WeHaeNow OnIy'the O Id Uppe fa l a Copy of the Leisition'Passed in the Day of Chairles 1. Prlvy CounewilRefuses Leave to Appeal PFrom Supreme Court Decision. 4 Londes cable: Judgmnet was <lIen to-day, by tii. Privy Oouwsil on Ue . petition cf the Domwinion Goveru- Maent for Icave te appesti the Lod's May came, It wsu Ield by Lb. Privy Cous. e in 1903' that thsenma.jo~r part o! tii. L.Owd' Day l"gsaion w iu force in «W y 'aious Provinceswua beysond t.he pmwers o e Li.Provinem. Ibe- aSupreme Ooewt of Canada ofterwards refused to nywhetb.r a draft billaulimittod by :76 .Ministerof Justice, defiig tise ipmoso! the.Dominion andi Provinces qMuInaccordasuce with -thse constitu- tl ansd flice s i gi ouetise Dona 4Mn sought aunappeal toth ie Privy Tii. appication wase eeuseti, altisough !%&. NewconA>eý, Deputy Miuister of JuS- ~,4$S ad tbclsoMULer waa vie of uT gie ehul. inuter'40tetise Dominion and Provinces, wluehu slould know t.heir !repectve jurladitions. The court de- uliÃŽed ta heer Mr. U. Mr-Phez-sn, who appesred fSr the LOINP Day Alliance, ,oapporting the petition. Otiier Ca.eq Argue&. Mr. R1iddeill, for the Wabashi Raiiway, -al4 there were three objections to thse1 4Pe 't te h6upre ~Court: ,First,È tisat iL'wM. ussUturized; Ser.ond, tiatt It wu s odemic, no legim1ation bavisg1 7et hemu assd whiah ait ected thsev *4eer dld ft foilow that there.wouldc ý a',Y eves if tlier Lordsbips he4d thats it _;wu, 'ithl tise power o! Lise Pro-t vinces to psu iL; t-ird, that ai tise que.-v tuon bave already been -decidet by t-heind Lord& ip'judgment. Ifis'h. Ifamilton railway etc ir, î Batesi, thse Euglish counsel -foer tieGrando T7runk, called tise case aS&denie and t sjftléoltive. t M-r. G. T. BIacketock, for the. Canadian t Copper 00 pa w' ias nuL heuird by thse court, whc ti nJy Iear t's-o usse! in theeamne inerest. Mm..Riddell's ajpi- catios for eests ires refused, and lunttis vî case jutigment 'sae reserved. T10 e net 1rosuit would seens te be tint tise oki lippes- Caneda Lot-d'a Day Aet lu force at QoWiederat4on ila eUHlu forle,,and Mta afty new act cr amenîi-- Mmet te tise -aId -ect 1_iIi bave te b. ob- tmln lom Lthe Dominion ParUsinent. Tbat s«t lus acap> or Lb.e014 set of Chatile.1and ia .ousidered te lie entbae-, 1 'inadeq-qaL.te tcover amoder-ncondi- 1-4oot. Travellerssd11.Mj4' mi.ai are expreasýy pC>lmttoti te go fos-- *don thse 1»rd'sDa, ut athes the defeot o! puttînepraeticaily no check Iupon Sunday excursions and freigiit h andliug. .Leçai judgmaents have been giv gYoumch as lîuslt the ecope of thse appli- cabillty of the. sot. New'legislation wlU b. sec. r>'. à Coufiet of opinion. A Sc ofta opinion iaad exWsed prior t-o 1903 in tihe cQrtS of Cana4a as ta, whether Lord'. Day legislation be- lollged çroprly ta Lihe Federal or Pro- vincal egilattares. lI theet yeuz.tise t,à tJrney-Gene,-al of Ont-ario suilmnitted tis& whote question te tee Court ot Ap- peal, and thiat body decided, Lthe late Justice Amour- dimeeuting, t-hast On- tarie'. Lojrd'. Da«y legislat4on wao anti-a vmrm or eonsftîtutional. Iu Jisly, 1903, an appeal from tiiet judgment te thse 1rivy (»uncil at Londoiwas made, and that court reversed the. judguien4t of the Court e! Appeal anidiseld tbat tic Lord's Day Aet as paaaed by thse PrcWin- cial Legielature ot Outario was ultra vires,, using tihe pecuuiar lemnguatge treated a* a whole" the Lord's Day Act w&B ultra Vires of te Province of On- tario. t I T- ti is Iti 't ti SiB[1iiA IS AI ni nwbicb by motive3 et LASI -INYADED.,ctnus Jew- fr a Je he ý l= -g*h preparing fo a ti. Impoai, an n - ner la stosiis4çed at the jews are- ing sucii Jetteri to hu, seeIlig titat It Ioin ~the. Jewatbtiisl4veswbo caiise4 tlq The" Russim'n POSWtOflon 4dlsorie- . Theio plice luvarlaby foitd %ver Seing Att"ced. reolvers, bomteandu probibit.ed im- Jews ther, woultf'be. no dtaig4ia 99 lte Landi udno $2 10Ki%"J etemk.ine &flaiI \eq~w Qf >..by impertu.izce Ã9 tbrtug o- Sihbrinn-fci i &g" ffa1uotth~e notice." Peteraburg c=Me dèspatei -eu- tTc. &apcburja rer o! a Japasese battmllon tir o! ~ 40t a JIh-huc a tei loir ment, 'Dukê of' L;ornwâafs l's -u "es., Ottwa,(>ît.,decllning-iii. requeit, t4t 1 te le Le &t= St etcrsbg 4ameetingl. ofemu ser &,ad the i. zrae eiee.r tbat.the K.alaes wusti. udig n n timation of hW ie lh te meet.,the çsaï aboard theelusperial yaoht>Bohmizollero res.ched Peteriof on WenesdaY' the a ef x. de Wittes departure for Paria.6 ?ne clzâx .r iaeiateiy.cepted t i vi tat iâoasd zmde frigarroà lgïenenf. t.a, sltarten fPrian d meét the Kaisr le, Swedlsh waters..Tte brWe!potpoùi»ent a"d the transfereuce o! thse meetingl- baye erme an IlI*oe wtlt hé ~ ths tée gament bepermitted t2 enter, it dfhildg lareipeoitet sMatter sna have Étaise under arima nélw inonýti heu d oiimuntioie1a vtis ailthe8 1L.~'j 4inw eb 1. 00 co lij iw intîtxltoclsý both en> the. ereioe witi(Movrnr Do1 ga i* f 1continent and l S1I SY ter iivisggrecezved anopinin fS .4, about te send tiiek reriitt*tives te toireGneraî Paiker4 i.Ajtn New Yrk ~<th a iewgo eùi th éGeneral in lis communication -té' tii co-Oeertion of.-tii. largrfi nncies Of Cadian commander, pointse ut thal th nte tý It - elýikel.y1hat a the statua of Mamachusette are Pro, the Purloa fpaying -bibitîve aud that the. onl3' way toearý tihe indemuity wif ibescMéed range thse matter, would bebypisg M. Wlte Delyed.of a special set' in the legisiature, *hlel A C-henbourg cable: Altheugh 'iL is impossible, as.thie generial bouse s ol announeed tbst the North Glermas Lloyd inl session. lie auggests-thst the. am steamner WVIiheinr 12c-r Grosse left tbe Of-the regiment be forwarcied to V~r0Vi Needies at 6.30 titis mornoing, the-t vessel is dence anid that the command, pas . still ber. as this despatels is fîled sj.j througb Masachusetts ini unitorm ý rth it is sot expected that she wili b. able occasion Of the regîment'. visit ie teô at- t ieave Cherbourg for New York before tend a celebration to ho he:d by the 4 les afternoon, owing to the denseness of British residents of Pro dcence. the fog. M. Nitte, the Russiaîu peace plpnipotentiary, who bonrded the steam- ai er er ate spndngth nihtaror, AT l PN V cI er hr ter spbendinghe ngt a gs-reIC I atc o h t. weterhsentg a long e - patc taSt.Petcabug, pper8 to ho sonuewhat aisnoyed ut tue deloy, thle JURY SÂYS MONTGOME.RY's WIpE -Russiau pence party being alre&dy late KILED IIIIL whien coxnpared -Sith the Japanese. The Russians were most iuterested in . dwbuJly 31.-That Fred Mont-, reading the press despatehes describis., g0gmerY camne tu nia death by a wound the arrivai in 'New York of Blaron K,,: inhlicted by a bast pin lin tue ta~aa mura and bis party, and eXprethed the hia wle Josepusîne, and that e.aected hope tRust the Japanese conditions wvould reaily be 8s Modýrate aset forth lu the in eif-defeietheUcVeraict brqught in dsspatthe-4 reeeived liere. Owing to lack last niglit by thé- curoner's jury-in the cf aceemmodation at te otels some Of case ot the mnan Who dîed in A Detroit the . passengers- of th. Kaiser Wilhelmin ospital two weeks after being* stabbed der Grosse were comnpelled te Spend the withta te but pîis, and under aun asumed sight on b.oard 'Xorth Germas Lloyd namné. steainship cornpa.uys tugs, ln aleepingJ~ Theé evidence showed tbat' Rt was cors nt the rallroad station snd even o, noW hamongxery and bis wifé the pier. - bad a fîght, that. the womaU hd. ste>-, bed her lniabasd and that iWontgoui.ry OVERAL14 AT TEX CENTS, was in thse sospital, under an -asuinel v aine, tilI the ýWitnesses'did net noetifV Cause a Stamp.de of ,oco WCmn at-eatoiie o ery Montgomrery' or Jais wÃŽle 14 any way. Montgome'~ Stoem fm nothber testýfidAtia-t jugt before .'is Pittsburg, July 31.-A Sigu reading dteath hies bon told'ber thint ut as putre- 4Men's overails 10 cents; wief'5s sirtés, I Y aciclental. At la snot 1known wbat 10 cents," wa u utewno isteps tise authorities wail now take l Woolworth & Co's. store on Fifth gve- mte nuei nt noon and iL caused a staispedes of 3,000 wonken. Eiglit wosnen were soni- RFU SE&) MSlORTFN >uslv hurt in a rush to- seeure overalis or shirtR, and a reservo foi-ce of police. îad ta ho calledd eut in the downte wn !THE LITE 0F TEE £RTisE ROSEüi district. Ambulances and patroI wagons i or COMXIS. iacked up to the door of the big store and for s-time iL looked at thougs thore London, Ju!y 3l.-The Houa, cf (bin- would be les of lite. Imass to-day refused to permýit NVindton MnT. mary Hloover. osf Pnide . street,i raught in the orueli, .fainted at the e Spencer Chus-hili -teuistroduee a bill Yn- of s staîrway and weuild bave tallen to iting the 11f. -o! Pas-Bernent toui~ n the lower fluor had Ltii.crewct becs tisin stcad of scese yeairs. î Pnougs tu asow ber- te fail, but sue was Mnr. Chius-hili cexplained tattsbU beld Up In th6 crels happarently Ioad, odgis'e lur4,her ppultar othe o LaidLb. ntir bod et .000wcme b.-iie executie. lie suid tisere wa* a p Z cae panie aicken i sud tried to reacs Iing di'mitutïon of Pariament~Ay aut - lisret by thse sbortesà t.w-ay. oe Lvoeteqre-up udytl@n- ~.me fin~d indthse Police OtthLf r chuuat irrs*rnn more freqsuent rs-ival lsad ailt ey -eoWldo to e sn42 d ap.eth outm 9udhée ] the !reszied 's'orneh> wb6 yê îxaied sn s rantage. Tihe propoa Pwsde- n thse place. Afterr about 2.:0M lait feated by -30, ta 1m0ets got (>UL, the store, wIsiri by thit5 tine 10okcd a wreck, was turced into ýa lacs- U I U1 Pitalsu tkilt women Who falited ,re ] ING THE I>iJU~ mred for aind sent to thezr hosties, seule 'f ~ ~ ~ ~ AV tuX ucrign E4SURE5TAXERiTO ùg gsrostc=~rs Uepe -1* Find It Witbhs Waabagtcu, Ju1y 31.-m bit advtc. Crhi t.. Mèeury. oa'. ressL b a ineloipi.' BerinJuI 3LGerisu&ston*ser tt etviceto.ýday Surgeon Wltits *si" re~~~~~p #-kn uu.sa para tion -.fur îIlitbat a houe. to housoiaete ~li clip, e tIs su~ tféeted b>' yreIlow fever. This settiôna>ý 'TelUmrbusg-obFervatery *will ed~~ î4eforty. -or fiftv ' blockt 'i atensive merles et l ih A atake afirioldberr. b, peelalere tuetoi >ovstoS it'vini hee wistnwttýs 'Hi W.Isdom as, ;a D'p WltpteCzar,, directed t*oward- As& Minr or the. Per- sianm Quif.- At &Hl hurdsho W2, strye to dis Àùdt.dzar frm 1oking?;to Fraijc heilp'or Englidskcom2Placencylot efaitat- an ti.acqurement '.by R'usuaof a warm-w»t«r Port on the, Peram Guif. Bis iiatin da, Of paym a, ay for Germit ezemny Ei l anurg to 'Lb, Peralan Gulf c.a=2ot b. >ecosil7d.with tien. for -empire- upen tii. Pacifie, snd any rapprchemnt wth England would pre. clude a Rusgia a<vace- pu lndia anid Lb. Business men DisatiSfed. Widespread dimtiafieto4, with th,& mneetig of b. EnipSers pgtr.des the buùsescommunity- of Rusai.. With. ont clainiing --e untderaanthe fuli purpose of the. meeting, businessm Point eût that whenever tii.Kaiser b.- cosseely eoncerned luRuai -na£. faurs it, 1as siakenthu econoiicstalt- of the.ountry. This uneertaint isim,- tensifiod now, at a time wben L eo- noiiesituation li aIrmdy desprt.T. coenus of 'opinion Man e evmncomn munity is that the Kaisersa4vcif acoepted,_wiIl intensily militaris msud gorrmehtai bureauceracyat the expens of the poductive elements a oci't the ignfeoautceeidene s tB, wiI t9,ciern.i Waan, the..objection Q i ussa troops tO Uhting in ho coun- try 18 first allcwed ta b. pub"iseCI hy the Ruffiaa preasg. -Thoexapl otty iau regimênts of- ton Ooseacks in the 2Flovoclierkask Qeovernme:à t ilu 4cdar4ng their fIlADgnbss o çto Manchuria, but refussng tèe fight* rt ln u raan Ruais-- againat RusslanahasprofouudlIy Impreas- .4 t epùiub , M aa h l t>e . a ntry have begun t-a snceedinu pubUishing their prc>rsimea asn boulaquMue'. uceme. IWMei a oIbue.thé.,mlaaltù aks of the. offlte,-otaniz~ the] Uaual bers e ýt e ped- Natiom noeýbly. m . la ts fKursk Pýrovince he bu f r o n dit ricts, $ h &Mt,=IIiOS1 hve tiitiffly hé participation .qt tbeznseWvea lù the imove- -eIt A gl and, liberati*the leOa.i Tre.es Z -Sw A onu satisfy the, ~Iey bave decided te for.a union of RuOMM ea ms umd iavè senlt f 1our rep- th.a4oia eatoorganisation -'at ¶fli peaanty of8arao--haLve already. jý2ind the ile 7 tenour _e ove: "OU *gpt *Scnt 1 ta starf Isg like upor. tana liez te ttiri t4u Reg Amal ai ~e the' ýutJ iasaprivate min- rSmmunicated toc-or Ut goverumeuts, tie 'ufhpfor fiablng 'Sifting thse Regponshbility. Sorne of the mensises o! t-he Lord's. Da&y Allince were ixselned toa acet t he decision éj final and ruede applicalion te thse Minîster ot Justice at Otawa to. have legisiation passed Iiaccordance vrith thse new 'situation. The, Minist.erl of Justice, lsowever, tb.lieved Lbea'e iras etilI s baai, fer IProviuscial leguslationi In' the matter, and lhé decline Le proceebd with addtio:aal leguslation. until lie ws, definitel>' certain regal!ing Lise relative juridictioas of Plrovince and'Dominion.I Thec Departinent o! Justice, terefore, la orxder toe acune mare definite inforM-_ tion, subsnt-ted oert4in pertiuent qges- tions te thse Supreune Court- and argued th.st tie. Province iisd juriediction under the béad! et property &sud civil bothl of wluich, by the. British erh tAsserica Act, were r.sei-vtrd -to tie, Ps'e- 'inces, aui thît contention wusa support- ed by the Att-orney-Oenerai.o! Onstario. Thse Suprem e urt lseld pniseaHy> that the jurL*dketien irwas. iderai, set Ps-ovin-, 44l. That judgtnent net being mat- Waor>' to tise Douinfien .athcnltiee, beèy moved Le tth. Prî'<f Coneil for .gst.o e roms tIse cuacî% f the SupremeoCa llataépllstian lias been deied. ft usa>'b. thattheLi. 1w cii-drth 0.s'Idti ase 'presente& to thNm as 6 acadeiiezfoirmnd de- isdto j i i T he fultext of lie jssd&Mýeut wil b. a-waited witl inl- 1: IF maeenitirel>' in accordauce with the As regards Lb. relations oci t o nianarclà is, aheard b. kept imd t-bat, emce Vise déath aoftth.Grand Duke: Serius by au- aMSain's band in Mes. oow, t'hi. C«ar' bas reatly ilaMdt.ueI adriee oi s man o! amperial rank hold- ing strczg snd ciezuly-defin.d politisai views. ŽXiLber Alexiei! non rnxuit lis disposed- te iLx directly ln Russie p eut polical trouble. 2Thse Czar's brother-in-Iaw, tb,* Grand Duke ,Âlexande Michaelôvitch, bas re- cently shows asigus et insta.bility on tise t eusjct o! a National Assesui>. Besides, tiiere lias beeu an estraagemest betwen' him aed tise Cear on etcouat of tise Grand liske's implacable antagonissn te . deWittt. 01 AUi ii.tiié Kaiser vas wâèl l- formse&, H. lioldas tron;1Y testý, 0ss 8overeg ruling by divine iglit, It, la sot only persulasibie for him, but in- cumnient ou hlm, te) give counsel to thse oui>' ether Christian sovereigu holding thé -itie te -tise tisione on the.Ume grounde. lie considers tise C.ar's atru«e with LbhesocalLtie and revôlu-. tiosar>' forces in Rusaisans ef direct eo*s¶ tequèee to Lise ruler cf Urlruï'ny, vs-boa. grdutesL internIau axîety apriagu trçom Ile sane source. Tise other grcat issue in Rusa, in-. te' atpolie>' about, wiicithe- Kier wlsan)'suopportuanity te illupress bis' vuw upn the Czar is o! equ&»Iy 4.1 'rectî,Wdureru -to e rsuay. It lsa,Lkuown tbtt Lie Kaiser desire.%, hatever msy be tse end of thse peu" -peo sg tiatioîie;,thit'Ruusi abosue nt abandoù,1n the fts esatas tise main coursée f.terri.. to rsa1X xpan sioM ILas, aboee a il a mat- j CHIL» OLLOWED TRIE. Ifs Walked - W/tï lmon Street ull Sbe f r(" po H eIp. (*Pt New York, Juiy 31--A burg.iar Wo>j refuttd to heeâ 17a littie girl'à Lpetito Ialoêke up at the.- One lHundred and1 d FouIItis' sent police station, mud Han- 1the uiah Daqvs, 12 years- aid, of 70 Ea.t '<> One H'mdred and Fifteecth Street, ils a ee Wben -the.mana refiused te liste n tobe rj - shewà mlyalng y hi ade T] - al ed éal . ý roley toa