Whitby Keystone, 6 Jul 1905, p. 7

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ày ; INTEBN &TIO NAL i JSBON1 JULYteTIf, 1906. <PLUT! SAW- jing, readY for rkt ifuekoka.- ddsD. T. LEI ,ut 3 'rospovar. dý rOMAN ýcv.I 4..s to 811 Omis& ntreal le wn loft Pioton Ud Toronto 7.30 suad SaturdaYl d anS IntertuS- MAL1NE 1) KINOSBTON. ILily. Wecpt gu &,ehater. Thou - renctb. montreal. .oumo, BigIl&i57 I. PL. agente or ratétn Pusenger le sping, wiio Sbeen vithuls ýt the unzeculy - two on Tues- ýa eau ay on ' she will igake nifeet by .cern- andonznt et %habitz and en- aiment and the lier reigu. - I.t 'hiant to know ir iIew supplies 'ýe zomeftailly P of purchasers res that adrer- IÇURSIONS, t 'and September lrm Itallway vilI ý1 ecursmion tick- nagelee. lPortlandi. xlosition). Sea*.- er. ai 'ery 10v j# are tram ail 0 routes, bot ot tirer#ansdIlibeçal tiî and fuit! iator- i B. IL. iennett, eat @ut, Toronto, he Bibe. lament that thre %J studied aseiu ndi& Foreign BIbi lit 6.000,000 copias d lu 1006, ehowiiig hoé prvious yeur. >ublii!bed ln 100 -i- -weu-,t -homeè- aiting aitihe top pfor nogleet. Thée r bis dronms. Researcheru, osa hought trans-. la- carrier. Dm S for descrIption tLOR TCH eas mlone- £ny urface. as1taLion of the ~ prophet here rnake-àfiarie of, the exaltation lanstore for the oswho was known ta many as an Objoot of aver- &ion and cotempt; "heshaJiSuddeniy: be revealed tun us true digity sn»d the. unexpected trhnsformation ;Qiistartis. the whole world lt. coismn aud reverence." Those verses are a sm- mary of what is decribed in detail lu ;chLptr 53. The main idea cf the. viole pal 19,e is the unexamplod contrait b. tWeen the presnt aiid, paet dogadatlop and the future glory of Jehovah'd on- ysnt. Il. The sut ferlug $avlou'r '4I-3 t Believed our repoz-Thê repot of tis, prophoets and the gospel message.. The' world i.e tili f ull of unbelxef. ýTo believe, tuis report i. not merely to assent. to tii, truth of it, but ta so recelve It that the. conduet will b. influeneed by it. Tii. Jews did not receive the report, there- fore Christ was to them without "1core- liueis." Arm of the Loerd-Tii, armq, lu a symbol of po'wer, as it lu ýW. antru- ment by wliilh ne execute OUÏ përp <sei. It is put for the power of Ged <I..A. %, 52, 10). It hience means God's power in defendiiig Mie people, in overcoming Hi. eneinies, and in isaving the. soul.-Barnes. Reveaed-Made knova, seen, understood. The questions lu tuis verse are stroug, but flot total denials. Who IÇath be- 10MLieved This verse is twice quoted in the ew Testament as fiding Its fulfilment flic rnejeetion ai Christ b y tiie Jews (John xii. 38; Rom. x. 18.-Todd. 2. For -The prophet now gives thé. reason wiiy the report is net believed. 1e-Tii Say- iour. Grew up (Il. V.).-The point of vis- ion le at the time Chrst",& sufferinge were finialhed and H{è wap eutering liet u p a a l a d o n o 1 e p t t n , fo s g lo r y . A s a te n d e r p l a t - l i e g r e w ] tanily nearly 'extinct, like a tender plant *pringing unnoticed f rom its tender root iiid in a barren and dry li*nd, out of wliich nothing great was expected.- Bishop Horrne. And as a root, etc.-The eprout wilh upringa up, form a root. Such a apraut would lack strength and beauty. Botii figures depiet, the. owly and unattractive echaracter cf thfe umali Dut vigorous beginning. The expression 4out of dry ground," whicii belongs to Pot1î figures, bringmon t in addition the. auiecrable character of the. external cir- rumstanees in the mnidut oft which the birth and growth ofthtei servant (tie man ' hrist Jesbus) had taken placethe exiet- mg state af the enslavid sud-degraded stiofi-in a wvorâ, "the dry grourid"e i the corrupt eharacter af the age.-Uelitz- &eh. See lim-TIre former part of tlîis verte refera to hie blrth and ehldheôd, lie latter te ihie tiret publie appearanon. io beauty-This refers teis state of &baisemnent. He did not corne as a greati irince or e-yen, as a ricli man, but asaa umugle, poox' peasant. 3. De8piBed-13y the rieh sand grent. Rejected-"Forsaken of men," rcnounced. W. hid .... faces-Hlis oppear*.nce wa.% sueii as to caue men to turu thetr backs or hida-,thoir W, M 1vith, diegute "Men avoided hlm as thOugi hèbhc a d1ipase like lepraey.." "Esteemied, hlmiot Falbed te recognize. hie 'vrth. Wby did Christ corne in this humble'niftnner? Au à rebuke to the prend and haught.y. 2. So that He could sympathize with those who suffer. 3. To show the true nature of the. kingdom of God. MI. Tije atoning Saviour jvis. 4-9) 4. Bath borne-The xneaning ie tuat the - conseequences etf sin fell upon Hlm, the innocent, and>- thatlHe bore 11h.ts nde'. srved sutteringa as a uagrifice on be. haîf of His epi e. -Cheyne. Griefs-- "Sckese.2pR.__, ma "i. %--b-a to the mmnd, -slvue -Iuward- q0«Y' implied.-Bsrailster. of ar P chasisemoitt xaediUl ta ptwur O& s oi us., Chatlsemient iis;9ain iflictei foi moni rd* 4 aWltb ren4ia1 atout. -r . am Bib.ý' il vwsuneffltï> for Oins to die for- Us. vithout a -hepherd,';,iay'ing ) FAY, art the Moy Ictüre of bo.2p)f lath laid, etc. --Tii. sonrova that wl gave falloxn upou , be=cuofsq pit ecomp).d to suifer for us; 9W> hi tal u>de a-a 1 Oppr*uue-Thls voim meet H e reeelved, snd bd* W harsh, .cruél, and 'suci as tbthfa IIYIILIIIIMLUli 12% N uig0fto » lRt*ï pSio H.ldpChe" hm th dftdtg 1ho uW----eusar-iiy Looed-Tbe d10ttPleaaed t"i Chris Ct wuoa e te- tIM>âuil, y6t jeiiovsh- did not vi"iEàa Sem pin erevi, elîerdid He la 4a7a muùrderers, buli ne sa rSalvation, et a 11»t race could- b. rescbed lu no otier "aY. 11hse"-Ris lite. An cf terlag- 44Agulofelg-R V., margin. As à* â & aIoferiza giEs dethi b= à ï Pin&tion; mc on. eHe ra de.cribeéd as a itiml lIe 1cf tii. future.Ibose vbo Vuden tgever=meor drectioe. -11. Satistl.d - Il. ball s uçii'bliused fruits r..uting trom Ries utterbngA&a amply te o felmtr them.-J., Y. & B. 12. Writ lie gret-Or "mn$ tii. EM4 mâbVa&vioto$S es ha14 b6 vwy the ýwe om s a r1 a"' i~ shaH flow te Hlm and Bis kIntdom the vealth, the s4rength, the. nunim, tirat t4r strougeat nations poesse" "BHe lu despised and rejected cf men" Hv~.)le knew thie sorrow cf urne- ý ùited love. 1 e camne'to Hie ovusud is wn reeivd lm net. Ho bt the company of those Who loved and worsiiiped Him and lîved with these who réproached His geeoduess, refused Hie teaching, mlsundÎerstood Hlm mo- tives, maligued Bis character, accuaed Hum unjustly, rnocked Hia rnlsery and tortured Hlm even te crucifixion. Thbat < hue they, should requite Bis tender, dis- interestod love et aeepîy ute tihe h.art cf Jesus. "A in ofetscrro'ws and acquulnted with grief" (va. 3). Tii. world vas one v&ist- hosiltal for Jesus. C ieat multi- tudes came te iu having with thým ties. vie vere lame, blinde duznb, maim- ed, (Malt. xiv. 30), sud they breuaght un- te Hlnm xany that were passessed with devils (Matt. viii. 16). And lh. b.d compassion on tiiem sud healed them. His iieart aehed constautly fer thie pain and nrisery et a multitude cf peopte. '&And we hld as it vere our faces trem Him" <(vs. 3). Moses as a babe vas ex- ceeding fait, a gcdly cbild (Acte vU. 20; Heb. xi. 23, R. V.). David vas et a beautiful countenance and gaodly te look te (j Sam. 16: 12 b. Sa ul was a choice young iran, frem insl shoulders upvard higiier tlîan any etbis people (1 dam. ix. 2). But Jesixe lied ne physical "beauty" that "linen chould desire hlm" (vis. 2). He 'vas ret te be loved for tUe hieigit oet His stature cf tiie beanty bW hià, face or the gladueu of etm counte-n- ance, but fer 1is acquairitance with grief. Tii. iorld hid froua Hlm becauso His face vas eorrowful, His mauner sjeri- tyu*,,Hi* e f-prayP-rful, Hie conseoretion perfect, his urnachMg aspiritual and Ia walk witli Ged. Men bide trom Hlm now whein -h, v-iii.- net liste t'O tiie tstory f hie l'crosse; heu they vil! ne 't beiee il le the blood that makes atone- ment for the, seul; viien tiiey vil! net bhave tuis iran te ruce over them. But te bide their faces nov fromn 'Hie bumil- t atien sud suffering viii 4beiluthie dsây c f juci=reut te cal1 ou tii. rocks tg bide them tram the face.et Hlm that sitteth on the throne sund tram the, vrah'of thie Lamb. ý1{ev. 16). "Surely he iiath berri ourgriefs aid carried our mrrowe" (*. 4.) tu-bis lite ho sut tered wvihtlb.e nuful, the. alek, tlii -sorrevfnl; in Ms deatii h. sut fered for r the intul, the. sick, tie Sorrovful. TIl. t kcrucrfied On. suffered the meut exou- cialing agony. vithout the. lighteut mîiS allaton or rmlief. Ne onu aafered on & r o. f siekuesa; o ne ie yer; suifferii 0- Pe. IL L YL-Re.?. mWWS D W Reb-40, C. IL ; Wm.e; C_ IL IAagmut; rank e : âT;rW. PaelSOU ;a.W.jwia &mtb 1 . IO. V L . 'WéIsM4 ton),; IL.uet; . William BrA. IL Wlibb; G.0. I utb> (Omiav);D114 Sli ar ~ ~t ~ 08Ohm; IL P. 1 tOu Gusua A.1> C aSbu Ob -. 1.auca; 2.'aie j .ajsy fob"t o the. siareîoxdere tisir Tirle.b Anua isflt a" BahumsShutom of e urfsIm ot t»Bat&',D s E 5onthe 8sut ay, lm. Siv-Iàag burem«to 4»s bmlset .the Daak for the 7"UW-*bb .5.titmdar. (ëbt id Wbve0 e ,i i it O 0pen aitanenc aaauj amrintig lim» hem OWtW .Ità.MUL M )PrtMsd Iaum Aceo-tt Bma e t to!he Ban bave e0pu",bdduns u 75Sat Ar@wbad, E 3.l,-, n Lente. N. W. T.. Drosdlvlev, N. W." t"la entm59-Lvrnsm n ràuebe m'O bolsg apouel m0& New UukeWd, Ont. sud ut tbe Vppet Bridge. Illian PWls. Ont.: Tuc ationty gi*i~fu s te ftfl u g luin M1t e or«M théi.Caffital abok bY 4. 500,00,. ofwhb 36$»,M50 i sud thuf 7S5r, u ii en fu"bc&avaled or by bbcthe ef the r.allg 1.0.000, wbtcb i viii ha lottil teariflUcldesut. 'pu tae' Per ce uit ie proportton of osenevowbere f.or euh hi b ine miars ild ou 3lOth Jus. «fw. 7ma: 4iad llCpia ii nbGthe Bank te, keep p&Me- tui t"i. devaIpass 4e tbhe0011Db? bo accept a muare of tie now bumina vi i ii b. e rasit th~,o besi" da dlut t te i.total amenaIof e! bs ntasifeUa rtolul p .pod ,Mr. J. A. M. AMils, I. C.. and M.rn. W hyW t&, a Vloe-P al.te i.Ca!1 l>melfie Rslvay, bave benau appintel te and IAVutS @Ptb4 h'etositioetLoce Direebogl et Winipeg. 4 A By-IswwvIii be eubmf*tted for Tour SPPOI.ieiiigig ii date of thse *nA s. .a tmg trousbithbird Wedmeuday lu Jan* to foutlWenesdary lai, wbieii oun Dirce. ton thiD viii be a mm*nsconvenlentdate. T1%0HuaS Office »d Brânchês of the. Bia bave bmeau*rfully Iupsebeldurlag tie year. and your Directors demire' te expresstho ait stIfSetloruvili tie faltifab sMd.fficil. ot ma»Der la whi i saff perforae the&r dUtiu. T. R. ERT.Palet DieldauS No.- 59. 6% (juuif lmt o! Deober..*.$15.00 G DividanO No. 80. 6% (pay-_ able bto! Jime. lm0) 110.0000e e IM-.00, 00W flance at .t.dlt of comut f1d Itay. 1M0. brougit fenuMi .. ..14&M506M Prots efor the. year idad MutMay, lm0, atten deductine charges of m&ýnagemeut sud lutarout du. de- noitopm and aCter =&kifrng fnll LTSdenleTI TO RIUA AemULt .... -- V--ab-.-ou- -m m ffui & Wnltteik off Bask Prazmisus and ur- provliin fer bbS sud' dauWful nîture Aceount..........3.041 'l debte and for rebate on biasàudin Blanue. of Aceouut eaii'l for- dacont...... ..193 yWard ... ... ... .. ....... BwaSe t Crédit et Aconut Ut ty. 10.............m.50009 Trenaterrad tram Profit and Loa Acouat ... . .. .5,00 Nopts t hie Saab la esoil...... ........ ...... ..... .......06 si,1 DepSitot bsnlnintexeat 1.4 ctmt&Wud Odae) l,84.2là Deoeetb by otier DInh. là Canad.........s, o«&7 Total lia lute th* public.................... 96I!1 capital Stoci (paId up)..................i....... 00O Diviand No. 4 ý"olut June. 9l>), . . . . . 000- Rebats on B1 ikmoouufd...................55- a . 91l66 Esaca o! Profit mdes u Accunt cawrnid frwvd .. . 1. .. .. Dominion Gevv0mat isot",s 0........-.... 9... 04, 0 Dopait VU bDOMîIas <ovmrmu.t for u eulty o! »U scinmu " "*' IOto! saofome-dqun cm ofiar Ras.............. ...............0 0,559 sibedue foaoir ab u-Can"ai. -ics>A $la due frqAgmesl tich*Valted Kimo6m..............406 laisesdu.tra Aptea'lu PoMgn Corlti e..........1578? ousadi"n Kualelpl Baurties anS »nltish or PorWa or Cebonu. Publie Seunit«ti hier tia CCadan.. a.. - o ..a... ou Railva sud, ofiar Bonis DebsatUresand Siocei. 1.4M0,6a OiOmb ursal lama, Disoun uat » ASAnes,.. 9teta.1.a- sesa--.... Konbasgeeou Re as)Ilte *solS t~hi. 5mk................. Baud Office a i rue .7~ 0000 Otier Aagua.-.alao Oss 0 et# i *à, au vi the niw.troin, l December, 18U, Whou ~~rtm6n othe g uetrd re-lméats- joIned a nattenpt tg créât i a i#>litttlon 't'a> Ruthe-, tas. lstuiooýf the Ait> cI* and ti 511tierlâà ~ or thiifiuies wI~v po4pul beyond thie ip6 0otr1 At the. Ad. 4ýhàftho Rut Admltral' uguadon luepeted arive -et Odeua for .1Alàu. mtha squadron'.-uaWng froni Sebatoýpol, noir of the. noture 0fi trugêr'ordera, 4Sýtjs- adàiltd, ïai. tbough gréat reticence la ni&ilfuetd, that et » 1) lock 'la t uight -te Kulaz P'otezuklu wus f ring upon the city. The Àtlxlr&1tyý thinks the. matinons crow were probsblydrunk~T, lhe officers con. aider il possilet.hat theectew were sup- portlugitrikas asnd. reoltonlata ashor, againît the troopu. Tliougiiout tii. day, tis soldiers and Police W, devidently, Te fra!nDM from aitt.mpting to, lute.-ferewith thestie, under the. threat& of th utluers of the. battesnhipa b asot their guns agalinit t.hem. I le lupsible that the, quieienee of1 the effdiers was due to, fear. A detach-; ment of llragoons and a brigade of ar- -tillery bave- been sent to, Odessa em Keruen. The. troopusiihould have &i1rlved at Odçst uhs mornlng.Witii the#* Te- iniorèementi aâd'tii, cIv under martial- law ý ,i lbelieved thq military govern- uer kW !b. strong e ugh to attenmpt to suppress the riotert by force The. plan is believed to be for the troopuý to erush the. disorders In the city vile Kru¶ere iquadron'holde tth. entmaiee of thelarbo . 4apparently queitiofl- able whether Kruger vil engage the Knlaz Potemnkine If she refuses to sur- render as i bing upon tiie vessel-mlght b.' to dangerous a test for. the. malen on board bis shipA. Beides h. vouid lu- ivolve neceaarly the destruction cf -the .battleship, costliij millloù àand damage -to the. clty. Admlirai Skrydioff'a lan of ottarving out the inutinous erow tmore llkoly to lie follovd. At Libala tMii. it ous tailors tu tige nupuber of about 6,UU.J1 ver. corrqlled by troope anil artllery In a wood near thé port and by thhu moralng'a tiiousand cf tbem bad eli ready, surrendered. Their coinrades.P« shbly wili b. stanvd out. Wbetheî' terc vas any gret lots of 11f. luaai yet UV kuowu. Groat precauttous are bolug tek. en to prevent the possible èpresd of ti mutiny te thé sallors of St. Petersburi and Cronstadt. »AZY IXT FREXOR?. Railroa4 Refuse to Carry Tbxu-yMa old Girl mn. S5t. Louis, July 3S.-Pasenger apal of vo alIoad an aumany onductoi itravelling over their bunes réf us4_t itake .nluthu car. a littie tir.. an, a-he yea Ciod vïhom the. motiier shod set o elatives 1 Elorado, ,Mi Il At~ ~ a Vi On hvfO e.Board tg.day were~ ih dTpooe iand colos-ed at,93-4e, The sales v.renl Hodgeon, 568 boxes; Àlexader, 324; (lenI, 18; MoGilds, 142; Alsu, 185; Willer & Rley, 133; Loyeeft & rltms 70; andAyr, 60. 4ý Viklék HIII--Uievere 1lm oza 0f dl~~b duapd o4bn êd ; antdIiWil ir&. Ri opeued bld at 9 5104, uwth no ales HI'tiien ralu.d Ilt t 9 1-20, viti the same resut. libdga0n Brou, bld.,91)-16c, amdat ttus figurTe au the. cheese vere sBad on tie l asdHcg son Brou.ge 817 box.e, loel& ri- vna gel 487, Willer & Rleyret26» aid" A. A -Ayer & Co. gPl 285. lweowere f ive buye.rs present. We-Toronsteo ucai -.8 I 00te t Doea. ne. bushl----4100 te DO. btgitie buAur 009te os.:",usiiel . 4l ...0n8te Biily, bush..-'. .. 078 te Pais. bubel..........O83te Peu. bl tn....902te Do, tmlxed, ton.......V 0-te Strsv, pe ton--------s60te, Dtresad ep...... ......0 te Applhpbl.......0i Geu O00to, UApe. per doss........0 0 te, Esutter dr..........O o Butt eramey........S21te Ch)e0.,, tub er, 02O1 te Tuigyntst, arsl ......34tei Pdtatos, per-bg..... 004to Pâabugs. per dbàn.....0 70 te Ceiery. pr doasn.. .....060 te Outone. per i---------040 to, Qeatl. hVnrqUS'a-u-----lO >to Be., forquanteru .a-*,aube.9 00 tO -De., ôeocouaresse-a,.. o le6 Do., mdc.orae. 5t Dé.. medipar cb. ..' . 550 to Val.peu ut..........800te Laoeb. spring, p«r ut U Co00id lot 0 49 0 w I83 1000W 0s-O 015e 033 75 Ob. filth series et anettiin stes ahou :. 4,92. baes. lmcludi 4 00 fowaidôd di. reet. te sin iens.W spots is tweeo wvere: Vietodi, bas;e'ZolrG 8», ;cape 'of GiQod ope and sa, 3,6s2; lreinen , ; vinlouet 1"4. T i onrtb s.nlc. i > l-b. opeaae&.on ueia. July. 4., Dnrlng hiilrst ire days 569ü bales viii hé otiegeit Bnitlsb ýCtti. Markets& 12 1-eperhb;eIL ertr u, 34t6 87-8c per lb.; bo.p,18 té, 14elpet- W arulutret'g 0Traon a elighhiy-,bitter" MdubaWB sUI1 umamualy L., Afair. -aia dry -goods 'biness **ls-beig plaiý fait dolier. The -bandwarêIra nPt rooovoied the, brl& -1touet lunth. moàn, Sïrst deUvumiet..e 4. u, I1~ n. R. jias AX~ Taha rAt m-iiedk fIat né%ts proof, eahi » 1Oer roOt. 5. .314 v. Soie dem 'a. 1

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