i ~E1vp-Su rvior of the Wrecked Challen&er- Ar-, j~~~~~~~~~~~ riea etlW*hAtT±rbtie. Iterolcally Fought the Flames fo - a Montb for Dayq at- sTlie N r Reste'~ seattie, Wasl., Feb. 12- t.leven survi ' titýgMOiG e n the niercy 1<mb.e feof the wrecked ship Challenger, huma- Be& coveinga Peaoc t oreTOt 30 and cutledon ti, oas cf day, il toid by Nee Quo, Chznes t...à t endseutle ontheCoat o JpaKI, swain, rescued f rom the, recked nI- -orved bere on the Shinano 'esterday. *er ,y,,,,Bay o men 'ere sent te this îs6Uatij > l a èm U. . Cnsl a Yoob!oe. 1lïyý The' Mariechan encountered ho st U. SCatonulerteo mase. i . difficulty &bout 400 miles off 'a à lnehad been sent- tei San Fra-ri- tory, when ah. sauddenly apranga k falengrWorlc on mhe pumps was interrup4 by, fso, on one of the Oriental liners. cloggn an.d for days the boat1t- Ail the men bore trae, of the. experi. wh le the, crew worked night anx y e through whloh tii.y ia4 pausd.-For ,)aèffsnd l '# to keep thi,ih ost a month tkey I.iad.'Cught the 25aiJanoat.-Id mes on the old woo)dn bark and at work was ept up and, thee r 9.,e. the vessol was kept afloat by only were soon abl. to usé- the upper r the most heroic work on the part of the Small iieadway waemamd. and thi Wfices and crew. For day. at a Urne, awningu were sewed together in cey were unable to get their sleepîig large sal. ITus gave almost e t ret end when the shlp ivas finally scut- headway for steerago reom but n t.jf td on the Japanemo coat they wewo ai- ficieut te keeu the Mariecan +2 elst foc exhausted to get ashore. The striking in Chatham straits in a slip wua beached without thé losot a West gale. Thirty.nlne mnembérs of, #W' ýgle 1hf.. erew suceeeded in making the r where tie~y lay fer four day. mi ~'VESSEL SPRUNG A LEAL ishing ini the cold, tîually being rM. bythe Goorgian and takien t. Ji~a C wWorked at the. Pumpa Until 8h. From there the. refuge.. ver. q Struc ]Botom.to this eity viiore they wero mot Ir- Stuc Bttm.ed te land. Last udghtz tii. leIV4or Ba&ttis, NWmsh. Feb. 12.-A taaetofPort Toegi nthe luiSe BLUE 'JACKFSR Cew of the Cruiser Marblehead Wanted Sh* Itat Tlrëd ?éêl4< ahA1'Mt,i t ema;:wole "leoro> that the, job bto ir. day4 lnitm.64et tii tb a*a t6 bê <à 1i lumped lto the.ses inited e loto >umkns. Lf.p~* moto.., 1hla aid varions sorte vWimet.d eut viti a » erml hmdnd m vieuithi esMIel 4ý at s Diego, sic bi-ougial a th%"i. py Muasperated cmev. Tii. grater muz#p 1of lb. mon have o017 thi.. 0or f* mentishsefrve and tii.>'deciare t> vili not re-shi p. Thest#W of thétroublîeoit hie Ma".4 hesdil %Wnd woyf rom membmj of the crew but thie verions,< hie at- fair gîven L>' them tal ciesely wlh esci other. Cbmmander Mulligmu deelied. flatly te amy a word about tii. aff*r,- and lie etiier efficeri are equml>' re- ticent. and las a sevre arragument oet1 bis niethoda. John A. MoCall, 1mb. president eithlie comupan>', aise cornes in for as'tbire cf-1. crticlism. He la blanmed for tis. niethods in cometion witii Uap bureau cfotta=. tion and legielation during the past ten yoars, and for allewing Barilton.te pa ont raisiaus vithout a proper acecua- The ecommitto reommendi that je ceedizigs b. lnstltuted mgalnsî%nalmCItn and MCaI for a muntlng or repay. ment. ItJLWRECKED* ACETYLM E AS EIPLOI>D JT 0" WITi QRUA IPORCE3'% I jut Left tii.oo i Souris, Ma.., Feb. 1.-a 'ek u0 acetyleme gai oecurred iteAa yard Motel tuis mo.rnlo,t«,wrecia bu'tortunatl>' no ,*à ,r,-AÀ mmroto Irareller, in, vho vas aUIP0n4 to u4li lâ, bit bh~t mi" îêà # lit s hbuh h aalk-d pipe belveen ithe cemliuan sd tii. caui.d limeexpletom. off Iii oelling en anid hhrouoiout thé ballI4% Leave anaim ootTt 6a" Diego, C#.. Feb. 12.-Wl-n lb. Ua' fts States crulser Mrbl.hemd and bwe. y.terda>',it vas leamusol rom "r l ýwln'of her crew that viii.at Plechi- t8bmque Bay, soi-oral, 4ay.mo h enly uhrked- vonk, am O.mmmà deî -Mlligan vas f erced't. mrd tbem- tic eauId.. of van ce.rlng mutimy. Accordizîg te the storlea bolà b>' tii blue jackets they have hmdalumt no !More leave for bye moulus. When the. Xuablehoad came ho San Diego thres ~weks mgo, shorte bave vas expected, but &gain r.fused. Tii. blue jacets al- imcomplaln.ii that tii.y did not have e«ughtfreah vegetableLamd because their fages vere not forthcoming on psy day. At Pochuiinque Bay, the bsalloris say, ,mhi. mobody actually refused teo a! FEDICT TO PASTOR. @=--AV£ CITY OR KILL YOURSELF," WAS EDITOR'S ULTIMATUM. Bîrange Stery Back eft he * iide on ~. Tuesday etftth. Xillionmire Miaistor o: f Peorla, IllinoA-HitsSuicide Un- boe. yesterdsy etftth. Rer. George i I Peoris, Feb. 12-Back etftbe suicide !Slmmons, mulionaire ,pastor oethtei Plirat Baptlst Churche bank president, - luianagor of former Govornor Yates' :ocmpaign for Unltod -States Senator, land knova as "the meut itrenuous juin1ster lu Ameriea," lie& 1sa story go fitrango, 50 terrible, Ihat its mi»4hcn mueI b. feund An 1h. tpes of brïîîA. itiqtn, vg as told ho ,,ecome au exile or kili lm-self. And h. chose ho die, isi mis. 4Ieeds had become &smash tin Pià se Pk rebellion. A c ommitte.et fthreb local editors 4emt for the ministor mnd asitartimg cene occurred ln tiie office 1 h lPoria Journal. Th0'tbgeé" %aced hlm vers -1. M edioitor Pt tii. Joumrnali Chartes 8., Ma>', of the )erald-Traascript, snd hi. pubiîher ot, te Star. They lald before the clergyman sa bmning array of tacts gbout lis con- uet vit t he econlgaegatiomi,,sud ecale gu.ii wlth, reloztless decision the restîgatons-, b>' tbp 9tat*'..ttoelFkl 0 bankianmd blitoagrgaI.4 S;In go many -word., tie trio nollfled owinions tliaI'io Must leave Peoria or uii l hmolf. Telienlister heard lb. s. oseemeâ to uïns t. se- ilostrt, md lofait hihntWlb' êiIIAI4 nmise. MIlledeath vas hils uer. The., pufflty giron -ttopfr. -MAm- mous' aetieus biido some actIon onOuîr part în.oossary" said Mr. Pendeil. 'we 'cfled hlm mb ou:ù- o*fie,$ amidbere," b the .presaelt fimyself madý ChmlÀ. aMptï and,- tii. pgblier. f thèet5a. 14.,wasIformedof the reo ham WmZsÙneý'ma*1evn but t4ro.o«*ses bfle t. ymaaP Wewas-ld. mmii b, ueo Bren bisisuicide é. nsal I 6 ~ ,~ m. 'n i, Le y e n a 1~ d e, 1. T t s i I i i I I i Wh0m Colombo Oeyoi C- IA , . St P etersburg, feb. 12.-A delegatica PromColmbe Oo$n, "M ON *";eof, lemmeus cf Ekturlodmr, caucë* tyecge i«theMMto eS t bw" teobtinI lin n t d î swed' te ho mo4psnlasrneha i 'have fiibýDa nIeh le, omwo~~~ toi w oidnt be ifhdbi ou etm o kd.vott dG rmmf t , but by\ ti piiuteaoed 4lla~ ah.. n K4ii >~Lloal membly,'*vmsreoelved lau .rine w èiyoi * hé Imiw * rûmdem. b Pemir it cd Û i Ã.UWa10» -t ggjioèj ned r «mo - naSôw*etthetevww AueMbly HUi, j t ort seMý,MpuW9bed,,to-da.Y, T ..Premopçit ~wen1soo~m .tr, ..,. 64out tbît th.age a e~rb1o cu *M i wmi n ~ntb.e oied by aid&II à n f thietat4 - . t. fyd -sdied -books 'ýmUl t Oai a covreg wî~ aligtorlemuar ~< m~ The. peOs.Mtnust.b prepfflê tO bu ci t..hen icoke-d a- euà à eý e private la"daon the easy Instaiiion &ÇMd to e mite. plan, as previded by thi eri uksa lit la O cof et ii*utem4tonso et of <Noemrber last. tbUt eany aos atTii.spokesman of the. de1q&tiom MW ;Wl< iâ ,ut 'ibe replie that the. peà sants did neý .ish-tb mve d"a 1Iel Wa'* M »Y kunt w y !land, but vere 'determined to ro of Mt inan ,* tutmaeîve At s a gifIt romf the Gorment et~ ~ ntp.gnyattentîi o ede.,, ttîco ehads.n~o but juste 'tii qh vwa .itbots.ay. -lt te c sÇOfthiPaedie tsnio M&";4BY'your Isave ' At tiret, etfimav. l iat site -o ndier ankuai Ours, ti>' e.Ia tlOiih ti>' re er. diffèent <rom tbcs. piramlin il hau-er4 b' tii, ed ybut betQe.. «>'other countries. Me:saîd, ýaoorln o%ç1ýýbi cà iaetozned te the nMW IU7t ~oLmIw'k aund, vith theAr th*publhsb.d nrort, th", a Fâwmc femr ierfiende, mand they do mot have IaM au vsd'Wd»t iti, lcte to g&M frot« f thddans &E«Ygllsb 1Muï on 3ewish ak, "Ytr 71L Ipeib<or tiou o.ent. Thi.e enummatiom d.erod b- thi terd m«n>' roi I u p ii o att r- oluio titat the. ooutry ibeme e tumd Uarmo iri. eor asttrb>' Pols, Aumenià anmit d Jewi vould à ow d uaro te orM . ot bw realîsoiýl.'im Premler Assald AcIrt g .t 4.sgefrein C@oobop tu bave mddod: «lb. grieus.ma Wh &Wu!e dsavecri a.he Im».ofr&à - happlnoma of Uua1m ore,.4ud te t vii.m as. d.pate f10011 1116 .- NEuiPMrr. Witbcmt tiie Lnpror you oes-sr s4vbas he aila.& s who nov vear'long mmd hland heU "%M8 m&a sirT<d. . Jr a« ww *ibu, Peamnte." %h se.. hi.body'p>ut late OfIamucLThe Ptmer l is ortdto b141Vr»- in .4*uwt intf. go . ji " <..1.. m&rk.4 An owuIsion; ,«If Ozal lit b"d b. s An à different woriti a" ktecanot mot bet'fer th i nep vrIol mmk. ImelttitseH.u Othe" r ctory iid b»e, rail vou , nov fnglng hieaffairn aa ay' ot vhichb b. B~.ut' 0"4 <114ot $seuii t' b.j do.. a"tapprore Mmd h. doesjiot t ï Premr prof ti ult or latrl lces on@t«Ii a 8o.n that tii.>'wcui.be. reeele.inIîea au Me 6ae a he M M erVM b vth . Emperor. no gave B. y" t h. as mo cerporeal <rme. ]aiIi Mt todtiatle sof Burlats(acm tlaiity merbugrynà & do. i. b r enmmemt et Irkutïsk su*d Tran*hkaf < mi r it at.ou. *bOene. er.te o-'demmind sa" rli I..... netat for tou# hm b, sentation in thle National Asembi>' and te o.mr. tat or ics 'wiemle" Uit they-b. pernltted te lA1ve A la r 1u nm t tor l i . m t r a l n 0 m ld c o n d it o n s e tf n em a d is a . itra»m dwelt Upc. the fumt «*b- tut the Max Who gAves wayte the SEIZE à C AME ISLAm> oeravlng for .trong drmu IL tu rved fit.imCrteaoa alkRpd- wll b. punished in thi embdldstate Cfes«awrlezýî b>' Czprlmcm those bbMul ots in y.t b. vithout tii. phygica munns cf EdbrhFb.2-Ticrte t a.IiIg t.hm. Tues, WhObe pet vite Mbarralt4, n ti. ILe cro ve of wa.nu tbeir iannin tfimaci acn- es t4the.oelghborwug Aland of Vmteray te ruui teirrivis n fnane wl nmd declare their intention te resAitb>' t'ue tir machintion., but be blked force ot armi amy aîtempt te dlodge *l the. lait momnent by the. remiustion the=zi that tii.>' hve,,me cerpolýel enities, anrdla a xpdto vsfte are, therefore, iiiislo eMake debuiiti. eutbyti.larwa pdisi aaudes whocl [t As tii. ÃŽdmfth~mat Indimu airan' et, ed a fleet cf béats and vihi<t troubles, tndaftei a m-er o of av 'flylng and pipera skirtîng highlaed bat. rtroubesaid tt. t. taperodtfuyes, ~ i t sen ffeeted a bloodlies. returQ 0gi otislt imedmng çon iiu*e btherto U*Q U as sIG NtEr-n OnuTRMÃŽTye TeBramnfr er aecaie have bbon uîîable te get the mecesmr>' LRRAGZMET ~ APAN ».,Misusiof rom the authoritîcsand noir LMUNGMNT ý S JAPY' Dg#ybae lied Athe Imlad, bavre Atp NIM STDy KAN zN'gaoa, port, oned, At Into ainsi! farind havfe dtrbuted thoa aâmong themms ý , bere are ne police. or troope An.13 Re Invitethe.Great Poverst ezu e.Aunedjate vicinAl>' cf thAs mr.av e a Iolât Protectorat. ovr e"or! let fse i, Gvermment'e actioù lsa* n" ra 8 t Re>tel W C Th.AN> U aidrfystrda' d, ttsttls UPo10 A ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C Tb.lzmd fromtim Eipior Craair ! »Pooe AbsolqteWy Wlih ur fte iim «But Ite breaid ils Ilot ncatiypr bcause it le, wh'te< Tcrbepinusb macle from purifié&d four. Thère is ý only on ç e thod of mak*ý gour alsolutely -pureý.* andt hat4s. by -dcc.- tricity.. No lempuiy~ti searching, plufyng work of t "sçý1nrca1 h 0 ~ o.ly iowthatcSn1bç ie1y pu. your goe~cld i.re OoII4e lour PIllN* . .e. VO * t gsmrO4 oa ei yn bo V~aRecELm o h CASTRO PRPARIlNG FOR . AR flt FANE Euisy 319iUn memi for têAle my%="andi Order Giveni té Cali the Recruts to the coiors <D.Iy«4 b>'i teraaptea (W WPoidUentd sad0 uss OYON TEA 1$ tIF teax Lead Lckes eu MUR"4 Lt 'wà i"i.id sudd.enly apl-uag pi sert c despair, as it were,Ha buth is horse oould heai- bh Por&lm Th e reason he did nol Vmnê sud Olarence was becau-, "O-road vms too tedjous fi b~iero, and lie wt as ti ,Lqqégrd1ess of theelawsof tt and tasbi bgla edges, over whix bay Umareuwla a el fillêd wil and ii4 -aint of ae e frosher, q tewillingly. Ridmgst<aihtinto the. c"I Hal,' Muclte h surprise, ansi qte A à ý reOeptlon. P4,i nsteRd uLeederi>' e ude lihte wer ià g a hin lU drectionse,"]a ver. rnnA to and froland the yhrnessing smre At i*i t oHal, duaty' ot a& anrm¶md thi mare, hot, andi q h -anoth & kia flecked £oam-4hsre vws r '~hum dtomeut and perCing- arouz &.lat once coPCIUding Abat 1 11ae p been dùSoveed, got m ar oo ily mmii flu ng the. brld gr«'C4 aof th*t gw p~ .1 caule t ire? é efdor ay ofttiiemould repli. &ni *eà i eridmngAdowu the Y& iI~m n à l ud. ltuLrd Nugent. Hes.t* a m Ma p e lia, tien b ackcned you've cor» back, Masi u?' .eeân LP m upcndÀ QU tomear~ a'i.m..oV 1 -wu juil gong to aekyo u 14 4 al. "Sur l>' a. fellcw cs an gride vltioul cret - eveIng- idel» eeheed _L1m*_7ý3' benUp toi for 111llbi 7011 " 4tih >'YtO.$W-" 0 1 '"lot, us g" ln ville yen t tVuia M .xcmed uen sc it],?Uaut be-bema i Ia o " t âo ie re@t of Udmv?" e 1 Set.« on't yen mevi t -mul*sOnlY poro Jl A ~~rlds.e à sgne im Van.ià " d"spp9"M woote, beldmdif; La&d' Lucef deul>'à ùmmmed t~oerJ~~4 rn.oi i; maI.%~ oemed~oosmete~1oi 4-la w ~ fs m md und hWa Ahi Thoe>clectrica! niehodie , ~ y ~ by ,. every big miii kin the United tts In Ciaaati nyfoz i Vy electricityls procm. 0