Whitby Keystone, 27 Jul 1905, p. 3

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MONTREA, 8"VU ? 0FMONET. ,jie and Eus Son <sot' \xi>rd 3M9untainIl- 4 alông &. IFroneb ' -ovIke, retu.rned. to ~d re!ated the desper- .nd hs son underwent-- ad of Ito.lia.n iiigOi. Iiptedi to r-Tb the pay- ivùîg a1'ug ;pte Qn %Veil KiiýgsburY nand ýa quiiot etretd4 beé- iof bttieâ ' ~i 041 of a sudden low@ i.npedî-1 rum the buâh, ý Lw Eau iLJ a bot- ed at uîs îI" demand- e semetd wtou agtà othe othier Vo shoot. iiîîîwdqiatdy did. Ié I.It suddenly struck 0 w'at ui0111 IntiC= e uffýhiti gua.rd for a -dthe àrip wi tuet anld rail towards the rnped tl. oth--r way wtel o! money. lie int.ing his gu= at bimn, ~i h1wU th bUshe,the hias hc.L othi tu.i- 'd the big uiey bag, t nie. Illut the buggy ld g ve me a chance, weiit over my head. 30 a* Wokeep ýo.I4ib. fired, and thse -e' 1JioUC.',&ttchel,'fair- -flAngsng 'yit around 680 0e Luwis, whule I f eit in y arî. I1wvu ot rupled up and rMn on. ItaIiiaL-l auppVy Mau wiio gralxb4d UiheaaV- e to ecape. 'lie t"v tin iiring tsiwerai more 1 vera.1 bucksthot inm' le buek, wlile BIa in one Ieg.z-Alter a ivever, t1ey evidently into the Iush. t y lu ng chance in get- f the italiun Jiad nut kiling-the hiorse ail woWLd have been to with the iney, ao eting Wa over U.ihinond, whiere Dr. iace, took a nuiuber M8arm. Upon hie x-nmett ut t.he gtation ,-nxd proînptly driven el believed that. t"s i.qiiu dwith Vthe rr. L tri tp, and (mOT POCKETS. ti Custom l"Ancienit tinorable." ;v 924.-JuItdge Glo er ':reuit (3bôtift to-zy Icyer interfere with honoruble right of a. rhii,,band's ;lpocket.s W"illilim iM. liard- efrou iIna 'MN.Iliard- hgbeen use ahe liad h' is poeket& alter eson thse bill, cen- tiiose insqsosed b> Ie .referred4,O ôn 'rsws, and aaked flferent to freedomi ioved eye en the. ,epprembsed, yet th4er, is the restricttIon rit4%l colont es woe, thtu thofe impoo- e and raaona>.l S DEA.DLY, and' Mother L<87r Die.- Islyf2.D.Gc 114d tô priendshlp. w ËRle, icytheaut c the famUïy of J0s. been polioned bY Hie ôulnI a d.plor"- Itldh n' aged 2 aà andi -ho father LI1 inl agony.. ,sted caï smaper -at whls -batbýeen -kms- 8. Thse baby ate mne bread, but d. nyN emryIve,,but the ai cniin ISD -90Y , -re' O e v ~ a. pnm *mine upaius al 0; thn4rUt. U n e Ur.Benbas ow idtruêw Mrs- Dosfl.Wl»youforive me for 00 'So*horê the good cornes 1Ine WE .",« t taw. = 0"QU'ÏAlITYIl'sttiere anîd1 Wat YOU 4Mý ?becus akM o1I to KNOW It too . vufo es- v» X A TEST 10 WHAT WR WANT aea oeezonoie .. bleto thort Uneh, ontinued: -------------k so g a, U cfyou,» be «lm no C"U i bir AVI- 1ie extra PrAy là m'a mainl Veimon an, @d reaumnain on the LOVE A IkA TILI3 ment, Unele John, 1 viil wrte ddtel yoro, better stilI, JosMo uISSIX do it., ebmnaàmetiseter," -«d, with a laugis, ---___ ------ ____--_ _ -------------------__ ___ .. M r lmbtôu 'gl aisU , but tM e we. hy pifla.ker coula. not be put at At the long bast of nmms, ini plactetoS01ofMma.Lanbton, Who mt on thse othes, Iiheu--e qute yMoqly . rwt l the siple Vernion Vane, cvery one looks- aide of bina, and diti not notice the fîxd oetiil, lo, ed up, excepting Jeanne, and there wus attention with- wbièh >1e-l.rcgaeded hlm m '," lo Id c. «Delighted, l'in sure- asllUht rustie cloquent- of surprise; but'l--an attention sw fixed that liai ad a.l- ,bkmtny sou] -y aiy our laymip Van %î face was valus and composed, .nd-t mont to ehout in asking hlm for thse third ý'*efSIo<d lti«ith," e se a looklt" ng L 3eannèg~ tus-n eame to m&ke the se nna1timé, te Pas. -thé . mîPkJRDne, not witb tàhe oh, latreImol sesortipu. Offly for a moment did she- To Jeanne, the whole scene seexned 11ie, but with a reverentaalBiOt paue m hoIsediontbismmi and i 1k. thé, unsubstantl I pW in ia dreamfI eeexprmsioa. leoseh@t6A s ooe t hi§ mn , a. and every nov and th%=. she ca.ught ber- Xow, Aunt J ane"asa Vane, «ISSU up look whieh b. rememberedever after. Bef l endl 9at the bandsomo orgascre- Ward, à gla.Mc at onceapaln and beside ber- as if te assure hermeif thmt But Aunt Jane &book ber head and, eoufhdung; a glance which hecouid not ber lover, ter liusband, 'was tisese. Every otared nt hlm, understand then, but which, in thse me- xmw and then, toc, Vano's land would 1"Iwell," ho sUd, giving t ip as a l><d mentous after-time, he credited with a seck and liold liera for a moment~ be - job; qI se you wa.nt to have a chat with1 inistaken sgnificance-neath tise table; and once, as he lient Jeanne. Supposeyulaisr a9 She 'did not bock up again, mot even dowva, ie whisperedic "My Jeanne I "and and leave us gntlemnen to have a quilet when, 'with thse usual blundering, ho slip- Jeanine'& heart ieaped glad1jy glass to ourslves! (;o, nsy darling,' be ped he -edingring on the wrong fin- Neyer had N aie-tIc once siuent and1 murh2ured in Jcnnne's car, "and don't ger. res;ervcd--appeared in sncb light spirite forget- that ire bave only just hal an It vês a trifling rnistake, and mot an 'and buoyasst happine»s heur.e" uncomnzon one, but Mwr.. lsmbton ahud- 6Isn't ho ¶uîte to c carminf 11" whis- Cert.ainly thse efforet cf Bells commun- dered, and Maud and Georgina sobbed - peied Maud ta. Bell; "s distungulshed.-blation seemed 40e)lave cau-sed pattin.I WÇýth a little bias Jeanne beld ont 1ooking, toc. ýNo one wouýld thmnk le .tupcfet.ion te tise, majoritv. of thse ber baid and l'aie tra.nsferred thi. ring wu only a n artist, would they V" party, for- wben Vane opcned the dOOr, to iseriht ingr.At whicb pour Bell, wbo* had beci Georgius and Maud arose as If they vere The litte acident took ouly a moment etariig absently at his plate, tarted awakL-ing f romn a stupor, aid escs, as or& ntetruatobut it upset 14r. and turned l.<e. they went out, stareu over tersol Bell, and tise rext of the service vas Presently V anc gladecd at bis vatch, der; at hlm, as if VIoy eould not se. tOc aimait Inaudible. and Rai, visa lad dzownied bis sisyneas in mucb of hlm. Thonwitb er hnd onceraupagnes jumped te his feçt. Jeanne vas theinaat to leare the rooni, Then wih be had onberbusbnds "Bicsu the boy," murmured Aunt Jane. and, as she went, 'Vane took boUs lier am-r, Jeanne rettcd ber steps to the «He ie l going ta nsakc a speech." Lieds iu bis, and aorutinized lier dcvi- vestry. Vestries, as a rul, are neyeri "dOnly a short oie, aunt," said HaL cast face with a loving, asmured expres- large enough for these wnging of a eat,. tigt oprp se ebealtl cf thse j1on. iôt imminent peril to that dcmestic TOgt poo wi .bride, yeu kuow,'y and le nodded tbward '<Well,. Joanne," he raid, "are Yoli 90 anilbal, and Bell, visen ho came in. cbuld Jeanne witis*a flus on bis bright face otutartled alsc? searoely fnake hie way tb the table for Land a siispieioiics moistu'e h in là yesm But Jeanne did not ansirer, did Bet Rit thse little crowd of sant andiace. 1'nIere 15 nsy love, Jeu, and may you be hber oyei, and went eut, vithout a word,' But visen he diti, lbehel ti ot7lus hand lsappy.7 b earing as the did go, Vane's voie, with timnidiy to Jeanne. and rraspd bers. '1.'hat's tise moat sensible speech l ever #ta now merrrngn it, saaying: "II-op ou1lSelappynatinoe,» ' - amt a wedd ing breakfast,' 'said Aunt "Niow, gntlemen, don't let us b. foot- lie stanunered, andwihatmriônt~' Jane, adiniringly. t!eh oves- tlis littie surpse. Bell, 1 lbat- daring whiich utonlshed him f of the rc19*iîvair got p with B suille on bis 4lP& ent conmlitted a crime mia! Comc, Un- inainder of bis life, Le raised lier hand . wrhank yoi, ITaI," le aaid. -Jeanne e. John, Jeanne hasn't smffered any in- and kissed it. I shal L e bappy, if 1 can make her se," Juy. Corne--orne-" Jeanne Iblushetlbut rriir'ieteas Vitne, i and ai; lie saa down, be laid hi. baud on J eanne fiiida tise rest cf tIse ladies putting his arui around lier, re lier Jeasnne's and held IL. hmtered at tise foot of tise taira, ail toward lsir, and kisseti ber. j "Mr. Bell vili bave to propose the wltlng for Icr, and al apeecilesistili1, This, of course, Was the sinal for the bridesmaid's beatb,» sald Hl, clatping and putng hiér amui asouîd Assît Jane's rest of theain, and .Tannc's bouquet and hlm tutor on thé back. "Corne, air.' vaut, ise. leidys ber upstairs, t>.. ret lac. were considerably criaslied.f Bell atartf-d ansd Iooked arounti, Uxen f#iUowing like sheep;" thon,.,wben the loor- *It's rather niie bcing insried-f os- arose and fidgcted irith tise tableclotb. h~.ei«d, Assît Jâne spooki? thse biride," saad IRai.. in a stage*- whisper.' lie wax Nos-y pale., aid' sUrangely nez. "one s hatut Theus Bell turncd ~ vous, for ai; a irule bis humility déses-ted "Gys Jatei t we-$a -will you ign the imgissenrlieieiBaia.to e n.hi; M*UtbuMd # ec booti Mud- ànd Georgfina. 'It Vané mnade his a wy iup uthse table he à& iee hrlm. = Z autbt and igned, aud ,Janne followed. The. broke by requestUng alil te fi their glass- . iyest it la truee, sA1d Jeanne, qndeloy et crowded foru-ard auto. os. Blell looketi around once or twkceWt doirnamit face. 1, ai-, Varie," aid Mla. "wh!it a lot th<'ti, iritis a sake cf bis Seatdj, Bat down. n.Lambton, -alc ite a, chair andi of nanses you'vc got. Làiberal kind cftTises-e iras an awkw1aird panse, but Mr. lOd- ber band te lber heurt. people yo~ur godfat crs assud rÂîiotherg 14t11bt011 ias equal to thse occasion, aid "Tben-then," i' »d, ""a mnust have been.& clearing bils tlroat, oocked around wîtsa,"ynar Vamie mnileti. fa, lacid couintenaîce. jahunsJs:~ "Sorte of thtn rrs irpurely ornuamental, i'u Mr an son'. spec-. spef Ampetnes"olet au mt l," ho said. *'Arc we rcady.' j Wlieb lad tako là ias tlreë rbe d[s a w*eful1and despaig gan. nt Tisese waa a genera 1i move toward the tisePrepare-vas 'doornmdt'i eia uun. ltr à--- VerànrM s arln i idÉ IOsI-en-.for as suddeuly sas le lad ut If tbi.>'ad ouIY huowu-if 80M Vans."ma . ouI> VM e&ns ~"My der-Jquo,» mut0eti Maud, recrddny -4toMudavieked. TO .Jonn laqut igh,' nsLtJane drying Pr e es. '< anunit ue Joanne. t viiaul Mome ¶t. It A la 1- tiat vaiues O U 9 botr aun 2 daseo d, t ýIpur'oxs <Andi thIDp alau *eýkd <J. Y'1 'nlid ËfrsLanbion, vitI , ' "Watý ua , o» opairin~gis.9 eeived solution tisera caine abmemn at thé door, aid a".ou f; "«Jea=îe,-" ."&uut - 'Joa#ne. Jeânne files te "the door. At leait thbere is oie vise viii net >ry lad>» lês- and. stand aloof. h1m¶ hilm m ier. lace andmtils. -Ob*-. -""AIight, Joanne 1- ho fa ý <'Do't cry, jeu i Ita ai Vaut. abit knocked oves at litt course, andi yeure ufeet; but Vome's noue tise werse for bWng a marquis% yOi koT. Vane'a a brick-a& regniar brk 1! » ber anti kziughim 1 nul"1 love youI TelletisUbatagini1 (Ta b. eonttmac&> BABY'S OWN1 TABLETS Cc"e IliaiWeatber Ahlsnetand8aum- mser Complainte. la, tiselot weather tI,ç littie eues sunIfer f rom stomacb aid bowel trou- bles. ams-ersvous, veais, aleeplesa anti irritable. Tîcir vitality lu lover Dow than at any other acason. . Prompt wtîon at this time sya preigons littie lite. -Baby'. Ovu aleta la ttse best niedicine in tbe vos-Id for littie one&. Tbey speedily raiose, prompt- iy çute andi give sounti reIfreiInq1stee1u. Anti tley arc garantmetifrocfri O atessaj4 IA mFuil dug.Tb y alays do good-thoy eannet possibly dQ barma âJ no home, shoulti be vltaost tii. Tablets, espeially during bot veiathâr montIs, vison dangr, us trouble. cotie sudsteîly andi alnsoTstýun eelvedi Mmi. Ad= XiMr- ticotte,,Cislorydormses, Que, saa>: < lare useti Baby's O*n Tablets forý dlarr" licee and atonsaehtrh1sndaa. vith tise Most perfect sçmets; Tbe>' are botter tisa i ay otbor, medieine ,t know of." » Slidb>' ilbIuggSS by mail at 25 cents a boëx y vrtvitlng the Dr. WihUlamns Mediio Co., Brook- ville, ont. f0ee tiat every ' boxbeara tis name «Baby'. Ovi ýTablets»" nt ie pic-_ taire cf a four-bal c'lose eé t rapplw.e Anytlsing, *sc la an lMItat>n. drwup at the'ýdàbr eorvw the> b"dsveken ý J6, Ow ite tko - msud .1alba4d ntes-a«é ffl1W.roffl, sPêÇýa 7 e'î * ý t sUlkisiskis-tas à" "ILwad is omtenta. & rle ~ . *aUDin>odçr'gI *Màe subtie prusapseu~aLn add onI#k Yo agodcvii and lbave ths. nte li o atiet' i M t il roery , Pike,sbe àbmi-.ve î» !But ha îvs-ea dejected sairamtigowh tue mDr yuggomluitndanas.tiat k ansyaptbyb.oug. "<A& b. housit tafke ,Me, n2 bat <Ilae6net esU'oibe haith a&rhr"Tss l pni- h r iseony rienth ie onlytr- sobcl dcv itiout ssoleig at tlk-,fid i lave In Iloekbs-idge or I>ouul- inh.Had île net i.rilt .do'seo tiore.Cu iyben parome jut a mo Hati not bcr fathor bullt ail endeseti mitu tihe builngDM it net depend Io« ia «Jutas magy as you keaien- d not think of till, hevever, ashsio' WeIlf m oig o * l och" s wept. ace0 tise tireshisod aidp-ent rig_ heeiiradiait viion, te tl', de- "lBut jy e donapa os-k ligitet gaz1cftise se-isoaM For tise> tier.,"4aw'.matimidi>. Tisepla6eid ail Icber, A"dber outrance vasa becplgammûin ejorcn~ velone raeakna sultry July arter- aid.guiàG - moon vison lessona b"dbecome a ds-ag- "ye-ou tisese u e !a lso, cè-'-du for- M"blntbet ,dnk the huuis sciool rmigs'aceI!,honid, viti a kiniý t S wletu trais amiled, toc, for ase vas tirea., &n "flae Ihakve beo eprel mbi. toc, loreil thebruglt girl , wbIp&se Uilikiig the vwos-k- vas sidieg7 s c«to eaneti er blonds, aibâit thse guU 1anau s -ise ndor if 1 did , aeelng tise betvlxt tIers vas nias-ed --tugis. As volo l n loge snge-mhde1 la tise>' stood aide by sieMed* lt e e Sln %ay boni grace t od.T-ag bewem tbS aSoa ed.vsy Widi.& Tise Iaa Utn.ls taÇaslias îas t«ern1isanda aUri oaje unsnifigRffq»Uorat lpf1 h r aIholt ilvedipilaYI yam idlwtys brse "LOn got-t" me., It listin» that i lyPh isait omre fev unes un lber- bs-cd, vt" tbougtuül brow. le"Je's u pame fr OUI, lapericus>'."I wat tetai k teoC! ftaris.Try an dlive Kdown." A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e iae itchni a '1H look kIl .d azid tisoy trooped clte dly luotheJ «[t net pmlse a- iecause orak- pîsygm-unti, wiie Ceely vltb ber para-e it, osvei ii e ouIaa sel poketi.tise. windows 'open te their totUp4j'a*l sridest limit& & mulufoàMeaDon therpe r-ea z.. how eke andstidfbir ï AndPtea"&ei se vet vise1 quit. tïme yen lbad yens-holiay, Bso, a rt . il1ee Yen are as pale U ~hsb 1j eclc vs t. b blete- inMt*â o. 1s "Teii. h et . wosalmd, l' 8q11 -hmy,,vosk. lie bas bm e 0 1 o ber quiet, pleasant v6ee.It s-Oussonîy t simade, tibas nid. me vol-' tise chiltir. The montai acatlon 1I o ïkotIeluse..I bave Avafl 2>' a)vay de ndent on thse p cylsloe ftî ffl n, yutis es IresIMt. I wua It? 1 Tsarily t 0i04sTa»e M%, Jtbnk1 oSIci, ad noibuit br i for instanc, 1 aun prfoetW vlt.ILh' ~~s'w~m nm vsk o dditintwenty ailes on u eoomhs ibi 'sye--b- It W;tntfr ê ahi. tl eabtu4 ug a bbr'teea-"u.ffre tise przut moment! lam's mimer- »ýÎ> ele-é. «M« W ute ua a tl. dosk, ni lookoti acrema ite tbA *0 s k fte ait>',vtiher.ns'obta vii hé t »ilihoacool mistremu. anivi vei diffnq vitiû104tlait tfsest$ybtprpytu Tisetsolo"ma-maats-esabut naO ec nent lseneteet~ andi soul lato tise %vo tlbktas-i" "exIlik ustac iim, ant e lm U ," onasiholhis*alà mya ayMI kblradagêatlemrnlandth&%s I Ioe11.WhI ok. o w1v - ad ne ides a b)ismuitef, o<bui* m Olensl,60-,-». b The Up of tise 1Utle-mool mistrfsa ffbersO. aêowit fahatly cns-ed,.èbut theyou >9.c 7 i esi"Gt5teevnI~-ae aissriotibbeUr ova tisonit, 1 «1 wbm.,i ~ sm~u~ netbytioplMu o al-thétiviat màb.,hve uti*e d a.*stoMtielr' decrepittbeas anet'fas- Sem s Cautta . 'eteof o-vna Il tiiere ta t »t Zo o louis voetuas-ysurgon :t~u 1oo k s-Jt>t'o hooptentas uffes-lng trouý 1s 4losa abmon }rsysanuta->' prooauoe, la ktalonalto bul1e< 307 op,171,05,4 I~W .s~ twuqMa natto a ut i Dm.W lbi th, - - -I--- -W r'--a Usag *boutr te m, to the lsnmInegt o da 2Wbat'is aa îyismaerôfl andi saklag ?isLgft5hgtllBafl 1Ctm l kot1 tonU, be Mou lit ý 7&i t Y tCo tie sea he114 j

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