Whitby Keystone, 1 Feb 1906, p. 6

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_Qty -of Topeika Rescues WhciùIn PiialeCondition and*A 'LM ~ ~ .~ G;ret Djifflulty Experienced inRkemiiÏ.ng -Them from the Raft and ýGettlngj Them on Board., Survivors Teil Terrible Tales of Wrec k-Ninety -people on.Board When TheyLeft. Seattie, Waah., despateli: A apeciai. re- porter of the Poat- Inteligener wires b=m Port Aneesa 3.30 a. m. that the. rase"' abip -Cty ef Topeka picked Up a lif. voit at 1 o'clock yesterday after- mom air miles off Cape Beale, with 19 eurvivors of the Valencia on board., Tie j"meed are: G. 1). larden, powsenger; M. Tarpey, quat ermater; P. O'Brien, waiter; W. gyond, mesanhan; W. D. Johnson, cool pmaser; J. C. Egales, fireman; C0. F. tee. assa; Frank Lehn, firut freight eterk;, joseph McCaffery, passenger; J. Walcb, waiter; A. Hlawkins, passenger;. P. Pet- wron, second off icer; J. Poddent, wait- er; John Johnson, third eook ; O.* U L. 11mw, passenger, from St. P'aul.; tkbu Oigodas, fireman; Thomas Garrick, f iràt assistant engineer; G. Wills, pa4is ger; IP. IL Primar, firern; W. JDUlirty, fireman. Tné condition cf th. survivirs ' su Vitiable. They were haif frosen - id Factics.liy uuiconcious f roui Vithe x pSure. The raft vas igbted about 12 e'cltk, but owlng te tthe thick weather it was *uppt ete ýbe uothlng but ,lî.A bat bytheaid of a powsrful glass, its true nature va. deterwined. A terrible sea wsa rimnin. 'Tii. n (n .en their f rail support battked lrt s.ly. with a pair -of cars to reach the Cty oi Topeka, which, owrng te ths dangerous ooast, could net rua i any e1oder te Uiem. Within ha].! a mlle f rom the raft a boat wus iewered frein the Topeka, tu charge of Second M1ats BurIge. who- vith mucii difficalty succeeded in îàmk- ingT fat a line to the ra.t L Te opectatoris on the Topeks. '-tehgd the. struggliig of Vth. galait, eirrea breathleeaaly. Que minute they were h.*gh in the air and the noit lest V'> ,-t At last they aucoeeded in briuiging tii. rat V teitheaide of Vthe steamer. Thei .lgiit of thie poor creaturea on tue r.lt brougiit tear Vo ti.eyea o! the a'ilors - ~the atern o! tii. raft Wvan oid M= i wth snow vblte hair, *ad, pallîd ,Iatureo,.'whô beld bravely to hiestplace. ?hree other mn.u ere lying ina a seume- leua hesp lu the rear, washed by every owelI and retained solely by the bodies of the. other men who wuere cloaely pack- -. e&-me aud turne agsin great seas .wept ever tiiem, sending o. ahuddcr tiirough the oulookers -who feared te me. thein swep'L away. The ýwork o! rcscuing them was dazngercus. The men .were too exhausted Vo even tie a rope about theunselveo. For a minute it locked as tiiougii the ,o1d mon with gray hair was gene whmt tii. raft gave a. suddeu lurch, bpit the. prompt work of Maote Burke and bis men f inally geL lin on deck. This xxan as uene seoner soie whcn another iating form, was iswcpt a-w"an ud Was ouly rescued by 'qui k woik oci thé, prt e! thei, boat's crçw. ,Thie uext, Mn ~ato 1. .wept fromei i. vaft mnsused, ýo graep - a lino md ling te, it until bo wa,,ioïst,- 14 éhalif way up the slips aide, when hlé ,.trcnâth g ae out aud ho fell bock. lDe vas picked up by the bqat. Tii. raf t put eut fremn the wrevk yea- tey morning où sgbting the. .team- er Quen snd sttenipted te teach bler, but before theyecould geV vithin s4ht. 'ýk dIstam the -ti.YtgseI put* &bout mid , eaadea te the strait. SWhen Vhe Topekao nove ln aI t ths .-ai t as once moe.mu.ped su ap.haa «uifforth. ,The. survivor$tVoLdterrnible le,*oftbs W'reck qf he ve , 1 ý iben theY 1. Vt tho #4 >thoie vei: abo 0 VSpleonouiboard, Most o! tbem c4uiging iotérigglng. Meni an&- vomeuiwers boing sivopt by every Sei. -As *O=n au the. m o eVabeard, Dr.'B,-. P. Witing1, .sulsteil bY tw'o nurses and mçtnbtrs ci "gPurer OFYarreil teck charge. Four vemen sud a number of mcn vent in- te, the boat, I do âot kncw iihow many, but ah. vas practleally full. Just as theY -«e eIowering the. other, tii. davits brok anid theest0rn of the boat f.].]. o the water while the bolw hung iu tii. air. "'Every on. vas lreipitated into thel M& an sudwept svay us an inatent. For a second or two I caught a glimpse.o! anl ag zd fc, tiien anether n.d yet anotiir as they vere washed by me. Ile vavea dasing over the aiiip awêpt the. deck bouSe aud every aven thfted rt. We clung to tii nîging and 4eck bouse. Mhon au attcuipt was made te geV a Uine ashore. A firema n numod Cigaibe agreed te swlm asiiore. Re vas m th>e vater f uiy haîf au hour but-.anbIe te zauke the beach. nhe ship etruciz in a bad spt. She lu directly at Vthe foot o! a trecip tuh buff that corne. sheer Vo Je wate dge. On. man vas svcpt ashiere aud sucoecded in land- ing on a amati rock. %V. shot a hune Vo hlm sud h. rled Vo climb the cil!!but fell sud vas killed before our eyea.." -A s. $i e. ter is ' u of th e G ran d T ru' 0 Pacifie wiil-be on the. cosat squôwb à iae ii. cIar eh'itt irnp of Ig2adi tIf -pottanee o. t Great-:ttlu Womau round D.SI? Iiear Wdlaipot Welland, ont., desipLali: Te dentity of the woman found dead by the. rOadý- aside near the, village ot Welladport 4111 remains a mystery, The body WU* buried by the. townsbip this norniig. It bas now been learned tbat 'the woman, wboever she may -be, atayed on Snnday nigbt, Jan. 14lat -the- home of Sauml Ostroser, a former liHving abo«t a unmie *est of Fcnwiçk, en, the T.,, IL & B, and some six mil«s from thei spot where the body was feund. 6h. came te the' Ostroses 1plae earlY -ln 'the. evening in a. very deàtitut.. condition cme foot WUs completely bgre, protnud- iug tiirough a., soleleasý stociang. OW thie other foot Fw oM. a light t summer alipper. Wben at. Ostroser's borne ithe wandérer refusedttot eer naiei. She statedj, b6weiWer, that eh.e was, froin Nqiagva Fall,ýansd tha»t he- was mar- r:ed, but -ber busband l>ad left ber. The womaui wae beieed fortbe ulght and gwvenu pair of shoes. After eitiuig ber ,reakfisL, ahé dlappeared au no LIQUORit inARIOSU. Pezma, Paais; W. J. Wau &Bd Geo PRut oel, uitcnw-. noted <turing 1 ML' Five bwg* were opemzed, li' Dudas, Bridgebur&, Puis, St. CÀ>Uti gikesd MeGIi 1Celeg, mones] . *Vaacoat of $Iooiooo,,s"d $42000 w». al»Soeured for f iv. -sddM- ienalbuildings'ab Orilâila, Ailauidalï4 Miwo,, Woodtek -ad Cellngwood.ý Tbe sum o f *8,000 w.".spezvt by -the cemmtta duingthýyea, aad z bud- get t fr ,l'19 f 8500 Wapsed., deiia pon includes tii. peuibie mtuu4 ing eiorgawizmg of sasoçimai *t 1-ý Pr.».Sau]it Ste. Marie, Iencra, Pot WII- yawl, Port rt~u, cvle c ca, hatbamî Guelph sud otiier pita ~fthe citizensmake suitabie 1 eAPro- '"sem êw helps fii hi mppSt Of = h t ruUway aeocitàcu îs lui dj Maico mud Alleindale being new peinte titas beng eoviwed Severlmie" centres cf poulationare sgitatlnsgfor the. ewtabujimet e! assocition branci- Woodstoek hia. &piedge of *5,M0 on condition thtt$20,000 more'b. tuid. Sbsbrok l. dses.nêa u.w build- *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h So> ahteIcdnS i.Sale of It Probsblte Vo -Indian m w Ssdl orpe~g a. blu i «<One o! the. meut pathetie incidents vas Fver cuasUd Bele-ie 'w aisece that o! a littie boy about fine yearx. old. i. dering the qflallIii o!f builig. His father, mother and two littie isters Waungtýojj D. f,eJsn, 29.- Thei- There c ov 3ô6 mekiora wn-n put off in eue of the boats. The. boat Hous pasaed the. Stateiieod billtoteday tarïo> and Quebec, vitli a- mberziip vas capsizcd mand âail ve.drowned. The o *4t little fellow vaded arotind the deck, èxyi'by a voteo i14 sO1b. 'thé.bill, » Pr.o!-OA ing fer hus parents. The. latut I sapw of osta~p Pevides that tOklzain d the F f 'AlEIU hum h. vas ctingiug tote igging. ItidisuTerritory maicntius o.- Ru r Iul "A lat. officer o! th. Concerd, with State under the'-nMie OlahOms sud his two' isters, verc ameng flueinta tArizons and Nv-Mxieshah c' on- the. rigging. j stitute -oeeState uniter the. nare A XM3ILO#ËES SAYT TRTCASi wu il "IBy Weduesday morniag the ahip vas ZOP& WITOIJT A STEIK. rapidly gowng Vo pieces. Every avell car- i Should the. term'u ef admission, b. ried away a portion e! the s4ii, anid the u41tfled by lii resldenta of; the". Ter- ev '!brk, Jan. 9.-Employers lai the decks rose aud f .11 with every breaker, -ritovies, their mum>ctive sttee o»ti- cshr n a .hreteys and it vas Impossible toesta- on'deck tutioDnsu"u couin c dflsesprcbua- nou snes .eaJl te iisy wltieut îînlug e a Supprt. -heaup mig the.sasle o! intoxi«eltiquors snd térdy oxpressed the. opinion tiat tbey vas suuik te about the. tevel 0 e! h). ra nUMMilagea - ouid Win. their fegt for the -'fie. ricae 4ck. - .J Uo! OfÂrlOUmu# Pro- ~shao? » itlout the interruption 01!a' gen- "uI Vthe morulng another aad calamitY aitoenqurtdIninsfo. t i.Fow ng Vii. action of the occured. boutf ifc.n r twnty er ' ,*Msd thaV o! Okiaima for tweu - ea tI. Occured Abut fften «twety pr. a» eamNational Association Of-,&Eectorao .Bens, among them one or twe voamen, SrctrlSte - a«khWi &l ý iiad taken refuge Wn-the feretOP, tutrlSelIoiokhrl elr [zpast. They appeiicd to e h ithe 1 A ROXICIDAL KANIA lng their indepeuidene o!fninsmany sitplace, as iV van removed frein the 1 ,-',1- vash o! the vaves, altbough the. flying mehIinWomm 'Who .Nuvdered, H.ifltqV1ma ver. ýreceaved by niembers of spray dashed overtheir headi. Suddeuy Dagitr WU Nt 3 Tuel. f t lamd oTrdes yeserday tram txud without wsrnlug,,tue mut bi'eko, Chatha.m, ont., despatch: %JAr us e, cucen u te cte.»ih and feUl with a crash, carryiflg 4it lIod Urmdabent, Vthe untortmaete Bltei m e«cpVioithe stand tuken vas approyed o! shriekiug uuman fTel5h Vo a terrible voman Wiio hie been Scnfied fli-the 1 end mauy of the. big ibon men sVs"d death?' county jait for soM'. ins. ou the ee that their union eauplyeea vould refuseý ~ O! mundcrg i er eight.year-oLlda4= .i o obey -a atrikie order if isaued. er muid attemptiuig, teois e o- Rprts tram .Baltimore, Washlngton "I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ad %vu tlkaanl n.vs5vd.~t~jremoved V te Louin uAm- Phuadetpbîo4 Mitwaukeo and other clles Their bodies ivere wsÏsied !rOM theVii.£iI lum 'under cura rImm the. Mtorney- vlVîn iihas t week have sbowu n that adco l ieidsi4aautGMsrlaDeaVetVdy whM '1e i, rOnworkert bave iheum-m f138 >oci. Af fer a.:full vestisgaton of tkt case n=»d»44 mb- w*lkîng d elegate* 'to> quit "Te add teoOur udmorY# tbe hast oO IT rby Proindcatl IPOctor MurrsYi, sud i vrk they 1usd refur.cd Vo do se, snd, la w." ~~ y, .nd volad e ~>..~.>e>Uo o tit.vo'l Mm .fone instances, vbeo iiey 'wer. prît- weater te> dink. speetahIy apoiuttd o f0Ph7 tsi aily forced, eut, they 1usd ene toew #'Every ittle vile emuse ou Vii CM< the t h..t It sheYr ' ob1-udr ,I«t rlggn lsg oIp tmebils iiok muid b. awept l etit4rae a ffiXn V oVovrkudr ie f sw&YV V. o l arp rocks. aal orualde I vw'oMI feelin «WH w awteQe= li in.'ho ently de-4 ed net th e thé U fe1Notwlutabng hn e genera eln nwnlg athacked God for 0aving iUNà~Isog employers fiait the union vas a but v ieh, in eomvpd.ny vît ithte tu&, tlug o! lh.put li he ti.toetisI lm mii*ved off a514 Miled 5'&"Y, 5he w» lot~- = GPEE. PIÇZK f fiacre of the ee1v York bel loved by noVhsug buit eUviSI.suppome 41 e m uily ebout, a gïe&t uatioua à wvs t00 daan.roua for liens Vo et-i iryotAssls ~~ uA= A"keJ",eorted that Frank ML *yaa emPt toaav. Us. - i<.1.1 1 1 l0f_. oteitrnational t.vnsa vs -hnteTop"lnfiualy hoye la - s nf > >a~Žt ae çiis pO aAt an ef fort w» téd.Voresoi rlut9_ Vina. em..~ i&wwsà £rom,"ijp~~e Xw tii. Ille.rat -YF.«m cure4 W mais the. attem>t, "tas.spmweat@ be e t&W att elI V nVy o cae «Mlie heuk«, s=4 Vii.-u>Wet$mas10fus 'Or vLIIg udwe .tartsd. WIVI. oMy a pair o ow,- trng*1. .gàio tii.e vtud udos- usakmà tao >mucitf«r "part, o! Vhs Vine. we wert unador aster au.4 . alnoot4ro u tt wé vert fougiit aiaudt tbé seantàu Ils i W.é iitoeU m aa P4ÇU laun ce.m' cgtlratten M odu &ati 4 the heitandi the - i. made (rokn sri whcat orly tis mi by ue newestand bcst- maucbýineriy. hIt s purrfie-d by el i=City - Us.1adyee wýholésoiedigestibleand- linourishin,.' Flou wroill youtr ro.r yId ir il ..II "OenvwsBook for ae2ek, -M p egxceof eut "WILUA4M -BEUEVES U DIVINING ROD nilas Sentia Mani to GeranSo uthwes't AIca té EInd Subterranean WtrSpings. te ue lianemeté,~- ii rwIhlitbeiaaeouounitasl em. ! ehief Govorniset off 1 ëMd kin4 ubtenan.an eprigby mean ýfadlviauwgrod. Von Uar b» e s 'e g9H"!ew but, sesenfsta r iao *.iag Wo»tom P-- xv>for, *i. vtia uhe orcs wl Oeu" SOtbwmt ÀÛ Gerumatoo.5 U q- u - . - - - v - - - ;, w - i f % r 7 v M l fv w -w w % P 1%Wa loWW W a - laise Testimony Made It tse ' ocer Adopte-d Scotch Plan.e New eYork, Jan. 29.--JusUtee UW a , nop~ nrtia Vhe Jxblshi use o!the.-Bible 6"uizig ils actioni. Samd: I -have- 1 7 FOw id Vhe bible froni use le-Muy eourt a deeertIonte se I tire. iiete iiy Oeylon Tea. Th4 Lesd packet(touj LOVE' says Jea.nne, int th the firet touch of & er seen ini her f ace,« > * 011ng-very *wrong 1 Y ore harm thafi you just Uce. she must go back!'1- "Neyer!" says Hai. Then he teils her how' planned to carry her off i 'Tshaw.l" says Jeanne; thlhg goes on ini noveis, «It is true,, every woz Rai. "Tb.ink, Jeanne! 1 be r lacé-wouldji't you yen u new where te be in .;f, and carried to the en gCainat ypur will? C tho h youwould have Jeneis toiiched, and to her eyes as she looks, f other. "But what ean I do?» neriously. "And-and i at what a coat I have obe mons, HaL. We start fc miorrow." Wht"saysai i moat to the ceiling-he h on "the ta'ble.. "What! you Iand. Hurrah! Dont yo S ow dull] you are!1 0f goswitli us. Nothiiý Iaveiihappened. Look up,> bé' goes down on bis knei ýup! We &IIgo toEngar Verona 1ooké up. Ver and stili frIghteIied;ý and .nobly-a*eet face so tearfi a&U Jeatme's woridly wMac With a word of endearý ovrer te her, and puts hf ber as 4onIy a woman ce -Vuts erona is herse].! 'TBut -you, Jeanne? 1 itay. Wha.t wml the mar Jeanne amiles rather .What ,indeed, will the ma Hai, who had' been kfi ftom, bis perch on thé- fÀ byÎanotheridea. -"Look here!1»I he Bay$, vn «JItellyou *hat ]d betti ter ride back to the Cast) «Why flot let George Jeanne; but RIWlias s-,oi "IImpossibré e, hlas be 4Milday. No, ru go, uncI asIn;en you an r it is thi e tegg le nmade,_ anaHa]., witli à to put Ati adoýtion into 1tîddw - v iatf*Ull.. ater 'Y /

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