Whitby Keystone, 22 Feb 1906, p. 7

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PATIENT and uot say TIJAT EWERING3 the, N~D "-f 6. Iluner and llsiret,A figurative dx- * pression. IHunger and bisrat "Are- the strongeat of bodil>' appetes«. Aflter igitecusneseý-The etate,ý or qusiity, o! being rigit witli Ccd;@ evaet- recttude; taciinenm, compuslsendlng bolt rpnel l1 and affections et,urtsud 01erutyc Ilfe to the divine taw,- Webster. Rilit- ecuanesa lertehtaken,;for ail the bloe- lugu o! lhe Nov Coveosit; a fuaU restr-- tien te the Image et (iod.-Clarke. Shaà b. f illed--WWh istacuesa. EverWt*s el" fallu t tmfCod «0.4 ceated tise deire sud 116s'ilI* safîth* is :sOUl. spiritual1 hi nc and, tllrstlig 1au evidez is itiiieii. 7Tis mercful-"ý'The se fu,"mysE sanas, 46 au hose vsWh ep"over-the os"mi"te o! othlir, wvieieed thse huagry asd letis the nkedi admoilab hois.la er- rer sud pardon tise cotendiug!' ObWn~ msecy-As ve desiali Uotbrs Qed vilw demali s n. "MeryI la purébacat i ebb Puel'ulai ert-Tise bearb la us sieat o! tise sfllebioua#4 tis deslres, thée motives lie avil; vili tie pure hiOMl tiseme vIi! ail la pré-e ~lsboutb l lié& biv fatltt Acteu, . ITimi-n sl' >%-laterad, oblnlex- ýaihowfl fi part car- tube C=n fî plaocd wer part In the 11( thxe 'u and, le bol- jprocesa d at the tly fa.il-, decessful ,even Lia irem~piia- enl ivried ver.ing I 1nalogous SLEEP- t sickness tn Who$* in béat be t who ha. nt., Baye'. oui» rail- ýrt et m'y t t?" de- but you uILS giren - Ufdren of ititutionai M. sum- willl aend 1flu borne 0 na. Send ty if pur lay. Don't ere it can't IL11b aduits urine dît- hs in col- re of foot. --Yonkers iiýbâtminliqug ohu4 Jec pm M or" th* bU *try eut cf tb»"Jordsu. Iutq wl .À=9!,l~-éÂO*m>lg bt wItUoii Je- modemaUmm *1f onu Rti its noIehl1rms wx"ty bofoe t dthe wqet oct tOf tic Se4aiiL Udt-c lee, a littie biek Item the 00a. WaapetI -Ti16 usuel osition for tahn mn the Jie. Tbey etood to,eed tii'a3eip- tAn'., but set to teasi. *DIscples came', unto Lin-They occupled; a position lacer1 t. lm angd the Multitude'vas f artier 2Opned Ria moutl-"Tb. expreio marks thce ol'smlty and im nte of the tdmourse!'-Farra,. ie.=lias glv'u us 8, mcuth, and ve inut open it il -and con! ese t4he trut.h vithout fear. Taught them-le moanent had comae when Uthc principbes aif the new coveesut &ce t.lbd e'nun&ated. Ml. The character and Wvfegso!i GuWa people (va 3-12). m verses Omatain th.e igirt beatitudes, ao-cllcd froua the opcning word "beatit (bieued> in te Vulite. They bave alo beon oblk' etione. 3. Bka-Bies"> meare more thaia ha.ppy. As bappinese le hi«her tien pieasuro, se blessdneu is higl athn happuacos. Blessedness te eore truiy divins. lit a more than hàp- pimeasproduecdby Goe e. shine ln the soui.-Wkcdm. POMrin .pixt-AII the. boatitudes are uaffixed te unliklky candi- tkon, to ehow that the padgunent o! CbrW and of the vorld aeo afferent.- Bene. Ont. iris adeeply' sensible of bIl pIrItual povryand wretchedness. -Clnk. lp general opinonla ipp M. tii.-perme whvi lich.and. great, anid honorable lu tihevorld. The. phil- oappbers-d&d not reekea iiumlitY .mong *t.h.lr moral virtAsos, but -Christ pute it ifret. lairs io-Now, et tAis pretent tims..Klngdm eof heive&s-Th. king. dom o!fiseavci and the kingdom eof(led main tie same thMing, ëdib ave reference to thst apirltual knlgom whliclh rist Me iup in tbeIteahrt.e ofRit càidren. Paul defines tiie &ingd<wn of God as be- en, Rgtousn, pea« and joy in ti foly GhoeV' (Rom. xiv. 17). But ,wh7v eailed a idngdoen? 111. liecause it bas ils iusw-tbe preepts of Lthe gospel. 2. Ita eubWete--a4li abelve in Jeaus CbTiat. 8. lts kinf-the bovereign of hoevsn &Md gaut..-Cnu.rke. 4. They, tsb on-Tat li,, Usoae bo, con- scioffs of thefr Spiritual poverty, niourn. 1. On account of edn and it.. conse- qumxse. 2. l3emuseofet Iing offendeti a io01y sud rlghteous G*od. Comfortd- Tise Lord conulrts by .pcaking thc ,hmor, o! ardan azrd ponce to their heara. rucjoy lu frequently thbe fruit cf sorror. l'huispromise te posi- tive, "ea.!! b. comfort.ed. It is ni),. the. taldng away of sorow aitogetiier, but tron&fornsing and tranigRuring it, andi 0oanpeLlng it te bestcw blessing et-ler- vise inpsibl.-PêlouAiet. 5. Mek-Of goit. andi long suffering dtispositian; of peýae.eobIcuternpcr; euh- mieslive, couipliant, yieldirg.-Standard DictijongV. W' ,-- Or~~-' f mind malves, "we style atpn.aeitcc. "-% estey l'he meck ean b. cool whien otheraà are hot, and have the. rule of their own spir. it.-llenry. Ilherit the. eartb -Tih. land, and expression frcquently used by the prophets toaignify the. land cf Canaan. i'nti% h gospel.Tr if Ten" n n pe fi%-ce A tIEAVY [OSS. BROOKLYx mrKEssVIGER B OY DR?- PED OVER $30oeo= Ke NevVosk, F.b 1.-l'h.Ions of $M0i- 400 lu =41alaehei ud Dotes was »port- ted to -lisé IBrcolys polie to-day b>' prederick J. Kiwis, a Il year o14 bMuk masenger. The boy sald h. lest tbs mon.y yent"dy, while cartylng it froua bi Meehardea' Bankc, Brokiyu, vh. ha $Md anpçt l~b Rdewod a.hise luid catpocket sud sppSrutly el out but hb.M ot dlwse l iasme. uau- lie rembled theis dgeoed aomit. 00 ut ronisrntes, ock s« Ar 8 te tàseeir etftise xUpweoé YWTr" m e tEY£D3 Jc 8laaa am e S t edmg aM Yug whi& itevi&ty » hb.maltabotw*mOsa late taaJ. Cwd% wboV"s. cm eus be TEA OWNS- ERAST APTER APPARITON. I Stabbed à Cbinamn, sud Now Rbs Ghost1 Out of Mes Wits sa" TeUs AU About Sioux Fails, Iowa, Feli. 19.-After baey- lng licou huried for many monthu, the 'gios the ti.Chinarnau Who cormlitted mui~.d m hecouty »Mre yeasm ago took a walk and scared a confession out ,,o «BkgDoy"»uri;wbpi. e1GJtb ehargeof rnudering Riard Tannerl imItf ut ýtIuslY ýryi'f ei. 1 iit7 bsthrowuuponthe Ibid., 5tior tbis reasn muet b. eat lat. thsa S4~. "ii.truth wblch -our Lord lu- , tÀd vas liaI If they, tise mat of rtIi, thseliving depoitorlea-, ef-true wiÎdm «d holinees sznng men, lest sud gwe a& aver .f vital godiuema, oties ere eonccTned,..but voul4 aise lie et.out bbemse1ý'lé. id. Are the liglt-In John vii. 12, jesus msye, "I arn the ý l ht of theorlL<' "Ti. Chrstisu la à" lu:acU- bIsMInous, but borrowa hie rayae 11k tIse ~noos, roma primai source!' 'Liglit len orroe t; se the tband ud Islies posmmd by tise discile, cf flrit, vii aïs te truciight, diaptise voelrd'i>dà*k- nw,, b'~ overcoming its ignorance aud sin.a-RaddIe. Canuset lie aid--lu the. Etat citle. are often built on himlIs%e illustrati;on vividly sets forth the. bigla clilng of tise follovers cf Christ. 15. A canlle-Rather "lamp," as lu Royilmd Version. A buluhe-Balet, '%% busel" (sem R. V.)', that 161, tbe COMMo mosante found in every Jewisi houa.. equal to about tvo gallon&-4Cam Bib. CmdIestek-Rather,. "lampstandf Thae lampe ver o! earttenvai'e or metalt ln th' cm'f saucer, turned up on oe aide to, bo thse ik. Olive oilvas used ta buru lu liom.-Van Lennep> The Id.m lau bise cris men vould net lie se foollali as te llgiit a le.usp aud bien cover lb, 'and oer eny God vIi net lie se un-- vsa e t.illuminatie Ris people ad th.l kep tbcm 1i ceoab*nb.10.Llgb shtàe-Wb*rë, Qh4sLla inf.t4 houritbb pt c f Christ .41 ll ne eut ln tiie i**. W. are eommanded tesaine luin i a mannert bist eut -good deeds WÎU gi1e glory to, God. W. cover our ligit by *ride,vworldliness sud otentation; vO let oui light chine by living a humblé, holy Ilie, snd "Y kecplut f ied with the. love of Cod (ROM. v 5).1 Ho vas toldbiset Se did net bave te. talk unuies»sh de3iredi, but be lneiete& ansd In tii preunee of Chie! c! Pboil Blues, Officer Rob(-tt Carrehr end Jallet Uacl)ougall thse cou ewm easa md4è. Wlteelltng te »xw*rv ri sbeemmahe a ttim-Iok ont badly s&d bat, ha bud Potintention o! klltqhlm. Aeeordig to bit sbty ib* vas ébepoulflgi 1oohplk villaa pooh- et -huit,, Md *ben lii. iglilbclveun TaMMse 3u Mles tock Pisbhot$.ê te hterfere. Tannes es, hamai4, aMae a ahbssdha ssiied bk, eiatgi. 9Mb.. lats Ime ut ala tise Jans«. ;1W M b" dvery ulte ti.aIep. IeRox tut taite kl!sais pullithfle eoff M kt* e,erytbImehocdrop s àl*tp, aal foMm of Ta e d lb. e d ( Cioê saco vemoltted ms*4 t, tu 14 l *aklgbot Ise cg. nb e nmm bea baes eg o mferpo- o t1, l £1 *U>' kis't ItreI.<S6 ,SUV * s ma"es it » &" ges amu vla lim tw* gboeU appsiedhctiogit tbey vei 4rs*nésj sermuefor #a ti. m.Ikevký dis e.. ~Ifiua, * sI 4 I ~ ~ jM aumi. ~llaJ b e <lr~outf tse ilsmy knifet1 Mf~uy band aid et ant te oWaterl etreet. sud told'thii Dude" that 1 l~v~Lcthbat bGo. Then 1came on up FoutU street te Pearl aud corne back dovu Pearl to Third strcet. and tien- b*ck ~ ~ ~ Ibe 1eCr'shtl' laheard thein upstair,suad I heard tbua boy Tanner say, «Gpt nome vater," en&u4 tien 1Istart-~ cd îl su Gcgee Plies v as üif dovn tbe steps. Tomn, viseueed t. work vlth Mos. Brovnu ad 10 gr. Peirce th&a, i W5 ie eu *Wl d wseuttin, , vilei I denied to hlm. So tioyarreted me, and lirougit me 10 Se staton. 1 malte this eonfession of My ovu frte wgvli sud t alt. my mimd feel more re- Henry Burris. IADIUAUL GONE. SUPPLY or PIECOUS ELEMENT ALNOST CEASE». Probubittvo Prices for Fev Atom Ob-ý QuaudMz- SpecisCOmt& Lie-Get ln Your Orders. LdondOn, Feb. 19- The Exproe s aya: Thea suppi>'ofradilum hem PrtbIeIYý oeaaed, and lie price of thia venideritul substance bas&licorne almoat proiil «e vould very mucis lke to oblaai moe for our expérimenta, but we enu- net afford il," aaid as ooassting sur- geont aI s arge hespitel recenUy. "Tiseî discoyeryo! radium le se important and revolutionary..-it efforts ane blg made betb in Amerimeansd Ibis country te ebtain efficient radio-active sUb- Stances fions other sources blasa plttl- blende." à pliyatist %wo bas provîded many instituzioas 'wizla radium cf rarlous quailties aeid that lie vas nov uneble te olitain eny tuer. frouath. greet cma- Itrc in Btunswick* "11 vas frein ise lBrunswick centre liat Professor Giesel'. pure preparation vas ebbaied,» ho eaid. "There voec lu çateuy bve centres-Paris,visera thle diseovetr'. a reparatIon. 1hé Curie radium, vas obtelned,'sud Brunswick. fa1e a that lthe Austrilen (overn. mentprolsibited tise expert of radium is, eesiaï, he rcin <if Its -Preteat price. "About lite. y cars *go it vas paS. .11>1. te obtain lise highly Active redluni at £5 for tén milligrmmes, or eu fstt tbouudeth part et a Pound. 9flsen 1h. price.crept np tle 7.1U, 13, £25. sud nov a fait prie. for Ibis mert àpeek o! the. element weuld-be £70. '<Tii.preces cf extractÎng thesu speeka of radium troua loue cf ore lascu ebstiy sud tedinus tht It l u> pays tc tire f A lcea Il I. I Thi e foowing vere the oIOSlng quota- tiens- yeserday tet thi:rmarket: Pcb., T6>*c bld, Ma>' 78)4ebid, Jul>' 19% bld. Britis CattiaMakes LUndon.-Cmtle are quoled aIst % t» 12%c pet ltb.; reiragerator bls, 9Me Toronto LIve Stock. Receipts et lire stock as reporlcd b>' thse railways were 81 car loadu, eonsistin~ o! 1,3'40 cettie, 4900hoigs, 6M0sieep n iabs aits bout .100 caives. 'li. quell>' e! fat, cattie it ob s gods nTiies"y et ast tiser. voe Tracte vas good, owlsag te tise tact hast eeveral luycra froua-pnlside pointa ver. operatin .vecir- Netmn u atlezusu>' f ce bd, a" D oue eprm qseiy..le for those aoèld tu-ay raured froan $4.50 te $4.75. hýuilA rnged tr *3.50 te, $V67, sud prime qualitujbults rc iworth iscra«-cisoie._lots o rflckedubut- Thofe,,«U#ag -ef grain -to.ay vereAI littie more then usueL_-Wheat steady, s ,witil miesiof 200bus>ils u« f84l 4 76 ta- 78c, and, 200 busbeis cf goose- at, 72 1l 7.3r.-Bariey firi'n, 300 bushels se!ln at 52e. Oatý uncbanged,, with sales o b30 fs t 40c.' Rye ffin, Ï100 bzuh- b cs ýeilinat s Ge. - - Daimy produe lu fair dupply, with a good demand for butter, which soldat 23 te 26C per lb. ,Eggsarcoea@y, amall f lots of new lai d sellir.g at 25c per dozei'. Ilay in moderate suppIy, witiprices t .unebanged, 9-5 loaAla sold et»$0to $18 a ton for timotky, and et $6 to $8 for mnix- ed. Straw steady et. $10 a ton for twa t loads. Dresscd hogs are unchanged, with liglit quoted at $950, and heavy at $9. Wbheat, white, buahel 0 76 $ 0 78 Do., ted, bushel . .0 76 078 Do., spriixg, bushel 0 .O76 000O1 Do.,goose, busel .... 0 72 0 73 e Oate, busael.......040 0 00 E Barley, bushel......O52 O000 Peas, bushel........O80 0O'00.1 Rye, bushei .. .......... 076 0001 Ety ,timotbv, ton .....900 10 00 Do., mixed, ton......600 8 00 Staw, per ton .. .......10 00 000 Aisike, No. 1, bushel... 6 25 7 W> .o o . .. ..5 25 57 Rc)o. N e. 3 .lb..... 450 50W cluce X. 1 bah625 7 25 Timotby, bushel ....... 1 50 2 WU Drssdihopa......900 9 50 Apsper Mb......2 70 3 25- Egnov laid, dozen . 025 0 >0 ,Butter, dairy ........ .. 023 026 Do., ertamerv.....00W 030 ChlcensperILb.....0Il 013 FOvi, pet b. . ........O S rG M Torkeys, perlb......0 15 0 -17 .,C~,per lb........01il 01t C!baeper doen... 040 080 C" i~OWer, per dounI .075 10 "Potatos per bsg....075 085 Velryerouf.....035 0 *40 Onlo. per bag........110 1231 Bef,, bindquarters . .7 00 800 Do., forequarters..; 4 50 5 50 Do, eolm ,camse ...ô 50 675 Do>., medumrca» 88.50 6 50 Mutton,0 Pei cwt........8 0OU ,pO0 -veaIPerewt ..... 850 1000 Laiper ovt........100 l110 Tii. speclal commissio appoluted bF4 the. Prealdent cf thé e xid, tttes le Inves igte lie Valencia dimew asi .4 i eatt.lest*niglit item-ïIashuzag ton. Tise station oethtie Brîes Ralroslet Seranton, l'a.,va otl>'dstoed- tire to-day, logetier iltondasi bcggsge and express -malter. b" ees sie ene also 1>ie 10" aili amountte b sout *30,00. Tiihe -amal glýt it E «WIUU ot Germany te MsaAil. te just alved lu Washlngtois. I laI a -io wrought bracelet of rare v*ùalue sR b.- presented to Miss RomovaIt elthr é day ýor to-momrw byAmbsaaador S3p"s von Sternburgi Mhal>'minetsaeeretlgalnglt eIorpu& 'lionsD ihe cowpr- nminth le wi* It>' ef Rouglaton, MiOL, cwlug ltI contiuued earhqaaak's 0or air b-M wlsleh ha"e now' beome 80 frequeL M& Idangereais thl. eraMtear for hh*]Iý -John A. McCalformmer Preidaêi lise Newv'York InsZutance Cosupauy., w le iii aIt hisii honmeet Lskevrood,-i [Chari«sL.. Lindley, tle bave.,very IQ chansce cf reçover>'. À Berlinucabb smcv:: Th ii.siua" »0' 1-* I ~poehacs~hwioe bas - ~mt S0 I I tIMuJiq1.aujJ~ ~ ~ but tii. , a putre !Prederick Kemia;farmner of the Town- shifi of Sullivan, Grey, Counaty, ffl hhànself -with a -rope.,ti e a. leinIm À b,i.wu bam lycttgdayaftz9Ûo. flienry IHammili, of Gait, al Youngbug laý vasareamted and- bas' confessed te job and w*a t ,raced by fhebod--drit'1 Týhe scierne of the SaINageon Arm7te fonu a colonp in New Ontarlo is meetlmg with- encouragem»ent _ from the. Goveru' ment, and it in likely'fthae fi.vor aft t0ýMSlipe viii b. set apart,,,.- Driver Frederick A. WVeavoe, of B. Bat- tery, Kingston. tried 'by district* cousi martial for striking a superiotr offie,ý a bombardier, vias seutenéeci to 168 daya in the county jlii Dr. Z. Ault, a well-kuown Calgarýypb- poUcc and taken to -Claresholin, charî ed arith, repomdbullty for a criminal m cration on a young woman of that tow». Slxtem lOttawa-, hotehkoeperssre on tho earpet belore Magitrat. O'Keefe, for il- lega! aeiiing, as a rom lt of the. worEof tiwo informiere, sai'd te b.b inr the 'mp110 c>f tii. Ontarlo Oovernrent. Ail ing hoteikeepers are in the bunel. A Young man who had licou notR4f1- asa delinquent in thi atter of p7b statut&liber tex appeared at Inspeetot. 34o(CbgùmnVaoffice lu Lonojm-t'ds claimiug that ho W«s Dot 'Of, &. 2àWý the. mepector disruted, viiereupous Mo' Young f eièw Ma&dkt voqiliproveol,~ at once began rollng up liii seev.* T", aliorsmpiy showed hié bared am, - whick la s aMe was -t.tooe4 wltk*the. verdi, ê% g&ptenbr. 885' , 0"n wouid have t tiba te ioncmn bW a Tm wui > vu«e tnie, it *apeetr, as hoamtcratciied t«' tax t bèok. BMIT ISII -AND FORBIONO vso vas knifed in bbceilote! Madison, a, colored roomlng bouse, e fev 4ays ago. This ghost heaslicen tiecacuse o! many a Muarlous night lu the. eounty jeUl. Soe deeiared il a myth, but otierstbit l in a stem reulity, sud among ti te r la "Big BOY."1 1"Big Boy»ila plaeod in Ilse steel e"g -Wbere ail Ue« hd fW xsider a.rýetA sud aoi* 1 op4aâit ht ..Ulk-> iiowl viâ lsnearIt pulle d Wn thobufld- 5cttation Keeper MacDougsll rau ont isastliy villa a loaded revolver lu hlm ha" nd dfoual Burrîs croueising lu a ocruer et tic steelcaetise ver>' pesoui- floatbon of tarror adMuttwùrin uan "ltts tlserel l t tare! D" ean' It CI me, Mec!" lie shriektd. "'Ah mev itl! urdcr! Murder." Finés Wretch la, Terrer. Thse unfortumate wvretch tirew hlimef] apinst tise stcej bers o! the ce u lu htieked in bis agony at the. ufseen hor- ro rs which are pursuing lm. Re~ twist- ed hie lingers around tse bars and tried, te, elimrb to the top oft lie. cage. lu su instant MlacDotigail bad eiicked back the, door of thececli aud laid an atm on bthé treusbling nman. "Go easy, Big Boy," snid xacDougall. "Go eay 14. hm.!a ief !ts Burris threv isl ttç eto h talrand w0und bis *arme arouindlMae.' leugal's knte, beeggiuansd plc.miiug net te lie lefI. sien. lu thei. c.-». 1Coxcn.-out,,# seid MeCBengIami . Weill balte alka I* tyon viire it le H. boock iurrÏi lto lb.corridor. vwaer* bth, latter f.!! lu aehlies ptte efloor aud, moaned et lutervals. When Sbe liedr6-1 covercd a Iîttie froua lbis frigit Sezet-: presaed a viaste contes: tetise murd«, of Richard CIarenre Tanner. "Ah, coLlnl sleep!' Se suid, -«an Ah%' 1vn f..' up to it. Tisey." ha, jerk-el a loward lUse celi vier. thse gisot cflb 'CiusunsudniTanner vere au- pesd le lie, "tbis aîater me fo' aise'» Telle0cftlb. f!ray. - a VI. "Blesed are tse pure lu he&arb (v. IL) Avay back il uO40Taule arote, "A pure heert la Use tirone efthte Sup- r«e Judge; bie seat anad secret ebas- ber of tic ly Tinit'; sa lcmp baug the Eternal Mgit; a trensury of divine riches;- a storebouse of divine saeetveca; a panoply of eternal wisdom; a oeU of divine solitude; e dclight te alsaints; a je>' to the heaveifly host.s; a terrer, ta the edver»ary; a victory orer, al teasp- talion; a wcapon against il esseuits; reervoir cf divine benefits; e treaaury of ail virtuo; as example to al uamen; *a reStoration of alil tîat ha. ever been lost. A pure heart fînda ita trlsole satis- faction ins Goti; relishes a iid desirea noth- Ing but (dot." -Shall sec (dod" (v. 8). An unelean soul caunot¶-look tapon Godea pur- ity euy umore tiéan G(ld ean look upon hi. iuiquity (Bab. i. 13.) But thc pure ln leart sec (led. Dr. Parker, wlaile cromiug tise cean, mal for heurs watchiug me aud aky. A young main f llppantiy msked hlm, uVmt de yen'sec, old ument" Tii. repi>' vas, *eNothîng but GCod." "The pure lu iseert sec lm; sce liiinluproridene- e, lu pieasant surroundinga ,in thei. u prove! of f riends. ini the per"ecutions o! enomies. fn likword; spe lin b>'day and by niglt; Ke I lUxa t hone sud abroed;- see Hum everywhete."l m I H -f Etc. tici. dîxne te s ur father ta ono>". I LU c l'dm-, -1

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