Whitby Keystone, 1 Feb 1906, p. 4

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m, M ~ I on TueedaY io,rnag. e ti4 is s a remideat- of the village fOr olo« to, fit ty -y'eava.* '. _J. Sfl'ums and faiill have moved ta Ota-iaWa. Tbi. probabi! mneane tint tiier wIl ho nto olme making next munuei' Rey. J. J. Wright. one of the, Pion. eer miusuinari' of a!the Yulco».will couduetthle ,service ln the- Prusby.i ternon churcli uext $Janday satqi-, Doon, and spealcin the intereet cg çàueents Unversity. The seventeertI nai cOuii en~iOfl o! thc Whitby Township Sabbath &Oroiatlofl, whîch inciadeB Oshiawa and WhitbY, Was lieid liere iait TiiursiaJ, alid 'va i n every vay highiy tIUCOCSS!131. Thelieautifui -wentijer made It possible for ail who had any desire to attend ta b.' preiient, and at cach et the thS sessaionos, a large tiunbel' of dekgateu wvere pribàeit. Thlme jubui'hepd pro. gramme wsi. c.vailed eut ln lt.j en-1 tiret> witi but. one exception. In the mornlng Itey. W. D. Tigie, of the Baptimt -thurch, Ã"gqhawii, gave an addreos on ",The propel' gradlng af Sonday Echool iCnseti,' wiiw as muchi aî1preclitted b> the auponin- tendent.' and teachéràa who madp the attendanoe aL tho forenoon ses- &ton. In tie ufternOofl the attend- ance waâi much larger. Addi'eqsas were given by J. A. Jacikson, the. Pro- vinclliScreta *%,aon "Teacher Train. lng"l'oby Mime Rurkhoider, ai Whitby. on "'Decit;ion Day, W.a.t - Why ? by Mr. E. T. Sicinon, Oshawa, on "Hincraflces of Sundny Bohool Holp,; andi by Mr. 0. Jjezzlewood, oghawa, on "Should the ulgning of a tem- perance pleclae 1*na tentture ef SUD- daY echool work ?" Thél reputaitong of ait those speakers le mach that inuci wa.' exproted ftrat them,0 and il. neeê ont> dAie nd thal. there were tno ditiappolotnhentoo. In the even- IDg the spaclous, church vas fillid ln evei'y corner, and the -conclusion of tie convention programme wasln kerplng wltb the 11181) standard set ln the eartier sessions. MEr. jackios igave onother of hi-, forceful, Intereut- , tit"dâlreuosaOu "Organlzed 8unday acbool 'Workt" and ln thebaence o! .Rex. W. Cooper. of Port F'erry, wia was detained-at humo b> Bilnes., aJ hlghiy appropriato addite waa given b> 1Mr. A. W. Beali, pf, Peter. 1 boru, representative o! the White Cros@ departuent, o! the W.C.T.Ut The ofUicers" reports siowed that the schooiu md rmade tbeir returns muai more .'atlafacterily than Un- -ial, and the reparts' made b> dele. gates o! vint bil been acoubpilsh- ed ln tie scliooi they, reprpsentedl durnngtic y.enr, IVCI'O ver7 encour- aglng. A grant off$80 vas made ta -tie Provincial Association, and o8 ,was granted tu a fand bcbg rai'ed to, ProIdel a li brary f * a 'Pioneer OcI1oa1lin tie fan western part af the- province. Tie eliction or oUri- cer' remuited' aitfoiiowiz- Premtdent-W. A.. Holiidal. lit Vice Premildent. - E. T.1 Blemon, Oshawa. 2nd Vice Preildeft-J au. Baltoar, Arîiburn.1 8ecrèbtary-Mlia Olver, Brookli. ~4ssitaut ec.-Mibe M. A. Fhip, Whitby.-1 Treiasurei'-F. Brigqs, Myrtie.' Officiai Viitonsi - Thosi. Rarris, Whtt'by; Elmer Lick, Qîhava; Jo. Delegate to ]Provincial Convention at Xingotan-W. A. Hollildsy. Tie stncginx vas conducted by Rey.1 Chaqs. Adarus, and va. opMily hearty and full o! spirit. The cel- ebnated gior> aong vas usi togooi auvantage sit bath aiternoon and~ Mims Iodd, 'Via had lived vitibher sster, the lateUMn. lcolttle, for'aJ number, of yeirq. us segto TorontoJ to% reuIiâe vîth, a relative, Mn..,id Mm.O. 8cbeut eelobrated tne 20th annlvermarr or tleir yod- ding an, $aturday èveùlnj..A jar"~ uwniber oa! relatives W-m'prefent to enjoy the festiveOoccasion. Ey atione readers wil nulle l las1 hinge 1E.and -M.Sebent man mor - Mrs. Wliilam Ilebhardaon-Is, le a. W. . eir were appoiated aultoms., ild , m Mr. ]Bert Tarvis haa goue toa laUs- aie -0 commence hi. ulutiesas lir- ian on the-Grand Trumk. We vilh Rev. 34r. Park, J. Bund7,. W. Coliteu and Za.mlly. Juison Dundy. Ralph, white, misa S. P. ivanig, lia Lauùra Dovsvell, 1Erm. J. Mo0rgan, avr fasthe amnd vite, a&l took Ilu-the Torrey-AePXander moetlmgs ln- To- ronta lait week. Miss Luekue ie vliig at,1Er. Jas., Mr, Robert ('urry. via bas bought the Taunni>. bas naoved, and coin- m3enéed work. We wish binz every suemei. & .t Mr.Mark IQijoliford, aold and hlgbly respeoi*di re#;iduent of Clan. mont, passed away on 'ioaday la ber uieventy f iftli year. The fanerai vili take place on Thuruulay to AI- tona remetery. Mr. Wm. Pugb, of tic sorti tovp line, Io aertoualy iii vîti pnenmoola. Tiie C.P.R. have a gang bers laylng- new rails. 4 8aturdsîy l14 vas so muet llue smner tflat' cboauet ami bovling was indulged lu by nmre sports. ~ Mieers. Jiabert(Griahamsud lieu. f rev, of Toron ta, bounht tires young hanses f roum Mr. Amdreýw- Kiian. ci lhe 7th coneouslon. They vers siipped Tuesda>. The Ciosen Fnienuis bailai box, Rocial Wcdnesmday nigut o! Iaiwt. week. ]gr. b1allett, of Toronto, sddreimed the. meeting. 1 The Sou. aif lenaperance haib bad tires meetings, and aré growing la oumbens. Tbi foitowtug are the, effie i-c.m W. P.- A Bl. Do'w weii. W. à.-Mn.. T. 8tephenson P2 W. P..-E. Bail. IR. deJ. S lndy. A. R. S.-Miss Farmer. T.--Mis nlutclÙlsou. F. B.-Misl Gibbomb. tChap.-Miis F. Hutceilsan. C.-Tohn Fariner. A. C.-Mier Ida-Brown. 1. O-~r usei 0. 0.-Roy rlumohr. Mnr. oe. la-myard. vi asuebeen aimait a lic realdent bore, bas, se- cured a Job' i NRamilton, Amaaag tho.e %via attended the. Bunday achool t'ouve.ton t Brook- lin vers 1Mr and Sliso L. fIeras, Mr'. Wm. Fis.hen, Clay ton White, lilau Aima Cassldy, Misa L. snd 1Mr. C. Holman. Ail wenc bhocked to hearofr aie* deati af 31r%. Cravforth, of Wh.ltby, nee Miuu. laît11. Cameron, so volA kuova ta Aahburn people. Mr. Jas. Davld#og' vw»ln Toronto attendlng tii. uneîà r th i ali1r. John Ncai. whase bodly vas inter- - ted rit Asubirno emetcry la0t X=4- day. Mr%. Tho«. Ltentop ia vlalting ber parntp, 1Ur. sàd Umn..Jobs# Vavtdsou. Mrn.jd Mns. Tomliueou and iom; EanI, spent a tsv da79 wl.tb be ccuoin, 1Mr. Fred. Ti>mtlnsoa. Mis i io ilsnI ou ru the clty. Ail ar'e ilad (o ose Missl,aio on the rond tu recovry. Chas. Woëd lie Ca duty hIe vosi sniffcrnngfroinun u ttaci f la lux ber courin, M111* Mary Batopo Of, tihe " llc. - MWissJn 4le GSmoolet *1tvW for n a eteadul itahofremb lu plie -atteuhi .11* O&WSIY£l Bt àýOI4, port & good tio.', alst'ai"st, at ue$ ang, dms, l .SOM, Inane",trlppe4 auif.'tlI4.wa a n obe f uteos. dbis fote aro two of hp rib*. bèslddeu belnc ratb, Imdly shaXec uji. Whlio Avtbur Perey was batage& astating, on 'the rinIk at, Broug9àm' durlng the. caruhsalho fellupios ,the ive. Trhora 1>*wg a larro nUmber on, the - rInk at the time, i geau.rlml. up Wall the resmit. Saine one mcci dentally 'kated ovea. one or PercYs@ bandes cottng Il 'ery ,badwe tïe, woond rewairlnt rive stitebes. A. ev dayâi -ago as Mr. Jcgln Bts. phengon was driving houný Irqmn Wubh. met an automobile which- gave hlm soins excltement for somns turne. As the automotile approaclaed 'the korm e iewas da!frlng beoin frigitensi and turUed rond On thé road and got beoa o ontroL Turo- Ing tt7ihe aide or the "cai -thesami-, mal pan loto a tree, a ilqnb of:whloh caught Itn bridie, breaking the bit. Thé frightened hbea. ntluud Its career dovn the road, and bh&t g, oul.y a sghort distaooe vhen the. buggy upset. Furtunatety Mu'. fte- pheuson receled nea Injuries other than. a oeoc"e shaki.."g up. 'The- dasjhboard of the baug$ asbroken, but this won about the extent of the damages. Nu blame cucdi ho aW tach., ed. Io automûbuiwftt. aâthey stop- ped as soon as thev saw the bora. waa frightendt 1 lina 8adie Bureec-i îviaitlng ber s1.ter lu Peterborough. F. IL Chapanan. ai AIxandrla. la violit1ng PlYkein? frienda tht. vesk. MW ~ Nellis .M1ano has 8u» to, %Why ta attend the Ladieu' Col- logfe. -Mns. L. Squires returned home on &tturday atter etpendst six veeks vith relatives la ManiAis N J. Mdorriaoey, of Goderloh, vis- Ited bis mother and %luter tant veek.> or, hssOemn ELEMCTRI ÂLwal ÂI'8uà î Premier Wbltuel' ma"e à etato ment et 1XiugbLou Fidny 7nIsht tbat iab&urea tb* fa%&e 0 0f h0 eou Ieglulation to 'oaflrm the-,gsos*- mente between Whltby «0 tbo.otheri munilpailtleu Intefflttd ,a&U tii York Radial, Co. Tht. 'ýamaas thé buildint of the eleorie raillvartu Whltb,e ed tbe connUeoaoi twnic It anid the pissent terminus at Soar. bpro at tiie saraIet ,posmle moos. eat. We quotafroin ,tbe Mati .a" cmipre what u. MWWhtnq Mid.are. ferlug O heTouu1Wwy DUt lir.Wbft»y wd at i4th. >* a oopy *1 the bât propffld by;tbe oMpMN»Y foi lie uaut nuie, ad, tb.g vwold %U 4 lntsftm 'l' 4 " leaztAt thle oomaY 1u4 *41 dow lth e bie.tio.aI t* r* vit» hbu i om" "n u Is'V - 44 Annual si PýRSMP T EXEIED 4 that you are ln need of. you sihouldbrn youPIc oopytoth Keysto-n-e Press Neat Pr-intlng -attraets That's th knd wedo e k c 0 of ailR and Left i Our remnan marked!dOWnto Barg-ains i Bargains i ..Bargins i Býalrgajmlirs ,Bargainls il Bargains ii Now.ile, heavy.- Wlnti ý-actuai price. --44 And we w0otioe.pyou- mnonthg fôbi yOur lvork' Uver L j- I 1

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