------------ ÀND --------------- - --------- £à 7ne la beautifully dresse& notwýitll--, -âMîng the rapidity witIf- which, her i M has been accompliabed, and Bal g acans ber with frank and proud adm"- 1 iion. 1 I'You haven't lost any of your good looke, jen"I' he saviq. "Saved thern ali for you, you bad boy," 1 the Baye, Pressing hil5 am; "and now tell I me ail you have boeu doing--everything, mîndýII 1 And ishe t up her white hand to imooth him Ulier from hi@ floreliead. Ilà t avoidi lier eyes. "Ask Bell," ho sayg. ýIffe bas kept a diary, and wilI be only too deliehted to Asport it, and divulge ail my misdoings. Hadn't 'vou better tell me, what you've bon lip tô sillée we partaill" Jeanne lau-ffis softly, but iý la her turn to droop .. 1 liavent Izept a diary, and can't re- meniber," she says. with nu, amstinie(l ýs,*lt %votild take dny% to telf ycti of ait Cie placeâ weve been te, jand all weve seen. ', -- "Voitve been tiijoyinv Zourself, any-' wavý" iliquires 1-fal. - 0 '-Ves. ohp Veaf', Bays Jonnue, Sniiiing. but very-very faiii ly. and sinotlierirg sig 1; ', 1 py as tbe dey if, long; a , 1 as lap isn't that the phrase" onys 110, concixe!y, "beert dôing the grand marchionemis, at 'our place, surpriMing tlie courity, and à ll-that, eh, Jen? Georget some of tlieni murit have been etirprist,(l rti siich a bit of a girl being thê Maxchionsess of Ferndale. How do y lIk-ýýyour new place, Jen, take It oa ne 1^111gll.,i, -Take It ýaltogptlier," èlie replie,.q, 'j't la not a bad one." 'I shoulil think not,," lit- -sayn, emphat- "I wonder some of the %vomen folk'haven-*t poisoned voti ont of envy. And Vanel Iloiv M t];P nid boy?" ',yoil mlist ilsk Ilîm, Mlle sa M. ÃŽ*Ijhn,ý:e,," gays Ilal. Ii-id oicourse lie f4ýà .ý 'Quite Nvelt.' Dtitf lie looks relier elllpl)y. Yoit liaveii't tllà lt btft,"r(b of rnatriniony wilen the crock-ery i .ït --thrwo abolit, haýP voit? Reilly too early for that, 1 "Mitlier loo carly, lfal," sayR Jeanne; ýjt though glié laiiglis. lit-r lips grow -firm. and lier face bartlen-q, iso to apeak, Ivitli miiilden remervé. "I'liat'a ait right," siiys; Ilal, cheerfully. '*,\ni.1 no'iv tell nie fill tl)otit aunt, tisid unele," Rays Jeanne. "I helird fr8lu atint th'. day liclore wc rtnrted-" 'I'lien 1 ean't tell Yoil any new,%." Says Hall. "01(l IIPII liearî every week. and sPneift ficiiiie 4ilsio ai wéekly report In w1liell niv nre Plilirly and 1111- niereiftilly gût forth. When did Vou iWeý t'Ac Lambtoiis List?', '*When %ve were- nt Fp'riidnlg," gays Jéà nne. ".%taud and Georgina se-nt thoir kzintiest love ta yoti," "Y milve got it wrappel up in one of your boxe*, ' 1 igupuose," says Hal; *'you rAn keep it there.' Dy, the ý%îuy, Jeni" lie atld%, a " uddenlv, "'ýyho-in that tall, fair wenian, %vith ýhe golden hair whom you have brought %vith you?" thinks a moment, quite un- ee"sarily. IlYon niunt inean Lady Luoelle," she mays carelmaly. that's the name. Weil, I've got un impreixsion that Ive soen lier before, and cant- think where. Have 1 met ber V' Ail the brightness leaves Jeanne a face. #éYeg the SiY90, ne fans hérself slowly. 1-vyou remembet aeartiqe break- "Gçorgel Of céursel No* 1 temeïm- ber! Thatla the woman.11 oi egibruel Oh, 1 ---. '-I- ..- 4LA wa-ki nik It pullimn ýiRd,,,er part nAin ce 1 "litugba -leanue GÈn AI - be bis -What 'l' , y 'Pâle., Ti hè rr à nd h" lie e another Moié tha'n 'hait th disom la tÈ' -Wvrla la éà uada * bad es, t in tbat bîR ipm3oum by hnpurme& thé *'Liv rè ý,4poèr fel1OWý" «M" of " the, heïd- , ýi u âchei ed backaebest, tbe lumbR«0-îýn« ý'b» «You Sü14ý 141,*htre -%ýere nýo Sons la the dèbility and b!Uottsùëu u#'iudW -,ro- üonp- the - patenm e tbd'7 pimp,10à ýaUd C de the Prhwm VerOmp'ç distÀgurlng skin ý dhmu!uýe ý«"=e 11*1 îtýý - ý ý auti actually, 't'i % iZmnri% t show how impure tle b100â îé, growi 1 $K it is no use trying X à iffeýeftt'me i- ."Oen _Sen;, 1W à qe for eï diseasez beeai -tkay- ait han à ch i Ood. the c"se-rbaïd bl her,ý'ýî*ys, I«niDg Over -9ýM8 from the oule wu the battlement. Té cure diseuse youmust gét 1%ht dOwu ffl 't6 ýth«'"ot 01 461 trouble in -jjoVý, oj&ý je abc t ahe pretty l» wbat Dr. Wiffiame *Pink PUIS hall aShe ? About your youager; net if, a= &bout my ageî, 1 -au Pretty t îswt Xhey make new, rjèh, bloé4 0,oMý, < the maffl, foir he:F; =8 mon mèdieines only touch the,ý,eymptoms i, e's pedeCUY lere- l'r. net éy'" üé as darkl and# io, don't lashes 'dut the cause- lUt iz'why'-thue' ùlink they're .,blaek-witb lom ýý1 that sweep ber cheek--apd hèrî bair- cure whendoeto»and eommul M= - -,yon know that pkture-,*hieh Vane &hoW- ',t4L Rire iiý pottivp prgot- 111.suffered flet ed un of theltgümmrl.-,,whom he saw 1frOm-ýftdigestiOn," says,'Ui. pred. eon ît, Naples 1 Zéll, tbaf'ii'Ãrhat the pria- Grand'D , è ý1 1 À 199 ý V5ý iërt, nO T: ,çeas à likel. And fancy,, Jeannel sibO' -tppetite for my medldýand 'bo energy th-l lives all aloue with the old man, herifor my work;-, My stomuh* ë&1èqe4ý me latfier, who but-na a' lamp in daylight, é' tant dîstres, & elro «d sits day and night poring over cou- lik "lend on 'At t um 'ýeiiaei'és and plots, alone with him and ý'felte fi a bu m wat akways but W did ýmé, te iqodl. Then IrQ à :, wSden-faeed doll un her camp 'cul t $00 Azd abe--ýthe nn«,«, I mean--;ýis like *t ok came inte my bands, and 1 likg a Âower, &U life and brig4t- tesdthat DT. Williams' Pink Pilla wOU14 xéss, exeepting sometimes, and therè able eÙTe indigestion .' 1 goi themind begaà i% shut up lik-e a beautiful wild bird in tà king thém, ind 1 toon fqùnd they *ere 0311 a, cage! Il WpIng mi. «My appetite began to- iû: Od ne $tops, for, loÃ"king around-he h» ' Ly food to,,digest, better. 1 101J been staring et the villa düring this pelf- d e Ãsed the fills fom couple of Months an unconscions rhapsody-he secs Je"" a tWas we 1. No w! 1 am alwnys resdjy for wh eyes fixed on him with a half-laulg" , nythinft a balf-serious expression. 1 m meais, aïd 1 eau eat a Wb M due to 1)r, Wi liams. "We)l." bc says, -11what are you star- the credit is TA; ing'at V eà k- pilfi. 1 kee th pilla ià thehouse Tm (Te bc eontinteiL) à 1l the time, anT 1 occasiongly take a wi few as a precaution. 1 can honestly ad- go Nbe all dyspepties to u3e this. medicine, &ni USEPUL HINTS. M 1 am sure it will cure them as it did, î Needlcvork ahould bv ironcd on the lu ha , Give Dr. NVilli&W Pink PUIS a fait t4q w-rong sîde on a plece of flannel, and thi should bc kept long enûugh uuder *.bc trial and they will cure you, simply Itg iron to thoreughly dry it. bécause they make that rich, strong ý cai fryign bléod tbat disease cannot rçaist. Sec bO . 1 pail should never be serapel. t'bat you get the geüùiftÉý VIII-4, *itlk' Sel -Insteal, i Iît ýWîth ecilà W&ter, te tol a littie eljda lias been added, end lét ýit, ile full name- --Dr.ý Williams' Pink rie , 1 ', - ~pilla for Pale Pçôple,ý on the wapper bo stand foï'sèýeral hcurs.- la Pt lanapbecmffl,,,^"und every box. Yà u cab get the clogel Nyith -char put theM -in 8tm:-ý fr*in your Medicine dialpr or by mail At ab gnaptudt, U'ùd"boil to créan thém. 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 bY ý1a Lemon juire mixed verv thick Dr. Williafils Medicine > , r wili relleve that iickling cough eOckvilles Ont- fil is-po annoyilié; bq Scrapi o old, *ce--ý-cba; Ofi skin if $trung 0 n twine, ftnd- then tied into. a "chamois ball,» will lest for Ir m vears ý auxl pol a" "bod#,ng else -lât l A lông-handlëd, ý*fÃŽ0ie ont a fiqe polish oii a vraxed floor. Kerésee willélean a white ensmeled 0 ti *Xer'r > deh water contaIns fan Marcha- 'Was at ý,ýUk b1WUI F-rom tý%*,, JM Of 'id coaea»ý 40 M ýbq» and j -pap«. Result. évil 'deposits on those emidren--b*d' beau *' eviplituaUv, a pliiiuber. pint of ýdt$ýlight. ffl kt noon the M"t tÀ Oifing bot soloticq, ý 01 - il thfte ka»ý pu s grkaly, pumbéffl' Wn Mt, sink éta, wéré îbîît "' thirty t"ëb iiii %o1veý, aýd carrïes mkay th: gréase. Ànd 1 iaBXý lu mu wtiî7-i* 1 ordînary poprorn, eTouï-id finè S a tb* térub, "IW1iWý dia meat ýýdpr or -a enfiep. grinder, and, - 'Jlaide tî-Itbt' 6; , ý -flion 'ipreod: with rich éreani.1s, mid to tmLe -ic un striât ilà lit a ïï Toae, imdei 1 a, it J'ILIIII 'A ily 1,' ý i L Z l' I. v t"1'i% Pili. lit k idj, NN bo'o 1 il, N itv ér-,ýL -à S 1 c' I cus and ol t lie t o (10- kilwss tif vvriaiti to titiv ý'ta-tiý', Fraililo. ORYùor à .à dý',Qreene; have goue ýbock -to more. ýjap4à . bu loaded up- ýwith an en- ormous debt.; T4c people pùy-ý -it all Thé, plbôÉ.I.e ýý èaà bitV<é Èeace if îhey lîke. T-hanW vîng Day has 10et its relig- loua signifîêanS, we are -, told. Then abolish iti W-e have' plenty üfý haidays. withoqt IL There *fil be. no BritaM'ý- dedies that she ever 6ffered to. fight Germany, and thât-country ace e,,ýts 'the denial. Next. Grand Duke CyM-,#-as Jest j»s jý)b'îî1 be Rusaiuà ,, a!znlv, And all bis iýth1er,' pt-r- quisites bèsý-des,ý b 'tçttrn'e ecause he apîùst the Czaes orders. WîR the Ditelà . ess have te take in washing 1 St, Petersburg, in the sogne, of more atrikes and red flag demoâtrations, and bomb-th» wers are active at Wanaw. The Cm cà ýnOt ýct salely lay aside hie summer suit of boiler plate. Perbaps Grand- Duke , Cyiïl, who, is t o be "diagtéted" " by' dëprivatlôit of, title and honom and banimbed from Russie came he married-,,. ýà Àt the Russiau v or, Of Rem, dit Dot tau hié punishment very mýüâ to,' b'éitrt.-ý-:É"iahment froiu Ruisala -is not, a crushlng sentei A Monýreaiiury bana-.Yarued $3,ZOý) dmaget tà 'Zboy whose hands bürned by- touching a live'Jeleetric, wire. sueh'awdiüts, m'any 01 themfatelt,ýO ý*ccurriig too, fréqÙentli.' If the w1r'es Were would be *tUé of h.à rm and the 410*1c COMPS]det:2ý ýý would 'Mve enough -in Costa and-.damages- te P&Y for iL Who. wôuld; not be, the Preticlent, of à Ille -là ïüranz'o, company 1 elchard- A.ý Xceurdy, Piéà ldent et thè Idutuat Lifc, oi $150iO00 a yeur Andîn son-lnl&w bas, obýal4e4,,4'1 ffl,134 in, tweh*e-ý ane of - pur se% declare bit ladifféreffl lie was- an incorrigible fUrL rm bâlf Rf raid that you lutve left a long trallof twoleuf , art à eto 041 4-M* 1 t'a mr. nella 'il Multji Rit, toevthe hýtel bill*ý" lias somew,,iat subsided, "where did you leurn the art. of reparteet YOU have got quîte briniant! 1 am quité PTOud Y« clever, wiek-ed bôýr- Pobr IVelli, -tybat a, life lie Sust lesd witk-' you 1', '6Poor Mr. BeU-j" says ]W,, n«03 tolerable life; he likes oPT-4isbes,, Md ive keep ont of'ench ûtbeiwýýs' =1, 'y las iùach 1 as we can. Beaides"doie, t, ýý tell ý,eeeY._ Liody, for !t'à a secret! he's k 'a diary, which lie means to publishrC&r the title of 'A Bear-leader in Germuany*p obligeil to be . very civil, vS kBOV, be- J'ni the bear, vou know. Or course llm Il C cause lie keeps the ?ursý; besides, - 1 Ilaveult the least notion of their MODO,' aýtn1 -there's a different coinffl at, eve7ý other towu or eo-and 1 cant ré- ruember what they ý i-epreséÙt. ý -l' paid for what 1 bought Myself-un- til Bell di«eo-:ered thst 1 had 'given, a tnau sonietlfing like five and sixpence for fourpenny worth of plums, and then he undertook the exchequer." -Poor Beil!«' says Jeanne, glancing at that gentleman, who iA deepli, engaged in a à iscussiou on the political*pr à ects of Pomerania witli a mernherof Par ianient, but who looks acro%% a.t lier, wq if he di- vined abc wa% lookýiiig toward him, and amiles timid].v. lhe Party promiseq tobeý,« - Plemnt ,,gatlering, mÀ%yîUîst."diiýg it% uize. for (thêre is aw 'inteimmt lium tion, with interludes of lali,,,Iliter. One person seetus mt-her silent-not, that bis taciturnity is noticeilile, for be talk-q sometiniei; but lie alonc appears thoughtful --ad precc-upied. It W TArd - Lane. He is seated a -little diltaneê from Jeanné, not so far dowu the table tbat he cannot flée lier fac-, 1111(l it luight he observel. if envont, mred to totire it. that his eyes ùýe,.scarcely ever-removed froin ber. He does not stare. at lier'. but he keep;a a constznt, amd yet cavert, watch, on lier every look and word. If she gpeak-,s'io him, which she does soinet imes, be bas no occasion to turn hiA èesd or â3k ber to reepat'her ob4eriration,, for lie has ipiite obviôuý1y béen à ttending to ber, and watehfni for the éliance of hër addreg--a.t ing hhn. At such. times bis face seems to alter, &nd bis eyes to bri,-*hten-not nol', ticeably, perhaM, but the chan ably takex plam Once sbe wqks a servant for soinething -for soine wine for lfal--and the man dkes.not hear; but Clarence lm beard, and r"ýeat.s the request. Agýiin, in tell- ing of SOMC Ment n the jbt1rneý, she fürgets the namf% of a wbom no one would have auspected Uz- tening. In-.qtantly, but quictJy, turnishes ber with it. q He ls like i faithful audattatfied dog, whose whole belng la fixed u-pon-his mat- ter---or hlw-ui4stre»%-and who Iftu*tsý,Auxi lously, and vet not for wor& ïrým iýr. No une noUces tà la, and yet-yes, om person iloei, and he Io 1'01d ýjklt" Ralf au 1-oÙr alter. the Imlles, have left, for thé lw,. pu' te 'bîs ,head around-the do:br of that apartment, and liavifig ed J«4ne,,% tit4enti ),n, booko»,# . w b« MYstîer1o1ýîlY. itel"shé out to è1m v1MVeý Içois bad swough *Wil "Still At *ît the wùi FW, &'but-tbe cackle. Itat --membet of Parl"éïf-Yý'on brought with yoù has 0 t , 'em ois t'à ' pollues, tbe7 , 1 ély - to go oüw«rylog that subj oet tW but ý,yptt_,bm,,me te fly te thi , dvilikt'i mock "V*D- 1 ty. ",ÇMOUÇIYI If 1 ý#tayed thert 1 ibÃà u bive b«S à drmtb.drown wy »»»-*4 budng in'*tbi red au-4,buideo4 1 dý,,'eùtr7-1f«ry, Jism, of Som mduetà i Id* -Minh' W, YWY 1ýe b'muk, bis h"da liaber à t bit ,Readyl" 1, caued the- âhertfti ý w&tch lu WbItiett,,$ indri »opt,ýý mittly, ýà w*t kbankmlle -10 the lffl holË;à ý Thr, caMé tu ta ;ncre4lblr ri levai efflèned. - Six "double, ro- ooudod,',',ang,* obriMW« ot blaaý- Ãkowed > ý "the WhIte sprtà ge of the imIML ý-- SM _,mmoklae the émptW -'piztoLs » -ilaâod > tiii .. their boloUm' Théà bath M40, tmw Y»W&týL »-touebed, for, ýâft Instant ehoumèrg end -*hov on"t=IU. > ý, The" a br*ht - gléam of d agnia a* »Il Mid 4ouble, report& Wbltsut pâtole, «Ickly Into'the abouide nuen ý and, avaggered lut* th.* back-, rbe,,»««r »*-,dowýà to the tarte..t eount- 1 -the. ïhot à ond < modo's côte ot'ibé remulr- iti hé ireturmg,»& 1 mouctéd the tox. I.âo0ffl ot týý,-Whitxettl Tbbe.*,Thirteen ecad& ýý Tanot'tootë.*, léuur im- the bûll'â-ý nt»,ýlathe twit ft ab la tiieý'Meond. Ln th* tbirdi. Mhioluaul the time re- and. USget record m"W br Mr. ýWh1t»U Js»n's tffl 8tfï1ý and U 'Otbe'lane that bat tavoi- Alo» *âre ma Amw 811 the tu bint, that thm wu 001 SU& tiù9bim- 1 ke about -Moi- mà sahum; tend«. imoups éj» wm tuma al«tir effl tbe = At e* Word I.Pj»tg jbýlu%.,dm- ed plà 6tilý'IM'bm à o":Wu la, to 'bis k1my, IMLM'.Ibtt tbe Ne«atm COSU,. 110t ellow the moyement wm théir el«. They en -a boa d«bW'CVM=t ot ït»L où*- or 004 Il O= ' ... .1 , pmbudtd las, pistou Wère rhiried h tho marcial hold te bru . n e ut theplmIs bat &DI41Y that, Um to bIMA tutu ÇiX to,,blendlnto ;7tii.- irith a quLck wun tbe woodoitolittle er sent ne etu thto théïr hoWýim' gt betoré, the tborenthly mA aýfflý aed«jý« -whM vu taktas place, , new platol ilistenad la mh Of JUOA*t mmde. ý Tb _ t0% tiw tntci » Umo on ý 000 Igs 49 St ý11_ le& *t tabe mallot, he n lm dllu»xgo&-,tbo otber twks la Itht3le-ilke sicpm". Thon, dotUY mtrhlcër'ît"ý degabadi« ýPloffli )oth "-ma, ý w1tjý, inerçdlble . raMity suck immlîtïli '*Itboût'-aîm. Rttwbfà g thè pis. es ta theïr- holstem vîth the sal» ýQu1ek- item, ho leaned emlly, &&-'net the Juda@,$ as Theu son _X=41 - wmt, -Irtid. Thor dU mot ýwa1t roi' thw ffl»-4bey imoir sffl rhootlig when ý they sim ý W Theg 111" & man, m«6over., pmhtt*4 ý me--41« ho did'bappén - là e"ïe'ttndë 1 rf00L Wh1tý sett. with-ý* raéý& ý,oq-,btgbloMM tous, $IÃÃŽÃ tutu lhecrowd. ne knew thst ho--*a béùe*4m«** 0 bu toi The s ;7W écrois the biand euminw- the ruret. ý 1ýA# be 01100, £me moutted ýMS the &lien ce VOIS . pro- .44 St&eý ot latue xAsM4 ftmobm Ti=*. j3jeven and one-kilt Tar. çot écffl: sévec la the buli's-ele,« two» 811,140 finit ring. tive tu the secom. wbi* or&", 1%6,*h«ut 4ftwýhtm- «Zît mi, sa tbe 'sboutà ud Obm 01 t ermd bWA ontwmed, 'w t. 1 1ý ý ' ý Il ', ,, t ýwý ça coun and, in bobelt- ut à i ýzeUqw etttmx.- ýt té apolb jamin. -Mr -thé shabby we -*m. ; 1 At* -1 - ý*týut tu xý. on, m, t» fluest "Ob 91 tie han -any E Ir, 6« Per po»& By an, gtocýet& t4 L01218, 7904- h TITLE d ------ - -------- t change dômes over ber face; it gmws set C and cold, with a reserve se mark-ed that c èven Uni notiees it. N'une bas net seen li thein yet, and Hal, watchin- him, secs that bc, ton. is ehanged. CHAPTER xxviii. r Hal is n6t a student of physiognomy, 1 but he is mnseïous that \'une'& fnee bas t undergono a changp. It is lis handsonie a as of vore. as it iq ns noble and hi-h- 1 brrd Iýak-ing; bis figiire is as istalwart, 1 looks eveu straigliter and more corn- manding in the plain evening dress; it 1 is in the face tbat the change is observ- able. lie looks, its iiiii puts it to him- self, as if lie were resties and unsatiq- fied about soniething. and was trýving te hide it beneatli a »tudiexrcalni and seren- it y. ', i --%a be catches sight of Ithein standing tberé, lie sniilés, antLý bis fve grou lm-ighter. but flivre 'la stïll 'the air 'of witichful re-Prve and forced calm. Ilal 1(x)*Ks froni one te the other, from i -iêniilies lovel v face. witii itg new and i sudden st!llness, tu the high-bred gravity i of Vanes. "\Veil, llnl." aayit Viane, "bave. you made a(-(Itiaintailee with ait the resources -)f Forluich? We shali Wk te yeti 99 guide, mentor and friend in al] eur pas- tiircs. What aboitt the' fishing? And iliere ûýight W bp a boar or two in the foreiýt. Not tried them vet? It %vas kip(j of yeti to wait untît %;ýc came. We'Il have a day na soon as possible, and try and get %oine sport." Ail this %vas verv well, but there was the chang st i il. Not a word bad he à roken to and there $bc gtood fan.nin- berself, %vith thje air of roiiil ln(Iv receiving couipanx. ý%at dij 'it menti! Before tic- ean ar- rive at any ronjecture, there is the rtistle of a dress on the stairs, and a, soft, lusigu id voici%. sny-sc: -_%re voil there. Lord Fernditte? Ilerie ni-v là oi-d Line and 1 dyinilz, to seo inorv of this cnchanteâ enatle! Your fil ', or-doiiio--%%-hut a delightfut maul- was j-jolit. The tipper pitrt of tbÃŽs rô- 11111ntic n Phice siirptit,ý,4es even the other grand moins. 1 wall Ilever go liuluptu, on-4y li4býtÊt-(I, nnd 1 --lve you warttîng litat, if voit have trcaté.41 alb of us us ?,-ou have trented nie, %et, shall never ea,%*e you. u8 Mr. Mîçuwtýet sity&" N'une bow#. I'Give the thanki; %vitere they, are due, cloiintt-ss," lie sava; **1 had nu band in the Ordering of tiiinge." - îs a fine old place,» sait! Lord -and youv inan lkcâii*t forgotten a deuil. )jidy Ferndale, yoià iiiýglit keep u state iii the good ôld fashion, if vou rik-ed-arnied retaînen and hench- ni;n unil ait that sort of thin ' " Jeanne's face lighten% and te tigý» i te him with a -Siiiilê,. "It ig ait too chnrniinj,,," Wd TAd LuSlle; as site speaks, âe- lookà et Hat r 'INIr. 13érti-am ' ', I-nvâ vaine, with a i wave of the hand bý way ofý'introdue- tion; -my brotlit-r-iii-law." r Lidy Lucelle holtim out lier lialid with i a cha;ining mnife, and with a uod bal( 11ilow do vouýdo, 14T. Berýmm? Auppaite you*know the teâtlo.-.ýýv heartý e 1 reully envy yoli. Do ahow me toum-' thing more tif It, Lord Fe-.ndalè." t And »bc pute 'ber band pn -bis antu,,,, "With pleaure," owy4 ,Vane, gud he t moyen away with ber. "Suppose we venturo à n a voya l. dincovery, Lady. Ferndaie," affl )Z lené, offenng bat arn "IV& «wuený I #Ir il l$t'FV VU Wlt4j 1 IVII X# !79'&U, 'ýffl> r«#U %- u bè, a ý-popu1ar breek.fpst inoà in Iowa. lt n eau eovnd, tbe nigPtbefore iP, Or4er ILSTe ý1à Mè the neit môTniig.,ý The littié,,,,Cver tbé'firè for',a tbaing'e b.efore ;t piTi'di of motlt to flour before mfý,ç- 1 ý . , ý Imn Wang Wftt4iÎý-ând'It Whelf 4by criea or iitirettu4 it à t"- ing âe ýýba1y At 4ù t4t - =gr Th&È>-ý,&*ething is pxý**b1y iiomi de- TARgîýuOt of, the toinub. orý boweli4 or i)«hq) 'Tbffl- y rie tm ý,é_! - r 01, '10 offl t4t, 1 W»uld »Of to 1 , Irb" WAW ý,4m Ot tu--ýmotmm *"MI* TICER- 0 office jom ýl& stove. à t, momaï, tficu, 2,tiolli , v 1 Il ý 1 t ilqmil si sk. lAcé lu. Výlii or sionnee(j A that, lilig tile rh ira 4 Ittorne,ý culive up big ou gavq emnaong 1 n shed. m Mon. wenther suminer. wirelq imea It ond it J.IÉ frdm pald that e , due t'O of thp r witwn- n& Oey Ion, Tea i-si boyonci fresher and pu'rer tea tf 1644 packets, Wy,à f4ôcý Sm «