Whitby Keystone, 20 Jul 1905, p. 7

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-~'~: & I S~day ~i~ni4t 'OMPL.ETE SAW- ivellilu, reRd>' fer lgtrIet. muskoki. ni.Aidrets tD. T. horse-power. Ad-' amdlton- ontreal ne liton and Plcton snd Toronto 1,30 y$ and -Saturdas caL sand Interi- TE F LINa. EAL UNE NlD KISLGSTOM4. 0lally. ercept Sun- Ilochmer. Thou- wrence, Montreal. 4UOasuc, Ss<ueuaay a. à. agents or Siters Paasecgsr Emnprsa. wager êfEmpre Amcrican art- Sbc-en on cx- iFair, is to be rultry, ait unex- t to understa.nd. l in tîro \\iite dtry wouulul Ae ng place for so wnsidering tho r. the painting it of a Chinese .ion. It is said former Chiniese un, whle slie i» e it and september ýrn Raîlway wHL p excursion tlck- ageies. Portland,. 'IXoiOLlo). Seat- e,at very 1ev t ared from &Il txoutes, be.,t et )qeru, and liberai 1 and- full intor- 2 .IH. Benniett,- ml - le. C,omng a eut a auil lodations, ile the means et ws and lconvsnl- 'iis. T.hrough ln- a the country Is ,arer to th1e my. wbîch buuman in- usgent la-ail ors one bias the lni- ornier perloil; &,id better tRýciU- leo1uuutl1ry hl.ome, rniiie . A ot led lii the clty -'njoy-ed ln the lnu u n out- I-T r'sne eru you've dis- lnu ot some 0e1e meale. Lay held thousands haye icured qnlckiy l'encan Kldncy the world et ufferritruet oretoid. Review. Ophecy, se long irful prodîcîlons id c5have bee.ù or the automo- he ýteam Ieeo- li cuase wauaa,-. iSelc Nahumn. rts -hall rags tle one against biey $hall teem 111w the llgbt- ~ife. ta be awfully In. What Caus-j sn't- the same ird Scito .OR UrUIte- X»maaaue@ Si and lt*P.tan.-2 Chrov.1 Idclatrios, (Ys. 11). 1. Ma Jaah--Ti thlrteenth king *ofJuidaht, 09014tng Athaliali, the usugr'pr, So«of Hesekaf sud ephabah whwas trditionally e daugliter cofIssiali. Twelve years H. uewus bora three yeasiter lies- ekialiwa miraeulously* restored to healb.er.igued longer than s.uy ether king 0,Jdl rlaee.2 i evi-be. follewed &Il the abomainable t racties cf the nations of Caauan, but. in sin was grester than theirs because ho had Ilght and knew about. the true God. 3. Baaim-The plural î f orm of1 BaaL Madie groves-"*MâAda seoh ]E. V. .Asberoth as ose of the. plural formIS of Asherath, a heathen goddess. Bai WUs a aile and Asbersth a femnal difin- fty. «An Ashersh waa Probabiy a wood- en polo whlch wus planted beside an altar as a ymbol of a deity."-ýSmith. Boit of Heaven-,The suft,9Moon aud stars. 4 Altars n the hous-HIe placed the beathen sitars even in the temple. Shah xny name be -Sec8«ehapter 7:16. à. in the two courta--Plrofessor Luis- by thînke this verse explains the pre- cSd±g verse a.nd that -the -idolatrous ai- , tar were erected in thie Courts Of the qtemple and sot inu the hoiy place. 6. 'rhrough thie f ire. There is tesson to bce- liIbe that in certain ciruumstances the chiidren offered to Molloch were actu- tually burnt to death, or were first miain and tben burnt. Se. Psa. cxxxvi. 38; Jer. viL. 21; Il_.Kînga xvfi. ai. Some thinik Qhat W '"passtbrough the fire" meanz that they' passed their ehidren betweeu two fire sby way of consecra.tion tO the beathen deity. Valley. .of innoin-This wus a ravise on thie south and west of jerusalem, thie soutbeast extremity of vhîch had thie naine of Tophet. Obbervedl tres-Sec R, V. "Practîsed divination by the elousds." Enchant.ents-'-lie uisedl incantations and charma." Farsiliar 5?ft~SeI. Sain. xxviii. 8. ile had in lis service those who pretended te Tmise the. spirits. Wizards-Wise or knowing ones *ho claimed tO reOveRI .secrets. Mdai cf these imposters came from Mtixdea to purs,,,@thefJr occpations and practise theîr deceptions,, and 'Manassh waa their liberalpRon. -Mucb cvi- Trhe beather rîtes-u-,d ceremomies wMh Matieameh obgerved wei'e often of the foulest character. 7. Set.. irnage-r-The setting up the Asherah ithifl the sacreti precincte is dwelt upon as the nioat ag* gravated outrage of this wicked king-. S. Neither ýVilI 1, ete.--G 1hd rm ised that this land should he theirs for- evr(IL Sam. vii. 10). Ii onty (R. V)- cf God's proniises are conditior. LThis condition woa* epressed et the very '-irst. 1liad tfrey ob1eyed (-.od they would neyer have g n so captivity, bt wouid sil have been in posseseion of thie Prorised land. 9. To do worsc - Through the pernicious influence oiC Massaeh theY were led. into worse fonus of sin than were even practiscdl by the original Caiitmnlf2eL Tradition says that under manassel i Iaaah wvas sawn agunder. Io. nAe Lord sae"ccas imaginé the bitter grief Rnd biurning indiguntion of those who Iuved the God of 1suacl. .And they were sot Silent. lu Il Kng lxi. 10_15 we se, unllalued prophets 1c- nouneing tAie nptP'asy and threatelnïng judgment in inozt striking iangua-Pe." Manassebj is dencuneed mid it is iào- ciared titat in coliet-qiene of l!3 cirimc3,t 00(d would bring tupon Jerugalcrn sulil scies for tAie hande sud jettera for the U feet."I To Babylon-"lt lt a confirma- tion of the sacred history to remeniber that just at this tiuie Bs&bylon sud net 7 ,àUneveh wta thie sat-cf tbe.Assyrî&s lvernnent.Esnddu i.mrto- 'RManassfeh aniong hi. tribut&ÊrlesW> uis the osly kisg of Aïsyrla whé hald bis courtit Babylo.>-4plkorle OPM iu.WtI thia event Jxdah w va.dded.to thie Au- syrlan Ewpire. 12. B", iuh tAe o.d-«1nthe aoâI- tude of exile aud iprsornuent 'Mamu-. suAi had letire for r.tlecfion. Thel- 01' aMities foroed -o.03 u a reviw 0< lor es of hbis dstlttouueioat and eaptt wert cwoçW io & w1ISI sd uptoedesi- ted Sposta*y ýrm .,1à fbu, ât. L" lth ô jsuke k lue I dfjt <mimb' v Who woü 4 not besar't»vst&1) Me prisn proved -noge Be vrs entasàted-TL 1 *bsê , tb* myatur aim as im - e e t. h* k t . 'But hoWp muclb- bettîît jonce, tinsmakiîg, auci lffjm un~ MH.eIm apjuvý the Aigu placs. b tatherhabrokke-n dowe »(v.. 3é&dis -regsr4od, bis IatbWs * scb4 gsaM-ýdis he*re4'A&a mm.r. 'ii 'eonteupt e sac"Sed -thinga lie. dffled GoL t»,HMM rface, ftspudemftly sltrouted Hlm .1Iy put, iting his, rivals right, under bis eye; hi wrs not atraid oft Ood's wrat'b,' ashazn.d of Ailsown viekeduesa.» H. de aeerated wliat liad becs consecrated. Hi tùrned God out cf Hie own home &W~ put rebel in possesion. "Hie observed fumes," etc. (v. 6.) Thos Who unake conjurers, fortuDe-teliers, Ijuir. itualista et an, astan's Iying oralie jthear compasions and guides are féllov. inin thé_ footasteps of Manas"l n wiU Bsurely coïse tW grief. RemetJy a ycung woîian began to folcw spirits& She went from n e evil deed te aun>ther, until at hatst he attempted suicide. WMen rescued sud wMked why ah. did it ehe said. "Thie spirit@ told me te" (1 John 'iv. 1). The"- la ne safe guide but God. "And Ai ecaused Iiis childreD te paso threugh tAie fire" (v. 6; Lev. xviii. 21.) Some he horribly burned as s sacrifice; orne Aie made to pai through two flames in token cf their dodication te tii. taise goda. Parents who send their cýhihdrcn to dancing 6chool, teacli tAem ta play carda and, take thers te the thea- tre are dedicstizig theinto tAie god ff this worid and preparing tbem for fiery punishisent. "gMaseh ebed innocrent blood very umucli» (IL Eingn xxi 16). They were flot criminals whom tAie wicked king Put to death, but -innocent- persona who iwem-e martyred by public ezecution or' pri- vate assassinatio)n to RTaify Manmae»h s anbition or revenge. Pary emaeilh hlst.ry says Isaiali vas " sa.wn asunder by M.a.uassh'ii order (Heli. xi. 37). -Out ad t4> heurt ..ee... .murders» (Matt. xv. 191. Hatred and e.nger are murder in Ged'a reckoning, (I. John ILi 15; Matt. v. 22, I. V.). *1ake Aitd.... .lest tbere b. in any o f Tiou an evii Iue.rt"'(lob. iii- 12).31aamu~case %sducod the peoie ho do more evil than did th. other nations IL. Rings xxi. V). mhe king forced theni under penalty ef death to f&ilow faise gods and live morê esetiouâlî 't1xa U le hetith.en.i 'The) Lord epake. . .tut tib7 'wowlc not &.earken" v. 10). "The Lord spake by 11i.9 serv aute the Ffopbets" (Il. Kinge xxi. 10). He speaka IIow by thie blood of Ci6it, the llo!y Spirit, thie mritten word, tbc incasu 0f grac. e, .invitation 0Of f rienda, thoe xample cf. holy lives, B e calls frein min te, holines, froin miser te happusesa, f ro<n earth te heaven, from &%Van tao RAsebIt. A young mânrunder deep cor.viction. was ca.rneciJy entreated te accepitA.b Saviour. "If yen refuse te aceept CAiriat yffl deliheratéeIy rejeet i, Aip e vas toil. TIbia the unbeliever clenied. Upon being aasured hAst it as 8e, ho dcliberaLely rcplied: -1ben 1 te- j,&et llim-" H. put a.way the, outatretched liand and persistently refueed tii. wIly One who could save hîm. lia sint-he cx i g i (kleb. X. 20-29). 'And when Aie vas in AilitOn e bu- ,Sbught the Lord Ais Goi" 1(v. 12>. lb. rôd wilinet change"a reliel t a cildt but it wiii draw a truc child doser te its fut).«. -D)"Ollfun a.way vWben leur fatAier wAips ou"oe ehid asked an- obcr. 'No"was the reply; '61 fua anto Alis &rnus; ho cant u'bip nme then." in timel of adiversity we noed specialy to beedl thc co.uniand, "KOep Yc>ursdIvOs in thle love cf Cod" (Jude 91). mEIlubhed bimacif gpet)yl" (v. 12). TA. .--p- -e -i A--- nver ma---po-rex-e-- 1W A 1365 SCEDOL. i p esihe ceyi@m T«.denjys $t0 proi DBMAND "4S4LADA" AND SER TuÂT rYQU OT? SONt 089Y l I aidaka s- ocq,4c0. By ail iroer..hcaia org ss u l l b ea v r at . Lo i ,1 90 4. BEt£NNEIT, IWURDER- SWPECT,ý ARRLSRD ,'AT DLINNVItILt He Was Unarmed and P4ade NO Show of Re- ,sistance-Taken to Brantforci, ion M ENETT. Dumnville, Julv 14-Biennett, the cup- Poned murderex' Irom tAie Brant indin reservation, vas arrestet here Iast even- mug. Chie! Cpuuty Constable Farrel, cf Osyuga, ttacked Benett and iocate'l im in'.tic morning at -the fans of Mr. WOtaon Murdeek iu Dunu tovws"p, itb vhom ie bad Ared Farrel came ci the local policeWho kuIew Bennet bad returni.d and vedta ,mr cuttisig cf timber. ThMs le villlngiycon- sented te do and at an~ early heur ln the~ maorning he vent eut vith a party frontý thie home et Mr. Murdoch sud trWve'18à, to thc bush. Thie best preparatioànset made for- the capture. A strong lôr -ý vas organizcd and departed i rip for tAie seene. The off icers Vers Prepare for aLny emsergency, sud vere raielr :- prised at thie esse vith which th.y tpký their ms Pagan Rites et FunraL- -w% iVV ,4oy w oijUUÇ ÀÇu e conf4a.uied by ail Wthe their priaonçr whe h. came lu rominth a ,fnealo Ms 117fi" ïh hie, eruuBne an liis1t:f-the" murde dowii te tue spper table with tike other trom lber motber3s reulden< men and was eized £rom behmnd. Il. Ito tii. 80 S'in- mLOs and Dd ot mdenW ma de noit. e s a mis ht )wa oeeroft ad fldot re hU d ce no istR a bce Jter. t a eoi ftbe taken to Bratford thifi moranei. - .sev.Many iriendï ai A Par-t Of thO agreemeut in conueectîon 7npt for'ler trisk, wVith the employment wheh lBennett se: xpres their ecu)dolegce w çnred was that h. shoiild engge îu the brboken motiior and IsmiIy nt1!CHIICAGOTASES S Subseriptions tc> the Pu=d fJaUiri Of tuospreamdtIStug ChÎmagoJuly 17-Tbc .xiitveà - d. absdoedthie solietatlmof h" *rnà i lated elthtbfêaalavi . e tA.p tsusteW Jim 4.mcI O#! ties ro unes> fflIIt* Wlb Ut~Ia Séutliwortju,Ega Wbrk tu beuemmge.iý-o thene convocation hall o tLe nvr~c o Mi. inaugurationfts e roi Slxy erutpgmnet voakem vat M.Artdwr JOhston, a victim cf tAie London atr.et cMraccdent, bas deveioped e«rysipela. &"dMey net reouver, Oàe.bhnddBrli naval cfcr frpmen abtnoquadron ut Bret are being cutam u Paria The Walker Hoüu., Toronto,- As nov in tbe boada of Its nev proptiehors, Mr. Geo. Wright sud Mr.Ma roI ÇOL. Pelltt, ofTrtnte, bas been el- lectedl a director of the Dominion iron and Steel Company. TAie Torotito Oýquncl of tAe Board of Trade resohved tepetition tic Dominion IGovUermet to redecin wonn-out ailver. Canadian cetton nmisehave advanced Primesof Yam two cents a Poundi, about 10 per sont Ssturday, Octobe; 21sf, being' le ucltn- dredth anniversayitet A death et Nel- sono will- A. obseri'e4 throut tAie empire At a meeting cf Toronto mcdkai =en au invitation was extended _tv-thé Biti3h MeiaiAsâociation tovisitToronto ncxt 7Tear. Mmr.- W. L. Levitt, for thie- paut ycar Socrtary ofthpWoodstock Y. M. C. A., bas resiguedti. s resigation to, 'take etteet Septembir Ist. Honolulu Chinose are trying ho raise a fund ot *5,000te asait iwitlie'boy- COtt of AuerlesugoodailuChina. Lt la reported tbat they bave alre4dy raise Sir William Van Borne, ehairman et thie Ecard of Directora cf the Casadiau Pacifie Raiway, arrived at New York fromn Havua to-day, -on the steamer Mr. Tho*. Trelleaven, masercabuld er 0f the Grand Trunk,&t Londoa, mwIm out snd mesvued Mr. sterling, vie vas drowning ÏiiILake &Et i 'tPort Stanley. TAie Glenn building, BIW Or%, o" et tie sinalleref fiôe buildings)- Collapsed to-dayr,* k411lut va persoas=Mud nj làing one, Tie Freneli member cf' The Bague peace Utibunal hu appealed to l>teuldentI Rouvier te, prevent war betwccn Norw*.y and Sweden. TIbetial cf SUrcme Court Justice oker, of New York Stattaeused cf, mÎSiaoduct sud fraudN, hs openeti be- fdrte Stâte Legituro. - Ut .,tyet CsnVA -n~otiRu ai- Irayr en eers are aollgsrita Brwood, s"d. iela -beliéyet tluy are Mak. [1 gaýprlinx« 'y rvy for theIui- Julyl&~Thgrain re~ses4~ -at 7&c per buahegt,M iiMi 4 Usiela s. at 49 te 50e. prica in.Butter, 18tê0pelbfe lpodaat 10t-$1poefrt la-orbat et~pu $10a on Dressed quiet ade nnclingusalles f2 lat $Io50 t $ theltrfor "lghega"t Wat lite 9 busr .. Ç l.Uv»,o-i> Do. $r0da tos.. ..0 l Do., aepru uch . 09 ON mi o, re...............0 0 0 Barhcy rinbush et. -' 092 04 Poe, bus---------07% 000 Hay, tîmothy, ton et.100 1100 Do., mixed ton. ..-- 80 0 -00, Strav, pertutole.... O00 000 Dr«med hoga .. ....... 850 900' Apples, per bbl....t.... 100 2751-, ggper dozen - .4; 020 023 B«uter, dtfry -08 0Q Dc,eamery ..:023, 024. Chikens, oid, IL, ..,..- 10 000 Turkeyis, per-il. .....013 Oi4-i Potatos, per uag-------.070 -080o Cabbage ..........été Celevy, per dogzes .. ... 0 050 Bcd,. hindquarters . --8,60 U50 Do.$ foreuarters . C . O() 1 Do., choice, caresse .... 800 -87514 DOr.-emedum, carau -.7W007501 Mutton, per cvt. 700- $5M Veai, pet cwt.....80 90 LamAi, spring, per cwt.- 1200 14w , Toronto X70S profuta Dresse hep à»e-lu modert. ppl and prices are steady., Cums meats ar in good demsnd et unchangetiprce.W. quote: Bacn, long, cler eils6 at 1014 te 10*. Par lb. luncme lots,--Meu-I pork at $1850; short et$05f~i Cuved masHus iltt 13 te S 1 do,8haWI2 jxl1, ÎO1%; aliotders 9% tg 100; liseka, 1% ta 1840., brfatagi. bacon, 1M, eôntinoéuuitaw. noe ms, Whuat at wtumimg, Winnlp ,man., J7uIy L-whett heu f!rm but %moeidUlI, tiproAc5ttly M._ tmâd. JUly opened $1.Om o1sèdl.tO1 No,4 I Nrthlaed SG$IC4 u $16;No. 3, Nortiiemu, 850; No. 4j~ 02e rceitafor week, 478 -ca; j)" Britisi Vattie liarbets day arn quotêunchaqe-âd ê 114 1.-It pcv lb.; -rxefrii ator . e aý oe # Xpot ri akt lissai ede] t

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