Whitby Keystone, 26 Oct 1905, p. 3

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>5, IoI~ I t. 'r'. ROV - ion'- son yl. >- 1 .. Our if the -lar 1tr . rail- T'or- -ityti l.hai h or bs- tuic mga mrnwam Ofthe ns uuuasi».ex - C , mtà Kp, M e TATU5 Pes. the wil lof theb people lu tls, ue- sipeet, but urgred moderatioun s to PSC Z»AS 4MOVEWUtJL&' - y, rit thiD ud~M~ to be. Hadiffilut te o sàcthe. sucee luuof, foVr ue ias> np0.did- Dot thes overtures.The. Itformersa r- t 11>10 &t 1 ftoi 14vIgavg Cherbourg, profouudly Sceptical and suspiciezofn$6ci s t wAI sPl91i3cOdzhç, tWll Uic Gvenimut. *eadMg direct for tï>e Frenoh AiWes SC.REP eAR P à TMor the.: Present b euic gniirtLoIelW n4 Ch"»ku.lup,,Laubut viibe lield - utý ?EM u p iB rest, at the sltuatibu me 1y iot requît. I&M the Pripreafln"mglTiW TteIMeiîan obte u. OÃ"ta~n. -Theof ilhercsa tattb Ïirsouvpr, B1. C, Ocê> 23.-The largesi atm 'UJe.ftbÃŽi ýbo*rd mOine couit ii1ael, be&rt hat bas evýer been seeu lu the. lt sueii, as eron or ýBareloa or NioaValley hou' juat been killlcd uarI smi"-e Vnzulaii siilppà ug, laï,nex- Q4ilcbéîaa. -John Collett and J. McWîii :ggration. -as 1the oilydeilsiot arzved ootte-d the béar on the. aide of a moun- tltebv Malrcdusie tucof the demonstrat1icu bl1ia" de- tain, and aiter a race of five hundred = mle& ou lafer if-the. at1dt«&de e yards outflauked hlm axýd uuccued dla Veniiel !e ouîIres & meort to fQrce.At tr.ig hlm cUlett rnonnted gUa4 at the ine5*IGime the. officiais are sineere. tb. fot tsi ie, ,Z eu ~ anxions t. aal té "miy i I'cîre a pDu. 'ne bear mde gvera] vance eoncernias the. natuIre of any *0"r sttempts to -eslcapeObutCollett ucared , dve zecasureS. hlm back. --, : -r on tbs arrivi ot IMcNeil with Uithe %un EDWARD TEE PEACEMMIER Pa- esthé Streets and Denounces the Grafters Afrer Lhstening to Street Vrators.» A 4Jerce HNo' aù oThr«etb4e Re.sldeIces Of Sevêral Of the "s. ichI1ne '91 Men. DÙlham and Sentator M'Nlchlol Denounced agi ~'Thieves and Mol, Ready *ôr MehIf pNW~elpbia, pi%., Oct. 23.-lUnder the, ever gro-fing, suvged ea.at ln Race stre.'t cII&e.etflmpassioned speeches direct- bound for the inquirer office, at 12th gàluint th* organitationleeraedMakttrt. c leadersa r epziuly amimmped by limhe prc" ton%, erew4 of seversi tiken4 mn u ngrfiýYoî ftieIrit tir ielt. o11 assumîe4,* snarelWdf romblafronité a « i cde1nmY_- -sentt'he transpîêare n ewusî&s a trict. cf Mcte oto b omes ai larail W. Dur- 1 UUt the crowd marcbed on. bau, sud Senator 1MeNichol î"a rgît4 nta ltiuu.04I e dl solid marzhlng 'rer.e' op',I3road strect,- Iollo*ig the.recoptio e t yrnOfsand prsssod dontbê huqureir %fflee bumtld- Folk,' For two hours the crowde bad !ng until-the egbhoe vus aajuin- st.ood lu thi treots while cîty party cras- incd u against imbe big front office wtn- tors reiear.ed tic iniquities af the mâ- don'. Frein Ibis place of ventage he Ird ùlunei and tien someone shouted: Fuk anud aU the. City Party candidates. '*Let's mnove on Durham." As the me.oderny poured out ta REXEDY FOR 'TEEl SCALE. throgs, there n'as a rush down Brond iixuic Iea4-upu eo utreet totei home of Mr. Durha.m, No. Vitr fLm n SlbrRm 1410 $Bnueostreet. singing '*Let'& Ita1g1iud& Ehng's Specat La ofgetCorser Stoe te scalps £1 nearly tire hundrod poules,. Tendont, Oet2 23--ing Edward, Who> and tres-umcd Six feet- i-en luchoe, 'he VU aseoiipauid by Queen, Alexandra animal 'wasarat old-tiihuer, ali' bouti-by a"l the Prine snd Princess oi Wales, the uel)wor teeh.to-day laid lie foundatlon-stone of the lui iuci'vori teeh. lImmeuâe new "eaerai Poat Office buiid- HUSBANqDt MMRER AINS Iii on thei sit, on Newgate Street - ormnerly occupied by Cirist'a Hosptal, rafiau Carnefs tie Weunded KM Up boetter known as lhc Bluecoat BehooL. The. Kinug concluded a bni speech b> >!omnain Side. ssýaying that b. earnestly baped lie Jf chiego, rt. sA espaeh t thedIional tacilities for inlercommunies- Chicmxg, Ot. 3-A îsptchte tion would asala lu bwndiug liheLin- Record-Herald tronu Monument, Çcol.,Ipire doser "andi iM eatablishng amen g mayg; Up at stecp delivity, bearing the the nations of bbthe rd.tiat puensd lump otariofaiherIuiband in a er arums, good-w'il wbieh 1 have so mu"h ut Mnir. C. i. Wilson struggled a quarter '-Ïa.rL» ol a mile to thie Denv-er and Rie Grande 'Thé. Caiadian 11b Ctmmissioner, rzailrond, n'hcre she stood on the. trato rd Stratheous; ioi! tdates LAn- and made such frantie gesturea tint >1'. basandor W9mtelaw Reid, aud Baron enginer ai a fat f reigit sîopped the Mayshi, lhe Japazuese Mielaten, ver. traie and taokliitheinjured man on -among the manyniembema aiflthe board. Diplomatie Corps prisent. , 41r.Wilson, 'ilhe ii. 1itehieii husan- whl unting yeaterday. lMc BARON Ur drappod ta th. grouaîd iuoubrle, buit LI - the plucky wonian. althaugh %-eighie.' leIcs than* 115 poundiu, earried- thse mn, RAS BREN REAPPOINTED'PREMIER W'ho weighs î135 pnundsý,u ip the moue- 0F HUNGARY. tainside, but when the train men came Buaps, unryOc 23-aa te ber assistance, she faintcd." cm sutug~azlnipaiauae a ta, a I t SIlICE SUTICIDE 0F CASETER, T I jAFFAIRS BEING TNVESTI-ATED. Piitsbturg. Oct. 23.-Tii. Investigation c j f',the:f latins of the Eatenpmi-e National 1 Bai fAllegheny'City', the doars -ofai n'bicii vere closeti: ycsterday aiteneanL b>' the cemptrohiitr ofthlie currency, fol-1t Iowing lhe senffational axaicide of T. Tâee Clark,.lime etuubien. is making goati pro- Anefs. Fart- lho lasI figmt andAhle, arl>' I iourc aif ho-day National TBank Ea8m -I iner Cunnuinelamn as eivrsitd iv a large cdet-mu-I orce, la-boeia ti il>' in su etfaort te tinn*-'i'ei le xtent ut the bank's financiti miarrasmni. Thmp developmnents tollawing. th. tra-, Vedy anti the l i he c iar<halre 1beemu îtartmîg, invtt-irg as tht-y do tu 1nemes aofmevemml preimminemt cit-ien$, wmoe have icea active lu Shate polies. ruL(±SAMOI e-- FOR ty MET Op WÂATEZ V ovc Yoik, Oct. 23.-T"o arreisob>' oI îni svtuti;açi-osa 8.Peham Bay lit putsuif.7t-orti-fugitives teotisy tVre nia . n dep itp ter acersi hundred ,e 1fPt '01 i sîtane. Thé prisenerâ cartminet d-in tbis aqumnhie 'classe.er. W VIl. a-mki. etofGrcenwicli,,Caimmi. ant retiurick tO bri slcaUing à ride cm a frelgit hi-sm. ýo lChey jumilped iauto tic bey whén se - by Ltme pou1etmc The, Offices swam t n upursiUlt, est-i anc belding ils e lvolvir lunIiis teeth. -Tihe race -lasteti ser- 1 e-nl minlutei anti lIe areats weno natsde .tt1 lIn onci- forly temit of vter. lIn- euit tlhte piotiens wert put on blair gôeti be- lItanio? fer tllxm o' nths, sait- eue tur- ge i-dirin $100- bil. WSNet Exdted Ove otrtaIt o1 f KaiW ie-Secced8rem 5 Lon1oz!, Oèc.2.- ne. Vôrl1IIpubualue i-l de*taii from -Bénhr lu tut b e'i ire tratial iet PiinS . E1tu h b.e-,, ca V eQea s to urg ",hg»Seie Cai -a>,gapt et rtoy taEn, juroI--Klng aya liaI as il bas nol been founti pot- mili hotonom a neur liaîganian Cabinet ]noin the raulas of tuhe coalition party. Baron Fejerar>' bas bien reappolutedi Premier se as te 'preride tfnrtIhi condimet of tic attaîrrof il-at.* on a respensibie and eonatttutlndl bas. Retcrning ta' ls declarations la tic leaders ai lie eelition part>' Ris Ma-ý jesty saya lia-t if h.>' arcproper ly Ila- Lerpýreteàti ley- viii show 8a. complets Inderalandimg betweeni tic -crov sund the. nation negardingthe lndependine g=a-anteod by tiec votattit"no- France MuaetReceVc safwaçliiin or ThemesWMfl hoTroUble. ABYBE Ba ~ b e M* flulshd trOduct that sefl for the hlgbest 4gc muics tendons 331tissais rc mot haadenedby agi i is tender, and juey, liMe a zappy, young tris it -Costs, ou thc average, about 3c tO malce x lb. of eal at cm ynri sud about 7..at Mwo y*arsand 800on, becaum theUic dlgestcPOwîus ae motoeiegi w aie hinus ode stock. ei1la fécltheeSdu% of the yes. Çlydesdaleï Stock Food uan b.fui d isgea tbeneftét. cves, eciaflyuihh Seao MM g àttkPI31C5of d tactd buterfats , thle aus muso1rs,'mtiierefore, thermis no. «let up " lu ~t= tiateboue sud muClep0 ddu etdtatpto bold afrfl.0uwhich to put tWetendrlMiqd,*t a profit. Nothiog injurous i law md anstop fccding it vithout bau efects. Humn beinga eam take it wlth beneflt. We tae It eveiy daY. your mnoney ehoerully refunded by the dcalcr if aay fldesde Prcpaitmitins do mot gi-v satisfaction. WITZMIOeuf CONFESSES TO IIAVING -TIIIRTYmTWO WIVES. He Tellis Ho-w He ]Begtar His Crimiria Career aind Speaks of Hie Many Marriages. JO et ii Ca t Y ournal p7blisbes to-day the tiret in- g0t marrieti. 1 luit ber six tinys atter. almcnt 0f, th. mest remarmable crlm- I " m e Dow 10 Pittaburg as Dr. Wolfe, ii autobiography ever n'ritemu, tet . a reaerm uAlegany. lu ouicasiomma of Arch-bigamlsl Dr.i . 5 swe OXtiaUnugh"aluaved ti.ugileit l'itzbêt. - *ver had. Thrs. days- aa e u ent t. Tic autobiography n'as sent by 'thJustice o et peae ad gel marrle. 1IThe e aiepnt the. tirs;aixgit, andi on le litzbott te Iliss Aliec Bell, a yeUg III1nuit merug i as on My a>' ta tri wiom. lie iceelveti and deserteti lna1Clevelandi, andstarted -a - nie praclîce Zew -Crois, a stburb oai»Ledon, Eng-, 1with the,$150 1 bil icît, as 1 paid the tn -i-as dbtalîxed troxu ler by the - balance t t y trlend p Badillo, andi ln- 1odn vnng oale xep aer sted an 4ad." la the. Plain Dealer. Eý_"eV I b d 22 ansirers te aMy . "ad.» sudn wned by Sir AItfrd Uaii'aiwetb. selecteti only hhreea M ms.Moore,- s in tieleller whici accompanied tn reathe ~M,r maIgifrn tnazing 'human document which ho the nurse $100, and wnaâ%uikngtirât ent ta Misse 3k1, ho announced iels1e.to Mm. Krei<lman andi Mrs. Moore ftention o!f rîpenting andtiv'ing quiet- wh, n t a letter itrm vite Na. 3, ly-11nmI correapondeti xih i al ltintUe, oa~~~~ ~~ a omain sat.,kîng hem 1 travellec fer s firm. -lu enienia, Witziof la inavia at 1 ,"saoTi et, and a« ogt uCee Fe A. 8h01; pand bhi sgna tlose la'- landi a paper unden s tabuelotlm Wblci Itis -o te epresace o! hia contes- 'ad My atidreasainiBrooklya - eoie Èon. Besides lie proface, whicha la morning (ten days siter 1[ luit 1Clë. given belon' - ithout change, h. wnote 1l]andi) twvo detectivea caie toi the bouse tii followimg îhedlue ionrlis. &tory ilanBroklyn sud arrested me. Tiae "Bluebeettda' Truie Lite Story. Tiie 'as no bail tor nmy ohionce (oébîni g Antereu - nrqb.qbiganilt. , he mn m noziey under taise preleceo). - as wlth; 30-,nmntcsian41 82,7(ma"arieti> rutummnedtol evelanti a -wek aftciandi vives. WÏ4ttn d boIti by.,bîmseitV, lucre I married abail wonmanliïoiàn Thre reace. - "Sic gave $20 bond, but t 1.11 fout If alilthe. girls sud vamen 1 Prolii days -alter,, as,,ai. vasa bàd volu , teusi moue>' from-,,would pt U tandi thmicedays a! er 1 i«at të 0iIcï woxld motuaI-nount -to 100, but bere- -anmd vent boi--t wibhi Tgî th~ te reài tacts of al Mny 55 Washington, t o et"D niez>~ni ninjeivie.m u a*46 - ie de""i -c- A O . -1 I ve UenuluIn cutclimtel, Swltter- -net v~wl-od o4 epeai AN INSTUMENT -THAT RECORDS - 'TELEPR!ONC TALKS. Derit, Ot. 2i.-relegraphonç is the-' nae of a reinarkable instrument whîch is being exhibited by .'le.=nderM. Cp.- land -In the of fices of Cauneroni, Cuirie ,Co. It is a aelf-recorijing insatliment for registering tc-Iephone messages. It consists priincipafliy of two îevolt ng spouls upon whicb are string aboeb two miles of very fine piano wire, the the. record is mode between the poles of a- double electrxo magnet. 'The tel.- phoneinemae passes througm the electmo-magnetsý and in nome mysterious- way is recorded on the wire. Ther in- strument can b. put into a teleplione * circuit and will make a record of the entire- conversation of both parties. The vire eau -be run through a phonograph arrangment aad -the. conversation re- Ile eleraporla1 the invention of Poulson. HAVE FAITH 1IN MONARCH. Wives and Daughters et -,Unemployed Plan Appeal te Kiing. t t- '-4- - provement in trade, tie ranks ai the un- employed continue to swell. Not in n %"y diswvraged by thc refusai -of the King té receive au army of unem- ployed workmen, wvbo propascil to nmrch thraugh the streets ta lluçking- tiai Palace, the wives and daughte af the East-end unemployed are naw organiziimg a great procession to march to the palete. wvitlu a vien' ta laying befome tie King a plain statement of their aufferings. Ther il6 nowv an air of suppressei exc- citeineut ini Poplaur and the surround- ing centres of distress. Thausands oi wu:nenî (rom Poplar, Bow, 1Bromley, -WIent lHanu Willwalt, and even Bei-7 motndse:,u-. v~e decInred their intentin oi fornIinÏ part of ati army oi nmisery thant will merch througlh the etteet4i Pt tie %vcît-erid.- - ; Tbe. ixaI ma'ss meeting ai vives -wl be held on next 'MondaY, acf in a ton' dayç Inter the arclerta tomarcb xviii oj given. . WMlICroaka, wlfce t a la-.. bar tomber ai Parllaeiint. vill leaci tihe But n-hat the îîaempleyed etpeet the iýin# ta do for them lbas net-been fitat- ed it, nny -of the nasimeeting$ of the 1() RAIS[ AES FALL RVER AIMIJM 3ETO - paris, Oet. 23.- Imieinfor thi Fcnt ele Col the-.aremti'ofnro meÏt inasbienel Ultlinatm, bicW lbe Caram tovei .Thec armnioo Âdnxnil Boue de*ý - iedfront Cher lot Fort de PMa ývilI be joeuet e Lavoisier, Tnmde', andi Jurrn de, l nient i-%lun emiîmn'. avait ondin bec ~OWR» ci Collett put two abots in -bim 'biforbh fi-li, wheumeNilput the tnlsa -zis. . .Ptlaar 1%vu . UC tin Duriani toteiSaur Apple Trie" andi jGuelph mreprt-At tic iorty-soeond' almilat sangs, the mob becume more aimnuil mntetieg ai thes Entamologcml Se- dense and momaie terrible. cieL>' ai Ontario, whiilm opcumcâ ber. ta- FulIy 3000 stroug, me n-sd tvomnen, day, an important dIcuss;ion took place somaof wont ad rsIbe rom upon the. subject ai lie Sin Jase scalc. somoet vain ailrushti theni The- question n'ai intraducet in à apaper .hoielo andthtecAcadefmi>, eroirdtlInttoi -y Prof. Sierman, ai Northi Caralina, Spruoe strict wile the leaders et 111e who lias necentlyt been appointeti prolos- Mab denouneeti Durham. -ru Nover li the.annals ai Phladolipua- sonriboo~t i.Arcmua -I politès ws suh an rousd pu l e lu nthis cml>'. Alt1er lhc close ai bis poUles va- suh suaroact puamepaper a ueneral discussion took place opinion shown as n'as hunleti at the nM- u ccl ai ontreligtesae -- leader ai lhe organization et, b hth l su uJ ioinin ilng od atii c4I timnishoîti of hin, eau nhome. l'bc atreet -~ i tumloiincpeadvstn was packeti iran curb lu eurb witm a- Oie scale cati be controlled b> t.he ise- bowling mob ltaIn-ould hiavec donc Mf tIi. ime and suiplutur mixture applied Violnce ad he ocasin ofere. T to the treew -lun muter. The metlmod ai vioenc bai la. ccaionoilred Tle tre-aterent xaries Il itdfferent iccalities. police were powent-ms ta restrain tilcir deninciation, uîîd ushon thiicy m theUic a-Ini luoire cases It la econimended la. teipcr of the leaders they cric 1, batriy a-fi ent> as pra--ticable ia the tbémelve witi keing rdertu b.ýýtalîtuîmnl, while in other casesq it in recaîmi-- - . iemacî-eswit kîpin orer s b-st- tiendrd iltit tlhe epriynz should take lie ycom>ld. pae>otybfr 1--bd pna ,eni and vonuen runh#,d ta the %%n.-11c timl voeti uaoex don'a ci hie Spruce home ant i lmtt-ci.'d >ie end aof nahon the beginaing ot te the boots anmd cries of dinajiprt'. %iýi April. 'rheme vas sane ditterence of opin- hurle agiiiiit I)týhasi.ion as ta viether il, teas better te a4d 'Ile leader af the ,narching mniv' Is aittuh iiXýeonon attht if Charles %1(jor;*, standingipon a soi p,àLs intianmmitv fopnonetti box, haî-aixgxxd tuc crowd and pouiîa îfntgocswill tMkm' the trotuble tic>' invectives-rU pon ithe headat tf the ma-n- -lia iconitroaibis îîermicio.ixia-'cct iy the ine i!ne eand sxlptaurm nixtuire. 1h requimes "Yeu lm>poiî c!"' he crird. an Q ~ to ho propcî-ly plepaured and properl>ap- eutraged 1ibic, haiec contie te i-oui, isli<'d, and aIl inforamation i tpon the tub- -verylhoîme ta rhimw voit that vi di,-. jret --in bc b±"frerrt tho officiaIs aofi approvoaio a ret olm * ion x-oitlie lentoamologirl [rata.,IiOs) . tiacing ar.d prostitution çi the îîxmjiO Ont., o to. h D hia n 1îoo n'eal. '«o have- caille ta voxita N-y it, et ttawa. thal tberc in a Jilit tod, iid that 3c'al Ili the debate Mr. (2.'A. Fisiher troi- retstitution ai youm lh-gotten gainsg" iixtutre esiotli e bolloti for ta liaiîr., The bootsa -I lite miro'kpaiove tihe and lie claiimc-d tuait sait uwia unnecer.- yardsaof i te -speaker, indiîid i hiac a.1 -.y He U rid thuitwitbolt i-It them nax- cries nere coatinumali>' Iteard. chiIvlt-stitre dsmydthe st-aIe h,4t;r,.anti lie liolnie, aiflIme 24th \Werd. anotlmer of ,-added thlat sait corrodes the Iîîimp. 11i4! the leaders, as-ctiading the iinîproimîptu prefcrred a hall wash af aime poumid ai r-amhmum, su;-rounded Iîj aunicva-rinc-eji- linie ta hall a paxind ai sulplaur to.a- îal lng throng, coutintu-d ta attir tup the lvt- - ailo of aiîash. Ing of Uie crolîsc-d rciîkn-nm. iPraf. $lmcnaît 4mid that elue t - - -lîcre lives a ian it iicpuînice nc îd ti t y 'md a~un,!-t i of ie tusex-eotc-m luxuir>'," aaid lie. "luvdid lb'u MRke îoueIs of sumplitîr, andtI-eu poumicla f bis rna».>', 1 nsk ? 1 sec youa alli no".',' &aIt tenunke tif ty galloirs. as the crowd îliouted, "Iy robbtry.Y Prof. liochieicaî reported Ciooti resuitsi "Yos, b>' roblsing tiie ity rtght and with liuîcookcd utaternal. an d li a rued leut. Ilie ives In a bouse buill out ai that tIti %va.s imiprtant, as aialgi-uv- th. public treastir>'. In common Iý.ir- ers uxoulti Dot go ta the trouble and ex- lance lie la a Ilief andi robbtm." .jciisêofa eookiumg. - tsibd sehr'o lhm Anrtam an hm brabin Proaf. J. B. Sinitli's experience n'as that 'lime fun>'of ltae mab n-eslet looe s he resîmts in io ietwo placea veto -quile 'Whou the leader Ixstil>' denounced Dur- the same. i XNcwJrcr._e.y te itielet a 'buai;a a thui. Theme vas a rush for spritying %vli1mai andI stilpluirw"t-slowe 'tihe dQor, but »orne ciear-beaecd spcat.er anad cumn4lative, anad in Goargia hg toni iestraitted the movemnînt- b> aying latth a I lim-te Uime anti sîmphur witioxil thc Durham a1ud But Ki-t murcdintb isinev t.12, uiltInot ae4ie e 0 lng nd Vas mit home. le cîcml', ' ~ ~elicçti-te. '«11h regard -to, the liani mImd 'ý d h Wyýt yleîl pîmlur'-Namb, lie ued aie potmnticd l a niaî>t lb.the at oai hc.mob. ant où hPound' ai sulptuir, anti lie' fâua] A. it>' nArt t-sp.Arency iras îmcktd litat tii. tGade a thin n-a--a, whicb litene. u rso ertte on thie lineof aierci. maid traredlite- t&,ÃŽI»b sllÉandti almed asit t lîxami-act The %sUhjc't. of tiiepea iveeri vi 'a lec aloz>g te WWest Logan aqixtnr. diçcjaso(a'd the lii-et ws; rted tt Tue eiki mob tretcled. ti bef-ire bit mueh les. prealstthliaiu >At ycn Be*nàéton McWehole uMansion la -, art tati lu, amie et -lite Scnator'a ass EDWARD 1 CAS Ul>L P ~le t lm'emr tluat M*.&Ilt be eaatd iciolaàs WouldRul maas re 9 e s tecreto,nigIieLt t -±* -these nere lie da" y .tb oMit- mnilyou, ml>'lad,. wotld bbammîst edut Leian. Oýct 23-T41Q St.>ecnbî eft liaI bousï e hlanged to.lh ean neftpniu oft lte Times eai'a ..tlic," almutel lme vanellt, 5 1 beur Ihat M. Witte in- holding Intorin vavrd hIisarmesioe.is icheamiAndliii- Nplore4 tiie mai te hiar iem. al conteneftes r# itli nltial nimmbeî y"ouir ileld as u! anCftaJeeum pr> id asÏsimil gutme ot Ue i -to buit by pluud*rÏ e lm in ipnr I. Slncenttly do »o1oen- irômn lh Por, and i vour t.ler sirous et meeting tl i vsis tlb.n r Ml d6,well to prepane te meet hlm Iloi, tien, I am , bld tint M. Witce bas 4k thu~n e al> gittbr,, vbehs A4_d#*e-s lmredti t théle <lai greatet d"il pslncet of aklmmg the mlaL h it and ies te, :béitn a epustitutionalnin, wh vires a .ddresslng lic boyIluthlbi hll, enrelgo, ltat Ieu 8udas Edvsj4 VII wv w hO o iie' as If l okeep lthe lui.. the menarci t*bc ntlesaover ievin.g but lfLehol - iag fi g snd' te -show tint '<li e cts *Wthouý theterrib>e budn of c e 00e .1 vas mf W ietAl al. ponsibilities Imapow& b>' autaulcati Fié= cXlcl'#hoib iaise l.crx5, th*e U4IaI a jMbecIlal to grai N (k i FNTFRPRIÇF RANK- -ime idatin gays tbat-

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