it is irresist- Il C 191 T eet rs 'caldef rev t and rep.t 4-I Low D.a5:ri.30. Tate fo me ; Toronto-Farmert Markete;ý 8pattern o4f fih à aer iso holi- yeam 14P 0 ngki ;l" &Mutornring dense Mugses of WOTLJfl# t 01. tem lo Scre, thindets,boanul20 ha serv(2 in theoen baeWbe7miac!4S.t4d A t t b ti iitz eeîai h~ ~t~y vrlodon rewerHam41 à tfo ePus n 'who 4gré no,,t D ort U~~9w L. >o poa faerier daparfed a ,a r n a d 01, tIrn W . 1skeoraubc'p ~~ ~ i osto~ s ParsdeOf U l UZ AYrJX ube......... sudho e.are tt ti.wuema god mn epled*It *e jgotuddion iat . tpepleteW4»; u.. t Wh b ul e mae t t. m ning, bed ton 1a rtnd add ed, h obly rm- j i "d s~.1kme t -neiî eL t/ t i B o.,ne pRito ,. . 90 t chaiti o!gold a od b.thO 0de i aWonkustastWll.. the H.>',the. ter to............. è0d sleb sel s h ed l hsal et aen tat your gin ouusae a tln hh l. i i e thef *4 ta .. o......15 M m e gdm W naf-Jruad le , tthe tanailth e re -sfor er tie (kingdom ilin. H rrJulu thraCsli gc.pa4un * __ueit îe r o! 'mhazr cm a r'oe pic2). ont.» '1%S beeta rewineut o <>e R U o Setue hesdeutan*CngestoSbti U nenaina us-'rg~'2 V~itowhm, he b caeti. 1Eiove- rofeuo r er Who ýn ___________ ICbI0Oaf ostt l. . ' ,,-"ne was a Tis:h fGdcr.ntbB11fnaed-tbrin ýtiforhUnion. a ( -f exp.Byan uwhr la'o es r-*1sexunIgo~d aebenuêeglr of.hnqmrqs......0 g wjtlouai't 'for preveéWleeltted _war a[o1»e * ý..........450 am n d or a eared tus ythe W isemn goo1: 10h su id ' cth i !ý ïb.bè pople r'*Wday.0 .n g lu., n té r es h , ea ni &Tê ttiimband&ed 'Od l jah.& T0e1eve wlu e tb dithaue!t an. =etba oug palaces à iI abl It-U WiCêkmos ment. Tii. coninamail t1rlng............ -à eain . d th nl Gd ru asin t the d'na ng"(v.27moreslaaar . Ublethet uigh. , pritig wiichour ati poartv.:lu -t i goae p e bcn ail bad riecogthe tOS &Hhed lly birs o hCteingdo h e d=qg#tMta oigrti4 te r.inîwul ial oaiuitoe-Meitt etValrerrw..........0 I I w o graulatAonhowleu»,yen bae reeeré-dBritiala Cetie Market Le ti U- romise Tm a othu r"dLe,aM &pl e i ~nce mant o! bIs. fie iV i ulIt odLoion-'ti s ILDnedarDrovýn i i V 7eIl repoetetitôtlmn "w,. f~ ~vtaii ~~~~s Idg klyle 0.-odyt y g.Ri ? aresel - l v a.ut 23:bislarii o ta-ele t ubi(,,P4&, t ii i3,4 C~t ~ 81 91. oLet. -th ltlto _-assues tibutGovernuient o! 'mi ana fund êantse t9Tho. *. bas Milrdsb. raae or deidpe iibnb. bs eart .... but hast gOqultted&t20. Hrt vas lfted luy iyseif againat the Lordl cf ~ WU»M sl!abe .Goal, in tii. PPaî 'tnrSe luand te ein, 'ov Di=* 1 vitbupie and aade a niw.1m&. HÉ. beêt e esse 8. mtioulrebn la,!gev 506 "f Y UM 5erve e ý hlm vin 1.1 sp n iW aeed, bip te orl k 4'7Iiewd.Odby blaseles i a socie and. tý¶ruln rtkpthe. voodesud o "'5ê bina 'the cond r.r lesuia WëiKe,e lived ie a wIl*d biet. the klngdxom ana ic dýepuerrr'cf El am ~m'ue 1.that cf tbeImm a; thp O! hWm' vito hou1d d.t ms i lias 'p, viioe.dvcUlug s55!. tle orld. Abrahaname*rrveal Goalb' wuas m tW C=%plts s~dl b. mena. fferrlnO bue4sud GO zns<e hià off. tains,$aMdlWbhunned the. soclety of Spxi7higW'tbue ltrt à o"ti yanL lb Menm-fAL>d922. Thon. .bast net 1hum- sapds cf tii ea.M esercè04b rpPanlce but tbroug4 deluberate cou-.'1lm the gréat 'emdncq>tÃ"r. leader v .P t of Goal, r ' rles .".f à ,111'warn giver andal itoran anal One 0o! -tie@ the Âsif thon figration. eDavial ser.,ved Goal 1» fiuhtn badat qual r evoa olieriorte: Goliath, Sind béemé fýoree i ~ o HlM lun'viedona and power.-Benson, I [sel and the- aneestor of the Mslb î esse1à 'of bsioa"rmthe- tem- The. disciples &mre& CIrlat in a I46.0cf ple o!f33eli whem. they have been tien- self-sacrfice,' and abalisi"o ' .we sured up tihce thé econqtieror had car- throues rulîng rtii, twelm, trucs of .- ried, -themu ram Jerumalem." rael.. If we serve biiub. bolIer, n» by -~24. baud sent frein hlm-Prom iGod. 1 lotbîng us with the. garments o!fsmi».! This baughty yo ng ig ifted up hîton (leu. lxi. 10). >"Aqr against God, suýd niocked Hlm it V. Swift retribution. "Thnat nlgbt wua "ublicly; therefore the hand o!f(lod Behuazr....liu (.3) hat - a gist his ways. and bis doom ulght o! hi$ fea.ting 4Auakexeas "-and' x"X wrtten by (b. finger fof Qod. profaaity. Wile a 4esortçd vssel ILDaniel interpreting thewrting' was stilî fibis hana, andlti rleo î(il, 25-28). 25. the wu'ting-Thc 'vords ýtbe fase gassil n'i j'is erb- - voe Aamac, with jetters like thi e tion came. Sentence aag& is ot brew.tvhy aùlint the wise menen nèpd; okI o lasse4i rct theni? Perhapsi hey could read thefor Cod i on-uferDg;,bu ù c jeuîy ývords, biit were not able, or dldiiat dnre, j In ha betà ilndantiy PtlfIeed. su la i te ,expiait -tbeir *meauniîg. 26. incle-;tiie catb'of Lot's ,>-Wlfe (G(née Xx. 26) Tu wd.larepeute4 d4 4ç ie empcig. Gehazi IH. Kizigse v 2) niiaaa Il comas Irpi ~ word mtpg .q rnlu- ý pphira ecr y (.&c4 ber, ta count. Tie dnys of the empire xii..23). Ti.w isnll, u#ji5t&ke e6,'Of "and would deste»Y it before imarnlng _grnenea....sda *7tekel-Whieh ricins wtigb~d(oe oa an~o x shekcel, whlcb was origxpïlly s cérti i 4h5"r tle dUv ofte re jý,*eîht. t ffmbç8ýa, wprd-.wbicli sig- athie! a .lp,ýUWt. lW 4011nt.rfeit coin. The application la that, destruction co'meth apop them 'Ee1sluzzar bad been weighed uas jbis -tiiey stial La ne, ia.eeapen I 2Moiellcharacter andl actions" and . had1 r. 2,S.Abbie *.K n e ~ ~ be n fovual 'waclingO ef higlt welgbt. neî bad mt-orne up ta thii taildard requiri ""i 044 bad testeal blm anal-bbadfat' - "'28.prce-Thls le- the ng1a. ii. 4pas9-ditor %CéIep le' t'i of- ame uuewürd XW « lth lloaideans"ad,"prefixedL ~ mpbà st. tas "Mène, lu' lablied. 1t ,ýeLai &but basu b ai cu s ~ l~ bl-Jd. is dhided-ot vd4 Into two b»eu loth*,-mrI ' bs:Jslp o! t i , ut a, JEj ra but broken ite pièces. destroye4. tb7Jlo Dei,.*1 'tS a *d.SM.4k v _As lge eouu bsti5D1t* --fï ykgtatt-cf Assyrie, nortix1 èr Mr *w . :11apP9iith vai a auiler asudpoe noun 1 - fr- mu tb. mixt Q>rtes 'Of tii.301 stiad.nta regteW à t ti provin"ial Nora aà &booag ny ftu ar ens. To~sUal ealss Stsh soletla <sbeing consIpe the Tcronto d s Scey la,~ br4g , e b01 Rx la. Norwegian barque Signe r. Alex. Po1upp M iy Leus [tii Inspeter, ,one of tb. o1diot îe prea ci <tcses the V on on tiibe te h rographiWo r longtheB. .4 l'J 1 1:b i tIL 0 a9d -00 00" 5050 9 M ~sba&M ~r.epa..~,~bo . <tt7.lPwns baeldI ~aN".O the Cheus BosM 40 440 mnwh w on N T-Eu11ttlrt, i1,00- tubs 4014 $9 1O~q43<u1 ~Aleasadrta, Osal.-Tbe VCuue Bouts/ et-' i s -4S1i J.lrT WS'o oMe'ci Vvr.b4O IJ~<j~Q~»f$~IflWJ; auac, ofve 1,8t 0ec t be'eNsG , Sclêe orc theY tmgWor~ the TooMe 7rZ :arbl, SU1oin a NewYork Hotel. eb The "ftCDs of fu t-amvr a York Set. 8.-Lreno 1- S- týÇbtWe a leU hIle InJM-'ydo $0 1 «. Grips, Canumon, -msim sept.skt.17 lb30; azrge basket »0't.8Me: rya crpete, o Wet M<ÃŽ~, ~wua great, and siienever recvered irom 1436uuae, Zte lq, 49*j; larm todyideutifieil as tbat of bis d»ugbVrIL 8grwmre sdmoedwna- a 'L21:404 ô oirrolLs. 5è ta SOo;do. gwed anil motou.., tits '<patltwB>'e -oban. 1M to' 75M.Purs. Estlstt., baset 'Htbepdy-*f-tb.-yourweis--Who ~t-he OX c4n ii i h.arbd a) s4060 Oc. -Pluumsbasket, 90" t. 40c. Dansas.. eommtte.suicide onWIednes Srbnte pat tuiat cruel, <iî , aIousa.y buneh., o 'U t 2 iI!rt% lue BI<JO~ . bas'iiroügbt ber;te .jto $U. Watr1c"OIfs 2te t3>e._aua lb. eobody as, that o! bis ser _tWeee"m agte-ol e' ~t O.Pttc uhl 46r we nid rBerry,"It WoUId seein-asitpotatees, 1b.,\Pý to #7L<as, Opae- Mte maangtie ldentirrcatloî, thé somebody 'vos redy te point te ber as a »b. lacg e se. fate Ȉ id'soncugbt Coroner Shlrlltbbdbenmsêu aadsroe-_Toronto Jvf stock 't asue pritb ak ti gr1~ &ÃŽynia! ar. Thaen »e .went away rm-,etfc v.aoc aiteelty marit r1% bc.1. .dy .fu,.s . d-l....1ir Réc wa f .srlis sumnOà c , nsaiat 'Iack ohhot m lai tMedord ' j -Mu 'the :the du- eand s torment told me to Dr. Agnewsa g4ve grosS r,- instrîact. 'ou should itncy; -01- 'vhat i'la ram roiet, )ffmy Wiue- nnposi;ion 3 rflights of us. In me hart, liver,- , one stick lMENT -caflouse4 ýz6s& blood eç Oweeaq,# leu throat, Pl- one bot.- vonderlul P'aris his bthe com- or -the field lave Mul-, [one enor- ý as it is illa 98 per i.t causes 'ig typhoid, ing beipgs ýýOwder) té tac lnthe Il wiys 0o rto Aznor1, es _ln styku* end even tu la f ndlg and negro fashionablïb naI ta a aid rontt dwho tu longtl4mn- -Irknee, tW rforer trom assoclaLlGi chance 0« ebt they lCure wss or f pa trl m - <i -t oe.AI.~ Wl' on the a Vau- eire- alt1bo ganto ne day. t#rned. rt wus 9 four te, eiil 1*uIdwS4 I IJ...iO...i+~.Â~ ,...~.J.4...I ~refdus". 4 tinto iji n-by .=ay Ase. Bt tii. few Ey. Wby pery artore- cau paint it the. hé- humes dispinylsN papez dW. roolm W«a or tbemf 's