Whitby Keystone, 20 Jul 1905, p. 6

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-~ - M NTFNFG O. ~b in lubwead bçor.a o obac MONTENEGRO. 4" bis people, ho did not"t Lkt wL.s ~ wtaeu amked te uzplai teTrinlty, se The. poet-ueeln utRoumania is net t1e - 'ruth 1fr o 1émjl Lttl th1y s0VUrelgn tri Europe who WriteelF", -W ouI ni- ht -M 1 ierse sud Jeai au an teflectual 11f e. À Lois oSt. atri te cesitt reigaing prince cf Moutenegro, may daim sgcreenp beesuée -th is B8 ot ifuuia 'Iké attention of eultivated mmnds. Iu- 1saiiie sud a good "a of mouture-i ta *haocka. deed, the'great frieudship by which bis I Es. ue&d t-is trefoli Up before the peo- royal b$ghneas hoai the wulter of these ' pie sud bade them bebold on. ln Uaree. Mies bsâs aprumaç tram4terary inter- Tàee lilef waa at once convinced,'as Courbe. ?Me prince of Mantenegro inay iwee ail laispeople, and they .traightway daim hé ~Venton e cui-avaed m d oi ld4the fait-h preaëbed by thle Inter- Tii. Prince cf M1ontenegro succeeed is ethrW saint, no the legeMndra. unele when hoe vas stifl quit-e a youth,IC: and brolce up lJ&studica in Paris nather JE G I abnaptly Ve t&ke possession of the thnone, CIH SPAVIN LINIMENT left vacant by the decease oe bis mncie. Pérom that day the prince and his besuti- j Removes ail bard, soit or oUe.iosd fui wile, Princi Nfilene, devote>d thn lumps sud blemishes troin horses, blood mives, oithe welare cl teir ujecu.s. pavmn, curba a ingbone, sweeaq,r Cettnje _î on ofthesinllet aong fl.es, upramua.mre as eutbcoat, Rurapean capitals, la not ance of he lbau IceUgBet.bave 0,l>7muse of o». bot- picturesque. 'Die ghnil1 whistle of rail- t1e. Wrated the 'àoàt vouderfui çmy engines bas nat yet broken t-he Bleàùsh Cure ever kuovu. p"s and freshncss t-bat 1-igu in its pwie t mo>untain air. Mauv trails of moderni ftEDING CHILDRE.d civilizatÂon remnin uitknown to thbe dauntiesY sons of the Tcbernagora (Black Suggestion for Preper Diet to Busya Mountains), andinlu rany featuregi t-hein' Mot-ers. aiustenis and their charaýcter resemabie D o ogI la h ib ug sai t-hone of the aneaent &eotcl clans. 'Ile D ~tfre bt(i 3yatrw prince la far iuure the father of bis suli- hi, food juast as lie doca bis clotji and h jeets, the chief tain of his %vamiora. ,t-han that tjineiy additionâ to bis dictary are a b theïr ruler. Rie wcars tl)e national garb, -auable mýenus of preventing scurvy, ni- and on st.ate ocoe.ions a tati white plume chitas, darrhoeai disturbances and other attaehed o bis pur-pie cap by a costîjy idieeaase of dietetic rngin. dlamund jewel. -Ne addreseu bis sub-J Many children 'are peevish and Ultem-I jecté by their Chrstian naines, and et-ery' peed beesuse they are improperly nour- oeecod themr calis him fat-ber. 1 sbed. A revision af the dit ,with suit- The scenery eftht-e Black 'Mountains is abl additions, wiil sut-ufthte cbild and splendid indeed, and bcaves a Iasting iii j transmi it into a hbapY, crowmng prefflirî.of grandeur and wiid libert-y tuo yoamgrter. A bealt-hy chidbas au in- àalthose wiiose privilege it is ta gaie on atinct fer swecfs ,and t-bis ehoild b. thie huge rocks and the Uny clark bine , 5Ttified in oderatian. -Honey lu one S lakes that border thbe way ieading te Ce-t- of t-be best ef sweeta, or a litie good tinje. Non is t-he speil broke whcn eue butter-oc>Vch Or aveet ehocolate May b. rusches thle priuce's palace, theugli no iied- dil of conifont la spared ta 'make thbel1V la better ta overfeed t-han te under traveler feel at bis easc lu t-he strange, feed a grawîng ckild, esys thbe Medacal weird laud oi battie, freedoru aad son" I3rief. Overfeeding isleutmsapt teo oeur lim asectcf ucbche! ain a.gras t~Jwit- a propeniv selected diet, for t-be soveneign's table, the handse aud ,i udwill be satisfied wit-h oa luer bulk noble countenance of Princes»s Milm, the! 0f fiad.Itas DoVt a g00d Plan to feed c ploas an a pirited anecdot e a e hlen on t-bn moups efoûir t-hd K byheprnc iiflen rench s&Wt itt- Ifoods, as t-bey are fil e oith e au air a0 utten slmp)licty-sM ythulw mazia for nouriabnent is eat-lited. pu combines te iestow a leetling ci noveity Ctmldren of ten eatt f00much, mut, re. ab andww=h. rine Nchoaàbelonga toe ultig i abiormal stimulation of eSi a very ancient di'ngsty iudeed, aud by nervcsus systein ad amperfet- nutrition en his daughters' bnlliant marriages leie s of the bony and muscular framework of Ob now suit ta almoist ail the great reigu thc body- This la often a cause of bed- ing bouses, in Europe. He was the beit wettlng. Cereais, pot»Aoes, viiol-mesi la friend of the laite Emperor Alexander Ul. brSd, iik, egg, cheese, the puleus, nirta, pil of Russia, and the present Czar shows green vegetables and saladâ frmnisà h e au hlm gr'-at affection emd filial reverence. elcanuta cof growth and repair ini a -satis. no "Oui a>ountains are rugged and bane," factory forai.4 wnit-es t-le Prince afI Mcnetnegra, "but When eîlîdren laie appetite, lustead of ti] cnar herts are fuit af rigor and tire." pa.mperiug them wit-h injudielous inclut- tb ne. prince aiway8 cuts a corLplcuoue fig- i gences, trY feeding t-houa nt-bing but t-h ure ln uScl court cereinonies as li l pre-' fruit for a d#y or se, wben appetite -wi11 vaîled upon t-o appeau ln, %vbether in quickt1y reassert- itself union same dis- D< Italy or in Russia.Ilis tlfou rint-avers s ainceubating. p higi above the crawd, knd t-be bnijlhlnt Oidren who are properly lied vil suf- t£< colon of bis costume, thie greât eue af fer little is 5a ule, frein tootibsche, hes.d- bis ei-ery movenient,.t-be gÎttteing nov ache, nerves, broiken sleep, etc. Proper ot knives lie vears iu hi& beit, alwayéven ttilation, daily, outdoor exercise and nalce bim nthbe centrtetfattention. lst.ely regiil5Z zealtimneeare &4, esseni lto lie a±ood sponsor te bis grandeoni Uzni.5 apptitt muid g00d dgetiOn. berto, Prince of Piedmont and heir te Iav the. Itiiautaronf. Qu«aeen ena e'01 I1~9'5 -Z (Wise sad) Dunef Umzne a£ Cettinje in belpîng hen fat-ber 1 es 4- il botb soap mand dcinctme 34,10 dmndàotthe porbutbaise in the pur- ,ouit.et bis lît-ensry labura. Togetlier they WÂITI1ÇG TO B SOUGHT. e eollsotcL or caw puied halladwlmeear v 4cr, paf niotie feeling and strange original ' 'i aîking' it f1 ratot -ateey o b.auty bave rarciy been araaeit1 ran a ece opsfatm«an n ten '01 thtbee est day.- I LetIsg«, Ehe-viii bav¶, mueon eau b*r b al mmue ýVACsoso l tthe Oito. 8affeetlmo fr tiseeu ardmat 4u*tto -*4> i WNIIPILWATriR wori nis"d 0 o w» tt valdsbatIWOM. Il :~ ~ t kiawtbat tun tàs lzro4.e. ou, Ont-mie, C«aada ,ere are 1 oer.o o Iah~0f mimd wMte -sreoba,ý te et -logret aImbu «a& the mver' st. Lareuce, and earny U uaorth ~et .l"ke Ont-ai-te la t-la lw :i tof ario,» ii... ligl" emuuag he lsdhft4et-i kpov as mfan .a mat vs&re nioswiua nd U ~ ~d5oètyby -I lno* of t-he TeMed BayAgaof Wiaene. Fanie l tI».prfumDe Of herojo %leeds. --Socrates. AU. objecte lose by 't»O famizr a Hoépe warps ludgmeýnt icoueil, but qiikens energy in action. -Bulwer. A rich man without charity, is a roue nd perhapa it Wauld b. no lifficuit matter toy prove that h. ig also afool.-Felding, Let not the empbasis of hospitality lein béed and board, but jet truth, love, hanor -and courtesy flow"i ail thy deeds.-Emersoh. Wbatever disgracee eMay have de- ierved or incurred, it is almaut always in our power to re-establish oui char- acter.-P&ochÉfoucauld. There is no readier way for a mmn to brig his own worth into question than >y endeavoring to detract f rom the Worth of other men-Tleton. le 0- IT ESJT BH IELL FOIJRfEfl 5tcady Orowth in Popularhty of Dodd's lCldney PUiS [ado lis'Cures*Liko Thas ef SimnioV. Landi7y-lie Telle About tt ilicaseIf. Rive Bourgol., Riçbmond Ce., C. B., ilfy l0.-Special.)-Anong t-be many onx in t-bis part of Canada vhom Dodd's Idney Plili bave reieved otfaches andt sns sudweakness and made strong aud ble te, do a good day's work 18 Mr. Imon V. Landry. Mn. Laudry hbu nan- roua tnienda berm who can voteh for t-he ery he teilao et iscme. 'I wau bot-hereit fer over a yesr, " b. tys, 'with -lame baek, w@ý e* eg, Pal- t-at-ion efttt-be hant, genermi wesknese id siiortneus of breatb; in tact, I could ot vark and vas a total vuecli. "I could net geV anything to help me Çl I tried Dodd's Kidney Pilla.. But »y did me good and no mstake. I ased ue boxes and ]rn baek at work again," It la the cures t-bey make t-bat make bdd's Kidney Pilla se pepulmu. Their Dpularity bas grewn st-eadily for thir- .n year. It must b. eil Letundeci, The Men Have Ne *y. (E'serybodyla MagasSuo.Î <Tbey say' t-bat hoop*ntasre sens t-lu. 14wy may bave cmme bfoni t-ue ordo are uitoWbaf inStt te mnwb! et-j 71v-ce wrsPpedup. thaM 4=s viii s-lt b. vorubippeti. Uoopnk$n Wh "ltauy' or awful a tla t-héMuadlb *piot-tees of y«et* g. but Uf t-be omut Meau o gnt el.U eaund-fou^ fiWb**u ad, t--Louloufrev up bo t=. i- l l dul>-fu; GCle aprepus-ei1t- $oMMe t-hM If bettng ci- t a àas, =%tl migi t ain"e»dta e n Cat _e. - ie efP-t-he« ou? He lwdo n luto tmu « r auith t-hem? HlhasOf Ontas" cOnslderes »*l Aurba la Jtnimsât tt-ttis a atoen-Iont e tbe idsJplay ou rb t-b la &vs Uf J M" t-isnisue N ai, Jiné30 pebUishe. artide r t-hïait uls Saff erroaànAn là ~1#KTOUR 8TXtÂW RAT- Coaition. «Tes, 1 kuaow," auld the-;. amn, -to a 'Nom Yof k -Sun reprtr, 'peoeneyer, MM*a.wdn.*snt beem t6e b a 4at ,qwdoto -b. brudbel, 'the. duat dmeW~t showonit go mehý, un -86 they .bmuh aU their ~other hala and let tbeir ,taw bepts go., '5Buif heywould brush UIéfr stra-w h4ts A tey dothe. otheza -they would Jke'ep'freeh and go&d iooking rnuchý boî;1tat - Î& »t 80e mnch on account, I f the. brushing'titef as- because of the protection of brushing it, keeping it dlea, gives It froin the effects of mois- ture - 'Wbat put. a straw bat-out of busi-- ness iînperance la nain. -T4* draps of nain fa1l on a duuty bat and every drap sPreads and fixes thet dust on wbieb it falls and makea the bat dingy. The saine rain faling on a cdean bat would have far les" effect on its appearance. "Brusb -Your straw. bat, and the rub bon. too, juat as yen Would amv ather, and youý wiIl have the satisfaction of keeping. .t in fair condition. a hat fit ta wear tue season through." DR. AGNEWi'sCATRHJLPW DE.î-Re,. w. H.Main, pastor of the BaPtiat Emanuel Church, Buffalo. gives strong toetniny for. and la a f hm bellerer iu Dr. Agnew's Catarnhai Pawden. He.-bis tl.d mauy kMns of remedles without aval. '*After uslag Dr. Agnew's Catarnhal Pawder 1 viu beuetltted -af once.,, are hie vends. If la a vonderful remedy. 50 cenis.-45 Smi Franilo'a BeauWu1l-Esbor. If yau sauld look af a de" d Cat sun- y chan f tSan rancwsc. you vould Ob- ge-vo thtunthe broad penuInu»is extendlug sonfbvard luke a shettering umi betvesn the ocesu andi the imuer bay la ceaued sud dim- pied lu a great contusion et mountabu; fiant It tu" Many Indentations ot coasts. many st-rmuîýassd bers sud there a vee lako. But ne senutiay cf thbe cbarf voulti eai ou to guesa It la a venitable Adinand4s aone by Ult-t on the western nîige of tlà* world. From the-Umne of rny eeriiest recollei- dlon I used t-o standi upon tise bil e ofui natire tovu nti i ook -ioneglgy acrosa t-he Mie mnies cf whlte-capped vater la t-le barbon ta thse abiunlng heiçht f t fiis, te me. luacoasibie negion. , If vas alvays maw to look et. utsen rthe same fon -tino 0ousmoutlve dua. la thse sprnng wheu thbe clouda rqlled froua if. beighfa, Its Mop.s e au bahili vu-egreen vltb freeli oianud I coulti see tisose amers- &n3 etreaka ot yeilow vii floyers, whieh smm *tnsa"y sutefetithse Same oetht-e Golden Geate. Lu aummer came mile-long etreake of white fot, hal>bc ug ît u fimn.sthea, ain osa**&i.and. almoat lu a da, the bils cbangmd to deep ricia broya. lan tise aufurnn camne thse emi, dry norfh wliiti. m&kiug It mm a80no ear anti sharp againat the sky. sud tise gauntclifs stooti forfis lu ail tiseir reddlah-brmewn sd yei- love, sheerfat-bte whife surf ine. lu v-inter came thbenains again, aud, as sud- deuly us -befone. IX changed tifoubrovu t-o green aud goiti. [ator on 1 use t tc ali t-b. waters vblh bountiedti I There wves mnoot-is eachea ext-eodlugfer inlauti, eud forfuous tribu- tai-lesat-rggllg thrOughmai-eh linds, al- uiosfte *thse varionbuttrea 0fIfs Veau-, vins; san py samueofs t ue, -nse isad t-a eue inmght saliavA&Y tiS the blle droppeti below t-be horizon. A4dnti klrtiug slcng mner t-he el-broya elifte- 30- te higia t-bey O-ieeuecocu»QaIt ftbroub t-be-0" Qouen . voxut t-le moa-bom ud b-: luet on tb oivt-h Ifs WU wnsvxlag sogUd eu «fouda e9p tbe i"Ou if he »e Car froua home on t-ho Pacife), wtt a Unse . ww«s-ae nssu Wtorsa en moutbl.eque baud, sud this me ?suaipasis," by BeujuaisBrok.la t-be is' *=amber-&. ARRANO1, OUR VACATION 'rus Popuart-ln» for a4 toNe Yoi-k Vi Iibo $bout t.th-h. tj, W bore on9T ev Ycob Veut-raut upriono =44 at 11hWs64 lmgM t" t-irOpse1 nàrrh a t*, Toua gEMsttet- T fofa s I rs.n yowr INTIII PhilipinGa&, Diffieutj bas been experienced in-ob- taining 11hnintin çai frein theioa 'jbtanuble in the PhIlsppineIslands, and after experiment the. Gov.rnnent labor- atOne8s have found that a much better qua.lity cfgasis aobtainable froin the 011 of Ccoeanuts. Co>coanut ail is a commercial -product and therefare readiIy obtaloable, and a gas from this aource may lie mpd.- far more chea.ply than by the use of ol The ail ius Mowly fed into red-hot re-» torts aâd vol&tizs rapldly, Mèe belng 1but a sual residue of tan. So auccesal have been the experiments that there is alread an settsion Ser foot to iftro- du e M dento the Unitd States in sectons where ooal cunnot readily b. had. 1V 15s aerted that because -of its Creter productlveneas in gaa, bulk fori bu!k, it would b. possible te make use of thbe cil on thec Pacifie coast. NEW YORK, PIIILADELPIIIA In going t-o above pointa take direct r~out-e. Lebigh Valo Railroad. Five faut epestrairas da ly, frein Sus msien I~IgNiagar a Pas. Trains oQ.T. Rmke direct connection at Suspensin Bridge. The Lebigh VaUey lias t-ree stations i New York uptowu, nar a&l tir&t ciass bot-els and business bouses; dovutova, near ail European steamer' docks, saing pasaengers for Europe a long and expeiisive transfer. Secaîre yolur tickets to New York or PbUadelphia via Lehigh Valley Railroad. 0 -- -- amIage su d Happuneas W. do flot wish -t-o be disceuraglng, but we must couteau t-bat ve do not bo- lieve society will over n'et on any otb-. er basis than Christ-ian ruarriage as we now baie it- Poiygayfny tI urvives in oeunitries of diffenent religions andt bas been slgnatty nevived ln our own. Cer,. tain namelea relations, taise sud delu- I-m e imagea af marnlîage, whicli can neyer eveutuste if homes, foribd tue vld lope et time-liniitcd unions. Not-huag but maraeas we liavi t luthinkabie, and tbouyquestion vit-h t-be philosophie mîmd lu a wt-o make 1V toierable wtaen It eaunont b. made bappy-flarperas AWeek FPERLly.. o Bt-pusPluamupe ?Nbiew 1- voum prove a gi-est- mnet-o t-ho lsisertoetdyaffltIo if ha vol butt-set -bitpot-mer. trey v-mttable gciS lupreveuttho t-ln g et -ua.' Ileorler., by atg sud aflmulating, dlgtle-4Oet thie iboumalf peistuaa (llbmaea St-at. Joui-nl> W«otnew*tpalesme dtscortiatLy s' 1utise ddis tau ef a delieute pesad-it-bsnto hier a vouma ulny profa" ad elilte lupma. é oes a t- lat vunet =et- dlo1awli-er wtt-b n.Âo hue sbot-I sdaof tt-b estSmvle mp 1*51 t-be came bs' mriturtIagber wft-tbe, oufs. Eut7 vhp - =4-a vomia l'a U- OMesehauagefor sasupofane isue vise mm »' aif-eto rof ir 4b~- wfoutduses e-peiatp5fueêt or- all IlM b4' a.s tmafum te vua «Va" a te -.'sea- tor' a oust-o aveu met -euelghlovma"d if à» siy -tait ven wn ogoul dt-. It that, iceas &Wsesn visa Mmt-l>a&MIL t- M .AQUICW gIToMmu Çt*s" M-te tit A4RIaalitI. m4- v r~ ~ e SA=~-MFm LoM frwnaeq!o baud. ÂAd&i'sD. T. FOR SALE ?TWO ELEÇTRIC MOTORS. Direct onirent 1% anud 8 horse-power. Ai- dremu Box 10. TIES OFFICE, Hamiton. H1amilton- Mon'treal ~~1ine isteaim Beevile. Ramilton an4 Pictouf Lese Haccilton l noon aud Toronto 7.» p.m. on Tu.sdiays, Thuudays and fiaturdays for Bay of Quinte% Kontreal and interm@- diate ports. LOW RATES, ABOVE UNE. TroRONTFO-MON TREAL LUNE - STEAMERS TORONTO AND KINGSTOX. Leave Toronto at 3 P. rm. daily. except Sun- day@. Prom JuIy 1 daily, Rachester, Thou- rInd Islande Rapids, St. Lawresice, Montreal, Quebecansd Murray Bay, Tadoua, Saguenav. River. For Information ipply f t. R. ILagents or write H. Poster Chattea, Western Passenger Agent, Toron to. Portrait of Chinese EmpreeS. e Thi. portrait eftht-e Dowager Empru of China, punt-ed by t-be American ait- ist-, Miss CarI, which bas been on ex- hibition at t-be St. Louis Fair, lh te l'e t-be property oft t-is country, ait unex- aanpled honer and difficult t-o undenstandL t will probabiy lie placed iu t-he White Houle, as no art gallery would b. theught a respect-fl eting place for so auglust a gif t. Indeed-, eensidering t-h. prejudices eftht-e peuple, t-be paintig aud exbbithmg cf a portrait cf a Chines. ruier la a daring Innovation. It la said t-bat t-bis portrait, like fermer Caînese drawingsetft-be Emprees, às mlsleading, as it depiets s large voman, v-hile se.in lu tact, a littie woman. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS,' Durnn June, Jluly, Auguit sud. September thse Chicago andi North Western PRpaliv - ii osii fi-ouiChicago round t-rip excursion tick- eta to San l"ranelseo. Los AngelePortbad, Ore., (Lewis sud Clarke. Expositon). 'Seat- fie. Victoria. anê Vancouven, at ve'rF loy raes, corespodigly oeap farci froM u pots lu Canada. Chele toë oýroutes!,-% boit et tin service, favorable ifopovenan sd Iblierai a'tîr ltmita. ate oMesanti fulil on- mnt an eaube otleti frolix B. H. Benneft. (louerai Agent, 2 K.lug atreet eust, Toi-ont-e, Ont Luxurles. of Rua ite. - (et. Louis Republile Tise rural- tdvu la fuet boeoag a eat lu Its ge8 u apitmet, accouameMafbnm, mannera u <yle,' auidtif la the mi&ss t disemuatugtise latewt Idesansd conu- ences amîont. smoundlne farsm, Tiarouin- lu vestments andi improvebeuts ýt. couftry le getting nearer ft te oit-y, norer t-o t-l. y riait gdvaupt-apet coufort whlo brns u galty le la-stlag. Tbe wmuent t-s su iera cf -uuEvery urbau borne bals the Au- TOsitUrtf« Apt-lae lua &f.ormerxrlod:ý lla cit, It cItra, w-lthêacommon exception 0( sige sud- y r4.are&,, moté, 4114bitter facul- fiés for easy livling.evenr country- houasý ie- ýcomparativelyas welturnisieti. .Aimoat ai)' thé>e eotrt wblIoL la-ouad lu t-he dtt bogue csu b. lustabieti aud enjoy" inu the - Mest bolateit frriousea iyi5ng lala ont.' M£RzvEX mm -Thees ýi Umne for exweimenftintg ven Yeu've da- c0e-rs t-bat s'eu are,&,vief lui etumorneu ldolatrieia thirteent] alep e dan5 .«àSrkh ---l-he. IL V. Adi ot Ambon, «ty An en poe uit-aras Haset Of thbe heati 5.In t-I by tlinki tarawere tmle ai U1w~--a tually ban Mud t-hen - a that-hey Jerumlein which ad .-ilin--Sé by the c Sumod incai tbe . spirit eues vixi Mayf Manesseli set.ting upý piecineus î >511t-bat -f od'sî1 conditon noyer bavy Thïough forms of -l'yt-bse ai -And they-- -nouneing t Medicineus s ,à ý

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