Whitby Keystone, 26 Oct 1905, p. 5

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WLi~ f io-ds BSURE TO YI!>tl i n tr and seè the First and Beet of Fail Goods 4* .l taoline" brand. -b ".4 'O. ~S~{BURN O UR display of Dress Goods, Furs, Ladies' Coats Sudc Fancy Dry Goods f rom the great centres of fashion is ready îîow with a-fascinating array of Fashion's forecasta for the fail and winter. And~ during Fair week you will find a wonderful lot of bargains and comfort bringers i every -de- partment. Foir the convenienco of visitors to the Fair ou. etm& will 'be open and free to ail, where wraps and parcels may ho left and called for at ail hours. The Big Cash Store. Ross Bros. ~nt e 1he undensigned aire prepared f0 ftirni l Eftumuurs Ifyt Brooklin, Pickering or Oâhawe4 choloe. gwousd- fesd; hallq»r and heffoets, et $20.0O pet ton.. Beg fret.xcoent usd for pige, sud 'vith bren mesSies economW o.Ioioe.hom ffto. They ave i Whiby satio s- 0r1-a l arseCedarPoms. Eartses requirlus goed poste for feueiug-,cati iso e Obusu They pal, higiesti pries. for geai- l>ehers ctte, fat iMe. 7 d laniba. Thosy «W ~seu telb. ie Teeàe60-i.4.ot pre. t~iy o iê. "WRb -Y5 T -¶è mssêi# UM t«" t.K.Sàt t uh ti ebu&la wh aussû lutbIAw tt@sy noms, tinteb u ma. tAon tbe cuftmeu&1f.. Agets WA6st.S lu Ipu" i.1the Couuty. The Farmcers' Co-perative Thse feuultg -le ptetty generel amonget the ratepiayers tisat under prisent enIln~tcela not e sebadew et a chenS thbiset t he by-law to ratifr 'tise agrOument au tum the permnen»t worke of tise above titan would carry If uubSitted wltilu te uext two or titres menthe. There ame many tings working against thse oompany In thse mintis of thse elimuna. When thea coinpauy be- gais operAtlene here things iooked pronisîng. Expert meehuuieq woere brought lere trous Toronto, anti %ltlte a !ew local maen engagsd. Bouses bezame i» mach detuanfi rne advassc&d, roui estate -v4e weet up. anti prosmects wers U-1g166 Afi- . fau uuusuver ation thse !utery cleauti down and Ifttie waew done for thse remeinder of~ thse year. Men who h" lmbyed ber. 'vitis their familles, belag tbrowu eut ef work. hbad te go eligewhére. 'Wben wtorS 'vas resumed s anssaler- staff of Mon was employntl, ant ionce aean tbe fa.torY buaS en clouai down ior eev et-aimenthe. Now, wlth nothlng dising et. the woerks. hoti aIý- ter two seatonu ef veu lmitasi operatlonis, tite conspuai approachss thse toue- asklug for a.âiIts mhereon to ereot permnent w.rks andi fer thse ibromlaed bouaio! '910.0m0 lDurleg tise .wo Mrs Of! eef. ation the company à"s purcaaeg ali their castings in osiawa. ait their woedec parts la Orlinla, aul tiseir prantlng-eisd event *Mount hans been aset-in TorOnto. Te clehu te bave beeu dmesreus eo! boy- lng ovin dollar, lu Whtt>y tit thoj' Cotti-but -la oes.or't1wd ltuait ieuiers this claies lla mot borne eut, by tjacts. 'Pisee'it nw t !fouudriy Wei Bar thet ti. shop no-w usmoti au a blaàumlth uho#p couireav 1ous*ry; bthAt atronger englua,. miiti have »On suffll and i w-- ê.d werklug tlait annûl-sd ,the. proeiof$thp to'vh kPow itusMt a dollars, 'vertu o! prluting wv*,eu ott.rod by tihe cme t a 0 waes jrintesu. Even w!heu It va s#ought for. if nalo t nfbeê.seure& . #.ý tiuge do ne otauaeIrm ~a fit.ou uoPueiI.t - b. trwym- ltut sr su sbW ai lu day. s.h.d&ISOWl# ted tbe ult tu< lus~ ~ ~ P ", BIiU fILba~t im ton, »0 that Wbera. AI8tIoth lr7aed for Ibe citiMSus'vl feeot tt eseis l a.Iw~1tbi woulmet. the. -ofeset Wbtby tat»pBe. -Tbers lB DO se miso&g natter$. The by-ljaw eatm b.e. r8ý Tue the eompany ulat. beaquo Ihe7.s bave - siguot --au agefflet to- tbat efteot. But tihe Company mlgbt a. weU ieaize. if tbeyw lah tostiy I Wltbl. titat tbey, 'viii bave t p. cept condIions *asthey eilsut, and awalt a muore convenleuf sies or eobltubuzcthettopermanent 'wethe. -W. a. S. Conventon. Thse aintlà anz'ual meetling of thse WIiitlsy Ditrict of thte Womaule lo.- slouar,y Seclety was iteldtu letIi itertoo andi eveulng of OCt. 2Oth .10s;eîte o!iure éinclenv 9go% ts wsther. Wh"eh.preventoti a uuaies frem, thc more distant, pelota Stpm attending, there w ab a gond s'epreý sentIon o! dele&ates trons_'the eieven auxiliariesâ lu thse dbsLniot. lirs. Lienyem. organelzr l14w the ffistriet presiieti. The meeting openeti with devetIoný ai exkerolee. eouuietang o! snging o hymne. Seripture renaig by the preient, andi prayer luy lir@. J. F_ Moore aniL lire. Hûppker. li. A. H. G)bbard, . kI.tby 'vai .eppolnted ee0retery. Mmr. .Pi. Bopper, of Clatemont ,weloemed tise delegate te the. vi) tage. thse churcis andi the homes, lu bright, brce«y nAIdrese.' viîcis wu responIdtio by Mises Barkthoider.,o Ontario Ladies'Collae. le auswer te the rol eall,g reports of gond w*rIÈ -betng do, were given train ireeol*k, 'R4l ion. ?êanchitere, Greenwood, Clare mont. Brookihi. 'Wist& anoi Pieu. lUIÈ. Au exc-.llent report froua WfiI by'Mission Da"d watsgtvn by Mot Iluyeu. Ko :report troua J3c "'Mibblonueandi Ileauits" waî tiý subjeot o! a meut luteretltng ,ani i structivo atidroas 4Y Mlis. A.1 ,Moor. 1Vlckerlnig., MmeMoûro oid .Oioeway te. beceme luntereeted là, cause a te stuati) it. poserai La Wvullmve beeaulaoowClsrbttlaWhen Il wfam -comUpeili io- study _the. 11t0-, Christ as PM>bctt ql A, e'výeà taetlu soareliet ttalfor- la Tueslisle of Clis t Iedgbs -8 luaci r tffa0 58%sQ ta! go u1aasw weè stàu5,'vo know. sAisi wei te ttie Ceusewhlch fhotu Its touutuMo là titi Saviouw'fia fiSloit tsiû tur" iptlu tÏh _e ll wo.ý48the ori, I 8p0050......... .. orBa* 3ru~KooqilbasI.t s...............00bot.W0 flitt we ai b~Lieas Isp<$<~ ien............,i00ou '16i F" ,t-t,"u guw; t0wu8 tao't" relief of the aiitbo>* 6y........... .. 050tu 0 5ô _ _ _ t 15eàt0 0t06 tvns awhd mt.TmLlI~~ D8~MMS nd ouotei ue ...... .............0A28 to 0 30 z~~~K~e. WTaoltefÇasads..AURfine. Mn. Thos. Xoün- ting iitl>4ASI oiw$60 jùUIIU)«CU.*5SIeYS ~J~Wiouu he te atter < .............. 4&00'teou-0 LwïIBg1 FIT OUR-l t dw ,~»te for set. 'Mm .Shannon lad ufr' ReN.1..... ......0O .t00'o Malnbfr -i«Magîtrate Mo- Tnoh et.....0t.ou 0 ~~,swuh aandtio ad o~~~ i Yug W. as f ili e 4 MUR" PU»M put a m--' rl: iii Und worCoumlak200f dibiit s cust o miau lsn' .Fkuar. per ewt**ý** . $2- 75 -13 0 loi OaisIIChoppedFee'110.îlto -125 Groetingse exprcselve et sympatnj 00' tow20 witli owt tk and best wishegi for - 4h oiiShrsprto....208 C2 o Its sumeu. wêre tenderoti fron 'tbOf theo Rack B1KEAt P ULt ............. Master qgooeties of the. Clareiont ~t g 'evBe.! by quarter per cwt $ 25 to $7 30 Baptist andi t>r.btextan ehurches. . f1 cati. live weight, bat!. 54,0te a se Teea ae rýnete ail present la ~dgyl* utnprl . > .O1 .......ec ...... . . .. ,to 4 00 the bsseoen± ef-the churoh, aud a lb. umis o fop ewist.....0Q -0 pieseent oeal hour siont belotetr lo.ting tirirs""i-g%6, dwrangsnieût 0flié", ligLi fat ......... 0 W té -9 1W èveclug seesdu, 'vItcit 'as pi.qsolum te0UHoge, heavylat....... OCo te 5-76 bkd..Tanil M <I elOl 11bé ()O0tc $&Co ei o, aerby flev. j,ý W. Irttn pa». :**Chti'chensaper lb- o 10 to O iiLi R tot of tMschsufoh. ,uliiev..... ......0.l tu' The district organtier, ?mrs. enyeu, MU . L1EIPerflb...-.iLe'0' ilte 0i nreeexuted her report for lb. gaut aredeliu Turkèys, dressd, per b 12 to elilà in mme *maiof 1" e utter, roil.!............ .0 le to *e»I yoar, 'vitcb&i a very gatlfyl wAnqý ir......... Oa01 pu ii.r -1»&" bdlàan debett. it%..11f.t... O0iSùî@ Q 0 ruore. showinr aci rae o!fîty ii N ramIotW, eI;r dpetl...........o-0oua o i0b» pet ceut. in (suds oves' iany pre. eAppThéé, pet -batrée.... O 75 "fO i1oW a4vftbf cnfugya f- ey. n, Per bton.... >0 Wu,9 O, miss BuvrkhoMter. Lady Principal o! ws -sig uiStrw, per.load .........2 W0 o$00 e Ontaýr1o L~ anfote. gave bý very . Dr.IES lnterestlng-t.alk onUytmtlcandi R ~ua ides,pe wt....$ Proportionate UIvtng, lng e U I*U ul ~smts i.Sup~n...... ......i -ute 126 ~ ao~lai~hs3ie~euso D...... ......... -0« 256 8 r m r eo u *"r e ta r ti t el o rd 's rs1 %1iu yTe oc w , re nm re i p t lb :o6 04 te ' 0 le an t e t q aiusa bereof " od &1 Dr.Ch aV Kiday Llvst 0M»a s- Pi» W o n a mled.. ......:014 teo 0 n ot give an thei Oed, e!,thîs eartb. S.mu STe s..........Wotu oie Titisw'va neflgud lbthea u- tô.., ii.ttuia * lelw................ eos La tions. CValu aad Ael1brmaui D AtW~ hé UiW1aU nrewspbook. tL tier. pessssioe, an»dthon l-19noL - ----- inp e 1118 ividieflCOUrts j- li atiic i. e' etaet t~o iend VOuNnY GpONTRO 05 a ,, t~fbik t.a *llgtîo caùeild. W».vuv~1 MaqC MsdeeflWhitby, à$ thougb w a:e aifre cd for OMne lr ,.9lb 2 ac ,Arl et loyenth of oer tianqe G 000 i19,01s8MeY 8, Jue 6,July 5, Sept. 6, Ouf. 4 for 0» gesltit er.eMrposiile ita 1%AU CC.ITfitB 1 , 7DcJ&.910. U se strt, redna.,,Thobel.Ou D1. O.Msdon4 Whitby, le li- joy lu ha-inga aitr ' tsoseMttlu 4AVE YOU Oe&,Je, Feb.ý@ci w tSsreh 3om , Âàfl6 ~~~~~v Vit unv Munth cot j n 41 Jane 7e uIY , 0Sept, 7, 5 'Q* 'r. Anna lHenry, retiarnd -mi. - 8Dc OJn i.~O tave4 , 1 -Mu~ ~~~~bà = ray ro hatuwcIn, vaolisn ne $OUGIÂKM. Giés ,Greeuwo>d nar .e tItram-d nifliiaoe~~~ . ~1, U . Sse'eIuro 6hùtt led binga, with _ teil nex li.tr.4* #.t1san lg d1 0owe m"meIm a Clrk, Jn. IiJ' W, àY "- lt ma ne=t*hratirs 'ii ' îoiIs, a - e- tilySp.Si ~s e-tu Mg. nuIhuo ooboows I.e., i ~~~~ ~ ~ 'Pry wok u axiela, nW2-t4Ia o%-yA~ etutiies çm.ed.Missvo en bavJan. Ob. luly eiaSept.ut1. gonele 19e ttîla 471-1W6. hée 'ell boer o itshnea i o t fdÉlrisa, pt r 1 r-*1 , l-a s1is'c-ti è ââ te 'r ltng t0 il d t e ptoety - u- p- thuuu ssstéofhieu1j apoa o be > tuuI~ . I~ l. 0st~ta 7 D)in of tely,

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