J'. INi, ~*1 MILLINERY The Balance of our High-Clas Spring. Mitlinery And Trimmed Hats on sale SATU RDAYI JÙNE 24th. iGreen Satin Straw and Chiffon Trimmed Hat, formier price $9.5o, Saturday $6.OO0. iBrowni Chiffon $6.50> Picture Hlat, former price Saturday $4.75. I Black Satin-straw and Chiffon Trimmed Hat, former price $7.50, Saturday $5.OO. 1 Pale Biue Shirred Chiffon Hat, former price .$5.OO0e Saturday $3.50. 1 Black Chiffon Torpedo Turban, former price $6,50,Saturday $4.75. 1 Red Chiffon Polo Turban, former price $6.00, Saturday $4.50. i Black Shirred Chiffon Hat, former 1rice $6.00, Saturday $4.50. i Black Str-aw and Chiffon Trimmed Hlat, for- mer -price $4-50, Saturday $3.25. i Straw Sandwich- Hat, former l)rice $3.50, Saturday $2.25. i Green Foliage Hat, former prce $3.50, S'aturday $2.25. 1 Black Silkz Polo Hait, former price $4.00, Saturday $2.75. Ail our Trimmeèd 1Hats are the latest styles from Fashion Centres, smartly stylish anid suitable for June's joyous events, duplicat» ed -nowhere, The Cash Store -ROSSI Founded 1792 BROS. Inoorporat.d 1794 InsueRcCopmny If ot-,N'orth -.Amoerica Capital Assets -,Jan. 1904 839000*000 $12JOO8, 42 Why take sýny risk when you -auget the best. -~jbm Miajom.èl eet1, wuashe11o1iVÉi 1111 NEW COUNTV PAPER W ay elb omingr Invd esr 2't.sctey r0 ti. 11~e, Cli U>O&tOuW as, read fr002 Meas . flow& McorPm'ry r. RsvDo Town& Hau Bu*ichng, .8 0k 8t' , drain. î U.~îtOGuvrare -MR. D wiiuiy, oTGplraahariohes e 1er D Ontariol t-o Ce ly rZe Ktoue County of the Rpr.0 o~~t~ Ke~~o~. ro~1ce o theKoyaoneCoony 0f the Betil mfr"- E .~welKC., whitby. Streete. J OB. IUear4 teaing .... -.$à î ~ la rndendOt in e Joh lRrneeir,tearni ...1&20 =;10:0th Ies -LoJa1 as., tesmIng . &8041 Th *mb«rpU* ff>e o oe hner. eOUdo',riteanmiug - .~.. - 7.81 -ffy4two jmsewhea pald i vS-" r. Underw><yj tièatn-g ... .27 net n M10re. _.teamlag ~ . . 21 Thie Advertismr R«» &". 'umna.be and 'vif' W. 'P. lunerw>d riog.. .0 sa wiahto h 'ras& M Vanatone, «teamlng ... .. 7.31. hA.a'Advetiaeients sbonld reach tbis of- 1 F. Bi oireteamlngc &. 813 SSne lte tan noutoinur ite-John OConnor# work. tion la the carrent a: Isd ewtnwue_. 7 Aiel ate la &U atisa no, t o uISF etonJnu-Ma«, work ._...... 1.5 C. A. OOQDFELLOW, Robt. -1, , or......57 Xditor and tAn-acer. Wzn. Pring'e. acý-ouut . _-..W _________________________ Your comxnîttee woul also re- cOnimnemd grantîug the request of F. The* Argyle ail Righi.t . Joues ad others re granotitbjc - IfroeIn Dnnd1a6toIMa.ry street! four The Whltby agent of the steameT 1.feetw1idiole t <A cOeL of $2S0.-Carrîd Argyle. and the uwners, of the! Fire and Liglit. id Wbltby dock, f eel sore over' auI item! J. T. ,ÇLwpelt, 1b10 rŽe. wbch appeared ln last wéek's Issue W ater Comulbsloler....... .4 of this paper. The item. was in- FiDance. tended to speak of the presence of lire. AlUn, Stationery . 1.....115 The Insuran»e on Aeb' ton, fogs on the water, and the diffieul- beil, !remen's clotliing, hoSie, and ties they are. by la.nd lubliers. sup oi fire baill iîdvng exî>îred, your1 posed to add to navigation. 'N Men- ICO»i2nttee reComnjend titut îîsurazieé tion wae made or 'the Argyesb e placed lu £conomxuaI jus. Co. trlps of Frlday and Saturday.' and 'S d' to 1P1ilC(tl01UleCeived, andCorclinteg ao sg tf the stateinent made that the boat u ayr agu teaane. t[Your Conlttee wouid also recoin. lind some trouble lu îocating 1W'lit- mend that the treasurei be autthorz. by. Mr. A. W. Jackson writes to 1 edto Pay thie year and a hl ii'nLer- The Keystoue thîs week gîi'ing hises atd-tobà Frer o-p e rative Harvettting Machine LCo., as views or the Item, or the editur, of autborizerj under by-îaw relating te the Argyle. of navigation during .the Saine. AJ50 tu lnsur," hose reel fogs ofthe hity fg bon, tc. and ail appurteuuLes beuonging to logeo wit W he fogrh in ec. fire hal lu &'Outil ward. Cnrried.. Whiebinn wrnitig ie a rgrpizi-1 tenio toImýyanylak o sil Win. Prlngîe .... .......0 0r.( teto eimi n av !silElectrie Liglît ........ .......... 1012 la the handing of the Argyle, or (*eo. K. Thompaon ..-.... so te muke aay unfavorable reference J. H. DOWney & Ce.0..- 8.25 wbatever. on re-readiug the iteni. That Mr. Ooodfellow's request to we oserv tha i tuaiht hve bPn Ptuta 81911Ou the town hal bulik- w-o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~12 obev iati ilt ae r in~nfot grauted, buts that: lie lie worded te btter advantage, and aliowte pt abad ln thiat perhajîs Nr. Jackson lias takenl That the matter of cu)al S'îpply fremin t a nieaning lviras net îL j lie referred, back to town property tended to convey. The writer well Omusecondecj byed knewv th:ut udriag- a feg. steaîu v"s- Mr. Hewfs, that the c' c b e sels blow tiacir whistles every few IbueSted ro adi-a-uc. e tte etrece zuinutes to ivarn approaching vesu- Comintte. theb.suo! $1U.00, te sels, I ayof their preseace. In he1Pay accounts for cement walkes, un- statemeaut hat -the wisltie was and sottled the ainoun; o! the total blown every few mnutes ail thie efft thiercof....Carrai. way fontect, aoewud Mvdb.ýjU. ow eeonded 1y red Into ttat the.%vlilstle VasMr. Hewis, that Ui communicationa fF Mer....er. Dow & Mc&illlivrayr r bloiva ho find Wlîlhby. Mr. Rave's. étain) b. referred te We are glad te lie Informedtihauti treet. cormuittce. the seaineu of thie Argyle eanf lad ifriat the petition frein-, 1. GaI- thei wa abot te 1,k%.and 1tobralth and others re electriq liglit ther w.yabot he &ik,~ nt lîtobe referred tu fîre andi ligît coin- harbore lu the deepest f oo without lultteei--Carrleci. tlîe aid o!f fog laorni. This. we cou- 1IXioved by M . Jackson, seconciediby fae, we wcre Ignorant of. nWe had i Mr. Hewls, that the clerli b. tu- ýhe otio tht fo bons wre sh sruered to bring to the attention 'Uicnoton hat ogbore wee uetiof tIhe prcper autlioritie&s, bue etat#,. ho warn marinera ef the locationi of mente madIe by Mir. Jacksor<to biais luarbors durlng fogs or otlier l in- cou ncîl r. the 1 n tertireaoe wit b tIra- peachrable tiarkness, else wfiy use fie over G.T.L brlige. -Carried, thein. We now se. Uliat tbey are ln- Onmtoth ue1 a»-rd. tcucled for the tnexpereîce.I mar- p t tuer, anti not for the experts. PM trve10yoi tb t D Yet ths des nt explain wthy the and absolut. cu r O" ah1 f og bora nt t-lac Wbltby dock was blown last Friayeveuing. Perhapê the. y wusati4 Cue» t4mSl an ln heask Pyo0rnelgh- It wns blowa by eoma o! Lb. boys berawbti a mtetlor! . oumxu»setaec for amus3ement. - U.abOura We are wlftlng te take ail the Dr. h s' lt w blaîne tliat à comlig tu us for a.ny C a e it o tà buagle la the wordfuag o! tilat Item, rand for eut generali gnoraoc tDigacngMiiy pot tintîtltînI msiters. but we cnaa qulte se tu. Mr. Jackson lias a logleal a case agaînfit us as he imag- lues holia.. bu our seieral trilas on the Argyýt. wo hiave lad noltlthe sllgbtest caue teo crit-bie or cenuure the boat or lier oui 1gator4, an 4we . asu redly 414 Dot la iblis case evcn cireaanicalt. ing any refetion ujîcu citb«r,. It ,ieews te b. a casq of fear on te part. of thie agent andI Whltby Bar.- ber Company hilat tbîe Item - Win auare away traffie. W. want tOe se>' ilat. as the compan>' 1% net respoublble for the toudutloti ot-.the wéather that ive do ucat titi" su In- tettîgent publIcie wiili. -the blane ant t1ipîr doors If a fou coques up and j ui roli. tii-o ake. I)urlng the pas!. tbroc $eou -£ leat mnet an aeldeut ,b. as mted the, tra!fSe o! tiie %ryle.s a#t', -a we inow. 8$bu. iaka.*.the.trIpe .rev> lavi>' aninth lb.ikigt blovls we bave on the lake 4uring lt e utw.erv b -à > hue.geudtly. TIie brli te 10 minte and îeltura s 1* isitw fnl and-enloysuble oeue m4c, lteê, goc appmocIates the ssrA0 IcetoAsX girms w . Id fi t eprug........85 to 092 « gos1 00 te -1-5 Barley ,....O604hto 0' M, ............ . ..... 070 t 10,5ê Buc~k Weat.............0o7o to 060,2 ýo ts........ ....... 0 40 to- êOL40 . AlsieN. i.... -t 5-00oW86 00 di " 2o..............4,00, ta NO 3 0 W, 4O NO. ~4 50 tWe 6 5 ITin othy & \ .... 90 &o 10 FLOUE ANDPRD. - Flour, per w........ $o7to Chopped Feed, ewt,..... OO0to 126, ItrlLper tort..........wwta-00 Shorts, per ton .......... 00 Q ta25 0 .if Yos!You orMeà aelis MrW V rats% £pl ~ St, &VtdDaaoe, or Falling Skeu e ft@fora tlal boule andi4 alcable Iý onýc dLmto TuaLme oCo. 1419IQ'SFITOURE» beeoni6nt tired o! baving the town infested ~itI, toughs every Utie that town plavye ,a ganie ere. The la. crosse tesai liere are net responsble lu any way for the disturbaptoe, and exceedingky regret that it should have oecarred. - lowever. by let- ting Osha&Wa entirely alone there wll b. no danger o! -uncb ecenes bciug enacted bore uain. Oshawa* Yindîcator.- Alter the game on Wednesday week a number of Oshaw& players and others who bac! gon4 (rom hlere to see the ýmatch, rculine! tiare dffing the evening to Indulge in a, drnnk. Af-i te.. gettifig pretty full they start- ed lie îperformuan.ce Liîthe dining room oft tAe hotel, where victuals froma thettabile were fired nt one, ar.otlier. iarticles bre-en, and foui language Indu lged lu. Froni thiere the rowdyîuni drfted into the bar,l where thgiar coud uct became so bad that 'the %bartender &truck Staple-s, one or the Oshavu, lactoseplayers, over the Jaead wlth a beer bottie. In course of* t!e the ruffianîsm was followed ýp on thAe etreet, and flic gang proteeded te put Aioweuau ille ou tue biw. Cliiel Constable .larvls ani ie fahsistante atteanpted to stop the proeeedîngs. à 1r. Jarvis la said to b. a goud off icer, but lit couIc! do"oothing with thie Oshawa crowd. lii attLompts to proserve tha peacêe*îd tu hie beiug assaulted lu a anout' vielous man uer by 'Me-. (icire, auootiier Oshawa lacebélise p-ayr-aà i othere. .aris wab pnh feum i]IldIrectins, andS fi. nally &maà siaed ou the bad wiîaa washboard. - Hie nanaged, how- ever, to, jet -hoki o! McGulre, but wae heki faet by two O>à hawu, men nanwd Lo#Ver andil1'tterson, white Mctiulte wà d' bis eseupe. 1l' tterson ani Lowet daim t.hat they were tiyuug to:mlnf*uenuou the off icer ýte aiIiow McGtaire te gu with thein ami Llauy woulo -brlng hum awa. but elAdc( JrVIs* woUld no~t aocept any sueli explaatlon, saul loc*ed thenu ap, zogether %Viti) a drunk namîecl camero n. ext day the three mena wppeaceibelote Poïcee -Magititrate1 fioruey, wlen Pattersand !Lower muade tue pSa stIAted above. but the magîetratu roi u#ed to aucept auy expianatiob, anti fined cacb o! thei $50 andi çoWt9- Camoéron bad to pay *1*20 'aoc!costi for belng lrutik andt Wiorderly. luie then war-1 rants hav# licou labued for MeUnire anat Othue $.,arid tL4ey wUt ba puai- ished in dze, course. & commnercial ;raxeller, wbo wftuee&ed the- whole >erformasnce'frein beffiulug, bo ant looSareà tlat bc î,ver saW a seto. rowciîes tu equal- tbo 4-baws angU for outrqgeou4 conîduct. f AUy.., thang turtbaNt vora w&Iited*to cou-n Vne us Wht the4«Andalous natUrte o boeit actoj1# a S t As nfpted by the . tact thiat ikaniy %rom nere wiao rode. o0 inwaivîe the bi",Wagone muse boule! bY t-t1 ath er thaku r1de à ditb the liioxcatw and VIoleu t rowd. 80 far s e w h a"e be.u mso ren-tloned, la eonnectlom Wilh ýh matt,- moue o! them taxr e!- lento of! 0. o~,cf auy gout longt W tineas nd is toww e au w.i At- Bides, pet ...........0O Sheepe. .............IO Tallow, rendeted, per lb O004 W0011 unwa*bed.......o_ 14 Laib sius ......... Peltë ................. SntUngs Of the Divsiona cOOUfty OF 0NTÂi1o~ Wmm D. 0. Madonj1I Clex*. Jan. 9, e. %- M=Lohm mry' -31 J.fl»O64July bl, Sept.i Nov, e 6 a. 3,1005. -May 4 Ju. 17e, Feli.-1, Msept Nov 8,Dec.4Jau. 1%410. clork, Jan. 6 ac , a O IIT R E E T J . W . Il a t b Porty, ClerkJeu. 13, match $ juIy Ils ept. 8, ov. 1oe an.il Uxaiu>ou jooph IL G", t" e obrk, Jeu. 12KtI bei, CbOiJeu.i l 44Marc& 16, miy3. ftiet ika. 211 lem... VU.25 to $7 50 5 00to -5a50 0O-00to 0 10 0OOOto 60* 0OmOto -575 0.00 1c 8 00 0 I0 te .01s 0Ol to 1j 0 9 to 0r-10 O 12 to O 10 l OOle 01la 010 t $0 0 12 Sb 0 14, '0 00 to 090 i 00 te 1 25, O i» te 2 90 2 00Gte,, 00. 2001. 800 4ito ~to On the. oecaion o! a -etment <s- o CroRPOeulatch nt Bowsiapvll.-be- na tween the tesuis from Oshawa sud 13 moant bave be<in extra florcce sad Partiluiarîy dAjgraoefnl. Opes o f bot tonscomment upon lhe oc- currence ne foilowil: Bewxnanvhîîe Yewà ;. For a, nimber, o1 'eari. pit t IL asiw oeu th~e C40 titat wlacîeer therc wasanti doing boe, , wlicl, rouglit Oa 00wl trcam Oshawa. tiiere lmalsways been - more Or tes trouble laifcr lte gank.. were got out <>1- town asin.. -?bat pince Bms Lt 1*iufebs1ý wit4 Is lOW type o! ,ous mon and boys5 hbo tejuta or li i o#dvuuii &d the id.es d ligt-0 Ag ite4 sonoesa (q Beef hy quarter per cwb C 1tie be weigbt, but. 4t",emutten, Pet lb ......... Lamb. eaeih..... lioge, lire Ileght~... HOPe, ligltit fa. llogs, heavy fatÃ.**.. Hfop, dre*ied p et l)bu, Claiekens, per b Dueke, pet lb .......... Gese, dressed pet lb.. Tturkeye, dressed, pet h Buttet, roll. ........._ Lard .................... Egge, per dozen....... Putatees, pet hag...... ,APples, pet barril .... Oniona, per- bus ..... 1 Town Property.