worklng leacder. joetly. 1feel il in awkwapd sud dîf Wea on leit, Mine Debrlsay moved f icut te, approsdli tle subjeet oun bhich ondon, sud with Mms Newburgho 1 am about te addmress *yen, vlan I lave help' oon made a goed counection ai lad &0 few opportunities cf iuakiug my- a music sud slnguag mistreas.. h. gave self kuown, but 1 e&rneatly hopeen wihfl Mous lassonsa, or rather s.ssst.ed ber ir exouemate me frein the ehargie of pie- practlesngfer an expeusive master, and aumptîcu, sMd blat %fiss Joseelyn uil onutinueJ her varmeet admirer and de Dot refuse tei let me explalu mymO eift voted frlend. BotI Mme. Debrtsay snd ber personally. If 1 dare tà e b.mre- ber late buabaad the captain vitr. Brisý what preenature. litla sbecause IbeUieve Il1 ujca en ntrao ieEe might b. of SOinSnus. in tha p.s.ut criais aid Ile, but in. acemed it vis, te posi viare 1 me fortunsas uto e b.accptsd by U5 & forelgiaci, vitis a view to obtalatui th#e lady te wàmban:1au aspire, j». a botter position iu ber profession; aaW deed, undter any circuaustauees, I abould sa"esslg dramiatie Iincets, ahe JrM b. prend to b. of the e mallea riest r te r tait àme..llpeaklnge bd you, sud beg tessure yen that i am vitis a forelgui accet, M devenbrokea resady te muet yonr wlshes lu sU waym. l.yat tîmes, a proeeedln¶,:bc jnstlfiu'd bj Loo0klnu anxlou.y for your repty, I arn, asserticg that the. ate ébrlasy sdà« yenrstl. y, " Il elf art reasU7 Frenchs, beiis dftSead There vas a short 1silence Wh.»'Iolsa aifromi theseugenots Who ha iIfWron - eeasd.. t e e»utiàof Louis tise Vo burg, Wlth a ltties gap, looking vU s Tb@e unaI!fireleis dIu1,-orn jol pil i, lsaplouIaf e at hier gruaà"ld. 80dît"na aildark <bat rovwbu obswred Mouaqa ly.o t P '<My shil&id. you m5ke up your f* sM umsd to msrry this 'youn m ?nuusiIav "Ohl Mr muyuereil. soundei l ii ntW Ucdis adufiration of yen. 46 writesesol>-mbe auve aseet «Me ou 1ke &an boneat gentleman. lot me have b îel.Im* owdr.e ai* *@ oumfort of kalowiag that 'you bA.4 oly ugmm * frm em- a.ae thnise 11o f 'PoWotY." ý adsdme bail ev., ol1raa roma ---------------- --- ----------- ýo "Ais, Mous, rcy doittllU.IV&st bot aeym &M Wacblelth au 5<. « w nt tee- e l.love povlnt*ft*rwiffl doet I doamt bom e? bouti*I* ce amieat tisemr, sud try sud tay te~ omm u rsos at it5l&'net; Mdtisim isneet so0" auainIceeAt s, isabappy, aMi"l yo'lb. hapy, ymr- "."-dl wbM bo Àiidm aeItA(0O<o8-5 seL fou".rgsw .i ~ 0evul dy. As for il. sot 9 o0gapilul rt isuibttrumisitme . Ithm in a tbsm*wmode M»USU? Ii_ Ctt f merk anoughï?thoee astt N ,o. L mne5 t* exIte1.S# and ~ ~ ~ ~ Mn yo- er h oni ebukr drit esa. Aat -mrr chiot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o neesr. Ta hol le e1Bd gre'V' a for yektln heskcf ut etxiteln ceNt &P hearly-ou pearof ucha-UngtNot Bleep. partiaUly istored. Mm ew ri- that the work itas 18 srd-ii d Ilh rg; ut stmorulng 1ergad is thc enrt cf aI-tathe loekng fer 1 daughter .observeil tînt aie vwuresties 1it, ad the failures ,and'the waîtlug. i ..adwatcul--*pwciay eof herseff. No, my doar, yenl muet mske up Your Thedoctor forbade, hWr-leaving ber mîha andl marry some nice.richa àuI led, as tb. veathen vas extremely cold, Mous laugbed, but'hem Isugh w5s net Msd a chili migî4t b. fatal. merry. iWben Mrs. Ne'bu, h's toilet de lit "Dear Deb 1 yen are as imaginative as, wu madle, sud her piulews pîoperly an- een!Nice iels men are net plentifulrnagsd, Moua took er work sud at nom arn they ready te marri Penl own beaide her-feeling quite sure that girls.-yen0muelier grandrnother vwu makîng up bier ryee, Egihe are. An o utMin&te speak This change ln tb. some- not b. te lrd to plesse. I remember vlwat -abrupt domiziéering old suoman that night I veut te Mm is.neent' soie- tcuched lier-iL W3as sich a confession et aes musicale, te play the socompani- utter clefeat meula, there vas s fine, elegaut, dis- "Yen vill be glad te se. Sir Robert, tingue man tal.kîug te yen, snd 'wltch- granule," she began. "lic viii gave us lng yen. I saked yen a&bout hlm after, $Oo eged advioe.» but yen would ouly isugh. 'You told "Net hait se god as Mn. Oakiey eau, me hie naine, but 1 cannot thiuk of iL." retuinei grannle, quemulousiy. "H. j, la "«Mre. Vlncent's party," aid MMeus, moes country gentleman, and nothing eau blusbung. "IThere was a crowd ot verY save me frein total muin. What troubles polit. gentlemen theme, " aIe added, ev&5 me is tliat letton ef Mr. -Warlngs. IL svely. ouglit te b. auswemcd. I thiuk 1 oonld llow vel ahe rememibered tUt 1115- nmanage te. write, If yen briug me Lhe fui eveing-what a. thrilI of pain the large blctting-book.» mention of il sent tîreugi lier heart. es, qf course, it ouglit te b. ana- 4'Ay! but this oee as more thau poo- swemed," retunued Me-na, very çmavely. lite. lne vas a captain --Captain Lisie, "But hev?" as.5Id Mis. Ncwbumgb. thts.NOW, wby wouldn't yen take "If yen refuse te sec hlm, ail le over. thas it' If ycn ceusent, IL imupies aeceptauee.Y "Becuse he neyer ssked me, for oie e 'Nt"u,I ganle Iha e en thiug,' raid Meus, ncrviug herseif to thniking aIl night long what I onghete epeak liglitly sud amile careleSsly. -î do-vînt 1 van do. It seems impossible suspect le le a man whc vantsa grpat Lo deride. I believe I eould make up my deai cfnoney, and bas very 1111e." mid better if I badl orne conversation "<YbI! e isn't Lady off!1 1 know .ee vith Mm. Waring. I ain se uinUfrent, vere talking cf lim, and cf s iels vidow tînt 1I'do net think lii. presence wouid who vautcd te mari-y hlm, sud iMrs. Vin-- even confuse me." cent said lie was tee independent te be <To b. coti.ý) s fertune-hunte-that le lad six cm -__a_____ seven hundred a year, to say nething PURE RED -BLOOO cf bis psy." "ITInt la net beiuig ic," retumned Mena, tryiug te evade the subjeet, but la- Necessary te Beaut, strnegh am Imaking a mental note of th. tact that î jpie Lisle wam net peor; tleus uddeu impulSe Hpiles pmempted lier te cenfide hem dîfficultiet lPu-e, ich rel blood le vhat ta! jo ter slrewd f riend. "But I amIn n a nSeld by evemy woman, young et painfuily undecided'etate et mid about eL. Thinp weako aeybw-l a rcay ridliminuwho hs lisvrtten te MY the cause etf ail ,th edeslothe gmendmotlen a.kiug leave 'te 'psy hie vweakuesesud vesarînes u LIt édjâsi- &diresses te me,' as old-fashioed P('O" nessu ad depoudeuey mil tIse a,.- pis say." veuSsi su ad fsintiug splletbzM 3f.. "Tlie.k Ged,-" exlslmed Mme. De- tt girLs sud vomen. '111e enly brisa>', devouti>'. 'Aud viiilic ede, dean." thiug that tau îeîp yen tleis,. "ÂA vcek ago I ehol have ail, Cr-W'illiame' Pink Pilla. TIse, ;Os ne mt. Nowv," lier veice broIe, "when maIe ne.w, ridh red blood, tisat I himaI cf poor grmnnie 'sa istful e>'.' gives uew lite and streu t t ev*,wy vies I hesitatcd, I feel 1 oughtt t L 'nan of the bOd>'. In this iy refuse. TIen sheictaluti! va>, a& if LleY make pale, teeblie girls de'vclop ah.e conl bear ne more. 11e eau I rob lut. liealîl>, happy women, sud toi ler oflier lait bope, 1, vIe have beema the sanie reason briug came puai coin- ac much trouble. And yet, the Ide& et fort, aud -regulamitY ' to wom& at a41 miryiug this minsl-horrible." agfes cf lite. Mis$ J..- Ditetrci, Hem lips Liemblel, tle long lest-up lenet, u.oi u f themazay despair sud anguieli cf lier leait wndthousanda mal. veli aud happy ne Longer' be coutrelled. (Jovcrnug lier tîrougli th. usteot- Dr. WIIIama' face,.aie bnrmt luto tears, stmnggUng Pink Pilla. Sic »Y»-. "I trled sev*- bard to suppresa tle bitter scia vhich- eral medicines,- but gel nothing; t4 vonl core. eil meunutil I teck Dr. Wflrmams Myl>, my darliug,' i e easmonster,» liPi t. I a ubject L>pl asked Mme. Debrisa>', dîsmasyed. taLion oft tII beat, a hrblo l "loo, ail Mou&, when aie could the lead. aud dizuinaeu sdna tl artieuiste. "IHe laa sgoel nat d. - spwais. Ipal n. apati., sui -vX -mSuanng man, rallier tireOmus s cr van- aesddhcu~b beavyl 1usel to dance vit i bina Is t hlgz Le use t'r scason, sud l<iled lieme a few Unes. l. Six boxe* of Ia.bs-ae i" Th"e leas tylng at the Clissa (oh, iL me te lika an altogether dittarent p.r. vawuCha& pleassut part>'),*but ho &W »14 andbshavenumeui»W .b Mm d mieL eeem to notie me mucli. TIen this ere »t -morsiing vaine a letter frein hlmex. "a.> ri bloed lm Lb. trame mocrel prssn awsht mmme." et belhan, ttneii'A t ig - a1~~ ~>m~;0 eaclaelPileuj>.us, ur booVta11e ,Ë -S"biDelh£4 jcusel!? kta. olt ikï '-TIFY qFV'-VU'VmI re..' On.W Y tW hem y greysteyat - i- f - --s- d f Me wvbdh csmed ber -iter teai vw» LIe deterrnim of brmty -àll tba.L Charloctte aboulI weam be jeweh- vhen ah. rewwdeil&m-9aareât cw- the rareL ime sl.tr mSk beame QUm.ý Sus ffl prmise -tier ov-nmte e..ver- te do Lhi*-dt w» amisel t býu- mashity vw" -fi Simd lasuii rietily luuet'- .1 oun h«r;and IL prooele« I om tise sUmm e otienai Impuise vhbeh 'cammsa aring Gs I'q.te tala OfU bs «Qu'aviom teke . e a tilmegt r dulung thé ocares- tion. Thse cuartalp of Ques Victlot briag us Intca a guesu teraa m lileiland apprsolatM M al t à";s 'Ie elSm* éé* MWOhm e, iii>' su m itto;tbeai suddsvow.fieisdait QsauVk*49ora d ecos mt ~1 ~ 1 I -I .twy d~eaiosenmi t ~ouag seplol w.goal~ Ulm , isd étquetu~te 1 O tm tore 11.1the Imm te! lu Sua I I I TEA.- DOUBT then changes to OERTAUtlITYI certainty ofquai ity. Only one BEST- TEA-BLUE- RIE'BON TEAX Royal Courtships of I =--:Couples.:- -The. romsutic weeing 01thtie King ot Spain rerninda -oee 1evrare!>' the e). ment ot romane lis. been associateil with royal mariages WMat could l ave been more brutali>' incousidemate tun the ai-rangements for the mamiage of Queen Charlotte, vif. cf King George Ill.? Thiis Prineus, just 17, vaàs.eeted as consort for the Mi of England. Ber life et Meckleasbn, 8 a-lies Lady Violet Greville lu the Londeu-Dall Clirenicle, bal biblierte bee ft he mmm- plest. SI. dz'essed en robe de Chambre ever>' day cxcept Sunda>', vhen aie -put' ou hem lest guwu sud diove out- in a coscb sud mlx. The Amubamuedor scat Le &emnnd ber hand laviug arrlv-cd, abc vas te dine lowustairm Liait ulght- for th. -firsL ime. «MinI vIat yen sa> «et ne faites pas reu V as the wumulug f eteM- mt brother. Altber dinuer a iL hthmie was uturaNl>'ver>'eh>', mIe blelîltLe oaloca illuminated. a table sud twé cumh- iomprepaz'el foriasavedding, ber lnotbar 0*M Mying, «"Alloua, ne taites pau len- juLu vas cLure an. 4Anglere," led Soen ouIe exeron>' LLeu Loo p lce, ..h. vas subraced by ber tumilysu pre- ésutal by tLe. Ambassador yul s beau- timaiparure et diarnends ilucliag Lie lAttis crown of liamoïmâa wblcb a.oflenu appears lu bem portraits. Si. vas pieoil aur an Immediatel depsitursbut pel id for the reapite oft&s vsk, Rno'wler 10ë tale leave -et everybod> .Dunlmag Liais ime abe rau about vîiig the pôon snd Lia '4#16 gardes of maedical herbe, fruit snd havera ehieh abe cultivaisil berme!- for the eneîtof thse paon. 8h. atterwsndu Rfr.bmond, -, 1ý-i . Tise pon ltti. bride smfer.da i MLbtu 0rostg te Harvicie ryl- Ych babag ueanly divenoutieessat etNor-, vs>'. The Ducîes e'AcsuandlBan lontesent tg vonaluct Lb. ?rhumes.tc Englaul, ver. boLl mucia indmpoaed¶, bu Charloatte ierecîf remaineil qulte wU d -ebeerel Liae Company by eIlagnLmtia - hyzmeto er be&rpaloil lu es'cabRi banaIL tie msyi. atrba b eltim 'Maris. L.the e of C4isI "--iso va sie nmaly wreckedonerreag,«m reine. seo»rent ai" f .Arrisg l in ol at-e bout-S#' oled qurvw 'T-W

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