tiretight. 'Mtèr ight imonthe &nP- f untudsrede n owê * uVIF u - - . - --Ja 1 amUf * eo ~ià pany -or the,.i.runw ±, i n >iiii' I ing I wïwtMuiv 6 #u.s Iu yl as a. piano or ins=ii aùetL ChCL I" aAltf 'fu tlat oese the Yo>rkç~ouwif II~LI1 J1a4 deoeibw». tUeOput &ob.loing moüey ail t>ie ~iP*~EJI? ~". .lobd -t h mented hme oruip. CImDbt pali-ConspiracyChage Against W. Jos- Weoe Rlding for -a,?l. a ocel lt Cns ti i i ajt. i1Sflm L IL!91 WelI, it 100ke to me s. te y e ~ it Vh ft3fl~~ a~ ~qà i uu flpStm. riding'for- a 1luandi putîWto ore ]Defeated on the Question of Enforcina the Law of uistion as to th e ttuoeS i -thng thatwol ele,>rmrdteI VMoSMin dieeussIOM' Nothing cau b. Itow the Agents Were Paid Varjous Mins Hudson ,aid he hadon orN the.Church Inventories, üd7e a o wp at a lae Mi.hou fies itwo ahares in the. Liszt Pianeopn X~ Paris cable: prime Minster Roti- fiM the tael' I had undortakenr Tne en IL PoinSers as te mâat CiDIDISterS. f of wb h re . s set 1 He i- ivJad the memberOOf1h& aeet re. dhmwe vote h tel b.vd m -f abutosmmiai14; ih ,I M B dasceiving $15 for ber services t1h Pao ajgnd to-day, folle'wing a debate in kthei L4 dd ~ ~ ngos iite fFosgl far . Ldy Offcai of the OW Tel Company since January 1, bupeio Obmmber ci Deputies on tha Govmr»* He addsd.- "I aiiould hae Prtsaimet Padke sltllyerês sharesOiof $100 otainedmnthe 8h1 ad i ams W3cto o h0lwrgrdn Ovotes hadti Ideclareti for teptêd tii. ree4gaa&ton4 f the.Cabinet. shre e $00 ac mth Teono if mete appic.io o te sWUiSg MMt Vgr- üeln is tSr ' Company, wit.h ten per senpi d p Ohamberwas fliât te cauinWg . <1 mentariae,-o teei adequately witli the Toronto despa.tch: Lady officiais con mny 0 fi e pet.M. Rouvier demunded a oeo i ti nintu e 1e nat >b th tii t-ataii 18Vkwed tit reced with the York County Loazi an d thnmoey,$0est et it egpi caha wih a eetdb27 oterggle aud thexrestein certifiia ee.t4unWii8 $150 conidesce wici awdeeaes by27 t<>th erugl weid ie beun a tu o- mia 1ig qSavinp U(ompany, were the principal. money she had saved bergeif] h.'a th234.>-e -I"aubVe O ishhne ffe o.90cbCofrec. witnesos at the investigation into the as ertr fti e rcr.'h i Tire Cabinet crisig cornes at a&nMest 17]"'sn o Dfe LWhat will be th.eeffect of the over- . hreaantJsp Phul- work ot the Toronto Lite Comayse rl dmatic inoment, whResontheDeeat.téro~w of the Cabinet at't'le moment conspiraey cag giftJsp di& at the office of Ille cman 0d u Tiie meeting of Vthe Cabinet at the For-Pr&ih'etio tii.cMoroocawneconfetheiiee liash reeach- MuAM oont.ot bas reach.ed a decisive staie, lips, PrOfficetleftthe ompany, hon-he, ththeork octhe Le. GrocerylitsMr. pen cug OficeIated.lrlfan hour. After ,ed- its ost critical stige je the ques- appeared in the Police Court yesterday. Phillips' bouse on Wright a,~U. Iwa anid may exert an Impotanýt adverse In- - xehan<'ing views with reference tei tion upperineat in the minds of the coxîn- The Magistrate, when thie case was The witfless aise gave tiil ae fwt flueno. on tihe Algeciras couference and olrîrrh itlveiitQries, iV 'vag decided te y ed..I à gneat* -the directerset the differentcneia Tireým aGofrnen. eoemd ubk ing andew atiine h at een apponti. Xiled tIU*tet iipoeof Algecirns, and cusod that during 192, 1903, 1904 and wit.h another. 111 4 Gvormte, while Uin vuu-ious o a TewfabnetLh"-b Goen apot, dic the é d ate relation» between Germany9 anly~~~~~~~~ m 1905ebae ihet. oertecV.nspired by deceit, false-od The case stands adjourned il etc meund NaiOppoiti, un cla i-iteat 8 a edofc or dt ure ~than a Year, cari thbe attenupte e! th~e Oppsition to and other fraudulent means te defraud Tuesday morning.j adNtoai4s itdadpolled 27w immediateoly det the killing of a ost -the Government, wîich more t-han: the public. I MI votes, .hus placing the Minitry ini a buteber yesterday, willen the. aut.itiei once -1ately escaped the fate t.hat lias on lr ati ofc !te VII muiorty'c 3. #r s.kig o ak a iwetory o.!the. now overtaken it, aid uian nuederates1 H NS EW Prenueir P1,ouvier, wlth. M I ù col- church pro 4irty at Boescusepe, -Depa.rt- regret tult consideratlion of *tc national B.gstrar of boan Companies,. produced l Iiegeues, imnreiiately proeedeti to the nMent du . ord, and te aun. xece interese did flot oeeck !te opporient, at the report of the York Couity Loan as MS C&E TL EUE Odp Foreign Office, where- a joint lettsew Of coalition of, it3 eitia.1 adversarie.e with luist until the foreign, outl'ook was presented Vo the Goveriment for 1904. MÂN.S WRR QESTIONS.I rasignnt.ion was prepa.red. Later M. Rou- the eOeiecs1anad Socialste, whose e- clerer. ________ M. onsobecedVousWoshp e vier preeented tVus lettier Vo Preoident upoetve grou»ds fur- bostilit>? te the Mr.PEf 'civnes ideced t report hi culrj'vr Faflieres, who acept'ed tihe reegntion& Gov-erment ar-e contradictory. Thee 1eiRing IJutige Canne aomeptrtRerte Jail Onc 71,4 PTesid-ent announced is intei"of ! Cerjeale attack'ed the 'Ministry for bru- TH É INICII EDL , net form a basis of prosecution. Jug CeodCmit e cooeIting the. Presidenta of the sSunte tlit', Whi t4 Socialiçs attaed it ___I'eT14s was uSed Vo defraudtheii public," More fer Centempt o! Cout clx on mid Charnier of Deputies to-morrow crel- for, weaknes,. The rer-ult was a general Atre ur bv igI h otFa ative te-the ior¶natioli of a newCibînet. .urprize.It W&& iot unltil ture close of HIGH OFFICIALS 0F MUTUAI.. RE- retorted Crown Atre ur,'by zgI h etFarn ael .a Hlaving retur'ued fion' preaent.ing te the debate tat Vile âMinistry appeared SERVE LIFE, NEW YORK. Ieading the. publie Vo believe the. ban Ris Experience.j ' PrsdntFlire.tereintin dtob nanSd veu IL Rpiati won ompaný w'as in a condition wlUc~h it wa8 Three River., QuM., March1. h ed in the lobbes of thbé Obamber of o! thé 1vw whieh led t<> the tragedy at Forgery andi Laroeny, tý.e Offences net in.orh regi&scred the. objection,' Garad Anste murder s, i l r Deputies by groupe oi inembers, who ex- Boet'epe, a1Uhiufu he denuounoed the Charget-Bail Was Fixeti at 812,50 rs" Wallace MCOraw, Uho wuaabore presoed thekr r.egret at iii.aluandoximent niener of!ita appheation. Variouso ors- for Bachb Ma-Grand Jury Takes. et Mr. Joies. at the Sciater -bouge, are accueio h ofofc-M. Rouvier displo.yed not the torsa aeverely critic»zed the Goveru- Advancet Step in Insurance fliffi- 3isblinHdomaa ftecie satatn ra j tsteote.ment's course, assertiiig Vlat iVthreat- cultlée-Preaident SaysAlled Cr-ie auitsepLilim Hudsonte mpaner et te rie, je trcgaetdeul tatgtr Leplying te!Seof hWfollowers, he oued V. precMpitate a religrcuus warfare. Was Tochmical. adtdprm« f u oupnwslin.0l h igb tcag eeelv VO 0110 j calle1 =1ed, and 'vas fi rst. questioned bv the ened this morigb h omteto remarked: Premier ourrresponded. --- -- --- -- --&fnrno- *0%tnî.,. ragn .ià ï Mre. Selater 'vin lnnd been no.I&ia. "Thle Govrmment bas thLe duty te a.- WAS sKErTH F F LYDW L Pf .'Ad a Trýü Story -of How the Vegetable Comipound Nad Its Blrth and Iiow the "IPanlc of 173" Caused tttoà be Offcred for Public Sale ln Drug Stores. ?al rmarabe ~wena *boe nuade »amevia westémwuaboru lu I4nIiML, Febréary 9914 1819 cern- mcm. ".. old Qudýer imuly. »uMe ekam dis a wooefthe!a" 1e mut Invenutgating mn& an eaaest imkes, after krÀo*fqodge, andi abovs a&U, ,um ali vondel lquMpathelicntr. la 1843 she Mari-ed macPe bm a buIder and réel estat. opirtor, endi tuer early marmléd Ut. ri mmitod> Our cidisen, turesamonsui d augiter. lu Viornegoot odi asilouetdaya 1Vt vas common tes- iotiiers tô malte hUà r own homo medicincesfroma rectsandu heorbe, natur.'esown réedWIee-cllIng la ~hydCauOny inspédlUy urgentcmu i;îwo aderful kunledgs c the, oativé poperilea of lire veo »Ou sad icria. Mm .Plkbam boIt a Cm rearut le ts itady of rectaanti Iurn, tohar. actem-lcanie ud per ««Oveme maltwalnot eM tjuat Mas t.s-* s0bonne!- orébaîl ve te havet »B ds u th ou*MAherbtthametbm te; waie lu» sud we t ýtbdVin b.y, aMdI t Vu. beru su= tbom uee andtiMprepirs simpl at mS ts aie for ber '?f*mur Mmd théir siotiier, coemblned forces te muntoe "h famUly fortune. Théy arguet that tis medicinne vnhcwuv noegood for théfr wornua freadsand nélghbors wes equaly goodth e ii omea et-the rihole nos-Id The Prnkha= b lid ne -meney, ant littie cm-di. Thoir fimt labonzatory wua the. kitchen, nier. rootsansd herbi e e steeped on theéstevde, graduaRll lmç a gro. o! bottie. Tie* carithé ueston of u.Uîng 1, for alusys béforé t7é ba giyon iV away fresly. They blred lste rma onf sMme pamphlets mér- Sita Of thé mnédiine, now «Ulet LydiaE. PinUam'a Ve«etable Conpu d mni * ea er. distnubutedi e Yerk,ud Bokly~o The. nooadfcurative propostics of tii. medidune ver%, te a «étexe cominmad to o enit-, amithe demud I 187byembincd efforts lte amUly Wia n.u enoag ronuey te coMmmeu neuu*pur ad rtIing sd froml-a until dy E"I whms mmatimy toue of root and berb ars U"d amny ilait. mmufacor Ly& E. xPlbam henni! dit no 11»n tosme the ."bg m m ci othisvWrk. 6ie las lber noJ¶ meivy mas m. ou have do», itVburM.l Duzlng ber kl ong.d eveatf eum ah. , w ever methoticel work anmii. n-u #Ivay s *rMtg pte- esr a ecItio vry cma th"t came te ber utimatiun lie0cM.7 à o vomas vi. applimi- to. ber for à imi sud - ! aVe uod.mýe New Yor-k, March Mu- indictmente j f/AV à atorney, as w tue re'o n Bac--- --, - --ý v ehargng grand larceny in tie first de- Signed documents ini cennection with the give Kuug's evidénce, fer conternpt et gros and tergery in thé thIrd dç'gree by cempany. court. 1Yederi*ecitursutarn (Pm~itient), George "Do you remember signîg deeda or bree tirmat the preffininary hearing George Buruhara, jus. (Second Vice-Pri- -Yesesarne offence. When calhodt Vii.Mora.u aident), cf tiie Mutual Reserve Lits lu-- "Who asked you Vo do tliat ?. ing& cou"sel akét permission te éxam- sumascé Compay, 'vere fouit îy thé "Thé cempanyv." mne ber te ses wbetber ah. coulit be a Gr-sud Jury te-day. Inu ail five indict- "4Thé compsuiy lu ratier vagué. A coin- vitiesa before site 'as sworn. Iis 11uenére breug%à t againet eacb, two paîy caînot speak except through an in-v.ojee eb téQ-a ree. for grand larceny and tilre-for for.-y. dividual. NVhat individual aoked you ?" Vter, but Jutige Canebn at once grauts .rh. allegét larceny and !orgery vas '*1 could noV say, hé pérsenslly asketi the motdon. brongt about, accordiug te, thé in&ict- me." Thé Judge then aketh&b wdtmu: miente, by payment o! 89,000 cf the M1r. Curry put a number of questions "Do> you1butieve ini Cod?" coiflany's îeney te law firme, the al: te thée'vitées in regard Vote th namés «I cannot .ay,»mepied Mns. SelatVe, parent purpose 'of wii is alieged Vo oet thé officers iiaving charge of the dif- in French- L ave been te settiee daims against thé ferent departmeîts. a*bd alse obtained an "Tht I. ne anuaves- Vo sî question. cornpany. wilIé thé real object isele é xplanation in egard t thé systern Anuswa anever lu ed te have béen toe4seUle actios wiieh hbat under which thie B, C and D shames vers'teJde bes brougiit againsut officers et the cois- carnet o. 1 canait answer," agauu replied the puni, as individuel. eT. indictments on witiese, Ini French. Wbicb a ch&arge cf g raid larceny l, based Depositéd National Monthly Mfouey. "Yeuu evore yýor spoké EâgIà b. 1 aUge Vt, tich officerse embýzzled trio "You 'veré in thé habit of dépositing ask yen once &gain, anti 1 tel yoa to mmot $I,-500-and Oct. 24, mosey for the 'National Monthly ih uce, ak Engliâi. De yeu belles-e in the 1901. Sovereign Bank V' Miss Hudson Wa" x ce-iof O!Alzighty God?" In thie first case of allcged forgery tihe aiked. t-tCan ' ant a Zw'rtat !inally." indlietnuent câarges that $7,IlO w'as en- Thé returns htcaei f rom theé "Wby cannot yen awer that?" teredl uie bocash bok6as pgi t o" sale of pianos camé te ber aid she band- "'I caimet uii5wertti&t." 5gaiflr.- N14iciolls & Bacon, attorneys oet. e~ d Vhem te Mr. Burt. Ail the solicltlng pestm tMm .Sciter. Arrnstrongr, te seUtle a dlaim of Asrn- agents 'veré paid by commission for euh- "New, look ut thé Court, MIm.. eater,1 strong against the. unsurancé ceanpany mriptions te classe: B C and D. anti give us yeur reasoaaY arieing eut o! a contract betwcén hlm "While dig thi btey 'vere aisselld- *'I etunnetaiswes- aid the conupany. In teet,, beev, tbleiug pianos for thé Liszt Piano Cern- <>mutory 'iioVojifr judgnut charge-% tuat thé money wu sP~"D tycontenmpt. Tliis Vbe hIst tinte I Win pait te Xico!Mila& Bacôduin .ettlenuent XS GotP vl.ié o! an action wiohi thery, as attorneys Tii. commission on thé sale e! pano you =e-ieve in , yeu toi-m J. Douglas Wells, tuad previousiy 'vas 1à per- cent. The company hat ual- '"" casiolt aiewer" br'iuht against Frederick A. nBuhas-lred inspectera and buperintendenta al The Crowu PrSecuter msoit w u indiv-aduà lly. ovéir the. ceuntry, who soit pianos and e%Îmtthéeivimuea-"~s violatin« the. ne. second indicturent tom fomgery 1ofppict onsfr lite jîsumance. w uandhber oatli, antimovetithat oah. eagsthat the. defendant. causec the y omision sntmetinues. T b. o<iCmitttet for eoîtoempt. item o! 81,ffl te hé entend on the coi- 1_ tee ý'ýoidnt say wviethér, after Judge Cannon tues obSrve tb uat in n - boolu as ruade la te paymcut Vtthe, Lient Piano Company aid the. T,- 38 7éa.5 at th* ba.-hoie batnevrammee aiesSehehi aixl ELkus fer legà ai érvices resto Life Company etarted'ins business,6<>40. M5tau exhibition o! comep rendes-et by tisen te théeempiny. lu the suri-entera Vo the. Yrsrk Leoan iu- e court, anid hO it once erderet Mée. resUîty, dîearés Vthe î"ctment, tué lereaset sven-y nm iei; seither eould .te.1 a ee'utrte jai util ashonld money 'vas pat aith insîs-wtîons aýwho furnished théennbny for tie pul rgé bé of t ucii eontempt. tu-n it ovrs te tie attorne" cf J. Deug- pruinting establiebsuesut or. for Vthe. gro- D T ~ I las WVells te reimbur" e N t lfox da-.ey buxines. b busxete ivich ho laimed hbat béés made iv- defendîi-g ations brougit: agalant hi uby Fredeiek JA. Bumihmn hntividuaflv. sud i George D. Eldsidg. lnlivîduatiy uinrSer te induce W*lIs te coumout te a dIsconîuuaInce of tbms The tird indietiseut for forgesy I& bandt on thse Pyment ef $5.00 of t.e con ar. t ou et. 2,10,ua-. dq luar crumtaa T thm séeoffleere ppmaetn tir CDartý o! Gera- Sais*, vhe'J0d« OI&dlrat 41U.4tbteirbell st 41$500 for «aCh. a" Uzefixeti et 'ft.day an titi lm oat comt» di*mm thelcale 4 NY.INS' Nt TitisWittnaDid NoV Kuon Mis ertrus-de Hall, - we lias ibe= in thé ewploy of the Yoi-k. Cowulty Les,, Couipaisy for t4n yearu, huvipu starteti as juiim-elérk mît worked her way apI to tue position 01f mortgage eerk, hav- los -theé hsdfls o! he imcl éatate, in- sura #,ad tutaes, tolt Mr., Curryi". Po" ecft. itot'oCïty nealty oempanïy. ,$Whe» rêer, katue<t r.eatry of tVi 41t wu sfor sonewhere about SOO0,bu <Cuit04cSamy. Whote oeupasy dis-: peMosai fIt ilty an4 teg* mertapw la ien tiserot. "D>idj ou I eoe poisescticf01 yOf' "iaompmnny's reakty i» mqrr 4r. IlUi VUI'ii VI ILI-rLIY.- SuwlOrVtot at Xontras pkg ht et Peu Rai Al-pm b te DkahmaL I Wou] tacti ment Co laten pare eut wul soldi $405, now ber 13A(1 per 1 Ve at 1 -rtf 1 tiie SceayHadaes Speech os SWSShould he' eads' on'Navy-Wat Mm- menShReduced. ndon, Marc& 12.-In iutroducing thé Festimates, aùWumotxng -Vo. nearl1y 00,000, in tiie Houge etf(3oemnO afternoon, War Seretaty RaMone- uneed at the0 outaet tbat Vhe Lit» diti noV deuire te destroy tiie amy, euire greater efficiemey at lesu ex- iture. The Goeverinent accepted t e ý[e iuiaed ae the 'blune r" principle, namely, thiat the navyB ite présent etrength was O"baLe Of nding Great Britain fronti nvasion, tbougii tus strong navy was a ly tiing, it was vey 'usetua, as it ýit possible to eut oaff mach ot whi at orwise woald b. neesazy armny ex- liture. Useless Landi Deences. kpuramce o! VMis principle et ndence on tiie navy. it had deeidod that the amnmumtuon storea vt.mucted for the. detencof oitondoeu B ume iiir an iwod à IedLl te ercx>ted upsnome 3000 gune nunt- for dot once plurposes at various Le along the. coaet woui1d be s.wepe. ry, the troops at Weihaîwti<C-hinai), Id be witbdrawn arâd sme oonia isea swmuld be reduced. These «ges did rnoV invobve an enormous but rnarked the beginiig o! acon- The Britiail army wlameh wao re- -d for overêeas pw-poesmuevt be o! gh quality, whleh was not ebtaiuuble Z> l cOngcrrPtoci aud. shoulti b. tylimlted du dlme3asosa. e of the mamy depenil.d oIefly « 2m and i. fr. aes.wkaed the aif Id conaider together wbeWmer e- Lion couit. ot be ruade in the -aqm- k burden-" wiisiwua preaulng on ry civilizod nat4on.. In" lu No Dan«e. untlnun the War Misiate., sud hé Lht tbat the n'ortiiwet troutiaet v la 'w*aD o r -algre MW - ,r o podute t t a GeatBitais >nDt alose i endum4n.genorskou m for the army. xplaining the lueseu.Dgt P,710,WOO lie tost of théadm At Pret ern-- cd with 1898, thé W*r 8eoewtary Lthepronnel thes. 'as 156,174, le now it won 204,J00. lIn1898 a Ber coat $315, but now tue ceet vw» N. b. average coot of au officer r wa. *2f,420,cenareti wità *2,25 1806. Hie aise ePlained the lucreases lue coat e!t té army reserve, maflitia, nanry anti volunteere. IniSouth ca- &Iea. ho potnted out the nui- 1 - Itroops b.d been inerea-eod y M#, am each okue ther. ceat $750 Ireat -dilu,-*id tire War Minieter, wr was able te rétne ber strilng De 'witiout provadng sme power of uuslou bebun t V ore u.ltubiii 1conscription, howevm, 'voulti defeat endi lu ~ v 1 . e etary anmoune- that by mer"!31 Vwo amny ccwp. horne 'vi have bos clornpletiey zé- QedtheInfatryreeiviuc the ttu.wV e, -hih epers otite FiFIN 0F WORLD. I'rSCEISS iP ? MPIRESHOWS Natal a ( yprus SIte Cu:~Pre- laue-Géa.s"2-l eresuios-tae of iteB iats Lipir a mblu ale ook,1» sWows tbuthVe Enanfre coneistecf 4a Yeurleap 'I I 11-o CEYL9 Ledpackets enly.i At ail grocers. The fourth day after 1 Mona .vas as usual in ai grandinother, and makis sucli necessaries as tiiey Lhix, when two letters second delivery. One wu art Everard-a distant Kiewburghs-and cf fer& which'used to be occupi uresof the paîjsh, mie niight remove some tiiere before tihe final adding mucli kirndly cou 'vas in a big,' firun, but !4ona turned te the si "Leslie Waring." She r tten hum in the pain! he last f ew days, thouj membranoe cf Leslie's i her. Every nigiit whe or' softly talked ber ileée, wiien ail was sti Iived over again the fies conversation in the tri siiudderin.g, at the dreai Liirough which eue ut To wiiom could she turr -sie lean, wiien Vihe mai hang' on ber words-w the ivarmnest -devotion, at the f irst inuttering But as to'-when Mr. 'V clare binself, or whiethi mii. gave no tuougiit. 1 ous questionon which s éd te decide stared lier filleti hem seul with fea III cannot read Vhs le le; could you read iV y '<Wiy ? What is iV?' ",IV lu marked prival (rom Mr. Waring; d * hlm?"V - "'Yes, 1 dot! Give it t -My glasses 1" Mona sat auud watè hepeless face, as ber used, the Ulies, gau &rawn, less despondn beart sank lower and 1 "cThank( Gad Po art burgil at lalit, heaving_- *laid clown thre letter; lest-yet." Mena did 'n read*iV!-" -ae eOntinuliç_ ksow ti-contents; re pested, MrM Newburgh Mena. iook 1V andi1 rapdity:ý "iDear Mro. Newburi trouble yeu wlth a lett twlcé tried lu vain te Joscdlyfl-1 teed itii flcalt teapproaeh thé Ia= about to addxess hkat se -!ew Goprtuniti self knewn, but I earn exonerate me !rorn t, samiptioni, andti ia.t à not refusel te let-me wbaï; prérnatinre V U rlghtbéofste. si Wer. 1i sefortat-a tu ldy ta > ese là deeti, under any circw ,be pVid V-o be otthe yoa, -andi beg to misa ready te meet ycu ' -Looking "aiuBlIaY for youtrs aithfl1Y. Tkerç was a short 9 U4 é~geetiletten bur h, çnth a Iitte 1 pi 1rin g ey~es u4 c ei ofhiet 0 th '«l regardà ed iV as ea point e ofor Vo WHOCZSHE * 1~ * i mi -WC