t;- IVU MY XUN anj ~Hr(a mi.u ord aCs thIng' -onu of ývoman,» m.usid the- haadware 8.bops ~r buy 'ýhardware.- Cre 15 just a thlng to rovoked jf you don't ce wliit th" menIO lany gestures to heLp ~re yesterdiiy wanted a. htle. ' Thot'a the get to a. ginilet. An- ~ing to baug over the band 11ke a drooping tjier. She got pretty our, m1hen wve brought Lors,. She wantetl an üated smre very fine nthe tbings at the S&he wanted to bang such a. lot e61hhreae to show nme bow ti~ tero that I got pettT grTeat deal of trouble. _t narnes of chimueys rpietuires of ther n n edrawing will suggest id just what kind of t. ilhese air pictures rthern. It'a wouderful pieCt'ureo! the lateat cucte-ts or ice creatE 'ork Sun. tE STAGE may b.- f atm of kldney diseale wiii deveiop tnta stub- disarder that wiii talc. ent -ta cure. Dont neg- fitage" 0fr tbi*% mont in- South Âifferoen Kid- acbe ln si.x hours and uni Dimensions. and -ex-off loo a.seseor ship, vw in KeytevlIi esoted us tao ay tIiat in drualc. When 6ead ice, Whou "juat medIum *e; iloton un am and a. Y là sà Clover tollaw 1. The morailel: He . ewaa't sober en- iècame of- hie M=07y. o bis Interpretatlon of i f.u't- 'medium drunk.-- lie- rememnbers having- OaMO littie chidren.and about tait, too. But we lhe cbiidren Up te, the remw.- If this wriWeup t vii lot him compome he neit tims h. Cota "Juin modium drunk." VYIN LINIMENT aringbone, mweeney» rm nd uwOlen throa.t, L 0 by use of one bot,- i iost wonderfu.l Bu.é ting Prom Fatigue. Li TelegraPli.) ili exhaustive lnqu1iy cf ce that 'the number «o-< progresiveiy hour by ut hait day; that art@,. [0i number of accidentg Mn the tant hour of thé ~e course of the seconâ gain beeome tram hou' lY mare numerous au4 lumber of accidents tg. 'ooad hat dar l iiQt. 0b ct ouwca. et"Th* cm' stoppo couCht to get on., 1 ma"sla thi. lnake room toi' o» fit it, Co0 mantl ~'W~~I) 1,The Pt-*' 16 *~4 ýuD'Nazr.th Our ler4 Ol8 - îý im az4 penb aabdelu -the, el Pétr Thé. powcë et hie preoh- W OTWA iewjh ',regaud-upon lR walked aloxg the. white beachi frat)a. mnargin of Iake Gen- To hiear-There wuas sgood- l or la glorious revival of religion. ivul'e times in the, lfoetfour Lord à ùa"nds wer aSuxous to bear orthe o n pidMu t they 'wure permtted to, remaia charg. of thefr busi.; now tue7 oeved a <'tOM apostoll u.mmoa=,Oqar accoardIn* yforaook ael woridiy eusq>li metand ve iemseives fiyt rsturned airain t"t r occupatioù. fithesu a.tgethe. cr3cifixion 4meul 0.it vas covered with a fleet of 4000 the8am Tie Christi"an l compassed b1;I ale., from flshiDng boata to sia e dvn cl a hipipiscopassed by "toi-Cm. Bib. This wau the region the sau. God's love l su oSu bros.d ett1éearly labors cf aur Lord.and deep, n whîcii wu are mvie4 o>l L. . wo ships-Fishing boat&. Thiy ,<lroP av ~ 8 Musf' have been amali. Ths a le aér (~it? troua'the -accounts given of tbemT <_A' T *abi 0n4e he taéU5tOC <'w Men could. handie one, snd a sigetOflensualty and worldly pleasures, the. hup ýdraugt of ish edanaeed le.unsuspected sand bars et traud snd dis- lar~rdaugt o flh edanere thm.honesty, are close to the coa.t. Kuup 6taIiby.- Ânchoriedrmdrnu Petr away f rom the.danger et ahipwreck. Cuti 'Anrésr . Tiad oh. IWa.hin# h rloosé .from everything. Put eut from the. net&kà eyhad spunt the might in shore. Whur. you are, lite wlUbb. a f tkse effort akd nov they were cleahl- failure, sud labor unsatistfactory. Out 1utIù fi so the sua frein tii t >edsthe shore hue. Losu yourmuf u nGod' of îh'ntiinoa ud mend ig et defectîv oe e l .teyuia'~a.o or broklcn >urts. 3. on.etfthe. siip- bros.d riveru and streama" (Ila. mii. The. à bp of James snd John appearled to 21). Lapnch 8.vay ot..db. .arled leai tome.distance away; this on. b.-ebele.urei f1wlv; 0 Simcn Peter and <te hie brother «Let down your nets" (Y. 4). A grl seé Mark L. 16. Prayed hilm vho 1usd be» caring for Urn. White- -4itM dhlm. Jusus ln a femillar men- meriWs bouse,. dnring her absenes. lu the metakes possession of petur's boatan su inflei', asked, tu se wae belug pead u. st is pulpit whilu h. speaka to ber 7%ges,<'C 1 84Y somthi>g to Ui' opi.. Bat dw-The ommen pos- YU?"etlI~" aebr ih tu" Ot JawIsh tuachers. Compare Matt, out Christ; nov I have hmM4 I l n V. . j, Tiught -"«It ja probable tliat thie WhltemoW*' habit te scattur tracts ber. WMÃŽ oali bay orcove, UA dtst vheft andthere -in the home, sud the. girl b" hoivas lun'the boit the. p.o e qn. th* ruad .them. st@@4Y<>UD Iim»te onuiet a a tch mu1-<ii ae*. ..f oU il M it e ât e . N é d o u h t t h la k , w 8 .5 b u M g w h iè pr e t â .' R d t " ý â U . -IL;The. <raugit ef f ies (vs. 4-7). 4. qualificationis for the. fluber of men: - AM Lseahout-Chat forgot Ris cwu vear- 1l. Faitb. Falth lu Jéus lintth. tounda- -Me sd oily endt eeber thei. tJon atone. Faith te go viiere God beuts dhnu tment et aist oliowers in toiliig and te work lu God's way. W. are net p ',t in Vai. This verse bas otten likely te catch mun lu eue place if ve I ù0ued <.0 illustrutu the. tact that have been dlrected te f 1gb in suether. S(us would bave us le&ve the shiore oft 2. Courage. To undertaku vbhat God chr&it u, orliiuasand sun aud commando with absoUt. fua leUDss iÀ< ot into the. depth of Eis love (Ezek. il. 7). ailfu»...For a draught-LeOt 1dovri -3.<newledge et our craft. (a) Kuowl- yornets for the taking etftislu. 5 edge ot salvation. Tbat ve may testîfy wiUmt~er-hs theI&ttti&me is ume uas Wellat teacb. Our salvation,*must tise Çuw e tamiect, aite I. Uaed n y m ore iu. than a thery or doc- tbelqè Tetamntandit n ud olytrine. To b. able te ay with a happy -by 'Luku. -Tii. other.evangelista oelHMm &efroaew tesnofGd(I IRabi or Lord.-Bsrues. Ths la Done John.. i. 2), tare met e nfo d" (I. vor& uaually reîidéed. muter, but i Jn aI ) tif ua .n dute tige , 1>otrespect, Note hou tamilarlyou iepebp <>Kovdgoon Petr ddesesJesus. Toiwed&il the guide book. Bucaue it, *111tborgbly uI<tr Puters show hw ,ulIulyIttirnihus for our work (IL, TIi. fiL 'v~stha the wold atchanybin .u17); sud enabU. us te teaèh lu ail vit- "'tbt tey ouldcath aythifl.UTedbm (Col. il. 1);e-and ÃŽnakce men:,vise akglt vsthe beet tmO Tor cescsebng cMr- tn Ii Ta.li1$;$ tai kad c anai dif they hlid caught 1 m4) noà tiIng thun they could net uxpect teoduetlhi ha htba Rm Cch,b iny luhedaytime..Thiîs in ne x. 17). dç4bt repbrted bv Luke te oeum e imir- 4.Tmeulc.TslLbgrtr- ac~e1>uip5-11a l tie mo re .taiklng. At guistof of the work. We Must nWb bu thVord-e dobV etr 0 s ear.lated by succematnS' duOouraged by fMil- sud .omewhaNL dioutPraedbt h mdre. W.need the preparatioli <of pray- falthenou inlaChrist te o MdRiai te er (Luko v:Y. 12)aau4lthe 0cadIxent O! e ~the direction of Hie Divin. MÃLsterý i.El Spirit (Luke xz.iv.49; Acta 11i. -,TeiOInet brake-"ýTheii' net&. ver. 4). W. muât bc on the vatceh for. -~iÇ.ILV. Theru vas seh a mut-, Boula <John 111. 5; iv. 7., Failure atome- fihsthat a p n aseule vern imea' reslfrinlaif uIsl .p&rt, f the. nutwarned Lhimthat they moU vi a eni b rete oon1 emet s sistanuce or lofte e utire u e dla wbaluug, 4% ud et Duâdee 't*""The. miracle vas an part lVhng to heur the gospel be enteréd In- abla, of vhich tii. sîgulficanc , ex-,c ne of t the churcbes. Comiiig out-& pl~l»e. a Mathewxii. 7.-Farux-t mate, aaked hit», "Well,'Jack; hou 414 ~~ TW i d. o k berïaqin ? "01/%e oted.. tan.'.vd.itT beug too m ote i.fiL-a *iod, e t'on unougýI là diie vie to ruach. Thuy cmm &JmmBand j e et iaipbalrt. John vith their sbip. lega te sluk - 5- Patience. Tis .la L.foct! hr sat "rTws ef uera to a sucs' of toreal viotory. "Tlisrdswt ork cf the 2 z, hri~tou, lu 1808, se great' the vas vas te lie stâli," aiu.14 tldier M &t h " -- U re " - Y 7this AitdrUghtO i~sVltYbt bso S ut *t, d.d,l1. To show Bis d>minloi 1. E.W&u iti me.. .'a"u& t asW1asOcethed&y a"d ! i ani Ii»,f 1folà wbr4X& ( u.8). 2. To confirai r dDC4ii i.i.<tk ho aetysi... bu ua prte.d.5.To givethose' 1» âhgtiis tbou ècho i e, (1Tiai. W.eto be is .arbassanstO th* "f- le)' aeienuof tbe muOP4eaI> -8 Tilsoipleasa.neni5hi 'pam > et - fui se " k Food' maïeatie aninml'ý nid Bop&' eeydaf- W. NEW-S -Petrolea Town Council vted 817»" fer a, new sehooL - ' 11ev. James' Shuratoa, Prnipsl of WyaIf te Colluge, Toronto, la oeitimsIy' ilL Parker & Companty, brokers estteagnt, oorne stret, havpenpuded paymeat. audros At Underwood lits. Jan. Raitton, »:a old lady cf 89 years, took caniiollu al&, in miotake for cougb mudtcin, sdd an iieur latur. The. trcaty bet.veen Canada sud J=1p~, under vih importa vill b. admft± into the. latter country at the mnniu rate et duty, in. uxpected te oetff 0 en March lit. The aC. P. R.bas declded te &bo" the stores department in Lb. *est, &M in iuture ta. buy direct frein mercbazà s' lu Wlnnipeg adother placesamcrdling. BITISiAN 0 1t. Guin. Joseph Wheeer wiilbe bunlea in ,Arinîton Cemeteryvlitun l ar*j John D. lIckefeller bas just glvua to the Univeralty et ChicagoP4000 Sir Edvar Tiionaten, the fermer Bt lah, enluLer aL Washington, died il. Loù ý 1dou this aitenu, aitur a leugthy 111> Thon. a ta 1W hope for the. reeoe Cà zrçnI ul otti, viii> ha. eùttjv Plus'i K akgi j Irtii.Apostolio bene-ý TlargeVgrainmili ad ulevator of Close Bras., on South Bloor streut, Sohe- uctady, N. y, vas totaiy destznyed by: vA, DOUBLE TR&GDy SSTER DIE s DDuýNLY; D B0TIHER SWALLOWis POISONÇ. 'A ePort .&rt'hur 4e3pa#h-- YestrdAe7 4 orin4vien ArOIlIs.I4Csieron ém- dneed ~ fundhp buontmeI erlast' Ibrotbu cf Unr. .C*xeou dr*w Ar-' h a Wliv d a t a e e w ( n s i j>j ildm te eetoh 'aï* e ,'eteod th. bar aid remariigt'O xt b. ba atte'oi nm ?=u . ud » sked ,for a glamssseig vblWih la. ectudëd theitms ho i zo ,Thftherf thdee.maaUr.,Tho,& xMrbau been lu ri"b& )iu.lh or trne anlgof tà e ,'dýà th o i duhe d4*ti deatiit h0 ,b i a sou, tuer b 0 ea- liertaiid tuat tle hk LOATiiFWT SIS ETOROF COLLhER!S WýMYL. NewN v York" jsn. 291 *ili noZ ag ft ie. iOats steady, with eales .o6 0êbûuhels- at S 9% ta.40eèa« bushel. Dairy produce,în iair' supply. Choiée üew .laid egg&,at W- to, 3Qc per dozen.- 'SIay je uncbanged, with salesf -«W 1oadâ ut $9 o$O5 .tnfr'int~ Ãà Ãd at $6 ta. $8 for mlixed. Straw quiet, one Joad eigt $10 a ton. Dresed logu' are unchanged wth light quotedat $95O anlieavat ., WVheiit, white, - -buehcl- . $0O76 * - 78 Do., red, bushel...0. O76 O7$_ Do, vring, - kbushel .. O 6 OÙ Do.,'gpose, bulshél 0 72' 0 00 Otbushel.......39% 04 Ba.riéy, bushel .. ........O051 .00 Peu-, busel .. .. ...... . 0 sô 000 .Rye, busWel.... ......75 0 e&0 fiy tmthy, ton.....900 ,'l,10' 0 Dn o ,Y"e t o n . . . . 6 0 o 0 S 0 0 ' s t x a p t n . . .. . . . . . .1 0 0 0 0~ Seds-x -Alsikep No. 1, buabel 6925 6 75 Do.lié. 2 .. ..... .... 525 575. Do4No~,.ý 0.........-_0. 00, RIed, choice, No. 1', bu 700* Timothy, bushel l' 50 2 OÃ" Dresedioi.......900 9,50 Xg«s, new jaid, dozmi, QO 25 0, 30 Butter, dairy......O24 0 2G0 Do.,,creamery........(>27 O' Chiekens, pur eilb.'......12. 0.I FowlperILb-.e... .0 09- 010 Torkeys, per lb........O15 O 17, Goése, per lb........O -l0O121 71bbag, pur dozen 0 40 '-0 50: Caufllol;èT, per ;dowuexa . 7e £1 00 Potatoes Pm bag.....0'0 80 j « isper bag......2<> ra ]e, blndquster60 8 Do~ ediw carsse 25 5 76 Vaper p..... 80 îo Ikmb pereut.... .900 10-50 Tii. follovlng ver. -the, lo.ing qulota-* tint nstTay ýt t'hse market: Jan. I lÀndon.--Ch.tle ar qý uoted st 1* toà 11%c -pur lb.; refrigerattr, T6c to, ~iineaoii - ,. ay., -July, St, Luis..........83% 1 Tii. 4uo1ity of fat cattié geneually vae -man, on.4fisiï1 mark of Scott?!0 atr.gth> and purity.1 in fimoBýdt aulthe Civili tHm-eof the globe.- If the cod Mhbeaim it would b. a wor1d'wIc ity 'betnse I ti. clOuth, from itfs liver m ut'aae fta lu -nouriabinitan d' bemu t, ald m uof u, Cures Colds' c Habit. ne Carupanien.> haO has Dot sad, to b.d, rt things doue 1i thsun." Whoe int laid -good this bed id 1111i à awttrI hg.F lept fso aa 'i.' 'l. S'i AOMMRMMMob OMS