Whitby Keystone, 24 Aug 1905, p. 4

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2 attended issc Sunday, vapeiaI trt the evenlng. The- uuuibe-nt pre'-rt*en -n~ed ached wil power and earnemtnese LJ f rom the 8Sth Psalm. 5th veree tak-, R&v.-Mri. L*dmuntÇ te new agtô,r ing for the eubjet clic *"Lire Look'#~ -"'he; lookeii unto film and vvwe e0f the BAPCI'e. ChuïO Jr~I;>,eaeod fbn~ eoaligtti,ned, au& Lthcir faceo were a vrli. ge-~ an& nmade not aAarne 2 In colicion -the'afvrb mr~în1102 the. Rov. J BPnfýtt &iiïersongaiega feit îner.-ajuigly sî'rowfuî r&grazo Iaabéen reelved stat-:ý ~er" theéffet' o strog d ilng tht Drydeti Nlghswanderý. eld_. lu the parash., In faut It wan an mOit Sýof f tht tnuonir or. open isecret thut much intcmperance erl !t. Iace, hâd -dled ot -tyu. was practlced, and bt-cause or, thii phold -lever a -14bire it Rat love for the bovl lie fett lie muât lPortage, M 1-ijtb3. sound a warning note; but Was orWtT3 gùîd to state that ai, least secnMrà. N. Il. Eîapjey end'ldrno lhousand church of England clergy- M1 tea - r v cig iIldMes. of men i n the houîu land. lIuchl'ntM ontrea revlng.livtM.y tieveral blstîopdbt, were total abstain- Mrs ors, and the glad tact. pubtIshed M. m Ms >atno Srt Ilito return is rul> th.ý,?sale of 1stro og û u&e, and ?.lk;.s ;.i'.ldatie, c.î Ottawa, diiiik bai dereuated several mâilons are guests qf "àitss Daley Watson. of pou nd: in Great Britu.ln. Mr. and Mes .ias. IVillis iàl-tl9d, r«t. MNr. and UArs. 1). W hlnedon aila Dd latives lnu:Niagara laLst wveck. &ltughier etre aiiay fur a lwe k,. - Misir. Ida GoIdrluz us visiting In 'e Toron to. holidlay, whivicht1eý %vîul 8s)end wl (h Mrs, Flighit and chlilr,-n have ru- friendi in Pctou uii iKiiàgsitoii. Mr.ttrnKI to tte city tter a two ofIe in Nre bacdo l's 0f (le ost wn-eks visit -wdh relatlvi lierre. offîis. Mc Mcozj. ltaSaCs s- Mr&. MeGlnîs anti Iss lCnowles ltngic rcathr, or.O tWA..Dr- f eWYork, arec juuts 0or Miss itIîu~htrbroh~w Me ~ * 1r~ Whitney. Oit Tiuetd-iy cthei i (le mberst MiètsenTeina "eej îmnd G. Smiith cf tho Ii. T. (if T. -atincît helda Sundaypd îith îriendt§ lu Picker,* I:tii social on Mr . More lau?' ng. lnsI(cltd of lite rtî;ui- meting i llu issEfla Goidring lis vi.siting lin hoir hall. ENvery ruember had tiie'$Torocto. ofiii-* J bràij,,Ziig a relatji%.e or M iss X. Jlowens tuas returneti home 1 ifter a moîtn'. titsit with rt-lativëW I ricitl wit.n LIeiu, Llu uptwards o! herf. isovuity-fiit eI-ji were present.;TeM'e ez.a !Cmb~1 aîil of wlîont tsien t. -&tighly eitjoy-j Te M ares ÎukMrp. E. of . ravtin.-, aboevening. The programme con-1Ile e îiiugMbE.&.Rvn e cï(,4 f îuusic, recl'î.aions, etc., ln ?,1ss Tina lauL is vÎiltrlug frendis ivhicih tille fuulowilig toitpart _in Columbus. CLv has. AJ.t.iuis Benneîîît.t Au-1I1LNV ilerson, Mes. nksMrt. Glbert r aibLMCîdd~rdsm MrN. lHowardJ, -hr. Sc)làburv, sud W. r a.e mict tiLrdsw A. Huilid'tiy. IZ(,riohmentb were h cjowsWM.Tîaîc10 ak ser-%ed before t(el ¶arty broke i). M ro . iouwjn ay. ~ ~ vsie Tlie baril, itabk-.b anti otheu t-Ulia Lhier at À'Lshburti reeuti>. buildingr on ith& furmtuoccupieti by 1 hA onkià ipr-tched at r.Cliarîcaf Agusitu:- wert. complete- ly t'st.îoye'] uy lire ellriy 01 mon-: Audie,,v uni tuudar, iast. day m-ornanig. No part of the con- Mr. *Ww. lu Pnga>' ha starteti bis toxttiwer -,ved lrti buldiig c-threahing -idaçhîne. tuns ~ -rîc uidin b- Mr. Japies lusntkett ha.s madeu îonged tu Mr. E. ija -'waîd and iwee iOiI'uY in>-ieii Mr. A,,ustus bai lusiit 0iWttfarlulng this lau. i ,s700 on tho contentsi, which do.-s iss illie Uarrison, or Whliby, mot nearly cav-e.' (lhe lueobh Iol>0- '.siGdhoe a few %laye last week. ieàs tert. iu the London Mutjal. e-ilueor mie brytigot their inew The. origan oÉ lit tc fuw*1a zcoin- buggies anutldy by'gaig té choir plot, 1UýMtey. praLwt.îebolait baturduî nlght. .A llo IUtiCy. I ,qdsot ape Wc .uideziiand 36r. Ch.b. Ledgett picert.- oc -< :,jh~,andi wilII lteuds t(ctitiL tfaruîlng thîs rai. tliiii bis Xîrel. car fut u 8a u r. h8 Vz. 1'. odward bas ebsuigeti il O t.tu yhîsboar-rkug (lace f rom Mrs. i'roc- Q tliuiie a nu îîib r W eîî froll, he r* re M ss *o ne,4;Iw ù n haaoi*i. -ret1. tQ Liie gaîdtu î.aîty lhelil at 14r C. Mia tr a bIIOlcs asetLnl J.vagKLbue abt home atr stir tay, 'N .tti * .hut:i idgti. trj. ilcr r&t- riendi, at Whîitevait andi Cherrv- ports your_ corre;1oîdu1 let Irtisthiat %'soOd. it %%-UHn ot only iery N smîe8iiil lu Mr. Jtimeu pl'ega&jy hai% puti a point of %tteitiL-tace, but. was i *3fli o iarmers» CG-operative teieîullone, re- tho inost isuccssiîully tînunagerd of th6c i'en1y. mîuîly tiat h.'been li'd titum~si- 8rhool opeuDed un M3nay-wtha me. full attend ne-r Tho painters tire ousy. rcisovatling ARu-b0I17 wi-ting a good black hic Lgaîst cuiu-uh îaî-soage. 1ev.driVer just cti ont Mr.WmCIr .&Ille-NuilIai Wie Cli)~eCL LU take tmp(lie rsl&en~ thre ins~vîck. Mr, F. L. Green hzîý4got lii y o Mr. %*.W..Nbe 'rae&o -he horte home.,Gil a ~tri~ of his cuLrance cuabb 'u à piunle xi TOronuto ater a short stay wïthý 11eydocnshorc taýk îat it- ridn..A~t9 Mx'.C, r~br,.o! Oshsawa, v1sIt-ý cd at Mr, l'kitt'e last weeK. da.YH Wltu P tkýL -Ms.-te a l<ev. fr. Srofo!andoréd, vyl MIWutLivernuor,' o!Toronîto, là ,VIilrhrg bieeruuusln. Mieg 1>, Miler., M. Walrd aud i.kldr.n,.. - ot lVard'a. 111v othier tri il ,htdl Wun iteU, :uLt of' whun si"ert . a happj day, at this attrautie nilOl.. Iirookfm ri îa.s the Keystune Were jI)le,LStd Lu "cati he Ijrotest l iîisL *wues~uie agaitit tt ita i:i~-1 turbmwo ucee;itcd tîy t&îe lîiidaay freight trainri un sltitis branch o! thto GT.ll. %e hoijne,-Llîat-If 1V Io a.bioiuitely £m.C'~.y (bat thoi shoultibe riait i iom1yon the hSabbath- that (iaî,rc slîuld not lie whisl<esas ve have 'tt-a Thosîe mhu lelopeci tCat titene*m kl regCartling tue _Ileutraotion o! rorudside weedswotvutid have ro'aud ln a inore:i4gtli< upparAnoe toàûôr- 'OfidwItîî, u1tVe l u>nah dtvýa> poined. Ut ll d.. -b or the towni- eblît thiet'c, éLtle 1 b n11 s ut Mr. 11. Cairus ývas' ssiercly Injureti bjy liavatnhie, w Iteiof a grata tiohrrun oier lbis log. Vortun- mtely tle boaitwv aL otbwokap, Mr. 1toy IlBray, who was aucidatt ly drowned In thc *HÙntber lRiver, nearluo b un $iw1j%'.y tt.n. uoon. wa grandeui, o9< h ui*.4 .loumnahn ray, suit> .Wý ere u tii soig te Toru'r.,o £lUtêutwo yearb ago. ,Thet c le genal 1 reret i hhi uitim- 11Y.,lttL. On Sumîdy, 8eit. .8rd, 'tjare w»l 1 Dlle 0. Public w 'atiuz io beipUsîu la M. t. iw'bs chlm o. l -4itnbuà% the lirsCtbapils> uzath "jolis Qerow l lu 1» Prt e . end - 7- - - - I lA. - - -. I - - - i mi ¶!~wr~e4aty fouie -- ~t41Der'~ t!nj $MUU rangand fire In the wvoric-o,( whlth _ han] eraten Itwif through twc, 4ioors . awj wae. disco% ered igJl t neto prc- Tent a ser1oUefrre. Thé-Ïtï.e la sur.-, 1)0884 to 'hztNe orir,>iatýd tfromw spark f rom' flie forge, - à1thoughii ¶Wa* th1ought atthe, ftr in,ý>thee waua extinguishod hefore th( premsesver Io~ed urfor th( pight. Ah.ut O~ o f htda-m- tige wan doniito thn tock'and bulld. ing, 1>th en tly ovored 'by in- The remains of t~lâto Urs. Alex Clneroa. whose death-tokpl eI Tor'onto un -thé'- th ]Êàgt*. were brought to ., 0îia o u FErldayla8t, tho tuneirà!l ak;n&.pince upop ,the arrvêi of tho noua train. ",mrs. Osmzeroui wns weil imow.-n in pr1lla,. having ce fdeà Ihere with 1erý iu band and famîîy'for a. nalYr o' The fîptlt IoLai accident to any o the einp'oyecs ut the Orillia Con. struct Ion Cowpauy, oceurred oz StiKlda.y, when one of their mi n ac- cidentally teli in thEri"<î-er near th( Ragged Rapids,. and %wa8 dron-nei. CivIc holiday was on Monday, Aug- nat 2.1. F. MU.,Chitpman. or .,Lexandria, ib spending -ê coiÎpte ot weeke vacation wlth Pickering f riendei. Misa Clura tXlwl, .of Whltby, apent,-a ieW i,&,ysurluag the pafst werek" wlth Wý. IL. am Mrs. V austone. We regret. to report the death af- ter a brie! 1lineêîbu! -Mrs. Chas. F. Harris, whIl htook place on bundw , Aug. lath, nt the home of ber nie- ther, Mr%. d. valiow. The dt- ceaoed.,. who was aged 27 Years and 24A&yýi, Is brvlved by a sorruiv- Ing huabant a.nd infant daughter 10 Pr-otruding Piles OëCtor F ad A flI e el"es ffr An despr. ais e-mI«Mon Mngilare< bi Or. Ohasv. @intmentL- ý !Lattb:qw W. MOLUD06o. * 1 u tý PrinIPSOW.FthklPckrm t ~oI1gOretrned on Wediîîiday, v coig romn' pending hie -vacation at Go JQ> iy ,Usï yrtle'licad, uT w.itby, las vîdîgpickeriug friendSt. CaR W.A. BROOç~LIN !y- part <s - Great Fox Ladiesé. Ladieg' -eater fprfi ocloirS uv Ladies>usr ktshn for 8.8 .V~Meai trimned with tuckaid insertozi. ($ishtoweling, rgla e o Sp 00yards 9p 8ahz o r 5claê an ispecial two for Se. for 49c. Téyareý wht>old nm~r Mnswater Mu tweed - Men, leoveral 4o des 1 àk dîd vm af. »0 no i un" ihanme for i t

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