<T vol III* WN11~BY, < f h * * w * * * * orra ieui PtIYSICIAN, SURGEON A4ND A CCOUCHEUR. OIradut. M<4Ualverutyy MToronto. and Liemtite et Roylal College cof Phyvidians, Edluburgh. "-TRE TERRÂC," Bracir ST.- - 1'Phono 42. Sollettor tôt tbe 'estera Batk, Nota.y Pmhlk *te. bMonoy to L.sn. 051ce next Post IPee. Wblitby, Ont. Dew & oSiIIUvray Raristers fflcleto~i etc. bioey to Losit. Bmi t Coty hbOr n t.ny u Veuny S1uT. . D4OILLIVeuTh wnTt c OomitleWtbv.oi otl bty ip Mstra vUIiO Dony o i' Ja. B Olmcesotm în ofCurt fdo»W S KiOICclv.Dt ,utsty, Oak-$~s . ChlXuma,q.0DenaW- Den~.<oué * je$* 3, - ob mastou&s CHURCH DIRETORY. -WA»s sa- HlNNI~i. Accident' b'thse -Argyle. -a r 1 Octy 0 a plttfor the, Mar oY ft tie-L"aiüef r Itty, elhiL' a dense tonog an$twdzr-ay morning~ ran iisboat upon tIr* rocks.Thre lire o f ili'> excuraouaî sf rOumTo. route riere entiaagered. Thor.r res- eue Inn olved sanie e3mtig 0stper. lences, a.= wing te rhea.>iiyses andthe Le iov wâLcr. tire wreck- iug tag Dannelly. by wlaom thel %veme nukeraoff,êoculti net apprexeir neaer titan 2,0 yards. and thre passenger irai totebe tranateret la munatitboitWa.' f£beyepaDt. thre dal in Oshawa. andt retornel ssfely te their Ihomes by trale- n- Saturday . i.Argyato iett -'Nroote on sat-. tvrday muxarug wtth lUE> paai*ngea's on board, tIt raJicrity bptin ena. V 107ees of -tire Teronto Curpet ?'otýke Wi I tir familles su t'ipuids. Jri atter passing thre eaimtotu sblidbà r ,tire seire a? a fflliank t a tre bnu oi ven-Oral .W-miteî6 but thq es;oines tiallet ber -C"sr and tira V#MselPro. Ct.'cd 4tire employese' Oorwttae. jrixlcaed tu> tw_ oà captaistir thtie Itiabuck aud atow thre exeoîr. oionlt te go by trq.lu, bqtt tain Would ibot liste, ote bml Sborty it a eaYy Ilog :.hlit dewn oen thre 4unk4 " ae Sid va îbted miatil W Itby vas pausd. Aun the vesseS umreied b"Ia t*< 'a.1 tise çseud rosonary wust u« Osirava. tire eptau tbé«bt SI vas tih* "Ontsma*aD.s gthe c0tme*oe. w Obïra a arbur. sud ir.vmt prov v as turesd 1anadward st' fuiS v Y beavy a«s w~sas aslag.s Aau etire vessai f S. s4red te Augusi ClearingSsale 1'Mr. 8> nais *fes an Sensational inducements to q.oit ww-n aikn dealn, me strate ets whln à a LCsp<>keu éintIm shoppers. cmsup te me ari' er, yer Mitther Hinnlssy, aie yeznont. QI set 01 Parlore Sets am yer honue..rf ,z0;br i Dinhw' omSesye:, he eti Wt.llu, Gi se: hobee 0 RoomSetsarn. yel rn look at me widout Bed oom etscharge, Oi sez. Oh, but 01 wants Bed oomSets[ tal j ly=, Iie nez. All roight, Fancy Chairs and siez Oi. fore awn.Y. Ienz lN Rockers jist home frein Sent Af iy. Ire set. Oiwgot there, -rc ,.EZ, killlin' Boors fe~r King FAwnîd <n' $ain Hughe@, Ladies' Secretaries, Morris and wire ho oe:. The Boor. ho Ire se thrieti baek easy Chairs, Spring Beds and 1hir livil best to irilI me, but: leike Mattrasses, Screens, Carpet Sweepers, I me frinti Sam,I'he :, tii was "Invul- Windw Shdes.nerible te Daitei bullete un' thintgo., Windw Sade. Iho nez. But % i Lua thre Bowrai couldà Wb finish me, hé e C,QI takes the tam. AT SENSATUONAL PISICES nation f everý, ho ez. -an' wtt' ai %va k e as a ba be. là " "Z. Thi a 01 A Cali solivited. cornes honmý fr'vli;"I)oum. To shwa.t- WM. TILL & 'SONO; a joý i heKjhtn urC. 1ho &et, an' thina, ib gln' te rvbI:, ho ses. Qi wsanla ycz. lilether H.In- RAILWAY TIME TABLE. 1 nissy. te tell the peepil ln tIre Kay- 1sttoîxo papet that mfe Kaystoue* Su- WHTTY JNtrTON.gar Ce. lu the grateit thing there Ooing Wet 5.2p a&-m Gong Efit 8352 #-m, is, he met. Oiin an. reat warrlir, ta . .M. 8.17 P'm-, ho savs. but ;h-3 fariners needn'% di 24f.03 p.rn. S dy'a 1-06p.r. bc a bit afeurd 1v me. Ire se:. QI Ths2 .0 .rn. u ndaYgo 10.06 d&don't intîxaf. hot*, te make thirm Tbêing 5.9an rI oe os atMna oign conthracti rit tIre piat lv the WHeTU STAION.banit. lieuez. 311 tlnji#t.tbem wid Gole orth .07 a.xn. Ooing South 80@ . haesuf itrc. o5yfr O?5Nrh4.15 p.M. 4. 1.40 p m..ruer, Ir e:&., i what tomes te me 44t 6.40 P.rn. ? .40 &.M offim %wid peaccfu>i ntînu.he sez, STAGES. Oil serve a tree luueh Iv breati and I45vê A Whlthy for nothswa at 10. ansd 4 p.rn. butter wa&l ingar nsread thrk on Honltlen, proprietor. theo top -iv It. WViur we giti makin' ea&vos for Broughamn at 10 ar.. J. A. Uoyt Pro.-()ur oin sugft, lie bc%, Ohi shwrit pIator. their glas ses, h bezl, wid tIre bugar MAILS &RRIVIE. from thoir owia bat-es. Ire set, an" Oji Front W. aud E. 6.45 am. Froim West 8.45 &-m may have a noice leukio' girl. Ie dé West, - 9.30 arn. e" Et 9.80 &-m se:, in thé uf fIce te waI t upon thtm,' Prrom Broughamt 5.30 p-in, hIre se. i waî,ts tin thousanti far. - ilAIM LE mers, Ire sel., tOe grow b»ates fer our rou *iOrth 745 arn. For oshaw 8.p.rn. faothry it year; an' iHlnlssyo la Buet 8.0.a.u. w. . a .80 op..@sure to make it plaiti that 01i'am West 12 .15 .nà Westt .00 u>.u. ne"' pardeol a a*mePurPOsesw. an' wouidn't irarin a hait Iv axai manti PROFESSIONAL CA'RDS. i3dBetacl le talircd. se tast an' s _________________________noice.that. O1 eau. quoitc pertisaaed MEGIOALtii grant hisurîshea. iv tIre edter ________________________would oni>' priuit thre story. which Qý i Dow lav"e wwd hlm; -- did Dot .90e on tire- shore W. veré ronadintir te li lâto Ouha tjurs. *.ud w close tu by 'a lundoed ys "*We @truckr a raveils. ab juta eut fr"ina. blutf. W hit a. rock. an- th*u boat steve lu. Wher we astIa net strike irtiavfty. 1The were revçrod lummse&a1el tay atsdioslýuemastire air coutd not b*okoff, Th, tmnseditaly ook s#"ad ar-oun4 s, snd deovfe nebweas bard aud t&4. about eigirt otet out TatJIreterwab elgtgi i the" ber noew uuaater t round tla;abse'as Gia partsetWofbS etL A vater vas dep~4. I andi vo vert tariug la, auny voter, bat tsi' kup- b ed tIr a mea~ <$~1 "Oar vre. Tir" ~ to suide us but o0" bsm - eeoa tarueeue eoftIre j hawrgers suztaproei aria- 6 came~ 'befoe tinge wwere ready tfor," the r t'brii, TIreêe irtre even ýlese alîcesaful tiran aUrore. ne ajL parent advantà gc. be&ug.,rled&fra fýery ocetab~ intb tpl . ~~~$1 WhntieA#yeî pufleti off sIre ~U t~b. tirer, tot WIltby bhar.. gue wIrere niIl bitfqiradad utficiett Weptb et nater fer- divers te exana- b thre bett-o et ie bullanmi effict UCItemprtyrpiestenio salte *ta& ber tu Kingiteon for Ydoung. It IW itin, very 'Probleirîîtîeâ wuther Oe.tan be jé gKot off wltbctuà mucir méoe difiL. oft7 Tre,-are. ever thirty ton et caluber ferwîrd IroIê thatif-j .ranserred. Max lgirtea iber, bât ~iideutly thre great Weig t* ftIe, tou arer. aid stea M_ puipiof te evorking on hem. main and !Êà loon iecki att are a lreavy additipnu t 1er *deac loa.i. '%ater. was let ont ",f ber own boier% te Ilgirtonirr i%tuti tiArgyle cannet su pleme a tIrs6 effotsby her ewn enoie. A mznuitt, fleet of pleamure craft. otir great, andiém*ail. frein summýer ttageà ,at thre beachts of Wiitby riti Oxbmw bave hcasered about nce the a adeet. Tire -blg bluff,$ ut a, %ouple et h undreti yards froôm Ir trancied etater. over wlaich.it ewesIri. ic',threngea with spot.. tors., man tiiofwt4em treve mie o witness the fsîght. the tug. Thea women an d chil4rein a Hie preserver. a-j-d muccessiTe trIPS, were iacle ut i a2be ar, placed uion the. tus.< The Argyle'. pumps hati been kel)tý going ait tie Lmie. bat-after the, passeugers were ta.ken off the puam:, Çhg was sgtcppoci and the water fill.. eti her holci.,1 The ahipwfecked excurt5ioat-ilte wore taken by the. tug to Gabawa. w harf. andi thence UULVe.Ved bY el- ectrile car tu l'rotpect. pitr],wNhere they spèthe I day. Ne-.Lrîy ail were soaked by the rain or 'the! wa,%es of the IaLC, but otberwise. non. e emed any the worse for thre' exciting experlence They return-' ed to Toron to by the 9.W train on 8aturclay evenair.g, a-ndsnet at restý tIre fea rs cf their frtends. - m bho hnd, heard of thre accidentI duî--ng thre al-, ternoon Mr. John Hatlutt. manager of the iLnkte Ontario Navigittien Company, whieh ewno the Ai. y lew wae aboai'd the -boat at tIre trine of the accideut. He utates tlA'i.tIrte en 'tain and crew deserve great ceNiit for their ceoonetin, andteier able efforts i rqetting Lthe pamiengers off 'the stru.ndod @teaursr. Thre accideut is ont- which. miglit ha"e happenedti t a;13 veLv@eL.ab the shore is a danger- ou#. cie.andi there îi* nô fog hqem c.r otrer warning device. Thre Argyle ib Iying off $tony Ploint. nearly lildiNiky bctween Whit- by andi Oshawa. about 200 yards [ rom shore. L-1Lc us aaparently ait- titi& tzuarejy and i wth her for. ward part but a iew inches a.hdve thre natrailne of immersion, white the stem ig about thre saine distance below thre lot. The:re: is Ihuti ne irreparable injury te tIre vesse>. ner La there fikely-o e. unlessanax easterîy stcuxu should arise nd tIre wavea mmach np lier wurks. Imnaedia.tely after thre accideat.an ordei ws.' sent teIKingston for three pu.mpip. These arrived et Oghswa, andi at mxdn-ght thre wreek- ing tug uecgavti th work of pumping ou;» thre .rgyle. She wîi be haut- eti off thre rocks andti epa*ered au speediiy ai po.'sîbL-. Mr. Haslett's Story. "Tho caPta.in andi erew dîd .% auarkobiy 'i eh." h. saiti, whien een. **We did mot btraks between Toron- te andi StenY Point, au s meeof thre passengers "y7. The"e Was a dens fog. and w. were ae littte wuirtward ofunr course %t.tien we madie Irle enstern piers. Juéi. thera tIe Gar-.I tien City camQ êlungi. and'vTe ,.oid Up te give h,,sr lots et room,, Then, we -went eut uor LIe Cap. s"à uteered a conpmpsansd tinat, iourse frein. there tte where we - etr=uk. AnyI prciclnarle' wtI &&y tiat we] did r#zamarkbty wv1l udr thé on. 4litioa, 'Wb ~uid aot mia lg b.hon'e tire £dter thte Keywt r. I-assure yeu It wa& tftm tIno o wbsuim l Farmes Duplng- July. and -August o u'store wlll romain open on, Tuesd a %d Friday eveninge tIl 8.30 ' lôcke if you can'iot-core ne ithedgay lime, corne on theà e evenlngé. Hiïghest .Cash Prlepaid 'for Butter and Eggs me -c. LAWLBR -Phono 47. WHf by Nte *1 '1 Trmflide tejte a~p tly OUto be- ah. -sec-. 01 by -., a lbsequent: lr lide.. cl.That han thre Property-. ondtione ýhl3fçd. M., (t:; Tho Argyle 'wau reised f(rom tIre "'tr on Tuenda.y. itnd bruugirt te Ire Wltby h"rior, wlerw dlve)b9 DbttO CO'Vor tireï.uJurle. and e. hi.lirte boat te -reacirKnae lr ýdock.Ti#swork *a'&* ced '9rîr"on tire 1toute. e& cafl ted tre mPIM.teck tire -place ýf tirhé gye uTlaeidoy