Whitby Keystone, 6 Jul 1905, p. 5

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'E lilY; 1 N iLLI N-E R The Balance of oui' High-Class MoIl.inery. And TrImmed Hat8 on. sale SATU RDAYI JUNE 4th. 1 Green Satin Straw and Chiffon Trimmed Hat, former price $9.50, Saturday 86.00. 1 Brown Chiffon Picture Hat, former price $6.50, Saturday $4.7 50 1 Black Satin-straw and Chiffon Trimmaed Hat, fcwrmer price $7.50Y Saturday 85.00. 1 Pale Blue Shirred Chiffon Hat, former price $5,00, Saturday 83.50. 1 Black Chiffon Torpedo Turban, former price $6,j50, 4 Saturday 84.75. i lRed Chiffon Iàlo Turban, former price $6.00, Saturday 84.50. 1 Black Shitred Chiffon Hat, former price $6.00, Saturday 84.50. 1 Black Straw and Chiffon Trimmed Hat, for- mer price $4-50, Saturday 83.25. 1 Straw Sandwich Hat, former price $3.50, - Saturday 82.25. 1 Green Foliage Hat, former pjce $3.50, Surday 82.25. 1 Bl.ack Silk Polo Hat, former price $4.00, Saturday 82.175, ats. cents. cents. ors, 15: ýOi,. c c At t b 9 Si ti te t l Pl net" tir lave page nnte i. tanks aàreord et waott*llb bu Uasmod- Tq shUag aU graus aud treugotrom 904 tbit, .%he w-Ork do»ue bt beý 1.q oneodit. w-ta amkeç for tii Wmutare ut m pie »» 1.,tMaI chman ou ~tre, ut u Ail oui' Trimmed Hats are the latent styles. from Fashion Centres, smartly stylish and suitable -for June's Joyous events, duplicat- ed nowhere. The. .Cash Store BRU. Umo.up.rat.i 1794 Of e ýt 'orth mea capital Asisets -Jn.10 Why- tak any rik 'v <c 1< lEu T5 qnruîlucvoy iI5*EO à t ecorac t tl. d) t . tM la~o i t lonIgCmuittee oüI min. lb. Kf te eystou-os etmqcfli Vs~ rP~êco ~ , WIlb. carzs.This -WIN* Rev. DL ',o. Tm s"N.Cruuey and faIn~iÏ f tir. tbree WM »Cu W" tt"[« t betu " bat n- Paàtorate beré remoVe ta W Nota theuti&UbOSt - WUltby. Tbey b~esr,,the- respectfl Ipltl.emu«~ u eWse t -"thQ entire con- »et PUd la&dv& wben m rigat1O,1*, ReV; 1Er. Cros&ley b asý me rUdRates Mrerumbe aMd VS e' gve xceleUt cryce botb £ îm tion. If yen thItc, ud heu&aCher. fRe haa biep very- 7qP ttentîyî te the tiick and4 aged unes sÊW -boild rêgOli IbsOf- and bas done s m rue,% geerlv- &ZeI UOIaI th" nTachy acu, im" uw 1'-itlng a. Posibl. neal r lb. la lb. cu« mues.No atrbs ^Mt WRtd a u.p b f he ot eeryet gien sucb taitbftlservie. Last weelk 'e gave an accout uOf C. A. <IOODFBLLOW, presentat'on5 to Ur. aud Mx's. Cross- xditor a»d maukngo?.11e7 vandMiss Croùley b>', the lde MWý of the Msso &,~Ilaryof. wbic Mrs. Crossie>' bas- been p-.eadent and Scribbllgs. Mis Crossîs>' one of the prirnar>' 8abbatb 8011001t eachers. This week lTiore are boys lu thlU town wbo. we record<i wth pieseurs ut lir'pre- if report wbioh ornes to our sars senta ions as filoe- b. trias, bave the bump of rnlscbîev- d t WaS '1uarterly review last $un- ouaensver bihlydevlopd o "da ddan open meeting u1the Sua- ouses.ver' hgbl deeloed r Iday scheul waa beld. 1Mr., P. 1reb- the>' are pouseusedof e scommonilcock conducted 1the revîe1w, ater sense than the average vouth, or 1wbich Dr. W. ýE. Tille>', Superi-ntei. tbe>' are extremel>' wanîtoo aud vie- eut, read to 1Mr. (Jrossiey 1.11h ad- loue a ltizn Ivin in he aetdres hua. 4citzenlivng n te iit Dear Pastor andi Brotber. - We, ade of the town has,' had ver>' val- the teachers aud officcrs or -the uable plants, f lowers .and abruba de.. Methodist Suuday ' .boel, Buwmnao- itroyed They have been taken ville, on 1.111, th1e last Suuday u,Ç [romthepreise. an eiherde-your labor witb ub ab tuacher ID rtrome to remhses a n oneltaetdeOunr SObool andi as pastor of our pe- mtrj~e o hlde. l un cse hepie debire Lu eireb,, te yu Our romains or a valuable plan« were grateful apîrccatuor o your ser- round near l>ringle's Creec. On -the liceSsud our deep regret% 5ut the prospect ut loelung your wise, consel leaves were iicratqbed the namem of and Palnstakîog, elticleut efforts in certain boys. At tireit thetos ses turtheriug evei-y intrebt of unr were attribu Lea Lu adult thieves, but sechOel. temporal and spiritual. W. the finding oft tub destroyed plant recugnîzse you aci a Wisa leader lu eiery guo0W uid snd woî'k- ill wbo ndcated tnat bo.yaiwero th% guitty cogne wlthijn Lthéaulluentr. ot your Paxtles. If th1e act waa doue wlth example are iuiî>red tu greatpr and- the ides that it wati clever, then the more euuubiung effort. 'We 1E41 tbt peretrtor hae mil ens oftheour leuderubip liaes been onward and qharcetrtof h- eil sneutteupwali'd, anu i% e trubt tlat th1e sil- *arcteru& aJolie; if IL waa the e nt tbougialleut tessons f rom .you outcome ol autagouisibi or spite, i11e aioDg thege lhueà will nevef 11e for- guilt>' partieis detierve- tu be appre- got enl or neglected b>' u*u.ý M'hile bended aud taught as aauta.ry les your Influence baas boe toIt tbrougb- out thae wihobe tichool, 11. Was lu your Bon. T'.lere lu no tutg iu tricks ot own ciasii, the SenIor BIble-Claas of ;hîe klud. Au>' practical juke that Youuug ladicti, tlist Jour 1ruet Wurth neaus loin of pruporty or liajur>' to au teacher sud belper Lbue bien jnust 3nother pereon siioniti ho volded. fuît>' sbown. The ciseis bas signiaill prunpereti under your, care. Xour - Mfflt> fl -dauglitor also 1156boon s avat»d wvorker iu our Primary 1.14&eb. Af ýor Tabernacle', New Pastor. three jeare ot klndl~y iutuai effrt and kiîîdly lutercourse, we uai-e au-- Rer. D. 0. Crotiele>', the new pastor ed upon tu bay farewet. CoMÊiS»nuou. )f te Taernaleoccuied hepu- shipi are formeti a'îd tilt spart bero. if he abenaleocepid to pl-May it 11e ours to, meot at laûtitnl uit on Sunday, worialug and evoîaiug. that wrd wbore trienâshlps are It th1e iorniug ser%,Iee, ne --tnade hiseoternal. God grant tlîat ws<y may uow" to th1e cougregatiou, sud ho. aIl n that hume. - r ea.inest rau bis duties " pastor with M_ prayer la that Ood uiay abuindùnti>' ,rxuctury woJ.IIM whlcb wore much prueper you aud yoirs lu jour, new ýo the point. -Re explained that ho Ifid of labor; blebseng youwltb ad excbanged puîjplîb wltb >Mr.healtb and happineeos iernd'ut!b. ;mIory oee bunday a couple utf years yuud tollolty etornal. . Sgned op b.- go. Witb what difierent feelings' baif ot the aichool. e entereti the -pulpit aud Iooked Speecbee 'rire madie by Mn4 M. A. 21.0 the faces outhteticonirregatîon James, representatîve oftheici Ieai n thie occasion. Tbeu _& bad, nu Board on the îS. 8. Board, sud. 1E-r. ýpecai couceru about the teongrega. Trebilcock, toucher oft stit lble ou, now tbey were bis p&hpieo,- be <Clus coseet. elt un aunions soliitude for their ,Att oot the t seasfoQ)Rer. relfare. lip- bati ew for them &a Mr. Cro"ief W"s nviteCýto tethe eUtorS love. Hi destred'tep- Leugue Pa.rlors, wbere 40, men~mes ens the kindI>' teebungr. the *>'m- c isi Bible ùlais were lu, watiu. atbY, love and co>-operatun uof the Mi.s Helen Morrib rend tbe to»ow. ongregatiun. He asked tibena -1.0b. log beautiuhlly worddatde- stloi. ilbtber nw pstu. Te>'Dean 1Mr. Crossley: As 11118 la the Id nut knuw al about, hlm 'e ls Sna> ouwilsend 'rito Us, Fait a wbIle betors passlug Judg- wngehe nmbrl 001"~*i ient; tlden, 'rIten 1tho>' 16v.- Ul seboldais, toit that w-a wouldl ikal On the Wing. E. Stephenson. Whitby, hbSticlket- et thle reeta- ' Mr. and lis. M. Ferguaonî te MEr. andi Mr&. Anbrose to Hamiliton, Wm. Ayree 1.0 Lindsay'. John Riieseli to Mldland. Miss Baliantyne anti frIend to Lorneilo Jet- MEr. F. Dan te, Thetitord. Mr. HaUlett to' Biackwater Jet. Mr. sud Mis Rossiu tairlîton. Mn.sund UMis Rainer tq Peterboro. Miss lMaatir te Canlugton. Mis Otord tO Kingston. l-Mi. Seale to Bow-manvhlte. Miel' M. 800 tu lugere IL*. Mr. -W. Fortster te Uinionvilie. Mn. A. Flttpatrie t t Gravenhanat. Master Nicholson -tuColdwater., ' Mmï. Ken»edy s-U'd son to >CoUlug Richard Jons té Ptenioro. Miss Sr'dou to. Napaneê. -W. H. Piper to, Cobourg. « MnisBellany to,exton ville. Tii.»mises lUchardeote Brook- ,idue. - -3tM i rlmmon te Vaukuseta BIU, and! 6*othera te- Toroutto4 Mr. loin Leilànd. au esmnl<awab rt Ilc Âlsike, No. 1........... uwt eý Bed No............ 000ta -ô0Q Red, No.2 .............. 450 1o 5,50 Tizuothy Seed ...... 90 l0 I1,00 VwlOUE AND PED. Fleur, Pei cwt..........-82 75 toeP$3>M Cbopped Fed,ewt.000 1" Come&] .................. 2 o -t.25do 'Br",per to;n,..........ou 00to 20 0 Shorts, pern....20 00 to250M Itr l ....... 0 t . ...................801.0O b † oto 065~ I............. ........~I0ê 8 Nnet .. ......... 0»te;- 0 S ..5...Cqo?...... 0 ta Bief by quarter per ewt stîle, Il"veweights but. Mutton, per lb ......... Lambu, .5b........ Hogil, be weight ... clg*, Jîght fat....... lop'- heavy fat ...... flop, direSed pet OOIi C h rek eus, p e Ir . . . . . Uee,' dreered pinrl Turkys, dreaset, per lb Butter, rol......... ... Egg, per àduzen. Peot per bsg. APppi, per- barre]l... Ornons, pet bus.... la>' per tn ..-.. Straw, per l.d ....... RIDES. peeconu........... Tsllow, rendered, per lb Wool nuwassed.... Lemb Skias ........ long ze sc1eu uais A Mr. Jeftîrs. The Courier tenders hearty congratulations. Mn. àsud Mns. Cartwright have began bouse- keepling on Byrd street, la this oit>'. The groom aIne lis residenebers bas bull't up a lucrative butlness,.aud bas w-on for himaeîf 1.1W estesin ut uur citizens. WVe extenti a heart>' 'reicorne to himoeif andi bride, aud hepe tbat their clico of Coalgate as a home w-ll prove Lu be a wlue andi profitable une. The Lfxbrldge Tlmee ln speaklug, et the village parikeasys: it' lu doubt- fui If the park w-sa ever more beau- tiful or lu bitter condition,, thn it bas; been 1.111e sprnn. The tries alongthe water's edge isen6. alanoot ever-bardeuet witb verdure, and their sbadowa lu the elear waters ot the pond make i11#àa ver>' prett>' pIc- tare .te' one, as yotu' bob kacrosa frein the bridge, lu the park Itilff the grass l aua. 701short sud plias- sut to 'ralta or lie upon, sud 11. would Indeed bii bard to flud a more pie.- &ut or varlegatet i slt thaur 1.11 diCteront tries, oai wltb lt4 0w- wbade ot touage or lest. Wben a pinson guis'to anuther tQwn, w-bore the>' naVe nu public park aut we have, h. begîns to tblnk, au4 resus. w-bat a beautitulsud useful speti w-s bave at home, snd Wonder why 11. la that tho eîtisens do. not uis« 11 more or tube mure Intereut la having it kept trim adsud.16>' Beaverton merchants declded to close tb.ir sturew, on JuLi 8 alusteati of Jul>V '1. Mn. Chas. Kelly, of Uxbridgo, ban been appointed l o supersede Mnr. E. J. lireen ais Lîcenue IuspectçW fton le os b7.50 ô 00 t. 5,50 0 00 t 0-10 8 00 to 400) 000 -t.600 0O00 te 675 0 CO bc ô76' 0O00tc 800 0 10 1. 012 0Oil to -126 0 9 teO 01 0 12 to -0 1a 0 16 ta- O la 0 lO)to 0 126 0 12 zo -9014 0 00 1o 0 vu 1 00 to125 0 00 W-2 00 8 00 -o 900 2 00 1. 30ou 1 00 18 0 25 to o 14 -to se800 125, 0 60 $180009000, COOVTY Or ONTAÈXo, 190. Wîà-tut D. 0. Neodoneol, bib O e k , 3 a n .9 1 P eb . 2 . c h  p i s ety * June 6, JU ly , -~ p . O o . N o . 7, D ec. , e . 9 1 0 . OSJUWA D. O. acdoull, Whftb7, Olerk, Jan1. 10, P b. 83,Much 3, A rl Msay 4, June 7, JuIy 6, Siet7 o$ Nov. 89 Dec, Tt Jm.10, 1*05. PI Puir J. W. ~rhrP-ori Perr>', o1rk, Jan. 13Y lre ,May 9 July 14, sept 8, ov. 14>, Jeu. 1%, lIPS UzrnaJooeph 1E ould, Ux, bridge, Clerk, Je. 12,-Ma~ch 17, My 19, Jul>' 14,9 Sept. 1815 Z 4 -a. 9 OA"tgotoN. George Smifth,Oa c g 3~iy 1, Spt.14, No,. -23, tanil 19,O Boto ark1~w. iue Orp P.. BrIwL- 1BÜ ftJRN Spring e T jji 'f eustern wl be pontton "ountir>' iugh the ils, tiierr 2, and, su p~rth of f fort> itrout 4)~ the lerstand 't' Perry lOt o! ding ite be a t ( the rg part- le groc- ,entral 10 ago. money i y, ie e r wvlil Fallu 1,9 Port f' y ROSS F..nied 1792 'mg, the ire, and' pçal out med the >een dis-.

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