it rom msake 1tht ettect i *as8 the lei. yin£ en ,èm a tr nt<bu hTbe.Ulne ws11 4 dtal came it'tei and attatched theW .rect.d uuppor. -Bi lumps az4:,b.em, t Biard Eu .,Been ,Xa rhiti. iro essor of C torss w. moeot 01oIassiCS <WRihzq" îÇuddonofuëlIus BoÃ"k luse et'wihat à cat of r iiit talce, nwU stI 7 ne yPrlice 11,fu- n iyà Iie fu eLnariaL recelv e -th éI ~f reIn ihtwd> bit a, ý t*ke 1,1g0 1 i>14gbt of 'the t la the room tbax, hlrtiseIf, who0 'w to talceInto t èe(Jrown PrIne. Tbe proléiadoxnid: "I d IncidOfitO wbtaldgtii. lace et Coinfucîus la ot alter theiiti'ou ,the llook f o!Cnfuolus, ange a succoostul or fa.IIUr. Not so U IrOYr > nes, Coeqije abe bis ,as 1 thetlophone Éclu ether tÉthyre ordmarjmen 0 o ti1dtuOLO Iprne. lt ie Crown on 0 Prý,ine not acque8c ~thé çvrOfe8s- u, s-sr b 4e reszgn. eH.,ws aftrward 1S1~* £ b. '70"9gprince was4lath tke fPee4é# g.he,-was a terror, -to the tbe; ybung fel ' iti.detit, who, belng sonfl0 141. the feudi1dlmos und- otiier xotableI, ' h*id te -. subiito hll nanay qffiArrel, là g no,_matteir .*retbhî er liewas ht or .te.Crpwn Prince Isa -darlng îyowig , 4ubfuüi *wb4Iir, e ould lie ybât for-bIs 'oit8>pr doingi. à £splend4iia ýrsektin. V. buute s.l 'motow caft aiie *bing, Us %f o Peu o~r iis;Ameprca iheo good romoe ruent. within >receût years, -1m, beconie a question of ntionl imprtanée1Wat -the, *xeeétion o! a.tefW- &tateà é linotably New Jeriey a XMahuSett5>-theub. jett Ã"! btter rods, wa.stheut aa4ýýuht thai gave, the legialatorls the Uibt par- tibIé 9f trouble. The Âiïtotà obl4eCîuI oi Amà erca lai its younger da"y exp end- ýa tremnendoui amount of argmenta. tive energy in e ndeavoring to caie the lawmakere of New York ýtunoiÙney ex*pended on good roada ,wÃŽa. A%'good business iýnvostment. ThIr :ýapp Mis 1roughtout a few thouiaraddo r acinewhat, grudgingly giveg.,. jFinay the generous suin of one huadred thou- soîid dollars wu appropriated, and at thé forthcouring election a constitution. el amenineut wil bu pireiented tao the votera ,providing 'that thp SU.atç, may ten yeîirs folôr ihi iuildng o! Ampo. waorotd Ag'tation bas beezip'"4UctlVe of! uuo. *Iai,<oo rsat.~j 4thrStatms.two- Ima 1J n S Ilà -t %-plea for fie t ail perl& l t W ~ . ~tteIntoui"a d wbre ~~hà tê !oe. M. 'Y u4ed the Iagu01,o ~lgf derfu.Myommua gothe Igaâé- or i WashngoaDuake, t4e built up, i dïa eit, 4lovn , nd mud it aIn a& t the. ait possible moment 0 tttuto eut o! tle iMo#untcl- BmOs b, £3018011ue uriu solO la the. il the <'posnsilsn amx -' êrom u %?toidus.-. W, VOM to.Ont WON~ U~i PrHinpa. Doà âa~a etilaSouth The. domestIcatIon of the, ou.trich la South Alrica for the ,g6 of its plumage tooe place, eua-tlwa tbirty eapao Iro.dayth- cp - rrtagmb Osiilclhes are curionsbfm. ual. bhîd sitse où tii, <&p~ ohé u~ sn- tyduty dUrlngt ht d&Y, &md thê curions Ing. Théi. Incuibatwon INts fromc fortym two to fort .tlfv-d. 4ys. Weaelgbt days oe étheb i d atre f W Wle ifeatheza are rero aca --.pla.ed over tii. ead of th.br4 whlch à aÃteA put into a b=x. Te testa- ~ents- r4êotcut unessr operly maturèd- thats-to-uy,,w e eblood vola rùn-ý fuIu An I9be 4quU1bas: pgull dn!IJ d Inova 7LIG~T. r- d~tim rideal Cthe 'W~ras beau. tup1wesb 4d <r *aS blow- lustu hi the.bire on thei.r wayj and à et under such favorablç Circumatances lwof!'the -birds atta.ined a à speed oî a mil a'miru~, w~p i~tbep iatys of Swift 1&ComotI5î eLa béirn4to ie o aidered compar&tlvîely lw botter, times wer made not, long, agô When 1.000 pigeons, voie t-oued At Tan- pleçoonbe to race forI»Lndhon. &saisted ý a outhwost wlnd tii.y ttsaîlied._,â0 sapidly th" =way or th=,,in h u oc their cotes somel iane befor. t0irowner-s evon tbougbt ot lookingf1ort. QueOn bard actuafly covered LOB ýmiles la -94- bon«. Journe a s o un howI-; auoth 'ar x- e t.rveUzng tu e 1ielmé yards à -niisute, wMM-os Avery remarkable LustraUtd theenduranc au pigeon, was made oms Wid called Slret Quw a tnember ut the lomieac' 7 P iitteburg. On Ag:.,1 wit-h Bey i-al obhra, wu, the. roof oi the jrown a 1et& da sted z. t» 4" eu2 L, Seutha akernooi, ;, alter t4rlific tliundêritarwa' Ur.' some.vtr ed d Queen, renswned itsa Thr*-w W ima , re le~k hope am to roj anxlou M1eamn, '*i hi foitr bunng strin this Pîrtlimb plunge the the atm 9o thçeu wllIberi the. glas. onlj flat latrwu ora lon & $ b. a."e '"t'