CIFAMONG ALLI DRIJGSO Quinielà eue of the rMost- Çuable of mli the.druga lruown to in I«aI .science Ne onu would ventu- e trvel in in- dia wi thou t it. Before its discoe.ry 2,- (O,O people died a.nnually ln ladia of malanialféver, the xnortality frontbt.M cause is now leu, tian -hl ~thst um- ber. The poor people-eof poor that they Iookod upon the jpcple as t.heir fate and espceted nu rrohef--are saved by tbhe mgoncy of quinine., Engloui ould not keep her Euroç.ean eoliers in Inidi wit.h- outiti. Livingston and otiter tzarelers in Cen- tral Africa oould have novar made tlilT diwoveries wit.hout its aid. 1h is "ijd ofthVie grcst Germnai explorer Sohweiii- furth tbat when ,ho bast ibis entire pro- perty by tire, valuable scientific intru- montA among te rest, lie toit the los Of biAs quinine to b. the greatest of aIl, and attei t.bougitt with fear of the jour-ne.y tà at lay before lm, wluch, however, lie perseve-rc-d iin. The soldiers in the Amierican civil war depended greatly upi)on quinine. rThe pio- neers in tlîis comitry when it wa.s first et-l and civiiized had as hîard work fightÀ.inz fever an! a-tic in tPe then ffaî7y alarial district% ns in fighting ldoîsand quùinin-e waâ even more ne- coe,..rv thannir,'arrns. 'lhe great iitûc<x'eanic canal uow in process ai cons4truction across t.he Isth- mus of Paamia requiries the la.bor ef tousands of inen largely unaccustomed tic the clituate, amd so muoli more su- ceptitle to its il! oedc. Before the route was9 decided upon nulny surveys were, a.nd tlhe ren, naval of fi&cersansd others enguged in tlîis worl,, were ex- po6sed to ai conditions of weather. But through the universai and proper use of Viie in4)dicine daily as a precautionary nure the znort.aity wa-s no greatecr tha.n among mnen in like enploy in ot.her Iocalitioe.out of a littIe over 0,000 w*it.e men empiloyed in tite construction ei tire Panama Railroad were only 2M doatha, aud sorne oft tIse ioeehLbe mau1t of uther titan climaLtie e&U. The m-whole world is indebtM dt. the cinohona troc., traM NVIi-1ehq e in mnade. Who could have forId' that titis troc, a native of the IBOIVainOus lorest's of souit-hAmerica. wuld b. of aixch impo1rtance to tie advance of civil- inatiol and Chritianity? 1,L, safe transport.ation from one aide of thbe world to, thc ct-ber and the sue- cSe etaiaed in converting nt wild into a cultivated plant aud rnaturalizin.g it reads Jike a romance. Onde of t.he st rangte 4h:nçq about quinine is t-bat it is noV used ,usï a ine&iciflc in t-he practiee of tthe n.aliv,ý plqyruicians of l'cru, Ecuâdor or n-ativýe Indlians% did not evei kncn of iLs curative property tii! enliZlitene-il by the pri about. 250{ yearà cigo. Ttiey called tUic hinchon-a tree kina, irein which cornes Uie c>rd quinine. Wlu.t do0 you rail it--kwtine, kin-nine, kce-nec.n or kin-neeca? NWh«.t a lot Of nanes Uic <lrug las -1ud! Cà ia.barkt cincona. couintess powder, Jpsuits bark, Caxdinal de Lugoe'a powder, Peruvian bas4, etc. Great fortunes hiave becu made out o!1 it. At the liMe w.b'en ouis MXV. pur- ebaaed the sacre a pound ofthLie bark 006Vt about $5êe As it came inte general ,Use it lxeamelea mo-st impoxrtant article of export fi-oiPeru. Sow iV La suceesi- fuly culitivatl!d in Cey'lon and Java.. sameans ot glurding the aysten troni intermnittent lever the Englîsh nav- al regÀltiotIS require t-bat every 'm&n ehouid take a portiicn ot thc drug when Mue eahip is» wit.h n a djito.nce ef tlm, l»tor vest. coni of Atrica.s ad tl,Lt it shtould be re-gularly taken. by CEARGE WIT14 THE BAYONET. aA.uenlan T.fantry ArM iag u q Shortest Reacb u inte WorU. The United States have rather laid nids te sabisn lu tarrof guunery, but nov comne Vhe lesson ofthtieifat euti The Amecans are sharpenlng their m-, bers sd ud erehing for olti ones talt hare irmalnc'd lu store since te civil, var. This i.nte result et an ouder trou' te var seeretary. Andi au agitation: Againt te new reti bayonet May pot. slbly preduce.yeti anoîhor, order. Ue. à ltstors vould i 1k. Vo sesIV réplaeod by lte olti hule bayoaet, or at ieat lni ened if IV be retaised& iV * ehomnfor its ligltmuissd IV *rsa »f thnbut alto short. As the »ev of he rmtor bayenet vork la ths shortest la tee ndt. TIms.Lvenu ,ot, - uatter If baIlles are rcally..te b. d*.> eliie. by rifle t ins and gun fi, alosJe, but Ifone t la bodl~a uam h* t wutorbasne Vi te ummeaI questioni ta -ot oco chod .*& No amy ouli &««od tt aa p et- ofonflsose - Ould bés Vhs esai f usnea uit. edWIV eIarees,2 igPms arm. Iwo" h üâtst b ayaet wmi -slxtyr-ne lu iche, te -RUW&laBsz 'eint lies, teJapaneseoudtyfiv luhe, sud 'thé.Brltisit slty-one huches lu the case Of the old rifle sud>about fire lces lesu lun t. ce-et the uewv rifle, In, thçse rougit mosureentet paris of au inch have been disoregardf'd. .A for, the- rod bayoneti it is comparab le as &u lufsutry weapon viti witat te major! *ty ot our cavalry officers appear- cd to desire as a cavalry wsapon after the Boer war.-Pall Mail Gazette. Gola Mine 34900 Feet Deep. The deepest gold mine ln the world- la said te ho at Bendigo, Australia. IV in called the New Chuin mine, and ite main maftt ln suuk te a depth of titre. quar- ters 'o! a mile. The mont dit ficuit pro- blemin l low te keep the. tunnel& and geucral workings cool enougit for te miners'to work. The temperature ln un- ualiy about 108 degrees, andti iis in, cf course, greatiy euervating. To make it possible for the mien to work at al s spray of cold water is leV dowu froin above and kept continualiy'playiug ou their bodies. Tbcy are uaked f rom the waist Up. MKARK TWÂIN'S FAVORITES. Tii. Thingu He Lkes Mest ln This Varlegated Worlcd. Someone asked Mark Twain te kedak lits owun characteristics for a Mental l>iotograph Album. The questilonsiunte album wcrc auswercd by Mark a3a fol- lowa: Your favorite coor-Ânything but dun. Tree ?-Any that bear forbidden fruit. Objeet in nature ?-A dwnb belle. Hour inite day-Tlie leisure houx'. Scason of te year ?Thie.lecture ses- son. Port urne -Ceut per cent. Gem ?-Tite Jack of Diaxnonds viten it la trurnp. Style of bcaty 7-The gubscrubers. Naines, Male and Feinai. ?-Maimez (Mamie), for te female, sud Tacun and Marius, for maies. Pimters 1-Sign painters. Piece et sculpture ?-Thte Greek Slave, vitit bis lied- Poot ?-Robcrt Browning, wue h lhm a iucd intervai. Potmss'-Tirnotity Theomb -Prose AuthorT-Neait Webster, Li. D. Cliaracters in romaue?-The Baron Famiiy. lu l-listory ?--Jack te Giant Killeu'.- Book to take up for an hount-yau- dcrbilt's pockctbook. What booý- (net religions) would ycm part wv it h ast ?-The eue I miglit iappen Vo be readling ou a raliroot du'iug Vhe dlisaster sca-son. W%ýhat Epoch would you citoose Vo bavt !ived lu ?-Bef or. Vhi t ésenV 'Enle-it was hÉafer. '%Nbere would you ike to live ?-Iu the moon, because there is ne uster there. Favorite amusement ?-Hunting the Oae"or Borne kindred game. Favorite occupation?-Ià ke dew on te gowazn-lying. What'trait et character do you meut admire in nu?-Tite nobleet form ef annuibalism--love foritfellow-Msn. In woman ?-Lovc for ber feflov-man. Whist trscît do yen .meut deteut in en.cli?-That 5tnaiV" which yeU put '«M" Vo, te describe its possemeor. if not vonrseif, tvbo would 7ou ratlu5 lie Tlite Wandcning Jew, with s nies aunuity. What iii your idps of happineas?-Yiid- ILr te buttons al on. Your ides o! misery? -Breaknag aM yg iaonr pocket. ~Whnt ? is yonr bete uoir?-<WhaV la =y Consunuptives la theArctc <Boston Tnuscipt.) Th le intesttut te no"te mra"te t vhle »oi theorles et mediesiseioee anresomu thees that pnevalled 5aftw y4as- 5e. One vhou the ountimutlVwus tom te meskas change0ofclimats be ohecked bis trunk fer Mloids or smre other *ub-tropleal secton, But a4vsaOSd vielua lpon Ibm sature lot treatmest of the diasas bave ma"*eI&U ehageltai.Dryea a smuethUme Ica- piatcondiîtIontkaci walmth. né, pmatn can *be prh ctdaain itl. but %pliut mduurla lh climats there ls mo dot««s oeopt to, l'av" W tom IM Theteu terc et-P ezru xrM- on et bé, reeti s la.. lutrtefl h bytOM aa at s 0shlasto alols propê osote l out lMe UiV* pautieno elt-aka eplts ieOmeiE i. camue'. ENGLISII SPAVINULIIMENT lumps me a" mlsa«hm tru bres, cd qap m<rbe, apiltsriagiiso ussy, siteu oresui soflesthrtoa VI..s "" on w m Vh t M» jbw. mm"lahOurs«v«r asii 1 ""b Ater bv u 3"as£M a v, i*g fta.Zapb vOoffeguan hsfoui 9 "ffl ed hm * si!bud UffVhs Kina'.ý scrs BUSON, phatically for perfectritiont And 7et in the matter cf rètor.. ing aptt, fgvg1ç strcngth to tbe1dtlcs, peciay tô the nerves, IL, action .3 ha cf a medite. - scorr aDOWN, & Revenge eOftthe Hawka. There ie an iuterestiug bird istory cur- rent in Bristol, IL L, according to the Providence Journal. Luit sprlng a mn employed ou a large estate 'nt.hat town disturbed a nest of fish hawka. The re- suit was at least oeeof the young died. This spring the mnubas been mo beset by two fish hawks, thought to b.te father and mother whose youmg ho threw out of their nest last year, that he bas flot been able to do any sustained Jabot ou the place. The hawýkâ flew about hlm colse Vo bis head, and 9ometimes when he was not prepared foi' it they struck hum with their bis. Fiuafly the owner of the astate had to discharge the mn. His successor bas been -uudisturbed by the birds, which seei Vo b. wel aatisfied with their revenge. JUSTI SEEBTO SUJIT 1118 CASE Welland Merchant Restored toi Iiealth by Dodd's Kldney Plus. Doctors sud Medicine Faled- Dodd'u Kidney Pls Succeedd-Otber Cases They Juft Sesin Vo "ut. Weland, Ont, June 1O.--(Bpeelabl)- J. J. Yokomn, a promineut rmerehs.ut o! tVis city, ie teiing hie frieuds of hi, re- m».rkabie cure of a terrible Kà duey Dis- eauc by Dodd's Kidney Pilke Mr. Yok- Omps stateruent la ae toflai: "For more thasuaa year I have been ait- icg wlth Kidney Trouble luna&H its -w aymptm& I ud adistreed feeling in M' ialitie or no appetite, and a feel- "DOeoVrs O »i ne ailing Vogv me suy benefit, I bocame deeçondent, Lruh~ d iuck 1 chanced te, try Dod a eyPigle, andf£rom te fro titey seeni o suiV Muy cms. ALrtk lu ive boxes bic aid trouble -à "d grad- .lI ispereti, sud I as. feeling bot. Ver titanI1 in lamany year." Dotda Kidney Pilla suit the C ric every mmn, vomua or chlld wuti> bas any tom e kidney dises. . They ~Sk" cure and cure permanoety. SpaxqoO.k]Mort&, Spauodie lema h. shaH peiy eloms w et drswiug newapaper atten to oi ddlt, vii profit ittie frem the ppbflcly atdatupon hi. -recent «itunt" et Bryn Mawr. Busy people soon foetp unies. Vhey are --frequently rezuladed No marchant would -d mo!fput211g out hie sign. on day a montit, or s day a -week sud keeping iV in te coer te test -of the tinte. Nevapaper %Wda are lnflulVely moe valuaitie lu attcb tr-ade ttan sigu,, sud it ln innly more 1"Imtat titat tbey abOUMU uaed ooutantly. 3=3TERw ITHOUT A 8TGKAR thas w»t cothatese goaa e.t*"but', te ÃŽL Dr. V»a tase PiseappleTabltb ga".ulst be digutie oema. leVcm- jer the god thimas et lite a"d leve a» ii effu M" bm îab "0 la "W VUO& peabot-0 la a boa, a .mt&--.u Tbe-Isbals ! of na Coa"eMar bas otier tttrsetlos be. side ite wildrooks and -bille.J. KR'Tis Stoue bas&*- artice, 0 M" naeug hsVss $mIssa utii e aituaResoit, Item w we tabe te télolgetst la pertectiià , for' heU ew.or us$w tuxutiate, therelsm triesy.fs~w lolrrnomg l Vi aof ybmesore wIte tadLà ebaeeus t. .onnêit imof irlab ltrd, vort00 iuit t-U 'ZTm osvi Cent evx Rene*we4 by a- .' President Roosevelt b", Indicatged the inetes asud bounds, of thq_ýfamily by -mia- erous 'letters cf 01, t4 to efathens 1 and mothers i4*legixeu, wot ' eilidren sud uÃŽpWard, aui thie public mmid A, titi was reaehing a sort e-ft fxlty sud final- 1ty ou thé veied subjee.-cMt gla Now cornes Uns. Arthur MX Dodge, Pr.. sident, of te'New Yor P ederation ef they shi Day Nurses, with a uew* dictum which upsets everything. 8he. deelares "the SOaP absolute limit of a wona' eapacity for Cots taklng car. of babies 'i4ý .lhî, sud .she .0h ought nover Vo have more than six." Some have clainued that Mis. Dodgs. ineant te Say meMey thct six babies are as nmy as eue nurse eau cane for, but Whst' that does't affect lier dWearation at ail,; In W gays Lieslie~s Weekly. If, a wamon can't tiWhatés car. for mnore than six babies, or eigitt what- at the imt ,t settles it. That site 11 therf happens to e te moeher of six or eight: Hanis lis nothing te do witi t<he question. It 1 What' seems- Vo b. up te lMt. Roosevelt te au.; Dorit awer Mns. Dodge. Wo -- -- -é 1 - --t ale Sunlight Soap wM Il ea L&z and other articles' untfl uine and sparkle. Sunlight vili wash other tlings than £B Pnatotstic Vieil. Ithe good 0o <ummer Urne? be the 0od0oanythIng te world o ours? t'a tbe go o' f lovers 1 te 0, &winter time? t's th 0oo ' pring? re =nyh t' O gain In' robins sin? 1the good 0o' whlstitl tu nes? t' tbo good o' Jokee? ver hat. to gît around re thers singlu' tolks? 3the good o' shakin' bande M4iul't thon lots o' itter thlngs? Mmd aUre Whst's the god e' aveet? vm ~Whaà thsgtomd0, happinos, Don't yen tbtnk lt's wastlng hume t PENNY OY L EAWatchin' eblîdronply PEN YR YA T A. tstegood o'workln' bard? IV" il-Fm e Mdr 1 IImM M1 ,uotnOuiuiA Put 1htoter thetestl Di.T.a. &ouu.ijtx en What's the good o' gittin' tired? à ____________________1 What's the good o' rest?' ____________________________1 What's th. good o' havie' braisa? CIRLIN TE W OLEKARE. Whatls tho good o' hoalth? CICLNGTI - f ARIL Whats the good o' hein' er? Wbat's thé good o' wsa Scientiffts Complet. tLontltudlnai ObSer- Wb&s theb good o' snything Yehear. or do, er se@? vations et Grat Imiportance. jWherels the good lu a' mm Dr. Otto Kletz, goverument ast.roo-Boukas' t on11.%[.,igt mer of te DomiWnof eO(auada, hiaSben, ih Clambridge reeently' arranging 'wlth N. E. A. CONVENTION AT te Harvard obervatory fer a station A YPR UL O7 te perfect hi. beries of longitude ebser- ASBUR PAK JL 3TO7 vations made u inte interest o!ft.eDo- fSingle tare plus P.35 for round trïp, minion Geverment, Tiiwork w'. whic i neludes membership te.returu lirnit July lOtit, vithitprivege et eten- istituted upen Vhe completion ofthe Brib-sien on payment et 5weextra lih tras-Pacifie cable Wt fei yearsasgt>!.' The West Sitore sud Now York Cen- tral .%-e-bqS_ roues. -ut rutbe Dr. Klots sud hi. party! mades longitude connections, bogiuuing ",Ottawa, at Van- couver, lFannlng Iut, Vte Fiji Isa"da1 Nerfolk Island, Queenmnd, AuMtrlla sud Sydney, N. 8. W.,twilion hie erles met a 1k.e seria from Greenwich est- yard Vo Sydney. Titis completed te clrýz# of t.eworhd for lt.e tint time iluw"orf t tiis char- acer, an event that cuhxateti atuailj en lte niglit of Sept. 7,' 1903. The. uork luvovesthtsetingup î et a if mpier of cerent or brikat "cho!fte sta- ti, on Ve o p ofwhich is apoint, Vhs ongitude et W inladetermined villi Vie utmnost possible sccuracy. The obsenvens' docks ýt tue stations are Vle- igrapitiealiy cn00 Vd hx -gobserva- tions andth Ve error de exled uiti ex- treme refineinent., IV in Vo t n p anel r at H&rvard Viat Dr. MotsUlascorne, sud ho lia been pýroiso'In Vte hesrty co-operatien ef Prof. E.C.Pickernnj sud bIs staff ou ilout C.1TIdestop con., lkogtude e eles st o. an sd WltIhk A~ueloe *nl~, ud tnaately er ffl!. b. i siarcen eInVblhd- betimea VinauvO? VVis, tialaib LIFEOUT,% Vie way:1r.R-E Wrlratet EroekvilbeOnt., luotblà «u#st- - rffrut momuetbeinflteln s a - W*dbm ~ Aftt178rfl nu7rui5S ul tiio bmwo t ga )" «et D. Âà g.w'eCurefà r t"s aemsV1 "boa bu to býrffl bulh. M»l of -he- 6lusuorAl b ma su.e isdtrute A uaylove l-i"dlo e b Dut! ymawttb bmg "dM-mhs by ~ ~ b epêii atiIndtIr*6. CRois".swe V information f rom Louis Drago, (anadlan Passenger Agent, 69% Yonge tree1 To- ronto. I kob unto mi' nelborla uyu And twist a umile thaa i tygrtmi, To Inow luit wbat I thlnk «aimi r * utomi' dear ftfteds t e ; Wbat revolution vould tae sPlace Wore1ito tellber whatIve bard? I stare Into myi' irror the"e With «ye« that, buuger ta "etrus Andsay aloud: Wotld lt be fait M To Mention a&H I know of YOU? spmmitnget Vhs au=mer Invasior er o- tom, , a âneamipafflramathat the shogôllers. ogboot, boby. ut-lte vtle. vo ueistofa lla . ,be s ami effimu at, tou onten' issomlisato. ponorat. Pmrssl'l l, »OMs 4w1e le rsad t 8boo e -ial! mas orth vIrm otee 1Aio, d o ett1 jARRANGEVOUR VACAION FOR SALE Trou fenSe, M test long, about 3 fet hl8b, wfth elght ornamentai voetu and Fat*,- 8 fom hlgh. Apply Box 6,HzuloOnt. FOR SALE TWO ElEcTUTO OTORS. Direct curreut 1% aud 8 horse-power. Ad- drees Box 10,. TIMlES OFFICE, Hamiltonc' Montrèali mn Steamers Belleville, Hamiltea nd Pison Leave Hailton U noon sud Toronto 7.30- p.m. on Tuesdays. Thursdsys aud Saturdsys for Bay of Quinte. M4ontreal sud Interme- dlats ports. LOW RATES ABOVE LINU. TrORONIO0-MON1REAL LUNE STEAMERS TORONTO AND KIN0STO. Les,. Tornot aI S . .dalr. oxcopt Sun- daya. Prom July i dally. Rocheeter, Thou- sand Islande Rapids, St. Ljawnoce Montroal, Quobe ansd Murray' Bai', Tadeusse, SagueÃœaDi River. For Information appli te . RP. agents or writsELH.Foster Chattes, Westera, Passonger Agent, Toronto. Joke ou the luqulaitor. Durlug the South African wur the eu- sorship of soldiers' letters home waa vcry strict. One soldier, who alway sent au occount of te doings of t~ regimient, whicli accoiint wue alwayL biotted out by the. ceusor, laid, for reveuge. 'At te foot et his ne letter lie wrote, "Look under the st.p? The ceusor did se, after speungcou- siderable turne in steaming the. starnp from the envelope. Aud ho fouud titese words: «Waa -it hard te get off?"' PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. Durtug Juno, July, Auguet sud Septombor the Chicago aud Nlorth Western Rallway wlU sel! tram Chicago round trip-excursion tleka- ets to San Francisco, Loi Angeles, Portlsuid, Ore., (LewiSsud Clarke Expostion), Seat- tle, Victorla, -aud Vaucouver, at very i rates, corruepoudingly chsap tares from fa- points in Cazlada.Cholce--9f routes, best or train service, favorable stopovers, snd l1bera roturu limita. Rates, folders sud tNil infor-ý mation eau bo obtalned froan B. H. Bennett. Gênerai Agent, 2 King street esst% Toronto, Ont. Celor$ That Birda Lgke. Rcd wiii _axnoy a turkey cock as mueit as a bull, but a sparrow will n o et Vit disturb , Its -nind. But if eue slîakes,-a. blue rag -in front of a caged amrrww eyes le wil go frautie vitit disguit. 8prrws sud linneta, too, will -refuse f.o offored titem on a piece -of blus paper, and -they -dislike -the appearançe of «uY .-ue wearlnga blne dresa. Medium Mghtblueaffet. tem mot, but ue audblackbfrds objeet te yeliowbut wil ùie ed t bue diedgrasesleft Ãbeut ef tKieir nests. Yellow grasses they wiII- noV use. RE8TLT.-Mrsb. Aumie Q. hestnuutof ,WiWy'.w '* mubaa nicSumato-vytetI. but BoutiiAmSlioaft Meumatisc. rs chug- rntln~.4otosmedilus 114 me O 804- "wn 4outk e i»m*bue& Coma] P! appl days .. ci Hez We cou ded to- reigned Vhat 0, cf tue Vo dete Siek ol eue ffiarn t 5 rbuni the pat,-b eue of When' * diechux1j postula fortiug, sud wii retaii has a hlm-T Ver Vhs * dyiug t ail moi * te *iug heud doue: te It shou Set thùu shat d suit et diction,4 sîage -th spoken- peutanci * spared 1 Vha.t Go tiahe eovenaul not- desd hlm oiff beyoi&d 1 tat CQx -him. Au cfmoral -ook. -*24 . X bait b-u r OR v