Whitby Keystone, 5 Oct 1905, p. 8

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Me bave made au extra effortito obtrsin the best and' pureit, spices in the market and lave them now in stock You can maire good pickles and sauces îwith I.rnr spices-spices that preserSe tse D»uggi14 Opti clan Médical fHallf Brock St. Whitty. SCouEÎIyHTown. 1fr Justice magtee hi; nt ye.t sendered his deciuion lu the case of MldfWIlan1vs. Town of Whitby. The defendants ln thé case are anxiouuly awalting hi@ iordshlp's Judgment. RAIX MUCB NEEDED. The rali Storm Wvblch had been tbrisatenling for some day. c=tue on Monday morning, and a great quani. ttt Tteil during the four bourg or so Ihat tii. storm iasted. RAIS SPOILEJD AUCTION SALE. The offets of ithé late lfps. Smith vers te be dlspesed of bi' aucton on Ifonday, but thé henry raingtorm dmmpened thu ardor of the hargain bunter, and helis ale vas caiiuid ofn. * a A w- Mr'. C. FIr a%-h"had as àexcellent a" to iaysd upi oin .treh photomacle el the Iloef WhiLby Post ers sud upon eacis otbcr. The priai. Office, antibis reideuce. Ile i. 11by7 cpal of t b. sehoni iras Mr. Kirk. that vthin a w.ek 1Mr. For,. viilaud. perbapu on, of Lheb. boit ab- bavme plte poomt carda made f romj sbuLiPrinet-tQ tî. tht photo. He ' Bs bust * L oy Ltadeal vitis Lb. DISTRICT W.K.S. CONVENTION. fboys. *On moranla Inthe in. tes' Tise annuel vos veufion of the WiliL- they' put esysani ,poppsr on the by diotriet W.1f.B. etfLths Meleit store, anS, et courmi ,al lth% -puas hrcawbl14-be lel¶i withthe chaaroitareiL aes.Te-rnla etClaremaoët on Jlriday, October 20. «1t oe bIs «t odet ud orus.. 1905. A fine program bas tbee ccnbet a . tdoirL.Wij rangea itsMc. -J, M. Denyes ls dis- idova prou:tht1isL Doon b.taugiat trict organiser., b hf mawthsnatles. ami b> that Lime the ptingunCIer earpets. or for wrapp- T scarceLy hoid a pensi laî mspaibasl. À ierge unantity at 1 beir linger*. lSt s nestibeuste thiaoms.1130for es suLs tii boy 1.9l'ut nDonaor« pqiper Tii. reystone Id clubbed with ail on Lb. stove. Mr. Goggi.n- aq at itii ,Toroto ,dal> sund weekly eue tLiai4assstant principalof théa beirusaptrg and wlth tarin aud Cloit.On omgb aa other journais , Lbroughocst the mon- 1lot Of boys ba Lb. Iahoratory, sacb Lrïy, The- Farsulng World andi Theé u rIgt gtu e~etc XeoLe. nase -a gondpair, amidLihe thé tWt5Gv N.s'remarkOd tuth« prîe'lo but thoe esu dollar for a principal tisat Lb. beys sisalS hé ÎOU heo olIY ugbed. The bors -h" boss #QGît1 buT 0 F OLP FURNiT-URE dtruiotlt xosÎetvll i <ias Satuda> mo ,nng at a lot cftishurieaf aad ud blaa4les b ail turnîttse. etc, Ltb. coteuts of- lu thé tooss». i'2beMb .Su i- % el<i d aseu'. hotel. and thé prop., 190$t iiOthefl'gl WIh titi gaa awa" s* ôt the former eues'. ler.4 vLW«erpJ@flg ithe 0"wUsgm O i 011. of , Toito té er. oCtetr. ilexpImas c0oà4. ài for 4elu 1, promisse, lgtti b ppsvtbkblîp îdmw. &W. Iis Seo t t I~-bo austion.- 5 ie oba"- fIM" 0b va ber. Tia*re 'au ttwiur a0lauer. artl> pplud" IW 18 w.ê takn 1e. î0 1oW a trar Ms IisRsal $ sqr toIcaë but DI«t- o ,reçoiepopils la piano Ian'uw WbrVs t g ýpM -'Wb* wi vabovlns Pt« les OC tise 1fr... flal o! WbItby lit la tht 1.'ea la-to Me. Waa. sqt,.eS la 1fr. loi PALL ,w~w. New Fàu andWmnter Goods arriving daily. A full range of Flannelettes,ý Shitinge,9 Wool and Flâaeilette Blanketa , Dresa Goods, Suitings, and al goods for "ades' and geutlemen',s wear a.ready in stock. tictiter Fairbanks 6ol thé houslold effect -of 1Mr. Bon Worfoka. The CirOwd at 'the uile pas oposd ~chi fly 0 en, Tvury 1é* mon bs., lng pressait. The gonds vers aI. Most giron awy, '.the bid. ei n g or tb. Olive cent" rariOty. Tus tota resait. only aMount te about 180. It wa. ens of the -worut.,«saes Mr. jFairbanks bas bad for many moons. era7 nma w vu t te bimuelf ai fatnlly te macler atuie or pÏrfes.. sion. ne" -the -dlsplay --advertift- ,ient of th ii. àtoru s' cloole d Te4egraph. a n this Issu, -*ad are boy easly a ooiman -or lady uiay learn teleixaphy and b. asaer- cd a position. FRI(.'HTEMVD AT AXi AUTO. f Lart Saturday afternoon lfr. Ar- I thur Johngton, et Grecovoocl.ëcame very close to sustainlng severe In- juries by belng throww ont of bis buggy et -the four corners li thîsl town. He haïd been la attendanee -et the auction sale uf lands ~t the ' Royal Hotel, and about 4.;;O c'cIOck net out for botuz. In pasng f rom' firock fstreet tu »'a.ida« lie met an autmoble ror'ilu~ eastward. Mrtni~ f. .Joiiston's horse, i shichisl mucli ntfraid of autos, began te *I'a<t up." anid ln iLS capers threv- Mfr. Johuston ontut ofthe buggy. ffe aligiatet partiy ou bis hea d sud ghouiders, and vas badiy shaken op, and hié -face bruitied la severl 1180cel. A Young lad, Who vas ln thec buggy with Mfr. Johuaiton, was able te keep bisesat, and vhsn tihe horu.e ran nortiavard on Brock St. and was stopped -at the Royal. the boy vas oui> saared aud not huet. Mr. Johuston at11i eck the effects of the shc.ek. l'or lgbting tires 100 newspapers are chear àaL 10 cen ts. For sale st Keyotous office. WHITBY OLP BOY HERE. Last veelk Mr. P. J. Goggi, )LA., D.CL.. vas %iu Loir,. He nov'lires In Toronto and la engaged lu* pub-. lishîu9g chool books. He ln au old Wbltby boy, sud woînt to the col- Slegiate Ino$itute ln the '60'. Hé irwas present ait thç Colleito on Friday morning. sud iras asked to sPeak -to the. cholîasIluthe As~- sembiy Hall. He recailed hi. rat- lbus aoqua!ntanoes- Whoso Dames irere on tias record boards lu. the Hall- 111o tnid nt Il hats owr S Ws D My on ttRS IR Msflar. Oeoirgo and $ am. Mowote Whc. retu rued from 8cotland recent- l iye lw*uglit corne interstlog pre. »ena tfrotW, Xm Is. Pick fmerly Mioa* Aga" nBvown, t.ber brothers bers Memars. Wlillsm sed Ttobt. Brown. > ur BROfi' >VNé4TRnL5. The Guy Brou.' have' beenIlent-' lied with the minstrel busines for cmer thIrty years, sud -tbaough tbe. entire leiîgtb sud tread.hl of the laWi ther nawaes on a show bill meâu.o the,- sho*-Zoiug- public a firot as tqnttertaiument. Guy Brou corne thia seaton vith'an en-- tlrm Change Of programme. Ail nov reeple ln new acte. Dou't mise oçaelog theib At the Miule Itai, Wbit- bi. Weanenday nIght, October llth. Mr. Imuac. of Ceutrc street, ln- tends moqvlng jetothe Rom ecot,- tage. Centre btrect, south. Personal Menqtion fr. .:.FI.Fare-woil lu viultlug in Port Hure. Mies Daley Lawler wau ln Toronto on SuDday. - 4lit B. ibson. of Toronto. bau Mfr. J. F. Grier«on. of OshaW@, wais bore on Tueoday.* Miss Poiiy NIcholaon. of Toronto, was lu town over Eunday. 1fr.. Chenoweth, ef Toronto, 1 f the gueut of lira. ltobt. Diarnes. lm se uther IcLoiloas &ugone to Bowmanvilll to riait for a month. miss Fannie WkUlIs halé gene to llowmanville tu. attend a weddIng. Mima Esther ilawieylu nov nw gsged ln thé Lawior grocery store. MetiEswÀ. Houvcr ùnpd W. A. Fuiler of G-een River., ve In town o& Monday, on telephone business. Mr. Edwards. of Claremont, îIpeBit Bunday ln tovn vlth bis &luter, who i. attending the moee sehl. Ur. J. 3. Caveof the. Beavetton Fr-presv. gave thé 1Xe7stone a salII' on W'ednesday of tact weelk Mis. eo. Ayres and 1Ur. Jau. Ayres. of Toronto.- were guesU a'of Mir. Win. Àyrfti whiiei n. town at-tIte -Editor Jamqsa of the Bowmanvlll Statssman. gave this :office ac.saIt when In town at the fair,'on TaeiF Master wîu;*e Pirie. who #peuft' three wveka wlth relatives at Fox-. borç4, returned bomne ou SatuîGa7 flet., - Ur. anidMUr#. T. G. Dererel left lit remk for amrait to uthé u Their destination vas Morisè, M They axpeot to -hoi abt agMiIomth. )mus. J. H. Mil#r&d. of ÀUoua, &bd Jobs 8.TquÈ& of Oýîd000 Couty ommssirer. ers Iloto" on1 Wdoooty7 ?hé7 Word iter. .tdla Mouat'y bai« »YbIsl thpe mt ert of a11 sIay#tuiIgsintre 1 ao4 bu maSo rsi"u* to buyozjsensvt guis; tsbir an hajstes of ps'tty bito of -jewauir, aslver n"Veil"# ste.. thatasia)nii Lbe r*ffge .1 piodeit la -s. IsolaS sirabi. us' Ilut ef 4,. Wool Underwear, from 50c, to 82.25 per garment.« e of Floor 011 Cloths, ail widths, to select from. Anf, drew M.Ross-. ~a. ~a'TE dr. Mr. Al ouri.a weli known resldnt oC Soott, recenti> moidti t 1GoulId Bros.Uxbridge. 188 busiiels 46' lbs cof aisibe, waab ad grovue qaabout twont> resr, anti. for bus cro» vw as pa thLb.ti4ysm of a'ent te- take boue. Franik Allia, lusmit cae o thé town. -soid bis four acreorop 24bushels clear elle,<>r;F 80.05 per blahel. a rate of 8~ pex' ace. ai' about 1178 for- the co. ?hat'. prtettj ootifarming 1 f m Lias groun4,, but ab assrtion' bas bou macla , b> gool.ceUable mgn tiat tlas t. bOtot 0,and Lbat Itoer'.0 tal'ùW fpaii Lo'grow IL IfLthe gs'od tb egUi thés. deys.-.Thes.t ;.à btgopt Buti wa 50 Min praise61t work ad -und t lr rlquds for seplas e ir e t elp a Y ts. fyon nau tie tor ta . roeyI IDTS IND CuLS Se~~~l ÏsCslgasnr Te. Tepeople m6eothLie Dow boomi the .* aly thing tb&iý Ston a lu-thé ST. JOHnn' CHUROJe. Barvest Tbankugivlng services if Sunday nlext, Ot 8I. The Rev," E. A. Montyre. .. fSt PnI8 *ehurh. Toonfo wil Ifstheoeibia preseher at aU i te servics.l Mrlg serice at il a.m=.' fl iowed by Ély Communion.- 1hirns eviea .u senng8rvilce at 7 p.n.,Tolons c'd by i!oly Communion., one veejk uggo.-the.Rer. AC 111. Wright made an. appeal to this en greffiitlon for 130kbU bIlfor the6 S. 8. Library. as -tiiose--lapregene use had ail been read, by théesqlo' ars. Already neariy 90 booka bave. lieemobt geuprousiy ýCo»trlbute4,., and mors are promistd, g0o *tfiier vall be a Most excellent colleIoaý for t he library. On Vonday and Tuesdayi Oct. 9th ami lOth, the IRural Dein-ery -,oz ïabt York viii hoid a meeting oC Lb, chuapter (1>-V.) at Ail Saints', Whlto uY. Servlce Moaaday ürening et 7.8Oý Ho.y communionuat 8 a.ua. Tuescis>. Tihe biledal ppeacher viii be Rev~F L. Barber, of Stouffilie. . -ý * THE BAIISe CHUCI. Mfr. Beiison. of! NoMatiter Unlvsrp. v4fy, Turonto, occupled the palpit' here anad at B-ookin -on-~niy Mfr. NiLu la lin-bis Arts coarae istý the'Univorulity. and, Cives promzise oiQ beting a& es' eman. HoenV (Lhe ponst iuaner In the NrhWaa metier cut tias Western Evaugeàistis, Boud. tor uT- the Weetunounc Baptist ehurcb, IMontreol, ,aud lorzerly scew cessor to tbe Rer; 0. A. Eaton In a~ ciaurch- ln thse States, viii ho the- preacher on Sunday Dort. - i, Weston la 50W irithout a pastoj-atoé, O*zw lu: opea l-to r'ieceie a, cail. It le dealred thàt lunv*Ofthiff 1act ail thes memabers wili ýattend both- services on Buadar nott. TABERNACLE EPWOI;TU, LEAGUE. A large attendance at League. on Mondhy night bItened to a -vos'>, eailxest and i OýpIrIngq atidress, h> Itev. C. W. Totten. of Ciareniont. B. e camne- as repre#euutatliro 0f the Dlwt. .L.Eec., 'ubh hao&arrangeda! ' ranipalga 0f the Leagues ifthe Dit-, trIeoir "thé purposie of aboC x a ùooper l nferaiut i l té wotk of'. L-the League generail>, and, oipccIaur ~,a tii hoorward MoveMient tQrs'*ige >and, for 'a lit le 01er; bal; h. jaeehted sça, picture 1- ajukoedIti pousulbi.ti of the lf~' votedtu theL sservice ofUi4 t- wero lmpeJiltdtu e c thIe an ,the grandeur 0f ILH,-.t woudertui lec> oC 8anof $àrim , . 0 I * g * . * . T.~ e OODS e 0 10 - e p ýL Ladisé' Vesti fom 20e. to S1.25.euh. Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 25c. 30c.9 35c, -40c, 45e. and 50r- per pair. Ladies' Kid Gloves, $1 and 81.25 por pair. Wrapperettès from 10e. t.o 25c. Per yard. Grey Flanneko from, M0. to 40e. per yard. Wool Blankets, 53.25 per pair anal upwards. Flannelette Blankets (Grey and White), 90c. per pair and upward. Men's Frnch Natural Wool Underwear, &Il sizes and prices. Men'à Blaek Cashmere Som, 25e. psye pair and upwards. Men's Pis,. races, 25e per pair anal upwards. Nienw.Grey Soi from 150. -to 500. per Pair. Mê' Working Shirtsi, SOc, and tpwards. ensHeavy1 Aso a funlrange - la 4 4

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