42,57 )42 rot p se Own nd cf ber re- %omrnflCom nl o? ber duf- thb rWeofo 9e1C at mother, A 34lorence Wil- Or hristrnsà [gned '<Leslioe" ritten 'i.ha- Zgaust thé. bcd in Wbich c wo photo- Sa golA loceket ljature of the. ho honte le. nn wbo had la reqiwtlyo vi inti-oduced '1 WILS thal o? vi olf the Cati- ri I ptgWfl sta- ng home ekuniy t. the evening hibited yno un- a, w~hicli had tome tîme. He but wheu the n tho oanring j, however, did muse it had oc- ushed intolte vbidx she had ,her- brother't ay suspect any- ts of the'note a j»uze by Mr. li could not be b ouse the vieil )y wu sdistov- eltatives of the W-n dui le in- other to place as bie piion ta the suekng L.mice of 14r. J. erintendauut of ., wenif tashow was -vas erctedC'- vies perf .Cy. , an expert dii- pacd ipoa i track. h ,= to decide ie s caused by -dé- s or b)y difects 'a :erriek, > face ceidm,,-* but - iausel by erlin, rery one'ait"' £IA !C5 to p r èelnu Wo'at- Lsti 8h. knev4 asthougli mli. b"d heard the bled beL atber hichdma*t*,,formé e words, th4t Waing-hav1ng notiood the srn attachient for mn obscureYOu-g SSotiman , wom sthe amt acldntall underta4ng botweeu ber anAlthe mani* o, udersome'what To- wli wa i bu ler voed lover, a îrmmstnos. Mrs. Newburgh ase f, tlioy wre eufpedji i t r aagiit edsraeu oidbo ntorferi wung o'!ldes) tbrt,0 ita>l wogldt wee iete1 îerunion;e ie l sbe dragâed lierpretty dauglter Tte& wwelehe of er ortune. LI ier-dinefrein oue continental -court to anether, UWCinodliiie4 u i sh W make lW#eroandmi ly tried toforce lier to marY dobis dWIfabd 911 gienis im" ba n ~Engliahmaie cf bigli position sMd larg Warn~' pitenlon. ore hohadnetf ortune, This vas *tOO muelit and the bosltaedTtoreçem eild hos rial! Wht weak, simplfiboe irl f led te berý a reeTs totue ictte eY' anc ,~ Sco"chlover: i er motter renouned a rtersto te tted e ivly otrug- ber, aid neyer saw ber face a'ain.de gIn tg~hs bislove for ber-besltat Itfmto Urne Mn ewugbd rest betrerlativeà or berseif sbould voted herseio eicesngbrfrue n~tthuÈ hm asuffîiently good match beth by saving and speMulting. 8h. r.- fà r thr4 is ctsywc iiieturned tW london aMi once Mort took caeaa. h. permitted bim te see boylier pla eosbinsocetY. d'ear ieadgon Now beboldit te The'announcement of ber d ugbter's treof, rial came, and lie vas eager te deatb iaýde littie or ne1 hne t e banAL]e »ik.ver te, another. IIov coud way -oflite; she made .no attemptt the ,j been sebllnd-So deludod? lier, communicate wlth the. bereaved lbhat, rageý _. more agaluat bersoîf thai s»d aemed Wa forget sh eover b.- aOum hlm.Ber long alendet f ingeri daugliter. About lire years later abs c0ù the tarma cf the seat vitli forer. vas startlèd by a letter fIti.m inis-ÃŽ liii ~ ~ ' Mod ube gî ai if-g@teiipt.teroifo? 'eurchi In the nelglborbocd ol a1vc~ldathe bave been so, weakt, so Glasgow, describhug the lait moments of onie.as te suprpo"se t.latshe b.d Kenneth Craig, whelihad beeau a broke: becoine Al ail &,t» Sncb a mai asSt) min evor sicethe. deatbof bis vif. 00d ao 1*1?Y t etle dld admire and in.'ilosiog P. briefotter to mms.kev ra"k li~IA bundxed instances rwe uj ri h oesd ni osnl o ^ er emr libngit veil have miii th at the Pay cf a bank clerkUd uilsled te;Importat triflwhvi~could been too eMali téPe=i i 1 aa~ not lia;reocurred bad lie not lored lier tbung by for lis littie girl, tliat bis 0w« at l. lme.If lie lad, wby 4dîdbe people vere po, that lie truate bel cbç nessUdel? lit us l e omtliersmother would s a orgirea ici for;it the tendiernesi of whli h. not te punlalitheIoe nt10a0Al b.gg vasf toitsure? lqol $lue vas net aul self- lier te gir. lbhe hi1l sulffleut ducatiOl ~ a s u-f aise, f ickle, cruel-sthe toeacrn lier bread bereatte. -Site va iItbOlms bard upon bersoîf t Tiien named, lie sid, Mona Josocyn, after »Ie she tioned the prudence of lier Owi IIjtIiCt sud lier unele. acton n learnghis -a5touiidlng pro» Mis. Newburgh anavereid Ibis sPPU posal.Wat hI vel 10 baveacin nparn layed lb. by sendlag fôr tbe litge brigbt-oyed aSi patshe did, in affectiiig te enlortahiyerllug, i m eibe ta @lie tl? Woli1d it bave been wIier and more sPeckBfY batrauge fé ebldren io di' Miid te bave rebulced hlm fer bis aetsvr ste-e, rabet 4nCteeefe, anud refused ta Ibten te bis vau bu tbe couuntry, and kept, by a. qui. pleadingi For the present, e very doie mothirly olAl iaM!l For orn111tino b11 vws merged Iber passionate viali W grandinetliei!neyer senv Menabut om bie ervunda, and make Lisie belleve sprnsn, vbèuén lIe ebal id îarly allai! Rie vis as strong. as worldly and M e r tntiyeert à walet forer brôl Indiferet.ashimelftb at bis cUt ount il.eoôol, and 11111e 3Mena -vu Aid!nt cs era pag. Wbat a lessen' oeil off villut a Word of varalngt ho -bad taugit ber ot bier ovn uinlf ia. mNoewburghi, who lied boen*pu caoe cf -the delushon the lad tl &f ew montIhi la , andl vas emeki As to»por -ar Ãg se b.atowed esinlup idrý4y tartutfor tbO conUinu cot îertien on ï&s s>ist affection for Tbý Miov dreedfully amyojd by tle Cm byorl asmilshe bdbouft leat no tic faA lùdvlitho lmpr"vMent at "e, t1uhpevioWsinoiintSSledci pois ber graai<dauL ter$ seou igly endeavored toe stiA Mm. -o? Ibis abroad, e lrI..=~ r b. wu unavare, as lier mannorsImvrs slolh ~s m fo e soti. grslou, a asud bérbitçd d escrI' ouiptison.assut ~qwIbi .ugncefi, by Inrtlalt $ k-So »USO*IY viute ber- ad you< isu '. hrut Uppe by LisleiWvole ad se otot r êImllotote 1Vwe t t4sv#&b idyu riaiek*. ÀMtbig -vs god .mu n r théjimtcothuiita1nd u dw ai& thouaht' viâle beraCIiO bLu l@We4i I bÃeL gbas 4 ay, comu'g ¶u' ýf eodli o-' Inqblry, 0f tb I P"bsle is i ws . - - . .-l The clii lad e laips d olier all fllai O SittniS h md e b.« 99 ,fq r u iÙd m al a all bet. <AI ~ ~ ~ ~ -.hy tbuhtyn olAnyegooe han" vbls erd. brek i t '<'rDo ,yen&» kch of - s lIaI eveytaudd goa W7l1 Weih eau.ut sla bor. Tbisau frhe oilaid e eéb d tea ber A eIsPI ?< Wo uldgi QcoaalonoîTalo t4>at a fie s oprer aîythun . Yen wl!1 Uot1 ge ateing oce ido tii eélfe uptepsycupe eaukig ' îth thetugobr, r ac oee utl.i diion-ieh uld hi an e ncfla d nuis! gimlrnoouttan ber; for bem ab laoer and ee ol4 nctb nit a" epteely. a geteUs mena mous. euiA < e &uayen for ivemu Onrl l ty e ne m prn o llse8 i foe UI.fri.I.iedfor I lnd Ys p idi 5tuapal, u atuaI low eut h o? iaIcom xu-of r,'b«m»" o-4 nefaces>. WIWà nus' ub 1>111. ts uit UtIe l n- b1:îwet i ,D utbl 28,lis trmlynet, Quit1e h«.ye f<y~~me ?"jîit.derny jram toping.olpi *lllo.15t5IIOli se 1g, ad hv.bggrm tye ;-, c - aPo. 7e qau%,n m l my st<-pume "icos "Forivo ou,"erd~uu lU T us reu vstb hgmkiük"atsU radiaaU roud ler r.blig gaiiin t'Or. "wli o cie l ee he I a. .oa ti - your forgiebo as-fO t' mey y l o? -h tdi' dl r b iUtIs a l " P iin ,tr à gt Im l t foevn? B e ye nies 019bIg ll A MyA dI nt u ls et"-e r 6 SemA 4avand1 IWeo e M u OU 'P.U b .iiMl vuwu ti &t e hour. ar lously ebUdThe rens.. wunt teeU on#e ym nd erlid uel o Ueeumotbl. u,~t0 ~~~~~~~~~~" e tii you e rse g l* 1f It 00~ * o ote sioUp5 v e s rounlier tëolnglre mieal ttI e «W t tlIesg o heb te b AnA b. esu Q tr, 4but litface slgbof ann erm, yOw forga momentas tueMW etleal, I ec éa Btem r n b a ned ave îiena ugi a re a bo f ua 1 --t ai p w a dIvie coufo Yllei1 hueua rs los ro, "I @ o re0 1 ean ili e - ia&i ir~m us.I W. cmi goiïr use.,v- M lb.coun * w 4iUt exoriuiente and ,pubuili 5.e . i 1n- site., Ini i1, île P udsuti t lis 1. flrI.report: "Il la oulilent tet.ll. u osi e oursory observer jbat -Csmdad O4,b mad vinile obligeAfor inay Ye&rstoc nn dqpod, largely, if -mot ecuaiv(gy, n lier rav preduce for lier » ealw eail.- mi iong théb.various forup» O? ny non 1ueetanAe DeCcuhb 111*theSua %0,anA-webad lait. atit lirlietteCollagu :-] the beginning .9 I pactttBlly e rnsiu RANCE EN T. 1,713 40 *j o r f