w by t-he adcpt- ;êe ct cuitsot L5iddiifailuI jjjýlgt gre not »s h umeu t-o b.. 11kOr vîite, &GO k1etter,niadoa kiay ovont, ingle id U ano e inr tia not observed [ 1gb socety'. e inot coflimnti hs or n the atiff front ,taiilf incnifrxflt >ld or pe«Irl) is 111111 are no longer wI-i lof thbe mode.,~. 14à and tire correce InVod wtng" ii9,t Count. 'mij acres' it 1. .May> teP' W& .comixtg ta Selîf, aîîd deliver uA liciatis fand parsofli." ared "spoilÃŽed." LTHIJMPINO My e Way ]Mii. R. IL g, tiuttertfl sud Paip- iaiy reà nedim wUthoii Dr. Agne"UCure Lac t-he Holy Land. tard iXtsionfl the utly eurtailed t-le Sbusiness, although lrsta lia&incressud [3 t-o UUhI7thousnds :on there waa SOU pest cards Inu Joru- Merrill, ini a reorat porem t-ho onuaquont- The picturo post- lstine are made lai ,ernany, the whole- omx $2 t-o $12 per of th- finest et-t-ha CTITIOIfER-NO RN- ie C. Chestnut-, of biý a rhuubtkiot-lin., beurnatte Cura can.gea Co tof »lY"8esy '.saerl frtU -rh«elmtlM- 1 me noe oood-two bot- i Rheunl&tic Cur" curai q.tr te fratd£«S." ng Moment-. ck of faise teeth wi rear liher Whitlnt. BaPtlut lrove. lie was presottins bruptly-turned hi$ftues is choir and neczed. H@ d aud thtî Iooked wlut- Sof the choir. tUa tain» or the-corgen tool. Nono gallant *nough ta retura mLd lirothor Whitlng vas r thenm. it wam à mort!- .u _good cil matn. 4VIN LINIRENT malot-, Or eallpuaad, 'ACTION 'za. l s~.ud «»,I% e.-tBt.SML -tL. Oa~ieta~d1. CIÈnImt'.Tealùg on $s4l ,li yonr has-been A* XmmWhndY SesLuke x.L 2&37. LOVe namIalt. mot ter twomsstM MMdof 1the ibk IVIs. enu oliey"O ~4?O hnWho have heurts *,It'*i" 0o CW Rmc*. ) ~EAD h uieverett thanthefiourit ismadle cf. ýOften it 18 uiot nearly mw Soocdi, but that is the fault of Nowe. gcod brcad must be good tocat s wdls tood to sec or to taste. Lo-c-ea-t bread i8 bread' that nourishes. prediEI~iomu. "À ~eter titan oue. a,,- w rU1itât proof 41 à tbW o theV55~~& nisil *0w -w@k of'd4po as oIoÈ ooâea >O=-!e étti t~ift o!ta us aummtione. 33, math, be=sald-D BM Mn iu av beu tbe7 recelved the 1eaidbO* 1' k)sigO~ in théir, Intéerwà Ol 6f It. iPoftea.r- I0 o 0.4'.ouîmae-Aot-t. rl~ il Ju ioJ Tées aer faIey; to perjur*. Thu refer. à omen~- once isarbe te, b. thrd o m&Mmen4ý !" U rep4JIiia -ee . u. .12. But ahaltperfonn, the lieWholve, them. see L Pet. ii. bes- ha C te e hhe !14e knowfromMaftt xxiii. 1022 $bit Wsite O IVBLs the éribee idPhaises elae atar4&ox.ZL20 1 I i . 0 bie.,id, or -not blnding, aecording t. -45.aY b. the echîldren, ete.-To set à n rfe ye iY uqma tIty 41 the.obecet sworF, j*(~e omnale.~~dbt by, wur enevnuw 1>>0, ue . 'hoouItt>IîIt 4S romf f t-hereidne it aparso lesnmés >y "W i'o0ce «t t-bat même cndered both profane $Wear-' hlm amuid nmisb tegft fliuh psv±a ç.igan ibcstt-h ing end perjury to b. excusable, provided; Sua âÛ tain. 1This le divine.-Cam. 131b. . ticus t-ho Cat-h va"bot taxes in t-he samie ofsud in aÃ"w ht oar odaebl Go.-ok o"otou"an oath lue ,'bUt 'do Dot make us hie céli1dren. Ro>"' Household is to bce3 to What vasroinxised In t-be oath Sun Il rise. ete.-"He umparta te uail Un t-hé Lmrd-Te teeehlngvas t-h *lebtal ontreiv Ws o t a r theysudoti am eeofs.e*"i.May utIni darnesu arum *vue l ua tb ..»o iin thbe nzmeo!- e la d Ongor itecome bat sou!., notwitb- am mm ce~ ts .MlI wq sacredi ail ,needeê t. be ket- stad 004o'. oe1>4vollsr Omhs-Ân catI la a Smb fiiet rmation omalokfraolOenM or déplarmion, Madle wfth an a peal to wglW olfraok"cnau Qe o tetuh !wst a ,* O bat rewaid-If You have only o xeln «p mb Go $rth re o at b115 YIg - C, oved týhose vWho love you, you have only i~u ,~oeasl fIrn, ,g¶î aor fwa uacorne up ttée itandard of common $sa- ir'mgueg i:" - ar if Wh" 'But- Pmr. :Yeu have no reeson t-o elpeet-te -The eniphatuls lie la on te "1 histl's revard for doeug wbat »nY (Jlis uek wtbauthoiity. sWear s8mW'i expect-ed bt. do. Puablicas- setata1IP~fano aid common swear- Tax-*athermr employed by t-he Roumanu~ L IcT rTn g *th taa4ereuot- oathst such tu- Tte '~P lT~ sa ronot ffd by thbe civil maçI- 47. »rethrm only-The promneceo! *&te, a» înteaded la our Lords proW!bl. slaltition ii ee4in- e KBut- tioZ.-lare AThis çoa 4v9 no refer- glvos* m W' vJIÈeéSt-o .et b.fe Ud <-"a !fTe6 conduet ofIt yau,"--to foIlaw that- pwtl&aufl eonimendations oftlhe Joint Commlttee of New -~ Our ,a aiswerng t-he ad- eonq>Irentsanad viahes, wuas b reognei» =u tof o!t-ebe hpest- (cbap. xxvi., 1, ti-bue viiom mon saluted as frlends "idi- York LeelLfturis. t4,a* veli las te lan~ f 19L tbrotboira. But t-bist-h. very beat-beun 4141., tn Our varions20;occas ios . 6, 17) ('4hybelutji.I" tbr t- . up the IArmaisayK . ebiS4t rQêtb uL h.este ieara Cor. . ~3;Ciii 1,20 Heb vi. 6,17, isa belp. li, t-re raIng);sud ~ thavet bTU5tOSdihve ben dibcnetly uedOn i acpuat b. 4ùeéc'to aho# t-4bt t-buPs l' olloweri o! Christ te b& content vit-k I atlng commit-tee vas preseat-ed la bot-b ,teabbêliecd t-he. umumey vitees i.n Bt- inteDdSI t-o f <bid saPa' a o féycopylng heathen cetom?-Al- R *aidtelua-1k ure »ù a1 &W the 14of etproper vo>uçiieret-e Qoom-. G" On mon socasi.-on.. ! ei-fr hita» hmÀ terely. 1t dy twgamaîdb teebsbeual ,t& t-ber by bee*n-liOeo!tbe utmeimeswhat- t-ebethetbn dit. their no o-a.I wsacopuid yzittes býeae beé rcetb ur Lord adduees as miecmen are J d friende S upueior on> uet willprov o ,e ighi .8nys e i to h ve b e da u se l prane mws eers ida t-e easi perlor relIgIon. What- do Ye more tItan lu dtil t-be reccmmeÃœdat1i ttbes>et -ie oestyo!fr.qurng poe st-a oefcrbldadcntby s Lonrd 1't-er-I. Disciples have t. do mvt-bauons"e- rnre coxt.î q -og wbo are Te- osths j~~~~~~~~~ot-hera. (t> T a t i»ý"&1*-,,Ãœe ,Cidtristia9ivr iugI fr h vihtlasw.l Jut beorhar rofenît-les of t he apusr1 fratcparéns s eRa cowe r in-WÃŽ.dôp N pepie; (RI '-uer i t%Onîe "ýmof "c l>f<, t- .f reb -i teagents who, bave received thbe I e eer uo cscmaevtt2,b~aee! - omore titan motn. TOe Ita-Of ith ' aneye. t-bossOrientais for poatieil t.e<>jcare lu aIlian<!O vit-h'00d 8(2) pon-Seuat-or &rmstrong id ho boed haee-rkow.cmcmar very large..nnoportie cf t-be vot-er urneo! ue ents a isribm»us IfQD . -eyb Mepore ligbt ,3d knw led#eî {3) It-o bavepaused belore April , t-h lthe >ÃŽ47 0ft-be Statç o f> policiecps it>' t&-" us fthey a int-hehead, by ther 1lie, tbey bave more moral paver. 3. MOre* whleb lofer tbe suîual eetiona l ,.ce. ft y for the coi f b>'heavoen, andby the. templ, or, wh<tt is êkpected f t-hem t-han 0o at. (1) t-h.mutffl compe.nles front &Prî, 15 t-o jfin tbe f hostile legialativo mea- lu u l-s Le. -. bri.aoP > B hlrSvon'2) b7 t-be world; (3) jues. If, An s,$o. cf argument fonclblyý God' bhine-."s temb>' beavei elLh- Byteir av sienei-Db.Mu. 8Nov. 15. Thtis vould, it is believed, pro- adpbi)'prcsentedp the legielaure or ~a . peeîn or denives lt-s meaflifg oe-... .perfect-C3oDPlete; ierfeoc- in babl! ufilY ai491 1 Obt-sidIdUp t 'Ste upa p.etge.awtnnlà ~ - fron thie %&ct tat beeven Ie t-he resi- lovc. Tek. Qed us t-be model iat-cd c! t-hlm Urne bY Thos. W. Laveon and t-he o Stt-re oîtenet but th cIrmuipanes, i dence, t-eboirt, tâtho -roie o! God. cpiens. The truc stanldard of ! p oli" lolderS' commit-tee o! St..t'. gai. wbo muet bar t-ho los. >>èengeouis 35. The. srt.b, etc.--See le&. lXVÃŽi1 -,publi for Coes peoplea ir-imors! purit>'. ej a"et-bers ,as vol!as toew ieh&tt -beflcera bute t-h ID holdera- Pam..xlviii. 2. urLà ord S>Owm t-bat to the Moment o ahelvîtles o! corporanatet- ut uvear by guytii5 wbicbGod bas creat- fDFhW TB A .th uipilt -ecmats o!lnaaindmn a pestL cd e -o vor b' 0 selncf. WUIaDVLU e. lves bave becs gatbaerm ingnugb t-heu teedtii ci obbying aboulil b.eret od late ge«r b, GWRÃŽM R BE1 Th b efgaatur Oves It t-o lt-selofar 36 yth bedAcmmon form of agents. e ft* 36.-h Dyst-bean- vnd Te rdnaYThe report eft-be joint committo f! 4 poabetcsopU.prcl# fth pà h I hras i i i.yc yba i ti TTAWA "p£"IM IN RAEJ)the. Setat-e and Amsmbl>' of the St-st-. cf ViIoxeltreomoesctuebI not- IS aI .Ner ,,York,, appoint-ed t. nvotgatite fgr service u - on clvt-tusxp nt' saikw,3. c.--nyLe-yum, a rta o! eearins cf the LUICE.ffatre e te hèlite insurauice ceompawea, .rtou or oositionte bil, "a gsn- samket8. lu a.o.. Ucy-e t act; Ijov»d a pnitcd pamphlet- o! 319 P&aIa ybellved. to e h soor orrupl l entsrl gei sipl, a i e t- yourt bey Exilais ta Patickt Naedoaid, Aller rec t » tbersolution sut-houx. tbicc- Tbe leIsitrMhud f a*t -ub V s o arne-h ! r atdb ai T at The>' Rad Ge, ut 00 ok.4 U. lnsdp. o ioffottb tîusvlh n v cailUS et-a-simple, andse ytiobuTW n 1 a s~ guidudn~ 1n etSt-lO5 ho w bièrq;od*-a wol b e casstecnthéa uroertd nlUtcnug al -ismd.mm4JOU pvaOr eoldh tt>'dlee 6Ai' çciooi , hunben ffIo ! G te o e . arnaid Tb Ic«l axesogaleu ndrtu av o lu b eo t s s>b eqlt<l Li). JaesForar, smaon -h RâniDu mudnt ComI p Ianysuil CoMMc Nov Jet. I tA i o udelr.gnwa 7 0 t- et s poper t-e ee pssbe u rdes-a-ecf<>~ t-lie ît-cha Bt t-be scL'W TCit mlii,10 e lit ra et>' Se Exd. 1, 4. 'hpe r littclp i d O two.k bis &enteetewo >ium olp e idfr a epaes rlaceeo-p t-odce t hlm pnxcpI~ e tal I at - n ontla- i e dracimei as I els c m leraid.fli g lof he b*.lom offor tlh ooeif wb*u r an l w a refi shod 3. rgf om nb ta l a tu ry.WIpthe t-b- ma a wsut t-t aofieorsUM Ueo ,*di t-ii>u bcaods oni5o.S.r'laten vit-b a bnllok MThis o« uathgePmumst. Aptrcsoba ut-i it> -CltIt-îmbodcesM lffre t ads am ,d t hfo ur fîee Od M. Pa y W" laPet g b, l* .laIt etbol2).llgvI-haJamelett es >n. Fore rilabel p atif.ook bum"to &poprathbt§e prob bl _ viQd h a o ForthaveftbnuWo-& ireau u4*l Ãœ0c ed h a frelie ont- 411 bofor -bese. tberé'"M-' -R.e. Jw ne- -»t-e t te-o a e M. scf O urof athbe ossib-leIn .ruesAe0 h owto u oii xos rl eTun .tlee Eo. er-MTb et- tcie ho jtok' bs Wce evepooe. bà à eoa pv undenations. But plomtainet L16 'sïW hveIis& buteyL Thi WIbt-es dr oqm.ta la met-bs cail le*1ausi urs av é Was. dne nk aitdl MfId balc v sa uit-. b otp- h get- a i ntbbt et-b*IOSm" 5et- Isl um p i ias s o m et t uof&0 ' tef.te bm te retiuion -.dm 0 JO i S:2, Oi ft-se=,01 l 7O<« V Iag ss lS b u t e . r u» oWd be - to7 wbl ' oo ot ft Ofbtee3veds. ticir iaumnthé' us bsace.té. *jrOut0110W o-be*M f« 04 al ia end fr e dgutrou 0tali av mthet-" Ial019afl nlt-yit ~eia#t* pers5bIî~okîY n- hedétt uwoudentOk#pW t-o it- , et to ua r-lltg - lO, lueeTfi v 40<11.toll ihtm Ihrvt nte0100 tc f £ - ,9é T î - . . e a t-uet1 <.aa16..bsobar pi< iie aide.. .<1l a" le te~ P.' thE Ut. je y04 '2 I A'iltrong protest oleone MoTé rgis. red against the Commiitmont ofimanme i ison t. o .it l is ia4out thatý eçlns a ' ebecoihg l obsolète. lopital- Tli o-' - o .o ian o nstlutiii' .,BI.'W Onoýlud of aptiiig whéstsod Zrf lir care. 98,a4d-Onteload of-gposoe t 7%3c. Bar- Next t.Xokcutwhlch fnrnlà bdleIim 3( uel.IlgAt 2ê Oats je 63Sr;WentwOTtli and,-ý-roatU4&cbdIu CarLo g46;,,Leeda ý,,Iud,, ig' parýy produce .k fair, supply. l3tte i knd, 1dDùrh9am, 40. -fthé t<ot&1 4e $ 4iÃbe' of pdtientis LOflT bal trom Y rwa t,i -t2Oc e dosen. ffltut. ety, 351 froni. Middlerx 2>80 front 1quiete twqrtiî. 2z3 £rom Sim.eceaia ,As as 643 p att'iebt baré been ID 'an4 atrfi ~Iei~twenty ye&rfi spwIôà ë WdiONselJiIg et $10 à ton. Wre wer. 314 diseharged curi&d ujg Dreesed hoge mmeit n itb Ight V~y.,oie~ o tha. et&«WOI4 lqoteat*9.25 tâ*5 *e. he Il be f deathe for thO *wh'see78 _] 430r 9f .9 7T o re , h.1 -0 7 6 O 7 8 wa , I O ,e j bus .. .. 0 ..O O I 4pfceae. . . * < at '6'ü- . .,. . "0 0 - Z, ~ItbaCat~r5 f »STCper$OnS Breiub....... 20 othem coref rom eAjbushe......080 0 1<ous m 0 tgelielfo. îsh... ....7 00 bi period îîndet .urv@Ywith 5A" 11; ilay, tirnotlyp, toe .. O 90 10i diayera foo v witli 4 80; fi r.. o, m xs o . .. .s, o îe 4,6( i doet< eiat.vt traw; per ton .. ...... 10 OW O 0 ¶TW »rmus 41f fe.uS is '&P- nt wbsii it je noted that the next Ses carpeitefth M eue$ a$zut U. jtne wtba led*icNo. ô,bs. 25 7626 iven eApplestl erL tbe D.4.N...e50 30e Eg0.nelid duc... 18 09 ANDReW CA- dYéfr IG eîBEPEb. Butermdir........0.31 025 Do.~êamey...... 000 9 50 Ài F mCAB 26-story as tOD V' r, b ,.. >» ,t w hileo! bO Aailb..rii11, New idoc»lboles, c p ressb .....,O 50e 87 $to1. ri¶?idO.I for.qaper b.. .. .. 45 ttm-uyutin,, lier ctt........S0O49 0»S 04i 4VOBSwsvw 5i o, eiu, a.580S0 ud.ons, tithIh~ 1 ý,t 12*r er begsao lie baln d Ute ailtIi.cre1 ateAra utà l tbat ~ ~ pal orn fil%,,w~d xier pst. ,12w, rd ab,%e d;Jry, o neede ofth a"Bffqb e. ea 50bê4 1wecl a -axxet f rom hm I Lndn-Tîr l n mwrv ea SoClet.,We1 hCA et. Dgecl mtfor > ol<> Z g w585, the éo edi;1quota tôt a 81" 815,or , 80e tia m fo 9 wodd»*« t 74cIb1d U'orta blve 8teo 7k Nu vrite, eb -2dYtardaY b. n oe flrtola epr= i eMany nieuhere vers 0 fOed t t for Të 21 iwas, ood ai at bsaWII * Ârouto v meb 2-«fd& rqth On.Puearig4fus# oÇ1k thesta o!agfoutur t.t.i. l. outo!ntled oae, et *U»reorffl b CotOu$bet bto e« h uimL* .vtop, uI118 arevo4hand à P.504W r Of1 hie shows id gn11at tbs Th.mOwer w ' q. -- thegwt le4thee » meey ay ùt o*4 and____________e_______ 1i4a;u for on heidiila eie& n iWù bign xnmb« wee ýopcsd t, te Tre wa god n ai, ea"e, -«I' OITUTE EaveW inu