Whitby Keystone, 28 Sep 1905, p. 5

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"UmmURE TO Jnder- ,y ar o-~ n4.1 Tm M 11W 0DM PAM re u UB..ildi.,;Brook a8$m fK.svwu mmmu l1m m mm "l a» ur«ouelbh . bl Aat wam p a MPlu et wamou"$.vb C. A. OOD2I.WP Wentt Baild Peuaneat The folluwlng letter ha% been oient [t thle Cerk of Wbihbr. amd wl1 doubtiest be brought up att h. meeting of cuncl neit Mondiay nlgbt. -1%, Toronto, Sept l22. . Joseph Wbite. Esq., Town CkLr.Whitby .Ont. jDear Sir:-.It a meceting efthte director. of mbesComnpany heidte.t I <ay the Pollcy u49t tcCo.ipanyfor -- next year w» diausim& jbel* blindicappedti lio«gthelacit et feundx.y taclllies. belng oompelletias yen kaow te have large quaallltlea et castînga madie out of lowni It dor" not appear lbbât thei pressaI promises coult be. ni&at algther enitais fer oui' purpoacu. Ne are - ilens 10as u JickU r5 as >kjb laie np lte Muanfacture of & iaus- ber etfaisiier machxines. wbicb are net aI preumat mati. hi us4 'but il le uofnt et lupestIon te hie the work wllb our present plant. X have tiertforc been instrnotesl te brlng lte motter 1 i tetli ofthle Miyor andi. tuoreeftie Couacil. wllb a requesl liat hbey sbould aI once ceneltier 'tse aujys. -blilly oft subu'Ittling tthe 'rate- payer. a by-law. as provkidt for %ay our agreemneut wti -thc own, la lIMon le a permanent site a&id bennes toward t6i eacb f erectlg M as permanent tactory la Whitby., IVeharo beca gettlng alons 'p4 wei au vew. clatila the aid Prsue lues, but l becomes more aau4 mors evident ltat lie Interests of lie Y r:display- of Dress Goods, Furs, Loadies' Coït~s and business demand taI we sitouli 'acy Dry Goods from th~e great centres of fashion in make a movo as~lk. s osbc ad 4no with a fasc¶natinig arry of Fashion's fboeeoats7forIla b-Ia ca n las&b1t1« ta , fail and winter. And during Fair weèk you will find a log curricti we it-oulOdouSblietas de D de rful- lot of bargains and comfort bingers ini every de- onedabcaeI fpqlu- duneiit.ai' workIt o iepreftaI promiss, krtmnt.but if tiiere lis any 111cellhboed e Our 1 For the convonience of visitors to the Fair oui' store iavng le seure prmeseu ot ef 111 e oen a wed'sO" tleaveld. ile il b opn od free to ail, where wraps and parcels may be tira libe ot ulin ft and called for at ail hours. oMmnry liaI wcftld ee i'vinred ho ensileqnste hur u t t e m4lo Trhe Big Cash Stores»;visbi.o maufalsi Kladllu»ts té,,.iêtsr up x.u date viat map i erp.ele auê lthle by-aw l .suimfttudutý leeta lbt fft. soIllati i Ib alwrseVo.opotatli'e arv*«-, surinesCê*pa" à"'mtP ut Nflh monica' -. SÏ,00M004 h u~yy *k wheuyon coýui gthOe buot.a 1 e Vsit tsSgCs tr end 800 the Flrst and ]Best- of Fail Goods tel beau topticoul iveralIimpàrtant se.andth le ëd- te ho on.e oq the* W.abuismeut'the In'uda«- r upea apumaeut bas1. WOI vx«U»nlm4btIlte cittaeux n u9fl' to uemre Itslocatlin la Whlîîy. 1: 1 s polm#tthie t thatrYI l . rbijt ýqire very large P751u1155. and vOUIsi il mm edvelop labo someîtlng e igreat Importance 10 the- towl TM#,,, was tue magie Whlch ula'w teilla -tbe effort. cf oui ceyerestb diplo. maala lhe attmpt ta es t prise f rom lhe. cher graspltg b,,dg. Tii. temporary works bav'e been ef coasiderable malial tbenefl 10t lte bown. lougb ceaducted ona @Mau seule. Wbat wr Waultis t efe tbe .permanent worm a asr an the' ladustry develop MIii uuadre.js of mon would be ac nitantly eaiploy- cd. 11. li .for the cîtizeus te say wbether Ibeir efforts #htall coas whth tie megre b.3nefits ebtaineti. or whethsr tlaey shliI go furltber. It doea net rinulre a wise man to nad la the letter f;ein the ompauy* an, Intimationa thaL faillag tic coi. pistion of tue agreeent respecîlag tie permanent worksth le plant woul b retovet f ruri Wiby. Do tie wlah tolee lus?1 Tihe Keys&touO bas ne :brief to pleati for the Cc-operative compan. While many etiiet'baininesues la lewn* bave benefltWd eonslderabty trein bbce iistenCe etfthe industryr houe the Keysîcne bas not rm ie a dollar's wor Lb ef business front the. company. Thelir pinling lu ah dome InaTorontu. wbere lte a ti office lu lecatei. So titI no# one' can about "graf 1" at The Koygtose If we ahould appear te tavrrlthe estabiahnasnt outhleupermanent werkts ofthlie cenupany here- Fro. 'a convrmtlon wih 31r. Ciekey, fferal amperlatendent 1111 tic wtorbe. wo bearn liat iiila.tbe compony'b dea.lre. if lhe by4a* ,abould be pated. te ercl a foua- dry *bdi a woodworlg aiop tii. fahit andi wir'ter. to e Mrdty for nest oîprl'ng. 'Next year the large per- annt factory ceuitil o hault. 1fr4 CJokey Intima Led .hatbeho batilbecs greatiy <lelayei Ia SScuriig castrage duriug lthelpast. niuaici. Tiers use ne pfflible cbance 10mak mache*- Ines uit a profit nnder exi*tlng ha Mi- Fur lthe neil m onti or twàd .tbe 1 tuject of oarrying oqt libe propoeu-. e4 arrangement as 10 lie mti Uleimet orf tic peritnea»t , sorks 1 itWho .>use @t-.pn, Iul» reüt ev ews 'athe Cule $f. >Mm eet. 'ttu 1.le............O~o 4 10001.045e' o000 te 6 ....... O5tog A1sikco........SOto*0 Zie.2.......400to50 N.............30t40 Red, No.......0 00 t.oO Timothy Sftd ........- toe nLous AND vF110. Floer, perovwt........... 8275 tu130 Choppid Feed,ewt .... - loto 1 25 Cloruaunea....9.... 2 00tu 2 56 ilra£,per ton.... 0000 t020 ou ahort, PjTc....2000 to25 0 NIÂT, POULTZay AmD P80Duc& of, byqur= peroewt 8.6, to 87 Cate, livwe vit, but. à O0 te 5560 muttonper lb..........OOG'0to -010o Lambit.euh........30 oq 400 Hop, lve wui...... ô0,ta Oô(m 00o ght afat ......... 000#0 5'70 1Iogu biey-fat. .... ( OOte 376- uQfi dzmmdri 101h00le tu O psrlb O i-to01 TorIleysdruudper lb 0 -9 *ç* i ....~4bo.......00,40 0 i Pei ~ 000à té jt 4Is~,oebsru... 075......0 Bde*, er ewt.... .IGoWe, i i Sbepkîw ..... ........1.00Wte 135- T&llow, rsae9ed, pet lb 0 04 tS 'abkn.......... 0 2110. #- .02O.OU ]WathsllvMom comm. May3eJ»O ju1y 8, Sept.6 4 Nov. 7t Dec. 0,Jan. ,905.a .Oguw* D.0.- Msodloa11 h* ,Y 4> uaa. 7 Juiy 6,.8 , e"o51 Nov. ,Dc T,.aua.1op19. Baouow M.Gleom, Grimmod, CI.rk, Jan. Il, Match 6, moï8, -Ju1y10v- p y p»- J. W2Bjuî"mm,1%11 1»«",. O1 a,~rIL 1 15.1" 9 6 - 'or, tb gets et Ml Sah*f.a' tory Wq weet. Mr. a teso i. !at t Arebbaop Mathm»o. of Rupert,* land. and Oam beenamlIuonarjr for lurs la, the .North ,Weîto and never haît the prirlege ot belug la Ontario durlng the fruit se*son- untifle.aWhlt- by, wben hcË uaw a peur growling on a Ice for the firt' liame hi bis Ilite. and toci dellght la plcklag ore. The eGa~gr.îiu bau been aipec- Ialls favore la hariung the wervke of 11v Dr. Taitingî for tvro tiaDdayb andi wer. agaiu forP>nato lu, theirj Pittacher for i4undây la*t. Rey. 1Mr. Xcintobh. of Toro.O.ccupietithe pulpit and ti gvo Onineaut satisfaci- tion, Preachilli two Most exrcellent On 8undiy evenlng ut Rer. IX. 0. Crossly wlitl £4e18,13 tiretl 6Song Sermon" la the ';abernae>e. This bas been a speclai feattie Of Mr. Cros*ley'a ululstry for anaCy .yeauu and- bas edaIWsbien aucu maapo clttily thepePe . Moraiyag eu-. ject. -The Pouer of Exumpf.", at-tedeti. being 1h@, latISabbfttli Of Mr. Êingbm'spo.storat4.lurathe morntng the teXt nwai "I commomid yenu to Go4d, nd lte Ïwordof 13is «race. uhick le ableti 10butd, 70 UP, andto telgve yen an hahertano. amuog ail themt whlch -arc' sape- tiffled"' Acts 20: 32. Fecaithîs text one, of Mr. B10911418 * bbeutsermons- ,*a* preaohoi. .prlînte inu hislusue lu suit. AU the cloua- f the rermOp the, Lord'. up* Pper waa eîn4nl.tered t alarg.as sçmbly. ~Se ~ aibtswere rtéei. &Amongtililbelug, Mr. and a, .C. 5mai' b"o al: :ut tiir F~ ~ ~~1 motlu sevceIOba#aa uahed. for 'and r.eIeveil tbeir lèel'qt-9; aWl they, . emlgtt be seo«ret intho wiusen. Iierobshbue ebcfore Mr., Bi«au>. de*rture. 1Mr. D tafgke' ,nnean .. 1wth1%the d ittn the, beut.-an&,. lte pictiares threwn u"nO the..-é"vai were as clear as munid lie and beeedngty pretty. 1fr. Caunegle bas a sb;ceî whai e aat- tractiTe la ls settuag. wlolt Aie kuova -hou 1ta preet lu ad Inter-. .stlag maiaer, andi whioh cannet falLl5 laI"teal lte alory cf thé bopit opealicmtil ofet lie e Who uee auti heur. FoUowing ihe let- lare mo-er 200 ode etor umorinrg pic- tureï. vers sihowu. 'Thes. wcrc of a gouti chais 0f rletureà. anti. wet. Inarîructive andi auuslng. The- en- totaAnaieat laxedet about taheur andi a halt. Tic atminîaon was 13c. andi 10e. and must have retteo4 a seat~jw aimm sai h ue dett.am. àuet OuWoeff*uy vnîg of luat hbte &alaiiraity meetgoc lte local coanchi of P..T. et, e. ws tuett al the boutee ofMrI. t oon- tbIOn Thtir t s utaans.t- ~Te-ic>ls wts.%iag tete elle- Meuce- e o-ebr.-ut tfl.a e.l domnmaiers uwere»Munle tg0 atttat. Ti; rcaerof tbbcer laitsuMi woU ties. adCouncl of tbq Order. 1cf Turoal. Mr.Hls gave apracticat tait along lt.elin eftuecavor le Intreane the mer bershlp of tic Order. andi theruaby nle uefaas.Theé toIaI mon>- bcrulp le Wnov about0.am0.and an urus effortil belng matie te resci7 lie7: 1(0000 mark witilsa aa ewý, monulu. lTeere rff. maut dIiI. en lihe worIt audn ntitlgtuï,a4tîli oati f tbcmýirauoeÇ umoral te.ý fôrut. Bat tble cause nas a.grand' ooapt,*Ud lbolild inspir e'cueu- belwp 'r eh Uts014.?téearm aud ab' A Mt.forl. 1Mr. flle 14 là: qalel.- BURN a lie. fIn Cana- ,t expp'!- f arni(by ~tt e il ert ' butn l- a long rt, square ft Into a -rt corn- t .Move la- tfinds ev. irytlblng ent, reaily *notbilng nythlng," round te r. the ex,. ail, n pro. achb. nuite his lant ,rr. IV Iol et be lte tIeý lua a- Ii] w6uld iroal, - all ky- enougit -lie lusf Orb- ot Canai» place for doIng ail tu the ho- tioeu Ilire. real conf i- jior ethle ut ho write -ages andi r ýverdict Ihe unf.. iî'dOwza hlave lèft l1ad. e: é- l eu t They p~- 011 1%> li mruicpal 3pe'ative, btir âiv, * *e'r lte tal'Ltor-. Q F

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