Whitby Keystone, 1 Mar 1906, p. 8

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RC, 1,f cure That Cold.I- *WILLIS' Compound $yrup O! White Pine and 1er Cures Coughs, Colda, I3ronchitis, throat and lung troubles. 25c per Bottie Je E. WILLIS Druggist Optician Brock St. Wbitby. ~County Town Happenings Go to G. K. Tbompson's qfor walI paper. .Markliam Higl~i1Sehoi was dstroy- ed by f ire early Wednecsday noorning. Charco'al for kindllng f ires for @ale in 15c. .arki. Prinzle's bard. Hol for the Can-idian North-west. SPeceial týet tlr' Tra Ms and Colonistii' Etceiîers ccry Tuesday in March andAm, via Xýorth Bay and C. . 1. Get t!cketým and particulars frormnE. EStepbIPflsofl, ('['J(sitc the pos t office, Wr are tsellIiun rani-ware at 20 peT cent. reducflion for 80 daya ai Pring1cHm hardware k&ore. S1t 'OWDROI'S IN -FEBRUARY. Mr ..os. White, Town Treairurer, is a lotr of floweis, and his op-iret'ime is largelj devotcd to.tic cultîvatioîî cxf his; garden. One day last wcek1 as he was examining sOme f lower beds foir any mignsm of spring that might ajpear, he was surlrIbed tc> diisrover a number ci rinow~droqpa In f ul blom, nshîntothenir wa vfrdm lundear feèd lu tube market. J .DOW'NEy -Chief Bell la in 'raOOnto to-d at- tendihcil , meetIng of thc chiot con- sfableti astiatlou. [listing bis ab:. scuce Sergt.-Major ÀilaWay la keSp- ,ing MaeuIn order. RLEAL 11STATE TRANFES Mfr. T. G. Deverell havlng pueas-J ed pxuperty In Manitoba, Intends mov. log tbere sbortly.'H le bas soiG bls fine residence hero 1-o 1fr. L. T. Barclay' for a tood iium. Mr. Nd Armatrong& bas bought ths Carsci cottage on Ilyron"8t. forth froin 14r. Gorge itice,, and gets pot. session Apilolt. The eoeaulderatiom le nid te have been *1,100. la nvie of thea price at whicb 1Mr. Rice bc*zght the property, 8M. lncludlng s. weII the building lcllng nemi as&a custoD IIouee, whlcb doea flot fbrm a part of the present tranter, titis sale of property la Indicative of ris.. Ing value. In Whitby reait>'. Bile Beans cure hilousmses. 25c. per bom~. J .E. Milles, Chemiuut snd Dreg- gist. OIRGANIZING A NEIV FAIR. The adjo'urveil meeting uof the Board of Trade Tueuda>'eroIng addressd Itseîf to the organisatIon jof a new fair . Ttw"si dectded td go on with the mo-Nemont. Tiie peilminar>' etelbe were taken towards formuîg a Whitby Fair Assiiation. Provison.. ai o.fflcerm' vere appointed lIn1Mr. John Thommonu, Presidont: àfr. W.B. Pririgie, VcePresIdent;, Dr. Waugh, 6ecretary; Mr. Fred. Rogers, rea«s- nier. A cireniar letter yl hoe« to prospective members, tihe tee for1 wblh l ui ut t onèdollar. f'lhe Sept Ing adjourned for a veek 4dW erder to work oàt these initiai utepa Itihe direct1on of eîtabhishiug a Whitby fair wtth Its flirat exhibition to be beld at an ear If date thia usprlag Go to G. K. Thompson'm <ur wn.iI pu.per. TEÂCHERS' SCflOLARSHIPS. Thse Publie t3chool lnspect«r bas re- oehcJ the followlng communication fro.m Mr. A. H. U. Clqubouin, Deîiuty Minirt.er of Education: Deur Mir.-Fourteen achoinrshipa (o t he va lue of S75 for maie teachjýrs, and $50 f*i female teachers will be gLrnted by thse Minister of Education to touchert4 holdînig ut ie.st 'second ria ss professsiona i certifîcates. Therie Iis :iiso granted frîom thse Macdonald Jural tichoai Fund five cents per mille for tranel!ýing exlensca. Thse Na- ture Study Course commences on the 5tIs of April, and extends over a period of thr-ee mon (ha. It le de- sirablo (uaLt the dfferent portions of the i>,rov socs shali be represented. and thse deal leavcrs witb w ' icb the>'were 1 &î couc frni s>'" cunty. Kind- uoiniýred. The' shai 1) weatlwr mince! bas not affecte4 theni in the Ipami-ygi tisu uchju1liy a Irhese f lowerr, <do nr ioL iuahi> bloom piossible, und endeavor to get thse untl fte tse îr~î ilAprl. bent avaliable <cacherà ti apply. A.p. unIlaferth frm o Arp.licatîco n hovu&d lie receiveti ut tiu Bile leans cuie bllouanoas, head- De'artneflt net later tIsan thse lOth ache, indigestion, stonsûch anôliver of Ma-rch. Yotir obedlent servant, A. trinuble. lFor sale by 3..E. W 11'04H.U.Coqluboitn. DEWput>' Mitter. ChermIx' andi Drugg.iat. Nhitby. A. E. lîny astn Wre'o x. * THEH1OLY LAND. Courty, Mesr. urvi..(hairinanîri >1 Mr. Herbert A.. Ben-Oliel la provld- theAgrèut;zxrhCnrn:ît-,.; n ~.f ng aà noiel form of entertatument for Mowlray, Chairinan Uuunstty Ilroiprty the' Munie Hall, Whîtb>', ois tise ves.. Conmitter'; anîd t(lic rpector and Ing ef March is tI, %whens hée yul e.. Coînimslonci-s ofth(, ) of<isci <j! e nt, drainaticail>', acenses rans, luge, hid -)meeting on TuéS'day 1cj keriliturir lu ltistratlùo o ti trrlng cow rth(, advisablty of enlarg. niet coddl ii'wl > ngtebarnin at thie Hl fRefugte. nm-nx of Lving chiracters -atttredin [t was dcclded to -il,¾k fi-r iviler., for tegarli of anclent duàya. Ut. Ben- t-ho wôrk. QIi 4-a flOSt pieaging andi cloquent l~PiP ULL-(>NO.l<cturer, andi sve recoinud the en- On Tpmtiiy orimg -L «)teTtatinmcnt teoOur seuderos us cor- thn Tairiae noriîlit t 9 'cit ai o lroie pbotIs cuterb(aing andF c ut M11- C. of NIr. 131111 k ~ ~thorotighly l.smildr wit.h Pâteestne1 enC. ,îîsurrih, oiîj 3 atiJI>.. andits fistorie ecîlrensnent, havIîg once Cninrîor, o 1>iekcung. 'pIVextornielý in liediterra.,. <I.athr Sf'rdxnjtrormiedt h 2 -- a ri i&idï1. Admi.ezorîto thse'enter. 'nioy, aserw hI~h asuhtîûus î'.irninULt w ili lbe 25 Chlldreti 18e. ding repi.t wah 4ir'efi at the I)hum.i- wl thse bride.',;larctt. li thie at r srcervC4d t tAilli'adrugst<*'* toon 111;Y0119.t TiseL:, ,Whitby, wheî-r a lnclîen ms ,a- hemuial eremin; hélâ at tise to- 'takc'n p! ut. thse (ucttn's ioe.Th.~y idence oflira. W .AWalteft c0 W4e- bef t (he' cvering trzJreUfir Tcroxto rds'enngw s eIhtu and i nierie.in vtic.s. (ii."cir re. evnt A iurgu number ve r . turntp 11takelovvtJ (ho3 Aner- sît and enjoyedti te.c~etlleut O louis hotel inO îu.,rov uccupietigramme. Ast cucissWketcw tw»,s Iby Mr. 1iiga n. ..nd o oedI îy jIr. îêadezed IL wzit'%V01anti hurtlU rO- EpuriIii.Cei'ee1. A r*ho$t tandi pleesifl04- 'TRIE CANÂD1A~N CLUB. Thec character and cereer < 4"lve IVroEwell was thse %ubject of an il- luwina'tinq iudretis by mbis oer Judg'e MeCrinimona t -theCmula Club on Monda>' erenlua.: TIse larg-. tot ateendaîSof ettbre suson grheffl fiur. ewlili as Urovjt où iteqlletldn Of tbe Motives nOderl.Y. ln iucis thue <.0 mysterlovr-a luCrou. ~selslifu. lntesuuI5 cottrlbultlons »vere giveis tuti bain. ridt b>' Pri a. Or. Abr.. >aOdua dreuîs wax given b>' the lierý. a.i TAIL-oRINO! 4' * * * * * * * o UR -TÂILORINGDEPARTEENT in now In peadiae. for the Spxlni buies. A flvst Claus range of the newest patteras lu Tweedst Sergs, 4Wogstedsand -Cheviot» alpeady lai stook. suite and Ovepeoats madé In the very latent style, aad fit gPuai'ated. A ispoha rnge of Bit&m4, rnglag In pioe from 814 up to $20,, now opened and ready form your Inspectio. Andrew M. Rsse- The balance of car stoc% of Hote. Blanhets at oot prICes to, :cloe tbem out. Prlnajl'z hardware REV. DRH. WILLOUGRDY DEÂD.- Rter. Dr. Wilouighby' of Brantford, and formrDOl7 oI Wbitb>' vhe ho at been assstog Iu speel aervices ln tIse Methcdsls(churcb At Blenhelin, eNr v&ning siuce.iaet Wednesday, mapdln thse pUIPIî.Suz4aY wOrD- ing at the COnCluaîonf fthseservice, ,which ho hud conductcd. 'The ph>'. alois n vas immn0ilateil jumnM*aed but ho w&s beySrd humas aid, and pasvod aav rln a few minutes. Dr. Wh%,lloughby was one of the best kiown mlnaters ln thse Kethd*llt cburch lu Canada, audwvas abt 70 years of age. He vas statioeed ln #rCdrOlitO abouit tweoity-fiT years ago as pastor cf tihe Central Metho- di.t eburcli. For one year belote thse union of MethOdhstU le vas prO- asident of conférence, sid vaschair.. mian cf distrIcts for Man>' year.r Re wa.s uuperaufluat.ed veal jears ago alter bis charge at clr. DUrN Ing lbis tire. he obeupied leadiug pul- pits Cg tise provinCe. t 4f1.reut tlusbeins tgt@osi1 at Barrie, BlIs. ville, GuelphIU8mÃ"oe, PeterbSr,, K-ingstofl sud Wltb>'. lRe have fout chiltn, ime, vUe bavlmg pre- b>' 1fr ins, andth ie ,dernand foV degeaseti him.. *"My>are Dr.-Vwl- louglsby. «o' et. aGe orgo. atreetTe- tonte; Rer. Dr. WIoU«ghb>', cf Jo- hannsbtg, t -dth &fiCLZ arl o? Capetowu, tSooth &frtca XLad lira. Dfr. of PERONAL MIO llas AtwooShIwu* at homtustea numtube r ! Inon uonda>. li aBrnes1% la ilug ber uider. 0"z 14,endè a emtie tty. lira. ,3erii, of Detrt. ts * loIiig bhr broth«, er .W.JLk <rnsatis kraivbt lu these ot.y. lora.s. podgelt t~.uO ber1 1tb a uumhr of tisir leeids *onit 1r ex tlnooJ Tise issi4nP.teal0 ofswbr t ti reu&, on .&tUtu da>' #Mtrnuen I - bc an ad £4 la ROMi USo WORTH 1 SILVERWAI 9 à Discount of 10 por S8im plate on Jan. lit, wi .z ced w i .ti .où. mught very heavy eoethne Md-are glving our oustomet dvrntagi of the old price BUT NOW Sd uave 10c. on every Si yen neod. w1' E cent. »s ad. maine, re the worth Kuives, Pcrks, ilpoons, Tea Sets, ITater Pitchers, Botter Dishes, %rays, etc., etc. 4 iSpW&Ia price. quoted for large ýutltie&. Ifotela,,,tarats tio. wil deowel teowrte forspe IKEELL eS EOPTICIAN, BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY M C AL"S kem*i.. !Ainfee e<e*. et.. -have ÃŽatelY been sse.ivd he Lb.famui.u W. 1111.4 ni..f et ipouttiozis and lid nu one "ts.reaty tu .0011. Iltyu wÈnLto tu ia uoiin af&er graduation, veine to the, achool ma Wp yu6 tutlarg usber of 0%- stapenis o!of the blni coluesesane Dow flu attendanco. Colloge te open tiii.entire year, Commence Dow. Ctaulera fiee. W. J. ELLîITT Principal coVr. TOUge and Alexander $u We baye the, Pest glas*sys andi have thse largest stock to chocesfous. We ane ez. psriecd lOttone. IF. E. LUIJ-uc'Sx. .1 i le st3. wut ,TORONTO. ON Ma£ nixe. ed the pasttwda- Mis eaighey - o ,Yuhiêtle, Tenu., ,JàmmesQr*nit kai d aiter «woGrand' 1frs. itallantyue.tg Lladai.. Mi.Workman tb Pleton. ldiâu Germaite o n-d". X~ev.-Dr. Potisergilithe eà4. a fUj etU1, ait oêthelihtful, sp3rit. tens bwlth great deilgt andl uUoI* profit to bis célesir OipoutiOo f ther truth, andi straligerm whOihave hear4 the Rev. Dr. ire loud m ther PrIl MbIe usîlveraul verdict mmnegst te uneiners la that theresaBêler bu beegit- better sermhl preaohed fram tu pulpit thau thorse nv eRvr4 Dr. Foti.rïilL Ou Snda-' last' it ivas expect*.. tbattMr. Viens, a student of Fren* » Canadian :blrth, wharla now atteue4- log McMtater UUlVOraity$ wQWuItgvs au idr nu Coenection vitis tb Grand Ligne Inutitate and:Wuak*iU Mreso i. Viens, ho'wever, va9I and Dir. Fothergi» spoke on àasb~s relative to tha t votk. 1Re chwtl Usxt, -9rbs troth shall wake y flee." a amd froum It gaVe a M""ed. sermon. clear and Convineing in ergs. :Ûent and persuasive In tci.e. * showed bow prejuc" and environ*. menit prevented people fions recel1w. lng the tr.sth. The>'accspted as a motter of cosriie thse Oqglmu swi$ob their &asaltes andi familles beIim>ve but sncb dEtmos mht, noverthelega, bo quite erromes. The. aeeptane ci tihe Tru th mae ensfreS -froni tbe bondaxeocf terrer. Mo accept Trot% no matter furon what source it camq, *as the rart-ýUt wisdexu. 'T-e GrandS Ligne XiieloiEoras disaesnInatlng the truth Ithe daàri Province of Quee, andi a x1ch frultage waa resultlng. Sext Snnday an offering will b.- takou la support 09 the vork. On qmeda>', Msreh R8, Ie ySnng people of thse churclî i iiholà a no* cel at the hb~i.o! lM. EZC. 8111N %heu a splendid lime.Isle «lWwted - -The.adnslslesm wl l ço1 cetis au& upwards. .4 goud i porrani bas béex arranged, and guis and, atbe amnuiments WUIlbciPrffled 'fIsc Mission Circle of the Cburcb' have arranged with Mr. Lailamme, et returneti mineioîiwry, te give thons an evening ln May'. Particulars later.. Next Sonda>' motîing Dr. Fother.. lU wîllpreacb fi onu the subIecti- "Housebold idoff throwu. put." Fîundiy evening next there wilhe a aong riervîce -of a very hnterestlnig chu racter, when tihe chioir wllllibeau-. 141ited by Misls Phililba, whow alat> wili Blng a mile. The pastor wvlil speabk oif "Tihe riches of hysîmîs, an»d -the trenisure?; of Luines."1 Le sure tci ho }icury Ballurd, a bhnd naWhel has iseen an lnmaste or (ho Ugil or the last threo montbs, ban ben die. chu rged andi removed to the Rouge cf itofuge, b>' Order of, the Minia;er et Justice. Vmoufta RMILWAY lME i (igWetWHITBY J17NUMt Gon et5.06 ILX» Goin 84. 46 2.05~ The 5.29 arn. train ddes not1 nrorning. WRIITBY STATIO .Ooing North- 9.07 amx. Goiug 4.15 pi. -4 teavt i Wihithy for Oshawa at iV HQulden, proprietor., Lëavey for-Brotighazn ut 10 8.1 priet or. - Fror W. nd F ARRIVE. FrnuIV. nd , &.5um. rt ]FrornBï' uÏhaui 5-30 1?or N.ýrth 7l t*au.tit-ForiOs] *PROFESSIONAL 4à[L 1WEDICAL. -rHYSI SUR« OGraduate of University ni Turent 4j RoyafCollege of Phiysicians, m "THE TERRACE,» - 1 'Phone 4?. -0. ormston, Sôlcitor for the Western -Bani etC. Money to Loa. Olure ltbv, Ont. Dow &RoII Bameiters.- S0acitem .etc. r ome o0pposite post, Offie, W1hit Berriaer, Etc. Mzro aL office lnreiiateysoutho! bo DYu Jlohn E. Fare.lN 'Btr*lter,- ÇOUnt'yOWf r-Y - --e-I -i "4 F«r coucha. colda. etc., taëe WIllIs Comnpound 8yrup et WhiteoPine.and- Tur. M5e. Nfr bottie.- J. E. WllO1. Ceist and Drugglut TueeR WNTO WIodr Il) ho reOlVeti b>'the un. *rlgued Up w te Doon cf tise O y4. o!tois, 1906,for carPIItev atterati ostihe Soute et R.tuo th 'rie NT Wright, allez visicli b*tis fuloviu Situ R. .Culs.gl'. Gt4nit.j.* isR.', .b « ad sïIu* dwel 'f r 1? t i r 4 UMAS PA1 PTTK, -W.p 9L bd 1 1 dyb n

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