Whitby Keystone, 22 Feb 1906, p. 6

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- -, i 'u ~ fAuENTE Plavor. -London hias a Silence Cluib. - Thîe seisons lhèring catch u't Yar- aiouth snd ILawestoft ttals"'610,698,000 herri ngs. The blind beggars. of *iaples huave or- L.anzed. J'A divorce has been grauted a Paýris f rp.ena because hier liusbaud wa" too àlf- flectionat-e. A football club lins been fornied in !&ustria carsisting entirîly of nobles. Iges at Plesri have dt-nuanded thje sup- irssion of fra-k coats for bridegroorns, t sd decreed that thei Frenchi custom of - being niarried in cvening ciothes mnust becaie aniversal. ThueIParis 1'itatin, witlx French journal- lotie enteciprise, is publishing the iemoirs cf M-arie Ando, thre niai wha accolnu- * anicil Mitine. MNll on her trip ta Bahia with thre abscmndtim, bai clerk, Gal- lay. Lionel 'Ferry, tire Fnclislîran wvlo saot un ag-cd i(lu iuuaa in Nei Zcaland te) tirsaw attentiotot a book which ha wrare ors the -ye1iow. in, lias had lus sent-nc-e of death comnuuted to îimprisan- sment for lite. Tlit-.worso f S<cîp.ruîsulilauer are being tmanslated hu Jap:nc-eby a Youig Jauîe-professor at ii, who holdas - Lsat Schotpourlia;uerîs doctrines agree on- rnarn pt-ilrts w ýitîr the national, religion There is anneinnd dog tae very 27000 peopie ihi Austri:u, ane to ever 20,000 inu krance, axae to evOrv 100,100n( r ie.-many, onme to everY lb40.000 in I-.ngland, and aone ta ever% 250,000) in Swvitzerlnnd. Ti-ne magnificent niotor cars, eachf fitted with a diuing-rauin anhd kitchen, eity of Pisa for the beîiefit of tourists, Wha tire "cryed wili nueais wlaile travel- lzug on thei cars. *Joseph Weidxnnn, a uealthy Viennese unereliant, rccently left Mohammed Med- Inu, a youîng negro wliom lie had adopt- ed nnd educated, $35,000. Frau Weid- muan ha now died, lc'aving her entire for- tune, est inatcd ut $400J1000, ta the lucky S1E WAB LAID UP FUR OVER A YEAJI Till Dodd's Kidney PlI Kidney Trout KOWork-(èivres l ai b -Great Canadtian Kidrie: Is Cured hîs 4hy and Able- (2reclit Co the y Itce<ldy. Waplla, Asm., N. NV. T., Fèb. 12.- , (Special)-Cured of Kidney heuetisdt bad laid hîiuUp for' ou-es- a i-ea- \1u-. Geore Bartieman, a well ýn«own masn liere,îs loud lanlis paises of Dodd's Kid- ney Pis, tua- te thenui and uiothisug slse bey daims lie oi-es tsjâ cur-c. -"Yes, I had liune 'lrouble," Mnf . 113artlemaxu sys. -1 bad paihan in msu back andtinl otîrer paruts of iv tbody junIj Blacugli the dacton did visat heenculId for ýme, I grcw morse II I 1mas unable to work. "Then 1 Ètanted te take Dodd's Kui- aýey Pills, and 1. touk tluefiail int-er Immd aumnuer ushile I1uvat uiuabic te wark. St ook lus ssiitweive boxes, uad now 1 amn perfectly lsealtlsy. M.Ny paimi arc jiii lmoueandi I ais able te uork. r heartilv agents for western Canada land. Ail- soient- ed lânÙs., Liberalcnmsir.Aisa P. 0. Box 528., WirmlpesItn A GENTS, WE Atri PAYiNG LAROESTr honeat, business; w e sntt est grade cf flavorlng poivriers lu Amerias; yen can make from tive te slix dollars t.a Jday. Apply te us fer particUlaru, Ivanta MarrufacturIng Ce., Hamilton, -Ont. I MISCELLANEOLIS. ' ACRES DAIRY FARI! FI- buildings and agurroundina; ar- tesian well; modern equipments. near sugar factory and trolley; owner gotug west; ap- ply quia. Write F. E. Shantz, I3erIin. Ont. W ANTED, COMPETENT GORDON Wpress feeders; wages $7 to $10, ac- cording te qualifications. Robt. Duncan Co.., Hamilton. T ELEGR~APH OPERATORS ARE IN DE- mand by New Grand Trunk Pacifie Comxpany and other Cana4lan lines. W.V are exceptIonally well prepared ta train young men for railroad operatlng and to supplY competent graduates. A&kiress Ccntîi.. Tel- egrapli Sc-hool, 3 Gerrard street easti. To- ronto. W. Il. Shaw, precident. Souvenir Post Cards U3 ter 10c. 60 fer 60c; 100, $1; 2M. $2; M $5. a&l different. Largetat u flest stock lu Canada, 5M mixod. M; aBDums, au priceL W. R, Adamis. Torunto. OnL PICTURE POST CARDS, ENGLISH OR PScotch, 6 for 1.5 cents. Dominion Sup- ply Hanse, Klnig treet. Hamilton. Ont. THROIGH THIE SUEZ CANAL.. We -were four hours goiag through this littie trough of ivider. And al tthat tiane thiere wa-s notiiing ta sece but the cold, dimi desert and t'he empty, low-li-angil n nîvn. Toward.s the end weo sighteil a wat£h-fire---snxall and Ionely in the desert. i'here wa.s an ,Au-b near it wr-apped and hidden in a long, trailing c.'a.i<. lite sait With Ilus chin on ilis knee, and lookéài buur way. Twe canuels euniched beside iilii, slow1y chc-wiing. niîey swayçd their long necks tu &tare at tile ights. 31ournful, 6olitary-l0ookang beaStS they were. They crouched on the desert.with their kilecs folded under them, and we p"ssed near efflugh ta see them fla.p their scrubby lit tie t.ails. But thae tan never moved. We watchod hirn tiltl he slipped out of &îght. it grew colder a.nd the loaelineas un- be-arable. But you cvuld not even tlsin-K of sound.. There 'vas not.hing but the night andi the deoert and they bound youi and would nlot let you stiT.- 1 Perliaps I slept. 1-hen 1Ieoked again ive werc ini open wate,'r, sVitb a 10W, slee-pîing, touvr behind us. A einelanchoiy *pot iwith hlf ai! «en 'feeble fihts. iSuez it wvas. A cold wind &truck acrosa iL a-nd made me ahiver. Ju!.t then aOur isearch-lighit droppod Its hood and sent great f ingers of-ligh.t into the blackne-ss ahlead. Out of the. set.h came another light., powverful a&nd yel- low, but poking andi pee.ring in a heiplesa wuy hike ôoueLliing Io*. Then both lights vanished-and the trouble in tihe sky incant dawnl.' There were mountains faintly jagged reeanxend Dodd'a Kidruey Pilla te ail ganrne5V at eusnuPMiu seuffeners f rom Kidnev isas,. pale anad dim behind thean. %WhIe eUh Dodd's Ksdney Pilla alwcuya cuire the ashe rlung, cold andt empty-ieeking, thse Lidneys. lcaîthy Kidne3-s strain ail lxi- aananfuht - Aai ae u -e Iuri-ties, all seedis of disense. out of the in Amabla the Sun came rolWuug Up. f leui. That's wlry Dudd's Kidnrey Pilla Tera ina bane mure nlgai atertht. cure suclia wide range.of diseastes ii- ~eîyand a ba ta caloarameoone. as eludîng Bright's Disease, Rhoumatisrna urrr;u efete1 clr""keo".I andi Urinary 'l'roubles. -was Pinik andi peacli onti swuùnrnug gold, dom anud ail the air tresh and new aud aflusb Phonographe iu Japsau. - ith thei rniug. A fw potorapis avebenuse by The. amon faded eut liRçe iagho.t, and thew plioegamplus hve ben ui by the ausuntaina and -the a-ockussudail tise largely thruugh the efforts e« the Young se u lnssodot lc-add n Men's Christian Association, and teu . soldiers ha-voeliown contInueti intereeat. 'I làas as thse day aud the ecutioe Afnica îWhenever the pîuonograpii is lu opera --anti me tunnet i l.-Fnom Tise Canal, tien there is alwa.ys a crow-d of uinter- by Elizabetoh Wasbburn Wr*gt, lu the ssted soldiers w-lu wili mut leave uliDe1cemben (Clhrist.mas) Seniuocr. thie musia ccaseq. A phonograpli, gra- 10 phaphone an gramapisune cquipped witli Coul Rot Waxg 1h Tai!. a Clinese record inu-ariably attructsaa throbng, t-ie limilt-s ef wlich inticate 1h.e At ttii RobSl -Burns arversary 9lin- zone of tihe earrying power o!f the instr-u- uker iu Ne'w York lthe otla.e eveu.g tusent. Tlhose reproducirug the songe, of art.eoftheis speakers toîd of a tnioad iet Chine-se actresses seem mMost popular. hi&SWotludhaid ur omed tale s OUa- Snulght soap la botte? tissu otiser boapa. lenu fIat. 6aid tth rée-d tahMme "lil but la beat visen used lu tise Sunlght va. nO b. able to bide lu the. boom. t.haro Bay Sunlight Soap udaltolov directions. *'Vhat" t-Liematter. it's Jhat- &as fgoo4 lri0a hous as yo-u ere lived Inl," tise ri 1JSEFtTL HINIS. " d Re r.anaed. 'Oh," spliid lte Soied ish twel shul no bedr man f riasfrons Sotianti, *«e»y mt.bula Soier dih owlê holdnetbedrp- grde aneucis fornse, ibu my coMe <o pe- irto hot so-apsuds until tlsey have Mýwa.sled lil--t, in Iukawartu mater. is gettlug spoît. lHe canuw na.vg i The hot suds e-ts thu.ediri. tait Liis way <MOrlnk Rio baud frogu If a HanLbsurg steak is serveai witii a ( ho .d>, ie . t a l ii tbot tomnateO sauce it will -be Most appe- Upani4om>. viar.a9m TS..:.f.afté N.. A smal.stif f brusha, suds as aitiasuse A'sSU 815i55IUMOU1t whlen puintnig in oîla, is excellent for -ose brus-lr&ng thse dusst froim the ce-vices le (Bosto Toaaet. volvet trianing ard f reinbe-tu-cen rnu- Sao o oeaim bon laIds, Den't scold tise young«u ter.fth"e> ta» ai uuow'nto susahl paccos forthue dansera- tsink la equlred. Selng humis ye %t ý-t4Sc o! certa in dielues, use a pair ef ocis- expeet UISW te rusai . *0 t *0 tb " mia. Tihis is aIso a gooti niethoi of «M- $bop vindowl effe«. Y«u «Airat*ist - iourself, arndy«n resu*s possbi>tisai y ? ploy in cutalaug olti-Iashion*et inlaesa" are a lituearr prftttisas sat ef eandy. YeurfrieradaTeior.» bu#thes e ata Barax is a-ru exellent cleanser of »miIk e""Y' spOitritm«t o .ah'kt k41019 ose batttes. A!ter rinsing eut Via-e bethlesin i the otWaît beauto ot tb. issw 91U tliem wvithiu ean water aud add la veasIn promfstng 3'uz.lfto lu 1* Uset good tessxonhail e of x. Alloir tlem thse liat teromtstkand4 pm ait tl avu't- to stand for iabout an heur, vheaýt&U 6 «t-B qbu. Rayyfiftsl bPtgSis*M aousinecr wilh hbave di thued - le ver>'as-t ateactosu 1a ba" - d-. Ma eamira amI jor Sean.>'up «s»»lev Neveu. allouu a cake otf at te romain -ou la a «eoitIleS P«f«=»»* . - tie top of soupesand Etema. It àSakes- eIi'O 80400t y«WIis l m UrW1L heàm turn u r more quickly thaithbey b nst ko »bu a Ma u1 thrsewouîd. tntba oe th. --à V- - - à Amenican Profanlty. ' ona*>sue ê 9 '¶ anfond Of 'Ansericans, ;bUt I'ld (co", MDIY 'iws, 11k. tblem ercu better if liaey wÃ"nld n ï- t'l! beir eonversaîlou vth SuceiA 4 IetlludO *M pro'fs.nitY,"remiarkoti r. j Seiangit, cf ted<n, .t! ù*j~ &M unnet soylug IL b>' va>'or t M 1 9Ulttuy own P.offle but the Imt ,Waterproof 1i6ot% LinonCoflaza - >TRarebhm long beon -n'ot~ee tinglused Iroin Lordon c1ubmeién b aatEn¶lisaiwoîlan is a Parisienne. te ÏÊ,etip ofliâdainte, gloves. TÉliere bas -icirbegun su- intèrchange ce ivi1 4e l dog lashlous. - ý _;ý_' . Tii. dog oQuttitter l ulntuacd irecro.tc a lldsensation atCri- nias time Ib Y dislaying dORS' boo>ts, tai- 1e-mgi date; éollais ind foot-WanTiaer lun hawindo-t,tls no- reeving 'ndeaa f rom, Paria fer «amat twegd».»1.,I The doge cats macle lu Parie sae'a little tee fa.ncifui sud the French Rades irbo Owu «buildegues" have developed a tiWte for. -tweeds andi ahepherd*splaid with whîch.,ho dress thelr pets.U> have dsce6vëed hhat eran a' to¶y M- fdogue» feels deeply humilia-tée atbv- fing te appea- ia public in abright!sear- ,let ceat lined with satin, - su pro- ide ita- a pocket frein which ýpeepâ a in-v handkerchief. LA grw busines, la beiug cone in ivraterproof hie for dogm,, a.ud alsothose atick-up collars and tics whieb. look s wesu on a amazt pug. Froddie Satiefied. '- Stern Parent--Freddic, didnIt yen pro- mise une net te play marbies again.- Email Freddie-Yes, air. Stern Parent-Anti didn't I promise- ho wiuip you if you did 1 Small Freddie-Yes, sir! bu-t as I for- got My promise, I wen't hCoId you to yeur!. Cash or Cure 9Shiloh*sCo m Ciwfef£MI te Mv y=u Cold oâû ,oueLakiYMu Il à wamit a Sm Cul"»ha."oi" wou Cnb akigefkr If Y=o Ivrea CC h, or«aMy < aw 313 2>- peboala AUld.Imesp.amwe.a Celi Strike Co"idetona. The right of a mnan to work-if b. de- aires to work and there is work for bim to do is fundamental. If that freedom. as assured in t.he mine regions there need b. little uneasinesa about- the resuit of the threa.tened ceai atrike. Should It corne thero are two, ways in wbich a ceai strike may b. broken On. is by the ei- tabliabment in fact as well as in lair, of- the right et the individus.! to work 'aaaolezted. The. other la by the. connt ow the. people to an increase cf *50000, 0üR? or to in their annual ceai bill. CanAcIAlnHaw Retxv WI1I restore graT 1 aoIrte A ntUra colo?. Stops fatl g Iiar, cause to graw on bald "eas cures dandrutf. Itch!g and al scalp disesceCntalus no olIy, or yoi "Igedots. ]Rot & dye.. ries 73 ecsul-Te tatroa S vii a vat Lidiesi TUie MBRWN CO.. Wbukor. .g The Island on which Eddysoliht 'bouse stands leu tii.aumileet- na island in tha e rd,. At low water It ta only 30 feot in dis*ater, ami at bklh ma.ter thÙ1;m ofee i.lightboua., whloh] has aà lsmeter oouly a Httlo yrt2 tout, i. compl«tly couea by imta. Tuhe Nova Scotia uLumber Mar g'ys: "I censider MINÂRDI8LINÀAMkT the. BES liniment in use. 1 got My foot "vba4~mamed ate!. U bathed ft wetl with * ARD'8 LuQ-, V~ENT aud la vas as vell as ever aixt TU us ery t1uly <reo to va. Now .Jlmae!.1km ith*a«fi" d * ilinOWbatbto(«mas m DO- lmot tuip ta sMr' « TOUu assi idie vus. Ir ag xupIaahUi~ ai a. ot Qum*flaà Tt* a@pFrs llahei* w 4a noubt let ib* Plia" tes s.- 14,09 bistp.esO * maIl Sbut a lst llm lis r««to t. ttett -s-. 4.' 't, e' d for ie It1J IL Tont un i .hdt SQap or wbej thon oet her mca trou #ad » caus er - b s WUS complsint. nlg v y Eqftlygood with; hard ,or soi ]leturning a Savage Verdict New York la nothing If net lifttve. It apes Parle wltheut tise vit and briUiancy of tise Frenchs capital. It imitates L.ondon, but aucceeds lu retleetlng oniy thse c an sd nouestrilu. A.sapis.sd vitis a raecanesd monocle la thse M04tpopular Ideal ef man- boo4 lai Nev Yarks. Tise vole teva las one ghilusg glt-lettfod haÏéigu.It bauhardi>' su>' hoe.Wte t ause. and visai le spoken à l io.Innl nedlupIlte- sciety.t It la a parasite *rng cities, living upen tise Induâtry ofthtie country at largo. If yen dotsbt it conslder the recent dîsolosures osf hoir Its CagtaIa etf inance have vjs-4 fat upon ill-gattea profits gaîned trom burglar- toune of e these pxle's money. fIa muniel- pal fflerumoutla a synonyr fer corruption thée vorld oves. Tt la net only vieked, but degeaerate. Ita dally conversation àa tise 5ossip of the rod-ligist district Il vershîps vuah hoWever gainedL Thora eau be ne taint ou moue>' that -Nov York eau noe on- ITHIG, BURNIG SEIN DIS- BASESCTJRjWI> PUI, Tg[ITY-pIV CENTS-Dr. Agnie'Ointmneut relier., lu eue day, aud cures Tetter. Salt Rhsom, &csId R ead. Ecrema, Barberas Itch, Ulers, Bletceors. snd ail- eruptona et theseat. It la a sootisint sud quletlng sud act ams magie lu thse e»@ofbaby humons. 3.--47. No Snch Article For Sale. (Penny, 0k., Republican.) Aller the newly orgauized band at MOnrison b.d desistea f romtpractice fur a fs-w niglats lhe B flat player foumd tise valves on bie cornet laid stuck. ne wrote te lise faetory aakiug what insi o! <res te unsenothue valves. -Ille bouse answered hlm saying hbat cornet playera uaed only saliva -on the valves and nover uaed azay gpeae of any kind. T'h. B ftat, player thsen w-rte: "'Gent!. Mon: Moetend Me ?à cent.' wort.h 01t eala. Ima't getlt At tealre ber.. Iuclosed picase flnd stazupa for payant." HMs repiy hbu not yet bem reoeaved. mure's Liniment Cure Gargelai Cevu. The Lav'a Delay. J. Noble Hyéso'e - ti a'Mday es. simin, sas the Ne-w York Tîmes. at &. ruant meetin on luiaubje toRd lb. fsotlving touy asIfustnm±ve of tIi. coaxition exlatinglua s o 01tbecouulu sotyam es amm ào, tue toutus .g. Uneb a4v<ȍa±e < 00. ge e mem iiaoaat bim va bthé», V oc iia mooam "À yam fox lab1tliior buesiUu 1$. anti eb Octobm 400 toi tùns.*l terred terribl>' aud vas otten speechiessasu 1 pantIahi arayse!. One dose ot Dr. As- Durvs ure - ton (hi ieant gave mo .reflet, sutd botes. -I t 1Ulio» oe boule tv1 ai te go about To-ayir 1amna vel vomzan. Gnavlng Concienlutansas. (Atciloa Giobe.)- Conscience mono>' la turalng up vus a trffequer >' t late t(bat vwuId ladieat (at tise ven *omsbecomila bettes. A maný vaiked Igto tiha 4±clalon oUIofictthse Pacifie Ex- pre ,emsC the *othea A"I'sudbleIt a 4silver dollaron tiseceunter, s»U:x111 vas oetorpffl tisaiansouni on a money order meani> year ago, sud it bas been gca-vng ai =y 'flesis <riMme. Nover "ld nm>', Dmre; jmtkesp the moue>' sud ftgi t. With tisai be vent out NoxItbing ve kuov somebody vill psr a raliroad boom» hoS once roeon a PU&a ENtiLISI SPA VIN LINIIENT lumpik ib5s1s Mdf ncm hors..-boo a ailpraas, mote a4" SwollUM bo does M& e S. ave$50 bY vu.of ou ebot- -Au Orienatal DeflutIou. «Now, my- lad, deseribe the zebra,» sai tb l.teachen. The. boy th*ulalIfër -a 1nùép.4 Ilion gave Ibis deïtio,'ho o be bard te boita "IV&. a doukey vearing, a football Jeffl ' Iu someaoclety !à re oun dtdiks vii mimea mn squuar. A.1 punmMIs -a mnwho Ivom him- Orqi atcr-. ormner, *hile oft y and thoý 0 Id air-tight on ut'sudi edwith blood at t1he b. obtained ,evo in ai f the heaxt bave eC8- f -hes.rt will b. enlivWmne the bloo t rversit i by tii. osciatioeinl e$ tà n u a n usogona tledpI w*t seusa ed byse4i-cabeslb-, w f1i vï itis a patient Who ha "udepiheo " ais a ~ntr à tbhem by ,Soutb Amaenican Nerrias Webster. otf orest Ont. maYar ZmiItte it -.- 4"rythuinýg .010ta"- e tfMy " -v as the.miater wllh iI" 'de- mandcd tbe editor, &Well, ber name a. a (ratia, but 'yen Jifhsta net se 1ad4 8h. vwa giron srway,wnntsc" Spanking doés net cure children et bed-wettiug. There la a coustitutional cause for this trouble. MnmM, SUM- MIW, ilox O, Wiàdbor, Ont., wul eaSd frne. te aiay mrnQt, her auecesaful h*ome trcatmeut,; wuhth I nstructions&Sni ne money, but write ber le-day-if yod chikhren trouble you lu Ibis wray. Dou't blamtRiee-hùrd-,lb. behamm eart t' blpit. This Ireatment aise cures adulte aniaged pele Iroubledti iuine di- ficulties bycdy or xiigha. Interested. Church-Yoii aay bis boy Esla in l (iotsaeuObyes. "la b. lnterested ln the. future cf'foot. bail, do yeu n er» " Oh. yes, indeod.i» «WhvIat position doea Se pls.yr, "Obi , ho desn't play atailI, [F studyinïg to bb. a sur geou."-Yonkez lard's Liniment cures Colda, Et" (Cleveland Leader.) "PTieue, air, WMl you gir. a diapo teo#a "Hlert itlei, seuuy. la your tatbeu deadt «N*~~ i. Hesade orphan.Di noM y~ Write BIAiiCIL 4, 19O6j Jftue Telle Who Ara Bleaaed.-Mat OOIl2eatay*..qThe gatheri t".d(vsII, 2).. LSeing the M 7 ~thraulttudmreferreci te 25 o! tii. preoeidng cbapter. 1 by is iraletke prople camne hube byl Is marac1es oer Paoeti haie rcachod even to Deceoi tbe couutry eaut. ef the Jordi al Muatai-Aoringte Vrad 9128pola. this sermon on a squ ed b9i with tswo tdps, whieh go Medern naine of "The Horna o! - Usttin being the vilage on the hta base. The hll riscs Sixty f4 th>e ixian end is aàttuated new trt.ci the wmct ceast of the Sox la littile baok frUmn the sea -The us-uai Position fur teaehlù tbe Jewe. They etood ta read 1 tazre, but sat ta t-each. Disci1 aanto HEi--Théy occupied a pow.i to lm and tihe multitude waA 2. Opened lis xflouth-"'The e givS una moutb.and we mus markme-ls tîhe oetutandan M te be enunciated. Ml. Ti-e oharacter z pria God's peeple (vs. 3-12). The. oentin the eigîit beatitudes, friMa thie opening word "lbeat.i" in. th-e Vulgate. They* have cmlLed benedietions. 3. Bbessed meaaus more tdia. h appy. AS je bigiier than pleafflre, go b] > s higlier tisan. happines. Blcai mre truly divine. It i. more pieasroduced by God'à sunsh: ul.-When. Poor in spirit beatitudeS arc sffixed te niki t tkosto show that the judg ObiMaad of the word are di Benson. One who is deepty sE bi s piritual peverty.and irret -Cak.'Ibeh general opinion s ie heperson who la rick. ai Mnd honora.ble in the worM.- osopliersdid not rSeicuuil -tJseïr moral virtues, but Chrili tint Theirs l- a t thuâ lime. *indom oftheaven..-1 dom 0f1ea-en and the kingdoxi meintha-csa-me thing, and bave to that apiritual kingdom -whi< aMt@ up lu the lucarte of HII Paul de m e Uc 4ingdom oci(Q b9, "Righteêuaneus, peace ari the Holy Ghoot"--(Rom. xiv.]1 wii7 called a kngdomn? "I. 13 baé its lefv-the precepts of ti 2. Ita aubjects-alwlte believe ObviaI. 3. Ils in,-tle 5ovi heuven and eart.I1'-Cl.rke.- tb Vat moqr-That is, tlaose sciomsDo! heir spiritual pao-erti I.On accout ut un and ita quences. 2. 3eeause of Laxing a hol -e.nd righteoua Goi."Celi The. Lord coanforts by epea] verds ef parduon ard peacei earts. True jov ian frequi fru&t 01 Sevrow. ThJ& pramisi UI4e, "shah be? comfortcd. " tae.ta.king a.ws of sorow aitogt to-a.liferming and tranfigurihà omnpelling il te bcstow IleGàh Wins inpossil."-Pél19)«. 5.Me-Of gentle and ',eué,, disposition; o!.peaceabLieterni

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