Whitby Keystone, 1 Feb 1906, p. 1

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1~ V~ L .u 4melgjseau. Mpro. n e *. *t tee pm PROFESSTOAL ES. S Bu". lirta PHiYBWl4 D URGEON AND AOCOUONZUR. #* TEETEEKÂcz;u Bimiw ST. 'Phoni t »oIclor ftbe WmteniBu. ,Notv aryblA, S4.?oyte LoRa. osoé-. st Poiet 5., =t Wbu, O014 J a; O, A. T. A. MCGILLIVRAT, Lié B. to La eaaulpTerme. Joihuce Far.w.l, Kt cep EBosddr, County Crown Âttoniey, and ofCloueR~ ouse. Whitby. Qui oAi '. Dnow CHUÈ1CH DIREXCORY. PrheLaMd tbp- l. tu 4à O idBbiCat M&Z iPMeeting aidynng ut S o' lieethu«VMsidt Tsbws rsI il xk,.»X . s CROSLTPST EabiSb Rlems..IILIL m.aiil~ p ni.P _7 dsy Sheol 4i.U a"m. Umy&meei.TI- *Osw1g Il Io* Outariçi I The Wùncil for thé Conta t>, of ÇOn. taîle Met Ou- Tutaday,, Januar> 2Mil. vRev. U%. Wrich- opendetiti prb.. ceedngawith dvtcs xeois evote, was takeu npon the motion. oni >. Ialser, ae<tnckd bt Ur. Car- netie. bat mr. A. F.L enâ-ry WAr- denu for the Pretent yv"r. - khe re were for the motionMers 1Broomfueld, Carnegle, Gilbbv , Henry, Hultby, Ka.luer, Mowbray. MIWîan, Orml&ton, Purviç andi Tiponti. Nay-Mesro. Mllaiti, Poacher ant Totit. Thei.motion ,urried. The Wardcn eleot was escortei te the. chair by bit i mo-er anti seconder, andi havlig tahen the declaratlon of office. brillfy thank#eth ie Council for' hading qQ bpt'cdily electp4 hlm as their Warden. Ié feit b. would re- oelve Lue a'uistance of tbem COuncii lui thé discizarge of thài. dpteé, andi hoped that the, WsIone tt i. yoar would be, fer the. bÊneft of the. peo- pie' of the-conuty. Dr. . Kaiser piet;nteti the petition cf Margarêt Conant, France Colo- man,' an dot hert; asking tint the un- incorporated- hamàet of Cetiar Dale bet made a police vinlage. Wednesday. A comumunîcatioKi wau reat f rom Wm. mcBrien,, Turnkey vCounty Gaoli agkinir for iucI'easegf salar>. )&r. Glus eriiared of tii. Coenty 'Solicitor wbether he bas! obtainoti thi oinion pf rciasel as te the liai- bilits. 01fthe count> tu mantain the Blrown br1dxe at Canolngton. Ir' reply It svat, stateti that lin- structIons were gite., e obtaln au opinion* ae to titre bridgea; that materlal baü net been, suùpplied oe which to state a cage foc opinion 01 COUD ueil 0 0 to to of the bridgea. andi that as.to tii.-Port ',oÏbawu bridge, lI t k% e è.red by thi e- ýpre.entntItvescft-teQOutari 0 ivision port and mre'àittI 'Oist>. ,bO nao The UomUt8. Aleswortit Id Do eow la pracîlue,and -,Ur i i- Ïar. X.C., W. wasI, englaui. Comunication were reati from J., E. Schiller, fauager Houxe of Refuge, asking invoreae <f salai:. Referrlmil to Finance ('ommitet'. Asisociation fur 'etV:Otroa- lng Conocil te appoInt -.1egoteè t thereo, and for a graot In &id- -Qo sait l oiaind Mr. Molfilian prc-sentei tih. péti.. ticof t he Ccaincil if Rama.,.kn fortý a grant of- $5W to eu opedej on the Itama J Xoad -Ieadiug ubrough thte Indiani iantis lu a &ma. Thur&day Aftennooo., thre treaswer of the, UitfîSpiioci 0as? Tii. followîug arelte resaite.m -tis past ti!O o wb«q' utb~e &U14 -. 0pelle ÜI À Citaitoat...... ..0 clarenos Ra ina........... ÀKrthlewllkltun 0..... ,&my Fraser .... lbtel P eeIhr ... ... ... 8 Cgaretw~Ct»>... .....03 Alua NMcoebo. n 24.~1 gericue Mpiper n. 1 mffpenly wl*b tIh un1 St À. ivkdt te -lUe ChiciO « tck 1 uto w*etern ca *oein x tr«a fo4rst iplaevideilce of ti 8s.*'i vtittsebe are Iiogs libe tl'lve and' lattels on thâ nii ed Corai ltby the steffl. Tiim loaeoustitutl1ig sa.14'-jprcdlct cattie feedfig are, péoduced atý cofIt Mu.&'lover tIc n èk .1ê ralsedtiruiC.1ai.Alf Unitet Mis hc«W-&ý* ne$t ed lu thIq aybal lexP*rgo ftnrtcut, hem cve leat, thre-advantage -cf c.iieap cou ttait wblieb twerçisno et e1%et for, prodfueinjg fat hff IPs0~4 t»e. Let~ ii. nadla* far mer a 1 bost 40 e, uieyar. ip.wdos.nfo 80o.J - jo. I. 20* 25*. Rsiub.r wvuiib lie pIaood, tl« the coqnuilsüdf to ilýý*publie.:* the ,Opiniôn that thée-tiga~4êl ý.Mncfrtoo UMU A to nest tbo ,reewfr monüts ,ufthe. farta,- . hbpreoent hsy ~?Oi~ tOe wdldnire thanlJil the barn > lm"Og 0 *O>fo~~t or otiir fodder. We h~u beeln obbhged te .tor. muclio tW îo0t, crop lu esrth pt, and 3n Ulme'rble wuupte ba utIW&Y Ili tho resfuit 1<'cm lack 'Or'cetoi" *oCOM- W. therefore r4comend tintý the iýo e lCmmWOMerbe -auther.. tiarD to the smtlifactb@s of t-00 &àandlng Oommltte ou gIalum We tind the. Metbed et'pres"t, resortei t toin «uupPlJîng tii. IntitU'- tion wlth watel' ta be moot, unsat-. lefactory, andi wc ecoue*mo t# tat the comimio;ionerti be authorluedto.tl begottakte wztbthebTown 09 Wbitb7j for Rupplylng the Boute of% Refuge with wa ter Iros their system of pùb.- The' Standing Comuittee on Cut Property andi &aoIIManagement, ».. portas!- Tour commit tee have conoldereti & requesttrm ~the ePeu Tglspbo*, VO. te place ln the office of tke* Clerk. of the Peace a long, ditauoe In*- «traînent, also an exteüsion de* eett ln, the Cexiot,>Clerk"à office, andi a lonig distance irtatruumnt ýIn the Bouse of Ref rae. The reuest cIl 3fr. Mclrieûai urfi. Ley of tic gaci, for au Inere&gd.. ôt- salary',bas -been coabiCI'Od, and nie reeommend? that the regnent ýb. co;- sidereti at Lbe Jue eston of.titis tr w. h au baeoî anducl SES ýes i~u ithe U34 on the athe prco' rards IF: r.: I 115' tii. dr lit - the our net. inku wext the live

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