Whitby Keystone, 28 Sep 1905, p. 2

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new ad wôndertul exPerienee for Dàa- C&TTLE E3tB*gOS i<»AMO ti 'H o es E ie~L He deîigbted'te relate it to the, king, whose voici- betrayed hli. agony. Eizitish GoveisAtl n c1lierance Dg la~gt.£~~ tIw aodes- tiop pIkae4 *0 ieward it. Qod ii t lution, beut, À ACMO~N 9 fl1e4aý1s41o e4ti:isé&n te tdang thé- S.IO 9 ex wuIOtatt~ho overimelit 1 de.f ithfnl in whnt lie believed to lie rigli e te, takC f tuvads re, re- flauul t tbeoa. ~ Iand inithe test.God declared him iuno- t aestp odu tsteovin t. j ent Jv bls won4erf ut d1 orn~~No iN iiÈiISdI tsatsaa Cmmetary-I. Daulel praying <v. lmrt-bâàiel' had bee ipim m m'i àu-wiqu&,-l il Icnew th'iat the.king&s edits were irre- ist bis uutnorlty, but coal. the sub.trd.Ti ~itx I n£t a,-r&<t>4a they are enforc-qd againt~1 i Solouxon (1. Kîngs vii.45-44>, who had PRÂCTICAL APPLICATIONi ie. Tii. memorân<limýcom arxo yitiote là bis-prayer at the dedication of the jLFîfdutod b W~npaulethe diastroüi effeet the :Inttobd- otf 0f _____________________________ temple ectVeated God 't, bear the pray,- kneWn(V. , 1e) ubat bis death wp.rnnt- disease Wolw have, on. the *0~uea_ rsof tb oïé-wlio migb buin sîster wnt ét bi hu and and producers of Great irtI. Ps rS C E laeds or inu epîlvity Wb enptbcy s boui d =tiÇOJand WtIUN tuft '4helr laces'toward their ow LedPISYed. "Wheu, Daniel knew," iâm' Ste t ariw ho*'rgunëanlyjend', IM- an ctyan ti.tepl.-lake aiwful cris!s; "when he knew" tathoet taes lu o4uik otai ~- ie Slo Ihrmal ra Wad t an d te temple.-Coare.otio cumning, far seelng enemies hod 4itel mouth diseilse may make lUS apPeatance, à Wa nee id o tre Ispirit f vitii. ii Wthe-ttT and d 'flety, despite efficient saamtary opnoii Luck. ix. 5, Itph. fiii.14. -Kaeeling la afitting I30 skilfully tthe- eff 'Goy'cranpent'e'refusai to remove the' Vsqyr .CSp.2.A~nak attitude for humble prayer. Three IVssag~iu îkDtishdsap~ cattie etmbÀao, sitys: "Tii, decWouWll 1e Yft a cue nti rsr times a day-See Psu. iv. 17. T'he three iii idbe old we u beunupalatie to the Dbmlnin, -; but? 8 u udru of sockeye spmou, tiih bours of prayer were the dame as the -thec dpwilish ngenuitY and mO$lgnty there lasompensation lautboretief litseamà for which in, supposed o close& bourg of saciffice inthe temple. A. be ' wà1ch iii, enemies had clo"d in fr to wesuthm, IiTiise*l syVa~te an bn, did ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~uo afrtm-H l o weea"~ -hlm; wbon ho knew"-that ln tb5j- doulitfal 'fhetber Canada 5&1ý ofÏtdl 10,ti ~e h a h*irsteadth. iRe cotad,,ha*,* preyd lu 5Jeiin 1h.au h toy wlSl thlng more thân assentimental'g '~eY.Ibi m e' rab i ~ bel cibi seeet, and been heard, but, 1. That ke, bt1,heihud eq Iii e pécohbbtlon la 4well ad, £ ~-are ubtttta '~pp h course, would have been a <Cuhie ou-. tiflRabout Wbis deer te bear bis Prayeri n'ecautlensry in ensure a.a.-.thleie -ttul«b 4rig the.big rusan,4n - teir lite fesWo ant oft failli in od, andi of when ho kuew" that if lie prayd they ductîon et cattie disuseuiztp this couu- t. rigi laVe tlri t bauds1 yieldiug as if no Ilthey awima horrible péril aatlt eferring té thi e ne~tClo-*u t-facens f. veut on bis daily path ofetule, as 'iaf0". ,ad snob. order bad boeen.given. 2. Tiore, ed hlm-ho1116 lt OaS ada egrlgticIl ebaTIo9 I D >i the, lie hwble alvays, follow vas nO lm.e il k needed 10 ai prayed. a paragraph about-,tii enormOusbases ithe sockeyes, are aise-plentîful, but more than st Ibis ime. 3. A taiuret, Il. Faithful thouiglipersecut*d.. "Tii. the, Britishi aqricultiirists lu 'the iast f beyý ire ualsubno dauth lbIler. or even a seeming failure, on Daniel's writing was aigned" (v. .10). Diel hftyer.have sa tailied' i breasen part wouldti h daroo 4ipastrous ut feet could-not lie cerrupteti aud jtsda te sln1ot the fuereased Vpressure etfollôtial andts n dube8Z& i OdIiotc onthe religions priaciples 0f lhe «Îles. se lie musItlie persecuted andi madl e torig compulltion, The. We"sts etsl mes Onr ter I Tb àlton s""On bas been *8 satis' Aman linbis position bof better dis sut fer. This ilaSat.an's epportunity. Tii. Gnetteislysou"fdvoonytteeanarasaet,, a thousand deallis Iban W, ftaller andi biguer -your spiritual position thé, more 'we dure net taire' lhe risk et admîtinT hecflr o ha iouu t lteyFraser. tail." Il is always at. teo by Cod. nd xightler your etiemies (Eph. vi. your çate, vel and geoti, but if g h 1 ir enhv glalthvwu Il Wckd enplt in (ia 1-1>.12.To be *'gretly beloved" ef God h d.'seilyn o r uhfr i ld tefliiermen dspe«Mdoftal they Il. These men - Thae princes %vho liad; toe b grently lated b "tbhe ô*erld" able agricultural-eonpetitors,'he p o idgltuigti i n m e ben lttn aani aniel. Asembled (John xv. ?->.If bec naiof fetiul- tecionato motive in t once c1a i t eeond iun is adding te their banli --Rau lasuti ly, so as Vo cornu upon Dan- lieua God lins closen anti ezalteâ yeu, Ibougli pet detinitely avoweti"as sncb. <<itýtoevr pa e--oe0 iei suddenly andi detect hlm iu the set. Liioe beneati you, the tools of Satan, tsm to barind heuw1l y up 14i --., F. &ý B. Tlaey liait heard the veice wili envy your posýition and power and Dhie ft, FRljUK groflndortant.iconsidaualio- andi moir rusheti in upon lîim while becswek in every way to destrovyoye. Tliti 1 ,IRI. <rat osdeain waa praying. j:i your opportunhty to continue te bu ANGILICAN Wou-Es uKET. 12. Law... wi atterethinOt- fa:thiful. aEV. S84»Y KENT, 07 BUFPALO, Il vas quit. common in ancient times I1I.Faitliful in praîyer. "Rie kbecled DPSDFO TE% T* . Tina atelge ieW .Oee te worship the kiug. "T'o alter Vhe la%'tapon bias knves tha--"e Lunes a day, and would bce a confession of fallibilily, and prayeti, snd g-ave tliftnk betor.' bis Buffalo, Sept. 25.-At a meeting of i I ue5 therefore an abnegataon of gejhead"- (;(.), as lie did :forctirne- (v. 10). A e.iiaesofti.BptB.hucese1Toironto deanath: An lnciWeeIn memnber- -Farrar. mBnsge.' Da i!walep--luffalo, tbe cf ficers oethle Buftfalo Bap-f ' 11 t695 u atifl-@fsl 13. Thal Daniel, etc.-Tlie iccusers do imier o et eue ndrea.- nd lwenty pro- [rsMeMay gr t % l.-t.hme .re smong hi not mntion the. bigla officiai station et vinces, Soule uf thlese as large a* Eng- tist Union and menibers ofet .Souhh pis" grattUying tUila announeed at rester- [Maulet andi bis in-huante off icial relations l anud. go lad umore, cutl than the Pré- Side Baptist Chlrch, held lait aiglit,lie- day's - opag sessions o;thle. ilxtii tri- witlî the. king, but nmercly reter Vo bis aident et the Unitedi States, yet. halli Rev,,_ "Sa dlKn,'O isbc ps sll etn lfleW155AigilIlrl uriubithinl order liaI Lley mnay lime fer prayer." Ther. la a volume inl 1er of the. Southi Side Chureli for t-re, t lbll.em- Socety of the C1IiStOh et -Ablereby brini lis conduawt under tie saus- those words, "AR afort'time." He didn't monuhs, vas deposeti brom thle mIuistur IE la94 aCinaa at -st«u I*,sChureli. piclon of baing a arp~Lcn e tfrt-bel- praj nyn mornea- ec:uusd et the troull anti excluded froni - the chuwh. The, Ihs ttnse tmrn lii es lion 'against hie royIal iatlority.-Keil. jnor itny less. Il@ejust ent on1as afore- hags gaittl"oi piealthm1 f011ltitm Clocesa> corOlu ad- 14.,Sore dibpleaised-%Vcxed at, tbUs being h mc,, aloaîg t1he routine tint, bce kad conduct, unbecomaing a 'Clu-tiaû .i In m et.! vecome 'Waa madaby Mi1ss Tiller'. o--verreachetd; for hc 'au'w thatit il as planned.]lie prayed iluthb. mpaeintI aer. -et 'outMo, s: Uic ansi-non meeting, ho enînty owad Dtiil nd nt axielv ina the'salue mnaner,ilathie saine P004- The Rev. Robert Scot, pastorof lte ula, uaue zs akr tFdro <oôr theomaintenance of bis authity taon, et theane heurs. 'vîhtilie dsaine Pai-kside Baptisl Church, presided t"ia& 0. 1wlîich bad led le tIhe plot-Bib. Mus.:'fe.rvor. 1h- liait frened lus lite ln lhe1 the meetinug. iCent 'vas net preseul,, MMs.Tîlt fos tOttavaPresident et #Mi lýaboi-s,-Endtaavored to finitdsoute way! t'ai- et Cd, anal lic wis Det going lO o inilewihbf enlv la-W. A...-ta, bar mdi-oms spke ef thie «Cel- te evaîde the. exemitiora of fthe sentence. aevîste frouiî il ha-c-aikaaia acosa Leurrent îng lie charges aa irtthm ,.portad baie ot t»,wo-ludoue bytoMe any eanest q'He niglit, even tiien, ltve nctted un fthe baud st i .c im. .Ia*.u eiley mudaiataIt int KeV airlnfsstitb*t,> the. mmts 1.et lb. oM4i'3 suxihsry tdues he priauciple vbicl thie Magi laid dowau te iflie Lknew Ilu.wits 'to diet.O-morowcharges 'ero foundMti upou act. ilest ta-etiaî meetîng and esp"1llw ern- Laîahy ses, boit of('y rus. thuaI 'tle king Lit would .till g~ i Cough - his pro.- Kent came le Ibis eoi4nt fromenrut m"nlul lia. cmmîttees Iu ebarts of the 941,, mil do îuo îroflg.' 'liere %cicns le lauvaè gramme lns lac ba-d plunned il. The. lite landi about fifteen unonîh ago. lie tfi-t 1neiat Cidrmn. Literaure. heafAt. he-n 110reason wliy lie ailauld net have of praycr %v iliigiva. sncb steadluess ltôIvent té,Phllatelpbia, vu-e«. li r-«>e b u hia siuons. la.,,,cIu1 1 . MMa. toi-ltd eu tlaqtwuultuous' princes tIli f ü urcouir-e. Oh. te b. so riglil that, ve jgneieeinii'puprigt sar uAoameuucedthat aie vas about 10 îliey iîîtered wlth Daniel the, abotidhlie liaitlive ou unrmioved- by ponts e Or liai bis M t c ntioiBpîsîj ers ;rein ii.P-esiateluety.a'p»o'tio he f bing mb to thelion' den."-Farrai-. 15. ii-&its Or provocations, n2ôviag on like aminis -is dmttdlm n ebo' ".bld "tor - annulen Yom", -Duricir 4ir i'nmoiv, .0kiug -Tiasir toile vsmsir aael e-core, unchangeti by-jqueut - andi a peut Sakespa.j qwt&F.ftil.ui bsse b nl fl iii ow, for 1they feit able t6 col, rapo ie bouor temnpet. Suppose a law verpîeuai sd senvn a pa 'b«Wà* u b?, I$%prMefP king lu work tIlîir wili. "KIngw are lhe -pâspd biaIfer tblrty -days nu one among the. Bopti4t deneminatinof O iesent4Ju et1tive 4* sîneteen dklcau slve f hcrthtt-ea. rieewicked s! iyuae eat tb thatciypreaching from.lie pulpita hs eetsoeueloi b icsse îii%,itere debevmined lu gel nu of 'hs trown te tirlions. 'viii wuld,&. iema rmrn hrbsle. Nt cts ebnl ie;Cldua5i lioly Daniel. The1 lated hlm. d? Shirt, on lb. very Y' irs- ia'go liecame ho Bttlobghl h -SfS ii !CIMiye , I »uiel aîiiong the lions (va. 16- oteramer'fer- te Euiropeain cOutinnt.Or oundei by the minislry ot thi e Ps.ld 18). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ï à.(:Tryb~îgtDuel-A-tk aair re lucpe--- l n ppeared l min u ef -'- if IV. Dunicis 4uiyerancýy.u <s. 9-). s"on prayiîg luan>' plac e ore, 0*4 i. esatlon o! tlai ontiefu) speet-ae&îe e£, henvon Mqv îee iutlo! voie. sud -exprmsion Il vws lu, ~ ~ ~ i - enbl bst- tO ratage lIy eonfhokel, Ianlo an'ii1pîacl Uî teîd tiat ie 'Vas for uuany yen" tutor atteuding upon a cendemne t emvnt of yàir loti 'otld give iyou tte 85jMWof ~ telocution ilu cuber Oxford orCan Ged. Yetlb kng neyep no ae egave blia, - -Dn r.g,~at epe .teuoiagoiapr- IV. Faititi nt uhie beult. *"Tb D. lnuate lui 'FP", Ici, vilÎcb lu et lhe eilldride !tbp c=p. he as smsiMflby brgatlokiwa I20. Lamentable voice--Deéply nt&.-tiyîy"(v. 13). l'ils cus Ou 1typsi)alb.ol 1 tremmet and luIn a gon>' of anXiéety ithe firsl balthh etDae"l*(Dam L S41> g, belu. ei eut lietveea hoepq andi Mar u'er datfuitratute eSaviors wor4 **Uet Tat 'iis guteti man siionîtibit. iM& ïevaut ethle living 00-Iarîus i brt-om-eil huat bfa tltl l na aIWMéla Wau s t ast " taa Mt .tbe4~ this phrase trom Duieîl. QeGd eîtorl.talf%1t loi an it'5 !Lusha». 1d0). àusew, Idi suapsitbosum#.wb lic cd frin a,.idqlaïu4r a confession 4 thbe Tbe!I$w of Goti lu fromifth st b. bilt > i o4r .~rM trulf-J, . d B 'e layGe. .ale(nOU. 1:17). Abraham W OUlt ~MevrwJ -Full of conerta, b. trèmbIeft to.asi the'haê bellevt ed roud1.*w Ii Iutlôr'-héumm t tw "Il W êfrit ,1 'l1.4 l 1queshlea, tearlng b u aevrea vilucberiWWbe ti roua tbuu doatiif h1ud .~i0i I i ue 10 V -t) to nous orprey. nt obevd0 od ifor $ pIasw$i se$fb tt i *of 1 the com mon salutation iin Addretslng a 09n, D-n "ugt ' have ligoulged - auger aIt-he klugbut-Aid ïct. 1118 t-oie -1110eugil as tifla lory be>'laitibemu set tort- in ais.deliverauco. 22 seet- his augel-Daitl hati compsu n>' u be den di lions.There vas no m4ieI 110 glaIsdes. ln the. palace but t-le eeletwa 9 u>'theb. ltecourse letweeun Danaiel -' ant teuangal luat-i* dSuaîluL Bto ai-. Iil akes car. t. a!eribe is debvenasce t-o the living (lodtilat-i. roay net lio -c(mtosOud ul itht fabeisOdof the - -.-eujun. N se t _t h.e sagel em, Gf,odI8ttmente nfot tic authiof ebis -delk-erenee. . St hotl.eu'l-a ift itpbove th - linoo bra-e.ê.TnV f fT Toite lainears'Nilui able Lite Assurane Societyl 284't-o theb.Mercantile Trust c onnecticliwithcertain loai "ih, Turner loas,", andtithat ment-s vere vit-bout autieri c5ame kuiowu te.tay enP " This loin, Mi. Moion'.a ir e a k lb. sud n w lau ugOMP aI te Ilàs « - - doltmsu . h a. tîoon: ZAt pralk -ieww.  bL w19, teé 0 1obd. 80thn gr dlcu5atbsatue sapapu*iturssluu.~ a ileo the beau anti apalaleral 4e ti lUS eiler il8?lte aafnber. Tt.DrýW* ~ ~~Trust Compaiy.-,At t-bat 1 mievl a lac-qau sce is~ i-lenta mut- quoti 826t e I&M 1.5, be 'latter, foi'ently the.loanamounutit to ,110 et 12 di,-en -uies, 21 puýCMU4 ig ite.------- 'WI reem 4. àl brachu, 01061à~rs DI 3 Itê * wo.,ted.,lubel-------- U13 - - Do.. ipming. buabel .. .......e 3 ece tirer ferhese payments,a Hall. -et Moatrçsgre tuithot ie dioceses , ............*cure. Kewt e, obscu Moa-ton- reterredtihe beu -ulenal mnc usI ur Sheise fi- Iiary, P ton-------- e1GO 100 sela8 euuel bi ave' b-.ww.er n.....100 100 h the arrmuoewlss t.ticW*uam mxIlay aDrsad oss...... 0 z cîety as net respensible fer, a"0 tb ciu*ugtm la lb. mIssioan f1014. jAppiIM, - eo- I------- 15 00 ;er o-bias salso, natiti Im ggDer dbien......O 019, àÎuîÜIl1 Trui "p' oïï thb Mie 5u~.r.Ou nw mason~ t tr..dat-yilttreu23 25 $182 lau W.A eJun satrducul sInil d Do.,. «umerr.......025-11,28peet i orpyte$1, gret rsbtealo. JClIOeUs. lait years. lb. 0 1e0111 b>' t-be Equltable - LUW4s lb.--------"'Ir. 5 Mrto te ii deeste laSI Jaou Cbbsgu, per desen.....o0 00, bMeilufuiita b3a' Ibe etiosas unI -Mmbv et tliýe8t Pottoeus, Pur bat---------eo5 80 51 JaOuspaeelalbrnçes - Coe". ,pet dose-------03o0 <>35 t th lb Onos.>er b12.........1»' DISCOVRE» NRW PLANET. Defo-tn-u-------tes wI'hich loa bas neyer lie Dej.i ebogCe. caresse....15 5 eus1lêbiI'ntUf Satellit Lcael Between Nercrtoi m.~reiumx. came $75~ posdugfa-lt~tW Mexsndra~ ept 25.Pro. 'airs Pei- cuIL........ O e i.,Moi-heu aise reporte Lamubo spajua........... le 00 redtorstat Il oidl Suvlian, refseo etastoneny Jtj. Eltlh C~ej ~~tu ua~g~off 8(0,488 patd bi tord, wlô biadd t b Biis cpoLondon.-CatlM si-e 04uota! 10% Io tI e linteJonkE ues , vi mission t6 E#ypl~ t i sul.led for Eng- er i.; refrI-geralor busC. % to9 , . be r ougb baaku86c488 TMi, 1usd -on, -$mt. 18,, -betore Ig&rlug pli b«inat- Ibis 88.488 M lisb4d a naeauor ofthe reassuciaeç - - -Thé caom.. Xaut&.caie tob.vlu-val by -via-luaio ns.. ri*rtble-Tbovs çre aa, wblteud 21 et-,o îîn î 'Prcui tn Ï S i otdnet ho esurprisiaig 1,eolom-etoceuese resileru on th ic Dh Vlo W n-b Th tlulu. epoI boni-I te>-day. sale vus-c15 aI i%* anâMorton referat iî if tii. vdeleamed soon lt à Prof.1 eah 11 i-1&c. na ke - uNewoka IHisey. @of Vhas Liek ObuerVtor', bas j lIeadlng Wbeat Maiktsdogfund,'! anti tii. bulk ot- acluieveti t ii. st4ntion wth i bis - Se e, Ma> ta sit le ave g n - o Ici-y telceope e of ov the li.muci,' debtei ew laetbetten eaca- Nev Yenr.. .... .. 9 I~9%butons ant i Sliie 51 ant ti sli.TDerSît. -:~88%489 ciase of 07, subres oet4 Profi Turner, là ast sanguine eof ......8%8% . tc biib cisu thsresu# , -trom.a-,elms inspection of, i$ lea-poedgs lia LI~~ plates .iaepl.. ...... .., DVRE V.Yt jthe ree1kl a obfruit ood-y vrdirgesAoOtugplatese 8214I< E0ODY 'WA8 CONCEALED. , -- ?eté Frit-UI t arb»-. Au Ilui"- Poliçe iXçprtçr IWIrderel and ti s.gaeul ruuclugd'Ar" in W.t-amklvls.Pi.#$ baske-, 20 to 3M., <pe4i Qaan Wetaskivin, Allierla, Sept. 2.- 'M - ~kt 7 - ~;,lrobasu.~ 8 Enoch Bull, scin etChiet Bull, dt l t, -30 $o Sc;N"sp ,un awi~dvre eo~ s 'V Hobivi lieevê?nem' elakf in auIO oc. d., arg, 4 te oc. pg Jt- ±Court whvien.-u Oiel~*~an sd~1h laîn Iveti ~mo4,-U)ýto 40e.; d~S-,Jobs; OW t-oDc.antialat sia a gaet y b N . .P. eithotua Pesrt, Brlhbasket,*O 5e hm, u 1olz e1l n pis>. Ter.ver nu a~a c ujlen . b , 0t - 1- 0. 1C WI.ornIa PIus, rtil aOW5-bhutJ tonw4b 't-bh4erW ', poiexnîo 1u t.db 2 Ts-d,batwp- Plus.. ndi die, tron'*pl oft-e rrnse erui li mrk t 74.b eaask aet -re-o 55 b aselioua tat ofJ' urbret-. odybal ea duggti!iîySw.4 $R.oT-ate.si biasket' O. 1O1, ti h isltroub als ted irom bet-een t .," uae,"lryit- ua glug.çup5,o çnsateto uitv pnrs ani iidear' l' th aerouaus.it i f- taerep-1él to gk 8t-ook. ol as o' 12 in o Uni>1d etlii, gbod The geste a n d it ys- j alvos,- at- #sitty e mnajst ce q t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o be4 to utles u. tnig~ean o mety omt a t go, au 4 V s a rigu foie. o t s cli Il'v buso ireuth<75 to ho.'vr..1"onc -ils onporté ' msrksiaraitîn::euioIwofob lopo daiÙn2 suCudst àei n tevcim , ýtret u, ul oepb..tM glu -idae wforèi, îWqit W aml mo &Qt .24 4ieâ,I Ibo.dl,.a-StP est.uile.e pixtlflu6.nê defnai ____________ j oint.;444 olS wee lliu; *S.25bu eb Ouu- cura apit1:00Mo!tbeY. - ~ a s.m w, -miA hlU -w,* i4,4m&el4s a4 r-paiti $718>- Comppany lu Râ known as- Lt t-beae pa>'- ty, se fiaraw- i1m1blie. report sets oe loin. 'vas, xminer, -anti Sto <ransfer Oif. Me rcail t-late Lippu Pa1ere vea-> emater te assh. dhlm rtbe Jeanus. 3'4 pui ti ti n xllaiet. ft-is su. fot-i.di-- whI bas goe ie collateral Mortou de- le. ifPt-esdeut 3t vas 'vint itlse, $585,000 litici1 _contr-- r1e tePur- ïo tireateucti T MINUTES. >rateg 'iue$ t'i t-e stale atw-vo ouri lite Ta4te o aiutes. Thc lis, coldult oeeup&e t he minue>Te *fore tw vwer p m1e WiC - u - a a 9 a 9 i J -'-Fe peurs sert,$$ cours, bavin att, eý -a ciga qust ceunI, - iiom h is et t-obet Moft t-hem, inable andiy - fdds-u Afti "Bu in t-hi ~1 - j- e - -- / 1. 1 9 Ir", a -ý a a

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