Whitby Keystone, 6 Jul 1905, p. 1

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The L~ -,-~,-~> T v Vol III. July Clearing Sale. Sensational inducements to shoppers. Parlor Sets Dining Room Sets Bed Room Sets Fancy Chairs and Rockers LÂadieg $ecretaries, Morris and wire, back easy Chairs, Spring Beds and Mattrasses, Screens, Carpet S-weepers, Winidow Shades. AT SENSATIONAL PRICES A cati soliiited. WM. TILL & SON. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. WHITBY JUNCTION. 'Going West b .2 a. Il Going Emît 8.62 ar.. 8. 28ar. ..17P. 205 p.rn. 6.29 pi. é'. 05 p1). Sunday 10.05 p.m.i The b-42 a.rn. train doeus not go wfflt Monday1 muoraing. WHITBY STATION. O'otng North r.1r7 a-an. 4. 4. 1 f p. ru. té 4GAOpa. G.,(ing soutia 5.415a.nx. --12.40 pa. - 2.40 a. m lAi.' 0 Whtty for Oshawa 4 10. airi. anad 4 p an. Hnuida'n.pr<î;ri.tar. Leavea for Bra'nghr.rr af 10 a.m. J. A. Hoyt pro- NIAILM ARRIVE. 9rorn W. anîd E. 6; .5amn. trorn West 345 arn t-W".t, t9.30 ;Ltfl. ' ast 9.30 arn Frai> Brougam 5n .10 pan, FPOr Non-h 7A là ln EastiS.«)() tiln Went 12,1.1,pinu. Fr (lrhawa 330 p.rn. W. anid KE.80 p.an. werat 9.00 1>-rn PROFESSIONAL CA RDS. MWEDICAL Dr. Meldrum NIT) * radiute vr 'lrivpr,.itv cf urcfrlt<r. Anud Licrentiatt of cya n1l.ie ,[f Phymîican-. Edinburmil. 'liF TfRAUF," BYRON ST. P'lî tnir 42. LEGAL D. OrmIston, B. 1k. solfii ,T orthere trteru P!Iank.NotaryYPubldic, Dow & moeiUIvray larrtir."oiricr. tc. MN101tO teLoali. Office o<ippf. 'ut Othefe. %Whithy. (Ont. J. B l' ' B. A A .i ILVAY L James Rutlodge- BarriseteriEtc. Mainty iiiLaUaiorn eawy Tt-rrnk. Offire rrniediîaei3 notli t f RBari iutel. WhIitlly, Ont John E. Farewell, K. C., Barrister, County Crowrî Attorîwy, ardI Couuîty Solcitor. Office -Souîth wing of Court Houe, Whiitbv. DENTAL W. Adams Dentiot ice 61.e tr .1fn. rîrrann*m. letinria., 'st. Reâaidencn-..No. 4. l'lie 'errate, Byron. st.. Whitbv. Dr. Jas. B. Johnstone Dentist. <iruttatetof IRoyal ('tiflege tof ttal rons. Tgei-mastti, lit-air grxiate Torot-ot. Uni- 11 ygradtîate (if ('hlcaro Coler otf Dentai slurgeons. (>fttcu cver Wirn. M. lrirgi's hamwa,-e -tore. Corner Ber ek and flund as St reet». CHURCU DIRECTORY. Pm"ebytran Chur"h. PAST)R ...-REKV. J0N AliRAHAmm Sab~batia tendcea%-- l a niani 7p u untIa achmool and Bible Chs»at t34. M.i. rayer ?Me«-tin on Tiursday evoittar5 Kt 6 o'dock- Mthodiet Tabrnmil. REV. V. H. ÉMORY. PASTOR.I day ihot ai P nu Pmra'NeeintosThrnl "~Y seuauni&t a W oelck. Ail Shets' Cher"OhA"mioa MtCTOU4U.ltv A. iH. Wigen1T. *'iIc1' va~prayer 70e 8aeIaYs-b -:ema atS. '. Ovmsg.-pwsyt "sd ses et. joimssCmo sia B i iehSweo-.Il *. ni. "d 7 p. lm.Pa4 at 7joPp.ï m. S5,I IRAM, STUDENPMfOU. WHIEY.ONTAIUO, lTHRDYJL8,i0 Boardof Ede'afîne JSbortiy af ter 1nooP bour thé crowd, Boar of ucaton. began to-gathel' at the Park. MàeU7 went down from the i.Own by the The Board of EducattOn bas a 900d b12.5 train, others went by bus, bY" deai' of busingees on Its bande at this private carriage. bY foot, bY l>Iý seanon of tbe yee.r. Two recent ait- cycle etc.. titi there were perbaps tings bave bet~n ield.,of which the 1500 people..on the grounlds.. The followtng le a report ,steamer Argyte made two tripe f rom The school reporte for May tibOodî Toraonto. and wa.s wen lioaded 0on an average attendance au foliows- ,ahtp Colegate institute @S 1 eThet.tbRgmftIBadW& Henry stzeet-'Forni 1. 88; form 2, Teefltb Red renred and e Welen 24; form 3. 27; furw 4, 23. peai n r ileir musiCeme let Model schoo-i'orinl 1and 2. 42; bnte rw ogb h aIon formn 3. 30; form 4, 26. to e te owd of tb0. r the&88Paç8 Dufferin strcet-Form 1, 17; form' o eea otnftiy.ri. as la 2, 24. Applications I rom sil the lady A portion of the sports. the i-un-ý ning. etc., bail to bei cancelled, but teachers or the tcwn schools-were tefotalad ar.e ace rend, zisking for tnrea@es of s"iry. tefobUadlcos ace Lt was decided to bold. a meeting of were pla.i>ed. Tbe Greeni River, n-I the Board Inter on to consider tiiese ley. and Brooklin loctball qlUSi - competed for a $15 trophy. Gireeni u. Browu. Ç. Fraser. m eldrum. a. Bieep. R. Tema. V. Marris. V. Rylana. L: moome E.Lynde. EMSli. A.Newport. G. Paxton. 0. 'Viokers. Whitby Township Council. Mrs. MeIArdeil applied for a of 1-0, and Audley bY a score ofl Met at Brookin on Mondayf iast. ereame of salary am caretaker. of the, 3-0. eatilly wixîning the trophy. kll the members were present, Reeve iioe col n h atn wsrferrKd to t lit seîîoot property com-- Tbe Whitby, lacrosgêé teaml. iun ew Bright ID the chair. zatt.e uniforme, lookeil neat andl natty, but Communiecation& were, read from S7ite.waordrdobepd to, the fine maiment dîti not, hellP tbemf the Clerk of Plk-kerlng ."e appropra»- Nir. W. .1. H. Rlichardson for station- otwe tcm tapyng the 1tIO11 on town "nes, and f rom, the';' ery. gaine. They were decidedly not« ln Dominion Cs0mmlttee rn the tele- NMfr. Farewell. auconrred by Mi-. t with their opponen ts, the Shani- phone service. .Jruckt.oIi, mnou d that ail the teach- rocks, o! Oshawa. But this wa~s thPe Dr. Moore moveil, mSendéd by Mi-.r erts in the town échoola- be re-en- firést match ef the humea team., and Brown, tbat the application 01 giiged ai. the salaries for the ens- îlîey liave roon for lmproveîîîent. DaTiti Burns anti Ueo. Robinsozi fori i , tg year whicl hatve beeu f ied by, witli pra8ctice. Oshawa. won by 9- a. bonne for the hbuliding i oan wire the B3oard. Carrred. O (. The WhItby boys were - El-. fence on the )Brook road andi Sth Mr. Farewell scetired the' adoption. tison, Uegafflit, Bryau SmIth, AI- Con. be grantead. "alti tat' the com-_ ()f thtf- sch)ol manatgenient coibumttee len, lluifley, Hoar, Stewart, Kerr, Ifislonferit ID tbe regpeCtive dvsou lis f oiows-- Paquett. Woodlruff, Watston. R. be requesteil to inspeçt and -report Ist.-Your connittee have et- - Mr>. Oshawa, wati rAeret'. on the rCompletion of same. CarrIdî' siercil the question o! îdvertlsing Doiniffon Day seeme to be unfor- Dr. Moore moypd. ueeonded by Mr. -_ for a oppeeiatist In classlcs. ,As Ureek tuniîte lu thie weather thmn t%'eatther. Oke, that -the application oif Mr»"I is neOt now taught to, any exteut, mari hauîds out. He shouid do hie Ci-awfortb for a bonne for 80 rode ., uind ;bs the- staf liîa.s two or more, btst for the birthday of the Do- Of wlre fence on the( south Mnd ofj~ iitbers coîipetent t teachi the ininion, but fcomehow or other be aide road be+ween lots 24 andi 25,,i Latin reavuîred, your cuuîttee are gives lis a wet tinie more often and on 'the 3rd con., opposite lot, of the opinion tat jt ïe riot a îîs~- than we deaý,tre., A year' ago Do- 25,lbei gra'ited, tue latter*on condi-l' a.ble to atdvertiaue fur anotîser teacW i- ii Day rait) siutiaxi the- Oid tion that WbIlvby town fshail Pay balf - a-r wlîîlce the atietidantfe il as smail Boys' reception here. Of 5&IDQ, and almîmo ttaat of D. Or- ae it lsa a the pret>ent time. The coinnilttee who liad the ct-le- blîstoti, opposite lot 85, con& 3, and j .u-TeBoard liavIug prouilset bratlofl In charge haveP doubtiess the Comilssioiierls of the respectlve! the- High Schooi inîsipectolr thaxt the coine out ofrtt- e eent wiih suiffi- divisions Ineipeet and report on-' the, gyrnîîamium shail be completeil as dnt funde to iîay expenýse@d completion of the same. CVarrieîl. rvaquîredI recommend thiat sucti re- l thé town thinig-8 were olt Dr. Moore moved, SeCOnded by, Mr.i paîirs and i nîroveuents bit mada au ttilte a few were forceti to workas Brwfp. thiLt the reeve ýgrant big, -wili carry out the- pledges ruade to imai, and could aut get to thte Park. Carder' OU the tI'easuiei' for t he fol-j the. Iiapecctot.1 A cousiderîrble numuber o! vi-isuors lowlng auounts- :lrd.-Y -cmiti aecni-cme andl went, antue ingering over.,~Tomi Kerr, 8 dn.yna'wgrk, Div. 71,: Pred the- reeouiendatltiiofo H. M. . ie Sabbatii. 812-00; E. Bowles, 5% tisys gravel-1 Ieroehe. Esq.. K. C.,.ati recownîiend As far a8 leîtrned, not' au acci- ting, DlV. 7, 1118; CV. Agnetus, 5 dayrBLd, 1iaat no action be taken thereon ex- titutt occur.red ta niar the dLay gravttlling, Dlv. 7, $16-25; Leal T'ror' rp oci ieatnino! M., --dif. 5 daya graveilngr, Divi 7. $1a.- i u-ro» to theaI uatntionp n r25; J. A. BlckeII. '4g duys gravellUn T m-hili is duglter's rbigutio wat Th Bazar.Div. 7. $14.65; John Kerr,, 8 dayo wiîlti uitdauhters rbîgatîu wa - he azar. rn.veîîîng, Dlv. 7, .$9.75; Chmrlen 4tlei.Yu nud. ia- çaai-Blight, 2- dasgravelling,.Dlv. 7.î 4i.d he-aprplicain of Mr. eieos-The- baztrar Ihcld last Thursday by $650; Jno.ColwlU, 6K days work, foreau 'li)e aaatin o! r. Dau(] vl'estheitile o!Ail Sainth' cbtii-Chprov- self andi team,,Dlv. 7._89.43; S ei forah ncrat- ii saar.1 ad wuîd- d tu be very bucuesas!ul. The day land, 9 day.' workt, sel& an(ti teamI 1nreaiomerd liU peb rtt ann m wa èerytbîng that couli be deui'-' $.t.50; H. Calmei, 2 daye' worlk, slitI lnertas< ! 5iU pc aunn3. d. ,~ The ladieis 'hat thP, couicil- andi teaw, Q.; W. Joue., Z d~y' - - --~ --- a aber very ta.stefuIly decoratcd. work. self and, teaM, 2,960; . K 1Tliere were bouths, for the sale rof iee Blekefli, 84 yard. ' gmeeI anti 1 ght Town Council. ireani f or the saleo irc wre &,$XLiO't:WM.; Whte4' 3 d&Ys. 'aud lu und, wb v~~ ~ if sand u> o r.4dee. The C>ounliI Meeting of! Mondffy ,v- iaII suni one Cordbe t sure o! atci. ù, an3Ct, ~ t~d ta m-rang wasi thie f iret of thie monthi, lng Sueetblng every time. 3008, ong tera, Plukering tow#»ý nek% Tht-rt- wab nTot a greit deai o! iuai.; Barnes vas lu charge o! the "fymibe" % 25 Jau.Wilson.1 , daxi Ilwork on nie-" dorie. ais thla inuîete show. pond. Mrs. Perry of the încny . work IPlcloeirlng tow n lzn-,$LW5; W ' J. ('oaauaflCalulswei'e rend f rom '%. cointer. .Sinail tables wert sprlnk- HayCraft.> to pay fur wurk, Div.6 lZ. Tiftin. acktiout eÙgiiig receîjit of' led about the rootu aaU whlcb' Ion 82b.886; W. Jr. Heyokaft, toi psy -for Irtter; A. Il. Allun, asking for grant -,cr#ýami was serveil, aiea splendid 267 yards o! gravel, 524.304 I. T. for hanmd. anrd f roui E. 1Sleeîîimnregard, t-a f roui5 o'Clock andi onwards. Philp, repairing ulvrt,1?ilckê,riug to iutard. Thre Ladies e,%ideutly enjoyed theaf.- town lino 1,G 9, $1.0; .Àutii.us, 5 ilawî~.1c.aoa-'hta lmerecqnest. tPtrnoOn atid eveîuing thtglu there boums self anti teaai» on rond toiler. o! A. H. Allia l'e citizeznt-' baud be re- wats snuch mývork Invoiveil. The i-e- Div. 8. $1.63; *Etward Bowles, ri Inrred to finanace coiuaittee. Tuat ceiptmn amounteil to-8101.92. days self »nd teain, Dlv. 8, $1.68; the- î.Ltao f ir E. Sieest re Rt-v. E. A. Uclntyre ,ofi Toronto.I A. Kerr, bonuse for 8rode 'o! whre uKiolur. weed.a ouf Mr. Auinesi' pro'- was i Ir îown on Monday., "ýfence on te road':betwýeb haots 20 pvrty Le re!n-m'ied 10 111e atreetar Mise C. E. Adames, o! Havergal îad 80. coq. 7ý #4» j' J.Yîîo. Duf! coniniItted Citrietl. Ladiefu' collegé, Winnipeg, le homne for i550Hw sOitl DiDv. 9% 08.54; W. i Lrue-1el"-O~iIgto tht- fact lier boidays. jsonley, to Par- sell",amt othrs, *urk. tiat Mr. S;pcak:rîaia t'. E.. Iiavtng fait- hre. K""n ans] chiltiren. of Clii-- Dlv. 6. 845.0.-* Carmeot (.i trI carry out. certtalma îîjro,îostd du- cagot are'vlitig ber ,uother ýMm W ». Htiyraft. ,secasded' ýby Ur., tie's for the- Town (4f Whrtby. atnt] S. Jackson, . . Uke, moveti ý tha.t the treauurer peîrfoirmed nu part o f the saine, Mr. WIDl Fraser, o! Woodburn, ae rs.nt 1>1W aboe In f1 %om ot the foi- Oi. rt-fore titis codncil dispenses wltlî bomte for 111e hoîîdays. ,lowlîîg personas fer the undertuen- llas jropose-41 seuviceh, sud tia.longer- Mr. Wm. Ayres wftas cafl elto Uud- flones] anmous - j"Q. .Brighit, r-ecogie hini as' Eumgaieer for theie ay tant week on taccount of tbe cou>,, tepay fo" work, Divw. _- % tOfl -(ar ld.teattb o! hie neice, . lesMary Wllklnu- $2i2529b-ZX. Arksey, 1coin., *0 pal The - oiltnim@%" corimatte.e reporta sBon. . .- - for work. Div. IL $71.76; Y. L. w.'r adîat.-d ' iss Jesie Macpherson, of Elora, Br'own, Coin., to - for% wo.rk,, 1v. ,ý recta luIornoe for lierholdaye. o10.moy forW; F. U o orig t ýli -Io. Jolin ........ _4 i _34 M.IsasSonerdle aid M iss Itobsou.ý f p y 1 r w ,Pc e iglg , .hh aCrl ok~Brootlln, vleited frienide lan tovit #W; D. 1UGtlldaY.part xisaU "",I Itohi. 1'ariks"ttw..ari...... ........4) e cir.751,obigt Ou.*0I4 ITos. l'crryt, wfwork....... r. at Is a set ii o- o rk o7,t5iae ta04 *. 0 P"Us Itainr a'iIy c, work . . .. da,~y w1th friendtu le*Trontoi '4.; . ol17-10 d48*lf, i'lmir ItWTIae, ork ~ . 1350 M r. Es]. â>ieLiy ., 5 of.. o!ont. ans d nul -1an*. 4m and a grader W. .t neroo, eanait. 17.65' wbowas l4iudeut-in-charce or St.i datei. $F0.67. Carrie&i Hutisei ntlrwotl teanlig.. 7 Jut.tînxucharob two siin>me*'s 5<0.iMr., Hoyerâtt.- m E. L.tiiw tarîiîg...... 1X.4 >;ent MOUitiay wltb Irienebâs u tOWn. Gke>. .0*ici Iâtheb. zqu J1as. Swcr.teanuing.........1463 îLev..Ur. Vn uwe.M-kmowa te S. V>. W urrsJi- t r LtheIîrIic t-,, S.VastDe tautiig.... -'~ John*« Colirogat*ii 'hore$ b" &,.'- romovillg a number of * "PPç .Jta raN'eu,çr, te&uuiag... il. 34 -cat-paroo~ o pt'Isb-ehlis property, 1 lé 118<*Jru .1 s. le~d, esuîiig........ 6.0-atifiînrotuvhed hlu lnlatory - grm>ont h a *lted ~. b"~I~I L, . Moetesmin ...... . 1.510 il ru cet-o u uda.ti4oti8k.r n~ . .1.5A.0 tDt7e. îï -. A.cqnl* finne e$...... .5 -* e - - romit S $ You r8ttumIîUt teve, wold ilot recotia- ote ,-b s frt~ s îîiîd 'litai any acti¶)n 'i><taken luColitelsW ra$OU.f0 f *u '0' irif.gsniad i bte hiCI'itQt*t !M.4.la yen.ldonr on oorsn, > 4ý f~~ Il -I 't s..Us.în. ~iadp.s. tipiaêiyî We.kl~Piey8.rviO.@aTbti%- *1 I, W. PAIKIUL 0IIMJ*Y.u '45,5> usd11 e-as. îepetition iut!1). Us braItIl. and otheri for iiàiït es Dufferin stret,, yoni' emnltti. rooommoun4 that tie Water a ia"iÀct <kamuq8i"oii.W set or er -orer of b&segluse &ad, ne ptîtIas o! M**t. ewoIS'andi ottiors for' Ut it en MeM -,id tr*ti your eoutIýýee wvouli rmmmads tba 1be, MaolU'rbb" ê*vrvb"Ut .4 FOR PURE FRESH Groceries * GO% 0TO' M.C.LAWLER~ Phone 47. OUI ur àMtuime ho We -offer -fuIriti with staunobuesi Iïtye., YÃ"oibave. FortCoking, 5 'Ery a load for use, drn'ingi Iighted-, cdema ad briglik. 1$. A. o Duil ha- of! tmm., I ~p {. Q 1 ý e 1 c

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