* ~wanted sail a 4a fflmtî, fýg estOMaCanada land.'A~ IARM LANDS * P. 0. Box 5M. tmnipeg. ai A GENTS, WU Â2A" PAYING LA.RGZSI Com~minions cf any Company dotas *9 hO~st ustns;we mawuacturse ath is- Mit grade ,oL lavoring powdsruta A.mricE* 70U cn,,Make train ive te six dollars & A.piyte us for particulars,. IwSaga '*SnufaocturtnejCg.,amilton, Ont. M ISCELLANEO US. A l CRES DAIIIY F'ARM 'N buildings and surround1ngIF; ar- teslan well; modern equipineuts; near sugar tactory and trolley: owuter gaina iWst; aP- iply qjuick. Write F. E. Shantz, Bertin. Ont. W ANTE D. COMPETENT (GORDON Wp resu fenders: wages $7 ta 110, ac- cording go qualilfcationh. Robt. Duncan Ce.. fiamillion. T EIROR.&PII OPERATORS ARE IN< DE- nifid hy New Grand -Trunk Pacifie Cn:)any and cti(cr Canad Ian linos. 194 are oxceptiuinally well prepared to..tralD F00115 mon for ratImoad operatiixg and ta siipply competent grn.luateg. Address Centzx..lTel-i *grraph Scbool, 3 Gerrard strebt earît, To- racto W. Il. Shjaw. president YOUIR FORTUNE TOLD FROM TME Y craie ta the grave: matterir of busl- sesi., loveo and marritigo made cepar. Wbat 1 tell cornes triie. Send bîrth date and 10e. Prof. Lnvaq.box i16, Ste. Cunegonde P. 0.. Montreal,Qe Souvenir Post Cards U for 10c; 80 for 50c; 100, $1; M0. $2; W&, $6; &Il ditlerent. Largest an(%.ftaest etocg la Canada; 500 xirod. $3; albums, ait prfr.s. W. R. Adams. Torunto. Ont. DICTURE POST CÂRDS. ENGLISE ORj .Scotch,. 8 fur 15 cents. Domnion Sup- ply Tintuse. Kinir utretat. Hamnilton. Ont. LIBERAL HOSTESSES. English Women Who Combine Polities and Entertaining. Engiieh vomen who are sulted ta It take the Utniost Interest lu politîca. anti vork for <beir bovsd one@ lu a way ta surpris. their American cousins. There are mac>' charw- lng wonion now reckoneti among the fascia- atm; LIberal boatosses. Lady Beauclianp, a ver>' lovel>' womsu. Who la a alter of the Duko of Westmin- sar. la a trong Uni betweon the Lihordl ar ty anti aur future Queen, for mheintean Llmats frionti of the Princosa cf Waleî. Ai Mistress of Madreflelti Court Lady Bea'a- Uaamp ie bostes of oue of the finoat cf Eng- Liait country placea. Mrn. Asquitti-Then thor'. Mrm. Auqulth. Fev living Englihwomen of ber age have beau mare wrltten about thaun the clover aujl orfiginal wlfe of Sir Hecnry CampbelI-Banner- man's mout expertenced Cabinet, Minister. the via,ea I allimhe worid« knows, Mis. Mar- Bat Tonnant, anti la aupposedti tabave aug- -«ted the fumoum novo4 "Dada," Lu Atm vter. Mr&. Asquiti t a a deiigbtffl hostos., &setme yeams ago vas faniaus as ons cf tà at choieu coterie elolcîin lte namne, d'y enma-Inspiteo0f ber youth, Lady Donan bas nîready>'taken a hlgb place eMoug the.hoiasses of the LiberaI part>'. Si. inherits 'her social giflte ram-ber bel!- ftftt mather, Lav.y <We.tman) Pearson. Lady Rianian lu is okeeni>' intorested inb ve" lkiad 0f plllaothropy, as Weil aa la polilUe.. Lady Carrington-Lady Carrington ham long benknown au a brillilant poiitical hostes.i uad now ohe vilI leadtheficCabinet entertain- monte. Tiie daughter of Lard Sufflelti, ahe bas buen frein her birth a favorite frteni et -tii. Eovsmelgn anti Qusan Alexandra, Mss. Oladtone-The honored ame cf iSs. Gladstone ba several vorthy bearera amoug vemen of aur generation, nons more charas Ing amti papular witb ail politiciana than chat et Mrm. Herbert Gladstone. the. vite of the gaula statesman wiio, as citief Liberal viiip, veil sarned, hlm prisent pramotion. lMmm, Sienbert Gladstone vas a Misa Paçet, daugis- lircf a weil-known Tory- .P., But ahbacb mw bocome an enthusiastie Lhberal. To be a Vicountea-Mi'.. Spencer, vUb a> Dow la Vimounteas Aitiiorp,, la lis vitoe cf the Liberai Lord Chamberlain, Msud aoihu ta-lav r'eetle d I Ia," vhos sente «ho bas ue* bornes torn nea?>'ineyssnu. - ab* vu lettreber mariage th.Lod aaneceras à ml"rbothsn and. hei-preaum#tiv,_Xlism ar-1 garet Bant, iog, gten etLord laetbbs, Lady Majols Siaclair--Tbe yeuag viteof Bir H. Csznbel-Bsuemastrusted, pri. vwate aecneany hbaareal> a Close coacm- lies wvîh t berat pelitica, for sur latgiM c1l17 dan« ter et Lord sand y Aberden. L >martage ho Captatn Stulab ae u a brtU- Liaaent, but few cf ben frns w«ve4 tisa have proph«et that the gallanut bie- groom oult? soon b. a- Mlallsor. Lady Kan- ie la ver>' doeerand i hteUletuai. Mrs. Lubu Harcourt-The daughler-ia-haw et lte# atsaair William Vernon Harcouat,, le me a f the fev Aniericacenscalvit It the nev MinaLotry. Sha poissaseail the à daptabilit>' cf ber' nation, and bar greut voult sbeuld maie har a valisabl. aldîti le tue ruais et officiai betssas Lady. Acton-Lady> Actes la au y«et unkue m. a London hoateap, fer alLe r eucent Marinage tu the young Pmur ve Isede the le h@bip liomate poat la Rilhserland. Lady Lioba la pnetty sud crlim n d. bsud libved much of ber Ilie abroad; Miman'à Linimaent CuresIMu te Greatest ef AUl Dry Docks. î Hamburg, which a» a port aeeue to -bave beaten it, billiant rival, Atv.srp, la builing a dry dock vhdéh viii b. b. b largest in the 'vori. It *iU 1*11 35,M0 tous, ehicit à a little more tà itan lye.i 1ea.pamty cf the. pressI t l uz etof1 4" dS, U. lTus lte biég'cst chipe of tbe vorld eaube docked et Hmmbur by tb. end ef 1907 or begîm of c f 0, 6te pocelon cf facta, a.fkcl te believe, iOur Gemn .af riede ax~e, iow. l, commercand tarltoe'I exPan. in t1h. conotructaoa 0f ships for IJie avy sand lie eoanocsnt marine,"li poa*bit of We«ltlhan« ùlncmqý à lu be.ý - udiitiitlint" lapt a l a Imab- hga" idoing busne, lalia abftutm kitsboulvis nas l t *bougt 1wl *ÃŽtet Dowtruggle o.an y ss m 'j TUE CAUSIE OF WOIÂR18_TROUBLE Is Dlseased Kidaceys end the Cure. Li Dodd's Kiduoy pillg, Wonderft îCure of Kra. JaintoiIn- s..la. Who Slepr in a Chair for. Two Bummegs-Wbat Beh*Ba40 of t. St. Malachie, Que., Feb. 5.-(Specia)- A cure of great interest to women hau attracted the. attention cf thc«. inter. ested in medican matter> a inti.. nsgh- borbood Mrs. Jas. Kinsella, lfeo-07a. weIl-known citizen, hati aufféred trom a complication of troubles for about two years. 6h. had a pain in the right uip, mn the back, and va. obllged te pion watpr every fifteen minutes in a, btaraag itching sort of wv 6h.w Dot atise"p et ight and .had to ait up in a chair f or two summers. Dodd's Kidney Pilla curetS her. Mm .KlnseUa, spemkieofbe.m, says: "Mfer the firit box of Dould's Kidney Pilla I feit. much botter. Then I got more andi they did me a venld of gc>od. 1 have neyer slept là the. chair aine. I usetS Dodd's Kidney PJ1la." 'Woman'u bealtb depeads en ber bl- neya. Nine.t*uthu -Of th. ao*eaI fle e mmaie Comp1- zta ae eauaed by uulo aeid In the bWod.Cue your k"daewith Dodd's Kidney Pills and you caamva o urie acMin lthe blood. Aeeordlng te figures pristed la the. Britishb Ina book s&M *baied ou lt. lataut censua Britill u" bun a .apopulam t'o M»,OOOUTba la 41000OOO mm etiss it vas twexty years ffl. am ithe. lu- or«e. lgreter th« n*» to ha" bêt whioh vas prtlydueo0apadlu lneu. Ou undried a"d MlUeY. omu- lion& of Peope supmat tbntel . w r~t ar, an4LM,1 f fl e bte I boiai. ca o aa nethr rad nvMr î,lu' tan yen b.eu ba"eIoae a ent. e pita t. 45 mte. MIaaisUiment cmo ,lânbl Souble lii.. n'm *ba a bdata* t Quiw, Wh"cb ià d ne -p for t*w uai sud en"aoot of. m ora. Iluding tbiù arin aM tfin, ill. t il on talabL Sm14 noulg lb. swellaq * a»d -1 attnbuted lte wa*d 40 a altuek of Qulauy t. tise ftrotu 41 vis. ~ rii as Immoe w à ld. svu boumlnm char. and try'n ewktealv ahi a s O'yap vW"e t» bolave- Iyfor 4113thlg. I 'vendez wà ty rm k. te, lp, windows tics. ifnd ie rtb.ete. with hinged.f rame, la temm nteai efmý cah,"y she mused ..rlreceambeyiug how otafy thi.etaeo u "I don'It imww,". tue plîe&, Ith au el- fort, 'unionit is a t tiley ' dldi't waut. to anake 1h possiblefor -a- fegr ho t.hrov up the. sAab.. Vhen tbe7 bot'b gulped st,ýr" anysid ver. very flla thliee pRCo.0oft"vea minute& RUISNSOM,, thélb.oulcom Ofo neoglecu. or bat? blool. bave a&ee-als balsa la Dr. Agnow-a OlutuentWl huai the most stubioracua othaIrl*a almoat inst"nt!>'ater fnat à ppueà sfj rebevu aiU. liChlngMadbunaag skia liasE msla a day, It uresple lin 3te5 ala& Ut-î the TmmtL k" ie I b.el thtd. s tist P" vil gan t lI~tn »Êbem"tbbreak the 92imai. us decid eilon ou lent lii Monntng enh lig, plac eta l. opt and theothar endsa ha -ftneita) atrapa which cireled osclibinti le& Putl Ibove lite boof. T ué brge lot- (m lced, 1h. atrauage actiom. of, ita M ovuer, but remamine veryà uieI. A. amtber «et ura'watch tePro.. 09eedgaulit tuaterst. ý 1ý Severu minue'larued before the. bWMa. <et utinleunrtried le tbrcw, bis lelh ut, theva ubor. The et- temixed eevaheelZ a pulle l4 ropeM taut 'n tà le ýiiima1's ad a V.{e U ekly tvad the pavement. Sgurp'iseiezed to ovenceme the berne andfole omr ime b utnoetag ntry < and ia. a litt!evwhile be trledlitugMIj. HMs bld foot never lottI b. pvement. but lualeatS h. vas tbr"m t i ae byhbequick pulon -hb.fie bone cOtiuedto kck for atime,bu to no offset The. lroekmun bld a number of frienda tit h. earmned oft tis metiiodt ibreak-' 1» akcngbora. la lb. West Ne p ÃŽÃŽrdIt Mad abetime t& effeottlim cur, but la the. endth ie unimal viii. b. And a.way ahe goes at a goott dean lu=l1. Wltii a farewel[ 'waviv front the eh Ldova But the. village grog-amop vinks Its oe And laughs il, LU eleeve as the. nrI-oils Andtheii brewery sign «Ives, a saucy leer A.nd mocklngly xnnl!muirs, ?tlneeda ber' But the, paosengers la.uh ait e be r scd ecofL And Jauctly Say. 'Wbat! v fal ouf? Weil. not on your Illfe. weere hero te stay.' And IL acunda aI right-on New Year da. The tinat stop cornes at the end of a week Whera the.off-hlnd spindi. begla. to enesak, And the. wagon shows up at nome bac street, And the driver slips down. off hbislest Fer a droo of otil for tii. wheela. 'Ils sai, But the. driver gets'oiled up instead. Thon off once more at a ratUng cilp. Tilt soounoans carelessly draps lii. whip, And nomea climb dc3wI2 ta look fer the gaâ. But the. search seems ta put tham &ai t he bad; For lon before the. wbip they tint?. 'lhe cart raIoti n.a-ml they're left bebtnd;, Thon one and anot.her ta aeized ,with a c.ramp, And BntMe tint? thb wzter to colt? and -dam p. Till a umontb drtUs b>'on beadeu wa- One drouth-dried soul to the w8an cioja And b. 'flear&s h iroat and. lie tiinstly thinkÉ. Itgetti'al-/adam long Urne 'Lwen Hie looks at tes prinkler red wlth ruai, Not enougb ieft ta la> the. dust. And pasatn« a bar tl4e pao. grows slow Andi ho pulls on the reins .and wblaVM Sneaks round to t.he back of the publlp - bousqe. Cornes out ait the front wttii a finaL-lam. Tiea up the fltes. C<lysthe bora.. a whack, Anti saya: .Don' cet" 'fy'nv c'm back." Tb: wagon*h lac" In the banonemore, Andt cloaed ale locket? In the stal, dMr, Wiisre the homses peaoefuily Munch titoir Ai -watt forr another New Tsar &y a a peifectclesiierand wil take die color ouf of cews or k m' orthe m ot delica colors may b. safelyad que a SwÈeth"muih !qally aod wkh «ý bin or -esowat*8oe. chi. f 4S6 t uos.yiwm4b»pesà a houmwha.boumy$edtSlay *mu ah. arnuItat.M gal sgi ts' db l gwTaw'e atau>buneW der dUIfUssi Ib spovder ov e "«M unia et the.ma ua omgesPalulssaan& d*tkit-, tut ho use.lLnreilsvos laultl'-, 6"dpar- maae~y ra~s~m b" ip ,tver, cols.-- atafirn bro ,,IPger te Atltcoe fThe & I~wb.bnm I.UL ean1 ~i*-Ehhur Ine ougewli s. nither an b SbUllGood men.gj~ 'b d - I L 2 -B a d m e n w il -e là , iL, Divize benediction gam 4.. BeneficeM m"n ~ef banedonot e«t 1 fitesaxe IlUer; t fùà them the Source f jof s ~~ ~2. MnY7 re ~ a.diinceinchided Pharji dooGtoe. 01the law, Who made tit Owm ci Galilee, Jude&' 1 -'M" n(LUbie V. 17). 'They ba .mpttandl etitie t1à ibinem Mwaa ik, the gaiiherung ci C"001me te witn.s tih. lüé« be - suad thi. prieta f EBa m.About the door-The *t concouru. oi people se F and court were, thi li. !od Uje word-Tii. docziec "4%é They had eoe wtibfe *m pOarti7 eut ici s«d nMWJeeusea topi 'sé ii.gospel, W. abonj alaa ae on and eut c -Oà »teO litPreac ým-we-tooüoraand u$Md Il. A abidmier. broul :'..~4~ CMe UtoHiià ý Joeu ee~d mpoa"1e. 1% :Ume ObK*a.tbww~ ay. eh, fIiielit.aI fore. .uha ~ nui bin .n~but k it; Ãequilrfoujt. ci Ialwayabï ~lr a o~ i o f. i the - W ord - . J ea aeltIdeFaiveu u ps - Mb ast oo thi e r part bci. lIipajtien w«autte 7l:b. lan i çà se.aeoidtei 1w th e. b cd e - orne 01 f,6ur -..ý -corner of ti. e ï es mely a t.hlckp S mat. "Them. we 5o-Pffie wo'.On. COuid nul have d"i &M 'at!.tere l brngh Ui bal o ifinly? T1b.p a m d quit. iMposele o ~ .Lbu'm b pa. troug . a.cca :.ut-Lm . 57 'twagi ta él b uterneouant4i tu«et. 'aanrof d o!jciue toketb ndWalk upon them (ro m n. lme hboume-top# Cmie dlamediebln.Of>We o ai ean IwyaI e 'c~ M sick et. J"b. ab- O~0N ERIG SLEP. 8OUA ?T eot VEXEnT. Iateulhm Zpad X94 Mieby ZMUe Il la Eeuitby Siauber flecaume opium ia.Ts. 1Rock Poâtdwb pota tihe followtwg The. presnalpopularlty of lb.ecmion ultmtn u article cf d11.1, 40g e. ebe causet! comment. n la P k"t.lp & ad Iun maldi cen«t mnfing 111.à la many ether lac.,la perbapi t. b. ex- otten -fou" ith"aItey tea oglm plumnetS byy,.&ful uset t or harde. 0. o! lb.- maien ok physicien tbttie onion la a ousin t tej po y m eotaine, a w . of,,tis. eeing tiies, viii bat smm.OMa- opium. dubytubei lb lwutmce "As far as entons produe drowvslnese ment, ^noticeil thM laee at1 maya tiis tiocten, "il veulil do abo«tas- w VaiUlti cmeut, tisrsva iaMi veil to une their juico as a .onoMbwZt looata.b. on inqun mitas toeat tem, tbcugbt .1tetf= 1lpurrpoft,s would not penhp& b. se long.- The rus-us t tau teli eum t set sjnt sns ltaI cubas are heathy t in tty Tiu rcit gthb'uer vent hoe euad indue quiet sleep. The 1&id tea.liI tà q ,ý ei ie x lmeêue I :0. ane panticularly goilfor lm dgeta tapae alsict Ç,do. wbist la pai! ly one OS âe a e oa lb.7 are trIi. Otumul ol1. W1 tcusIaibaa dîgestion 'but lthe1ltu iaI la. oatsias4 jlioe lroebSa m wLaee xi ithe -b oon dosanet burm ' Ndt. b. .. m it bati-,,a* Cli Pr»m Wster Peucet (Reu. corzuspondeneoef $n Fraueao1N<.S PTILNIN Thougb I hlong beeft kuova0 0"aI U. hUil SOi w pi.. goldis iplatfiaIl a gumb I eaty&' là net detlnitely knowa lima flow thhuaahe, alet pipes U2 i-0 day' vlan vont vwu bnnet ît. Wtams- ~Stitéé à 8m wemieM N»W muem froflel oi. Sver4 tu mwtdet cm4- mm*ewai toca Ma cose th*b valt' uu>pl% 5 sudr" mor 1 iemagi laeqotd , h » hI"da amteout GVNOW !sur. b U a t vIetma s Md 01sse -l auEE,-Mrs&WZ. A.TVaneLu e - Mta10U ah liae thve me tti .saalyhall.T tktela gOu, ml v. aw m' ste ff l ulur trisfo a-a. Wbn A evh st ettuW m ttha ma A. . Via barla *0 * Fm 8! me .> ci: t- OMM, "Wu » ', ont. un va am tiser rmzmý 1e ie . f su'be__ The -aê'ew the.1 usllbaa4rw usalsi ~ bue te bar bSt '- JutisDee'.dssrqm beê * Pdum , usantIbrwW tweht r M Z bationso . to ey arefudit th." wn lu thée tg-, v. vit nifour vapu; veutais novalanourtaym Nu14yrvu am-foayu;t b tirova lu 1wtiwaya vel¶bibrvulaone ay; tolron i tal, tbrys cin. ie wbiohvaa ýrw in four ways- Tf lbCm;,yaxm in. uet b.y thryva l i vii nt gIr. Ix, u apre .he L& ChUdis late l" biU11. wtbut naproÙIW und ther. Jea a gopel for lii. end MUa Mn- Dt boveroo& cagn0 u t he vivat bn i.eaglas opuadtbu thas iseay evnidf e *peva s., Chat toeperhaus bomeebtoot e. sdl abeatteM&l.VOMal sd delumotrela. a rnght have ba. WOvU Ir a nflu ai mestlà " a be b eliho , b ehlad lon sId m, -Soun bae atuetblieoomus*y bavaeuaà - To lie> evaugelist». &4mtavf' e i M nm e a * z n l o , u m a l ; b s t i a . borne e*Ma to e bpruavel'u a is. tractive te evey moehs.« th* 0mly; et à "nIy disoord; lii xhrllia 0 u.- id lous if it drivu e ia t » i 'io e laI Obnltlm la a hurry lea b.il M ta.' more bfpy sud esmful,- me Uuos' ablle Ugb tif. s botter vife, uu uerw,, a oter hSbbnua m.loshor, st la unlooa "ktilâm .-hst b.u Ihloo« tg, 7qb0kvý « , t h . j f o o tala t a h u il r a v p la g e D a m t yt»e veaugilta bt. e or iC<w I. miy ilil ' - 0 ý ' he W&-Ihîi ïg Ckmunon