Whitby Keystone, 5 Oct 1905, p. 2

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sbefoe 9o4D#I &Md dcluMedhi and $hanl uer<>rz *aying, tq Jerus Dit.- and to1heý t vii oani perforiMy good wirn OomTb* ary..4 'h.lono toward Yen, in capsoing yen te returi W. ste, ritumn(va. 1-4). 1.-Jrt to- thîo lwê-Frim ku eê.bougtm 7urofe ai ru-«That là, bis tint y'eaz as that 1 think toward you, with the Lord, btBabylm R. H. irskng, 201 thoughts of peaeeand net of evil, to yOlrs b«e tMs, etfElMm, snd graduaiiy give you an expected end" (Jer. xxix. --t«ed1hM.empire over the PenisuS110,11.> Centurles ^before Jéssaw<)e, t and es, aby udau &A& badeua. , -as.written, et fila, ". uinshail 1 aOOl ierti cpue iBb- b. called Wenderfùl"Isa. frL-'l-2.) Ion Darus was King. et Babylon under I. Profession. "«Cyrus, king ofPýlernia' 9yu. ewCrus reigned -at Babyflon, 91(v. 2), w4as not only atype et iChr.st, adtu *a lrat yemr o! dtiretbut of every Chrltasot*bem lIt May bovereiguty aovwt ti.Jew&Y ,Wor of b. sald, O'Tho.. 'hast professede a good the Lordm-8SeJer. XXV. 12; xxix. M. 'rfi sion before. maiy -wsitesse (1 TI riih asthat altr seveity yrearsJ Titus va. 12).' H laprofeon vas of *h 4h ord. woultl brlng HRis people again L. God's godne'xs. This heatbp-n king to Plstu,-srrdïqa. Cyu- begins is proclamation wthJéh.ah'î There is qoot reasen te accept the, Jew- naine and declares that this q»L ord e it tradition acr in~ d*te0 Joephus, t'bat of heaven hath given" ima "afi the Daniel, occupying a luh position ila the kingdenes of the earth" .<~2). _Christ - cburt cf <Jyrus, brougbt te bis attention always "witnesseà a jo6d prt"asien" te prophecies et Isalait, which name ( ussi 3 eaissmkolde 'rus asQ'Ç s servant .([& ' 1 h628 isFather'a goodîuss. 2. Ged's author- xi.1-4), and perhaps, aiso, the prophe. ty. "Hie bath charget!me te build au cle. of Jeremiah, t;howing thAt Get! éA hou." v. 2). IDaniel, ne deubt siiowed loir titis purpose given Bibylon lnte t yrus tie word be was meant'te fui- Ses cà-oa Ctru. Mai awriting-t pere and th. work Ced Lad 'gilïft Liai Seet et-8. la recrl1 e prù srint fiaedo., Loyally and royally «d dh. fuifil t -nke r eecrs tuieh migt -ay -the chai*e. The mmbi5s.maofe Christ, 2. Ged cf Heaven-llence the Contrel- :delivering aziy- message, hath miinted er cf ailien and affairs. "God1 etlies- me," 'Hie sent me" (L:uke iv. 18; John s-en" seema te have been a usual titie, Yi. 39, 40). 3. God's greatnes..nTia.God efthte Suprerne Bcbng amnong the Percf heaven, whct give4 me commna"t and sians-7.fawlinsion. M is ime te twhose uthority h. boira, la "the -Medo-?orshin Empire wu$s very _exten. 1Lord Cod or luasel. Ms etueCod" sive, extendiag on the east te the Red (V. . Bea, on the north tue il lack Sea, on 111. Permission. 1. Definite. "Who la tite .sest te the - Llandeof(;y-prus and there iiioutg y.ô.ucf al Hia peéple.. Egyvpt, and on'Vic o:th te thoia-let hini -o" (V. 3; 2 Chron-. xxtvi. 23). Claie. I{ath chiarged ini, etc.-CJ-vrtis It %-La addrtsed te aIl lsraei. Tne gos. probably,-aeceptted lie propbîecy c sii pel proctanation is, -"Ho, c-very oune that as a charge ýte build the temple.--Cook. thirstetit. corne" (Isâ. [lx. 1). "'Ceaieunto "'Te existeneeef piedictions in whàh, Me. ail ye t.hat tabor and are, beavyv two hundred yeers hi-fore lie was bein, laden'i (f Mntt. xi. '23.) Lis vie.torious cart'er atd ite important V. Performanc-e. We may t tWghten services lho shouiàr tot the Jow* "the, hind4'» (v. 6) or those wla,Ïbor; wers foretold, ý'd -, i.n to ariziiowv'.dge may be -labemrs togçther vitit Ced" (1 that ail his kiî%ý,dorns were gifts1be- ('or. 3:9). i. Daniel iii exile haring storwed on hini by the 'lo)ti U-ýod etIliea- discovered "bv the books" that Ged b.d ven," and prompted himte taîf iii the f ixed te period ef serenty years for thte dàty winich ltad bc'en laid upon Mni long- desolatinof Jeruenleni, liuhlrcd him- batore Ili .birtit. Tî vsUc oresl ndcnerd bis sinand Lthe Mns au d e g in t th e (yren t fa v o r Ire F th ,w ed o f hi su p tc ofl . an d su p p lie a! d th e fitîfi l- tetlite Jcw."-J, F. & B. 3. Whio is mient of tfii. promise. 2. W~ith «ilver and titere anuong you-'Th i rturu was te lio gold (v. 4;.- If ail the old asat-off s volunteer inovenent, wilc in ail re- jeweliery wmee teulbc brought out and spects vas Vite best bath for te purpose sold and -the money used ior benevoience, et Oyrus and for th4' nQv Jcnislî uu't!ie- hoir the lwartz cf niany, burdened fer ment." HIis Ced be with huai-Apouusi lak of mcan.q te carry on their work, ios, in dicâtlng tdie deepi religieusg feoi.- vould be lialiîened. 3. With irbat yen ing and gooduesseof 1j:rt wliichl charîic thave. Those n-ho lîad ne meney might terized Cyrus alone of Persian monarchî. lhelp "witm gooda and with' beasts." Nec ru!ed hi& aubjects Ilke a fatlîcr. - Mnny a minister and iniâaionary migitt Ilerodotus. No nobier character aeppeara lac kept fronti want if tose iho have in ancieîît history--Inwineioni. Lot hiim but litt!p mnnev tu ait-e woul b gen- ge-"As theearrvin-' ruo'hs H-eou vll hiý-ustue 'ab go-As itu , cf licNi crimawiii hei slsxnc"'(Pro. 3: 9).t brews liad-tnke'n pice. a - intervcalecfof And %wo s!îolîuld nut n-ait fer an abund- train sevtnty tu fifty yvare before. there ance hefore ire.give aur tithes and! treé- weer but few of the origfinal exiles re- wili offering,.%tethe Lordl. A poor -young maliig; and it les crne%'imat reîuarkmiblc carpenter înften said, "If I mrere- only 'that su many ef their descendanit.. ne-ar. I icit 1 woÙlu show peot>le how tu give." Iy flfty t4iousazd in ail, aliould be wilting One njigtble dreumed i*- tw m pyr3mnd ~' tu gu tu a eoa:ntry t.hu'y liad neter; r e t in. olas I "wbih u Duild tîlio Ci ra hoil' grec t béautful. A voice sai.), "Now let us errand, net te build titeir eown Mouses, aei-e enrst . oarse1i but the oue fh o d'U s i.(ld e t ue plie te take sente meney <or IqWe cahï understand ibis grea t trutiifor eîîarity. But the pymmnid iras mi lxp-rtet mol-o uioaî-ly tianu cotild ý14yrus. . jLet U3 1hae enld net lheur t* break it.,IHa walk-ed aeebi ire emmes."-% - ot(i koid e romînd it, but tejui ne place mwhere bho m euid taket à dolin'r wthot9sýponlng the 4.Wltsoever renia itietli-ýSiyie persans heup. So lie decidedt that the p."iùid I ot true and centînetit piety wvere 80 mit4- 1hould net be brekean. Thon heawo'ulke- ateil titat titey did utet derîn h tieir nwolke te sec titat If li as net genhronsiv dnty tu gào; as Daniel in 4-le court eft ile, lie was -puor lie > Dver wonid j» Cyruà-, âlaerswý%ere hin;ýlereëd by eld ag~t. should lie beconie'rielu. 4. With preelona -an ncre returord dînu ne rond of lac- thingi (v. 6). A rtoir sent turýjlsh.- ing carnled away cpie-'t.Let op T!tylor's îîork in Afriea a idollar tima bien . .bolp hini-Let time beatiten'found ia ber husbMsd's p<ktat~ii 0 11lation heip hi'm.--Cook. Freetil et- decase, minclitsite hâd -týasured4 for - eiug-Probably that madle by Cyrut years, and with lt a al'r hait dolla biielif.L Thca-e were tii-o <înds-.ne for a plnytiîing, et adatuing cilitd btdenth tteteple, oue to aid flie returning cm1i- bdtaken tramu lierra=-. & -with- grants. Thîote .wlio ennot tverk in Qed', eiieery wvol. Thtepeetea lt c4êêîse eboid contribute te it. Feir glvc1elemeut tea re a u oIIdto ,e cci many give toc littie. Uuiing î(v. 8). The selieltor b» as nsy triUs,&A î 15asliucit a nicane et grace a p n pleasant gT.eting adc I! L Te captives niake preparation o a sapeyo. ud aiest ouroahitei the returu (vs. 5-11). c, e. of th ohl smoney giten C e >fi tattc-a---enrîblm pes hedmet-ta' raieulC otid net. %,hethtt~nt Iles. nosa ofe , t vito if a he L.irst eu* cnnna tcf t eototrw teinple-Wbedon. Jndsitamnd Benjamin ment, treat hlm as yoîîu ' al -Thoum.,tribes, last exilhd, wereth* tfit.tter, ta visose.mre > w lm.~fo - te roturu. "But that fhi nwvre rnanUy miose canse--the pea4s. fromeinti.thes- tribe.wha, relut-id an.p- flues Thme Crow. IIolds TTh m eWas 1 M urde 1- D o m . ý - Ingarsoi, 'Sept. M .- lThe body -o? luimà l ght, a ceored Jaboter,'aged tbirty-teur, ad a veil knova châactw aneuad towm, vsfond ia the-Thames about 9 &elock ttisa neruing-,soe t1wenty yards or se frein thie Wonbam street bridge. IL bore marks that led te te suspicion tht deai.h bad uLoe.- eurred frein natur4i causes A jury tram empannelled and au inquet beguL -Atter te rernains bat! been viewet! au adjournanent vas mmde untit October 5tb at i.30 e'Clocktainte'Tewn-IW'Hl Chief of Polie Wright et ente movIt! te arreat the mens belived te b. respon- bie f9r Wright'& deatt. 0&te ligli et September 22xid it ia knotqa that the. deat! man vas met on the Wonhaa mIneet bridge by six irhite en. ';'Tlkat viii, It La underetoed be shows lIna *s-- dene.. Hiemas neyer afterwards secs mliv,, and tie tbeory eofte police ita tina the course et s quarrel tite coloret! resu vas beaten and titremu inte titi Thanies, That te men itose-,coi- pany hi - as had ay grude apiaUit VVright iras net estabiisied. Tite con- dition efthLie body sud Lime cause ot deatit iili net be kuowa until the. surgeons whe made the pot-mertem to-aigitt report, bunt it i. -generally h-j lieved tit Wright. aitheugit badly hast'I en was alite, viten tirowa -mb ttie river. thé difference quick enou F hi nnwit --do them but -Blue RibboriT4n Tr YdfedLbër, &>rNN[ITIit UILY The Bjrantford Jr ay i udrd&s Fis-e Charget! Witb liarder, I Chief Wnighît and Conatables Cookancd Sherlock dutiing'tbe afternoon arrested 4 the tfelosvlag lire men anacaget ,,urder George Deunis, Ceoe at seI1, George Bowar, To~ ~ Evart BaIL AU are et Ingersoil anid etfLthe iaboning cas. In addition John Camipbell, s tarin laborer living tLe t.JO BENJjgTT Sentth efthLit ova, iS ield on a ehtg Bratford, Sept. 2.- Tue jury te-night 'Pnisoaers defence for oser Ltro heurs andý bfil ira a wites eleet Ltatyand returned a rardiet et guilty agnlnst Jo. a18 mu a to-day, ml. 3?Jr.BRevst#ar, Use bellww wines of he ffry, ndCreva ceunsel, spolie f9r au bout ad a that heini reaily hed as a material Bennett, the Indian, for murdering Bats'y witnese. Tbc pnisouer e ve broui*t t Jco on Juiy 9 at, Mr. Justi.ce An-J betore the Police ,Magistrate to-nigb, hl afase i iaea .0 II u U If but vers inet sked te plat. Te-hl lI 1 tfi tj'~ E>D CM F 5 wire remndat on IngtruetIons toIR.rye 5 cax. c o. - Lime County Creva Atterney Li t-id*y,, they eperted a duag ement, but wasedI,'iipoas!o.Zuetvrt- October Ott, md' vèesthere9tter cou- jan explanation of the evideace ef Daid'lt JS meoei o b anet o Flda, veye tL W'oods-toek jaiL -The' case Î ,onrles ansu ldian IIm4Lble, wVi U A esbr 5 b onr c~ iiw e bas erectet! a rary grat dal oef o« ltCllw tai aru vagus Din efflmb~e 1,zte ot er ut!t,athe mrf..j nient heandeu!crovdm.gathent! -arount!I ae.nrýta ali *sg4ans o i gamte-adtelte e tii., lar1a1-durang Liithebarlng»_ tfiç,Jacobe iomesteadt! nia~h t sn-Lte ntide i t d girl, Betq 74tiiWngt,hL ite htmm, wasýa. alte,*djg iith çy-El$ Kc, t*<IS DsW Iet,+tim5~ btîilt. peverful nýptgro -of a d eldy UMh tapptal Lu Ottawa fur- lesmlsey *i~ ombati -e di 8esion. Ifrha& ms e irraLie lbi mselienar t! dssk that- . tb binete Ses-enaILimes. luntae polc eu btloir at thé,tînt., a-d taIt Larlow tat hQ be, ehangedto i ('biaf Wright baid Le-Riglt iat e tifr bf aIsi anI aBautr nteîtpuouet se L kuir ic ou ute ar-sLba4Siturday afternoan betore, ime 'crime. ne especial ciure for ati huag' ini.The evidence vas rend L i jr' sid Titey were the ist peoplo sen ln hemter a f minîutes' delibert"lon hcy à vtii ozpany, and bis Iuedylia mt ue a use ut JMicatt' a. 1>;;n fmedualosioet mitere they met iii m edc ihLIegeta t_ _ _ _ _ tera wa'î uotbinr, for it but t6 hode ti h.ýedl ihteiéti Wt tani. l'h. aseertainet! tacts Ica&dé e itilîdity. i'mete.as aac mmcl4iiy uspclus ught, as Be nnsett'd A Iî mii 1> sentencedte-mnorroir. M. J"Mte ____________- Iii'À. HWO Ç M TR rý ey$ addrtè-ed theijury,1*Lw se - ~ .ef muîb t !Theî Iortslfmtt lin v. a e-PLagea siclte enbstledl ca cltWeuArib.7uv,"b' -l bui that sucai an>ugstline1s îrmy fW borne delezçe Ista fiagt 44"as-a bien ballet-ct!, sac!niy je peàiiueo i ttbo Lhe.ltlaeumitil a* .giveain m.prartesti pt-s scumneaset My ballet," lie malt Ptadopald enitrely dlmapproves Puaor> militas-y ervi.. for ad tine et peace. "nIe basîls or- paint, o a se> ubeate tf«a 4la sU Iing of abb. lit LorI»d Duudoaial ate le riew ofihù ja ir oit ta (n4 "la *> ou L taul thoe fots.of .Pre14he Ï t4oua)y thé. larger ou' more Avs~tg Iiu artft>lern t l»e. o u hethW "Mut h b.p4 mJa tn tf Lof tLb Jeirs to>~Twi ~[JWu eo L~a~a,5wao th. e.~ lea ahotu~ Torato FarMcza Mia t Whsttstease-. 400 bUlisls et White 40d t-et! seins et 74e -a bumbel, md' 10busheis, et goose at Ur- . Barles- li - -Ms5547 ihi!p t 0 bushels Bt 3ftb5o ' ' - Butrla <oct-34V94,iy, tiîDriem.fat' ebhoice tub Mat 32ie o oPM'lb. EUs Ufit-mr. 2te ý aoPer dose. Mray la tait supply, with »saler .t mi 55 03 fS M» 50a toit for- item.Strar ai j at =12a ton.g Dressd bogs vers unchanged, sAit quo- taLlons Bt $180 tg 88.75.te 1atter fox li<ht WIMUat.vwhite. bushel. .014 0 M, -J».. ted. bushel .......074 Ca-,I DosprIng, bushel. 0 72-0O073 Dae. ne,. ueel -033 -0 : 'leYc~. bu"h-------oa -a Hay Pi t0 90 mi, 1s&- er to----------90 12soW -8555W- per son------------- jDreseffl hep-------5 87 Bagais. verbiti------ --10 oi1s But er, M 0r --------- 000- Chîckens, tait s-sr's, M O 0 e Oni Otu.Pr bs .. .. ...... 1 ( ai1 Beef. hindquag.s--------00 9 eo. q« U a r r . . . . . . . 4 5 g o e . >o - Do.. eoti ,carese .. .... 750W -#Co Do.imediaincarcss. £ .... 00 61 Imuttîtu. 5tPeute,------650 800~ Veal. De 0 . Seo $....50se :zri....... ,00 1000J JaMes: 4.5W buis. seiiht; odd lots; inarxst no,-.vd.Barrow à Ce., cd GIasslw. cabîsO:- BMarket f Irnu demand godfer Ciolce quai- Ity la <oo econdition ai 14sF te 13» 6d. The Dbtanehe$te rinlt Broiters, Lltlted,- cabied: Our niarket centIaus. ver sarons: - l>Unhess. 3 te 149; Grav«ensas. 7-to SUs; Colveti, 13 tg i7s; otiter Mtalla,14tegMi. Toronto LAve Stock J- tx~ot .. le.c.ie. $4 25 Do.. huIll...... .......e em'c. c--------- nuers cet-------400 Do. chokte-------- o7 Do., comun .... ..........3Sb*0 Do,, cous. choice...... Do..common------- Ob !aidira. short-uaep------- 5, Do.., bulle------- Do.'. Mlt--------i Do..ens, hoi.. .... ..... 30S Do.. e oornio.. ........3 0 Do.. ob=u J.......200 po,, eu t.... ...00 eilvsssc---------wh Ib"D.per wt. 00- Ilee* elc, et......le1 vM ..r~iP-utMrot * Pemibe-',. commun. 40 la Esepuas', ~ craie, p Tomatois, mlte~, M to 71 ta $' ia~ anuIta, ~..... - - - - - st y - e E e - S- 'b- IL i e6red -ý ta t4- 4- "", ý be aSornplÎàhed ut Ba6vlûlÏ-I wifi 1 f$Ïj ci etfi in - Cinqut surf u *ver-Iandee mlL lu briea,"(C Wtsythbe à4de, i ti e. .,. New Mpy 0 dtRi %Viînnipeg, Oct. -12The Western Canada Setters' Muta, 'a sà rong and and. colonizatioi Cornpanly Orgnized un- dier the ansapices cf the Iiidepezdn r der -of Frestos, bceld iUs firït,,ireeting ini the -offic-e of, the -com-panîyou Portagre lavenue,,thiEr city, to-day.' The officer3 ý - C h a i r m an o f t h e 1 4 ~ O o h a tekha - eidn i~l auage RieD.W . IH.-Montague, e.c*M3ini ster Sir Daniel MafilanKMO, Lieu. tenaug ,e.yor11aOf ,M niob /1Hon. Premier Rblin; Executive Comnittee, Chairmserof Board, 1resident, Premier ý~sirîp"el McMillan, Hon. E. G. ~ to~~biDetroit, Lieut.-co. Jarnvs McCihi'vray, KX.C., of-Toronto; direc- tors, RHie Mener- Lieutenant.overnor 0 t o t%18 atçgr4. The empany's policy i$ to bring ,Young farmers front differenit ,4arts of Cianada and the United States nnd else. where nnd ýgive tbem ëePtionftl oppor. tunities, on ensy t-ermsl-, to ake !np The, capital a ,000, but the c.n V poany 18 aPplylng for anutlioljtyte in- rease this te $O O.Ooo. 0 F*tXembera of the BritlahBounda.-Y ? f s o n r i T..~non, Ot. 2.Tho .tôrv told b meiners f the. .Britih mission whc s~et tre nd IUL yars n'arking the beundârv betirees, Persia and Âfghani tan, ini.the,,Seitan regon, shows- thatQ teuye0untered tef-ib4le brdships, Fifty of the inembers dièd fron arioas aueand nearlY 5ï00 camels and lc20 herse su çcumbed.. Thle mi 'ssion eoFnsistýed of il fBritish Officers uter ùol. -Arthur Henry Mac. a -howith survey andc irriatian stafs, ad 20 nsiii'e hatry and a transport service, eiracing altogether snme 1500 men. The'bas-e was sitilated st -Quetta,-. whenee -ail supplies wers briquoht ta Seistaný, 50o ie distant, ceraiter es$ and uninbabited des- ert. Duri"'ng -*0e Cuenuer seyeral per- -sons died - frein sunstroke- or. Vbirst, "Ian a thecainels and4 liçrsesýw8re Last winter nubr f iack-aliand- nie,, weh-xbiitd Ji, Sel aiwent ~nad, f!neds#,Teasýn, and lu arg piê àttAckèd-tli mnaand animaisl* leglgta the. nissjpugi. ' Nfany 0gbu 8è~ and bherses iere bittenf. sud êîedofthvdrophoblu.- On arls- ~t~1syear the ti- 'era tîre .tell to zero, *ateemniéd ,'by bl âadn-d duirig thL.sStorm saï- îundred eàxnelsr çere bille! "ne anembers otbe mlsslêon teliin-n àtories cOf bras e ndivdual tdûent- .roswien supplièes r u t. ofrlae a Kng ÂooFiled for. W lolionOct 2.A despatelt th t1e chr9nkiç, froin, Madrid- pays :tilat tbe -i GelnTea, p Siai SoII omy t lead pm 'i teo isFlo ida' as ed 1 deepest toteret. M'ýIYherse," she rophied. 'AIre yen fond afiridingi"P, <'x es. ne said-'.V ry vreening, and sonietimi mnornîng.-.A.nd vou?.-i "Yes," Rmd Uilai. Be imad got a stout coli dor ton, a present fromn Vane. "oyes, alý Englishmen are;' -where would yau recomin pleasant ridet,' ."Thre ýare uany,"I said t] Inlhocently. "I'lgenerally ri tic val'ley te thehbis; one g E up there It~ is like fresit ber ees inded. -you mus 'Yes,- mahU fial, with artfi Carelessacs *I thin*k 1 must.ý There-feil a Silence upon Lth ipaced side, bv side, inainîr Bal _puzzing his braus-o 'fin eefor ttaying longer. Prentiy they came ta.a The priness - oýpeaed tite dor. "flanc are saine etfMy tloi tmid, and they entered. A gardeer -vite as at 'wv loir ebeisane :and withdrew. l e , ,ry iti â b s é * ie h as place as on te gran&ffltý3c thc rxnost,.Perfect erder. «I caU titis Mylngdome" -ls admraniqà.- "I o k eeVeryflower imn it. ar MY favorit e" and sue t] abuncitcf white camaeas. "Geergel" muaidfHai, «tiey, We've nothing like titis lu, They r ste- as hlackbe "Cene," ad the princese.,ý tae' Lhimn urettra- for yozz mýi aglit up a ImhaülSet t te flairers. "Ste-stp!"said fiai; " -ngttplant.-" -"And! srliy shèulIl 1 net I" u er coat?-ai, yes, yen flevwer aiready.» iton-hole imm-d"pitchbedt! nider "NI &veu'th,» . aai. Sielaugd-il;;ed -ss'ýa-cildï Ïnug the. le.rgest of te cauelis I-t te hit'i. - - IL N

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