Whitby Keystone, 26 Oct 1905, p. 7

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------------ ÀND --------------- - --------- £à7ne la beautifully dresse& notwýitll--, -âMîng the rapidity witIf- which, her i M has been accompliabed, and Bal g acans ber with frank and proud adm"- 1 iion. 1 I'You haven't lost any of your good looke, jen"I' he saviq. "Saved thern ali for you, you bad boy," 1 the Baye, Pressing hil5 am; "and now tell I me ail you have boeu doing--everything, mîndýII 1 And ishe t up her white hand to imooth him Ulier from hi@ floreliead. Ilàt avoidi lier eyes. "Ask Bell," ho sayg. ýIffe bas kept a diary, and wilI be only too deliehted to Asport it, and divulge ail my misdoings. Hadn't 'vou better tell me, what you've bon lip tô sillée we partaill" Jeanne lau-ffis softly, but iý la her turn to droop .. 1 liavent Izept a diary, and can't re- meniber," she says. with nu, amstinie(l ýs,*lt %votild take dny% to telf ycti of ait Cie placeâ weve been te, jand all weve seen. ', -- "Voitve been tiijoyinv Zourself, any-' wavý" iliquires 1-fal. - 0 '-Ves. ohp Veaf', Bays Jonnue, Sniiiing. but very-very faiii ly. and sinotlierirg sig 1; ', 1 py as tbe dey if, long; a , 1 as lap isn't that the phrase" onys 110, concixe!y, "beert dôing the grand marchionemis, at 'our place, surpriMing tlie courity, and àll-that, eh, Jen? Georget some of tlieni murit have been etirprist,(l rti siich a bit of a girl being thê Maxchionsess of Ferndale. How do y lIk-ýýyour new place, Jen, take It oa ne 1^111gll.,i, -Take It ýaltogptlier," èlie replie,.q, 'j't la not a bad one." 'I shoulil think not,," lit- -sayn, emphat- "I wonder some of the %vomen folk'haven-*t poisoned voti ont of envy. And Vanel Iloiv M t];P nid boy?" ',yoil mlist ilsk Ilîm, Mlle sa M. ÃŽ*Ijhn,ý:e,," gays Ilal. Ii-id oicourse lie f4ýà.ý 'Quite Nvelt.' Dtitf lie looks relier elllpl)y. Yoit liaveii't tllàlt btft,"r(b of rnatriniony wilen the crock-ery i .ït --thrwo abolit, haýP voit? Reilly too early for that, 1 "Mitlier loo carly, lfal," sayR Jeanne; ýjt though glié laiiglis. lit-r lips grow -firm. and lier face bartlen-q, iso to apeak, Ivitli miiilden remervé. "I'liat'a ait right," siiys; Ilal, cheerfully. '*,\ni.1 no'iv tell nie fill tl)otit aunt, tisid unele," Rays Jeanne. "I helird fr8lu atint th'. day liclore wc rtnrted-" 'I'lien 1 ean't tell Yoil any new,%." Says Hall. "01(l IIPII liearî every week. and sPneift ficiiiie 4ilsio ai wéekly report In w1liell niv nre Plilirly and 1111- niereiftilly gût forth. When did Vou iWeý t'Ac Lambtoiis List?', '*When %ve were- nt Fp'riidnlg," gays Jéànne. ".%taud and Georgina se-nt thoir kzintiest love ta yoti," "Y milve got it wrappel up in one of your boxe*, ' 1 igupuose," says Hal; *'you rAn keep it there.' Dy, the ý%îuy, Jeni" lie atld%, a " uddenlv, "'ýyho-in that tall, fair wenian, %vith ýhe golden hair whom you have brought %vith you?" thinks a moment, quite un- ee"sarily. IlYon niunt inean Lady Luoelle," she mays carelmaly. that's the name. Weil, I've got un impreixsion that Ive soen lier before, and cant- think where. Have 1 met ber V' Ail the brightness leaves Jeanne a face. #éYeg the SiY90, ne fans hérself slowly. 1-vyou remembet aeartiqe break- "Gçorgel Of céursel No* 1 temeïm- ber! Thatla the woman.11 oi egibruel Oh, 1 ---. '-I- ..- 4LA wa-ki nik It pullimn ýiRd,,,er part nAin ce 1 "litugba -leanue GÈn AI - be bis -What 'l' , y 'Pâle., Ti hè rr ànd h" lie e another Moié tha'n 'hait th disom la tÈ' -Wvrla la éàuada * bad es, t in tbat bîR ipm3oum by hnpurme& thé *'Liv rè ý,4poèr fel1OWý" «M" of " the, heïd- , ýi u âchei ed backaebest, tbe lumbR«0-îýn« ý'b» «You Sü14ý 141,*htre -%ýere nýo Sons la the dèbility and b!Uottsùëu u#'iudW -,ro- üonp- the - patenm e tbd'7 pimp,10à ýaUd C de the Prhwm VerOmp'ç distÀgurlng skin ý dhmu!uýe ý«"=e 11*1 îtýý - ý ý auti actually, 't'i % iZmnri% t show how impure tle b100â îé, growi 1 $K it is no use trying X àiffeýeftt'me i- ."Oen _Sen;, 1W àqe for eï diseasez beeai -tkay- ait han àch i Ood. the c"se-rbaïd bl her,ý'ýî*ys, I«niDg Over -9ýM8 from the oule wu the battlement. Té cure diseuse youmust gét 1%ht dOwu ffl 't6 ýth«'"ot 01 461 trouble in -jjoVý, oj&ý je abc t ahe pretty l» wbat Dr. Wiffiame *Pink PUIS hall aShe ? About your youager; net if, a= &bout my ageî, 1 -au Pretty t îswt Xhey make new, rjèh, bloé4 0,oMý, < the maffl, foir he:F; =8 mon mèdieines only touch the,ý,eymptoms i, e's pedeCUY lere- l'r. net éy'" üé as darkl and# io, don't lashes 'dut the cause- lUt iz'why'-thue' ùlink they're .,blaek-witb lom ýý1 that sweep ber cheek--apd hèrî bair- cure whendoeto»and eommul M= - -,yon know that pkture-,*hieh Vane &hoW- ',t4L Rire iiý pottivp prgot- 111.suffered flet ed un of theltgümmrl.-,,whom he saw 1frOm-ýftdigestiOn," says,'Ui. pred. eon ît, Naples 1 Zéll, tbaf'ii'Ïrhat the pria- Grand'D , è ý1 1 À 199 ý V5ý iërt, nO T: ,çeas à likel. And fancy,, Jeannel sibO' -tppetite for my medldýand 'bo energy th-l lives all aloue with the old man, herifor my work;-, My stomuh* ë&1èqe4ý me latfier, who but-na a' lamp in daylight, é' tant dîstres, & elro «d sits day and night poring over cou- lik "lend on 'At t um 'ýeiiaei'és and plots, alone with him and ý'felte fi a bu m wat akways but W did ýmé, te iqodl. Then IrQ à:, wSden-faeed doll un her camp 'cul t $00 Azd abe--ýthe nn«,«, I mean--;ýis like *t ok came inte my bands, and 1 likg a Âower, &U life and brig4t- tesdthat DT. Williams' Pink Pilla wOU14 xéss, exeepting sometimes, and therè able eÙTe indigestion .' 1 goi themind begaà i% shut up lik-e a beautiful wild bird in tàking thém, ind 1 toon fqùnd they *ere 0311 a, cage! Il WpIng mi. «My appetite began to- iû: Od ne $tops, for, loÃ"king around-he h» ' Ly food to,,digest, better. 1 101J been staring et the villa düring this pelf- d e Ïsed the fills fom couple of Months an unconscions rhapsody-he secs Je"" a tWas we 1. No w! 1 am alwnys resdjy for wh eyes fixed on him with a half-laulg" , nythinft a balf-serious expression. 1 m meais, aïd 1 eau eat a Wb M due to 1)r, Wi liams. "We)l." bc says, -11what are you star- the credit is TA; ing'at V eàk- pilfi. 1 kee th pilla ià thehouse Tm (Te bc eontinteiL) à1l the time, anT 1 occasiongly take a wi few as a precaution. 1 can honestly ad- go Nbe all dyspepties to u3e this. medicine, &ni USEPUL HINTS. M 1 am sure it will cure them as it did, î Needlcvork ahould bv ironcd on the lu ha , Give Dr. NVilli&W Pink PUIS a fait t4q w-rong sîde on a plece of flannel, and thi should bc kept long enûugh uuder *.bc trial and they will cure you, simply Itg iron to thoreughly dry it. bécause they make that rich, strong ý cai fryign bléod tbat disease cannot rçaist. Sec bO . 1 pail should never be serapel. t'bat you get the geüùiftÉý VIII-4, *itlk' Sel -Insteal, i Iît ýWîth ecilà W&ter, te tol a littie eljda lias been added, end lét ýit, ile full name- --Dr.ý Williams' Pink rie , 1 ', - ~pilla for Pale Pçôple,ý on the wapper bo stand foï'sèýeral hcurs.- la Pt lanapbecmffl,,,^"und every box. Yàu cab get the clogel Nyith -char put theM -in 8tm:-ý fr*in your Medicine dialpr or by mail At ab gnaptudt, U'ùd"boil to créan thém. 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 bY ý1a Lemon juire mixed verv thick Dr. Williafils Medicine > , r wili relleve that iickling cough eOckvilles Ont- fil is-po annoyilié; bq Scrapi o old, *ce--ý-cba; Ofi skin if $trung 0 n twine, ftnd- then tied into. a "chamois ball,» will lest for Ir m vears ý auxl pol a" "bod#,ng else -lât l A lông-handlëd, ý*fÃŽ0ie ont a fiqe polish oii a vraxed floor. Kerésee willélean a white ensmeled 0 ti *Xer'r > deh water contaIns fan Marcha- 'Was at ý,ýUk b1WUI F-rom tý%*,, JM Of 'id coaea»ý 40 M ýbq» and j -pap«. Result. évil 'deposits on those emidren--b*d' beau *' eviplituaUv, a pliiiuber. pint of ýdt$ýlight. ffl kt noon the M"t tÀ Oifing bot soloticq, ý 01 - il thfte ka»ý pu s grkaly, pumbéffl' Wn Mt, sink éta, wéré îbîît "' thirty t"ëb iiii %o1veý, aýd carrïes mkay th: gréase. Ànd 1 iaBXý lu mu wtiî7-i* 1 ordînary poprorn, eTouï-id finè S a tb* térub, "IW1iWý dia meat ýýdpr or -a enfiep. grinder, and, - 'Jlaide tî-Itbt' 6; , ý -flion 'ipreod: with rich éreani.1s, mid to tmLe -ic un striât ilà lit a ïï Toae, imdei 1 a, it J'ILIIII 'A ily 1,' ý i L Z l' I. v t"1'i% Pili. lit k idj, NN bo'o 1 il, N itv ér-,ýL -à S 1 c' I cus and ol t lie t o (10- kilwss tif vvriaiti to titiv ý'ta-tiý', Fraililo. ORYùor à.àdý',Qreene; have goue ýbock -to more. ýjap4à. bu loaded up- ýwith an en- ormous debt.; T4c people pùy-ý -it all Thé, plbôÉ.I.e ýý èaà bitV<é Èeace if îhey lîke. T-hanW vîng Day has 10et its relig- loua signifîêanS, we are -, told. Then abolish iti W-e have' plenty üfý haidays. withoqt IL There *fil be. no BritaM'ý- dedies that she ever 6ffered to. fight Germany, and thât-country ace e,,ýts 'the denial. Next. Grand Duke CyM-,#-as Jest j»s jý)b'îî1 be Rusaiuà,, a!znlv, And all bis iýth1er,' pt-r- quisites bèsý-des,ý b 'tçttrn'e ecause he apîùst the Czaes orders. WîR the Ditelà. ess have te take in washing 1 St, Petersburg, in the sogne, of more atrikes and red flag demoâtrations, and bomb-th» wers are active at Wanaw. The Cm càýnOt ýct salely lay aside hie summer suit of boiler plate. Perbaps Grand- Duke , Cyiïl, who, is t o be "diagtéted" " by' dëprivatlôit of, title and honom and banimbed from Russie came he married-,,. ýà Àt the Russiau v or, Of Rem, dit Dot tau hié punishment very mýüâ to,' b'éitrt.-ý-:É"iahment froiu Ruisala -is not, a crushlng sentei A Monýreaiiury bana-.Yarued $3,ZOý) dmaget tà 'Zboy whose hands bürned by- touching a live'Jeleetric, wire. sueh'awdiüts, m'any 01 themfatelt,ýO ý*ccurriig too, fréqÙentli.' If the w1r'es Were would be *tUé of h.àrm and the 410*1c COMPS]det:2ý ýý would 'Mve enough -in Costa and-.damages- te P&Y for iL Who. wôuld; not be, the Preticlent, of à Ille -làïüranz'o, company 1 elchard- A.ý Xceurdy, Piéàldent et thè Idutuat Lifc, oi $150iO00 a yeur Andîn son-lnl&w bas, obýal4e4,,4'1 ffl,134 in, tweh*e-ý ane of - pur se% declare bit ladifféreffl lie was- an incorrigible fUrL rm bâlf Rf raid that you lutve left a long trallof twoleuf , art à eto 041 4-M* 1 t'a mr. nella 'il Multji Rit, toevthe hýtel bill*ý" lias somew,,iat subsided, "where did you leurn the art. of reparteet YOU have got quîte briniant! 1 am quité PTOud Y« clever, wiek-ed bôýr- Pobr IVelli, -tybat a, life lie Sust lesd witk-' you 1', '6Poor Mr. BeU-j" says ]W,, n«03 tolerable life; he likes oPT-4isbes,, Md ive keep ont of'ench ûtbeiwýýs' =1, 'y las iùach 1 as we can. Beaides"doie, t, ýý tell ý,eeeY._ Liody, for !t'à a secret! he's k 'a diary, which lie means to publishrC&r the title of 'A Bear-leader in Germuany*p obligeil to be . very civil, vS kBOV, be- J'ni the bear, vou know. Or course llm Il C cause lie keeps the ?ursý; besides, - 1 Ilaveult the least notion of their MODO,' aýtn1 -there's a different coinffl at, eve7ý other towu or eo-and 1 cant ré- ruember what they ý i-epreséÙt. ý -l' paid for what 1 bought Myself-un- til Bell di«eo-:ered thst 1 had 'given, a tnau sonietlfing like five and sixpence for fourpenny worth of plums, and then he undertook the exchequer." -Poor Beil!«' says Jeanne, glancing at that gentleman, who iA deepli, engaged in a àiscussiou on the political*pr à ects of Pomerania witli a mernherof Par ianient, but who looks acro%% a.t lier, wq if he di- vined abc wa% lookýiiig toward him, and amiles timid].v. lhe Party promiseq tobeý,« - Plemnt ,,gatlering, mÀ%yîUîst."diiýg it% uize. for (thêre is aw 'inteimmt lium tion, with interludes of lali,,,Iliter. One person seetus mt-her silent-not, that bis taciturnity is noticeilile, for be talk-q sometiniei; but lie alonc appears thoughtful --ad precc-upied. It W TArd - Lane. He is seated a -little diltaneê from Jeanné, not so far dowu the table tbat he cannot flée lier fac-, 1111(l it luight he observel. if envont, mred to totire it. that his eyes ùýe,.scarcely ever-removed froin ber. He does not stare. at lier'. but he keep;a a constznt, amd yet cavert, watch, on lier every look and word. If she gpeak-,s'io him, which she does soinet imes, be bas no occasion to turn hiA èesd or â3k ber to reepat'her ob4eriration,, for lie has ipiite obviôuý1y béen àttending to ber, and watehfni for the éliance of hër addreg--a.t ing hhn. At such. times bis face seems to alter, &nd bis eyes to bri,-*hten-not nol', ticeably, perhaM, but the chan ably takex plam Once sbe wqks a servant for soinething -for soine wine for lfal--and the man dkes.not hear; but Clarence lm beard, and r"ýeat.s the request. Agýiin, in tell- ing of SOMC Ment n the jbt1rneý, she fürgets the namf% of a wbom no one would have auspected Uz- tening. In-.qtantly, but quictJy, turnishes ber with it. q He ls like i faithful audattatfied dog, whose whole belng la fixed u-pon-his mat- ter---or hlw-ui4stre»%-and who Iftu*tsý,Auxi lously, and vet not for wor& ïrým iýr. No une noUces tàla, and yet-yes, om person iloei, and he Io 1'01d ýjklt" Ralf au 1-oÙr alter. the Imlles, have left, for thé lw,. pu' te 'bîs ,head around-the do:br of that apartment, and liavifig ed J«4ne,,% tit4enti ),n, booko»,# . w b« MYstîer1o1ýîlY. itel"shé out to è1m v1MVeý Içois bad swough *Wil "Still At *ît the wùi FW, &'but-tbe cackle. Itat --membet of Parl"éïf-Yý'on brought with yoù has 0 t , 'em ois t'à' pollues, tbe7 , 1 ély - to go oüw«rylog that subj oet tW but ý,yptt_,bm,,me te fly te thi , dvilikt'i mock "V*D- 1 ty. ",ÇMOUÇIYI If 1 ý#tayed thert 1 ibÏàu bive b«S àdrmtb.drown wy »»»-*4 budng in'*tbi red au-4,buideo4 1 dý,,'eùtr7-1f«ry, Jism, of Som mduetài Id* -Minh' W, YWY 1ýe b'muk, bis h"da liaber àt bit ,Readyl" 1, caued the- âhertfti ý w&tch lu WbItiett,,$ indri »opt,ýý mittly, ýàw*t kbankmlle -10 the lffl holË;àý Thr, caMé tu ta ;ncre4lblr ri levai efflèned. - Six "double, ro- ooudod,',',ang,* obriMW« ot blaaý- Ïkowed > ý "the WhIte sprtàge of the imIML ý-- SM _,mmoklae the émptW -'piztoLs » -ilaâod > tiii .. their boloUm' Théà bath M40, tmw Y»W&týL »-touebed, for, ýâft Instant ehoumèrg end -*hov on"t=IU. > ý, The" a br*ht - gléam of d agnia a* »Il Mid 4ouble, report& Wbltsut pâtole, «Ickly Into'the abouide nuen ý and, avaggered lut* th.* back-, rbe,,»««r »*-,dowýà to the tarte..t eount- 1 -the. ïhot à ond < modo's côte ot'ibé remulr- iti hé ireturmg,»& 1 mouctéd the tox. I.âo0ffl ot týý,-Whitxettl Tbbe.*,Thirteen ecad& ýý Tanot'tootë.*, léuur im- the bûll'â-ý nt»,ýlathe twit ft ab la tiieý'Meond. Ln th* tbirdi. Mhioluaul the time re- and. USget record m"W br Mr. ýWh1t»U Js»n's tffl 8tfï1ý and U 'Otbe'lane that bat tavoi- Alo» *âre ma Amw 811 the tu bint, that thm wu 001 SU& tiù9bim- 1 ke about -Moi- màsahum; tend«. imoups éj» wm tuma al«tir effl tbe = At e* Word I.Pj»tg jbýlu%.,dm- ed plà6tilý'IM'bm ào":Wu la, to 'bis k1my, IMLM'.Ibtt tbe Ne«atm COSU,. 110t ellow the moyement wm théir el«. They en -a boa d«bW'CVM=t ot ït»L où*- or 004 Il O= ' ... .1 , pmbudtd las, pistou Wère rhiried h tho marcial hold te bru . n e ut theplmIs bat &DI41Y that, Um to bIMA tutu ÇiX to,,blendlnto ;7tii.- irith a quLck wun tbe woodoitolittle er sent ne etu thto théïr hoWýim' gt betoré, the tborenthly mA aýfflý aed«jý« -whM vu taktas place, , new platol ilistenad la mh Of JUOA*t mmde. ý Tb _ t0% tiw tntci » Umo on ý 000 Igs 49 St ý11_ le& *t tabe mallot, he n lm dllu»xgo&-,tbo otber twks la Itht3le-ilke sicpm". Thon, dotUY mtrhlcër'ît"ý degabadi« ýPloffli )oth "-ma, ý w1tjý, inerçdlble . raMity suck immlîtïli '*Itboût'-aîm. Rttwbfàg thè pis. es ta theïr- holstem vîth the sal» ýQu1ek- item, ho leaned emlly, &&-'net the Juda@,$ as Theu son _X=41 - wmt, -Irtid. Thor dU mot ýwa1t roi' thw ffl»-4bey imoir sffl rhootlig when ý they sim ý W Theg 111" & man, m«6over., pmhtt*4 ý me--41« ho did'bappén - là e"ïe'ttndë 1 rf00L Wh1tý sett. with-ý* raéý& ý,oq-,btgbloMM tous, $IÏÎÏ tutu lhecrowd. ne knew thst ho--*a béùe*4m«** 0 bu toi The s ;7W écrois the biand euminw- the ruret. ý 1ýA# be 01100, £me moutted ýMS the &lien ce VOIS . pro- .44 St&eý ot latue xAsM4 ftmobm Ti=*. j3jeven and one-kilt Tar. çot écffl: sévec la the buli's-ele,« two» 811,140 finit ring. tive tu the secom. wbi* or&", 1%6,*h«ut 4ftwýhtm- «Zît mi, sa tbe 'sboutà ud Obm 01 t ermd bWA ontwmed, 'w t. 1 1ý ý ' ý Il ', ,, t ýwý ça coun and, in bobelt- ut ài ýzeUqw etttmx.- ýt té apolb jamin. -Mr -thé shabby we -*m. ; 1 At* -1 - ý*týut tu xý. on, m, t» fluest "Ob 91 tie han -any E Ir, 6« Per po»& By an, gtocýet& t4 L01218, 7904- h TITLE d ------ - -------- t change dômes over ber face; it gmws set C and cold, with a reserve se mark-ed that c èven Uni notiees it. N'une bas net seen li thein yet, and Hal, watchin- him, secs that bc, ton. is ehanged. CHAPTER xxviii. r Hal is n6t a student of physiognomy, 1 but he is mnseïous that \'une'& fnee bas t undergono a changp. It is lis handsonie a as of vore. as it iq ns noble and hi-h- 1 brrd Iýak-ing; bis figiire is as istalwart, 1 looks eveu straigliter and more corn- manding in the plain evening dress; it 1 is in the face tbat the change is observ- able. lie looks, its iiiii puts it to him- self, as if lie were resties and unsatiq- fied about soniething. and was trýving te hide it beneatli a »tudiexrcalni and seren- it y. ', i --%a be catches sight of Ithein standing tberé, lie sniilés, antLý bis fve grou lm-ighter. but flivre 'la stïll 'the air 'of witichful re-Prve and forced calm. Ilal 1(x)*Ks froni one te the other, from i -iêniilies lovel v face. witii itg new and i sudden st!llness, tu the high-bred gravity i of Vanes. "\Veil, llnl." aayit Viane, "bave. you made a(-(Itiaintailee with ait the resources -)f Forluich? We shali Wk te yeti 99 guide, mentor and friend in al] eur pas- tiircs. What aboitt the' fishing? And iliere ûýight W bp a boar or two in the foreiýt. Not tried them vet? It %vas kip(j of yeti to wait untît %;ýc came. We'Il have a day na soon as possible, and try and get %oine sport." Ail this %vas verv well, but there was the chang st i il. Not a word bad he àroken to and there $bc gtood fan.nin- berself, %vith thje air of roiiil ln(Iv receiving couipanx. ý%at dij 'it menti! Before tic- ean ar- rive at any ronjecture, there is the rtistle of a dress on the stairs, and a, soft, lusigu id voici%. sny-sc: -_%re voil there. Lord Fernditte? Ilerie ni-v làoi-d Line and 1 dyinilz, to seo inorv of this cnchanteâ enatle! Your fil ', or-doiiio--%%-hut a delightfut maul- was j-jolit. The tipper pitrt of tbÃŽs rô- 11111ntic n Phice siirptit,ý,4es even the other grand moins. 1 wall Ilever go liuluptu, on-4y li4býtÊt-(I, nnd 1 --lve you warttîng litat, if voit have trcaté.41 alb of us us ?,-ou have trented nie, %et, shall never ea,%*e you. u8 Mr. Mîçuwtýet sity&" N'une bow#. I'Give the thanki; %vitere they, are due, cloiintt-ss," lie sava; **1 had nu band in the Ordering of tiiinge." - îs a fine old place,» sait! Lord -and youv inan lkcâii*t forgotten a deuil. )jidy Ferndale, yoià iiiýglit keep u state iii the good ôld fashion, if vou rik-ed-arnied retaînen and hench- ni;n unil ait that sort of thin ' " Jeanne's face lighten% and te tigý» i te him with a -Siiiilê,. "It ig ait too chnrniinj,,," Wd TAd LuSlle; as site speaks, âe- lookà et Hat r 'INIr. 13érti-am ' ', I-nvâ vaine, with a i wave of the hand bý way ofý'introdue- tion; -my brotlit-r-iii-law." r Lidy Lucelle holtim out lier lialid with i a cha;ining mnife, and with a uod bal( 11ilow do vouýdo, 14T. Berýmm? Auppaite you*know the teâtlo.-.ýýv heartý e 1 reully envy yoli. Do ahow me toum-' thing more tif It, Lord Fe-.ndalè." t And »bc pute 'ber band pn -bis antu,,,, "With pleaure," owy4 ,Vane, gud he t moyen away with ber. "Suppose we venturo àn a voya l. dincovery, Lady. Ferndaie," affl )Z lené, offenng bat arn "IV& «wuený I #Ir il l$t'FV VU Wlt4j 1 IVII X# !79'&U, 'ýffl> r«#U %- u bè, a ý-popu1ar breek.fpst inoà in Iowa. lt n eau eovnd, tbe nigPtbefore iP, Or4er ILSTe ý1àMè the neit môTniig.,ý The littié,,,,Cver tbé'firè for',a tbaing'e b.efore ;t piTi'di of motlt to flour before mfý,ç- 1 ý . , ý Imn Wang Wftt4iÎý-ând'It Whelf 4by criea or iitirettu4 it à t"- ing âe ýýba1y At 4ù t4t - =gr Th&È>-ý,&*ething is pxý**b1y iiomi de- TARgîýuOt of, the toinub. orý boweli4 or i)«hq) 'Tbffl- y rie tm ý,é_! - r 01, '10 offl t4t, 1 W»uld »Of to 1 , Irb" WAW ý,4m Ot tu--ýmotmm *"MI* TICER- 0 office jom ýl& stove. àt, momaï, tficu, 2,tiolli , v 1 Il ý 1 t ilqmil si sk. lAcé lu. Výlii or sionnee(j A that, lilig tile rh ira 4 Ittorne,ý culive up big ou gavq emnaong 1 n shed. m Mon. wenther suminer. wirelq imea It ond it J.IÉ frdm pald that e , due t'O of thp r witwn- n& Oey Ion, Tea i-si boyonci fresher and pu'rer tea tf 1644 packets, Wy,àf4ôcý Sm «

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