Whitby Keystone, 15 Feb 1906, p. 4

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Ih. ~tr. and a. hait Îb0t Mr' . nWW._Vlw b atpuuqb&ad Mre F&4 ~r,6 t~reuldoo, psy. ltg *10OO X-'t4 i. wh0i. zoperty. sia. w. morrlion blis bcen .îulte serieusl.y lui durlus the 414>t week. f3he la ,ow feeUniaomewkat bptter Mr. Jas. ICerr in eow arouad &ala, but la mýt lefelg wellçwnough 'to returo to vork, Mr, and 31Mr». Joha M1edianil, Jr.,l n famIIy, who bav~e been 'vistlng t'elatIive-3ini this section ince Chrit- mae, tstarteil back for Ltir homehI M,àanlto>ba Jasut weelk. B ALSAM AU'~ W qw q0ffLa l ' $éaý B&IInw6.wii o4 ôqù ji'ar, utia. John se'baY:"g<>st nlSl etitd4 iteior -dý,laoine.-i A few of our sports to* ,le inia hockey mateha ut Eruughamn b- tw1eWtIIt<evahs and thé borne teain. The game resuited' lisa" eagyvlvi-. tory for Whltevaie. tho score be- Ing 19-O. Qulte a nomlber touk la the froe conoert at Brougham Iast week. AU report a good turne. 1 Mr. (iettrct> Duulop bas been veiy lit during the lait few weekâ. be.ag~ confInedI o h:-îbepd. Mr. Pat flUan gave a. rery interest- tng lecture lu the hiditfast week. 6iu(. Yan'taikeeburgh @peut Sun- day ut ber hauteIsn Part Whitbv.» AntI. u0tauul*vedmanet. Attes' Alocer thete were 1tmat. andO4 P"' .5,o4 andti ten LIe'.Igbt sea W" reswn»ed.& t~-ivtoeree.t.tfor_ iectures, we» t oul iewemjfile nai-_ upais. andi w7bile tlw «O*w4wt &bout Prof. Day ga-,e a dellghttu iter-' estnc lecture on Re.! suàd 4. breeds of cattIe.. In the ueed andi grain P pur1ue:xt station another protes#or lectureti On thie cropIlng Cami îel!ctlng « -grain%~ nid la theCreehouwm âiiinother expert expiaîued î'x'oçà"sefi if gra t. Ing and culture oft rulit. Awtiole woujd o1 llght w-as shedl IIJon thie work of the ecilege, andtb Ii ,Mr, a.nd Mrs. 1). Miller andU aier vstoîs could w-cil excialil elr W. Carke vlIvited frieoidg la Uxbridge. PA Iu W mk *. heIr prerjou&- ooepUîc4 Mis$ J. J'iICd. of lY'rlnce Albert. and pw « WUWo4.h. povn1aa nbolîi "h MisA. Casuwîdy, of A 'hiburn, visited lot uhua er bee"a uiu tion--Th at 'r. lhukott'ai i -r 'Sunday. 10 câbla.FUuital. î s e ento eagerutlI Mie iertba Jomi and 1fr. Urlah MI or 1,-bl'on is M benelits aeca'uing te the Dom ision, Jone were hume ovec Stundal. 11-ifroinithe oeý t this orllege a" à White the vuîtorsi were deeply jute,- Mr- ,R.. W. Wker. viited his bru- &mm g iÀg 100 tlwl yldprt :ê,petap h ther Lni Toronto over Sunday. li Mtwomsn.et n i Miss Maggle Jones of Uxbridge, lu Oter syaptouisamedeficient affl.. gAn tiit ueeatti gam.tAm. x vilsit11g id MNfï. IJIIN Wilsol,'-. t,qoàiIn theepartn nd n grtigxerhtai14 I ~ ~ q~uiîN. iedache, esuîly Ctigu.& d ioui, ing tAie> fourni a nuniber Ofycu A aoubfr 1w liere atten<Iid the MiddOpfdBy nautiguttIe sIn ot Ragl.u hx goai. ji~og t ein Thée biod is tacking li the lift, sus- lng Over clovr ree& B«fo.canAi uf were the AobbainMaie ÇQuartette. t&ialiuigpower whlch je necory tobtheie bem was a pile of ieed, snd hs Mr. KerofGueph0.A..,Peopef wekiag cf e.body ortaM119aand patient worhkers p4~ th me bers. orer ei=grathn ue ' grait r heln ail bipent a fpcw dayu ait him urh'>' biood-fonnlag peaauna r hs F . M l fg G o iavi i et at Mls N uv oo .w eed ecets, ait l e tlhe or Inferior FJ3ior'.On account of thie Vý in hsDr, kernels, andi dropping into a -dra -1 Misi4 WIVrd lu vWiang her cou-ùn, ChaWSe'Nsve Food enrices thbo1c- et' only thie PPrtect seede. T'i;' Miss :LiAiiU Tuinhb»Aen. andi buids op te sy01em, it i b70dtoiliome antidiu.W?,bt doub it Ai o i a ciethe m m eeàu St m or p y . A e ma i re ml u zone Ur., N. F. -Tomlilaon, of Broughun, anafemiand S3iJ1î ar .Ut=ftdi ae IM tio he étbgane edso tit tbent. fa'urday ut. hi.. hnioe here. wseercupwid o e tmyour a,.- gal 'fl iir'hfor .Ashburn hockey teun». creini weigli htvill ainiL the &eedeî or grains@sowi -Qu Ihe Ex The- ar alays winers Dr Ch é tî» Fwo » ms aperimentai arm or sent out te farin. 11r.Frnkl~hosn hme~ box a at&t deaste, or Edmanso%,B , fti uovnel boueyr".4 Mr rn Po-cio dhm rm&c., Touono. Baesad perfect.. Thie tesso taugiat ' Teoui e. oe ir à isoaythat frmers, whiO afe mot very buj- The oune'. ore~n Musloarydaring the. 'inter seasou, couldt cas. (io:lokymet. a.t the manège on W*à- Presmen tite O A. C. 4pckvrtegaseurd o ]Rei. Mr Wrlgbit wilIl jreach.hfrp Or! Februàr>' let andi 2nd too& place fit1elt and blapa kernchi, auîd abso.1 .§oit funday morang. the annual couventIon <or the ý t utei' MG weie-d ,WouI4 tftlm be 0 1 wu nti the. qluliY and yletl etor CbÂRM0NT. v dlua Ire a £%Nuocîation i lw th iy th o p .atiicrae. SMr. ;Tbomatî W.Uon, of Toron toiq of Toron to. Oo s aturday, tha ~Je perpsimnts la feCiisng iisiting bis brothr Aiox. bore. Mr'. about 100 ri-itreentativeu o! , the~ 'raIns ere exPLlaiet, and tit a Wi;on.itd a four .nutifoodi uxerc'ant preqb, wem"us of thie Awsoeiatio,I shown that g~rain~ae lt u 'ftent var_ in t h Q een Ci ry>. acc ptc.d the niati on of prelae t le ties, eci, w th o tae &gooti point g li Mrt. Jlowee, -of. Porta~ge la 1'ralxrie, Creelmsan tof! lauAgricuturalColigewere selteiad oSt l heu. vîsîteti at Win. fDu.vr' or a fiw, to vitilt that hz-titutlon antiset fer fort te produce a More Perlee4,.pr*. J 4Mu-ty..inst weeL. themur.elve'. the chatuuer of tAievwork ile aRAnd i*ketate iarlety. .0i Igft. Joseph . lIk&W attendt he .Icdone thiere. 4uttea acmuberof thie eï.%erime>nts, ud IlcOri<', OfotheM'. qfuneral. of Aiv, brothpr Arebloin B&I- resâmen iwer. *,companLed b>' their are carrird en iwAih ait lgdg g rt fain Sal lat %Vek.wlîcs ut' daughtert. .TAhe 'ogran a rauftz. toau nexamsâPte. leno0e fal fo t .vee . r 'n a l w ay Cuips. y placed I nt n A , of the v.d A,r, t -> the Co un Mekser.s.-r'. J. Brode, Chas. lfaenub,'yo h uku t~ olg, I P.Forsyth, R. E. ioerwyth and IL -. J,.hree a.îwcaai ouîr~ ti t thLAc dusjiof.teaoaiCO .Forsytlî attieudedthelAumeeting clor' AeAsoi Lo. .dte iier uy ticmeu'*mueti that theecoiwge. a wer-. thé -gueéits of ltecollegé - omn! frw vVeajré; aro, eicperluntr %t t1 DZhin-Cnint%'o.lat jek thelr arrivai in (tscilth. kiwi-ut ofbarkey'anti fount i t to; bA1 .~MIs'IA oko f Mg a'e, is viibiltins The day 'vas oui.'fullii01fdelîghîftilncA mm r jroific LUa i thei'srlet. rturlrises for t "b-oe irtth ie lsto ns les P'1eiou bu.y n u be. 2am pte a w enui Mr. OlietWilson. tdili iïi îalWho but! neer he~n flure hefoe- pa I for a feu ycaar' otit naiT M r. A I e Àn . 1 f1we dpi nad Ma'. Aox. ~IHaIon'The (ue!lli estri,,t "kCay lantieti jq*1antity watt obtaineti, andth Ae se 31fr. Fraak 'Vhite, .ui-a of- o! GIIit<xir.- uissnt thi. Sa1te4et Uio was thon0.tu o fmere, ali'=r White, ls, hpso.' f rom Mnnesota vi4is ft.I(liege, aUJ, ird by rtie 'uî. the province. The. rýesu1t W"-asta lng rein tive.i. - miri, vîcry de'rtt.ert oft heý1i#_ lhuit >eair thib anI' ba v'wa 'liEr. bli" Bwudývtn. fpon Western eitt..î014watt vlmau'd<. Plet ti.%'Wno 1OOO ce.l Ont.ario, .u a.i t4stizjg lev. Par k in t i i Iii., n h8fl? oweb were iliketithr-I yetdkogon 5aveae .4 in-e bu.bsl, ipeA.n-1 uxeeLuV-s for ae .huaery, eks.then tli d'lu">bulwang, lper'acte more tha n'y othervsar; Mr. J'r.aok k C'opvt 'q.ient t'uuday 1. î~ r eaagbte :4 hee .ot m eladla. As b o. bonya viflting .M'. 'Alex- smith, Who ig*xÉdIrman btead eiec- t seti.urIy liii The pouutry bu!lçhinll, 'Aie fruit bud.1 le b as roat ~eeiur.susf Mr'. 'lrank C"pcr hbapurchatxid 14.- NitibhM:ae>rHait and i Lbrar>, JWou tuu"libtsei. tehowse beloffling tu t3J5is i Mt ,,oled .Itulil, ivheA oun g odeeiade.t ta..J ltwseon,'oetToa',nt.o, for' $42r,. eeuigtizwt a*t n% nat Meiouors.h laYemandti tasden, jn r exn o.w eco.ltti -vss4îatwt <I*W.k. aiteidthoïr. homes In Mount AIibert m'Mdî~1 hl tmg..Ycw* ad. sa cee&uhaig.o -over 'iupt-ay. <î~in.jae'udt< - theuic nau -4tndy ~* hA f._tv',it<oua r *romneut h.rsein o Lf îlwed t9 nse t l0aibl. AepaIore atteaîded the horst iil)uw lit ¶'oronto Iaungbtthe fla uue tdf fodwuts,îî e itut wee~ .oxid rtulouncti ii~ gnd tb"I sehm-& 'W *p~t#, AiS.-- a 1r.Judson VWard s earIog a ~mile thOe dalIyb. Itiq.-i boy. ~&Preuenitde tn rnlvai wll .be beld, n t the Coiledonit-u iai-k litrk on Tues; ci>,Je.201h. Thc Cho -on ïr-ienad.f atiitted tw .Iunh'r6 ai TIu4aayev-ulng, n' eiite 5 il*M'e t tolAdiov. 1 he home club oitArday or huft weI. -Ic~ J $ lundy and i Wm. eaer' e I thtyou arelun o, ou shouI bi yoýUr ýýopy to the KeySt one Press i JNet P11g trat b Tht'mhektdwedo i Ând~~~ wwotkepyou wllg monhs0or our 'Wopkgiether.e MME IS'not- the only 1,4 broadJy 01n the m yIni both busine8s and ýfully drç5ssed and proporIy Il xtr&vagance h-erN EconOmy-tre-econo, ,tury Brand--1 othing, thé &Û,t fïi:éxooe1 thé produot' dclan cloin« Whtby ai Roô -ÊgÊô the greeat emporium'cf or tabletie on Oawm ,ssbW»Xk. ~q- mOethemv

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