i " ~n rues 'to rray. e: s. se e: sas.: a ni!llLary -*Md religlous iea te 'btrporalai4d apitil béihr of 'MabOnOto, t.he Sultan, who l4aluqo Calila (Cooel»sal*r r! t the F&tthful), ib oblged by lILS rtlWb@8 ilute to go every PFrblay betwsmi 12 $aid 1. lu great pomp, tb a mosqua 0!" bis choire, and tbere. mmii his geglemen- tary Praytr. TbLflso(ff ali coemoily la caii- ed the ealuwllk. Vî 'use luring this oere- m»ny thzit the lateuatit4eIpt W ass"Slatle Nim 'use mmdc the other day. No14twit.btanding the luttle (osto b. bas ior public ex.hibitions. Ab>dul Hrcmld, hai' mot relusd o show inisell to bit peopile onc~e a week. on4 ha.sont nmlssed IL single oelauùlk uiaee be was eIeated to 1h. IirOfle, ceaziy thirty years ago. The. proderessora of Abdul Tlamid II. Vwere %(ttoW vary each wee!ý the scene of tbelrd'oln. Abdul Harntd bas changed t.hat cuettun. lie 1,.ts had bu!IL .ln close proxtilIt ta thoe pahv'e. the !Uosque or iMamidie, and goes therc oaly. Ail the moeques ln Con- stautînople Lre so far away! Hn.niliAe de. ott more tisain Lree tiuadred ,yards troin the eentranceo of YlLitz-Kiclak,' bis favorite jclave, la the greunds o! whlch h. talcoti the oniy proenade be enjoye. '1,e trip to Illmid!e ta short, but au Tt la olit-îde nr tie ptLaueegrounds. the religlous law la anrlScc d jthe Sultan as pieaed " uýs î !ih uzder the cirruuseLacos. Tt 15 the otly break iîla theVOlU:itirily SeC111ulcln of thl' tacd.aymsan. The public' his notperusltted In the neigb- borliçxd of île c ii)qut. nor along the. Sp- troa 1t. t Windows are reserved for the lpoit Corpss tu a pavillon La Ylldiz- Klok o' ri ok.nig the iuoc jue. Faclig St. ai a Feho(rt dls-tnn'e L'a a terrave from wblrtii foreireus ;.iviiovad to vlew tt'e creniofly pi wh:ov by their Minir ter. Guardi are plia, od i theentrance of IL. and ailn)w ýao one to lne- but thoze ln-scrubed on the d&y'laI. Fornmeriy Urc're wt,4As n tand on this ter- escx-e. Nirt !ý,ane vi4ltur havln.g be-u jlislî- oeeet etiotigli 1 rernark that au attempt Of @a.swlratljn cruild c'asilq be madle Iroi tiert>, it was r.dthee ext day, asd durhig many nion ts rio >one waq allowed to wttnecs the eebrîrnlIi-. tLpon thie repreentatilons of the L)i)onitl!c torpe, the permission wa.'a &gain jr-inted4. but thse stand bas not baron rebullt. orne baj% 10 stand, but IltceesOrne a Can vee bettr th. formarly. 'To tihe lefl., et thesa unirtit of a short bil, stand.s the lpalare. The ososque l la inthe taJddle of a c-led paek. wonderfully whlt*. oumall. sim~ple nd cro graceful for a ~iosqua. Toward tise right _s tae DoopiiOrit, rwkAi its foreaus -;of nmasîs and bordereti w1th enoequ1boe'aý, inally IoeIcg Iusd1 klathe dts- Unce. Aixive. a FpoUwsa ski' It in 11.45. Thse troope begîn Sf» pea?. Tb'ey cçarne froni th. jlght, mfektg LW L.he road. lodtng froin the pal W 10thi. miacquead-Ilnt ng up om bathi edu « t.. Largto deaclimeats guard eb* Md Of St. The fpoir(e around tise nlrrqU.S aur- ron ild C-41 The cavala-y 1»tmn»" lta the rigit. tar ring nil approacb frein Ihat quar- Car, !)rc!b 1>the aide cf thbe Cly. Ail bhc dittere.ir& corps are reproe.ted; The tri'-uary dreset in blue, the engtaeers in minte n. t!no na.in udon blue, wlLh the large 'lirtritnined In ced:the SYrban 7oUave la \e:-y lirg'nî bIne cibrbidere tu l rod. riai wbi thoir gTee:-taâaseted turbans. în al:, terp are thirty cunamffies, wIt.h a total cf à laaut ::.a(bcro. Whta,'rr rit' rouui's arr pliaed thie cortege appo'm , Fvrrr carra:gi's alvance ai a vaIk --c-usedc-lîarrln.gas aud wlth blinda Zirltdo-,-ri. it s tA e arcum. guaaraled ly biiiy û c rhs ma ring long topcOaL5. 'Chen, on tact. h into lares. St.regular cnrv io eigIh dtn-,r..tarbc-s of thc court. <i. ~ 'r n,'rr1-., Gsr-ra il la geroui r terrr.oçvcred ariLleguM 1brald ae. rb' r. I'irii.g ithe t'oie c-%emaay ciro ei, na tniio'i ycoing bak and iforth of!zOrv&à rts witrîvalIses. cou-tainag changes c tre. Lt Lu,-.M as thse irouiouy pro- -i as i-,r-c.aparer ir liby band. Tbe'y a,,nii-led by two youuag mca--tuie Ssii- cliit1ciover S8tor 9 years old, lin ui full wi','sth dtNoratbont; on h14 t)tctst r114b nl suera! y iy s sio.whlch soeis tti gîte rb; greut trouble, wnlka to the da-ror c-f thl .D$anaiUi and! thoras remains et ii tdin g A dozc'a Young officers. the; Olu t Vrt ci l, foiltWim ttan 41a tae :a'rt oti ui. Themie are 0.m- Stultanis gTanit':j iiil h.s n1")I!t-VSt!*P Twelr N 'a .. 'I11v&i'rncbargea WItb ta 'i u a'1îr< of! th. tcrracc or4cr Vie ch-,slng cor ail parasols andi aumshAdles. 'The I ii a.'-. a Ppcl-ra. advaucIngait o. w[trk. uritenLq by a iîsaWc41fLoOat cacharan (hliarsa alra irligt bluta ciostasmo muielab- oriioly tc :îhrn1(dered ln gol. in t ap%.-rn-n i 1-q laslird bh' a ool4, A. hait bour passen, The -tfflpa begiln te l#v, Ta seinç by the inosque'. door at MR tWsr quarteris. The. pr&y« 1 l d. À oes-rliit4. drawn by tva admirable gSM horseo. araws up- bofore thse asosU.The kakvasa -ta ic bringa tht. oquipage 1«4a il <Dot &adsi ladrv'sed lu resti antigokLa Thie forunalities are inoat tinuteiy. anrMog- Od. TiseSultan.'uho arrive ta a. I*nd.. ssaUSt Itaae tu à adaunioat.11 vbh le <rive hinmUel. Tise harnoastla glideil, the ireeil, aru aldl. the, ailes are ided. the bodty et the. carrnage la gls..oyh afnd! overYtwdy buâ alore or Iffl &W4 YsIh Tise avenue le Dow alupot desoted, ait the t-copiâae ote tite 2btww«Otb her mot for b ta vr-teio? The trothlsa &bt oes the reoilgtouilaw *M trUI ,hie p«ç.' 'gsI.. or at Unastfatr onr t tteai.shali winssesu -'uîîh lb lu a weayM Ué are part of in apoopîs *A.4 lptwiocut t Asm»ca a3 lie bas tak*esuh place'ta tb-c4% u'tage, tic top ilai loti-lI 11 aIpir "M"e the &*0 fiq vo bI1t?-aMI.d " e wrt4ge r«tà rw ta- Yldiz-luk, sUrrcUadcd, br tha Allat SanL%,y$ ho 8seocta, -lie puabtiigau ipull- lstmi, 4 se *are 0 1hgp Tii. c-jrrlaga oet kg une. 11;til îmoble IadîeWbave ut movtd; b» a.y ar 0 .uthe . 111 herse ,kas brought'otb x baudc1où 29$à 14 m*4M . of thée-imictes troM fbumnc!là t: ý ibIe' -Monday.-They aepaIY I'k C0uiSge, la their wek orlif<rfi4posersbed, condition, to tale p -,ehorS of i new week.'0f lo,Ã"O énaà oa,1 p cmr red in the twevehonysb.fr oo] n hus. -.>pifbg w lh t, G lui a continuous inerease 'ttil A ppin. The three bouts f rom a to 9, pm. show a falling off, while from 9 o'clock tti mld- night la the period of greates frequeney. Serne yearà a ago il ivas dlacovered thMa largo nuniber of suicides wore cozigress gaite"a. Just wlîy ias not exactly dé- termnined. There are many chier éurietus feutures that eall for cornent nd ex-ý plânation.-Lesi sWeeklv. 1, - 4- THEOGRY 0F COAL FORMATION. New Idea Advanced by a French En- gineer. Théi chiet engineer, M. Lemaire, lu charge of the mines of iontvicq, de- partanent of Allier, France, bas recent- ]y nmade au iîîterc2ting communication to thse Socicty of Minci-aI Industry, in whieh lie advances the theory o! the~ formation cf combustible foufilferous minerals-t.hat in, coal. minerai cils, etc., in their vailu forma. M. Lemarie began by explaining (bat the tinnsfornation of vegetable growth into combustible minerais iras the rri( of tise action of microbes. '1ih. ferments (aerobis; air -breathing, mis- coi-ei organias), set ivity lu tise Mais bed ait flot toc great dcêths have set f ree principally carbon dioxide; tOue others (anacrobis), found at thé bot- tojn in the less aerated watar, have et- pecially set f ree methane or marsh gsat.- The enihing in u bon, urhich hais been thue consequence of the freeing of thes» gases, ha& varied wlth thà e omposItion -o uthtle vegetable maatter, thie autlaepit.l 0ondi of tieseurrounding as, and ali cireurnitaices wblch -may bave In- fincdthe Proposa of Microblc ac-e tion, sunob as exc-essive premumr, higbi temperature, drynesud eelectrid cur- rents, al cf whih would hir the et feet cf retai-ding this action. Animal or -vegobmble mottêr introl d-tcèd by the winds or stream» ja thouîght to bave mnodlfled ,ýtbe ùltimate nature cf the eomlsatible formed, ses gram giving peat bc¶; p0.on, cKiucl eai; organie ma.t , bituminotus schiat;q. Duiring tise transformatons not oniy did ga.sebmsate-_carbou Mono- à idne, meth aine, carbon dloxkle- but al- 80 o me liquida a.ppeared wh-ore anti- tic wuticn nsav have arrestied ferment- 'tation. TheSe dlsengraged liquids formed petroieum an4 asphiuit. Tise Commei-V ar Dance, Out in Hnobart, Okla, the merchssit occ-aaionally boom business by hiring the Indiaas fion a. neair-by reservat.ion to give ai war dlance. The strange rites of tihe red men serve to attract thse farm.a cris f roi tise surrounding couit to thse tcwa, axtd once ini towau they cazumot heip %pe'îîdîng tt-spl, moui>- ut tise stores. And -et 1 irins'te nerchants are firsu believera t .esiîîpericrity of newapaper adver- ti>s.:b:g. . The war dance. brings la them larmers-because it.is adrertiised in ad. vance ini the papers. Tii. shrewd store- keepers vise lire the dancons reIy upea the uewspapers to provide the. apeota. tors tuN's -emuIslonlbttte0 enl':- D'il »__ put:trW ihta>e for digs.. I tect fromÃte a miua l.e 4ten. Cou, Ivr ilI-e- oa smp-iy,-f th at" trmeiy noritig bu i ostumüe 'dosaway viLt eucs tba -to be*r emulsi à f oifasiioin book& YOug gfllewho,.xe- before we caidigestit. a toughtù ae aft wtrid nItia ka~ e Ib. clothed2Y When theyaythea.à I seves lu the wedding sarssnts ofthejtr SC ttS I U SO uetr v rvii.~ageneratUont combnes, -te, ëst oliin héýmatter ef atté. com ins he es al ias "lelu. in lscon" tve tiat a state wlth the vi~l y o e Idgla morsusi, hibe" pol;ably thain~l kphosphites 80 -the.t It ia-as p 1 easy taý digest,.anld Cloos Islaind, anpd for tise 78,000 thors Ik but far ,more good, -than -thée or anpaeoùfl. 'ber ea ,n fobr a-Ji oil alone cou)d,. That Irais;recoiZrlà kwbich makes Scott's- E,,mulsibn a hîgh crimne eould b. riled. the most stirenïgtheningM, that it does flot warrant, thi.eese , f nourishlng food " medi- keeping up a court. Wbeén"a ciia 'chie h thé wo rld. trial beeines neessaryA1the ýoffendrisa Send for f ree simple, for hits miadeeda.ý, - Tise vomen axe a.mcug the.most ad- SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemiete vaInl the venid. Their Woinen'a Torontoi Ont. Politica .g a a msà iberelp o! iflu 7,00, ,amite eJy oldctlrgt OCC. and $ 1.0Q. Ail druges than tise *omen t of sp, Auy other c ountry, bavlng 'a voiein-oL ai etions LION BERDINO: IN DUBLIN.. saté that fé>t memberts for their leffsIa. - Utve body. Unique Iüdustry Flouriahes ln the Irish Amid thse decay cf many IrIs i ndus- tri«es i ndutr certainly les-flourisis- ingin that country-thé lion-breeding lndustry in the Zoogtca4 - GWxdons, 2hoenix Pairk# Dublin. Siucs, Its usb- lialimeut lu 1857, no foyer than 230 cubs have hotu bom Inlu the gardens, and have net only lived, but thriven. -Mainy have hn otu to teother Wzoologca gýardeus ,or. e frie,and the saleoe et revenue to thls luatitutieut.w4khi boasta ef a unique sums 4u rea.ring tisose raus-ts rairely acem- plished vison they are beora captlvaty. ltOW DoU's Kidu.y PISa batl Pain ln th.backuk. (3uw'd lra. Jas. Ifurphy and - sery- one El». She Reoenïended Thoms River Gagnms, Que,, Sept. ll.-(spe- elaL1-1Io complaint lase oinineu among meaas Palu inUmth 1ack. It as a ntoa"etlit i5aut tufy>bal! tbe voMen lu Canada aae $teýd itis IL, For tisat reasn every evidoce tisat tbi- la a urS a"d cmploe dure lne«_ ther* la abunduat evMmco th*4 Dod'as Kiduey Pub ta jÃit mcii a curé-eTh district coulai furmitsi a dezea cure, but *6e s mou# lor art xampIt. Tiso 0 Io tà ba.t o1 Mm, Jas. mumby. a8h MIS. Il suffoeed for tbhty-etghmonths wlth cf Dcjlddis *KIydaey .Pila aid have er been Uo9ubledwIi th batusIm e lbo tr eaeued podsl due di& t Md' a IvY « the dJdth*lrduty j" bou ulsmOt tt ll Jobusonkloke d bs o1 muleo, t RW as dldtsk.that kick a blt. Fihe <lrsne.i ber ak ndlook ed uro 1 pd Ugieu tb-ise lau o adma-Wý L IT CURES ALL CRERIS..-Re "0 a fev DamesPtcflerg&Yme to!differet cred Whotee fiant belt«len Dr. Agnat', 0a- carbta Pouder to ont" up 1t tht 8bxg? ft an ailI -ce. EIshM> 8a I ROM1e Dr. Lsngtm ffcopllan; R JrWh- row, and Rer. Dr. Chaisubar dis:c tir. Newmain, ilot Tarnt. Cna.C opie. cg thMemnrsai lettefo tb5.a aking.50 A ne-wIdes 'for eeuoraglhg kthrtt ks beng dereloped hi ltaly.1 JiLla nothing more or lm. tlian an- tainatio'bauk. r In a seut trou pllar there amrq hiree alita.> In tise top one tise coin -la luaerted_-- ten centime'. piece. if It Ila tasis bl promapt3- ejeta ù alret lover al-I tb odtisé recelpt lu. stautly drepa frein tue tird1'op.ulng at tise bottoet othe.-box.,.5* koo" T ý"thit depeaitor bas celtacted tive rer mo¶e ef thue recepta lueoaeà ehaue-hn a bauk paiebook aM'thse rela-ar vlug ba.uk, and on biat avingse h.*111 b; pd by the Qoverument l~ e t e t#trt of folur Per cent.-,Uy meanAof tbt. excej te pleie a fractioof etlas -didyagsu estt l heurs witau.tioe nrube'r iaéte u eldae -io on kia wit ebis b he tsb est 9t o et a raframin <Ctsuhbagiji areon lk) ýer« mu whu an s ïth "loo a» le lâ e en theek o! oubt Ud e sot il2a ime- t-eandt be tsta lm suteon the' v Uaiu trb.- T:en Moit net slaiy tieh. sd 0p5- W~AI- Oové the lj> r a cave pot ckie ver. th on aiot tise 4t th' tif Y-.W Ont, Bowke, bla.d. ioni s~oIeu tatIi ou thtIé Tir bfre tJis1n «Mhoare, tieyl,ho -aslced. 5Qh," uaitd se, "1147 are tie moen iris anghtsnmewheulW aaAugi.ancl r z (Ne Yeý vsln PL cf e Tap orsn t z oonditonot) es vbtIa'Dowuglneone ta seas ela is tmgr l a aber o aMne etth* 4veti they verem lai bdalie y veno Io aoiss üemufod-oue a ise11iiiband xbw a y att gr tomm i. vith eon.et ue, .It lawos ybtte. mu m sa . a1e Ib!e 1,04a% a as lvabt adoesad?>or a uusýua 4ee tisté aue e n very ltasdulitmoe. r ant,.r ula i abewude Uar:*b. toenybis *taou shet. e I bi . lO5 a nn &DI.e M .ILva uitoi hidedany tlrta 7UZ8qflo tita-umit ot t r. Voî P1 Mnestler, Eugau&dotforeiaufri pe_- asito ut theat oontqbecuemeth e volWgous nva, 4landed ou, thé New Eng. la"d ~ qto ma Les wuas'aleader of a aav oeoocf rellglus thlaker and In- flom- «set tiW Cmiaturdsý Icuei L r.- the daya ,ned. vas iorment me te Fe grue "Chidren,» sad the teacheer, initruot 49 -thie clas&«j* On,~e Ç net attompt1"Y fMg clfï Ply, be yurisefrea,,,si d.. *ntl yo. Doé moth iÛaC ýItÃ"tL As-a remuit et this edrice Tommy Wise turned out tise fcllewiùg coupcsltlu"a i5,ýqt,"g)Jud not attempt -amy tlihtffl iancy,, bit wite visa in in us. lu me, tuere la ny stuumick, liune, hart, lAver, Removea a&l bard, soitorolos4 lumpe-andlbw"um I mms renbha.,bleod eoughsl, t.. ave, 00 hj' Use eofu b»,j tje, "Waryrat*d the i Most" -ider'td Reedy for- Field, mc. à Ii Pasteur'IDsIttute' cf Paria saéh tgaiu doue a atiable mer-vice to -tise on-ý suuntty iu'devlig a rremedy for tise fléI4 noice, irbic in uthe. Charontes have mutV ipiI.4 ut ae terrifie rTate, anud doue enosr. mns harm. Thie D2çysz, virus, as it Ã& inlMa,, Ifpropérlyd trbed, kils a98 pUx cent of the nmke' ýit tr e eki. 1hcauses accutafpous disease* reaembling typhoid& w lc ineuous', leair 1 viîg bilnpi except mice- and rats. - 4bwooleuo and 4 5 1%o--OWUU 3kg docrtks, U toN pew Yo rEipip. a Net aPies ntProspect Teulate briai abft ou p 1'Ps'u*, tln Amuuà rlea ta ueSa a mcfaIwusam q tII 'i ai fi u / ' I -4 I I 1'~ N I z t il i P 81 Wl 1 .