Whitby Keystone, 6 Jul 1905, p. 2

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muoIN Captain Shot One of the Seaman -Who CornpbIred About the. rodc4. Crew Mutinied and Now Threaten to Bombard the City of Odessa. The City Panic ,Strieken-Sea Front on Fire-Th-e Wýhole Fleet May Mutiny. An Odessa cable: The n>ost sensa- tiomi] development tatha. yet occur- red of tlie revtxlixt.k>nary spirit. whic.h tbe niaery of the people hu. produced tu Riussia bamsburst 1'orth here witàI startling suddenness. The erew of the buttleshlip h-ýniaz Potcmnkin Ta>-rit- ch Iv LWg1.ip of t.he 11,'ak Seu flect, b-rokc intu îpq'n niutxny, kiUcd their of- ficr.-, u;d int'w, wiuî the aàssistancc of cq ciaâ!y ly eglwrJÂte s th kJi g kd>o- ai.lau 4d bo! ic city at their mcrcy. Lito :ast niglit Uîe tattlcslip mrrived in ie bay f rom Sebtstopol, nce-l u.anied by aà trj'edqlo boat., both IIying t.ie red fla- of revo'ut.ion iiisteeilt Thley gurJ th ignale frc>m slî'.re, anid vienthie port autheritie&sený a haulîchl to c.,înnîunicat.e Iith thlen the boat mWds drieu off by ibe torpedo boiit, uicîih th.rcetened to sin], t id the orr wa.-wnut oteved. AU tii,,ht the trx>"I boudt pau-<vLIed arimund thie flag- aslii1i, ~Iiýh y fl<(tJoT(off t'lie to.vn. \Wtiern JJJuifl; lgcame i WJ%%'u tinbe hifoi- hie pujitalace re.Iiycî-el wliat had lJ4~fthe Ui nt'rnLs rttnoa. t>eintg Jî:Id trothe " e. utieeo t.e btrikc-.m, %%lx) lîr<ouAkot 'eýs:rJiîv Lept t'ie ,itv Irn nupar. ! .1, u mirs, hw' oquîickilvy izl i- 4.o fart Awljrn t ic tt-pd.o boat, V tiLi' guns Xiart or .(t4JIn i 1.114> liartwr zuid .4eîzùd tbie RIitJr..ILu~i- Emi>(railLa, wiih .a cdi ig<>of tw.ot1.ji muid 1 ül o io&,ani *100k h'r aiolîg- emde the A;,ie ab. . îtout t Uie s...e lie an iiriiiied pantîmie. wic.h hIlad Ixcou LIuicç1.d J1 tbe bultcs~.~e:î ed t-o tile quay, wlîerrcàUIt ~1e a il oipen eoffî;t cunta.nrg Uibe)UdV o! a enaînar;. to wthosc uniforniu wra U paier vwas attached. Tis pper ,t1ittd th.u.t t.hcirtman s naine w"a C>îiclîtk. aitad t.hat lie 1usd b-cer i ot dead bv t4e echicf offwùr fur coapnplainang abourt U.e Lit quality cl Lhe sQup ecrvc-d iJe crew. JL 'wua.e:ddld thnt Onielcbek had bceil uir derod for telling Lhe trul4h. aud thtit the whole creîv iad aivenged Lu ideatb b-y kiii,, &.11 the o!ffic.rs. Threatened to Bombard City. As Lie news apread large croeýdç. oonsisting niain!y of ricitous stri , erà anld tJîe.tr fu1h4wiîîg, flucked Wt ie quaîy and paEwed wit-i bared -a1,r.jn- f ully melutîng the dead. 'l'lie police, suppoarted. by Gossackî, tried t-o dis- pere thle crowd antd remove but thse a-o'a-d stîrrouuded anddfilte to toueli ecuffl-îaîg foUtwed, but bel ore a defîrite resuit thse Kniaz TaN-rîtwcskcyhojtdsinl the bnjy, tice cofilI. it, ýSD'le thiere Mwas ttîat theQ buody mwas twobcé bit on thbe quay, itI àit-tNa,to hé t.akeu on huari Iliter feur buirio.lut uund wxî tha Iuil 1a-val 1ho cr,, md i at if the autbcprits-ies ir.*er- fae -i h ïtttleglip Ul.ll.l!eLt boýuiLb.ird tit-e iLy. TImts tiacu.a port, 1,,&,d il-S 'c~cCt hJIle j)oLe ild 4roops -exe callc-d off, anîd the euffin renh'ulled, sururattdteslb-y the syiipia-1 Autborities Helplesa. Nteann-lii! e eba4ttIehip waa rapid- 1vcÀ>.tlittI'a-rtu theFpr hl w-orlin ii tîteliai-br W tcasîe, aind hatur he direve'tc t 46,11utitésiiops and Pub>- Mei>dace-. elehuud bcc-c doss. lie h"s naîcamwhiuCle tte,-rallacscIlu St.. Petîem- ban-g and Steba.StOIaul u.4Lirig tlie au- titea1tîeS ait -Uise latter piao--t -o sentI a fleet. It waâ é<vidé-mt t-ho-s- thé au;.h>ort- tac. re.a.Iied t.hcý er lil-». . ADy atLeuapt at forcée uudhikvé umdoui.> édiv led Wo a realizatioîr oCtbe nuti- neeiri' trcat Vo boîib.sl théeCity. blorcçver, tiiere ,e J# eaion t9 beýove thîey dfitnrsted t-ee loyalty of -te troops. ultu, aiîart frein titeir naturai uympiaiaîy %itîî thé-m cuuiraxtes of the nas-y ithé &irutaiteeb piodueîng tàO kuUîîy, hast long been prtcd by Tuhe holdaieâo of the etrIktm-s wae mulzeidly Inereaséti by thé 'préee c f Ue in-itînéerâ, .vtio -vnsre Y"ulz.tse * alUc> aind wbom thé strlk-s t eijacal by Theéc;,-beyond ' petng stug sudutlr publia buIIng, thre offiçiamais. eulaldci ttle-to protect tbetotwn or slay..theié'panii ifb shelaed £ lang lçcwUou 0* fthe lnuIRas - Whae S"s Pret IMOIC Acro'd etnwuytboua~#~or~ -garly e8l,.Llta thýO th Ieva the abt.5àà& *. t.faa Iý o;earrehight in every direction, «and it is doubted wbether she will aUow any vegsel to leave. So far as knownl, ne foreign shîp is burping. the victima seeming to be only those owned by fLussian employerse against whozn thé strke te directed. Whole Pleet May Mutiny. There is no newS of the approach of the rest of thie equadron to ..which the mnutiuous battleship belongs. Its air- rival ie fcared quite as fnuch aà it le lioped for. Diseontent, not Vo Eay in-- subord.ination, je known te b tife among a large part of the fle!, the grievaJices being identicai with those which drove the exasperated crcw of the flagship to rébellion. It is doubtful wbether the other sailore cotild be ini- dinced to coercc the crews of the flag- ship, wlîile it is believed by many thati they are likely to mnake common caue ith teiuineere. The peaeeful resl- dents are Ionging for the Knisz -Pc>- temkin Ta>ritche3ky to eail and quit the Blitck Sea, whieh some think the inutineers will do %vith the object of saving their akins, but up to a late hour tc-ni-ht there was no sigu of ber tieparture. Amon- th e arany violent incidents of the day a. norkman threw a boinb at a policeman. killing 'the latter and him- LClf. S<lverai per6ong were injured. Mfany of tiiose Who Vîe1wed the body of 01 nItchuk placed coins 4ibaeke ait the head 6f 'thé body- to*a t a f und, to defra>- the eost of the funterail 'wbich the bai lors propose tn hold ; týzsorrow, and whîîch the strikéers ,w-ill-ý*ke the occaion ýF a grat demouis r4I114 During hg &dy a red iflg*àsÎ_'hoist. cd en the lÇniaz PotemkiuU4 Ëd'mem* bera of the crew rode' from s4ip to ship In te harbor, itoppÉngilU worktiero- *One reporlaay, ,that eigbtof the of. fieewere- epaed -on condition Lb-it they would joiiithe una. Éhé f Ibp_ ed -a co upleaent of 036 of fieers and men. Odes *~ ne cii tho richeet -Pusaan citkes, "Mn"ng one- oibh f tliq entire foïrcigutride ut tho 'empire. It 'haî a population of about 430,001, nearly ohe-týiird of whomj arm Jews.j Other 'Warships Selze. -A Loii'on cIa.bi Thp Odees co re respondent, of. he Standard sendi un j der reserve a rirnor that four other war- shipi, mtitinied. at Sebastopol and are nove on the waay t.o Odesatu join the London, June 29. -Tho, Odessa ecor- r-sPpor.dc.nt of the Standard says that the Kniez . Potéikin T1avritdîerk fircd a hliduçinig the night at a Cossack it ket stationed nt the Boulevard, ~a~. four aipd woundin" twecty. Brtieb Vauche ai Forte snaResideute in Town&. À Londoticabli.. Several -Venis of. thé outbreak ûu the Kaitaz euoexia TavnTV-esky are pubtishéd here. ile. cording te -eue, t-be éréëw lIçalforai long time xcuipiaineal of' thébe bo.>îrn.ble la- tiens servéal tg t-box p. lree tath-ir made te t- -fficers % weéinvin, l-in- Jly a- délégation waitéd on thé co1it-,n Who fuious at thé présumption of IL.. cré'a' ehot * théir spokesmen c!cacd. Titéneupen the wholé c-e-w ecizd arms, and a dispératé flgbt'foloýwed, ln which aIl t-hée ffleensed léldefending ,t-hein- selves. Another'stcry ie t-bat coemd ShlupionwaeS pareal tg uavigate uwc ShiPý Bmritih undérwnters are gravel>' con- emled. fer. i. a Isirç trade bhl- t-wecil Odessa and Liverpool, andl t-be are many liritial cf ficers andl - agents at -the former place It la knoelu that in. lBritishi vessels are -now t-beré. $Oo bavé, already roponted that t-heir -departn-ehas been deayed Iy - thbe bépceublty 0f muplcyluq force a»rbelpa t'e V*we t-h.e nwnt-iaese, sand proteet .the .foraigisrea1dl3315, 0 lwlicm Abouat î 00an re itish, I$ lacI ItuSSu PAK1CTRxCx . II .*T eo t atofien r no and agitaor bave à known Éhe in au a eil Tbe Radicam bail the event as eIi and "ay Om.1chu n àm . - Oldow3l es arc supplying tbp ç 9w fthe EnW~ Potemkn avr à "e',Wlth fOOd The Mayor c f Odessa a gn.oMsc. M. baste-It'graphed to, tIi iiç nbg ging them to b. calm amdrfrinfon Aitnong the s.everel ve rsiope of- the ii ticy, nue gays that -after, the captarn shnt inia' chuk, tbe crew eeized their comînainder and drowned- hini. Subs.e- quentlv ttbcy drowned the'other of fi- cers, except two, who joined the mutifl' eers. Frenzied AT OIbESSA. FrnîdWorkmen Fightimi Witb Troops in the Streets. A St. Petersburg cable despatçh Baye; ShcStly sitar noan an Unthnéd- despateh wa" reeived bere report.Ing t'ha.t com- pletea amrchy reigned at Odesas.rhei inha.bitante were pam e trcken and werc huddleci togerherin the bo~usm j:fe 8treeta w'ere filled with.frènzied workmen ligb ting tUe. troc"b. '1%e warehouees, qpays, and nome of th 'e ehping in thé barber were in flamres3. The Ocrreepond- ent of the Associated Pléss who forward- ed titis de",teh b.ad to enÉLke hie way to thé te1egr&pýh off.ig< thr<éue dénse smoke whieh oovered the city like a pa.Il. Hie lîeard t.olleys every iew% minutes. In thie dearkneiýî thèé mcb ' Wq3 beenug t.he Admnirai Avellg., was sumnn>ened te Peteritoif at- eight o'clock thie morn- iDg te discuse.,thé situation îvith tilé Empéror. Sueli advices as te Emper.or- and the Goerninent have rcived have carefully withhei. Thé Wair Office te net in contre! et thé authorities and ap- pealà sent te thé pres correspondents ait Odessa te teIegeaph. what bas happein: éd since last night ltav-e met wvith no r-- sponse up te noon. Rliîore are rite in tlîis city, that thé officers on board thé shipe belongiaig te thée quadron o! Vice- Admira! Kruger, whieh Ieft Sebaistopol for Odesa on Tue*day. aocordîng te one report, ani for a practice cruise,'accord- ingz te another story, have shared thie faite of thé officers eftht-e bat-tlesbip Kniaz Peteinki-n, and havre been mur- dered by thé mutineers, It à8 believed that mutîncers are in possossion of other warphips cf théequadron. 1If so the mutiay has control ô! Iiocre than bal! of thé- shipu cf thé Black iSea flét: The ether vessete said te be, in thé hande o! théeinutinééi-s are thé battieshipe l*ie- hesmne, Sinope - md the' Tila 5viatelia, (thre aposte). -héa4inralty, howi ever, décas tconfirma the report of thé nîutiny on boýard. Aliiral, Kruger', ar ships. Admirai Wirenus, chief efthte naval général staff, gIt neon,,to-day li- forméd the Associatéel Prese that hé di] net kncw wlather Kruger'@ sa4yen haid arrivcd nt Odesa. Wirénuu a.r- éd t-o hé atl,. oss to account for thée11h1 tiny, saying that the Commander cf the Kulaz Poteankine wa- a. fine officer, bav- ing a niost kindly disposition. wlaat appears to hé akin te thé reporte re- teived nit thé vatious etn1bassles heré in t-bat Odessa. was at lkait for a timée practicà1ly in thé baindefo the strikers wbo erecied barricade frein which thé F i"and troeps ii-e poerlcas Vo dis- 1St. pI'eérburg. ia View et thé deve. opments at Ockiêi, 1 filcd ivith iRtories cf dimaffe çtioin',nd sedition aa>ong thé troops.. eî'eà the gtuard regimenft. it ie rcported..-say th,4y NwiId never again firé upon people. The Cossc-aktlorné. ne- roi-ding VtO these- t&eaie, alwbOlutelV- iTe- hiable. That -dle#tîon ond dlsco,î. lx-nt amnong thé solMiers- la widlePrJL.ad adMit-s of littie d îbt. 1>lVit i l ar:1IY asablack as it le 0'ainted. Up titheý présent there le ao retiscu te belitve t-bat théei-net-bulk -cf té arm inje tot loyal. What thé efWfet wouid bé e séreraI régîment*s going eover te the, notiera is, iwvr.pcbeaia.Gr tainly a cri&is acinte,, have beén reah édL MÂ-TIM *MSRT BLCOOI 1 udý Soj<~ i>bî tlaiugdmth Iast RecauseBandmaster in U. 5. Navy Was Ordered pa9W$~ ,on a Long Cruse He and Hià Wife-$,ç Lesr paterçn, N. j., july 3.- Unable to 1 After the last cruise of the North Midet < IaS *Alàtc letre aw"o~ u endure. the though1t of a. lo)sepa ationlt< u~~~hi ~~li iltwt Slae Lk& nvWed in héforef s ervice to 1t fâ'Ü"Wl~dsn th would not I . hic ho as rderd, enryEicenrodtagainobt&iùShort bave bSeféie depart- 'l Cý" whih hewas- odere, Hnrying for theNMia.gtiè s»tation. Theý yog A New Witnes Ga~e Impor an fnmiLter of the United State batile- couple were deeply deproused- at thi Ship Alabama,. and *lis young wife, to apprqdne.aaîn Tes 1PRiY ~ whom ho had been united leas thana Yê.idyfed gtrdât1iboe yer-committed suicide yestercay.% to bid farewell to thie bàndmaster. In nt Edmonton, yesterday of Charles -erthe iit of the festivl-itiseienrwit King, chargedwith killfilg hie 'Partner Ficherodt' married Clamra Tetzold, and hie wife left the party, and later in té fr ntthand u rnianadaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Beny Tet. were found dead in-4heh' bedro@mn and SopiaC&*ilIwiI ~ m~ ~r-;zold, of this city, and their life was se d in 1 'fl therjsezame. Examin- inail and'aister, of Ohief.-I oostoss, wsveyhappy,, altlough the bandaiýate a ohhd wloe abh e called. She je a new witneu antd- gave dui only pei-mitted hlm to VWSLhiei Mm. Eitbenrodt wui 26 years oId, and ~ ~ ~ ~ bride at long intervals. b« be ba.nd two years -ôlder.. imwr,&iI ~fIAVI 1U£~.ç.~111 two men, -identify41ng King, as one, camp* cd near ber .bouse. Th4 -*rnissirig mai ahe idcentifieil frorna Ji grph c llayward. Mie latter, Oe said, -cali- ed at ber bouse on hor$ebrick when she was niaking n pair 4f tmoccaisins, anid by sigus expresed a ýdesire i±o buy theni. The following eiorning about sunrise site went over teý thé camp -to také t-hem te hini. Shé found a log f ire blazlng brightl1,Joga piled se two, and a half feet' highý, and a. blaze 'as higli as. a ian'a hedd. Witness îdentifie4 thée iisorier as thé man who wa&s tnIng1119efere the fire. She came néar) looking-fr the niieeing mnan, and distir.ctly ,awi flesh burning in the ti-re. King then licame towards hier and mnotioned ber to leave, and, be-- ing unable te find Haywaad, who ordered the meecasins, and inet 1being able, te converse wlth King, ehe l1eft and went home. This conclipded thý évidence fQr the prosecution. Titis afternoon King was for the gecond tinieseépteneed byà3!udge Seott to bé hanged for thé mur4ér of Edward Hayward ait Lerser Slavt Lake. Thé jury retired at 2.10 rnd 3.30 returned te thé court rooni witb2Itho verdict of "uiIty of murder." Asked if hé haid-aiaythiýg te Bay why Pentenee should net hé pa sed upon hlm, thé prisoner euh!: My Lrd, I say I ain net guilty. If théexmi1un Ilayward je dead I had niothing to tdo 'With it. 1 don't know if hé is dea&àI 1never ha.d such an idea in my hcadý as te inurder- Rlavward- I doru't know if he in dead. I know hé wae alive Vv n I Iaet saw him. If hé in dend I hop4 yeli will find eut who did it. I amn si#re I nover did a fair trial, and on thé net sec boW tho 3jury çouiu et-ler verdict. There i for me te 'do but t6c ordu takeï, te ýthé barracica ai ,.-fl ahe n&n <t4 Iéd- 3lst cf Auguet b e n loi en te the place et éxectit hargoti by thé ueck Until I eau' hotd eut no hope fo o f y3our rentene by thé tawa, sud iny adnote t meantime to prépare te mmi .GONE,ý BUT NOT FO New York Maeu Borft ' i 7alrta x« Yen. Juily 3.-B 'bis vl~if# 961 Weulnesday, 30, Ei-t 42nd street, eU- i¶ueby feueS thé bundle lai t bie wilée le -1,0lie pé nd >to anyth!ng but a hanpv 4e)ree Irewoll4i-alter its Ur.' au, 4Mm Tu- b itu day'. ep*t it-tic >15 if WSU' #IwffS»v u Zf. >- Tu*4y, tacrn eto a perle!> pienat .bui It Vw01uld toétal- sucre tbIirm. bu -have ha.d ividene e tid arive- at a.ny riothing; élue r tht yen b. PotSuat- ré u#nitil thé sbal -hé tak- o anlt-bore- ynare -d«&ti ithé rémission' pôweres t Ot- yenise lu thé ttyour Goal." iof Wlon, but le. ýaý 4"2eU thédeaia T CANADIANS k£ SHEFIED. Lord Nayor. 'Sheffield, July 3.-SéfiéldSm recéýi- tîonta he anaianManufa.cturera' Association %%,as fully equal te that ré- eeivcd lu ether places. A magnificent luncheon wa.s preparéd at Cutler's Hall, where Mr. Ballantyné, lu replying ta tte toast ef the Canadian Manufactuirers' Association, eaid Sheftield'e trade with! Canada on account et the preference bhat trébled within thé last seven year. Rie expreseed thet ôpinion that tbey should put Ît te stili greater advantage. fie LUnited States, though at tif ty per cent. dlsadvantage conipared withù Great BiÈain, etill managed te do a flarge trade with Caniada. Héelrnpress- cd hie hearers -with the tact that Can- ada was more ot a ma.nutactting ccii"- try than was generally regarded krsre. Uer mamufactunin« intereste wcre great- er than lier agriculture and kindred in- teres-s., ~He a.luded te Han. Mr. Fleldlngs budget statemrint that titre tariffe would'ho adopted-a maximum against Canada, a moderato and a minimum tu the mother -country. Ilis reniarke wcre recéived with érithusiasin. 'lîé Canadian Manufaçturérs' Associa- tion visited 'varlous factonles, and to- niglit were off icially recelved b>y thse Lord Mayor. 41 Thé SSotemran, referring te Mr.-Cham- berlain's speech- te the Canadîan mangii facturera ay. the sentiments of km - slip and loyalty are net st-ronger now te our colonies thami they wére to the Br'iis colonies in -America thit were dln-ven' part frein ne in the eigbteenth century mid formed tlKe United States. It was extremely unllkely that exaétly simîlar causes ahould ever - opnenate te assoit their idependence, but i t wais not difficuit te totemsee hr difficuit caus. os that mlght produce that résunt. If thé empire w-entý on living, asi It wére, -.jrom hand t. mouth, taking ne thought for thé future, it was unsafe te -trut s1toeéther ta sentimnent. There was a, kifehl aloutas etaise betwéen Canada and thé Unit-ed Stateés as betwéen- Can- ada audthe Unitéd -Kingdom, and there -was-but au imagin liun between Can- 'ada and teUnit dtt OnCanadww vViait to RIht 'Hon. mir. ~Ottawa, JuIy &-4fr. Rtolent Smal. -The aehse Gutrdlan says -thie sentiwmit1 :jq*rney w*bloh the QMdât. an viRiteërs uaia4e eBrnnhmys Ao. «ê*.wnpt&L «eoo=tgow aitument> lbut po"dbue4iîJ.ç1,i1~ko fâ rable l I.way.,* a * n ô f leest- èrigËd SrnAllian canoedMdM cared sista»t, until they réachéd tWi Long ?otgtwenty, qieo -f-nom.,Ville Marie. Here rouge boxe were constructed and thbe roenains were %takei on te thai vil- lage, thence te Neaw liekeard on the Go- ernument Vag Dora.' The. survivorand hie 09cDMopnen we» ,Mwih e±lw.usted e.!er t-heir long and arduous j'urnéy., -Mather B. Alrson 'wu forty-teur years of a$te, a ,gadmateê cf tiî-O2oyal Mi14tax Ocîieeiib-1880, a çda 9a. acti f Ma.ther 1B. Almon. Mahfifa. The rérrîains eCrrt to or ý cTinterment wheehe* wiferesideL AinadeBayard, jun., a son of a rési- dent in JaneviUe, a, suburb ef Otrtawa, went insane wbile surveyiig %vith the Transcontinental-party ait NeFw Llaskeazd lust Saturday niht. lie atternpted suicide by jumping f-roin t.h-êwharf, -but wa.s rewWcnd m>biought t-o Uttawa Vo- day*î.nd locked up t*r>iiaminatàon. fRINT! FIOX VATICAN. Renunclation of Temporal Power for Subsidy Arrears ëmtioned. Rom., July 3.-The Vatican ha. indirectiT asked wbethér , the Government *a- e lcled: to psY the arreare of the subsldy offered by the gua-omtes laws té the' Prp( &nd retIA&I4 ly Plus MX. end Léo. XIII. Thé Vatican blute &t the pomibllty that It wIll ronouncé fIte daims -to temporal dorxpilon là case ofa favorable enswér trgm the Govemment à fa,'ombléanwer l. improbabl, -owing to th am ~ute thé7arreansd the ex- Thé uarnts lawi referred to were peau- é Wthé Italien Parilamént on May 13, 81.Tbey, off sred- the Pope fuill ponai liberty and hbonore,"suïd an aunual ré!senai lmeintih.Itahaj4 (fovérnment of 3Z25,ulli- vres ($M4,000).- Pope Pftds -lx. inau allo- ,cution dollvered ouniMay », Un1, rejecté4 111e Connecticut GWI Was Naried WbiIe sit. Greenwich, CowàItu, My -Teg sttffedng frein a.a srious eompound frae- ture et thé leg, eaused by the rnan- away o"a homse, bier fiance, Dr. Joha Rteswel Easbrook, et Now York, bai svienbe, MiessEdua I& Wet.. daqbter cf 1fr. ani Mr$. Charies G.1 woat, a'à" Dr. Rasbrook wére marireal yesterday aftemnoou t tthé homae .f -tIi. bide'e" ar- ente, in North Street It waa 1hiteuci 1<, ha.ve-a ehurdli wéddiig, but -,thies Unet' possible -unleus there wau-a protracteal postpoemeut. The ceremony took plao ýinýthe parler. -MiÉes Wft-*waepropped up a b chair'wi-th her leg in asllBUyr t àôbookstood t ber nid ,-w- e ýth ! er. Dr. Joseph H.L Seldén, pasitor of lbrief oeremouuy unittéd thée uple.- UUTM EUNflNGz 4- t' P. d hi - . ti i ai li hi 14 lu hi uvér ~ ~ > Co. uy2-Ele~t ~ Robert Gansa, au e4ltcrlwn gau4ýon oct-tlbe GermainMa Çari l ai, eencelvme4 h pIIgthë XarwhniIantbeôry cf mto gs1s"e i'thbe belle! t] hby 4 ouldd <lveloa whmat -U

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