Whitby Keystone, 21 Sep 1905, p. 4

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Letts from Our ô Cqosé1In BUOOKLIN. for luale. &yo>1:shg ê@15 The Infant 8011 of lr. and Mros. 0m hudct a, O t~- i Mr. Trom culilca càli«I on Wilson. 1 Thos. Blggs, of Oshawa, died qulte Brou. iact S3uoda. pu audienly at the res1denice of Mrý b N. Blggs ou Wcduekiday.. Mr. Biggu Qmilte a number trom here. attend. wlth her baiby liad been here for elt&gre at tCaeoteV abou tw motheand ad ntededlumt eek.*aud report a g00<dtifle. abou tw monhs nd ad Itened Rev. Mr. Tott 1en, of Clar300~tb returning home on Thuredayl morn.enle here last Sunday murni.P The Mthodist ffHirveet Home" ,în TatgU< lrttrefoi(»- la to be held this yeaiý on Sunilay, Mra at. u.h3 left ea fr 0maltba O the Sth. and Tuefrday. the lOtb of 2 l6. ek evafr*aloa October. Specinl sermons will be b'.. aa ontA a u pt preacbed nSunday. sand Rev. R !t Ga hain Jshloton basput uPl 0. Jhnstn. o Torntcha@. en Mr. Wm. Pengn.lly bas flnished bisn .engaged to lecture on TneawIay eV. elaenetsio Men s ing -an aghe, we undprstand Mr. John Seldon Mus Ja. lngamanddaghtr.intends havlng h' sale the îniddle 0olPl of Los Angelos, C'ali, are vislting at n~ nnh Mrs. H. Bluighanh's. nMr. on L1et ehmeti Major and i Mrs. A'. G. Hetiderçjon %'.LnJmgt ahm h 6nwo oot)hv u~ week. as Mr. Dudley ha@ ail bies pathy friom their old time Brookiin Nr amer, M jttrced drige frieîîds ln the isad death of ther Mr .Jamonebs McIS.ttlk. o!U irg. ni daugbter, Miws PJertjia Heudýri;olfl. { cuFeD onbis bKtbun -i I a h m ro Mlr, A. Slinccr has, advertliied his 1.Uswohswa brefm 1Tornnt O. o garni stock' for s.qte b>' auction con M.NatrPalea oe rt Wepteniber 2M. i Mrs.ilaltCr.Erale." 1.homeov a Mir. Albert iKn11pp is 'vsiting rel- j MYday .. atIves liere zitterl' abse.nce of many RLE. QI, ., 1uite a number a'ttended the. te& 8 ~jAbO~'l.ooln for last Issu".) and concert in Columbus Moo1lar Mr aNl2i Mhael, wbo bati lateif c3'euifg. M . t t ý 1,1 been located il' L vn Conn., URer. A. C Wilsfon is Vlisiting <(iB basdeidd u rLun o ntarlo. daughter, Mrs. MeIrvifle, of Jordani Hlfe ndhis lbrot.her lUobprt have statio ' . 0* I ~nt*r<'dintoan aranguieft to Mrs. Ratcrnalu la i-iiting lnOu- work tugether, and havi' r ctv an awa. I i 1 miditional fariii, tht, orle On wibih Mr'. L. S-EtévPflsOfl as ln tof 'Mr. I.Eirrirolla beei Vhie ' Mond&y rnornilg. yea r. eague had to be 1;pone101d aM Ri.Cai.foger, who lis one J af Sunday evenlflg on account of thea Mr. ra'iysaîi. iki~ e in. No dloubt 60me o! the youne f foia trec 0on 4iturdlsy, ia diitance peopie. r, ads onousella. of uout <) Cnt. lie ý,trîcek on 'Mr. Brîg n o usi r bissholdi' nd ite. ndwaý ap- back In their summer resort. 1arently %vry Nefrimisly înjiired bu)tt Cheer uP. oubscrepnet wasat orka~Ui (1 onaY.not Mr.%*eît Black tg visiting ber multel, the worse for thle accident. dlaughtfpr in Toronto. M.10111, i LeiS, wbo no% liVes Mmý1. P. A. Hubbel and staff o! twrM. Zion. ilias 1,rchati,& NIr. opple peckers diatui'b our peaceful1 menluI' rsnd rl t\1po- iilage bti ingng "The Shade o! ,,esien wl hort)>'. 'xI.Le andi the olti apple tree," etc. :anty ~vli s' ~zLdi wecoind l>ck iEla Todd and Mîso Mi ta iti. niglilborlio(iK. wlitr# they zare 1Pearson @peut Suoda.? with the 11iow 50 avo! ahi> KnOwrl. ornlOi"5 pàrentb. Ovrthirty tickepts r(i' Lb" Px- isP.Fraucl illaent Sunday at cutrsion to flrullin. werc sukild tre on ber borne h iOki e. .E. and Mrs. Gregg, of In-ý gesa. re 'ùîig tlr tafl"Bs Qon saturday eveilng. et n Mr. Grogg prpieeê'l t lirockî le 11 - FnirNiew." the home of D. 4 and 1 idi * rs. Turner, of Whitevaie, was the 'Nlr, Geo. Pringle ibas now drcîed¶ ce v! îry happy ooeii.10'i. ta remnail in Brookli through the wvhen a large nunibel' of friendirmet corniig ln'. it-'will oeCUpy the to Offer congrtultiiftofliand help lower fiat ori li i wclLng, whîcli he relebrate the' twenty-fifth anniver- ititdttiv ha( i~t Lwd iii). Mrs. SOM- mary et théoir wedduîng. The bride 'Nstsrm. lnith & 1ihicson dîi weli ait thle Ottitwa Fair with, thpir ?hoî'si, sveuring it large nuinher of prli'i.. Tlrislso 130olà four of thoir hborses. .Mr lwî',t- Sinith, tbe Steretany. ,Raf iîdMessmi. Doolttle andi Stocks. atiit<da tnetlniig o! the jiioaing club wn l da vriIf t myrtie-. IL %%-lisdercdtto bodit , match ln %lue lity of Myrtlç on Oct. 19thf. Anuîrtnlwi' o! our faruier are iai'- mlg aut' ii: salpti la the" near future. John J. Tcr,.viiigtir leseiling bis larai stock and linieinPtlflt. obn îys lml going to OehtiV.a. whei'e im <lîidrea ciin attend sunda' o~ne '! ouir yotin$tmein hait renteti afiar n nr Brooin 1 . Comtint oveats <ast -their sbadovs belons. 1Iloraco ' Mj#i si"tebeccit hlolman ri, P"ic'AI-. bert. la î'llitinp ni. Mnâ..R . Mr. leur>' Wilson,.! k01 'ng was -lit town the fîma t o!tise wesk postlug bla-iale, bille for noeMO-Un j1ay. Tienry thinks tIui W-l11 ,ie Sthe 1best op, ortiit co! a lftetime - to oeurS' appie tieso. -- c' aot. B.,o! Wbltevalf, Pro. pof;ûd thoe tunet .o tihe bride, anti the' groomsnan Rrespousteti ln a happy n lilner. Speeches were :ntnt&ti y otiiera mrs. Dr. H. Iuop- kîng, (o! <Ircen flh'er, Whe was' pro- I i«ent at the fîret wedding -sud pi&Y"-i idl the weduing niarcis, vu5is lonpro. fie'nt and i led furnleb musie. Thon prgnwere their two chîiireu, e iiowlard andi Alce Banti friens froui Toronto. T14l' onburg, Ortilla, Cherryiwoud. Rlochét.tr, Oreon Rtiver, Wyoming, "Iowa anti Wbt*- raIe. Alil jolned ln wlsing tise happy coulule msA>' returne, 5and hopeti theyy tire Lu tocOebrat* tiscir golden wedtlng-NewiL aen. *ri u . 0 r mLw vas ping~ut, L truwk patrie Otue~t'4OOWwliclttanmoe - amer l titi'raye'4 ntoe astnAok.Tbei - Itslmsl»t !b pbws à TtS oolIege "en ed aa n the t1h lutst u md 16 noiW ;toe l 111-for se comlng y eer.. Tbe staff wê.-1 saaa11 tJie es meU c-Xcpt for' thb.ý Ap . oîntment of Mi'.s Wbeebor, a mIeun. ar o! the. Facuity 'Of tbg (>onhe> 'toriy of Iueir, 'IorLnto(4aie "OMa) iaehr: issMOIno. iresklent muule teacher. lu charge of tihe-De- mrtuentai; aud NMr. WL J. Saltèr# 3.A&, of Oshawva. an honor igraduate )f 'Victoria UniveruItyp as Claiclal [aster, vice Mr. J. 0. ]Lorrimats B. k., resigneti. '.,If". Salter1 il expected ýo prdve a. very, suceessifui anOi po. ular teachor. Mr. Lorriman bs ecelvet tise appoihtinent o! Àssoo- ate Edtor ot the m"Hardware and neta.l Journal." a weiI known trada paper aituiste inwMentreal. Wma Or'.dof Astbmk.- 111 firet sed Dr. Chua syrup ci Linseed andi Turpentine with- my aughton who su!ffered from a severe orm of aitbma. The. least expoa. are to cokl wo;iid lay hex< up andi dS would neanly suifocate, for w--ant'1 of breath. Imueît eay 1 found it to be a Inost satlsfactory treatment and It bas entirely cured .q.' iMrs. M& A. VanBuskurk,, Robinson St., Moncton, N.B. Whitby Fair Niotes. The eîîtries for the fair are begin- ning to corne ln alreadv, ang 'will be ret'elved by tht: Secretary. Einer Lick. Oshawa, ont., up tun six p.m. ]Priday . Sept. ,ZDt4. Entry ticket@ asnd MeMbership tickets will ho found at secretary's offlice at openlng or fair. The couit o! malkiug entries lu the poultry departnient lu 25c. Ali other entries are f ree. Ton 'per oenf.. ut al~ prizesi awarded to, one e-xhibitor nnd nmouotiug to $5 or over wvlU be dtrdueted. The prises this year are to ho pahi i&fter 4.80 pin, W1%edneara, Oct. 4th. Thse prises ln the Schooi Children's C omn. petition ill ho paid at 4 p.m.Tu esday, Ockt. 3rd. The alternoonii o! Tuesdtsy andi Wednesulay. Oct. ard andi 4th, wiii be mnade as near aa possible equally as gooti. Two racing events are arrangeti for each afternoon. Other attractions are- belug arranged 1fkor. The expermnental plots are ln «od shape again thiai year, and wll bear elose htspcctlon by ail ôuýw fainers. The boys andi girls ae~ tending our public scisool chouldtwtb gottlng read.y to wIn mre or!t prises egpeclaliy offeroti to thesu. The attention o! exhüitorw lu eaig. ed to sectlou 32 of primo hiest. The section should reati: Boit Mariu 34.- The remaînder applys tu follow-ý Ing mections. An>' porion wrhe bail net yst ne- Sei% ed a prise lDst and wibhes one, shoulti droWla card to the. aecretary, Eluser Llck, Oshawa». Ont. Scho.I CîlIdaeas Couîp$tiom«. open ouly te isupia attendlg sny publie sebocilnlu catîb Qutarlo,. AUX boy or girl coupetlptg una>' secure the vanlous arLiei abois-n b>' theniany plae 'tisey. eu pet then. Ail articles muet la-lplac«eon Tuesde>'. October" ni. at 1 .80 %m. Fach echlblt*>r shahwrite bso ber ia me isud poetofIIce -ietst on acard whloh mef ut W attaeod. to tise at"cl. Ticets wilil b. fousd -0nth O table for:osbt, sshlbch us e u«m4 for Thom. wfio luteuti toe ouje.1ln tii, apple namlig .onts.t mont ho en hand ut 8 -p..,. Tuo.4a7. ' 00* prissela taêh fnt'sui xoep 7.-1 lai t 4 Z., &» 4rd 2e%- N<ws offl,.-< ThDlpflsl Chwk. T1%0 paiter wiil.priech e tare. wolI oçrmo .nson $uuduiY lext. thf- evening seerion belng ý,the lait 'th.1 congregation wil.have the. 9ppor. tunity o! hearing fýrein bis u#P!R for along time. Dbtlesq, the hurcb will bc 'crowded on that omcasonuI On mondSY eventi»gthe. meeting oft thse B.Yý.. .will ho interestlog, as ever'ii p&perB will ho res.d on the lires of thse Aposties. It the close of the evening ser- ,vice on Sunday next a meetingf of the membel'B wili lie calleti to c0on- eider a eauti t another pastor.. A. large represevtoýtIon la desireti. Ail SaIs' Church. fiarvest thanka&;Iiuig services ul Itle held on S'unday uext, Sept.,24th, & Il Suinta' church, il a-rat andi i.Hkxrrîsun àason, of saIt- cents. N.W.T., with. bis wlfe andi j utie daughttr.,Ihave beeii vleitipz t & Il Saints' rectury,;.. St. wlob ,Cburb. Owving to ilineu XLMr. . C.arp, pas- tor.in-ohargag bai. had b gi e up 1bis work bore for thse presont, much to, the regrt of the. congregation. ' He retured to, Toronto st woek. Tho Rev. T.,B. 0 Meara, roctor o! Trlnity chumch. Toron to. wiîî off. dlate at both 'services on Sunday next. Simda y ai the Taberacle. . Lero@ ae bing dellghtedcat tose Tabrnsarec.On lngday ldat tRe Mm. rossle. Od-elîvureti tw v erypr. tM.nto ant frc d isceedtouvry er.o pnantcand su be. Th e even pcnrtion 'vbeca. 'Thce eti owhg c thergalo hev ab ut t.h»,ed ulg ut- tedanea angeruttha nisual.T-s toenanc.ern'on daretait w l The quanIity o! <l'.tn dt itn t e gIonslite.ofbaseti ntJob. 1l8.-haitll thou eolfe aed onhJobervant Jobu o therere nou ervant ,m luoth for th er!e nou am im lag the e thatferectband i nt mnt away f nom cr1.*" It wae salil o! Oladatoise liy -Sir Wlf nid Laurierlu rariament that "ho wab distincut- ly andi es&tntially a rcliionues pirit."" This lis, the 'bigbeittbt .,-of pslepossilble, In this tatement la revealetilthc- grepLrst neeti o!' the world to-day. ilhat Chrlî>stian peuple sbouid ho dlstincil3 religlons. ln tiseir mIntu courso wiVtii M8».-The liuprest-lon the religions tuna» beave lèhtlnd hlm shoilld be emuphatb t i distinct. Gladatono 5religlous .Char* atter titi pot le#ssel ni bllltv 1or IRUke hlm le igeCOfl¶PICàOiUé# emoQt na oci .tterlre. with bits uggfulueîii' lis chamuoter was suclh -that tise %çonid r.ee.zed the reailles$ .of it. Anl true charasct' hould stasiti that anralysas by tuseworid. Oed- bas mjade fIlePart 11) Ouir 'elIglOU lfrery 4tssct and .plai,.,and we abong itt that la omr atti" tu* tewars t llm atid 4tr'pro;#-. sgin a# ad&e for Ouir, acept- to reniove u I 4omüpi'Qle with#$vl amil ufus,.'taiity ta*,le what, eoum *qur l *hsablta»l. gnfrm ocn~otOOmaît 1 rêauz* that »0i ~show Ail go.oaare aodfrcash at -'peS liihes~ riepsd foraF& itr cash when des!"&, W.A7HvIia Part, ZHUN 44, IAlamI'j Horseshoe Pads Kp.ho~~s~d la iL. fut muid <w. hua a longer ~ogkhgllfe~ Hdptoi~ite mut forms cf hoÃ"t trouble. 'fln ouIy *rea~ii.mt for na~c. MdwDsp1~ts C... LialuoL Tersai. vv Foe sale hy al~ Rardwm flesloe~am4 Dlae&ualtb xao saner truth ýcoUlti? ho uttered for' tise admonition o! tii.'Young, - nld do woil to heetI t. Thessq - good tnoughts are the. prc'duct et tiie bigiser nature, andi the foflowing o!, bUlty for every., life. It la. a ques- tion of self-control, -whloh'le ýtbei.' basis -of responalblllty eud the ground of futur. Judgmnent. Neit Suiday wlil ho observeil au Rally Day In the 8unday Sachool. Teachems and sobolars Witt niake 1a- plecial effort to reauh tbe , igb" water mark of attendance on that day, andl set a standard foi ,thé year. , > speelall1y prepsired-' pro- grammé for the servIce has been le-' oued, andi a cordial 'InvItain ýla-ext tondeti to ail parents. andi trientis of. the sohool to be presont ýanti asalet ln the serice. It le au' opporturi.i- Ity to show an interest ln tho chilà. ron, and encourage ail eonnect«4 more Intlma.tely wlth the acbool. Boatrd oW fducatlon. q for YfhIOl a iotiact -b ati beeà eouj teredinto.L Threré was 9mre dîsonsslomi as to whs<tlei ile carçtakers wore i e4 pectod to remore the' Contents o! the scisool pits,,huit no decision was a?'. rivledi at. Mst'.HuXgar-tiantiGolI'.- rinü,g hoidtb ie duties or '4h caretab* ors coveked tus work. T!he follôwing, resolation wae pan'. ed by a vtaudýiug vote Ma.m. q.- Ok mn eondeti by~ bir.' Barclay, mores that tuis board, iuLving le4met with deep regret of, the un.4 daiughte? cf Mjor A G ledrsn who.- for man11 yea rs , very ably fM14 id thsepositon ýas eommcrclal speo.. lailit, o! -the Co liegiate ,Institnto. de* sire te- express, to Major Hefldersofr thesnce ypty of tbe' mou'- - er t tho. -board with -ui4'and hie' fally uItheireot ber'eav- mont anti tisat a oopy o! ttres3o' lution libe transmitted-by . the secrt- tary 'to Major Xionderson. Thse Witby Board o! Bducattoxïç v metonWtneaerngwé the tollowlnxg ingembor re tpr* oeut.-Meisa. Harper, chairmanFr Clelan O'anran Jacson 1ug- > gard blarclay uand MGllli'vry. Ad~ applicatlIon wa.% read f romi Mr. s1f WM.Vau valkeiiburg, -ashing for an " takier ot>tthe ha>' mchool. Acon,» usan deferred., for anotiser- monti. Mrv. Ferguiscuroported, that (thse pron.rt, - committes hati. recelveti QîîIte-vOnumber vrwp outl Suinta>' igt by' lint( to returil 4u Lêweatesr' i 4 2ê you cant of exc1ius -- ouf =;;F -r Mmik» 1,%

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