t~1 ~Waltier, Moore aD'd EZUJahCoupla*» '-sfor dout"0 Weil et tho -Pl clg Mirm *etcy Rv>J. H Boriaiid and ~aaQ' a, b rlaught.r v4earrlved homo to.2thI li*eh oorra n husdy.at the "Buster IbUse,lb 1f1i. Pat- be-dnth oÃ"f MieElln O'Laray, MeNaly has secured the iervlced »i 10th ofbitw Elen 'Leryancther ton. -I'ome et. ber brothýr, z'Mr. ià r. mojerose Bryant, of Plokrering.. iottxy QLeary. The deceased was sdaedatW.C. y's Isors erü' ago&900'" "-fa.rm Onf' Farmera are h c!ný ily pasclflg ihl l~ e )?rta tim e a ad i hrôngthLnitr llttkbure wlth ieIr er lox~WItik tr lu Toronto, butapl. ',I thel tan lt year and a bhal! ulie reî. The fuDerail of -the late -ire.! El& wided wlth lior brother of 'tuis place. lens tock p.lace 0o1 Suuday last Shé was 0. sufferer f rom dropsy: The (romn the reeldefle of ber eon-lIn-iaw, KIu'wi'5.ltDck Place 8t 9 a.m* On Sat- Mr. Wuu. A eli4toax, eAr F0leêYý icib Urd&y. 'Wheîl er remalus were cofl* 'the ,%ethoditt burying graund of veete ilickerlng for intermexiithir, Pince. tho B J. C, cemetery. i GREENWOOD. MYRTLE. :W,"Iey Gee. whe hais been lak* u> Miss LOui43 Durr spent ai few days gOr soque tim 1 e vith a lamne arm. cerr- id home. 1? sxcdwork again tteafe MsAbi Ma-w spent Sunday ait n@9.1 rs J. DlcksoD'e. i. ýaimJohnstofl had two valu- Wbk s6teerrà killed, on Tuesday zilght. *klgthe.nigbt his, stravw' stLlk. w~hichh' ldJuit bein bulit. tunibkio oveër And caught the two steers, omothering thpm bothi. -COLUMBUS. mrs. R., 1). Poexr'saticton sale will be on Nov. Tth. toqault ste Etigar (lover, miss Belia Leask le renewlng old aequn intancesi. Ail are glad te see ourl smithy back f rom the west. There lai.ne place like home, Wiliax. Mr. W. J. Diekson bais returned1 te Toronto. Mliss Adldie Johnatofl, of Uticaj NçY.' le visiting f riende here. 1 The Skiff -Modern Merry Makeri 8W5Iw - wlwc- 'r"* th Mies, Sarah. re- o!hér 0 Village will oe -'l - - -1- 9 1 ý Ioân 81 .000 te . aim aidthr the.Wm Co -adl airCt. l4l 1j ilwi induiltrr bat, wek.lo Tho Mothodjut cbureb la belng re- F~ . B'ow'sles Thrsdy a- a it wek., greal OOeusA. nmetng wa' held lest Friday PORT PERyI. eve o t e-orgagizo the hockey M1alcir, haI. Alio, u*is ,,e x-t hlsi Jwife, and, returxied f rom hoxieymoon trip on Satueday, October 14. - Mr. Faille; postoiuster at Prince Aîbert, has reslgfled, anxd lMr. flel- maxn has been apreintud bie succee. The anhèrà &rY Of the Daptibt, church ber. willi b. celebratecl on Sunday xext_.'4à th lmet., by SApecial services. IRev. W.-J3-1*KaY, B Ki B.D., edter ef "Thïe Canu4lan îBap- tist," Toronto. wlIll preach morning and levening. On Monday, Noveni- ber 0, a secial tea wlll ixe hekt <roni 0I te 7.30, af ter which a fgcod pro-. gramn *111 be giçen. The Head Churchi. Scugog, held ne- openlng services lest Sunday and Monday, October 22 and 23. A. hot fowl supp«~ wae the tfflt for Mon- day ev'ening.r Thle officers anad men 'Of NO. 6 cern- pa1ny, 34th regîment. willi engage iii rifle practice ait Columbaq on Thanksglvflg Day. Ur. Eugene Reesor, ef the Stand- ard Banik astaff here, han been moved te 'the Stouf! ville ageuoy, where Ib. will takce the ledgers, Ur. Carter, of the Luean brancoh, will takeý Ur.- Ueesor'o place berç., Urt. T. E.Pitta, of cWenV Sound. WhO lermerly kept Ih. Tremoxit laouee here, arrlved lI towx ioneiday evenIxig and reoelved a oQrdlal greet- lng fromm naxy id' f riends. He exw pecte te @pend the next tbree menthe here, and in donuielled at the Tre- mont.. Rev. S. A. Lawrence, reetor of Graoe church, and lire. Lawrenee, are to be gîven a fareweli social In the town bail on Menday. Octeber 30. 1 % Secretary ltne of the Mankham Faitrh al been graxiteci a bonus -of-ffl by the Board of Directors. Richard Moore hba.sbisexew utabie Jxd rIvIng shed compieted. f 1glu MinlyileGordon espent a lew giays durlng the paLet week Wlth Goodwabye, Whitb-y A LASTL A GEATOPPOIRTUNITY FOR, .ARGAIN- HUNTERS This ,>,-Big eSà ale will continue -tilt November, tOthip As we ai'e ,going to leave, town, we. would U#-ke té 1I the wIhole "stock. Ou' stock là el ssre wltauklnds of the aes ods. Qu]P,,pi'ies a" e lower dow"'--'iowhet you exýpee.'tw1 ire-you w, 4lish Jackets, regp lin CoatsL ReguJ Lloyd Mfg Co. -Toronto *anufaturmes of POLISHINE A ILiquid Fellah -la -Powdor -forme For polishing GoId, Sîlver, C'lt Fr.ames and Glss alsolin, Brass, Copper and Nickel. Uneq.aiiedy perf.otly harmies.. no seoniiag, n.o u.l - 1t worka Mek.magie. For 1* eby Me C. LAWLER, Whltby and ail L.ading Groom.'. ev.rywhoren fionde lai Wftby. Dr. Youxig, e! Markham, ls able 1to resurne hie practice after beixig off duty three weeks througb Ilimes. R. A. Btanthxgs new residenee. xiow eomple!ted, aind is being oceupled thls week. Thie le one of the neat>- est and coueset residenees xIn this part of tii deuntry. At the' meeting of the Presbytery at Bowmaxivilie final sarrangements were madie-for the Induction of Rev. F. C. Harper.as pastor cif&St. An'î- drsiv's, PleketDg, and i t. John%', . Brougham., . Whe indaietIonvili take piaoe Ala 8$. êdrew',s ohuroh ati,8 p.m. un Tocstiay. Nov. ?th.'The. Bey. J. H. Borland, of Broolu an<q Col- umbus, wili pneaeb the . Rex'. Dr.- kbx'abam. o0 Whltbys w li addreas the mnalter. ýand the- Rev*,WW. R. wùod. of Dunbartoxi. wIlli atdresa the Tie aitatt>n li aveýor r0=calopr tien whildthla just Dow unovIngithe ctshé#ai .sue truoiiOa1awW* and resultea IY ra. joint umting of! 'tie chunehes lbelin% 11.1 la the ý1eture roio!ofthe. Siuaeoeatreet Idethodist eoh çionU là 1di lh Teut log wasa laflxy tteùdedO4t'ud4T5t one wiio, waw reetb",a f.4£ ixO4 tdem- b Solid Gluse Hand Laine. Six sizea at 25c. to 600. ýeah. Lanterne, I'CoId Blast," -beeit maire, et 50c. Lamp and Lantern Burners, Glasises, Wicke, etc. When buying Ceai Qi!, get the beet. Our "Peunoline." bra*&L je euperior to ail othere. 25c. per, gallon. W. A. -Holilday-& Go. )OKIN ASH1BURN7 e e-tp - F Oveyco&ts1k o 1 j-Éýc