Whitby Keystone, 20 Jul 1905, p. 4

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z' epwessttive mou of, Q - te 'K',nixmber theItmhe *&te ~'?J ~r.~ Sots tohte Baptiot pDiculo at nos& te s TybeïMWhomhe ismt MOA Rev A. E. rIg t~ ec610o0Ai sum o O'SOJi tg 11out theolI1 1 3 Sxpplmentary estimatu brougbî g3aints'pur1 hib, . uC4dstory..,A gooti sanjy peopI& lwa.ntddow*n in the Dominon B11uae of, Oom-a Mo un sudevnng îeervioew la the- WàterJlet Off the Ponds but Mr. am oji, afi fisfliemoau10 o St. "Thamas' ckurch hber«et f3dudsn tonoul-rue&. s0dredgmng the 'Mid1azud RHa;bo. This day.1- they are now waitxng nine days for work is now being dons in COnt~etion ThIebot iweatlLer of this. eek the manl's body tcq-take to fioat1lngý with thse new elevatoiý whioh je noWb- whlch *was-sô ittie appreciated by Onl thees 8nrIloq.-Vij1dle&tor. igee de olron han mtko! usana losttofhaythiflg Midland ilasmtir lusse daya, f. uad_ gey iain. ada orf a* LRMOTctivity in to be Beers on éverv band., gotte» lu. cf n. J. B. fleal bas returned Mrrn er À large numuber of men sare enge.1lui frs. 3. IV. Cheyne. ofToronto.,'"is tip te Michigan. lyn hécret rOaks hc vi Js.t MBooîa li as returned R.v. Mr. Huddlsoo abtBp fre d tl ec.deso , of TiIt B p work in, being Pushed onl- very ra-pidly. tron her Vtqît ln ueuterif Ontario 5155 ohuroht London, preachieti'nnthe iThe seeiera are prgeagfaoeî and Mlicligan. wlsîch site very much Baptisi church Éèe.last Suxsday. r u ttéoto thé g aoabut20 Mnry. a Ddethse, appld buyer. Ntw,,ltwelse Wggaod eveMr Cowancf1nmen are hustlixsg the work et thse G. T. bas r<nted the Turner house. andi ek svnrgistrdR'@ new elevator. Thé smoelter, anis l~1r. ~am Dudiey. Otale aes<andfour te G. M. ~ijiî, vill îresid'e there-with biki aiml foCr: Saé aesa box factories and other industriear t.he balance cf tbis yeur. *,%hile il@ ié Boid, cf Owen Sound, the week pro-. al4qually btisy.e3a' Dut3y with thse apide cruil. Vi Us. . M.r and Mrs. J. Turner havo sotd 3Mr. Oco. Rloss, cf Glasgow, Scotland, A pretty June wedding teck' place et thuir dwllig ouse, and are abolit and INr. A;. G.roodfellew, of Cardiff, Wales, thé home of Mr. and Mrs. ThomsasChw 'te leavie here Lu go to A ssitîub9ia. weetéget ftseMca lnfr idIand, t I1 p.rn. 011 dnesdayj i h ro they wllin ii futurv' r i.îd a fe w Yh, Jane he 31a u la oro ir augLeý, 11r. D!lolg a ew ays Tey ofton'Modayeve.28e when their oniy daughter, Mahbel, Bir'. R. iH Walkëo 13. A., -tsi t ia 1g for Montreal. was united in niatriraoxy to Mr. Willard. Linsdsay CoIIegiate Iristitu te, Is boee fls. G-regg and R. Bosse have pur-1 Glassford, hardware nierchant, of Béa-. çto remain a Scw weeks. chased the lvr busines.-latoly carriedii rtn. Thé cerémony was perfornmej Mr.Ji Krr nd IIr Loi ;.br o b W leryotsn he aeps by Royv. W. F. Camipbell, pastor of thé, ar.awjin r r an sreLossion~'onn atr Thoînson. Thytao suc- thodist church, ini thé présence cf a1 easrn OaiF i k1hlo. 'ssinouStra.W iihte u-large essembly cf invited guests.Th The Mttîodibt gard.'n jarty nit es in tiseir new venture. beutfu residence was decoraThe.i a IV hite*o, which 1sa<si eor ti.t-u LasI ednesday, wlule useing a sledge aein: yeurs been ai n uak ù%dL'- ùt. îi: 1 hanuxuor ini F. Cooî,er's ellop, a piece L)f deliglstful mannor with flowers. Af tee lo-r L-orue t.rnv t.een co....týicred thiseithse hammer ffew out ansd entered Thoz. the cereimony a dainty wedding uc banner event of t1m ieaw.~*l. 111A thi StelIeïsonls rigbt log abové tise knee, ' evcadatioeôk the YOUulg une held on Tuetdziy ev.'ning- ort ths cul e o rp oteT w«-ýek otdistannd ali tlicouple left forthe altspabootthé iTeî usandc wvce oudieaîîed it ~il A, goxrs Ithle sh b ot to uces. Islands. L'pora their returu they wIlî precedcd it. Thuîghîî w id.aî a e ut ielis en on'nd el i reide at Beaverton. one for bueh mi gatheriîîg. rnd tin bd r silice. ilumrense colîcourisu &ofepj-iu 411- At the réent Entrance Examtinations' Iictonia Harbor, July 12.-A very oembled. No b.gtt.er spot for a'i thefOllewing pupils froni Clarernonti serlous shooting accident happenled Ot ~garen art echi o s'1Lutct'd, and - public eschool were successful :-Eva 1 Sunday lorning lest, il, thé homte of ~ -the brilifant illumination of the' Tarr, Olive Powell, Leila Bumolir, Bessie Mr. A. H. Vent, Of this Village. An oldl gl0rou1ndm laded uci , iti' bhe uItq]y Manb lfo Fudt uf the 8cene. Tht% 34th rugiliii l aîaUlfe n, Fred Evans, rýevoller Iîad laixi unuisod for a long ti'e band "from WVhtby ifuirstseu. ab n i- Harold W ilkinson, Roy Rumobr an u, M rs. Vent finding it ins a drawer whclsV 1tnce o! liijsl , u t1io MWhitby or- August Leggitt. Harold Wilk-inson'elle had been Boat ching, and lhandiîsg it vîb,'s". .ections were alsc> uvel ,succoeded h aigtéhgetnnbrt e oDradVnsi u i'tc the progadTintu otliet' 1LI'III8 o of marks cf al thoso Whso wrote in the' not think it was any good. lio said lieé çtbosje wîthiîî hhiaringsg a l 'YCo y. Durink thé last four years our theught it was aIl righit, and moved thée procffls areLouie i e- 5 scisool gent ni) 29 candidates te thiB ex-' trigger, whéun it went Off, tisé bail ledig., tirCeee ac ~îîîtlirîgantimation su iet eu oe failure has been ing in Mrs. Vent's body. Re crs, CiREENWOD recorded. seel iras broken, and this appears te Bfrs.ot U.oukitiilsbaye turned thé bail, as it did not strike, L viitlîg at ',Ii. Johai S.ilddoi's.- PORT WHITUY. lier vitals, but passed downwards. Mrs. ,dr Bir t'. itei L.yade, e Aof i[,'i The picuie ot ,t._Joiin's Cliurch Sun- Vent bas net suffered mnucb , snd coni- 0 ited hi sistfr. MI-6. -Nericl kAdeday Shn at Corlbett' Point, hield 1se trary te ail expectationu is doing niceîy, f-'r , l'st,0X5. rcceîîtly. Thursday argeiy attend. and(1lier condition is net uew cc)sider Il bulin .,10 ee on hno 8irbî<î ieîs ltr(-cd. Tiiere nmust havue becîs 175 persons'idaugerous. eos buildingu)ii urpo is.c utre 're'soît, seîoîar.s ad frîcrîds.Thére -ait ', t\r. 'M'ill.Bîsrutifi ngdii.luuife ii luit'. IVîn. Pnîelly i.i biiilding a ne% cernent ilo. MjifiHp#uAggi(<' uni KýhcI StenW cr -%vrein Toronto wcsty Mulié I'LtilI soillerv'illo, o! C('li -y_ 31r. NWalter dz'ctiey, -utWh it by bits bis-culivitis Jaues >iasket toi saying and hivru-e-t- luisTotakin- ofIl'o r-.Verry, à bhoise ror lier holidays. Congritluitioi, tu1.0George .John. stol) o1s getting a ecliolarfihap aStiib lintrsnece exaus.nuitii. Chie( Crawford -reSelved' SVorc CruebMlayfront Cliue llot cl Ihitlby 'tu nrreotUïred lvuguî. Who li celarg etl î'tti fsteailiig suseuuSiillsary rani orins eut of thse ar-mory at NNhitby '.Be %vs arretsted whlilsi., watittig foi a train. nd wa&IViI tuken Lte itbj iie.xt1inoruin g. Cotintêblo'S Levase itîm irestied an Italian 'or S unday foi àsl.octing, and tué hau ta psy $1aodi cotr uer bis %*$ukîtlfi%>aport1a J. ,rerwlltger and Uuyt kitntoif -gavt tcxhbitons of pugitisus M.t the Con, fýral, isisd bal a imWad aLfarsatiuu at the (ommkroli loui Frid*uy ltct We-rwilleger uand ti MkaJ.reeu .wet e gsrreota4- 'lte manie 'ight by cou- bt4m powarth bforlseinsg ruxsk. Th - O«bers haVe not boe4 rap y et. bit !èsr-wallegaler' isad, to say., c.wu su çoiit» -for this shting~ exhihîtÎoran j!ack lioolics 'u Medisnd werp iLsrted for belsgrunk on Wed, neuday nigsunid escisbad te tor ovpr $1 and cost*t yesterday, murn- in£g, De 'le Boue, mas Itallan, wa. aunsmoned ye W -1a for threaten- Lgtwo'otbelr tsJs whom ho ws ,tryig " Indue to quit vworkloig for eontr&sotor,,Icliht on thui wa:er mprks. Tise .oharie was tutinukli 'tien. ý egot tihesmattern setItl4 I)Îyîii« ,Costa. dualieaving to4vs.a O n turdky ut tes-noua about ü»n oecioock one or 06 bamwit-iios teuta floget&er vrIth ail e$n, contouit, "ésrn.mu ad bacteria hluled trous nomse mystorlous cause took fis-e abd burnetl towit n.Ùtaj< tows, wsitboûî lnsus-aic..-Tie entire popatatîou'of Isolatio, ill1111declare ibatn i"ir for doste pus-pose, , sueno tire fu ui ty ochler juwp*oa eau expaiu 1lb. cou riagratios as. se uhçe L,*uo re-i coileollti ipt aïU7V, %avi.ng 'ta&ktu-ý pitie e i is .ou.. a ius o!ausi, Qlg bedtu1crtug bh<& m obetv Stw yetiîîatti ii bconlit- pètil toi ,monfor te pelu eto 6iîp.¶etsard&slbb; 61 were four large v-ans filled, besides many îîrivate carrnages. Thé afterîsooni wat occupied witls ganies of football. etc., and was passed very pieatly. Arn tison cause the tea, au excellent reopaît. The dive lie-ne in tise eu-oning wam nIacîs enjoyed. PICKERIUG £1A large. band of wandering Gypsiee are campinig just West cf thé villitge. Tisey add te their revenue by Sellini -fortunes totihé credulous. O GO: W. P. Every loft for Duluths foi a couple of weeks vacation, which ,isi will spend witb bis sister, Miss Elmn, who s i.teaohîin utisaS loesiity. d Picipal sud Mrs. Fithi are spend. ing -tîsir vacation at Go nome, on the *Georgian Bey. »Mn. Firishià érectiug s new cottage Shis vear at tisi famions te. r ort. y W. W. Spa.rke left Suis week for a lis- .wook's crio inlutise nelgisbonisood of OP Pot ioen seasch ef thse dredgo, Sir Wilirod ILatier, visicis foundes-ed about s a couple et Yoamsago . * Dr. P. A. snd Us-. Spain, of Brook. lin, N.- Y, have lsaen &ponding a fev day. with th. latter'. parents, John and Mrs. Gos-don, cf Chus-ch et. Tboy as-o now on thoir vsy tW spesut a short vies ttien withluthe doctorles mothor lu Rami.- Iton, Indiqua. Mrm.Robes-Rai, of Wbitby, assd formetly of tht. Vilage,4oalid uposu trin, h hre ons Tnudy. in whicis as doitamnJa*sc. ~Tise Rer. 'L IL Wrlgh4, of Wlsityl, "asthe at of a X.de P loe'Wguox a cou=ple day. las. vW** and cellut s frsonds. lie oun dsylssp.ingthie uka 01MU 0 heBe=ieji eMoluua.luisia Co. itlla-sîiv tg ParCisas1nf is~,ntyet mmd. , h i sintu resrun he MM&e v lm àis, v*ho bs beu akuî bm&b r*tamueti, but - *isat =tdér thé vsutbg. JDuasq 4 lut d&W o!fcaMpa a om o vus motbocaîti. poeomd »elee.e AL AL iVV Now a- Neeëesslty -"I%1 SOMMWER WEAR, We',ve a fascinating display of Jewelry especial.y for wearing with sumamer waistsa an dresses. Among thema are pins, buekies, brooche,, pini sets uaud pretty novelties of ail sorts, and rnany of thern are quite inexpensive us well as beautitul.' Besîde5 thiese, we are showilig variety of pariicuiarly ha'nd- some patterns of Sirnions Fobs thiat are' especially suited to Men'-, and Womns summer wear. Norma n 8assett, , that aIl three work in ul sol%o>ot, g Eufety or danger as requirel.- Pair ents fully covering ail parts çy t his in-' enition have been secured in Canada id Unitod «S'tates and application Made Sunken Dredge is Found. After being lost beneath the water of diko Ontario for nearly tlireu years, the re(lgo Sir WVilfrid Laurier, wlîich sank il Octobor Oth, 1902, while boing towed ron Polso&e shsipyard, Toronto, to lontrea], lias be located in serenty- ight feet of' water between Newcastle y DRe AWe CRASîS m25esfromislhore. lapntM.W w pârk-s, of Pickering Harbor, bas là sent direct ta thse diseasedstrsed hiwieilf in bsésrclsiîg for- the Rebà thDptver dBO:ear îs t îî1g craf t. thE Poison Comnpany lieu-- Passages, stops drpisin the 1ing otteî-ed $500 Utoe thé porson wbo Catm rni d a orer. Bowez 01( oaetedeg.H Ce AU deslors, or Dr. A. W. Cham a~t titis task practically ail lest stwssmor, ModaIn Ca. Trono asi afae.i ansd resutnied ibis searoh éarly this spring~ witiî tie resuit tisat a few da" ys s iebi Cannngto ba an nvenor. cant e arosa the spuds cf 'tise dredge1 Lannngtn hs a Inentr. hireon feet boiow thesurfc f tise 9 ý 1 vr~~~ater. B- followzn h pui on Friday's Toronto Star had thé fellow- 1w'ngi isoerdtie sd down-m*l tj ýing :-Mr. Thomas Squires a Cannig- sîittiii<v squareîy ou tise luttum 6E th, eton, Ont., fermer wes ini thoe ty a few r'0 tedet tsynt-ih oS 4day. ego sud abowed the Star thé plan H1e, uotitied the Poison Company cf à auVtem for the proecton of riw4ybi t«es and they instructed hiuste, awhicbh. believes will solve thé problemlyasn lies in tisé path cf rnavigation.1 eto gu.arding againstv such disasters " I is b.ieved tisS al lith, mail boat* tist wsio cous-ed h té Qeen~ Ifrous Torontan sd Hamilton for eaatern1 This uew rnetlsod i. the. ttachisg of porte 'Pau.over « the.sunken d1rodge.l s aswitcls' point tomne distance from tise tHoaily laden yessels in rougis wother1 rcrossing trscks. Thse swilch in att»Ihed miglis quit.eauiÎly cerne in contact with t o anti vos inc duluonwîth' tse epude, whîch rase niany foot, from dropý%tes cerou jlwuctia on ' I 5 he dredge, snd hold il linanu uprigiss shaft is piaed ti.ÂSeuchsend ef tht. j. position.t plaied s puiley snd t1 h loIthal sùs jTise.Poison Company wM l procco.d at 1work.d by mesus of an endies, cîsaiinor oiet 10 rais.tie dredge, 'wbich costt >cable lino wbioh is laid 10 mu under th 65,OOO, urd i eieed. b raîca front the' a. teiwio Once the ir iUrsluir- u6 Thise h=Moingourfi evr vil dr tsebeen rsisedtlb. oompanrwil endeévore The ur'n alh<lver dop heto ascertain tihe cauise of th*,accident,, 8Bfty noemalter boy bard h m > belith e bla aslrset t thougis6Y tomilug.Tier. mûst of coum .b. a hebdsmtln t ovi t.c- boIaoh otraca te di>vid.he oc to, s~$n 1e ishiet car of pasaglie ta Wb sesoigslirosdt=14trackm- Mankham lmas #Presetfouru.v*wun.. - ù*da ioS@ lmosble, - sî4 he.pulpiti. 1Roi. 0, . obo= on igé =i ,=tb ja « -b» ,rm a &",% "m od he P* Qr e 'h xo lr«dj«M t v« y, 1 thost ob, n tePié f.MRr A4aftmidn be 14Sih RvhPbuO Mit Pr-Mn *- ,and me Ettho'o» owntg Al t e p lpitOf he hd" We have a full new stock of aWlkinds of Straw H'ats.' Men's Fancy Boaters, special at- 25 cents. Boy's Fancy Boaters, special at 25 cents. very attractive at 20é.- 25. and 40c. .Holllday & Co. BROOKLIN AND A~HBU1~N n o if' an automobile." Grose, of course, was ,not conflned as a crîinal, but was more- Jy showiog lii.ability. to free hitmsolf .when conlined In any mnanner. Il6 bae a standing offer of $150O for any hand,- cuif froma which ho cannot fro. hîrmself. Lt appeau t ho traffie oh the Metro- politan, ba so80increaaod 'from the. city through North 'Toronto andi Deer Park: tht a double track has become &afnoces- aity. The conspany cannot double track the lino without the consent of the. mnnicipaitem, and now North Torontt& and York Township (kiuncils are a unit. lu deznanding the. revooation of certain powers anti privileges s.cured in the -or- iginal charter from tlU County Cotincl befor. the latter handed over theé Yurk roada te the local àmnicipalîi'tin. North. Toronto and Deer Park d.mand, a five cent reon ile ls- and a - ffteon "iUt* erlc.York'tow*zahip, àil. nid, 48,looking forýa cent--mile esterl and promis. holp ollier MUMIo"Al ties obIt4anconcessions who zeude, Mi 6oniasoo againsttheb. 1eSopolîtsi. The. strsggle 1, widening, aI&âd io feealing growlng-- or.s ad more inte.»... és the. days go by. -200 yiêds hhr.sd, $ &pools for 10c, at Iou Brou'. BESI QUAIITYI af ter Presbytériens during Mfr. Pid- geon's absence ini Quebea, while -Ms-. Mitchell in attenduasg to thé spiritual wants of tise Anglicans while 1Mr. Law- rence in away on bis holiday. The 3Markham Econcsmiut récent date contained Ibis item regarding thé Res-. £has. Smith, brother cf Ms-s. Pad. gett, c f ibis tewn ,-Pautor Chan. BSmth and famiiy lof t for bis, new appoîntment at OaW~onia Tuesday afternioon,-aecom- panied by lthe best -wisseso! fthoe's-iole eommunity. Mr. Snsitah's abilityIlu tise pulpîl was generally, reacogniseti, rd in privat. 1f. ho and bis -estimable wife aud tsnxily held a warm place in tise bearuts faIL Tise Dauly tar, eofLincolu, Xe., bas thîs amaont of Russell J. Gros., a young Canadian vin I.makn; a forue on the - t4geo auhelb.&Ihandouiffmonaro,.' 3s-. Os ' sa brother ofGorge àGros., lat, et 7h. ZconomWt taf Mss-ltham 61R asaol J. as-on s6vx s ri a inaI dile v eand, zmrt-$ug t4 itleof "baud- cul rauarci,' roke outiof lte cu 1.1shortly 1*er. oon 1o-day: BSirif Ise and Depust>' dvaqls vos-e l in e rail c04 aI lthe lime . . 1ushd beon plaod inttheroons adjolssfng -the big1 utel, ue Ho wus soar.y ndff1 oma aboasMasin b, aAMa he. lâu U-t.. NU SECONDSI 's' At the Cash Hardware Store' GaPden ools We have a coml)lete lhue of Garden TooId, Ho'es, ]Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Forks,- in fact everything used in the gardlen. 4- 'v b And we guiaratttee our PRICES RIGHT. W. me, Pringlei Corner Hardware Store WHITBY m m Our selection of Children's' 8ailors, is A$HBURN AND W.J BROOKLEN 1 - 1 !

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