Micelafterwards announeed liaI tie sub-committee et seven viii star t La work to-niorrow ut O o'cloe ou thie demanda. Fuit-ber tian that i. baL nothlng te say. As tote iRyanresolution, Wiieh bas been s> ,nruch c-tnîincnted on, te hi. et feet tint if t1ic minera strike ithe, soft ceai district- tiey uili aise -striLke lu lbe anthracite' district, lie had neti- lug ho aay. h vas understood, îiev- cved, tint tie resointion, ici vas possed ah tic convention is looked up-, on nasan elastie eue, sud yl b. te- seînded in ail probabllity, If ati a.ree- ment las reached îetween the anflira- cite operators and th ic ners. Mlitch- ell dcnied Luit hoc md colled nw a-eching e!thie National Executive Commite. te îescindthuis resolution, wiilci l looked upon by many o!thic miners *à a tooffih oue. SIIIPPING BILL V. S.'Wall ESTÂBLISE TITE IRIW% MAI L LNES ANalRelervo Forte 4! 1o,06o0Oiiei sud men WIII B. Cmed, Wls Ae te! Recelve Retinens MIe Un . i. 8ma.oet ta4fimna en1 t hé. .14 abiyping.bill# wicuva. pas.ed'by> 38 to 24.~ - A. iusse ibillestablUu shiUs#n uaw- eontrakt.,mati Inte.. ^Ia k1m bib Sdes re Anious te Avold-a Cod, Mon Imprssed WîÎth Statement New frrk rb. a'_ots. ldn tii atatement of President Mitchell sud hi Ssie Committee tint the latter had sverything in readiness te submit' to the operators to-day, no written ata te- ment cf the demanda were produced. The. coafereace did not last very long. la about an hour it vas announced that Preaideint Willcox, of the. Delaware and Hudson, and Jobn Mitchell, Prealdent of the United Mine Workera, would ma.ke statemoents. Later the. reposetera were called in, and the following gen- oral statemIent was nmade: "There was a f ull representation of mine operating companies and rminera. The. meeting was calied te order, with Mr. Connell in the chair. Mr. Mitchell addressed the meeting, giving in general terme the propositions desired liy the miners, atating thant the. sanie iiad not been entirely forxnulated in detail. TUi. operatora vere very much ira- p.aa ed with Mr. Mitchell'a speech. Af- tera 'brief discussion, 1: vas conéluded represent them in the future in- refer- *IKO to the inatter, the. committee to con-, <it of seven meniber a el." Coinmittees were appointed te repre. sen the minera and operators. Previons to lthe meetingthi. perators heM an Infermai meeting u te part o1 the building. Tii. con! erence ad- journed about 3 P. nm. Minera Feeling'Their Way. The general impression was that Mitchell and his committeo bad been slmply feelingthei* way, and wanted t ese. howte operatora aise! before prénting a -ful i lat of theis- demanda. Eohaides aaid liat thi enfmerence vas harmonlous, and tint thmre l a gen- aral desiro for peace. The. impression pr.vailed that, wieI*the. employers will neither grant the general eight- beur workday, the closed ahop, nor an s.dvance n wages, they don't want te _turn dcvii the minera bar shly if there la anythling on whicli there Will be' a disagreement, and both sides wish to avoid a atrike, if posgibie. Some of the. operators remained for fifteen minutes or se etter the conference. W. H. !1ru.adaie, of the. Lackawa.nna, aaid sIdter h. came out tint lie thought il would b. ten days, or at leat a week, before the committees could get togeti. er. lie exp ressed thc bellef thnt the mineta woul(d formulate their demanda and &end a comnrittee to the sub-com- inittee of thc operators, ich, wi.ll b. aubmitted te a conm.itee of the whole, «I oan say nothing," h. said, "cexcept tint the conference vas iiormonious, and tintthVe tatemients of Mr. Mitchtll as to the grievanecaià npresecd thie meeting. As tic minera' demanda are net ia shape, of course wc cannot malco anything like a definite statement on- the. subjeet." President Willcox, of the Delaware and Hudson Comipany, aaid tiat b. oouid not say wvhat stand the operators wiIl take until they hear the jul de- manda. He vaa rcînnded of lus letteri è>osedtbat i.relbdeeoe- ýcom* by 1the beà t aidma w tezgive boe air » hé ai uj9m thibc cafr.t. I. P-«.Dr. J1um fet er .puIs.and Dri. Sad g naJuti cb&quck ?bey W tha deahà hd be& k Istan- taneou, thhe arI baving,giVven way to Whënü rs. Orle iaebed the meëeting, ihe W"s one cof the mostti,.tuer.. t was- wdll towards the.-end o!.thinatê- that..ah. watssu! ferisg. H.Red m ly to lier aide and -iiquiredif.ii hewee Ii, buf beore ah. eould npIy, ber-eyoe c -oda gasp ame from ber lipe, abe reeled and fell forward into the. arm of the. minister. officra an who are to receiveI sels receivigsblitae reqilred te servemeamn iv r eva. The.ag- Srepte compenstlQj. 0 iL %ý kd14~~S*ILizev Yoýrlci, ê 1 ntii.preseffl - o! mayfrid #,: ai ba LANDS, IN wET,~c~ u TO 'iO*rtel, perneaeto 0lsfUda GIVI TO2i;îýS&ýANniog0t utii .1 a*of :~V. Jobxujus- ÉlMTSON'S BAY COXPANZ' , t1n, pastor o! ii. (ý*' oumbia Street 4èr- man lieformed Ohm-cii,aIninHf,. J' viere installation services of the- Millions o! Acres C;aimed-1> ci*ta Cii" eudsavor SocietY verýe being, EstblshngRighisAre 1in iieays tbe Herald. anaPariaentMut » 4 Tb.-' tragie incident camne se swaiftlyý Question. that nen, vomeai and chldmUen Who ve Ottawa, Feb. 19.-Thcre vill bel . - ýgroupe about tic atricken womnan bard- aented te Parliament next sessioni, Ayrelle whateLadbpee. bysp petition from the. "retired' aervaflts 0 apo!LThysp the Hudson'. Bay company" and their cf land in th. Northw est. The clalim arises lu this way: lI1811thi.earl cf A N O L Selkirk received a grant 'of 74,545,M50 ____ acres ot land f rom t1he Hudson's Bay Company, including ail the feBet Wife W nsS p rto province cl Manitoba and 27, 00 epraio acres more. The. deed of this la z* te the. Earl of Selkirk contaiaed-, hovever, the MâS.r a clause reserving 7,455,552.,acres et ibis Prs e.1.A retwi a terri Wry for th. retired servante o!f aiFb 9-A retvi a the Lludson's Bay Company. 01 .the to-l*y <trved upon Court Boni de Castel-, t#tal area se reserved only 152,34eCc5« laze,- making i defendaht in. the sep- of land were- granted to the. beeDlci*- aration proceeinga of bis wifie, formerly ica named, leaving a balance oet over Ood.Teecdgatpvst- 7,000,000 acres, te which Hludson»a Bay È GudThdddnstpW taý officers and theur descendants are, nov ena! ter renewed efforts t effcfta, r. laying dlaim. cnciliation had proved f ruit!s. Tii Their claisu is beung prosecutiA by count acccpted the. aervk. o! the. rit, Rey. ,James Taylor, viesetsforth'thut v «MnUP4teoRew M M sine* the. daim vas f irat put befor it' iuguontitCutes aiyr Dominion Gove5tnment,' 30 yenrs mga te faclitt. f ixlug upon a place vicia ,decds, mapa, and othor records estab- lthe wvlt couid b. defiv.r.d. Tiie bille! lishing the validît f ethVe laim *lliave complaint vas filed at the. $&me lime., been secured, anl ho b as drawn 1ni' a It fifolows very cloueîy the. Countesa moenorial, whici ho viii prent to P-»faCie Sbowl iahn ah. tirat aaked Parliament on the aubjeet. ItV appears h orsprisint aeat that even Lord Stratheona, theu Sir m-peisont tkain Donald A. Smithi, had long beei under ________________ thedoumnt nowz ORWASTED, Râ "Coonial ecord'A,'Ilwih en taine the. proot etf this reseru-atien, d been destroyed by Ri in 1870. Mr. pROPOSE&D RMAT DICTIONÂRY Taylor, iiowcver, lias it in bis kc.pîng, STPA WR "DG aud thu, explains the icireumstamuea TPSAIWR «O. under vhich it came into i pouaeb. Sion. He saya: - Im "Wien (onvernor Scliultze handed meEstimDteII Tht Work Would h. FinUhed re-gister "A" id' Government House, in Five Years at a coat o! *aSoooo- Winnipeg, i. asked me nettho #!%*0 Bas Alrcaay Taken Fourteen Yeari4 publicity tien Wte ith acts cencering m 4 o<»o J Ru Been Ezpen&ed tie true owuersiip ofthie lande ln the. old District of Assinuboin. 1 questioned Phuladelphia, Fieb. 1.-Fourteen years' the reaaon,, and tic Governer toldj laber by two score ngted Anieri cehel- me tintt he Canadijun Governuent i ara, representixig an out.Iay of $400,060, made a terrible blunderiluthi. waytheyfla apparently te b. throwu away, be- took over tue Diitrict etf AsOinîboua, cause Lippincott'a Dictionary of Englu'sh and iL would neyer do for il t* b. Language, whicii as te bave heen a kuowvn tnt nas a servant efthVe Q<>v. monumental work' exceedng the r h erument, ho Lad handed me thia power- Murray-a in scope,- bas- suddeffly bcen tul ueapon. (Governor Sehultte also abandoned for lack ot enough mouey te polnted dut otier substauttal rasons carry It toe ompletien. -or ntnining silen-ce at tue hlm., It, vas projected and started in lmI' vbwich I ueed net imention tov, but. by J. ilertrain Lippîucott, bond of thc which 1 bave carcfully guaie-dedt ubliubîng firin of J. B. Llppiucott Ce., Four or fîve yeurs mgo tic Govern'. J who alto bors tie enire expente, lu- meut st Ottawa was informied of tle1 teuding hiat it *iiould b. biu centribu- existence of this register 6'A," -.which tien te the. vend cf leari~ Its aîn» Swaa on file lunUicelRed River Olony, vas net îonly te give a diefîition for before Vie year 1823, and a copy o! 4 us every simd. ,ef znanu»g of every yard nov ln the. Interior flepzrtîent Tii.' 'n thae nglish language, but aise to give Goverument yeara ago hook he. grouud! a quotation (rom etery century o! tbe tint suci titi.. vere extinguish.d bUY t ved!. lie. *he Ma itoba ct. Bt as gaint I i NVhenVie wor vas - __nit- proje2- iWithout Dissolution of ýriaMe'Tie.- against ber iusand. IL mention* ne naines but particularftes certain incid- ente in which the ceuntisl alleged te bave pnrtieipated snd il meka for a de-. grec for v-bath be- French iaw terme «sop- aration et body sud pîeoperty» meaning comnplet. materiai sepaistion vithul a d'"Iton of lthe bonde of! nrmo Tecutholda lie bill o! complît lu tie strictest secrecy, but the. fore- going arele eessentiai feutute.,of ils contents. Il cun h. atated vihabsoluha positiVenesnov tintthe countese bas formablly inaugurated beà action LiaI it j, ber intention ho e"cure a decm ut lie carlicat date possible. The CeunI w -l not content thc granting ef th, de- M BIRns uup URNR'TIRADE AOAIN$T 'r sivo tu a wawasaiau uImi4 »aTWFm STARSnAID eTRaSwu- tour paa.eugcu-s imd ý 1hwveu econd su *d Tiird CliU!, off A aeszyt-. - ly ExpressesBis Vieva ôo*8A=mTOSB. napotion mnitar#roudod >y ro*s Ticatmiet -@ofRis, Rae-lIg aadltstenIê e tas i. hon aPflic Diacusson.gA"o MWter r ! i!e.aavg rowed oit lIol the aMMer- rapt. ÉMIa>',of lie IW Macn, Ga, Fe..19-la u ma ddrevo-«aXIan. laied liionstahe i. ah. boal. 0 delegahes il atawcoi,1 m wtla Uh. .td la litti. daprr, thoe negroe barem to dwmscute ae problée.:ard n t l hmc a"d liaI re bat d#- MèA-hpHIL XT*rner, eofthie MrIaa talavait th# arrivai of (9p ho, M.UellidIi Epispbfl butch delaret lOsspso w AmeÃŽrlea tig te be sa 'dirhy mand t1201 st1. 3. 5.-* nAe ô"as*-- id v t.mpetw Im ha*titiben u wta »Wvvd Iho UteDvud*11bd au luspovient îou thlite slta «aen tbe 501J5 ou t 1151teq whuteaf lva vvle PIa#top wu staw hmlu "" la eloeaag ha. Midt -if' à litho Ipx- o W . "t7d vill alita. ve *'sueeo 1. p '0 unlil 10AM pau iathr tia* swrrqs"aW-êQI~~i.~f a'à It" A rvsm ,"b. 14b irt o! mot.- ajp, wtt. a :AITACKtD -BY MOBS. OUTRAGE In THE PROVINCE %>p NGANHWEI 1 iE PORTED. Want te Pay Of! Old Scores-Anti-For- elga Talk H,,.ard Frcquently lan Shangiai 'ru Houaes-Looking ho Shangiai, Feb.- 1.-lt la reported eitti foroiga mission st Ngnnkîng, Province cf -Ngauiiwei, bias been at- hachrod by a mob ot natives. It la b.-- lieveL tint nobedy v-as killed or huit Il is conumon tak in the natire tea- bouses tiaIticb Chinese, assisted by the. Japanesei, viii smon bf able ho rt.- py thi. Occidentale for ail thé indig- nities and oppressions lb. Celmels bave euffered frein hein. Xany .o!fLthe great provineial riccroys 'aie abowiiig nuaried anti-forcinm, hieh lia-y wouiL novadaya barldly danr tQ do- unies, hhey theugit liaI Pekin ap- proved. 'Efforts are quiotiy beiug mail. te reccu-er lhe privilegea gvantcd ho foreigna ah hie treuiL> porta. Two addltional companiea o! volunteers nel being raised bere.* lu sone quartetsa Japau 1. bellêred le view vitii cqutniînlty tie posaubullt>' o! axmed Intervention botug noeea.ary, since il veuIldprovide lieriihi c.- essieu Le obtalu rmnCina.wiat %aie' falled te exact trom I usaist. la Sbanghi*uItvo additions! enu- paie o vlte.are beming raised. It-s Tpored battheMunicipal CoMI- eu1 farci-sa $trngtheuiuig hie Silulipo- lice WSnceby MO0men. Untortun&tey. ah la ahtttlajuetureta ia,h lan beea dcided t& reduteMie Br4imhCh au BOU"S A-DAIT. Can~o Oumbal cà uaed, tKieatge 1G p fI tnk~ V_ À Oopnbsger despateI-, Tih ody-of (rasianberg ChurcÇ hâ etorday to the Dm TE- ILVE DOLARSAuG- Xthedral at Roaklde,' 30 nmi frein LONI KADE ,-AT HOME. CoPenhagei, , were il viii b. buried on Sunda in à à - ""sr'tteatombaof thie SudÃŽmrn ,a 0 - For Seven Years He Cohw"ed Tie., AideIà Jaih igvo ,teaar e by.is >auitc-No a ankfa found ltueir-1's' resting place lu ,he "ient ep t heti'.kingo.'lii. Ne oik Si cr Refused Tiie=-Tha viiole opoeba.~vsgve t - Coins Were efc a otnn.Buies n wr ee New York. Feb. 19- Tiie World ea tandstil> .vbulp .embleans of aorraw nays: W'nen United -States Secret Ser. er displayed everyviiere. The. enor- vice 'agentsyesterday- arrested. beauti- mous bèîègabd iwds z.of tewuapea- fui Francesco Angeloni, and her fatiier, pie sweiled. hy , housanda of!- arriviras Giovanni, a purs-uit. of seven veeks end- from thi, counry distrip4a, tiirenged the ed, andthie Geverninent bad capture& square nfront oethle' Christi"iberg tvoof thte most skillful coutefeitema churcii, and the route thence te lie rail- girbf l8nd er svenenrs~igway ast^atiozi rm early- monning, -stand- be iug. patienitly for bonis in eider te pay coiniug apurioùs dollars aupefeti1ee-a lùtdtxlhute;to iê. îdeà d monarci. Lb. cutd iaIli Unte Stho edUye vindova «Il along the. route vere filled accepted and passed tbem. vitb spoctétogrs vie paid bigh prices for There la net a ba ' in N1ew York sente. Mest 'o**iie wneîs etfsîueh vicbams net talcen hi nmover uts coun- places et vantage, anounced heu inten- tera and paut~hem co, unsuspeotlngly. ~i? eeli ecaiy nmmr Tieso coi"s probably v-I b. i oî u _ e Kng Oirist*gn. the.proceeda o! Vie lion for yemrs unles he Goverument ;Shotlst*5oetcn iRns !Dn recalla icithe gof t he years 1881, .mahr,briee ..p orv, Quce ofADon- 1899 and 1901.,em aQue A>x The. secret Service men believe a nraietBiat l, lieJ% D'oýagar 10,000 coins have been ptut t.Emess-th e! sed and he rs vol- = Bop.rfect, vere the coins tiv o! i e eeth, u î~ e e thaUt,vcs oforeigu svegus %e tie Goverument agents. 5Weyvould v icw en 4b se n clsioer of wbrief er net b. convinccd ti.t hi. dollars wvieci vie v el , cat> ï tii cncusonet Dani"- tbcy bad acceptel ver. apurleus. The= sta n, vbere whhii. aal - Secret -Serice men bad te demonstrate ie trï vaes 'té téeà igbynaval ami by an an ' tical assmy tiat lb.ecoinsofcest»'ewllg er 1c %lnedby the. sub-treaaur y ver.e nbe-e y kftryaicvi only 750O fine. Of êourse, lis vws con- a simple cortege vas formeL anê alowly clueive, for lie aileer dollar Made b, pI'eeeded hhrough lie, lireand a-liai! Unele Sain lae950flune'wth copper miesof tzet - îmmaLheîhuand b-: loy. terirà ý&tÃ"L' mid.tl e The moulda wMhb er. baking in tue ibd the bearse asled King Oirishlan'u ciiarcoal eto,, u in.eAugeloni homefavorite riding hose, Jèesaufwbicb il yeta! ternoon vers lb. -fineal theb.elot -ngt, mceording Ão Lii. anol. cnt Danilsi custoin. -Tiie processlea vas police ever had seen. coe lbcrae qrn i.ml meambers o! RBoyal familles represcnt.d ut the anealthelaies vatcblnfr tii. de. POÈ'ISON IN CAKn'E* atr ftheody freina, neîghboring The- belle cf ait Lb. cbuacea-vwere tbu- SERIOUS CHARGE AGAXNST EMBRZ ed aud minute guaver. fina rein ii.e AND W!?!.arsenal tbrougbout lie',progroea o!-the- cortege and unhil Lie cofflu vas' 'placea on thie tuierai train. cueln Countyp N. S., Residents Ar-I This vas Ithe tiret.lime, lu bstory ta !tebody o! &a Daniab Ring bas been rcatedl on a Charge o! Sendilig transferved- hy ralroaL te Lthe burial Tbrctcuxng Lettera tibrougb the tplace. â A t . ime of!tliedeali o! Mail and Attempt to Poison. Frederlck VUI. Lihe predeceà sor o! Ring ChrfistIan, In -1863, the use o! a rallroaa4 Halifax, F'eb. 1.-J.remiab Eanbree train for lb. con-veyance. o! Lie k-kng,$ snd vit f., t Iast Anher*t, Cunihcrland body te ]Roskcilde vas net considered su!- ceunty, N. S., ver., arrested yeshrmytficieuîiy digni!ied. on a charge o! seiiding lhreatening te - e _ tors tirougi lite mail., and. aIse vlth an i OOSPITAL FOR AifIIIALS. Iattempt ho jPoison. 1lhe ' ver. brouglît before eJustice Casoy ani remanded foi n oCs Sio-MyB sal4e trial uennetOalt CMt ndooXayBeZwab-sid I Prom vint can b. -aredita-r- t laTaronto.. tiret Ur. nd Mms.Embree's son liai -Toronto, Feb. le.-The So4y thelb been siowlng attention to a 0~ung, la4Y, i'r.eueition of Cruclty hotà dia. ?mat the diuglher of a near aivîgbhbor, nd eterday, Several maes cf extreme- tt ber parente botli md strong a cue.ty--tic> nimais vers report.d.'The. jectiona te tie match. Tbo lady l ue.soclety, viii take inmeite action in tien bso! bale been rffllvin¶g numer- tii.. ases ou. titening betters, andL alevLaya Dua-ing Lie Meno nn roeuin m8o a parcl contalning cake cdme tg r mL iheli ovitos ber ~~ ~J adîaé ,Qrdon mepiergon, V. $9.,wuasPlie> -On. aa#ydb Il vas fouxid 1<> cont4 einuit and muie a propotitiou.-Lîatthe- Paria green. o! fleereJoue al Sue- 1P« ane Sbetoty bond its assist-ance in son o!f.Amerst, vere detalled te Investi* the establiainent cf a bospillai for rale, villa the reluit liat ut. - au4 --; :quuIÇ INANVI PRI8M'ÉNT Of A' YoUng LO=ES NO ?135*. -TEST i Contain the f -Black 1fl hxed or Green, n'uniI There is a pl.-asant bust< siOn downstiýirs- ;it la net ev the. in bas fsucli distinguisi tilk Marqui and Marchio-4 dateeland' a lire princess, ai tlréarriîj~ downstairs t breakfast î hich would net to> theCa'i le in the mati t j, qgt creanutn a9 m nd veni n hnVei:ona ai and Ilbluil<* is ail kinduesç, erqtign..1t own newly fou unake iirï-ne ,gentle and tha,evcer, -and, as. he Iciad table, i.says, 4uletly, bi conience :-- 'ýJen'ne ina toid me ail,ç mtst let me -be your f riend. 'il-la -rery little te 'ét. , on knows tic pou great marquis, and ,gra4< ninci ah case, thougli s nov aud then at heii :ndo 'As for Jeanne, stili attirei InR 1abit, aie is like a i col fer tic holidnys, vie chance ber lover. Gorge inanet been for Vano bas .4m u ude, am a -SCOldingý'nýaud n.poÃœnud lu lie mlddle o'tieh oetw e- ie Bound eofb.ih« In a1vminutes Lier. is tl boots, and Hliburets in, ho door su ad stare at Van. as if a eost" he exclims; 4-o <eWhy net?"-says Vane. 'l you eau ride- bacivward ai along a cuntry rve n thLb out people knowing 1h? Ho, ait devu,- and keçp the ne-e isv. mad youir breufast. 1 <,u ake some rôem for cran4 bluahing almmet ai HM& dees as sic is'bid. "«Weli,» says Hal, witha «If tua deesn't beat nythI Vane, rr& se glnd. lia, Ur1à t your breakfast, s-ud,-uw -Butt-hi. .nemy-is lanpati as Rai ina akenhis cup2oi begmut- Le whisper . ho Veroi opens sud tiecocunt appearaý UEal Springs te bis -leed vItfi a-gesturé of comînand dovu. againe. sud, .-caforv ý as d4t~h, Veron faulis bcl atm, ýid Jeanne, ne les- i 1.-ber Vine alone seeme o pd&s1.d; viti -quet -,coq -«t ',tand, ioide out hua han, Tha c nina umTo taceun e yea off-Lt is about toe. apeak, viiexi "M I1 ye top, outaide vtlI 1iat s bnd. on theC cou tnfIcfliii pl'8, refùses t( far pus upas!3 trsà 1 ¶anit e si lu is fid "<Do not ho sb.rme4 @o Ù. «I Wiin aser LhaI oui e. alUnaI w$tiii mee$ ~8oI" ayaLte-couni pasWO>n, but uffaldng - a 1 MNDvi i£AStAN!.o 1