Whitby Keystone, 3 Aug 1905, p. 4

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.1 I. - f Leffers frorn Our CorreýspondenIsf BROOKLIN. lXsi ues 'a sMbdbd tn Mr. T. -B. êiVàun. the fanions med.. agtiorgiatrna broyfter o! rr ored by the tille "Duitor' by those Troronto. Thos -,prewenut extended Who know him best. He tir)130w a their congroitulixtIons and 1 but rêgular M. D. (mule driver) havlng wislhee for many ha.ppy yea.ra t6- lateLy bcomo Che puorses-jor of a corne. Frleuds were jprsent (rom teani of mules, which lie drives oni Bowmnnnville, Brookln. Scoville, bits tripe througb trio country. Green River. Toronto, andl Minne. Mr. and Wrs. C Grass and -4augh- iota. ter returned Irum thcir trip to the 11ev. Mr .Ùemiltan. of IMerrieL, Paclfie Coabt on lFnlday of lai;t ville, oceupied. the pulpit lni St. An- week. drew's churoh on Sunday malat. Mr. Gordon Hayward and,4 fainily Miné; Boorie, ci iht. Ki gliton road, are vTholtlng At Mr. E. -.C B. Ha7.. eat4t, has dispuied of hner property w»rd'a to Rlichard L. Crawfard, or Toron- Mr. Jous. lorto> iý3 1Dow naking to. f very satisfaultury piogress to. Mi Lizzla Morrlssey and nisCs, warda cou vaieucenee. Mà;q ownof the Broe Road, ieft t'Jot many woal [rom here on the on Tuekay for a week'a yîsit ln ,excursion tu Niagara Fais on Thurs- 1 Montreaà. -day.. Those wiaou iit had a. very Mit4ses Rate and DoIly Kerr lef t enio>'abie trip'. on Frlday IabL to speînd a niontb Mr. C. Redmun heu been at Burk's on the shorcb of the Geargian Bay Fa-Us atieidirig the (uuaral of aa r Wiarton, nt iheir uncle'B oui»- xiephew 'vho wa» accidtrîtaity kuled mer cottage. in a "aW mlii. D) Mimne, of Cberrywood, l061 hie Rev. 0. R. Laiubly. D. P., Whoffl valu able-driver z. few dayr, ago. The death at pelf-tîlIe wL1s receutly au- animnal. tiiich e valuedc at $400.! BoUD0edo Wa.d pabtor of the Metho. rinu agiîmat thub linib of an apple dist ckiureh bore lor a three year tree. striking its forahead in a ital tonr,, wtacb i lav'bretyeuali.J pot, cnusîg imtitant deoUi,. agu. Uvle i..lghly respeed byj The g'ev. Dr. Lanibly. formerl.y in ail claaîunut 0ftue OLWWUD.L. charge of the Pickering circuit of MIr. and Mno. (j -o .1->z igit are home the Moethbdist chnrchi. died last Sun- fruna iheir wedtfl vint b. lit&ViClI ay worning Ait liishome la Belle- been absent about titi wteka. ville after a. Iingsring Ilîness. Dr. Thore vifl be nu àervice tui the Bal"- tLambî.y wLla. -native of New Ire- tist chnrch bore on Suniday, August Iantl, Qè. where lie wa.s boro in 6. The porion nb enijuylrigag Cl 01- I1837. He entered the Methodifit day. ,.îaniýstry lni 11,82. occupylug many naojinent charges1, among themn À~1BUIŽ~.i B oktin and Plekerkng.' ln 191 h ýWe notice the apple buyers liour wit re&deut of the BUny of Çuinte ineighbarhood tlues dayu;. Coraf rence, anid wau alo a mnember Two Dow buggleu Loi L Our town of the sena4es of Aibert Colige and thii îveek. lMr. Griffith» sold one 1-iclGnia UulverbitY. OwiDg LO lit amid Mr. Wet; othier. hoalth he retired muni the mui n.. -Anlburc Ctrclo 0. U'.1 I. C. meets try In 1897 the irai. l4eduehday in tuch munthl. IL. la wiLl profonnd regret that we .Anyome wIfising at juin a good frai- report the dlea.th of Mraa. Robertt E.: ternai societ.y a.iLb eheaia Insurane j .Jhn1,tOn, Of thie Klngbton ondm,! i3houkt @end their nuiu t~ u the BC-eultzt. whach tOuk Place in ber 29tbi :etllry. orsîk year At the iUeneraîi Hospital, To.- f3omje o u s t okii the runto. on Sn.lurday laigt. Mri.1 football match at Markham. .Johnaatoxi tock sick about the laut Mr. Varco. lias jurchased a new o( fJ une, and 'about two weekis -pre- horse, vi ous to her death. waaî tallen to Mrs. Rundol.it ef touyat riîted ai the- genferal botpilU.i tu undergo an1 Mr&. Wout'a. olifra Lion "cor abgetia. Thel opel'.4 Cail and sce the numnner suits for atlen failedto brIng about ber hop-. mon At W. A. Huiliday & C's. ed for recovery. andibm graduallyj The oat- crop aruxd bere iii ver>' sank until death relieved ber great pour., 13mne al*. cutL Lng thein suffering. fier funeraI took placej green.on Munda>'. whuher remaiçs wereà gre.conv'uyed wo the Union Cexetery fore MJI)LEY. iîîterrnt. She woa a meember of St. Audrewr'a caunch. Pickering, ta igchooî re-opcçs ofnAngust 218t. which ber deaili wall prove a great T'he infant daughten uf John anmd lîot.aa &ira. Stephensun iehd On Wedsicsday.Y . S. Jpho liati-rented the Ben- jast ami watt bunteci on Friduy. nett property un flizcuboh îtreeot,1 ira LavrenSc ook tho topie at lateîy parchased b> W. T. Hart- the Lea.gaâeoOnI'Odudy eveniing, rick Oeo. Law wiîî move Into the- it being a "Chrirtlait AIJofg MOn." hanse et present ocoupled b>' Wr. anid was moet toi resêing. Jephion.11 CL&BSMONT.On Wednes.day evsnîaag Mr. D.I Sîipson met -witb faq acient wIllc, Jos. andi Wrs. Mitcheillf WhitbY. thouch painful. mlht have proved Speut tbundiiy Ut *loupn M. Maaabs. much more eriocs. Steoping a.routid Thore were no tm'viOê inL the tb end of his ooufter tu hWe store, 1 Baptîsi churC& lat *iunday. Stand&s>'holiedd ot notice1,kat thitrop door 1 ~~ ~ vas opea. with theo restt tinat haj 1 Ut.Toftn -reýturnWdl IWt f9s140*8u1to tha ellar (loor. la hie woeok trom aDnver. Col-# where t(lGxoent lie broke severai oi the lie woos attondin; the EPWOrth utops 0f theo stair. Furtugately no1 League convention. bones. were brotcen, bujt ho suétainod Rogebank bolerswcre bers on a paiDhiii lujui'y to bis hues au 1 fl44otrda&y. gid wltb abenithe local Weil ai beiug ba4"y' Bakan uap..-. amn aniomant t.rnoon w. ix;f;a;mb&u:ý te homet D. Maomalb. -in the worning Clare- muent won b>' ewt ot ss. lIP the atterxioop JJusebnk won b>' 7 sots. lu thaevmsut the gcame also:vaut to Claremont. Wib.r. As a oveanent on foot jo meciaro a high achoot bore, a vacant roona tu i&tepebooi te -lie -utlmd for lIat purpomê ?ha obi a bte preparpuglia tor-the J nlei fLoa.. r», annd Junior M.tnlulaioart ni.. lnAt@uis. An~u p h Iw Id ie #à= C'elabur.,1D- Ousa Itl I.belieet thet la a joa or two Itl kib. e fmutIIg s. ii.govei'aunmtt Ivmi bstautWa grapts te ashootu. e ls 01"& .T" ~iw tb i. l* yilesk4la 5Wont etq&":çsù*e eqipmaet oe bout. 1pu tbei. ne le au thse. AU giat W oukliebunarnuar>'te Oo-would Ia te put ita the mata.-Thé mtter. me osas 0 amnsatug wtb favrit1roe "Thom a s ftnedW la m opu. '*Srpselm, I fl uei uqi -mon 0 croup. ainu.otewlà 0"1w on, iaI. Wo PORT PJURIY. on Fniid afi>'let ie tait lut"mi. ment of flali tua ar-le re-atockiug theo lIme.. arnlved et l'ar~t Peri>'. a ad eQuol.tsd of a-U car ef pafett blac basa, voiglilnjttrou vo tetorive, Pound* ooo o ubc. e an L IsCieand' wore deptw., kalu ltme Mtasurema. Cbas. luier j X-P..,asd J#. HMDe.' 0Al L.. vota liarounotal fin seoaà1iuuag ew, and .w«tdl'have lèissib taire ao tIasan bd cr. opastuancos p&ruuital. luiIbeir abn. somme, Imwevpr. air. 1. J. wbeeIsr, 9; &bus plue. 0ft.latm d. sdWb"n ho toucia" the liattoit. thinsta.51,as ff y mgie darqmre I'ot he b sait andu id %"W iffa the1 warces re*to*usg ;lisSougoar, vs utisi ati.te ol Ufis wagonom namhg, It 7end t.earing ,the hariwes -off his bourse. Mfr. -1-46 USIPOC by anuii'acte#but là otj" oe aend mdw A ~acane. H w!' i ad, p fr sobme tioee. Poste awec u 1)u lintown this tweek anniomnciUt that ! lie >rboro and . o*vmaxivine ba8EýbàU .,lub~s terda>' for $100 ae.1 sld~ite h pe-. tesboto people, l',au'&tiexoujrsion hore wbich coL ità # 450, and the 800 who came bOt thsirr tuiney in amy way that, Iwa. offerý9d. Thie> were orau >' oough to p«t Uap even mone>' that J.etelico1'0woulrlmake more ruine"in 1i nâlng thaa . liow. mativille wauld in tbe whole Saine. The>'- had -lots Of moue>', and they found lote. of akis About ?.50' camne Up feom Uluwmaille te boller, 9mmd large xn-bcra of Osbawa me-, chianlc6 tuât thein hait dit.> andi the cent of the g-tte. -ITtwa@ a whoae P'o' or excitement worked up tornmo.. thing. Dning the diratit nnînga Bowmftnville madie 4 runs. 4 in the second, amd 00Wai othen tintes, 10 in ait. Peterboro uuoî'cd 8 dnring th!e wbole. gaine. Af cen'the second in- ningio both sîdeti played'a -Ver>' good gaine. andi Dawmanville put np a fiuir îrtieg[rom t to[0finitlh. That thure nh-ild ba any otddupme-_ oct on ta- Pei.crboro team was ilpi>'rdiculuuii. At the close of the gaine tbb Piwmanvilles hoiated their pitchor andI their manager on their shou 'ders anti carried thein off the f icid. -Vindicoator. Mr. and Mr*. Lev.i MaCkie, of To- ronto, visîtodti fientias a few dayé;. Mn. Dunn udm@en', 0f Chicago, are vimltlng lier xnotha..r for a few wveekn. Minses Ma.ggle anad Katie Stewart two weeks stay ait home. Mr. J. E. Disney' was In Toronto on Monday on buhinfflà. mes. MelSOn, of Elnniakiiem, la tvis- iting lier uncle, Ftv . A. Tonkin. A f ew frein bore sîttended the camp meeting ut Chalk Lake rePent- Mr. Tom, Ledgett 15 90w working for ,F. Harnibcn. Wr. Émn. Pongell>' has flmîshed hay. lng. harinea.ting one hundreti acrea of ha>'. A f ew boys f rum bore aittended the fi'nal football ma.Loli et Markham botween Locubsi li andi the Scotto of Dundai. Mr. Norman Aflais-on, baî engag- ed with J. E. Disney for the harvest. Matiter Ha.rold Seldon heu retumn. ed to bis home ut Whltliy af teri a ihort vacation wlth hie uncie, John Seldon. Ur. Wui. Clark lIs breaklnginlahis driver. ne bemiare, irlsq., is Mangle Gieeaon emtertained a fewr of ber little f rienda receoti>. Mr. Charle>' Ledgett Vi'uIted et bfr. Alex Moora s on Suanda. A Letterfrom the Arctic Circle. Wr. A.M Ruashai reeeveti a moa tterling îettet <rom ber brother, Ur. Go.,. T. eepburn, wbe witb ý,bis wifs and tw o thérmal auakutg tou et ~er7, aad 15w<O Koyaotoe .permibbion tu publitihe latter. wbtc.b tullows. Narvick dem, Norway, Jul>'7,, 1905. WeIlt haro va are away uap linLap land. anid for twro days anid nighs bave lied notuing buai a4yogi ,anti have four nient aglisyst. At 1g mmnd 1 o'obok-At la s ut- thema&me au 'Vt Our. 8t,0M &oM SorwaY la very - woaderftal.-but ftb W -oùuldliate to jjlVe .Tho Mountains are. trenundous; b- ouse look U thtoys; ten they - .are, -ail MoCntaln .týupb; 0o1(à lias to ses .to uxi.~'tbiditws.n ul equelte. ahadas.of bluea.,n di dore than two tlioue0Sd f ce't ýa b"ea the, wster.- In on thé top», ai of conrje 'in mid. suammer» pft-,no1w is, the ,lowar fielda fi !f08 tir£ MeltIng, and such ver>' fin-@ eatarfttn are 6 rnnlng down, leaoing froni fcarful. heights, f ive limes the belght of! NtaÉara4 and maxi>'More thon tilacp and4 failiog ïnto the sea. We onld flot see the beiiing. whIch was- jove the it in pretty ruhliving np here. xNo Walorf hoteàs, I tell y9n. We cncnot imagine that .we auftered fronà the heat te,a aa.week ago, and are now a.uffertig with coid. Thi.' place in liree dayî' express travelling, day and nigbt, north of S4tockhoIm. We are tired, and if it enly watt not bnoad dayligbts could Bleep.1 Kiru na, Sweden, Sunda>' Juki>'98 '03. We lafert Narviklk e* evnng at 4.15. arriving- here at 10 o'clock. Cen not, get away Xroïn bera titi 7 e 'dock to-niorrow. Monday erening. then twO nights out te ýTronqjem and 'Christiania. Kext Suada> '18e are due -te apend in Gotenburg. Un- fortunately itsralmy to-day. -We are on a. rine lake n ith I;now capped niountaii i oalte. Tho. hotel la now and very nea*t. Ha@ electrio Iights, but the>' will mot lie needed tili next November or no. Bore we have dark green âhadtn, Go eau sieep sme botter, bin 1 wÃŽIi wel- corne nigbt agaiu. lYs wera tokdiIn Narvik. by a man who spoke some Eogliab, ihat for on« Dn born andi brought up toi six nzonths day and six montbo nàght,that IL was mont impossible to stand the long dark. neom. Could not get the sleep need. MU. etc. I thoeaght the- long day. liglit would be worge. but lie, ald net. I cannaI think of anywhere I have ever beexi that would -bc such a* hardship tu LUve as lu,.MA lcle cf six monthu day and baea ength, niglit. To-dayF ant ito.morrl wwe, are in the very middle of theiVrole, so will hav'e three more dayUiht nights yet, niaking a week'sj con- tinuons daylight. The way you do lin hotelu bore le-to help yourseif en- tirol>'. Everything la on tha table In the middk.i of ýthe dlning" rooni, plates, knive, orka, spoons, etc.; thon yon taku a seat let a table, ami '.rhen you need aoamsthlig more go anid et it. It > usme 'atraxige at firât, novwo eare-ussd to It, And au there is no divIoion bo.' tween day anid night, peopie,'est ail houris. tu weil as &hsep ail h -ou's. You ean't loaginti110w sirange At ani. l.'bis la a mueli neater place than N'arvik, oui>' 4% years pld, Iroua mining la the,- iidnatry. larges lu E«IanOp». We went to the aune on onir way throngli.,and 'Narvik teaa Iaok't on NOrta Atlan tic qoca4 to whip it.ý The ontjput hIs1~iion tonà Per- yVemr. Wo é I,ç0 l bAoth Places lua"tlitat01, en.- ver>' tet.cing, Imdeed. 01!i qnr.e in, ail oouautrlef w.have bee n ihri. 138 It es wo ments. we "bVe" lieu moe st and uid nteceulg x. - rnone -. Wing paper udo. Vehopes we ceaiu ni>' fiud,,héar am there. go thatle the rea»wsonet tin ,aurtuet I u»e.,You Pa>' for anl :oUr, biggags except b 8ud 1sotu dlsbeto trarel liit. Ouit'unks troma lo4nnto CÃ"Pefb.¶a' eet tuse sanie A#s oaa tIrbe'ýt icet ~extra. it la asslu taces o»_s what To Keep-the f À»D i Cattie U~E CO'WMBIAN STOCK RIP Economical aud -saT"isfaotory. Per, tin 25 cents. Wehave secured the ageney for the Columbian Stock Food Co.'s, Speclalties, and, have just received a ship- ment of thçir goods. B] an ot ROOKLIN e ASHBUTRN At the Cash Hardware Store Ga rdon Tools We have'a complets lUne of Garden Tools, Hs, RPakes, S ades, Shovels, Forks, in faot -sverything used in thegarden. DEST -QUALITY§ NO S ECÃ" DS.m And we guarantee our PRICES RIGHT. OorHwwaveBop~ WITBYŽ tbït tc 1 to thi wti. 1 >nnoou-8 M.rg M Lacwsse - Lit> peaalaed18 men,.insu>' of t1lm ni L. 4AIJ ï3n s'tef 010.The. cspitAlis et Ottawva -1defoatoul *bount ime rent aa Corniwafl at Cornwrall b>' 8.4. Si wtb Wltby; 3 Th NatoM W te.Shamrockm. nas beuaade te resur- at moulýrti 8eoss8-8. - mIn 5w u Mar*bosnm S. b 1e bIppe. mil & gau1ne w", arraatg,.. ,wan'a'et li"m d on tturudie. itb>' wlui VW»s-PIl; -S aint o rniOhiab muid boe o ituysree o 1A"te2 wao'n ilgbt ark, Te.a Tins Whitby tea ad r 1IS4 rento. ay .4 for »mnawee auat tidl played msveruil matches#, C. ..AREUCORD. remit W"a tins .urpa'l# et. id1te.-..- à. 7 2" .00 LG» m*b*W IoiSple17Tely ues ....7~.0 s' natitur. et ailpoints. Pruê... . 4< L411.> b>'the m , Ika ummal W.IAftumý-* 4.0 guamnteed, W. A* H'Olllday & Go. 6 1

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