i uri. rmd. Pitt iU verx, tow. mio. Ww. 40~bM'4Qut jr.1 cootiza I*olp.1ealdi cdf tl4e bIthodIlt churîl m tut aMn.-Lew Rîchardison . Ut. red, a-tavtr'» uaMlln,<ae la' I bm1TeD~8I Pr*iaoand M1,48 'Majry Fiter attenided the concert 04- iyrtie ou OrTburscay eveolog lai't. Mr. lfrr> Jaineu open t k3undl) es. Mr. WiU $Scott. spent Sunday lu Ccncillor aLnd Mns. Dollttle eBient lý@v. A., C. M'luI reacbed -an ex- Wigent sermo n 16 scday evenling. Wm.t~mthcv..1'fu~r the colng Mr. IL1.PWr1 11t1g wt Ottala iêrd 'l3rockvll(>'rIendi. Mr. 'itu,4u&à dihortiUge h'at§ etart- rd ito. his rolsitids t4kli1g orderti for Br'6wjn rrl4'. nuà '4.ry- Mrs. SamurlStoclk'6là On lthe mpnd. Ur. Intîn EO-'teI- l tOà tcr. Mân. and Urn. -and Mra'. Ed. f8mith. ot I o. land, mont.. *alciit o.fes' Ià ayt4 ln ur' midt vI'ôffl*g oic) 1rkeads. Our inikl?rw Mr. .. F. Plowlght. lai fflndng a scaretty cd! water tu run hie mIIII. 14r. Johr.Mue-can. (d "Prospect IUgu -eidr trnll, . clubajOur midit. ile Intfnds to Leeli té-niperanCi' bou-qe .;t Hamptonà Itecri Stes-et uind Couucillor Doo. little atletded the kile ut Oshawa ou Frid*uy lftt ilrs. A. &etchen 1,4 vmlting wlth re. latives In pqhawa. }Lvi. A. Cr(,'ier wII prescb ln the rretibyteriati chtireîa &mxt 1uncay Mr. Jno. WhiU<ïurdit heUicrppre- .«ntutTvo,» T he It11. of T. at Grand Lodgo meetisis la Toronto thin wwek. -À wvagon Ioad 'ut ynubers o! the 1. 0.0.1. ludget' wcDl.1lrom bore on Mon. 0dai cTCutOng 0 Pax. ~faeol'u te 'Woiie 'b the Ohawa lodge. Mrâ. SoKuCeIville aud. Mies RIobson bave ret.urned fi-cm Toron to, whaW.' * ÙM7 hve béoi Èie Chrlotwu. Mo.T. T. Eiolliday leît for *TqroD- .tu thus8 wcek. hblai tut~I 40ethere itor a ycar. . Mn.1 N. L»ike hati been rather poorly agal:>. ut40 niA' celn- bettor. jMater. loley l1dwu a sable .bo be about so'wco now. and I s .ookiot, *betteÃ" han mir -Iîbce epweLeCI. X- ter- bis sçriotAit.ias. Aeter a seasûnuof ioing othingi Brookln sports arc agaîn îhowbng the îtq*f tbey are mode ofp. 'The, bbc- key*tsiù ivent to ltrocugbam lait *en*edaloiaht, and doeeatà .êithe Mr. nd Mf s. John liobbnson will Icave litre ahoDrtly, golng to Wawan- es&, '.%In. The retildetit" now c- cuploci b>'theru w411 be laiton hyMr. Luke ]tobillbfucî, Who le leaving the IfarinIbis tsprlng. MUr. Hesir>',Purto'ti, wbci llvec, a mlle east d<At hre, sstie ucpsatul ln svlnnucg lrst ir w n the. Dr. Chano'ci almmoi'con tetit, for beut r.- cordut'ci!eventfi of IDt)4 kegt li a colpy cif thse iliniuiolt. Thse prIze te $100.00 ln gel4. Mx.. Burton 1h be- ing voruily cuamratuated b>' bis Mie Ketchen haii been vislting ber ralher. Mr. A. Katchen, for a. few day. . Siw lit for New Toft on Masnter Howaird WelIu, youagegt soin ci Mn. -&. NWelir, d.d Oni Wed. nesclay, xnit o a¶ter & long Ilinsu. À oçoil wliiib be 11. 1Mr. Ket- chnî h ueu'day evuenlng, lmri 1801 gpWQýr the auspîçes c -' "agltterm <a theii. Presbeor" -churah. FIht tc o.tc t1enass11lWr souitt 10o tbrmmuffigh 'a«oo1 *L4'a.tOU" Ater a cool deal aI disension. the majority deoéid tIist port Psaryeboud bavseaà soeool'<eo eiad 101,06nlm inc wpsovtuc La mochol. arshlp andi dlicip186.' ?bey pwie éeeded to emy 7thin dcubu ltob e<ét by cirçitIEg Lte &r0ssot fine aseco uliflgr, ad .agagilthe11 umesaiy teachoe. : nfe nov buildings wsré oMm4 £or tho receptiat f!puls tu Mavoh. 19'74, and la 1FR76, atonr a ope"la Board. was mucli plessd to recelns trom the Education LE6pag6tmeat of Ontario lime <olowîag repota oeneral 11e5.ort-ZOBIii1oume <or Ihe natDait ndcompltmu « tAU the appebtwtcEDtand toc the aI. inable ordci' wt4i0bpery~adesatlas wbcle. , bPeclal Rcjot.-Tbhech01oo1laldo- lias ezueUsunt %wcSk aunp'eplreg high 1 léasp bumonçtodýntes, lotthe uni. vensit'. Bon.e cdthcie piplils are arnatheIbmmntost aa ta twm 141 lbe saine year the IiucatWo j»_0 partinent.heidth tI~iret gitimthet. tormediate ex-minations. w bon thé nesits 01th1e swlaUe er. pnb. l1.11.4 t vas Ifcund that tbe lanA Party 11gb Schcol LU4surpasSd au thima then Ulgh t3ohto ladi anl*but two ce, lbe Coileglate KInsttutes o!i the Proiuce. For «tome yearis the chie woft 01% theo chool wab Lthe Lresaatatloa -<c imatrIculants, Uca lthe uotrersîtl1s and candldatcb Ifor public achool teachlng.In bWth tlUsee epart- moente Iti studcnte vers emtnmtl> oucoesduL Bori<e of its pî:pilstook 11gb honore and cobolansMbpesat &I- mc*t emu>y unticu'ulty, «l a a4, amI tw' or @meyerunPort ?'irry hd Msarty' a umopoly cd pnspanlug pub. lie sohool techsfmDot o op mm. 1 b. suomumz ~ IStrtat,.but aso tnom Ibe adjacent couttie ? hlfh b anElng -C09 lb. sobMlsM4 bç *1xoliee cdt1he. ort daem.. vet . ru. O«BW e~and gene"oamdyaomu vl 0 e4 by ltsag men a luvmy par t a Ontanlo. -IboPort Penny sch0ýl was hold op a'q an oxampl* <t vbt coloId bu douetu .in ups4à l szpal lool Mby rmood aaptutqoa ,and ëf'It't tea thu>;. *i1 Wthe Ibm baualag ewî <9 'a noail> 4sopn,-country. evde. mandu werc natte opoa. sductoaa timon demamb ,wic a, ntheo jaf't- ment o < tc'. 1 t W" sqass tbat ln ordt rtc> bra 'thée vat ne- souro cd<font ccufltr7 b lthe beet (tillesl ma.nn5r. bhiaui g ce students. ('ce u Ibthtrgsst c1.m rcomis la tlie baflldag vas" MWi op a P a Scisuosrconw, oedI lkt, sae 'b sgay limaIlu ii.ia acomm«UhItoas, oqulpuasul&.ad <tenwaal oear.uitd4* thons la no bet Wr ae oom la. an>' nhobl ila Outto 'lb. e sSflcPort Penny studeate in tfr Ospentumeut et umos lias been extraordinary. 'It wbl4 t» in. lnstiIous 10 iuctiOousMa»Uw, andiIl te impogibl* te uuokan.. but il M" li ïLaid that '4V Ibema" s uwboi musâast> MI .ýplttoaà , but ltue blgws«t, a"i *s day lesousetbtiem ate ?gt~~ tbm blgbot aùttsgrttu sle tw1r entaemi & nt'ssu asp <t ~ 1sé« sou o l.cenut 1Ws WIiIIbm esew o&la b Mt 6r Ieti Im sMys" l¶sl lu Oatistfr wb"i 4ftt Von i r . t o i. aoïy - 1. BoI1iOW- Ifor SkIE 9hldiffq Owo- ies Tgbt% spgbsmls e. (4heri,,v - et ru mi ..gaa or W ta d itw t rn1d2M . lme hmed mick chuirmadut aî Ltt4 tuilhsgs t ailh eVéry Y~., Thot. ilan.1 à . ai'jsaln't"sll-u bais~ ~ rh J~aiicu.l iuk cuulti tr-M lso> t apy liae '1'ý --l.. NÇ.,1 a 7 hes la17 plaes oWmmet -m &mw %bse~ili .oeulà p.têéu , mia.mthw s.1 Your nolm>'cer m pl"a blugs cime deo t.,s ie aH.pSaVa mue> Kwoqcbedyl's dolaus>' mbe &ho rsm Ysm e 1.1..mer h. sdomS, Ma"u usmbsp'ohld Te tsp lqwomt 'ofdhsde o Umm.hat t. «904 "M c va nu1 sw& we.Ins. Al has eto!my- cWrn t a yur 9mel',bo 4 ,MI wI %UR MIRUmB oe.m aiet tbe bord to OWMto5a l tbe Miuré ka te thé PiUt ,soa oo4t o ousteaoutaAlo Ia obola. "dpa lsIlm. LaGrippe- * If t. i E ~ I.> Z that You are /': i~~~efyo *~>IMMblà Keystone, Press Nea.rt Pintlng ,attraotîs businoas. That's the,;k knd -w«G.CO.* And e wn'1 Jee yo watint mouth 'l"ryur oekelther.l e, * Is flt the ouý b'oadlly on thei * ,in both business a -ydess&rand prop r 'Don't let your reg Extmgttgcec xtTailor." EçOùôh-4rime ec *9rBrand Clothigp far exool the prodi1 * ~ Z Careful dresSeraa read1o-Wero rT.weIve ',n- saidout! Doctorat ay that UL&Gaw>'m wilI corne twc>or 1threY"w more and. disappoar aa Pefo i M o là yers I hAM fidianuta usta te . k 1oo 1, il- Port Perry iligh, sy -Princîpal Mx orbe, Port Penny 41ll 'E '4. M *.i s 4 f - /, the'eat empdn*#if