Whitby Keystone, 21 Sep 1905, p. 3

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il I1 -opa De oI'.Ilnd. ofe mo'derxvcrime and a4,èÏ%< etoT of-the eckeofa dl ý " g O, frokm e lso rro r s a ihi.i(1, _tne pzak oitehent oý Iulasna, SoUtis eca'w1irt. i>Lu»,#pent sevcnat,.yeam otQi&u in. Roepof«es f'ound Guerin là ~ide-- fiat, whoe le,,Mlved rnontiis, t nghtheýTe*.dâ o1 ,h penal adnàlêtIÏo tn, show- obe dcad. s narrative--the tale of the iah'being except 'Dreyifustha* ped- alive from Devil'Is!and-. 3Ute most reîuarkaie story twa refortned criminal. Iof Consul agents and th ii.û iwhich iras finailly affected troma.vse wi4à teis howlfe of 0"* irdens and GiterinY. ~pe occurn'ed Mareh 2, -ana at. ,ýies of melodramatiie advu- ,ftich included a fQLr.dayS ".r wnste land by Guerin au4d r aiptùre by Indians, who tra iii .y, lie reached'tli'e ë 4e at i'aranaribo, who smugnI6c Uniird a New York bous» u'ndeï the name of "Dr. Jamies of I>ittsburg." wy erip,,ended i4f Guio ~d in New York -10 oe) cuperating fromi the bites of insecte tht ho eo.qp1terd lit and frcsm the de.blfty that' his barrowi g lminpoument, returiied'to, Clncago, butnot Ihauutt4. ô:&montIs lie bas Vld it andi restaurants las Ohlosp bis oid frîendsansd former » save met hlTn, but alnmimnat .gmzedbrus. Ho dedki~ it e edfor ail timne, and t.het lia ao live a respectable litf e Atse o!f Opeistors Mai# usbp Âutomat.ic 'Phione. wPaiî Sept. l8.e-Is tise'teob- 1! doomd440 belome MaiDi- tii. past? That àsm tii. qUis Wi agfitate thse MIsD4=oÇithe wupoi4 thousauda of fair .pn- len they loins-o! the maito rythe Qonsolldated TelepisOu 7s 01 Poxms#iva*laet a bere yesterday, in adoptlng the telephone and abol13hlng the cw telophone lsan autonsatio rhereby each subseriber cigl othar be wants by .cttlng a- jreSSing a button. eent'to the directons sbowed, ianuat. telepisone exehaugeis-u - of $50,0Z0 could. be operated 2grlcs ystein for $27,OO0. itàgensent' ent.ered Into CQUn- o< 'haxie the Âii»towILam& oeean f tilt Conttildat pa4seqâippcd with thse s- s v4nt.»re proves aueeésu.st, afl. t'I principal exchanges OU the, sted , _a t lteacling, IMmcli b4 hlhton, Weissport, Danle1s- ifleotn, . WiIkesbarre, Semais- Cas-bondais, besides a tnm-- auxiiiUarvexchangos, wlII b. Ne furn -'i s'br ina ew and à; 0lbYISJ~sot io re- uat is fae-t $en4ib~e ~q[ut l.. r ; o£ulariv . W k ra r a nise a*$ t 1 a nId éd __ ' yth êà ë esmework oiwrnikles kha0ýMV elnt __ Eulkn oUoma4nly als but wsôie uplgli ngan ubg t$t vowuldi Ied oe- e aarëa4lto bllveth imRations abournd. but'a d F3 'in ejoubo t4ss~ ew~ut sor o is- 4O~i-al~6ee " @ir, ýBli"l5** sys, ain tlit,* iatbe- ta. ese i k n ie&àoo n - - ----- yltedd , compamioi--5 *hîtdo yu cll 1,dort-o t ce* ---o---,» lys, BeIL 'ol,noospe ,,- 1~iIts atr with nsh~syes cia]y on or.atiet ~.~~s. pmessemet, mkes room to plàéa,ààa dora ofnôblyax-re osnmru ithsnext toBell;, sud reqlùests tbkou toeinesViai itl i u, %SsKiil vieI ii celleucy, Oousst OW o&tn .eany besh, es sud dukes Mikoff4, wiil parkeofay qpupr grow -o Ilke.-bluekbmles; in - lRs< èxeelleÉcy, -witha"ceniprçes iv erzMan ,ý fsys 4al. "We !: apnjncess !bOw t tue compsuy, <ats blîciel!i, wlpee, ta aprineas nywere, sot hé, Bell.?" bie moustace. ii smkn am y$ plainsRe. alndtfeutfalswhel.at tbey queste on. Ion-a.Ruidm s omht "rNrel awul oindof acle aWII<» iwiu.)R uete ho l isen ws et "Hsot ' os lmaa hnd I.nu tt sst " conusin wirh an the mner OéQe" hem;'is , tout ofge qiei' iow wre pop , on ee-beis srus ~epetdarvai lytsfMtesbohvsu rdtlrn pepl siJ4l'à dgod-aurd .ti s igsta-at.kl I -wll t dstub yor fslsng or fce-~us-.my.R ave do m enu o, *l,o emeutle wtandthis blaesl tis. îjpd * I -eIeuïa lm eta s-ic.»n ufrmd y uetiatyV wr omfe ndcrai r le t intB sn v "Nl tse archones,-, lsedeablts bing "andW., G Mudle bor1 eit i on the f t il sua ' 1Us sîle. int"ent Io c-da n op tIse otl Y'okt n . .T.une ay s Wbesi m may Ua, ingig t akwi 0re r-A l3am ca ie d Ual»pViO. st Ifere4a grat dei. Ue ganwon- Is ~oiig bt ntfdahxgto "Ys, "H i, she repeata, sud theam hb lov grands ai wThn-is olnadlfa cd h a rs l'unh staig a ol.h» h i-ttesudinn tiithbovolueme,,-'Ilitele are Vo ogie 1tatueiot sa i s d mets, Igo abo ot ab' "n'finnaus us petymie.Badileead and sheài cebrwsptna m-csq wbgn o mroea ncs "Fo godcessàe on' eu e nt au Mm Brtain¶" - ae ofnfuio it.y ta <'M aya Ï , le aug h n di "L tae Oh4"maa1Fi,"du t e m n M ot-'-ýbrtct aetsogi lo an me~~~~ rfel11. heidos ho gaabutpeopleht.ak ou Bll fîon& »e-t .esi- 'h Tblteae ruy sb wlh. namc sd resi i "obUBrtathon,' mise stys,%le kil is y no-e r ntearive ih a no eiin 3gaa.t 1t mountebm nks l 'tri tys t o-~ etysxcu epes l," h theni nmsedosnt nesstndsu'Ia- Wh' o have u <spiste asnir bacf hiioe Té&y, 11ndnise> youénotci 1" - gun m lIvYa e d tW1usi'sand hMth. Nâof r«li..n I is ie ilnue arwie not at-csturb youSc ihi - fr noy"eî"leays wi.ys hniusa -eie the majdcnor sëmd oo. tied eiues, su n th e, uIe Aalli..ots sl- hr."' md l g qeaut' eou ildneas 1" m god 'Pve ten'taied i oaste o es, aewora hild ul iretios ih ding", "' Iesl kowt. -Lt eogstea <Nëo'>y. Ual &jlon tii, a she Say, nut ' hhat o f theplac i le N'ê caste' <'i s n .Moua 5ns,, , b( M b>'e ohé Englimis lett, te un it i-wism lwei »utel. mer ud ata ta -'rbjtl odeo~ o w-tu'Ts r îlmn eiie0. l"mye*, jsaesi bo aiso.Tienxtraent n e ntiontierfaseome popl t e iho. BYlrkoillei Ont.' . "Tie Mrqus f Fmndle» sid aLMisyui ltte P h wnig ts ne 'aupadknuiri ie oue. Mofaksigite n aS u sayseRnt real, detéaoitw FrncyrJo nnerela ra eL gmw are sudWiltrummebe. t- a leo e u ts indlngeboy p atis uit esnt et ieiqrciostt adrslsl o é'ô ay ~a c, tisâi~ t ý I g 113 " p. t test am , su d mst y t w ni'i th1*u haav n d lie.I! eyedoze cstice ii in coan . Twelvuaddiionau off iia t s t ar >1 e jeu4 'y vtialag , Mr.Beh a mpuz l# sde ightl dazd truiloior !, omt eopl' ase coten &Y S a y i i s~ ei y ts Iio o i a d o u , b yss fce h n wt n. I b n t lievesakthat wlsen memepcr etc a > ' b W hnsu, eceand nane le Vanetheuis;tlenho-gatt egtrm pipe. puts up bis hum. Uc mars-led my hO s-id. and that lo n- oyon B lldo I fr- c ts UltenF'iel Asotaine ailea mye thugtfll. muner o ugl s etism e v ley ati laa gbe r urne -aid e ne:'Ysssite- Cnada. AhIà*m cf tist. " r od n der tisegadirectionervdfsuperviai o Pr of. > m m-Jebans1 o? ,"m ay gatFor ifdg; >tiyaxse to iema hm h emt Ds- roc Bi!s cisd nil ad nyleet, nud my b. ele 'Sc'b .stri..... femetly ~ ure do't now. Nowhli~ e aiu ?Il ain ued Wen d ti you er lt, a l, ris. N aug the re Ts ale m. nowrtby e - coi- te Tie gil lo atat lm wth alttie îoW ellh a , kiu l. uen hn i 1 "ge h ao-w agaju. - 'the i iweor domo. Bnews-s, Lys, ntIay lo. TI e fellowlngls 1rave mul pSylat b.r -mobile In b8emaie n d bold aowywtsbtr a. ugo, wrasontit" ' '1, the o.St:.byài'e preît-.sn use ou,"o, s-b le rt n ' h sable- a nd -hbt otoapa cey" nq is i'Bell sently <ud4y 2 malknt8U.1 8î it 1W' 1 b di3' ".4.nd abe'm it aelonis-s es steytetwa eaortaow busuâ,tndJ. -- '- _ - 1u -t91lm et " "No" Ul. ç!s'tiat- mdties cltt oysheughThe e hal if eut e)uly opea e eop c l n it w, n uouek-il,, miLk i etainq" mse ays frnky. Lt a alit onte -tar, fi or cfthevin iseathaspe C = "NO- vno, ative l, thu. Sttakinett'WJdet(0S a e &hares -jiiustl'ytisore e r. Fra Blting by a te at ise o pn lndw ceaulit aSem ea&tlsese'It i wItb Jeanne OwTU>, r EM , q -.1 mess-tisai la-" ~ý tet , ltitheon. baud, ad beting off thése fus o f ershsoweu4as .o~r eu -$ ~ obl. 4 i> a daIè thoat," a Ulfmbln Scma lts is ths- Ptsmetonse'w., is îs<u «ils bs.mke l, e> e face,"bisvilme mitauzise aniighbs ws ed og;Olnm1uug tut4 e ' t elaecntent 1- l IitynwnIn< nutI bIlôo nhihnsoe ois a b 1 t thoe rpre .W sabunst hoosup vthe tisey, it ge-ten gt nrte--; i ote: olrsi3trq and., M ,41,hèe ___-ae ah. ayanoVbut-peite sile, assige ts tii. y etii ' l agi .'ik, wôr, .%r... a r Wlséý eni g;ka ws.fart:a.wy- _.TÈe bumglas.s inake ha>'»' F'I ~ ' sominous "bit, fpas-ody la espe.- lil>' aPPraptiaLte fo101' Ne*w Yos-kers at-, cié f tise,>'eO ben, s* man>' ciii- ~~sns~ ~~ hd4,lce p tîcir iheuea r ertaeut 1<>a~edàaWhleýletatise' ceuisy.sLt -ela 'tise Vacation ,monts tsat te ,busglaýrseee- tise, City. zTueý Oùiitryý tison lias -become tee, danseru -Tise nigste are sesh aort-tisai éS bar!> gt te "'os-k on a jo'bintse heurs whes-fols aeeps, oundçst, betore tse ,igt beg ls te break. Iu wa mr we atler - -to5J peopie leave their ' windows open;i 1su .holdh. a te use a bit et dy- n'ie -In oVeronsing a particulani>' stssbhs-n loh tseexplosion, breaking] tse deep stilinese cf thse cou-ntry; wouid~ b. supe of a.rusing ,tiseneigbboodi for- Mile around- In tise city hoWever,l tue thtef- eaun wrk moes-saf cly. le ea id roMs the earsly app rouea -of daY 1a ise :deep shadcwe cf taui walis, sdhe Çau dmown tise click of his "jack»-' Or tse- repýo f lis safc-craelu-ng bat le the roar ef, paahing trains or Cars. lain eemtàinparts of thee oit>' met, now tise 'Unfusual aCtkitY O! thieves bas caus- cd. a meitable, paie., lu Eut New York, tAs- exasple, there have been mo iran>' burgians sui n«ek tsieves abreai t tat wcn s it oden mit tmp nighta witis aU -manne- of firearm*is hanit>'to mrqeelat- tache, Pive thetta lu tbeue- eons lund- ed -'y hBradftord am Pultos streets, Ar- legtou andi mile- a venues, were me- p.Iorted rocentl>' lu,-&a-single sl Int i tise eastem issection- e'tUarlcm 30 bus-g- laites have, occurre in lth "riest 10 days. 5$tsà t tongstmaes scriol ,v,4c îlasp systema sud moe complote metsods cf identifyiug ecrimin- ais, the- bu-glars-eesus to e . teanei ulOWâdias- muelsmore than be sssed te b.. Au e vidence of tlisa la the tremen.- do~ growt ot thse burglar isuunnce buainems in tii ountry in e nt Urnes. e litie iee thun 10 years mgo praoti- cmli> aiteffot te'meu e pp!agaimst .orgeuizeit àýfor tisMa pus-po.se, but aftex may>'ViolstuCdes te>' ejdeitl a ihi Sethat nes.niT'a 'deze cespo-pe tiens bve core suto existence, sud se laro l tie-bsinsstiiey, do ,t sIlu tis lait,?yanr they palil oýve-P417l biniaX7 losse.in, tise sanime tfia-t This' lucresiug drieao 3tsebuoýùrg.r1 Id dne t6 thée-fieltUit-be nover ,wa» mzore formidable .-or. use active -tisa n et tse preseuzt tlnse. Lu tise. ayet0 groatek wealtls tis tenspts.tlôni whchu aromes allurig te the thiet bave beeù susulntipllé4t. ocnseqpsehtly tbere areimore diamptouc1ie, and, crimes- o! a sisu ian chas-acter so-w tsainlutise pat. Thse disSovu>' of more eftéctive ted, assit .mure power> U exp osives bas 'minci aid- oit tierobbem, tsnd altsougs ho -dosa iot Iattenipt as- etten as b. itito bleu 6îÉ,ty.baulca, because 'of th'ef zthar ay8témsseand associai natroIés.- hiâ (causé of maiùe * diastet's ifâl beset the Iiagthý of ý the, t-~Th4iIflôre, ta to the triumpha Of,'vintn in perectngof uxnn'control ahd mah agement that we -must look "for an ei.ýý P.laInatien of the, ailbute absoîute Becunity .of eté'Uâàl ip rael to-dàay. The secret ,of th!s security into be found 'bot in theStructure of the *p'itself an& 'in thel maivelously ingemjous- devices mhiehlcent;e and invention have piaceà eit t'srie ftenavigtor-togude hm luthe miore perilous pbaies 0f ie duty. Wlthout enumerating those éle- imitsof water-tiglit subdivision, vast 817-e and bettor' control in, the-ship it- self-, or the wonderfuiîy sensitive and refjned apparatuis at teh'e comand of the modem navigator, we need* but- re- fer te -two of the ver; Iatest safeguards, in.the form of wirelesa&-telegrapliy ;;à suBnàârIne- signaling, to show that' the present immwiity fromi accidents is 1raceab1e to clearly recognized human causeb. The last-namied invention is a close rival> to the- wireless telegraph in- the great inerease that if bas'nmade in the- *afety, of' travel on the sea,--. Testimony to its ýefficieney was 'rectiy'given by an oftim ofetthe Kaiser ýWillielm- der Grosse, 1 upon -whiclh tii. zew equxpment in carsled. We - have 80 freqùently de- seribed the device lin the comu of the. Scientifie Amerie4u that it is suffielent to say that at tlâe lighthouse or light- ship there as a belI upon which -signaia are sounded and that upon the-.ahip- la carzied:a reciving device in the _formý of anA rosi tank attached te the-inside of the plating below the water, limef Irom which wsresare to be led to.tele- phones ini the cbartroom or on> the bridge, One, reeeiver je piaoedom. each side, of t4e aMp,-with, sepaate' wires frontm each, and' by the usie of the tele- phones the offleer is able to hear e bell that is being sétmuck >at a, point - MD7' mesdistant fs-cm thse shij> and deter-. mine1' ita diretion, The'-.1offieer of UtheIKaiser W-Iihelmude Grss tates tint ron tii lut trip over, when thie ship, was four miles 4listaut f rom the mouth of thse River Wesner, h&-X plitinly e-u iesignal coeveyed from, -the, lightshtp there. . Purtiermore, a t!,, vessel néared,_Nîntueket su trïons th«e -1ghtahip, h.ie ard -througk- tue telephon. the signal <'66," -This con- sista of six strokes .cf thse bell, - a pause, and thon six more sitrokeis eoi the bell, Whlch le thse-Nisuk1qlgtaipcode sigal At about ltse sa=i distance -front tusé Pire IsIa*4 U]et, stam tis e Sâaa dy Hoçk Iightshlp tie re9peCtive ýsignais 1 were dstnctly audibl.t ieaue of tbis,deviee lupre'ventlng coluiws 1- tween approaching sips la videt, for ýil bas tis advaptagn over tise foglion4 that thse firection of thse apprahn vesse!, whetber trous 'port or starbozd la determineid .t once by the fMtý thst Uei umidea &e audible to tbe pr~o as cbool 1 doss eno,éaI., Sept. 19- BaOiigis prigon celi to corsfront' hit 1 aqelate in the boodlifng- oombIé nator from san Franciw0, raade a ceisplete o.ntessidn 0~ m~ rbtan4 in'Juge1at' Q, 'here the trial of IE. J. Z' 4tU- lie four bLat.e $enator$ 1U4tdit4â ranX jury, ivas lWprogress. »BûÉî s lied bhue plai Çf camlpail, Sé was one %%hereby thse uildI** assuciais of thse State %VU* held up"and cQQipelVlU1tq >y ïe tgid ef remeiiîg money,taol J 1os cpliJor<zu iaithadrope4ýý et. c.nd said, tluat Inr nM hâIi4 hbis, sharo but tw i4onitSîfW"U 'atylie tld of thç tcrOý ~îtfelowçtthe cxpoise inth tîlse last cflfciece- Q We1in i oxti ovr i4sppsal 'of biflet&nd e ue' sîý%tb &-de Vo cicar therincV'es 0 4AST j;

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