Whitby Keystone, 1 Feb 1906, p. 5

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la th. twëLls.. iemcutfer, .4 ~W*ê4N AnnalSlcktaking and Clearng of ail Remnants, Odd and Ends and Left Overs of all Wintor Goods. Our remnant table is loaded with ends of ail kinds of dry goods, varying n length-frcom one to ton yards, and markoed down, tc> quiok clearlng prices. Bargan0 1i Bargains m. Bargains in ~arga!ns in. Bargains in 1 Ladies' and Chfldren'a Coat. Men's Fur Coats. Ladies' -Aûtrachan Coats. Ladies' Funs of aill kinds. Wool Blankets. Ladies' Cloth Skirts. oW, la your ppounlty to se heayWinter Goode way down b actual, prIce. Corne eaply*. Ffrst et lthe bee ~~W444i 44~ RU~~S 05 YOUJ BHô>ULDP utiful Inmes of gl&M*teware i ,ven às&ra& *Wi- b,.- f Bakii" s.. Ç. A Change .f Management. Owlo; 1te avIng -accepte work whioh wlll tube-bain from' .home a great deal durIng the comlng menths, the owner sud publuher of The. Key., stobo bai leased to lMr. Roy Wlnq for a perlod of orne year 'the prln tlag plant. Mr. Wlnn wlll carry on the pdbluhlung of the paper andl the prlntlng business, api 'nul carry ont ail contracte for ndvertI«Ing and. printing held by the owner, C. A. Goodeliow. Ail advertIsisig aad prlntlng accouaoeUp .o Februuary I10.wil be due aud payabie 'b C. à. Goodfellow, aud af 1er that date wul be due ani payable te Roy Winn. Ail ubscrlptons la ammmr w1il be psiable te Mr. Wlan, and ail subucriptIons paid ln adranoe w-lA b. filled by hlm. li". -Wima jea. capaàble prînter. la a. fluent and easy writer, aid'Isa young Mau Who ha& live4 In, the town for many jears, acd Io known toalmnomt everybody. The vilter feels assured that Mr. *Winu. wUl give the public excellent service both as edilor and publIisher of The Keystone and as printer. We. e epeak for Ur. Wino the hearty on. couragement and support of tii. busibeas peuple and. citicens of thb cOmmultY. .Wheu the presmnt dutima whlch taire iza.£rom borne are tom- pleted, we be.Le agalu *irve the publie lathe capacity we are ow C. A. GOODFELLOW. We. have vv -'ittoteSay lu con- nection with the above article, a il niakeq ail nfeesary expianaÀlons au 10 lhe traurfer of the- buela.. durtug the period fîtated. W. a say, h.we'rer. liat we wil e deavor ta keep the paper enliveaeéd wlth lthe choioegc ne'. Church., soc.. lai, and ail local happoaliga w*111 he irecorded, andI au tht e «tof -oach week are sent te us. by oeorfts.' pond4ettîs.1 n, te country,, leradeýrs are aumared that they aîre net ac.- qe throusb 1w-o or tues W«WoelyPae :1 t t.ejob Praatloi, departa"et, w-e vilItrirfnsu talm Lbe -N-u- ta.lioM Ur. 000dfelow ib" estabbe . --that 01 dolua' the lest clam 0( job pchatlaag po.shble to-dGu tau &-0,4 to.dt. rls0ry A ~ha~ , <i9M l*lrats. A- u.Ipte. prmesivue 1sBylulng ha Iu gsgIarIm'l Wvo t elr fieldu athe. rtght attimtlou ut thepz~ope Lime ai tlig~uit. q~ a- 6roptha.t, *aà Ib. depenfsflon Ilî Ontario Lb. reulilîs have iàpien- 0. ,ora lly stactoi7, and,, maklg ai- iowânoe for the tact tbàt the 'où ar beet le a uew -Oru, rezna*abIly tav. orabie. Evey yur' epertc ili- pr'ove the resûlte, as tbereare rnany féalturesl peculîar to every .trop tha.t onIY the. cohtmuous exyertiuenor rracticai farming wili develop. The yieid of sugar beets le alreadquite~ as certain i ithat 0f the 1 average root trop, and lu the lbands uf cure-. Sul and lattIIigent farâserti muet lma- prove froms year to yeax '10 ofie. tory management, too, tt.reo bas been, much t eraCh ml operations wei'e largljý Oxperlmental ln their natur*. AlthoUgh !the.~ peëimenital .stage le .pa#o t, It iquite reasonabie tW look for Mamy lip rove. ments aneG econoules ln- he ~rfu- tuare, ae the'. miieu Ugap~d becOMe more ateustotwed tu, their work. The succees- elrmn.yahieved lua asut. i.faCt orY a9surance t4iat- Dest sugar wll have a -place &unirg the perman-ý eut. ani Imprtant #rodàetý of On,. tarlo. Ral -1Estate Excbe. For Sale, at,* Dargi. A 1% storey brick clad bouse9 and 2 -acres ot land, moutly, la, orohard, la the LoWaof! .Whitlij.Ti os lb nearly n aWbtontalas 8 troms. stone fouadatimu, good bard' ý=Ûn àof t water, wità pomps, cllgar good. stable, #w -Od o hel, pety Of smal ruit-pears, Pluins, 4reue etc. 50' pple treëàesut, ottj lito uated souti 0f >'vesidenoe of Q, « f. nearly one acre'cau also be boit,. Thetli b'eisc. e r~iryl very debîrabls reuîalagce, and Cao b. booght -atà a bafâaun, s r.. t!: theNihWe prcpert.y eau .nsrtllrs 0ona PIIIllCation- 1.110 1,78180; and pralse, too, fronl Men capable 1ai judueing. Whltby Presbyterlal Womeme For. ro"elga MlqaaonarY fociety, held lu St. Paul's chnrcb, %'-S»altmnded by a gOod repreentatlon of the varloua auxillarles and othera.. The. moraloîg session W80 cbÀrfly, devOtes4 îq bu. WOs. hnoudilg tielectlônOro c. ccrîk Tbteprogra'ni for lthe after. noon 100suffl the addres of welcomo:. by MI@$s110orOr&tf, Pttesdent 0f the Bovauvil Auliarr' and the ad. S. Of thie DIscples' Chursb was rê. Of Port: prrir. ,lra £Emore conveY. .4 greetl.ngêtromi lthe W.i. S.or the Methoiwt curehani tfN. C.w.. praeuWted by Misu C. ,Wn'ut.M. -Oeoet .appe*l for Chmttlaa lber allty froun the stan4pelnt 0or "Wha t ary. on uogh a.ac ra4 lIC lneel eriagl ttend.d. and -ailap rcacl Ibmswvinwtad. dreses Ironlài thé c eeulogby 11ev. Dr. Pideon ofTorat aucind- Re.J. Me- Badges, of, Ushav*. IMrs. C. JA. C&Wkert ass Ta'mbligainsd the chobm' *ssl.4ed i wlthe Lb. naui.paet o!i h.prog ,a : Mnla the aftêraon a n d -yUl bel heldlà aOuhava. Oflces fer 190-Pruldnt ire &'ttPort -Wei, Ashinacu; Nelas looreraft, B110v.1 ton: MiesSoniervîlle, Orcio1o0 ts ,Tait, Cla*wmaont; Trea.;urej,_lre Curry. PortPry Ie.of Suppll - et Mme 3Ceau, Whitb,~Cr .. fe 1108......3 W'7 choppedPeeqC..A110t10 1frnptti......00-00 tk20- Shorsprt........ 20 00Low25 BOPIivivelg3î00, toS lipIevfat êoec ,GQ.... : .........i peh..0' lUto O Tkesdbsperb .0 1* te '0 Ld............0, OO q gpperoue.... 2. *te'- 3 P.t.,etb&.. ..... 0Sle -1 8 00t. 1S00t.t Vurter anou en~t lu> l~ue. by UockolClub, I A emtogethert club was foreed tu sei '-Whlbx y$ 'Y nw s louat This- toyed twing is ini re-

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